How to delete a story in a search engine. How to remove queries in the Yandex search bar

Very often, when you enter the desired query in the Yandex search bar, the keywords you entered may appear. This is because all the pages visited are automatically saved in the browser history. In principle, this is convenient, because you can easily find the site of interest that you opened, but found it difficult to find again. On the other hand, all the pages you visit can be seen by outsiders, which is most often undesirable. Moreover, if you clear the history in Yandex, this will allow you to download video and audio files faster, which will significantly speed up the work on the Internet. About how to clear the story in Yandex, we will analyze in our article.

How to open a story in Yandex

First you need to launch a page where the history of visited pages is saved. You can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl and H". If you know this pair of keys, you will not need to understand and look for where the history of those sites that you visited earlier is saved.

There is another way to discover the story. You need to launch the browser without holding down the Back button, which shows an arrow pointing to the left.

How to remove a specific page from the list

In order to delete a specific page in the history, you need to find it in the entire list. Point to this page with the mouse and select the “Actions” button, which is depicted as an inverted triangle. Next, in the drop-down menu, select the "Delete from History" command.

How to remove multiple pages from history

If you need to delete several visited pages, then you need to tick off all sites that need to be removed from the history. After all the necessary sites are marked, select the “Delete selected items” command.

To clear the history in Yandex completely, you need to start the browser and simultaneously press the keys “Ctrl + Shift + Delete”. After that, the "Clear History" command will be available. In the window that opens, select "Browsing History". Next, at the top next to the “Delete the following items” command, you need to select the period for which you need to clear your browsing history. The following periods will be available in the browser:

  • In the past hour;
  • For the past day;
  • Over the past week;
  • For the whole month;
  • For all the past time.

Then in the window that opens below, select the command "Clear the history".

Incognito mode

Incognito mode does not record history in Yandex

In order to avoid leaving information about the pages viewed and not looking for the answer to the question “How to clear history” during a user’s visit to any site, there is an “Incognito” mode in Yandex. To enter this mode, you must first start the browser, then press the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + N". With this mode, you can visit any sites and not worry about the fact that they are stored in the browser history.

A modern Internet user visits millions of web pages, retains access to dozens of sites and adds hundreds of resources to bookmarks (and services like Pocket or Evernote). All sites remain in the browser for some time to speed up the process of subsequent downloads. Search engines “prompt” the user for queries using the previous search history. Even contextual advertising is selected based on the interests of a particular user. That is why the question “on the phone in Yandex?” Is of interest to many modern users who have not yet had time to fully understand the functionality of mobile browsers.

Why delete a story at all?

Deleting a story is a routine procedure that is performed by standard functions of mobile or desktop browsers (for laptops or desktops). The history of website visits should be deleted to protect confidential information used for authorization on certain resources (social networks, online banking, e-mail, public services, etc.) or to avoid unnecessary questions from the owners of the equipment or those with whom the computer (tablet, smartphone) is shared. This simple action will help to effectively protect the user's personal data.

In addition, you may need to delete the Yandex search history in the phone when transferring the device to other hands, even in cases where this is a temporary situation (for example, when the smartphone is given for repair). From time to time, cleaning the log of visits to web resources is also useful for the technique itself: the accumulation of temporary files clogs the hard drive and RAM of a computer, tablet or phone, which slows down the device.

Disabling Yandex Search Tips

How to delete the history on the phone in Yandex? Often, you may need to not even completely delete the visit log, but rather turn off the search hints that are generated based on the user's previous requests. Search hints are options that are automatically offered by the search engine when you type the beginning of a phrase in the search bar. As a rule, Yandex or Google offer the most popular options on the network, but on mobile devices (or laptops and stationary computers where you log in to the corresponding email service), the user's query history is taken as the basis.

Delete in Yandex on your phone and turn off search suggestions as follows:

    you must go to the Yandex main page or Yandex Mail service;

    go to “Personal Settings” and then select “Other Settings” and “Search Tips”;

    then you need to select “Clear query history” and turn off the functions “My queries in search tips” and “Favorite sites”.

Thus, not only the entire search history in the device will be completely destroyed, but also the function of search tips based on previous user requests on the world wide network will be disabled.

How to delete the history on the phone in Yandex browser?

It could also be about deleting the visit log not in Yandex itself (i.e. disconnecting search hints), but in the browser from the search engine. How to delete the history on the phone in Yandex? There are two ways to save your personal data from prying eyes in the mobile version of Yandex Browser.

The first way is the function of the smartphone, not the mobile browser itself. So, you need to go to any page through a browser in which the history should be deleted and press the function key of the smartphone, calling up the settings. Select the “History” item (in some models, “Personal settings”) and click on the line “Clear history”. The entire search history is deleted.

The second option, how to delete the Yandex history on the phone, is to use the capabilities of Yandex Browser itself. You need to select the “Settings” icon in an open browser window from a popular search engine, click “Privacy”, and then “Clear data” or “Delete data about pages viewed”. In this way, you can not only but also delete the cache, clear the log only for certain periods of time, or delete some (not all) sections. It is enough to put “checkmarks” in the appropriate fields and save the changes with the “Clear History” button.

Recover Deleted Data

What should I do if the question “How to delete the history on the phone in Yandex?” Is successfully resolved (and accordingly, the visit log is cleared), but after a while it was necessary to return to a specific web page visited a week or a month ago. Even in a saved history, finding a specific resource is usually quite difficult, what is the situation with the remote log?

It is theoretically possible to recover this data, but in practice the procedure is only feasible for advanced users. And even then, often recovering the deleted browser history is not worth the effort - it’s easier to try to find the missing web page by typing the same query in the search bar. If the need to restore the history still exists, then it is better to contact a specialist, but you should not independently install programs from the Internet that promise to restore damaged files.

Such software, firstly, may contain viruses, and secondly, it is unlikely to help with the history of the browser. If you can restore temporary and autosaved files to similar programs, then the deleted search log is certainly not in their competence.

How to clear the cache in other mobile browsers?

In any other mobile browser, deleting the browsing history is most conveniently done using the software tools of the smartphone itself. How to do this was described above - the first way to delete a story. In addition, you can use the functions of a specific browser, as a rule, the option to clear the visit log is located in the personal settings or user privacy settings section.

Yandex is a leader among Russian-language search engines. It extracts exactly the content, the information that the user needs from the bowels of the global network. And when typing a word, phrase or question in the search line, focusing on them, gives hints - a list of popular queries (on the specified topic). Moreover, if you log in to the Yandex system (that is, log into your account), the results will also display requests that the user entered directly.

All this data is taken from the so-called Yandex search history - a virtual repository located in the account, which stores search tips and links to websites by date and time. But, as practice shows, someone uses it, and someone does not (for privacy reasons).

If you don’t know how to delete the history in Yandex and how to disable entering data into it, and solving these tasks is extremely important and necessary, use the instructions below. And all the problems associated with these settings will disappear by themselves.

How to clean?

2. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon (profile options).

3. In the drop-down menu, select “Other Settings”.

4. On the new page, go to the "My finds" section.

5. To delete all entries, click the "Clear ..." button.

Attention!  If you do not want the system to record events, in the same section click the “Stop recording” button.

How to selectively delete records?

Quick access to log settings

2. To disable the prompts, remove the “checkmarks” opposite the options “My requests ...” and “Favorite sites ...”.

3. To delete the contents of the log, click "Clear ...".

4. Save the changed options: click on the “Save” button.

How to set up a search?

If you do not want to delete the history, but just stop recording and make fine-tuning the search, do the following:

1. From the profile settings menu, select "Customize Search Results."

2. In the lower right part of the page, in the “Personal search” block, uncheck the boxes next to the functions you want to disable (take into account history, sites ... etc.).

3. Click Stop Recording (Log Off).

Enjoy using Yandex! And let there be everything!

Hello, friends! There are various search engines, but at the moment the most popular of them are Google and Yandex. In this article we will talk about the second and touch on the topic of personal information.

The fact is that in the default settings, Yandex search saves all queries that were entered into the string. And if you enter the beginning of the previously entered phrase again, it will be highlighted in lilac in the block that appears below. Also, after clicking the left mouse button on a line, there may appear sites that you most often visit. It seems okay, but ... If you are not using the computer alone, and other family members or employees have access to it, including looking for something on the Internet, you probably will not want them to know what exactly you were browsing. So let us now and we will figure out how to clear the search in Yandex from our queries.

Please note that clearing the history in the Yandex search bar and is not the same thing.

Removing queries from the Yandex search bar in all browsers is the same, since it does not depend on the web browser itself, which means that these recommendations are suitable if you use Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, Yandex browser or any other.

In order to not have to permanently delete the viewed pages and entered requests, you can work in the browser in incognito mode:

Delete requests in a browser on a computer

If you use this search in a browser installed on your computer, then open the start page of the search engine. In the upper right corner there will be a button “Settings”, click on it and select “Portal Settings” from the list that opens.

The next page should open on the Search tab. To make the input words no longer highlighted with lilac, you need to click on the button “Clear query history”.

After that, a message should appear that the whole process will take about a minute.

In order not to perform these actions after each use of the search engine, uncheck the box “Show frequent requests”. On the right, as an example, you can see, now even if you entered the word as, your previous request will not be highlighted.

If you often go to sites bypassing the page with the search results, and immediately below the line in the block, click on the address you need, then in the future Yandex will start showing them in the block below automatically as soon as you click on the line with the mouse. In order to prevent frequently visited sites from appearing in the tips, you need to uncheck the box next to "Show sites you often visit."

Scroll down the page and save your changes by clicking on the corresponding button.

If you want to configure personal search, then click on the “Search Results” button.

Based on your history and the sites you’ve viewed, the search engine shows these types of queries that may interest you. To disable this, uncheck the box next to "consider my search history in the results" so that website addresses do not appear under the search bar, uncheck the box next to "show my favorite sites in tooltips." Save changes.

Here it is necessary to consider the following: only users who have logged into their account can set up a personal search. If you are logged in, then your login will be displayed at the top right of the window. If there is a “Login” button, then just enter your username and password from Yandex mail.

If you did everything right and you managed to delete the search history in Yandex, then entering a couple of letters in the line from the old query will not highlight anything in the hints with lilac. What appears in the box below is called search hints. They are formed from those queries that are often asked by all users.

Delete desired phrases on your Android phone

Now let's look at what owners of smartphones do, because the Yandex search history is stored on both the phone and the tablet. It looks like this: just put the cursor in the line, and in the block below the last few queries entered are displayed. If they appeared, then to clear the search in Yandex on the phone, click "Configure query history."

In the next window, you just need to uncheck the box next to “Show search history” and click “Save”.

If you don’t have the described button in the block with prompts, then the Yandex search history on Android is turned off like this: on the search engine start page, click the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner.

Now - only through the browser history. Why - I’ll tell you later, but first, let's see how Yandex search is generally configured.

How to configure Yandex search for yourself

To enter the settings, you need to click on the "Settings" hyperlink in the upper right corner on the Yandex main page. Click "Portal Settings" and get into the search engine settings service.

By clicking on the “Search” tab, you can manage search tips and search results.

How to watch query history now

Well, now to the topic itself - how can I see the search history in Yandex. Previously, you could manage your queries manually. For this purpose, the “My Finds” tool was intended. Thanks to him, the user received individual tips, saved his queries and the results of the issuance. Over time, the service has lost relevance and they decided to roll it. As a justification for the closure of “My finds”, the Yandex team brought the following arguments:

  • yandex specific user requests are saved automatically and serve as the basis for creating individual tips;
  • query history and visited pages can be viewed in the history of any browser.

If you want the tips and search results to be formed based on your tastes and preferences, click on "Search Results" and in the last section "Personal Search" check the box next to the first column.

Thus, you sharpen the search for yourself, while the search engine saves your queries in its database.

How to delete autocomplete search history

If you want to delete your saved requests (so that the mother does not scold for the bang), you need to click on the corresponding button in the search settings. For the settings to change, you must wait for the removal process to complete. This usually lasts about a minute.

How to delete history in Yandex browser

To view the query history in Yandex, press Ctrl + H. If you are not used to using hot keys, click on the top menu button and select the history tab.

History in Yandex is represented by both requests through a search engine and visits to specific pages of sites. The number of pages found is added to the Yandex search query history. To clear the story, click on the top button on the right.

You must select the time period for deletion, as well as the type of search history. If you want to get rid of the query history only, leave a checkmark on the first column and click “Clear”.

How to view the query history in Google

As for the Google Chrome browser, the procedure for finding and deleting the search history is similar to the process in the Yandex browser. In addition to the history of the browser, Google has a history of working with a search engine, which is linked directly to your account. That is, to view the search history in Google, it is not necessary to use Chrome. To do this, click on the "Settings" in the lower right corner and select "History". The system will ask you to enter the login and password of the mail to connect to the service.

The service is called My Actions. With it, you can view not only the history of queries, but also such topics:

  1. Location history - if you used Google and its services, for example, in a cafe using a mobile device, this type of history will provide the address and contact information of the institution.
  2. Information from devices - Google will take data from your phone or tablet for more convenient use of various services. It can be notes, contacts, applications.
  3. History of voice control - to improve the quality of your voice recognition system, you can record regularly used voice requests.
  4. YouTube Search and Browsing History - Act as two separate types of actions. Aimed at finding new videos relevant to the saved user requests.

To get into the settings of the above types of history you need to click on the tab "Tracking actions". The story itself can be represented in the form of blocks and actions. The block contains the actions performed on one specific site.

To carry out bulk deletion, click on the tab "Select deletion option". In this section, you can select the cleaning for the desired period and the type of search history (queries, news, YouTube, advertising, etc.).

A monitoring tool such as Google’s “My Actions” is not only an assistant, but also a poor conspirator. If you do not trust your data services to Internet services, disable tracking of all actions or configure only some of them to your needs.

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