Transfer a large file to another computer. How to transfer project files from computer to computer. Possible transmission methods

I note right away: it doesn't matter if you want to transfer large files from PC to PC, from laptop to laptop, from PC to laptop or vice versa. And it doesn't matter - via the Internet or via Wi-Fi (it's the same thing). Any of the options below will work for you. Therefore, choose the one that is most convenient.

Transfer files from laptop to laptop or from PC to PC is no problem. But to throw large file - this is already a problem. Why?

  1. Postal services can only send small documents. For example, using you can send files up to 25 MB by mail. Anything more will be transmitted by a link (which is valid for a month).
  2. Skype, ICQ and other messengers are also not an option. Even a 1.4 GB movie you will be sending for ages. And then you can see the message “Oops, download interrupted. Sorry, we're out of business. "
  3. Various file hosting services are out of date. And the speed of 30 Kb / s is just ridiculous. You will download the picture for half an hour.

There are much better options today. Let's start with the simplest and most popular.

How to quickly transfer a large file with µTorrent?

If you are an active Internet user and regularly download movies, games, music and anything else, then you know 100% what µTorrent is. Most likely, you even have it installed.

You must also have this program enabled, otherwise your friend will not be able to download anything.

The speed in µTorrent is limited only by your tariff, so if you have 100 Mbps, then a large torrent file will download very quickly.

How to use Yandex Disk for transfer

It's a cloud service: simple, convenient and free. Plus you don't have to install anything. All you need is to have your own mail in Yandex.

If you do not have it, then there are 2 options to choose from: register it or choose another method of transferring a large file over the Internet.

The instruction in this case is also very simple:

Done. Now your friend can download a large document at any time. You don't have to be online.

There is one nuance here. In this way, you can transfer files up to 2 GB to Yandex. If they weigh more, then use a special program for Windows. You can download it from the link provided by the service. The program is very easy to use, so it won't be difficult to figure it out.

Large sizes are not a problem for Google Drive

Google has a similar cloud service (how can it be without it, right?). But it is much better. Judge for yourself:

  • you can upload files of any size (for Yandex - up to 2 GB);
  • 15 GB of free space (Yandex has 10 GB);
  • you can share the folder for any number of users.

In this way, Google drive - great option for transfer large files up to 15 GB via the Internet. The speed of the jump is wonderful, you won't have to wait long.

By the way, here you can create a folder and share it with any number of friends. To do this, you just need to select it, press RMB and select "Shared access".

Enable link access (and send it to all people) or add them e-mail addressand in the box below. As a result, all documents uploaded to this folder will always be visible to them. They themselves can go to Google Drive at any time and download them.

Huge files can be sent from Cloud

Another way is to use the service of our domestic developer.

Here, everything is done exactly the same:

  1. Visit (you must have your own mail on
  2. Move a large document to the Cloud.
  3. Highlight it, press RMB and select the "Get link" item.
  4. Copy it and send it to your friends.

A big plus of the service is 100 GB of free space. But there is a limit on the size of documents - no more than 2 GB (like Yandex).

P2P File Transfer

AND last way quickly transfer large files over the Internet - via P2P networks. This is the only option where there are no restrictions on document size, transfer speed, or free space. The only thing you need is to install popular program ... It is through it that the transfer of Internet files will be carried out.

Of course, you must be online.

And another great service for transferring large files is Dropmefiles (thanks Vladimir for advice).

Main advantages:

  • transfer of files up to 50 GB;
  • shelf life - up to 14 days;
  • fast download speed;
  • absolutely free.

Using this service is very simple:

  1. Download any file.
  2. Specify the storage period (1 download, 7 or 14 days).
  3. If necessary, you can set a password.

Wait for the file to be processed, then copy the link and send it to your friends. You can enter their e-mail address here, in this service.

That's all. Good luck and space speed racing!

Quite often, users are faced with the need to transfer data from one PC to another. What are the available and simple ways exists? We will consider several options in this article.

There are many methods for transferring data from one PC to another. This article will cover 3 categories. The first consists of methods using Internet services. The second group is based on the use of standard physical media (e.g. portable hard drives). The last resort on our list is Windows home networking technology.

Method 1: uTorrent

You can easily transfer data of any size using the popular torrent client.

  1. Run the application.
  2. Open the folder with the desired file in "Explorer" Windows.
  3. Left-click on the desired object and, holding the button, drag it directly to the torrent client.
  4. The link creation window will appear.
  5. Push the button "Get Link" ("Create link").
  6. After a while, the distribution will be ready. A successful completion message appears.
  7. We close this window by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.
  8. Go to uTorrent. Opposite the distribution we created will be written "Seeding" ("Heard").
  9. Right-click on our distribution and select "Copy Magnet-URI".
  10. Now the magnet link will be in the clipboard, from where you can paste it anywhere: in a message to, email, etc.

The person you gave the torrent address to will need to do the following:

Method 2: cloud services

Today there are many cloud services with simple use:, MEGA, Cloud They all use the same principle in their work.

Yandex Disk

Limit on maximum size the file for uploading via the web interface is 2 GB. But, using the app, you can send larger data. Free volume available space does not exceed 10 GB.

Another rather convenient cloud service is Mega. In free mode, the user is provided with 15 GB of disk space.

Method 3: Email

Almost all services email allow you to transfer files along with the message. The disadvantage is that attachments attached to the letter cannot be big size... Often the maximum allowed limit is 25 MB. Let's show by an example the procedure for sending attached data via Email.

Method 4: TeamViewer

Method 5: Bluetooth

With help wireless technology Bluetooth can copy files from one PC to another. Many computers (including most modern laptops) already have a built-in Bluetooth adapter. Transferring data between machines in this way requires the function itself to be enabled on both sides.

An easier way to send data this way is as follows:

Method 6: External storage

One of the easiest and most popular ways to transfer files between computers is to use external storage... Most often used for this, DVDs and portable hard drives.

Data transfer to flash drives and external hard drives occurs in a standard way using "Explorer" or third party file managers... DVDs require special procedures and software to burn them. After the operation is completed, the media is transferred to another user.

It should focus on the features file systems when using flash drives.

Maximum size a separate file in FAT32 system is approximately 4 GB. NTFS is theoretically unlimited. This means that in order to transfer sufficiently large single data (for example, distributions of modern games), you should set the appropriate markup on the flash drive. For information on the current formatting options for the drive, click context menu "Properties" in the window "My computer".

To use NTFS on flash drives:

Method 7: "Home group"

"Home group" is called a set of computers under windows managementthat provide resources for sharing.

  1. In the search bar, type "Home group".
  2. Next, click on the button "Create a home group".
  3. The next information window just push "Further".
  4. We mark (or leave as is) those elements that will be available to participants "Home group", and click the mouse "Further".
  5. We are waiting for the end of the process of obtaining permits.
  6. The next window will display the password for accessing the shared resources. It can be printed.
  7. Push "Done".
  8. Launch "Conductor" and click on the shortcut below "Home group".
  9. To provide access to certain resources on a local PC, right-click on it and select any of the options. You can open or close access to any item from the selected folders for "Home group".

There are many different ways to transfer files from computer to computer. Some of them require access to the Internet, for example, copying files using a torrent client. The main advantage of such methods is the ability to transfer data over unlimited distances. On the contrary, when using external media, as a rule, the transfer of files occurs by transferring the device itself from hand to hand. The most popular of these methods is using USB sticks. Such media are cheap, compact and mechanically stable. Organization general access for computers on a network, it is most often used when multiple file exchange is required.

If you need to transfer a large file over the Internet, then email may not work. It is really difficult to transfer large files using email as many email service providers do not allow sending large files (only 10MB to 25MB are allowed). The roundup below covers the best sites for sending large files without wasting time. All sites are fast and secure, so you can use these tools without any hesitation. Here we collect both paid and free services for sending large files.

1. We Transfer is a free service for sending large files

We Transfer is a beautifully designed and amazing site in every sense. It helps send up to 2GB of data in a single transfer. We Transfer is also a simple and secure site that provides an easy way to transfer large files. No registration is required to use it. You can use We Transfer services without registration.

It is very easy and fast to send large files via We Transfer:

How to download files sent via WeTransfer

Downloading the file is also very easy:

2. Send Anywhere is a free service and no registration required

It is one of the newest services in Europe offering apps for Chrome, as well as iOS and Android. It is compatible with almost all operating systems including Windows Mobile, Linux, macOS. It even has a WordPress plugin.

To send a file (up to 4 GB) in a web browser, it's as easy as entering your email and recipient address, writing a message, and hitting Send.

Important! If you are using chrome extension or an Outlook plugin, the limit will be increased to 10 GB, and on Android / iOS by 20 GB and unlimited if you are using the Windows app.

The service is very easy to use:

On mobile devices very convenient to use barcode scanner. The file is saved in the add-on memory, after which it can be used in any add-on that supports the file format.

3. UploadFiles free service

When it comes to sending a large file over the Internet, UploadFiles is considered one of the best services... If you want to use the service, registration is not required, and there are practically no restrictions.

Important! The service provides unlimited downloads, and the connection itself is encrypted. You can upload up to 5 GB. They will be kept for 30 days.

4. MailBigFile is a free service with paid accounts

MailBigFile is another quick and easy option for sending large files over the Internet. You can transfer a file up to 2GB and upload multiple files at the same time.

Note! The recipient is given up to 10 days to download them (as opposed to Send anywherewhere only 10 minutes are provided). You can also send files up to 4, 5, and 20 GB, but you need to purchase one of 3 paid accounts to do this.

MailBigFile is another good one demon paid servicethat does its job perfectly.

5. DropSend free service

DropSend lets you send large files instantly with a size limit of up to 2GB. This way you can send jpeg, pdf, MP3 and more with ease. DropSend is fast, secure and simple system for sending large files. You can send important documents to clients or personal files to friends and family.

Important! DropSend provides 256-bit AES security, so it's a really secure site for sending large files.

6. FileSender free service

FileSender is just a great site for sending large files over the internet. The number of files and their sizes are not limited. The service connects computers directly, and the connection itself is encrypted. Sending files is easy. You need to select the file and click Start Transfer.

Important! In order for the recipient to be able to download this file, you must send him a special code that will be generated after downloading the file.

7. Send Big Files free service

SendBigFiles is a professional internet service for fast and secure file transfer. Without registration, you can send files up to 500 MB, if you want to send files over 500 MB, you will need to register on the site.

8. FileSharing24 free service

FileSharing24 is another great service for sending large files across the web. It is ideal for mass file transfers. There is no limit on the number of downloads, and the file size can be no more than 5 GB.

Important! Password protection is also present and the connection itself is encrypted. When you upload a file, you get a URL that you can share via social media. network or through mailbox... Anyone who can go to this URL will be able to download the file you have uploaded, which will be available for download within 24 hours.

9. YouSENDit paid service

YouSENDit is a large site for securely sharing files over the Internet, however it is not a free service. You can try it for free, but only for 14 days trial version... Despite the fact that this is a paid service, there are millions of YouSENDit users registered in 193 countries.

10. TransferBigFiles paid service

TransferBigFiles is a simple and easy to use large file sharing service so you can send and receive files easily. You can send up to 20 GB, which is quite a lot.

Note! During the first 7 days, you can use the service for free, after which you will need to register.

You can also use services such as:

  • File Dropper;
  • PlusTransfer;
  • and CueTransfer.

Regardless of which method of transferring large files over the Internet you choose, it is very easy and fast to do it. Convenient and easy-to-use services for sending large files will help you solve this problem as profitably as possible.

Video - How to transfer a large file over the Internet quickly

How do I transfer files from computer to computer? The method to be used for this purpose depends on the quantity transferred files... All methods will be discussed in detail below.

Transferring data using a removable disk

How to transfer files from computer to computer in an easy way? To do this, you need to buy or find one that is compatible with your computer.

If you are using a cloud service, you need to make sure you have permission to download files from another computer. There are services that do not provide such privileges.

Using a flash card

How to transfer files from computer to computer when their total size is too small to use hard disk? You can use a small flash drive, which will be ideal if the computers are far from each other, and the data is up to 64 gigabytes. The media can be purchased inexpensively both in computer stores and in office supplies.

Instead of a flash card, it is possible to use laser disk, but for multiple recordings it is worth buying a disc at a higher price. Cheap ones are used only once. That is why USB storage is much more convenient, as it saves money and the number of records is very large.

Transfer process

If you have decided on the equipment, then now you need to open the directory with the files. If they are mixed, then you need to sort them into folders according to some principle. Otherwise, how to transfer files from computer to computer if they are all mixed up?

Now it will be convenient to place the folder windows and the removable disk next to each other. Then you can click on the folder you want to transfer and drag it from one window to another. At the end, a window may appear that notifies about the success of the transfer. If the data takes up a lot of space, then the time taken for the transfer will also be indicated. Thus, the procedure is repeated until all necessary files and folders have been moved.

Now you need to properly remove the removable drive. Otherwise, information loss is possible. To do this, right-click on it and select "Extract" from the menu.

Now removable drive plugged into another computer using a cable or directly. When the computer finds it, you can double-click to open it. Now you can transfer a file or folder from media to new computer by the same drag and drop.

Moving data across the network

For use this method you first need to confirm that both computers are on the same server. When wireless network the speed must be very high.

This option is most suitable when transmission is carried out regularly.

On both computers, common networkpassword protected. You need to click on the hard drive and select its properties. Next, the "Shared" tab opens, the "Advanced Transfer" button is pressed. It remains to choose the access function, which, depending on the OS version, may be called differently.

On another computer, you must enter your username and password, go to the "Start" menu and select "Network". The list of connected computers must contain a second computer. When you select it, a password is entered to gain access.

The final stage of transfer is as follows: files marked for transfer are found and dragged.

Transfer using Windows Easy Share

You will need a USB cable to transfer files between computers.

This method is most suitable for users who have bought a new computer and want to drag and drop everything they need onto it from the old one.

The transfer application is downloaded through the Download Center on the official website of the company.

After installing the program, you need to register as an administrator to be able to gain access from both computers. A single account must be created for them. Now you can open the application, enter the password or transfer key, select the method to be used. It can be a network or a cable. Next, it is indicated that this is a new computer and is selected operating systemwhich is installed on the old one. The application is also launched on the second PC and the transfer process begins. If you wish, you can click on "Settings" and remove those elements that you do not need to transfer.

Upon completion of the process, all data will be available on the new computer.

Transfer using cloud storage

How to transfer files from computer to ipad or other computer without using hardware? Will need cloud services... They are convenient for moving files up to two gigabytes in size. You will need to register with them and get your own memory to use. Now you can log into your account on one device, transfer files to the cloud, and then access from another device and simply download them.

When buying a new personal laptop or stationary PC, users ask themselves the question: "How to transfer files from computer to computer?" After all, the old "car" still has favorite films and music tracks, important documents and photographs, many useful programs and interesting games and so on, and so on, and so on. So, if you have no idea where to start in such a situation, then this article is just for you. First, you will learn how to transfer files from computer to computer. In addition, we will tell you how to delete information from hard drives, and so that you can get rid of your old PC without fear that someone will be able to find out your passwords, confidential information about bank accounts, etc. important information... After all, you must admit that it would be at least unpleasant to find your home video on YouTube.

Windows Easy Transfer

To carry out this procedure, it is recommended to use a standard utility program. If your computer has an operating windows systemVista or Windows 7, then half the battle has already been done, since the mentioned function is included in their composition. If you have Windows XP on your PC, you will need to install the Information Transfer Tool service, after downloading it from the official Microsoft website. So, the program is downloaded and installed. We go to the "Start" menu, select the "All Programs" tab, then "Standard and Utilities", and then run our utility. The program opens and on home page information that this functionality can convey is displayed. Next, you need to decide which method you will carry out the transfer. There are many from one computer to another. Let's consider some of them.

Method one

This method involves connecting two PCs using network cablesuch as twisted pair. Let's take a look at how to transfer files from computer to computer in a similar way. First you need to make sure that both PCs have network ports. Everyone has modern computers this interface built into motherboard... The connector itself is located on the rear panel system unit... But for older devices, the NIC interface was not included in the basic package, but was made in the form of a separate network card that must be inserted into the motherboard connector. Next, we connect the network ports with a cable. The pinout must be cross. After that, you should make sure that the network interfaces on both computers are enabled. To do this, go through the "Start" menu in the "Control Panel". We choose " Network connections"And click on the function" Connect via local network". Next, you need to assign a static (permanent) IP address.

Step by step instructions for setting IP and other network settings

1. Go through the "Start" menu in the "Control Panel".

2. Select the "Network Connections" function.

3. Right-click on the local area connection shortcut. A pop-up window will appear on the screen. Select "Properties".

4. In a new window, activate "Internet Protocol (ТСР / IP)" and click on "Properties".

5. Select "Use the following IP address". Next, you need to enter the data listed below and click the "OK" button.

For the first computer:

Gateway: this field must be left blank;

DNS Servers: Also left blank.

For the second computer: the IP address is The rest of the fields are identical to the first "car".

6. Check network connection between two personal computers. To do this, press the "Start" button and select Cmd. Enter ping on the first "machine" into the line and check whether the response is received or not ("Reply from number of bytes \u003d 32 time< 1 мс TTL = "64").

Once the network is configured, you can proceed directly to transfer files to the new "machine". Every user knows how to find the files on the computer that need to be transferred. You can use standard manager work with folders of the operating system or any other program of this type. After that, select the folders we need, press the right mouse button and select "Shared" to these files. A hand should appear under the folder, if this happened, then you did everything right. If the files are not copied to the computer, then you should start the "Network Settings Wizard". To do this, go to the "Start" menu, select "Control Panel" and click on the Network Setup Wizard. Launch the "Sharing Wizard" to folders and files. Next, enable the search for a shared folder on the first computer. Through the "Start" menu, run "Search", select "Computer on the network" and "Type" in the name of the PC in the search box. The right pane will show shared folders and files. Now you can copy.

The second way to transfer data

This method involves saving the files and folders you need to a USB flash drive, external hard drive or optical disc... The disadvantage of using disks and flash drives is obvious - this is a small amount of media. As a result, this transfer will take a long period of time. How to transfer files from a computer to a USB flash drive should be known to any user personal computer, therefore, we will not dwell on this method in detail. You just need to copy the necessary data to the medium of your choice, and then transfer it to a new computer. This method is called manual.

The third way to copy information

It is elementary, but not always feasible. This involves removing the hard drive from the old computer and installing it in the new one, and then copying all required files and folders on the hard drive of the new PC. After that, the old disk is removed and installed on your computer. This method is quite simple from a technical point of view. Its advantage is simplicity and low cost. But there is also a drawback: if a new computer is assembled in a store, then it will be sealed. If you break the seal, you will lose warranty service... How to transfer files from a computer in this way will be clear to any user. In fact, this method repeats the previous one. The only difference is that it is not connected via a USB interface, but directly to the motherboard.

The fourth way to transfer information

Let's explore using the internet. Using this method only files can be transferred. If you need to move programs and applications, use another method. So, we select all the files necessary for transfer, move them into one folder. You can set any name for it. Next, we archive this pack using WinRAR, set a password of 12 characters. The key does not have to be a word, it is best if it is a random sequence of numbers, letters and symbols. Next, we will use a file hosting service. The Internet offers a huge variety of similar services. We write our archive there, and then upload it to a new computer.

Transferring programs

It often happens that in addition to films, music, photographs and documents, you need to rewrite software or various applications. The complexity of such a transfer is the need to update the software for compatibility with a new personal computer. Therefore, for such copying, it is better to use the standard service of the Windows Easy Transfer operating system. The advantage of the mentioned utility lies not only in instant data transfer, but also in receiving recommendations on what programs and applications can be installed on your new computer.

Ensuring the safety of information

If your device contains important data, then you should not forget about the need to create backups... To do this, you can use a personal one.However, it is best to purchase an external hard drive and conduct a timely backup... For this procedure, the Windows operating system offers a special service, thanks to which this process will be held in automatic mode every night. To find it, go to the Start menu and type "sync center" in the search bar. Then, following the instructions of the "Schedule Wizard for Synchronization", set the time and frequency of this process.

Cleaning your computer from unnecessary files

The user of a personal computer should be aware that transferring data from an old unit does not at all mean that they have been completely deleted from the hard disk. If your machine has stored confidential information, which should not fall into the hands of strangers, then it is better to use special programs... They remove all traces of the presence of your data on the hard drive. It is believed that after such a procedure it is impossible to recover the erased information. However, as practice shows, this is possible, everything lies, as they say, in the price of the issue. There is professional software that can recover any kind of data, but its price is tens of thousands of dollars. Therefore, government agencies working with classified information get rid of decommissioned hard drives by physically destroying them. So it's up to you: if you are a simple layman, you can use file deletion programs, and if not, then it is better to use a drill.

How do I migrate the paging file?

This is special hidden file, which is located on the hard drive. It is used by the operating system to store data that does not fit in the computer's RAM. RAM and the paging file make up one virtual memory. And it is located on the hard drive along with the system windows data... Let's consider how to transfer the paging file of Windows 7. Go to the section virtual memory and select the hard drive on which it is installed this file... For example, drive C. Activate the "No paging file" item. Further, the operating system will warn about the impossibility of recording debug information in its absence. Click the "Yes" button. Now you should ask new file swap. To do this, select another hard drive, for example, D. Activate it, specify the size (you must specify "Initial" and "Maximum"). Click "Set", then "OK". After that, we reboot the computer. Everything, the swap file has been moved.

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