Allshare play no shared folder. How to run allshare cast on a device. Samsung AllShare - How to Transfer Files, Movies and Music over the Air

AllShare technology enables wireless synchronization of Samsung PCs, laptops and mobile phones with TV, providing streaming content, viewing tabs and information about calls, text messages on the TV screen.

Synchronizing your phone and your SMART TV

Synchronization of devices occurs through the built-in Wi-Fi module in the phone and the built-in or optional Wi-Fi module in LED TVs. Thus, two devices can exchange information with each other. To synchronize devices, you need to run the application AllShare bilaterally. The name of the phone appears on the TV screen in the list of external media. By pressing the "Enter" button, you can activate the function MediaPlay with the following set of options: "Video", "Photo", "Music" and "Recorded TV Shows". It remains only to select the required file.

You can also use your phone to run media files on your TV screen located on your PC's hard drive. To do this, in the AllShare menu of your phone, select “Play file from server on another player”, which will allow you to access media content shared from your PC.

Ways to share multimedia content from a computer to a TV

  • installation of a special program that will open access via Wi-Fi to your multimedia files:
  • using Windows Media Player on Windows7

Options for connecting TV and PC on a home network

1. Computer - TV (or other media device).
A crossover network cable must be used for the connection.
2. Computer - Switch (switch) - TV (or other media device).
3. Computer - Router - TV (or other media device).
To connect the devices, use straight crimped network cables.

How to set up Windows Media Player to play content from your phone on a TV screen

In Windows Media Player, you need to go to Flowand enable the following options - Allow remote control of the player and Automatically allow devices to play my mediathen go to Advanced streaming options and allow transmission on the network by clicking on the link on the required device Tuneand highlight Make all library items available to this device... To transfer multimedia content, you need to synchronize your PC and Phone using Wi-Fi, as a result, when you press on the phone Play a file from a server on another player, the name of the PC will appear, clicking on which will open the content from the Windows Media Player library. Now the media content can be played and downloaded to the phone.

Samsung Allshare allows you to:

  • save or transfer shared multimedia content to a computer or other devices
  • play shared multimedia content on a computer or other devices
  • view or play shared multimedia content stored on your computer from another device
  • view or search for shared content stored on connected devices

Attention! Don't forget to configure your antivirus and firewall to allow media access. If you use Samsung PC Share Manager, create a rule for it or add it to exceptions.

Connecting Samsung TV to PC (Directly)

  1. Turn on your TV and PC
  2. Connect them with a network cable ("crossover" crimp)
  3. Write down the addresses for the computer and TV. In the properties of the local connection to PC enter address: and on Tv: ... Subnet mask: for both devices. An alternative connection method would be to use a switch, using network cables crimped in a straight (conventional) way.
  4. Run the program Samsung PC Share Manager and follow the steps in sequence:
  • Find the folder containing the content you need to share
  • Click on the button on top (with a green checkmark), thus opening access to this folder on the TV
  • Then follow the menu: "Sharing" - "Set device policy". Set the device to "accepted". Then click "Set state" (green arrow), thereby saving the changes.
  • Now it remains to press the "Media player" button on the remote control and select the video file from the PC.

Using the Home Media Server program

Searching for a server on the device used to play content

The search must be performed according to the user manual of the media device (for example, your TV manual). If the server is not found and all connections are made correctly, then in the program settings (in the section Server) check that the list of allowed client devices is empty or the device's IP address is in the list of allowed. When using a network protection program (firewall, antivirus), check its rules for the module hms.exe (if the server is running as a Windows service, then for the module hmssvc.exe), if possible, put the firewall software into learning mode, restart the Home Media Server (UPnP) software. And if you are using other media servers, disable them while setting up the Home Media Server program.

The server on the device does not open for playback

If the server is found, but it is not possible to open it in the media device, then go to the settings of the program "Home Media Server (UPnP)" in the section Device: mode "DLNA 1.0 ?," DLNA 1.5 ?, "Authorization service", "Russian names of the main folders" (using these settings will help to solve problems with opening the server), and in the section Server set the server port to a constant (from 1024 to 65535).

Navigating the database of media resources on a media device

If the device supports Russian, then in the program settings (section Device) turn on the mode "Russian names of the main folders", it affects the names of the main folders of the media content base. If the Russian language is not supported by the media device, then select “Translit” for the encoding of Russian names, the “Russian names of main folders” mode is enabled / disabled at the user's request (if disabled, then the English names of the main folders of media resources will be displayed).

Slow navigation through the media content database can be associated with the operating features of the media device, the inclusion of the "Exclude empty folders when transferring information to UPnP devices" mode, the presence of slow removable media in the system, frequent changes in media resource directories and the "Automatic directory scanning when they are changed while the server is running ". You can turn off the "Exclude empty folders when transferring information to UPnP devices" mode; the "Removable media" folder can be deleted in all sections of media resources (Movies, Music, Photos).

Navigation through the catalogs of media resources in the structure of their storage on the disk can be done through the folder "Watch Folders" (Russian is off), "Catalogs of media resources" (Russian is on). If some media content is not visible on the device, but shared in the program, then this may be due to the mime-type transmitted by the server for this media resource. The mime-type can be changed in the program settings - the Settings button - the "Media resources" section - "File types" - the choice of the file extension - the Change button.

Most likely, the Samsung AllShare function is not as popular and technically advanced as, for example, Apple's AirPlay, but it is widely used to quickly exchange multimedia content over wireless communication between devices, which stand out from the crowd of similar ones by the presence of the South Korean manufacturer's corporate logo.

What is this function?

Thanks to this function, users can easily view video files and photos on a large TV screen, as well as play their favorite music that was uploaded to their smartphone a few minutes ago. Just a couple of clicks on the buttons and the fantasy becomes reality.

Thanks to this program, the user can easily set up the exchange of data (files) between devices such as a personal computer, smartphone, tablet and TV. It is worth noting that the easiest way to set up file exchange is between Smart TV receivers and the iconic Galaxy smartphones. The ease of setup lies in the fact that the All Share module is already installed in these devices. In other words, you do not need to purchase hardware separately and install special software.

If you are one of the lucky owners of these devices, but setting up a wireless communication channel will not take much of your time.

Let's take a look at the steps for setting up file sharing.

We configure your smartphone.

Consider one of the most popular Samsung models.

Setting up on a Galaxy S3 smartphone

The first thing you need to check is your smartphone and TV are connected to a shared Wi-Fi network. And of course synchronization. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to establish a connection between them, and as a result broadcast content.

  1. We go to the main menu of the smartphone.
  2. We carry out a sequential transition to the tabs "Settings" and "Additional settings".
  3. Next, go to "Available Devices".
  4. And lastly, you need to activate the item "Data exchange".

We turn on the AllShare application, which is in the general list of preinstalled programs. If this function is activated for the first time, then you will be offered to go through a simple registration procedure, in other words, create a personal account. If you previously had to use this application, then in order to enter the system, you just need to enter your login in the special fields, that is, the email address and, accordingly, your personal password.

Smart TV setup

We turn on the device using the appropriate button and activate a special service called Smart Hub, which allows you to control various types of multimedia applications.

Find and activate an application called AllShare Play. In order to enter the system, you need to press the red button located on the remote control and marked with the letter A. In the window that appears, we register all the data that is necessary for a successful login to your account.

Setting up the exchange of multimedia content between two devices.

Further actions depend on which device we choose as the base one.

We use Samsung SmartTV as a basic device.

In this case, we put the smartphone aside for the time being, and we will view and listen to all the media material that is stored in its memory using the interface of the smart TV. The technology, which is used in the home network "DLNA", allows you to view and control data from the smartphone's memory using the TV remote control.

The user is only required to select one of the proposed categories (photo, video or music), and then confirm (select) his smartphone in the list of available devices. If everything is done correctly, multimedia files of this category will appear on the TV display.

If you have a high-quality wireless connection, then the content broadcast to the receiving device, that is, the TV, will be stable and fast. To view the photos, the user can use the sequential scrolling function or preset TV functions (slideshow, rotation and additional effects).

During the playback of music tracks, the cover of the corresponding album appears on the screen, the program itself can play the entire playlist or only selected music. The entire library is controlled using the Tools button.

Basic device - smartphone

This method is most often used to view multimedia files on a large screen. To achieve the stability of the data transmission channel, you need to first log into your account on two devices and achieve a good Wi-Fi connection between them.

In order to send content to your SMART TV, you must activate a specific file on your smartphone. A special symbol should appear in the upper right corner - a monitor icon, which should signal that the file you have selected can be transferred to an external device - the receiver. After clicking on the icon, the file transfer starts in automatic mode.

While watching content, your smartphone can be used as a remote control. It is worth noting that if you are not yet the proud owner of a Samsung SmartTV, you can use all of the Galaxy's wireless data transfer functions to a simple LCD TV. In order for this to be possible, you need to purchase a dedicated AllShare Cas wireless adapter and simply connect to your TV. After successfully setting everything up between the two devices, you will be able to view all content on the big screen.

Modern phones are on a par in terms of power with not the newestcomputers. However, due to the small display, it can be difficult to unleash its full potential. In this case, the function of connecting the phone to the TV comes to our aid. On it you can relay a picture from your phone, while watching your favorite movies, photos, or even just explore the world wide web or go through applications. In this case, you need to know how to properly connect the phone to the TV, which we will talk about today.

HDMI connector is our best friend

The simplest, but at the same time effective way to connect is via HDMI cable. For this, as you might have guessed, not much is required, not a little, the corresponding connector on your smartphone and TV, as well as an HDMI cable. Often, the phones themselves have a mini-HDMI or micro-HDMI connector, which is done solely to save free space, and is not displayed at the data transfer rate. The process of synchronizing your phone and TV is incredibly simple, and there are a lot of benefits from it:

  • Turn off both devices, connect them with an HDMI cable, and then turn on again
  • Using the TV device menu, select the signal display source - HDMI (the names may vary slightly depending on the TV brand)
  • We enjoy the result!

In this case, the TV will display both video and audio. With a good audio system, you can fully enjoy the surround sound of your favorite music from your phone. And browsing the Internet goes to a completely new level, because, you must agree: no 4, 5 or even 6 inches of a phone screen can be compared with the diagonal of a home TV.

Good old USB

Everyone is familiar with the USB connector ... And here it was not without it. However, it should be noted that in the case of using the USB connection method, your phone will perform the banal function of a flash drive. However, in this case it is much more convenient to watch movies on the TV than on the phone display. The process of connecting your phone to a TV via USB is not much different from HDMI. We connect one end of a special cable to the phone - the other to the TV. It is also recommended to turn off both devices beforehand. In this case, automatic setup will occur, and you do not have to personally delve into the TV menu-interface.

Use of wireless technologies

The era of wires goes back centuries, and they are being replaced by wireless technologies, which also affected the process of connecting a phone to a TV. Home appliances giants, LG and Samsung in particular, have released software that allows them to sync their mobile products with TVs, if they both have built-in Wi-Fi. To do this, you just need to connect both devices to your home network and launch the necessary program. Smart Share and AllShare for LG and Samsung respectively. Those who are unlucky enough to become one of the owners of the products of these brands should not immediately despair. If both of your devices support

  • We perform the same operation, only this time on the TV. Wi-Fi Direct is usually easy to find in the Network tab of the TV menu
  • Find the phone in the list of detected devices, and send a request for synchronization
  • Using the phone, we accept the request and begin to enjoy all the benefits of using Wi-Fi Direct

  • The ability to connect your smartphone to your TV is a huge plus, because in this case it is a pleasure to use it. Large screen, loud speakers, user-friendly interface. The process itself is not a priori complicated, and after reading this article, we suppose you should not have any questions at all about how to connect your phone to the TV.

    How to display an image from a smartphone screen to a monitor

    Samsung AllShare may not be as popular and technically advanced as Apple's AirPlay, but it is widely used to wirelessly exchange multimedia content between devices that proudly carry the logo of the famous South Korean giant.

    What it is?

    With this function, you can easily view videos or photos on a large TV screen that were taken just a few minutes ago by the on-board camera of your smartphone, as well as listen to your favorite songs. And this requires very little effort from you: just a few clicks on the necessary buttons.

    This feature potentially allows you to establish file exchange between desktops, phones, TVs and tablets, but the easiest way is to provide communication between Galaxy smartphones (for example, S II or S III) and branded Smart TV receivers. The fact is that the All Share module is already pre-built into these devices, so you can exchange media content between them without purchasing additional hardware and installing special software.

    If you are one of those lucky ones, it will take you very little time to establish wireless communication, after which you can enjoy watching your family photos or videos on the huge screen in the living room.

    Consider the step-by-step instructions for setting up such an exchange.

    1. Configuring on a smartphone

    Set up on the Galaxy S3

    First of all, make sure that your smartphone and SMART TV are connected to a common home Wi-Fi network, and are also securely synchronized with each other. Otherwise, you will not be able to establish a connection between them and ensure a smooth broadcast of media content.

    • We enter the smartphone menu. Sequentially go to the Settings, More settings, Nearby devices tabs and activate the File sharing item.
    • We launch the built-in AllShare application, which should be in the list of preinstalled programs. If this is the first time you activate this function, then you will need to go through the registration procedure, that is, create your own account. If you have previously used AllShare, then to enter the system, you just need to enter your nickname (e-mail address) and password in special windows.

    2. Setting up a smart TV

    AllShare Play on Smart TV

    • We turn on the "smart" Samsung. Using the multi-colored button located in the center of the remote control (possibly a button labeled Smart Hub), we activate the Smart Hub branded service, which offers us access to various useful multimedia applications.
    • We activate the AllShare Play application. To enter the system, press the red button with the letter A on the remote control. In the service window that appears, enter all the necessary data to log into your own account.

    Technology Demonstration at SGS III

    3. Setting up the exchange of multimedia content between your devices

    There are two ways to stream videos, photos, and music to various devices.

    Using Samsung SmartTV as the base unit

    Using AllShare on TV

    In this case, your smartphone can be put aside, and viewing and listening to media content stored in its memory can be carried out through the TV interface. The DLNA home LAN technology used will allow you to view and control the contents of your smartphone's memory directly from the remote control.

    All that is required of you is to select one offered from the categories of the AllShare application (pictures, video or sound), and then indicate your smartphone in the list of available devices. After that, all multimedia files belonging to this category will appear on the TV screen.

    With a high-quality wireless network, content will be streamed to your TV quickly and steadily. To view the pictures, you can use sequential scrolling or special functions (activated by the Tools button) preset on the TV (slide show, rotation, additional effects, zoom).

    While playing songs, the album cover is displayed on the screen, and the application itself allows you to sequentially play the entire playlist or only your favorite topics. You can control the audio library using the same Tools button.

    Using your smartphone as the base unit

    Allshare on a smartphone from Samsung

    This is the most commonly used way to view media on the big screen. To achieve consistent data transfer, you must first sign in to your account on both devices, and ensure a reliable Wi-Fi connection between them.

    To transfer multimedia content, you need to activate a specific video or audio clip, music theme or photo on your smartphone that you want to send to your SMART TV. A special icon in the form of a monitor icon will appear in the upper right corner of the display, which will signal that the file you have selected can be sent to an external device. After you click on the icon, automatic streaming of the file will start.

    At the time of the content demonstration, you can use your smartphone as a remote control, initiating fast scrolling of the video, changing the sound volume or the size of the picture.

    It should be noted that even if you don't have a Samsung SmartTV yet, you can still enjoy wireless data transfer from a Galaxy smartphone to a simpler LCD receiver. To do this, you need to purchase an AllShare Cast wireless adapter from a store and connect it to your TV.

    After your smartphone establishes a connection with the adapter, it will be possible to view the picture from the screen of a mobile gadget on a large TV screen.

    You can find more information about this technology on the official Samsung website.

    In one of the previous articles, we talked and considered in detail the wifi settings for Sony, Samsung and Lg TVs.

    Here we will talk about how to connect a phone (smartphone / tablet) to a TV to transfer images and watch video files in good quality.

    It should be noted right away that all functions are tied to the technical capabilities of the device: you should not impose equivalent requirements on modern flagships and devices that are currently technically outdated.

    So, now directly about the methods of connecting and making settings for broadcasting video from the phone to the TV.

    How to connect phone to TV via wifi?

    1. 1. You can use “Wi-Fi Direct” to watch movies from your phone on TV. The capabilities of this technology apply to:
    • - transfer between devices of multimedia files and their playback;
    • - broadcasting images from the phone screen to the TV using the "Miracast" technology.

    However, the synchronization of the phone with the TV via Wi-Fi is possible only if both devices support the Wi-Fi Direct technology: if the devices are equipped with this function, you can go directly to setting up the connection.

    So, to display a picture from a phone on a TV, you should:

    AND). Connect to TV by manually entering the wireless network name and password:

    • - on the TV, go to the tab "Settings" - "Wi-Fi Direct";
    • - then “Option” or “Parametrs” (depending on the TV model) - “Manually”;
    • - specify the name and password for the network being created (for safety reasons, it is better to write down this data);
    • - in the smartphone settings, go to the "wifi" section, in the search, find the wireless network created at the previous stage and connect to it by entering a password (security key).

    B). Alternatively, connect your phone using automatic setup using:

    • - in the same way, go to the "Wi-Fi Direct" settings on the TV;
    • - in the subsection "Parametrs" select a network, press "WPS" and wait for synchronization between devices.

    This connection is quick, simple and takes a minimum of time. But what if the "magic" function "Wi-Fi Direct" is not provided?

    How to connect phone to TV via hdmi?

    1. 2. You can also output video from the phone using a wired connection "micro HDMI - HDMI" or "mini HDMI-HDMI".

    It is logical that an HDMI cable is used for such a connection - this is a standard connector for a TV (while a smartphone has “micro” or “mini” connectors).

    Depending on the technical capabilities of the device, installation of third-party software may be required.

    To transfer the image, you just need to connect the devices with the above cable and select the appropriate mode "HDMI 1" or "HDMI 2" on the TV (in accordance with the connector to which the cable was connected).

    How to connect phone to TV via usb?

    1. 3. If your devices are equipped with MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link), you can use a micro USB to HDMI cable.

    This option is more interesting because:

    • - power is supplied to the phone via the same cable, which avoids the battery discharge at the climax of an interesting movie (and this problem is very relevant, since when watching video files it is easy to forget about the device's charge level);
    • - allows you to receive control signals from the remote control.

    It is also worth paying attention to the competitor of the MHL standard - Slimport, which has become widely used in LG and Nexus gadgets.

    The cable for such a connection remains the same - "microUSB - HDMI".

    Other ways to watch a movie from your phone on your TV

    1. 4. You can use Lightning Digital AV Adapter to connect Apple brand devices.

    Connection is reduced to a simple connection of devices through the appropriate connectors: on a smartphone it is "Lightning", on a TV - "HDMI".

    1. 5. Some manufacturers of TVs and smartphones are equipped with proprietary synchronization technologies: this is "Samsung" with its "AllShare" or "LG" with "Smart Share".

    Setting up a connection usually comes down to minimal steps on your part:

    • - registration and file-sharing resource;
    • - and, in fact, moving files to a kind of file sharing service.

    Thus, connecting a TV to a phone usually comes down to an elementary connection of devices with a cable and a few manipulations in the settings using the remote control.

    However, nowadays, wireless connection is more relevant, which moves the old cable connection "to the long-term plan", therefore - with an eye to the future - it is worth paying attention to modern wireless standards.

    I did not come across programs from Samsung, but then I needed to make the TV itself take and show the video from the computer, and as an honest person I decided to first try my native software, as a result I got a charge of fun for a week ahead.
    The circus began even before the installation, the link on the Samsung website turned out to be a bat, but fortunately, the distribution kit was found by my brother, the fun continued during the installation, when the installer decided to restart the computer without asking me, but was lucky that I did not leave and managed to press Cancel in the system dialog about closing applications, in response he dumped a couple of errors blaming the Windows Installer service for problems and refused to continue working.

    Okay, I close everything open in a regular way, start the installation again - everything is installed normally and without reboots. Um ...
    Are the problems behind? No matter how it is :). I launch the program, I am greeted by the setup wizard, happily reporting that the shared folder is not working and advising me to configure the firewall.

    By itself, the need to disable it for the program to work instead of setting the necessary exceptions is already good, but the problem is that I do not have additional firewalls other than the system one. Disconnected it just in case - it did not help. I got into the settings of the program, and there is just a storehouse of humor. The network information indicates IP, and in general it is correct, but not quite, because this second IP on this network interface (yes, I have a funny network configuration, but what?: D). The thought immediately arose - perhaps this is where the source of the problem for the setup wizard is? Let's check - delete the extra IP, restart the program - there is progress, the shared folders are working, I push to continue and the program cheerfully reports that it has hung up the server on IP 213.x.x.x, that is, the external IP of the pppoe connection that I have raised!

    Well, yes, that's why I installed AllShare, to share my video on the Internet))). The TV in the LAN, however, is also visible, communication with it has been established, the shared folders are visible from the TV, the test file is not played back in the box.
    At this stage, after admiring the AllShare and Download folders created in the root of the C drive, I spat and closed this division. It is much easier to use a TV as another monitor for hdmi. However, in the process of writing this note, out of interest, I uninstalled / installed the program a couple of times in order to take screenshots, but after the first installation, the program did not display a confirmation dialog for binding to the IP, but immediately clung to the external one, and on the second attempt, after cleaning up the tails, itself correctly attached to the desired internal IP, found a TV and the video on it also began to play. The ways of the software written by Samsung are inscrutable :).

    AllShare technology provides wireless synchronization of PCs, laptops and Samsung mobile phones with TV, providing streaming content: videos and photos, viewing tabs and information about calls, text messages on the TV screen.

    Synchronizing your phone and your SMART TV

    Synchronization of devices occurs through the built-in Wi-Fi module in the phone and the built-in or optional Wi-Fi module in smart TVs. Thus, two devices can exchange information with each other. To synchronize devices, you need to run the application AllShare bilaterally. The name of the phone appears on the TV screen in the list of external media. By pressing the "Enter" button, you can activate the function MediaPlay with the following set of options: "Video", "Photo", "Music" and "Recorded TV Shows". It remains only to select the required file.

    You can also use your phone to run media files on your TV screen located on your PC's hard drive. To do this, in the AllShare menu of your phone, select “Play file from server on another player”, which will allow you to access media content shared from your PC.

    How to watch photos and videos from a computer on a TV

    • installation of a special program that will open access via Wi-Fi to your multimedia files:
    1. Serviio
    2. Samsung PC Share Manager
    3. Samsung Allshare
    4. Windows Media Center on Windows 7 and 8

    Options for connecting TV and PC on a home network

    The easiest way to connect all devices to your home network is to use a router and then connect all clients of the wireless network (including the TV) to the created access point, provided that all your devices have a built-in WLAN module. Read more about setting up your router.

    You can also use your smart TV's wired connection to your home network:

    1. Computer - TV (or other media device).
    A crossover network cable must be used for the connection.
    2. Computer - Switch (switch) - TV (or other media device).

    3. Computer - Router - TV (or other media device).
    To connect devices, use straight-crimped network cables.

    How to set up Windows Media Player to play content from your phone on a TV screen

    In Windows Media Player, you need to go to Flowand enable the following options - Allow remote control of the player and Automatically allow devices to play my mediathen go to Advanced streaming options and allow transmission on the network by clicking on the link on the required device Tuneand highlight Make all library items available to this device... To transfer multimedia content, you need to synchronize your PC and Phone using Wi-Fi, as a result, when you press on the phone Play a file from a server on another player, the name of the PC will appear, clicking on which will open the content from the Windows Media Player library. Now the media content can be played and downloaded to the phone.

    Samsung Allshare Play allows you to:

    • save or transfer your multimedia content to your computer or other devices;
    • play multimedia content on a computer or other devices;
    • view or play multimedia content stored on your computer from another device;
    • view or search for content stored on connected devices.

    Attention! Don't forget to configure your antivirus and firewall to allow media access. If you will use Samsung Allshare or other programs as a media server, then create a rule for it or add it to exclusions.

    Connecting Samsung TV to PC (Directly)

    1. Turn on your TV and PC
    2. Connect them with a network cable ("crossover" crimp)
    3. Write down the IP addresses for the computer and TV. In the properties of the local connection to PC enter the IP address: and on Tv: ... Subnet mask: for both devices. An alternative method of connection would be to use a switch and network cables, crimped in a straight (conventional) way.
    4. Run the program Samsung PC Share Manager and follow the steps in sequence:
    • find the folder where the content you need to play is located;
    • click on the button on top (with a green checkmark), thus giving the TV access to this folder;
    • then follow the menu: "Sharing" - "Set device policy". Set the device to "accepted". Then click "Set state" (green arrow), thereby saving the changes;
    • now it remains to press the "Media player" button on the remote control and select the video file from the PC.

    Setting up Allshare on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone to sync with SMART TV

    Connect your smartphone and TV to a shared wireless Wi-Fi network and start syncing to establish a connection between them for later content broadcast.

    1. On your smartphone go to Settings -\u003e Advanced Settings.
    2. Then we select the item "Available devices" and activate "Data exchange".

    Now turn on the AllShare app, it is usually already preinstalled. When activating this feature for the first time, you need to register to create an account. If you already have a Samsung account, then just log in by entering your login (email) and password in the fields.

    Setting up Allshare Play on your TV

    Turn on your smart TV and activate the Smart Hub service, which allows you to control multimedia applications. Find and activate the AllShare Play app. Press the red button (A on the remote control) to log in. In the window that appears, enter your credentials for authorization. Setting up the exchange of multimedia content between two devices depends on which device you select as the base.

    Base device in Allshare Play - Samsung SmartTV

    By choosing a basic smart TV, we will play the media content that is stored on your smartphone using the smart TV interface. Thanks to DLNA technology, we can play and control files on our smartphone using the smart TV remote control.

    You need to select one of the categories: photo, video or music, and then select your smartphone from the list of available devices.

    The base device in Allshare Play is a Samsung smartphone

    This option is used to view multimedia files on a large TV screen. Sign in to Allshare Play on two devices - smartphone and smart TV - and make sure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

    To transfer media content to a SMART TV, you must play the required file on your smartphone. A special symbol will appear in the upper right corner - a monitor icon, which signals that the selected file can be transferred to an external device - in this case, Smart TV. Click on the icon and the file will start streaming automatically.

    During content playback, your smartphone can be used as a remote control. If you have a non-Samsung SmartTV, but you own a Galaxy smartphone, then you can transfer media content to a smart TV from another manufacturer. It is enough to purchase a special wireless adapter - AllShare Cast Dongle, which connects to your TV and allows you to play all media content on the large Smart TV screen.

    Samsung Allshare counterpart: using the Home Media Server program

    Searching for a server on the device used to play content

    The search must be performed according to the user manual of the media device (for example, the instructions of your Smart TV). If the server is not found and all connections are made correctly, then in the program settings (in the section Server) check that the list of allowed client devices is empty or the device's IP address is in the list of allowed. When using a network protection program (firewall, antivirus), check its rules for the module hms.exe (if the server is running as a Windows service, then for the module hmssvc.exe), if possible, put the firewall software into learning mode, restart the Home Media Server (UPnP) software. And if you are using other media servers, disable them while setting up the Home Media Server program.

    The server on the device does not open for playback

    If the server is found, but it is not possible to open it in the media device, then go to the settings of the program "Home Media Server (UPnP)" in the section Device: mode "DLNA 1.0", "DLNA 1.5", "Authorization service", "Russian names of the main folders" (using these settings will help solve problems with opening the server), and in the section Server set the server port to a constant (from 1024 to 65535).

    Navigating the database of media resources on a media device

    If the device supports Russian, then in the program settings (section Device) turn on the mode "Russian names of the main folders", it affects the names of the main folders of the media content base. If the Russian language is not supported by the media device, then select “Translit” for the encoding of Russian names, the “Russian names of main folders” mode is enabled / disabled at the user's request (if disabled, then the English names of the main folders of media resources will be displayed).

    Slow navigation through the media content database can be associated with the operating features of the media device, the inclusion of the "Exclude empty folders when transferring information to UPnP devices" mode, the presence of slow removable media in the system, frequent changes in media resource directories and the "Automatic directory scanning when they are changed while the server is running ". You can turn off the "Exclude empty folders when transferring information to UPnP devices" mode; the "Removable media" folder can be deleted in all sections of media resources (Movies, Music, Photos).

    Navigation through the catalogs of media resources in the structure of their storage on the disk can be done through the folder "Watch Folders" (Russian is off), "Catalogs of media resources" (Russian is on). If some media content is not visible on the device, but is shared in the program, then this may be due to the mime-type transmitted by the server for this media resource. The mime-type can be changed in the program settings - the Settings button - the "Media resources" section - "File types" - the choice of the file extension - the Change button.

    AllShare is a program with which you can deploy a full-fledged DLNA server on your computer. That is, using it, you can broadcast multimedia files from the PC memory to other devices. The only significant limitation of such a server (deployed by the AllShare application) is that it allows you to broadcast multimedia files exclusively to devices from Samsung: SMART TVs, smartphones, tablets, and so on. Depending on the platform of the "receiver", third-party applications may be required to stream content.

    Using the program

    In order to access files in certain folders, you must specify the path to them. Please note that the AllShare desktop client is only compatible with older versions of Windows. On new operating systems from Microsoft (Windows 7 and higher), you can use the web version of the service. To get started with the latter, you need to sign in to an existing Samsung account or create a new one.

    To work with a DLNA server, the device being broadcast to must be connected to the same Wi-Fi wireless access point as the computer on which it is running. The search and "pairing" of devices occurs automatically.


    AllShare can work with all popular video, music and graphics formats. The program (well, or a web service) can automatically divide content into categories depending on the type. This kind of separation greatly simplifies navigation and allows you to quickly find the required file.

    The program has a built-in multimedia player that allows you to play the desired track or video. There is also a file image viewer with a minimal set of functions.

    If necessary, the application can work with several connected devices at once. For each device, you can create "your" list of folders with content.

    Key features

    • the ability to view files stored in the computer memory from smartphones, TVs and Samsung tablets;
    • deployment of a full-fledged DLNA server;
    • built-in multimedia playback and graphic file viewer;
    • sorting content by type (video, music, images);
    • automatically searches for compatible devices connected to the same wireless access point.

    Most likely, the Samsung AllShare function is not as popular and technically advanced as, for example, Apple's AirPlay, but it is widely used to quickly exchange multimedia content over wireless communication between devices, which stand out from the crowd of similar ones by the presence of the South Korean manufacturer's corporate logo.

    What is this function?

    Thanks to this function, users can easily view video files and photos on a large TV screen, as well as play their favorite music that was uploaded to their smartphone a few minutes ago. Just a couple of clicks on the buttons and the fantasy becomes reality.

    Thanks to this program, the user can easily set up the exchange of data (files) between devices such as a personal computer, smartphone, tablet and TV. It is worth noting that the easiest way to set up file exchange is between Smart TV receivers and the iconic Galaxy smartphones. The ease of setup lies in the fact that the All Share module is already installed in these devices. In other words, you do not need to separately purchase hardware and install special software.

    If you are one of the lucky owners of these devices, but setting up a wireless communication channel will not take much of your time.

    Let's take a look at the steps for setting up file sharing.

    We configure your smartphone.

    Consider one of the most popular Samsung models.

    Setting up on a Galaxy S3 smartphone

    The first thing you need to check is the shared wireless Wi-Fi network. And of course synchronization. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to establish a connection between them, and as a result broadcast content.

    1. We go to the main menu of the smartphone.
    2. We carry out a sequential transition to the tabs "Settings" and "Additional settings".
    3. Next, go to "Available Devices".
    4. And lastly, you need to activate the item "Data exchange".

    We turn on the AllShare application, which is in the general list of preinstalled programs. If this function is activated for the first time, then you will be offered to go through a simple registration procedure, in other words, create a personal account. If you previously had to use this application, then in order to enter the system, you just need to enter your login in the special fields, that is, the email address and, accordingly, your personal password.

    Smart TV setup

    We turn on the device using the appropriate button and activate a special service called Smart Hub, which allows you to control various types of multimedia applications.

    Find and activate an application called AllShare Play. In order to enter the system, you need to press the red button located on the remote control and marked with the letter A. In the window that appears, we register all the data that is necessary for a successful login to your account.

    Setting up the exchange of multimedia content between two devices.

    Further actions depend on which device we choose as the base one.

    We use Samsung SmartTV as a basic device.

    In this case, we put the smartphone aside for the time being, and we will view and listen to all the media material that is stored in its memory using the interface of the smart TV. The technology, which is used in the home network "DLNA", allows you to view and control data from the smartphone's memory using the TV remote control.

    The user is only required to select one of the proposed categories (photo, video or music), and then confirm (select) his smartphone in the list of available devices. If everything is done correctly, multimedia files of this category will appear on the TV display.

    If you have a high-quality wireless connection, then the content broadcast to the receiving device, that is, the TV, will be stable and fast. To view the photos, the user can use the sequential scrolling function or preset TV functions (slideshow, rotation and additional effects).

    During the playback of music tracks, the cover of the corresponding album appears on the screen, the program itself can play the entire playlist or only selected music. The entire library is controlled using the Tools button.

    Basic device - smartphone

    This method is most often used to view multimedia files on a large screen. To achieve the stability of the data transmission channel, you need to first log into your account on two devices and achieve a good Wi-Fi connection between them.

    In order to send content to your SMART TV, you must activate a specific file on your smartphone. A special symbol should appear in the upper right corner - a monitor icon, which should signal that the file you have selected can be transferred to an external device - the receiver. After clicking on the icon, the file transfer starts in automatic mode.

    While watching content, your smartphone can be used as a remote control. It is worth noting that if you are not yet the proud owner of a Samsung SmartTV, you can use all of the Galaxy's wireless data transfer functions to a simple LCD TV. In order for this to be possible, you need to purchase a dedicated AllShare Cas wireless adapter and simply connect to your TV. After successfully setting everything up between the two devices, you will be able to view all content on the big screen.

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