How to open an access point on the computer. How to check if there is support for a hosted network in Windows. Create a home network on a laptop using the command line.

In this article, you will find tips on how to create a point from a laptop wi-fi access, which will allow you to share the Internet for a room or a house. Such a system will be convenient if you want to have a party, a conference, and also make it easier to install a network without using network cables.

Below we will look at ways and methods for the most popular OS among users. To create such a point, you need a laptop that has an Internet connection and also has an adapter with the ability to provide wi-fi. Among the benefits that arise from such a connection, one can call availability and mobility. With a wi-fi point connected, you can easily use tablets, other laptops, while in another room, sitting on a comfortable sofa or bed.

Configure the Connectify program

  • Here you will find the name of the network of "hot spots".
  • Enter the password if necessary.
  • Connect to the network.
Connecting your computer to the Internet using a smartphone is very simple. In this application it is very easy to create a hot spot. Just launch the application, fill in the name of the new network, be sure to enter the password.

The application is an ideal solution for short-term connection mobile phones, tablets, for example, during a conference. Want to share your Internet connection? And you want to share your Internet connection with your computer on smartphones and tablets?

For Windows XP

1) Open the "Start" menu and go through the "Control Panel" in the " Network connections»
  2) Next, you need to turn on Wi-Fi, you need to double-click (the left button on the mouse) on the icon "Wireless Network Connection". After that, click on the icon, open the window context menu  and in it we click on "Properties". In the new window, select the "Wireless Networks" tab and check "Use Windows to configure the network". In the end click "Add".
  3) In the opened window, you need to drive in the desired, new name for your connection (for example Home or otherwise). We continue to configure other network parameters:

Method number 1 - use of the virtual router manager

Thanks to our own access point, we can connect your Internet connection from your computer to other devices, for example, if you do not have a home router, and your computer is connected to the Internet using a network cable. Unfortunately, some hardware configurations may not work, but first it is worth trying, because they are very easy to use and convenient to use. We download the program, and then install it and run it. The main manager window appears, in which we can select a name for our hot spot, as well as a password.

  • We set "point" opposite the item "Connects even if it does not broadcast".
  • "Authenticity" we expose it open.
  • To encrypt data, select "WEP".
  • "Network key", set the values ​​to 13 or 5 characters.
  • We remove the mark from the point that informs about the provision of the key in automatic mode.
  • We indicate the key index as "1".
  • Open the "Connection" tab and put only one tick.
  • In the end, click "Ok".

4) In the wireless network connection settings, open the "General" tab and tick "Protocol (TCP / IP)", then go to the properties of this item. In the opened window, tick the "Use the following IP address" option, and then fill in the following fields:

In the end, we press the "Start" button and are ready. The network will be launched and will now be visible to other devices. The command window is displayed in administrator mode. Enter the following command and confirm with the Enter key. The network will be created, and now we have to start it.

To do this, enter a different command. This command will launch our network and make it visible. Now other devices can connect to it. If we want to stop the access point, we enter. While we created the network, it does not provide our Internet connection. We need to make our Internet accessible to this network so that people who connect to the hotspot have access to the Internet connection. To do this, go to the "Start" menu and enter "View Network Connections".

  • In line with IP addresses  prescribe ""
  • In the line that is responsible for the subnet mask, write ""
  • And in the column with the DNS server we enter - ""
  • We confirm everything, we "Ok", and we leave. Now your laptop works like a router for Wi-Fi.

For Windows 7

For creating Wi-Fi point  on a laptop with such an OS, you can use the built-in software  or download special software.

We run the found version with the same name. We find them, right-click and go to "Properties." In the properties of our main Internet connection, click on the "Sharing" tab and check the box "Allow other network users to connect through the Internet connection of this computer".

Now the access point is not only visible through other network devices, but also "vaccinated" our main Internet connection, so when we connect to it, we will have access to the Internet on your phone or tablet. The group or resource is not in the proper state to perform the requested operation.

1) Method with built-in tools:

  • Open the "Network and Sharing Center", for this you can click on the icon at the bottom right of the panel.
  • In the opened menu, click "Configure a new connection or network," and then click "Configure wireless network  computer-to-computer. "
  • Click on the "Next" button and create a new connection. Specify the name of the created network, the password for access and select the system for security (it is best to choose WPA2-Personal).

2) We use a special program
  Today appeared a huge number of programs that allow you to reconfigure your laptop and make it work "in router mode." One of the best in this case can be considered Connectify Hot Spot Pro, it is the simplest. In order to customize with her using Wi-Fi  you need to install it, start it, and then enter the appropriate fields: "Network Name", "Password" and "Network Adapter", used for Wi-Fi.

In addition, a local call with a number is created, the phone sees them, but can not connect. Everything is working fine, but after a few minutes the connection disappears, and I need to run the command line again. Maybe I need to somehow save this connection?

Handing over an existing Internet connection

How did you not change anyone to a local connection? Thank you for this post, they helped me a lot. What would be better to buy a computer zero and replace it with a router for household appliances  or buy a router about 200 zlotys plus, for example, a tablet. You can also exchange Internet through a cable, for example, with a router.

For Windows 8.0 and Windows 8.1

In these versions of the OS, developers continued the trend previous versions  and enabled the ability to create and connect using built-in features. We will tell you about them:

  1. Check the operation of the network adapter, and the indicator should be on.
  2. Open the menu with a combination of buttons Win  and "X". In the menu click "Command line".
  3. We enter the following command in the command line: "Netsh wlan show drivers".
  4. Find the item "Support for a Hosted Network", for the correct operation of the connection must be the inscription "Yes".
  5. We now enter commands that specify the name of the connection and the password to it: "Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid =" Name of your network "key =" password for it "».
  6. After executing the command, you need to include the point, drive a new command from the keyboard for the program: "Netsh wlan start hostednetwork".If you want to see connection properties, enter: "Netsh wlan show hostednetwork"
  7. Now you need to allow Internet access to other users who will use your connection. Open the "Network connections" and press the key combination "R"  from Win. In the new window, in the column, type the command ncpa.cpl  and click "ok".
  8. The window was opened "Network Connections", a new icon with our connection point appeared in the folder. Click on the icon, which is responsible for your connection to the Internet and in the menu window open Properties. In the menu go to the bookmark "Access"  and mark with a "dot" "Allow other users to use the Internet connection of this computer". In the appeared list we find the point of the wy-fay made by us and confirm (by pressing "ok").

Video lessons

Thank you, the guide was very useful. I have information. Open the laptop and enter it. Perhaps your network adapter does not support switching hot-spot and internet connections. This is a great way to quickly set up a home network. Before proceeding with the setup, first check the capabilities of your devices and install latest versions  drivers. Configure a new connection.

Make sure that the wireless card you want to use is not connected to any network. Open the control panel and select the "Display Network and Sharing" link, and then change the "Settings" tab on the left side of the window. Go back to the window and use the link "Set up a new connection" or "New network" to start the network setup wizard.

In this article, you will find all the necessary information on setting up an access point to Windows 8  and Windows 8.1. We will configure the distribution of the Internet from a laptop that runs on Windows 8 and connect our phone, tablet, other computer, TV, etc. to this laptop via Wi-Fi, etc. Our computer will perform the role Wi-Fi router.

Do not create a network

In the next steps of the wizard, specify the network name and security type that you want to use. Protection type is not recommended. Must be at least 8 characters. What is important, select the option "Save this network". Go ahead and complete the wizard. After completing the previous steps, PCs equipped with wireless cards will be able to connect to the computer on which you just defined the connection. You still have to share your connection with other machines. Open the Network and Sharing Center, and then click Change Network Adapter Settings.

  I have been preparing for this article for a very long time, since this is a very popular topic at the moment. The article has collected a lot of views and comments. Yes, and even, also popular.

Briefly about what we are going to do, and why start an access point on the laptop.

For example, do you have a laptop (perhaps personal Computer  from Wi-Fi adapter) , there is wired Internet (or the Internet via a 3G / 4G modem), and devices that can be connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Modern smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs, almost all have this opportunity. And you have the Internet by cable, or from a USB modem.

Right-click the network adapter that connects to the Internet, and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab, and then select Allow other network users to connect to the Internet connection of this computer. Enabling automatic binding.

If the connection should be fully automated, that is, if you want to automatically configure when the Internet wants to use one of the computers on the network, select Always connect when the computer on my network is trying to access the Internet. If you want to allow other users also to close the connection, select "Allow other network users to manage or disable the shared Internet connection." If you do not have a firewall, use this built-in firewall.

We connect the Internet to a computer on which there is Wi-Fi and run an access point on it. In this article we will do this on example Windows 8. That's all, our laptop gets the Internet via cable, and distributes it via Wi-Fi to the devices we need. That's the whole scheme 🙂. If you do not want to spend money on buying a Wi-Fi router, or you just do not need it (for example, very rarely need Wi-Fi), then this method, then what you need.

Open the control panel on the desktop that will use the shared connection, select Network Connections, right-click the connection icon, and select Properties. Highlight the Internet protocol and click "Properties" again. Or maybe for some reason you can not share wireless Internet  from a laptop to your media player or another computer?

Download and install this tool. Then click the "Connect" icon - the wizard will appear. Then enter the password to connect to the hot spot. The password must be between 8 and 63 characters. Now decide if you want to share your Internet connection. If not, you can share resources locally.

Setting up the distribution of the Internet on Windows 8 almost does not differ from the setting on Windows 7 (reference to the instruction is at the beginning of this article). But, I understand that it's much easier to do everything according to the instructions that are written specifically for operating system, which is installed on your laptop. And since Windows 8 (8.1)   actively gaining momentum, this article will be useful.

The next step is to confirm that the wizard has finished and you can start your access point. Now you will see that your laptop has changed to an Internet access point for others. Thus, you can exchange links with friends, colleagues or simply connect additional Internet devices. Of course, access is possible after entering your login and password.

Many of the necessary equipment for recreation will take a laptop. When they arrive with their loved ones in place, they will necessarily see if there is a range. Most likely, coverage will be. Since the wireless network that connects to other devices is already configured, we can not do anything to connect to the network with an actual Internet connection. Of course, before performing any operation, a computer that has the role of a "hot spot" must be connected to the Internet. In the above window, there are also settings related to virtual network interfaces running on virtual machines, but they do not matter.

What should I do before setting up an access point?

  • You need to connect the Internet to your laptop. By cable, or via USB modem. With a USB modem there may be nuances, see the article if the internet is through your modem. There's an article for Windows 7, but it's not scary. If the Internet is connected via a network cable, there should be no problems. The Internet should work, the sites in the browser should open.
  • Make sure that your laptop has Wi-Fi and the driver is installed on it. If you used to connect to a wireless network from this laptop, everything is fine, then the driver is installed. If you do not know if the driver is installed on the wireless adapter, then go to Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network Connections, and see if there is any Wireless network. If there is, then everything is fine. If not, download from the manufacturer of your laptop (adapter)  driver for your model and operating system and install. Driver for wireless  LAN adapter.

That's all, you can start tuning.

Built-in Windows access point

It is recommended that you select a connection in the dialog above, for which the Internet access type option is available, to make it available through the wireless network that you created. In the above illustration, this condition is satisfied by a connection called a mobile broadband connection 2. The connection name is also a link that activates the window with the parameters of the selected connection. In the "Status" window, you will see that the connection is working. Access to the required parameters appears when the "Properties" button is pressed.

Set up a Wi-Fi hotspot on Windows 8 using the command line

This is the first way in which we will not use third-party programs, but we will make all the standard features of the operating system. This method is slightly more complicated than the second, which you will find below. But, sometimes it's even easier to configure everything through the command line. And through third-party programs there can be problems.

The corresponding settings include the "Sharing" tab. All you need to do is mark the first of the check boxes in the selection box and select the connection from the drop-down list that will be used by the wireless network created earlier. The wireless network connection 2 shown in this illustration is a wireless network connection 2. The computer may have a plurality different types network interfaces of the real world, but, as a rule, virtual interfaces are added as the last elements in the list of available connections to home network.

Right-click on the lower-left corner (or the combination of keys Win + X), and select Command line (administrator).

In the window command line  enter the command (you can just copy and paste):

Where " f1comp"Is the name of the network, it can be anything. English letters.

A " 12345678 "Is the password for the network. You will need to enter it on the device that you will connect to Wi-Fi. Specify a password of at least 8 characters. Numbers and English letters are possible.

The car we used was just one. After you accept the changes, one more operation will be performed. From now on, any computer on which you performed the described operation will be able to use the Internet connection by connecting to the newly created and activated wireless network command.

Create a home network on a laptop using the command line

Without the slightest problem, we managed to connect all the other devices. Any device capable of using any wireless network can use such a connection. It is important that all the described actions, in addition to the last call, should be performed only once for the type of connection to the Internet. It is clear that the computer on which the access point is running should be always on. You also need to remember that shutting down or restarting the computer automatically disables the virtual access point.

Click Enter.

There should be a startup result with information that the network name and password have been successfully changed.

We enter one more command:

This is the command to start the access point. Click here Enter, and we see this result:

We all know this well. The network is accompanied by work, study, entertainment, socializing with friends, developing their passion, flirting, growing popularity or exploring the world. However, to be able to participate in the unique and immeasurable world of the Internet, it must first be launched. I am well aware that the lack of Internet is a serious problem, but it is often easier to solve than you originally thought. So do not panic and calmly read the contents of your laptop's manual, like any other one built over the last 5 years, has a set of function keys.

It should be written that the hosted network is running. If you have the same result as in the screenshot above, you can continue. You can close the command prompt window.

If you see an error Unable to start a hosted network, then execute two commands in turn:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = disallow
  netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow

Go to Device Manager, open the list Network adapters , right-click on the Virtual adapter of the hosted network  and select Enable.

We execute two commands for launching the network, of which I wrote above:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = f1comp key = 12345678

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

We authorize the use of sharing  to the Internet

Right-click the connection icon in the lower right corner. Select item Network and Sharing Center.

In a new window, on the left, click on the item Change adapter settings. Further attention! Right-click on the connection through which you receive the Internet ( i have Ethernet, because it's easy network cable  connected to a laptop), and select Properties.

In a new window, click the tab Access. Check the box next to Allow other network users to use the Internet connection of this computer.

Below in the list, select the network that appeared after launching the access point. Most likely, it will look something like in the screenshot below.

Click OK.

You can take your device and connect it to the Internet via Wi-Fi, which already distributes our laptop.

Decision:  completely disable the antivirus, antivirus tools, firewalls. Most likely, they are blocking the connection. If, after disabling the antivirus, everything works, then add the connection to the antivirus exceptions.

Also, check the settings for Internet Sharing, as in the screenshot above.

How to start the network after rebooting the laptop?

You probably have a question, but how to restore the wireless network after rebooting the laptop.

Just need to execute the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

How we did it above in the article. You do not need to enter the network name and password again. Just start the network.

We distribute the Internet in Windows 8 using MyPublicWifi

This is an easier way. We will not run the network through the command line, but with the help of the program MyPublicWifi. This is a free, small program, with a clear interface, though without the Russian language. Instead of MyPublicWifi, you can use the programs Virtual Router Plus, Connectify and the like. They work the same way.

Download and install MyPublicWifi. Version 5.1 can be downloaded by reference (I took the file from the official site

Installation is standard. After installation, restart the laptop and start MyPublicWifi. If an error appears during startup, right-click the MyPublicWifi shortcut and select Run as administrator.

Highlight item Automatic HotSpot configuration.

In field Network Name (SSID)  specify the name of the network being created.

In field Network Key  Specify the password that you need to specify on the device to connect.

Put a tick near Enable Internet Sharing  and select in the list connection, with which your laptop is connected to the Internet.

Push the button Set up and Start Hotspot.

You can already connect devices to the created network. If, again, there is a network connection, and the Internet does not work, check the settings for Internet Sharing   (I wrote about this in the article above)  and disable the antivirus, firewall and other programs that can block the connection.

In MyPublicWifi, on the Clients  you can see the devices that are currently connected to your network.

And on the tab Management  you can additionally configure the program. For example, by checking the box next to Enable Firewall ...  we will prohibit devices that connect to your network to use to download and distribute files through such clients as Torrent and the like.

And if you check MyPublicWifi Will be launched on every system start, the program will start automatically when the computer is turned on.

All is ready! You can use the Internet.

If you have any problems during the configuration process, errors and other complications, then you can ask a question in the comments. Describe the problem as detailed as possible, and we'll try to figure it out together. Good luck!

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