Stages of organization of experimental search research work. Organization of experimental research work in educational institutions. Education Information

Methods of pedagogical research. The concept of experimental search work. pedagogical experiment.
Pedagogical research methods are a set of techniques and operations aimed at studying pedagogical phenomena and solving various scientific and pedagogical problems.
Methods of pedagogical research can be classified according to the purpose of the study, sources of information accumulation, methods of data processing and analysis.
The task of the researcher is not to formally apply the entire set of known methods, but to determine his own optimal set of methods for each stage.
It is important to emphasize that research methods are chosen taking into account the specifics of the tasks set by scientists for themselves, and not by simply listing all known methods in pedagogy.
Activity, personal, systemic approaches are of great importance in psychological and pedagogical research.
The activity approach requires studying pedagogical processes in the logic of a holistic consideration of all the main components of the activity: its goals, motives, actions, operations, methods of regulation, control and analysis of the results achieved. With this approach, the developed system of measures acquires a complete, complete character: from the purpose of the activity to its final result.
Since personalities necessarily interact in pedagogical phenomena, the personal approach is also very important for research. The methodological basis of the personal approach is the doctrine of the role of the individual in society, the relationship between the team and the individual, the comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual, the simultaneous consideration of the individual as an object and subject of education.
For the methodology of pedagogical research, an intensively developing system-structural approach is extremely important. A system is understood as a certain community of elements that functions according to the inherent laws of existence.
A systematic approach requires considering in interconnection and holistically all possible forms and methods for solving pedagogical problems and, based on a comparison of the capabilities of each of them, choose the best options.
Methods of ped research
Observation is a purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material. At the same time, observations are recorded. Observation is usually carried out according to a predetermined plan with the allocation of specific objects of observation.
Survey methods - conversation, interview, questioning. Conversation is an independent or additional research method used to obtain necessary information or clarifying what was not clear enough on observation. The conversation is conducted according to a predetermined plan with the allocation of issues that need to be clarified. The conversation is conducted in a free form without recording the interlocutor's answers. A kind of conversation is interviewing, brought into pedagogy from sociology. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-set questions asked in certain sequence. During the interview, the answers are recorded openly. Questioning is a method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed give written answers to the questions. A conversation and an interview are called a face-to-face survey, and a questionnaire is called an absentee survey. The effectiveness of the conversation, interviewing and questioning largely depends on the content and structure of the questions asked. The conversation plan, interview and questionnaire is a list of questions (questionnaire

Valuable material can be obtained from the study of the products of students' activities: written, graphic, creative and control works, drawings, drawings, details, notebooks on individual disciplines, etc. These works can provide the necessary information about the individuality of the student, his attitude to work and the level of skills and abilities achieved in a particular area.

^ The study of school documentation (personal files of students, medical records, class journals, student diaries, minutes of meetings, meetings) equips the researcher with some objective data characterizing the actual practice of organizing the educational process.

A special role in pedagogical research is played by experiment - a specially organized test of a particular method, method of work to identify its pedagogical effectiveness. Pedagogical experiment - research activity with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measurement of response, results of pedagogical influence and interaction; repeated reproducibility of pedagogical phenomena and processes.

There are the following stages of the experiment:
theoretical (statement of the problem, definition of the goal, object and subject of research, its tasks and hypotheses);
methodical (development of a research methodology and its plan, programs, methods for processing the results obtained);
the actual experiment - conducting a series of experiments (creating experimental situations, observing, managing the experience and measuring the reactions of the subjects);
analytical - quantitative and qualitative analysis, interpretation of the facts obtained, formulation of conclusions and practical recommendations.

A distinction is made between a natural experiment (in the conditions of a normal educational process) and a laboratory one - the creation of artificial conditions for testing, for example, one or another teaching method, when individual students are isolated from the rest. The most commonly used natural experiment. It can be long-term or short-term.

A pedagogical experiment can be ascertaining, establishing only the real state of affairs in the process, or transforming (developing), when its purposeful organization is carried out to determine the conditions (methods, forms and content of education) for the development of the personality of a student or children's team. A transformative experiment requires control groups to be compared. The difficulties of the experimental method lie in the fact that it is necessary to have an excellent command of the technique of its implementation, special delicacy, tact, scrupulousness on the part of the researcher, the ability to establish contact with the subject are needed.

The listed methods are also called methods of empirical knowledge of pedagogical phenomena. They serve as a means of collecting scientific and pedagogical facts that are subjected to theoretical analysis. Therefore, a special group of theoretical research methods is singled out.
^ Theoretical analysis is the selection and consideration of individual aspects, features, features, properties of pedagogical phenomena. Analyzing separate facts, grouping, systematizing them, we reveal in them the general and special, we establish general principle or a rule. Analysis is accompanied by synthesis, it helps to penetrate into the essence of the studied pedagogical phenomena.
^ Inductive and deductive methods are logical methods for generalizing empirically obtained data. The inductive method involves the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion, the deductive method - from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.
Pedagogical experiment
A pedagogical experiment is a scientifically staged experience of transforming the pedagogical process in precisely taken into account conditions. Unlike methods that only register what already exists, the experiment in pedagogy has a creative character. Experimentally, for example, new techniques, methods, forms, and systems of teaching and upbringing activity make their way into practice.
An experiment is essentially a strictly controlled pedagogical observation, with the only difference being that the experimenter observes a process that he himself expediently and systematically carries out. A pedagogical experiment may involve a group of students, a class, a school or several schools. Very broad regional experiments are also being carried out. Research can be long-term or short-term depending on the topic and purpose.
A pedagogical experiment requires the substantiation of a working hypothesis, the development of a research question, the preparation of a detailed plan for the experiment, strict adherence to the planned plan, accurate recording of the results, a thorough analysis of the data obtained, and the formulation of final conclusions. A scientific hypothesis, i.e., an assumption subjected to experimental verification, plays a decisive role. An experiment is conceived and carried out in order to test the hypothesis that has arisen.
The reliability of experimental conclusions directly depends on compliance with the experimental conditions. All factors other than those tested must be carefully balanced. If, for example, the effectiveness of a new technique is being tested, then the learning conditions, except for the technique being tested, must be made the same both in the experimental and in the control class. Taking into account the many reasons that affect the effectiveness of the educational process, it is very difficult to comply with this requirement in practice.
The experiments carried out by teachers are diverse. They are classified according to various criteria - focus, objects of study, place and time, etc.
Depending on the purpose pursued by the experiment, there are:
1. ascertaining experiment, in which existing pedagogical phenomena are studied;
2. verification, clarifying experiment, when the hypothesis created in the process of understanding the problem is tested;
3. creative, transformative, formative experiment, during which new pedagogical phenomena are constructed.
Most often, the selected types of experiment are not used in isolation, but constitute an inseparable sequence. The ascertaining experiment, sometimes also called the method of slices, is usually focused on establishing the actual state of the object under study, ascertaining the initial or achieved parameters. the main objective- capture the reality. They will be the starting point for a transformative experiment, which usually aims to create and test the effectiveness of new methods that can, according to the experimenter's intention, increase the level achieved. Usually, long-term creative efforts are needed to achieve a sustainable pedagogical effect; it is usually not necessary to count on an immediate improvement in upbringing and development.
According to the venue, a natural and laboratory pedagogical experiment is distinguished. Natural is a scientifically organized experience of testing the hypothesis put forward without violating the educational process. This type of experiment is chosen when there is reason to believe that the essence of the innovation needs to be verified only in real conditions and that the course and results of the experiment will not cause undesirable consequences. The objects of natural experiment most often become plans and programs, textbooks and teaching aids, techniques and methods of teaching and education, forms of the educational process.
Among the modifications of the natural experiment, we single out the parallel and cross experiments.
If it is necessary to check any particular question, or if, in order to obtain the necessary data, it is necessary to ensure especially careful observation of the subjects (sometimes with the use of special equipment), the experiment is transferred to a specially equipped room, to specially created research conditions. Such an experiment is called a laboratory experiment. It is rarely used in educational research. Of course, a natural experiment is more valuable than a laboratory one, since it is closer to reality. However, due to the fact that natural factors are taken here in all their complexity, the possibility of a selective and accurate verification of the role of each of them is sharply deteriorating. We have to go to additional costs and transfer the study to the laboratory in order to minimize the influence of uncontrollable factors, side causes.

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In a practical analysis of the study of the process of organizing independent work of younger adolescents in technology lessons, an experimental search work was carried out to organize independent work of students in technology lessons on the basis of secondary school No. Sukhovoy L.N., school administration, 7th grade.

The main purpose of the experimental-search work is to conduct a practical study of the process of organizing independent work of younger adolescents in technology lessons.

Tasks of experimental - search work:

1. Determine the level of independent work of students in technology lessons.

2. Increase the level of independent work of students in technology lessons through the implementation work program and methodological recommendations for teachers.

3. To make a comparative analysis of the ascertaining and final stages of experimental-search work and summarize the results.

The structure of the experimental-search work includes a stating stage, a forming stage, a final stage.

Subjects of the pedagogical experiment: students, teachers, school administration.

The specifics of the experimental - search work: for the experimental - search work, class 7 "c" was chosen, at the end of the experimental - search work, the results were summed up.

The ascertaining stage of experimental-search work.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage of experimental and search work:

Determine the initial level of independent work of students in technology lessons.

Tasks of the ascertaining stage of experimental and search work:

1. Compile diagnostic tools for studying the level of independent work of students in technology lessons.

2. Conduct an initial diagnostic study of the level of independent work of students in technology lessons.

3. To analyze the results of the ascertaining stage of experimental - search work.

During the ascertaining stage, to study the primary level of independent work of students in technology lessons, a diagnostic toolkit was created:

Compiled questions suggesting the answers "yes" - "no", after the diagnosis, the answers are counted - "yes", and the answers - "no", and converted into% ratio.

A variety of diagnostic methods will be used: observation, questioning.

The method of observation is a practical method of research - the transition from a description of a fact to an explanation of its inner essence. The main advantage of the method of observation is that it makes it possible to study mental processes in natural conditions.

Observation during independent work of students includes: selective observation of individual students, the teacher, ensuring a business atmosphere.

For the study, a student observation map was compiled, which determines the level of students' independence (see the observation map in Appendix D).

Poll - a practical research method - to study and evaluate the properties and manifestations of a personality (group). It is a standardized questionnaire consisting of a set of sentences, the questions are formulated in such a way that, by answering them, you get information characteristic individuals (groups). The data obtained immediately after the survey are converted using statistical procedures into standardized scores, displayed in the form of a graph (diagram).

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The organization of the study depends on many factors, but most of all - on its type, that is, on whether it is collective, complex or individual. Collective research is associated with the development of a common theme by a group of participants in the work, when each of the researchers performs some part of the common work. Comprehensive research is a kind of collective research. It is multi-subject (several research subjects) and multi-aspect, for example, it includes psychological, socio-pedagogical, technological, managerial aspects, and its results are integrated and expressed in the form of pedagogical or organizational-pedagogical conclusions, models and recommendations. Individual research is carried out by one researcher, and its organization is a self-organization of activity.

Let us dwell on the most difficult type of research from the point of view of organization - a collective comprehensive study.

The first stage is indicative. It involves an objective analysis and assessment of the educational situation in the country, region, city (district) or microdistrict, the study of the social order of society and the state to education, the needs of the population, the saturation and demands of the educational services market, the search for possible "social niches" for offering educational services, the assessment successes, achievements and problems facing the team or management bodies.

This stage is carried out by the initiator and potential leader of the collective search with a group of his assistants-activists, among whom it is very desirable to have representatives of the main areas of the planned comprehensive research: a sociologist, demographer, psychologist, scientist-teacher, subject teachers, teacher-technologist, valeologist, etc. (there are different options).

The second stage is diagnostic (if the necessary diagnostics has already been carried out, then at this stage its results are ordered and updated). The level of development of pedagogical processes and phenomena of interest to researchers, historical and modern experience solutions to similar (or close) problems. At this stage, a wider range of specialists is involved in the study, mainly already known (standard) methods and techniques are used.

The third stage is staging. The initial theoretical positions, goals and objectives of the search are determined, a model of the future, the transformed state of the process, institution, system, their new “face” is designed. There is a generation of leading ideas and a plan for transformation, the selection of "carriers" of innovations, ways to introduce new things and monitor the effectiveness of innovations are outlined (for more details, see Chapter II "Logical structure of the study"). At this stage, the individual creative activity of the initiators of the search, responsible for its individual areas, and collective mental activity (discussions, defense of projects, brainstorming, discussions) are combined. Concepts and a kind of scenario project (program, research project) of the search are being drawn up.

After a preliminary definition of the main parameters of the study, it is useful to address organizational issues if they have not been resolved before.

At this stage, care should be taken to improve the moral and psychological climate, to motivate teachers to conduct a pedagogical search, as well as to personnel, logistical, financial (i.e.

Resource), managerial, psychological and pedagogical support of the search. The main task of this stage is to optimize the conditions for creative search.


The fourth, transformative, the main stage of the study in terms of time and volume of work. The planned work is being carried out (experiment, creation and implementation of author's programs and projects, introduction of improved technologies, management models, etc.) support of transformations (stage-by-stage analysis, scientific and scientific-methodical seminars, examination of completed fragments of work). Departments, sections, research problem laboratories, creative groups, intensive exchange of work experience, joint search for the best solutions (meetings, consultations, expert advice, etc.).

The fifth, final stage includes the final diagnostics, generalization, interpretation and evaluation of the results, presentation of the final analytical report on the work done, publications in the pedagogical press, promotional documents (curricula, programs, recommendations, regulations, etc.). Materials are prepared by performers, heads of directions, and summarized and presented by the head research work.

The pre-thought-out logic of the research is reflected, fixed in the main documents that determine the content, direction and methodology of the search, in the concept and in the research project.

The pedagogical concept contains a substantiation of the problem and a detailed presentation of the initial provisions, main ideas, and prognostic studies.

The main content of the research project is the disclosure of the content of the links of the future research. Along with this, the project should reflect the issues of organizational, material and staffing of the search, risk factors and ways to compensate for possible omissions, the form of presenting the result, as well as the content and methods of managing experimental work.

The project may be replaced by a research program. The difference of the latter is that the content of the work is presented not according to the main logical blocks, but according to the areas of work with the allocation of stages and measures for their implementation.

It is advisable to develop individual blocks of the logical study of a project or program in more detail in other documents that, together with the research project (program), constitute a package of documents that support the research process and are first submitted for examination and then for approval to district, city or regional authorities or administrations. The package of documents usually includes:


research project (program);

charter of institutions of a new type, exemplary regulations on their divisions and services;

curricula and programs (primarily original, author's);

staffing, regulation on remuneration, on the procedure for staffing;

estimates of necessary expenses, new construction projects and other documents justifying the requested funds.

Depending on the goals and nature of the search, other documents can be developed and submitted (regulations on admission, on the teacher-researcher, on departments, laboratories, etc.). All of them, after internal and external testing and subsequent approval, acquire legal force and form the documentary basis for the ongoing research, as well as for licensing, attestation and subsequent accreditation of an educational institution1.

The work of researchers in drawing up programs for the development of education, comprehensive programs for the socio-pedagogical protection of the family and childhood for the region, city, municipal association is specific.

To create such programs for the development of education, it is necessary to attract the most competent and interested people, and not only teachers and specialists in the field of education. To do this, it is expedient to announce competitions for the drafting of educational development programs, and to determine the winners on the basis of an expert evaluation of projects by a group of highly qualified specialists. The authors of the winning project become the core of the group of program creators.

The organization of drawing up a development program roughly includes the following elements (steps). 1.

Development (by the customer or together with the customer) of the technological task for the performers. 2.

Establishment of a group of programmers. This stage begins with the selection of analysts (sociologists, economists, political scientists, historians, demographers, lawyers, psychologists, teachers, etc.) and familiarizing them with the terms of reference.

1 Licensing - the issuance of a license, a document for the right to carry out certain types of activities (including educational, medical), fixed in the Charter of the institution. Certification is an official assessment of the level of work, compliance with state requirements. Accreditation - official approval of the status of an institution (gymnasium, college, socio-pedagogical complex). All of the above procedures are carried out by state authorities.

The group discusses the conceptual foundations of the program until they are accepted by all involved specialists. In the course of this work, the concept is refined, the members of the group are updated (dissenters leave, new ones are attracted, etc.), assignments are distributed, deadlines are clarified. 3.

Collecting material, conducting a diagnostic, ascertaining study of the state of affairs. 4.

Analytical work of the group. Based on statistical, historical and other research materials, a comprehensive analysis of the state of the education system of the region and the main trends in its development in the context of the overall development of the region is carried out, and the first recommendations are outlined on the content and directions of changes in the education system. 5.

constructive group work. The concept and design of the study are being worked out, an invariant structure of sections is being developed, maps-instructions for each section (for orientation and general discussion). For example, based on the recommendations, the group members identify the main areas (target blocks) of the program, for each block, projects are developed in structural and content aspects aimed at implementing the target blocks of the program (“Leisure”, “Family”, “Education”, etc.). ). Each of the projects is developed according to the scheme: a) guidelines for project activities; b) specific activities for the implementation of the project; c) responsible executors of measures; d) deadlines for the implementation of activities.

Development of each direction and section, including analysis, forecast, design, programming. 7.

Bringing together individual sections, their coordination and generalization, harmonization of all provisions, elimination of duplication, consistent implementation of the main ideas of transformations, primary editing. 8.

Discussion of the first version of the program. After drawing up the first version of the program, it is desirable to replicate it and involve in the discussion as many professional teachers, members of the public, and independent experts as possible. During the discussion, the content of the program may change significantly, up to the rejection of some options and the development of others, new ones. 9.

Completion of the project, taking into account comments and suggestions, editing the text.

10. Acceptance of the program. A revised version of the program is submitted for discussion by a meeting of practical pedagogical workers (competent teachers, employees of preschool, out-of-school educational institutions, heads of educational institutions) and is accepted by it. After that, the education development program is submitted for examination. Approved by the department of education and the administration (or authority), it becomes the main document regulating the course of updating the education of the region.

Of course, the provisions of the program should be regularly clarified; it should not turn into a dogma. For successful monitoring and correction of the implementation of the program, it is desirable to retain the group of its creators as analysts and consultants.

The next organizational task is scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the program (search and selection of existing methods and development of new ones) and provision of scientific and methodological support for the program (training of personnel, development of subprograms, phased analysis and correction of its sections, exchange of experience, etc.).

Program activities, therefore, should proceed from taking into account both the general and the specific, from stimulating amateur activity, initiative, activity of participants in the educational process, and from not strictly, but softly regulating indirect managerial influences. In the programs, it is expedient to develop the authors' own approaches to those important positions that are not reflected in national documents or are not sufficiently specified in them.

Programs for the development of education with this approach are not directive programs (the time of directives has passed, and even in conditions of social instability and a market economy, the directive approach is unpromising), but they do not become only forecast programs. Rather, they are science-based benchmark programs that indicate strategic goals, stages of updating all levels of education, requiring further specification in work plans, individual targeted programs, projects and specific events and stimulating initiative, broad search job in educational institutions, practical verification of projects, their improvement.

Let us dwell a little more on ways to optimize the conditions of psychological and pedagogical search in the team as an important area of ​​organizational work.

The success of the search is largely predetermined by the conditions, that is, those external and internal circumstances in which the search is carried out. Therefore, before starting experimental and search work, it is necessary to analyze the conditions and try to optimize them. Of course, not everything depends on the experimenters themselves, but many conditions can be corrected, strengthen the positive and reduce Negative influence conditions for the process and results of work. If their combination is clearly unfavorable or there are no defining (mandatory) conditions, one should refrain from deploying experimental and search work and work on creating favorable or at least acceptable conditions. Some of the conditions are enough to understand and take into account, others can be changed and adjusted.

Let's start with the conditions of a broad socio-political plan. They are generally quite favorable. The society and its official bodies give the go-ahead for pedagogical research, the public demand for socio-pedagogical innovations has manifested itself quite clearly, but at the same time, the real socio-economic conditions for pedagogical creativity are still very incompletely provided. The society and the state do not realize the decisive role of education for the destinies of the country, the pedagogization of the environment is slow, the school remains alone with its needs. The narrow departmental approach to the problems of education, family, unemployment, and rehabilitation has not been overcome. State appropriations for the development of education and the social sphere are completely inadequate. It should be noted, however, that it is institutions striving for something new that find public support much faster, receive state subsidies and sponsorship funds.

Now let's talk about the organizational and methodological conditions, many of which are subject to the organizers to one degree or another and are amenable to regulation. We only want to warn that some of them are mandatory, and some are desirable. In the latter case, the presence of conditions facilitates, and the absence or incompleteness makes it difficult, reduces the efficiency of the search.

We identify four mandatory conditions:

the presence of a "leader" (individual or collective - a group of leaders and teachers), armed with ideas of transformation and capable of generating them;

comprehension of real difficulties, contradictions, development prospects; adequate assessment of the situation, own achievements, problems and opportunities;

the availability of qualified personnel who own the leading types of activities (teachers-masters, qualified educators and psychologists);

a sufficiently high general cultural level of the teaching staff (it is also called the cultural or intellectual "background" of the search). Only the general culture of a specialist can be the basis of his creative activity, and the general culture of the team is the key to the success of a collective and even more complex research.

The desirable conditions for creative research include the following:

sufficiently high prestige of the institution, trust in it by parents, students, the public, clients; favorable psychological climate in the team;

Not good big number students (up to 500-700) or pupils (up to 100-150); then there is an opportunity to study everyone, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust, and in the history of pedagogy, it is relatively small schools and educational institutions that most often act as centers of innovation and excellence; if there are more than a thousand students in a school, then for an experimental search it is useful to take a relatively independent unit, say, elementary grades or senior level;

classes at school in one (first) shift, which makes it possible to plan work with students for a full day;

availability of material conditions (premises, equipment, literature, financing, etc.); the availability of funds, which makes it possible to replicate programs, methodological documentation, questionnaires, carry out mathematical data processing, attract specialists, pay for additional work of teachers, improve their qualifications, etc.;

a reserve of free time for the participants of the experiment, which makes it possible to think, draw up projects, analyze, search for and correct errors;

highly desirable contacts with research teams (departments of universities, subdivisions of research institutes, etc.).

If the desired search conditions do not fully satisfy the requirements, this creates additional difficulties, but does not exclude the possibility of a successful search.

Questions and tasks 1.

Tell us what needs to be done so that the administrative and power structures realize the priority role of education for the destinies of the country, region, municipal territory. 2.

What can an educational (social-pedagogical) institution itself do to optimize the conditions of pedagogical search? 3.

Is it reasonable for each educational institution to develop its own concept, its own development program or research project? 4.

Can an original, innovative pedagogical project have a collective authorship?

The methods of pedagogical research include experimental search work and experimental work. Let us dwell on the characteristics of each of these methods.

Experienced-priest forged work - one of the research methods that involves making changes to the pedagogical process only taking into account previously obtained positive results. In the course and according to the results of experimental and search work, one can judge whether it makes sense to introduce changes into the pedagogical process, whether success will be achieved and the effectiveness of introducing, for example: changes in the content of the subject being studied, the practice of education, etc. will be achieved.

The results of experimental and search work are most often evaluated according to qualitative criteria and indicators; levels of achievement in this case can be classified as low, medium, high. At the same time, it should be noted that the formation of experimental and control groups is allowed, the corresponding measurements are carried out and their mathematical processing at the level of comparison of the results obtained, as a rule, in percent.

In the course of experimental and search work, researchers obtain approximate results, which, nevertheless, have quite convincing evidence due to the massive nature of the research results (A.Ya. Nain).

Control groups- these are groups of subjects in which nothing changes in the process of conducting experimental search, experimental work, as well as a pedagogical experiment.

Experimental groups- these are groups of subjects in which new content, new methods, new techniques, technologies, pedagogical conditions, etc. are being introduced.

O lush-experimental work- a method of introducing deliberate changes in the pedagogical process, designed to obtain an educational effect, with subsequent verification. Experimental work is a means of testing a hypothesis. This method research acts as a kind of experiment.

The experimental work is based on an experiment in which the researcher not only provokes or creates conditions for observing the expected patterns, but organizes special control in the form of managing variables that affect the course of a particular process.

Distinguish traditional And factorial plans for experimental work. In traditional planning, only one independent variable changes; with factorial - several. If the area under study is relatively unknown and there is no system of hypotheses, then one speaks of aerobatic experimental work, the results of which may help clarify the direction of further research.

The theoretical basis of experimental work can be the works of M.A. Danilova, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, A.A. Kyveryalga, A.M. Novikova, N.O. Yakovleva.

The functions of experimental work, according to V.V. Kraevsky, consist in obtaining reliable knowledge, and not in the experimental recreation of the pedagogical process itself. The introduction of changes in the pedagogical process on the basis of trends and patterns identified in the experimental work is the subject of research.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky defines experimental work as a scientifically delivered experience in the field of educational or educational work in order to find new, more effective ways to solve a pedagogical problem.

A.M. Novikov understands experimental work as a general empirical research method, the essence of which is that phenomena and processes are studied under controlled and controlled conditions.

When organizing experimental work, it is necessary to take into account such conditions for the effectiveness of its implementation, such as:

  • analysis of the state of the problem in the theory and practice of the work of an educational institution;
  • concretization of the hypothesis based on the study of the state of the problem in theory and practice;
  • the need to exchange information between the subject and object of the pedagogical process.

The planning of experimental work should be carried out taking into account the purpose, subject, hypothesis, research objectives and the main provisions of the project-oriented approach.

In accordance with this, a program of experimental work is being developed, which includes as its main components the pedagogical goal, the goal and objectives of the experimental work, the hypothesis, criteria and means of evaluating the expected results.

Conducting experimental work involves the following organization:

  • development of a program of experimental work;
  • determination of the stages of experimental work;
  • development of a criterion-level scale;
  • formation of experimental and control groups;
  • analysis and generalization of the results of the work carried out.

Conducting experimental work should be carried out in accordance with the characteristics inherent in the experiment: deliberate changes in the activities of the experimental groups, taking into account the goal and the hypothesis put forward.

Depending on the logic of the experimental work, the stages of experimental work are substantiated, for example: ascertaining, forming and generalizing. At each stage, its tasks are formulated, the results are determined, which were intermediate on the way to achieving the goal of experimental work. An example of defining the functions and tasks of experimental work is presented in Table. 10.

For each stage of experimental work, a set of research methods is determined and used, which would provide a reliable solution to the tasks set. The totality of research methods is complex methodology research to test and refine the hypothesis.

Table 10

Functions and tasks of the stages of experimental work

Stage tasks

experimental work



  • identification of the state of the problem of economic education in pedagogical practice:
  • development of criteria and indicators of economic education of students;
  • determination of the initial level of economic education of students



  • determination of the purpose, tasks of experimental work;
  • determination of key positions, the main idea of ​​experimental work;
  • prediction of research results


  • planning the organization of experimental work;
  • organization of experimental verification of individual questions

The end of the table. 10

Stage II: formative


  • approbation and experimental evaluation of the key provisions of the study (approbation of the main components of the technology for the implementation of additional economic education);
  • implementation of the didactic model when introducing the technology of additional economic education;
  • the implementation of teaching activities in institutions of VPO, training centers of enterprises, the exchange of experience;
  • determining the conformity of the obtained experimental results with the main theoretical provisions of the study and correcting the technology for implementing the model of additional economic education


  • accounting and fixing changes in the process of additional economic education;
  • determination of the dynamics of economic education of students

Stage III:



  • processing of the received data by means of theoretical analysis and methods of mathematical statistics;
  • generalization, systematization and description of the results of the study;
  • clarification of the theoretical and experimental conclusions of the study


  • implementation of the results of the study into the practice of the work of institutions of higher education and secondary education;
  • popularization of the ideas of additional economic education by highlighting the accumulated positive experience in educational institutions

Consider an example. We list the main methods of experimental work at each of the stages indicated in Table. 10:

  • ascertaining - observation, survey (questionnaire, interviewing, testing), pedagogical monitoring;
  • formative- survey, observation, study of the results of educational activities of students, evaluation method: creation of diagnostic situations, method of expert evaluation;
  • generalizing - estimation, statistical methods of data processing and testing of the put forward hypothesis, discussion of the results of the work done, etc.

Theoretical and empirical methods ensure the conduct of experimental work, its analysis and discussion of the results.

The results of the ascertaining stage can be presented as follows: “Analysis of the data obtained during the first stage of experimental work showed that different motives dominate among students at different stages of learning. learning activities. This is clearly shown by the table compiled on the basis of the research data, which reveals the hierarchy of motives for teaching students in each course (Table 11).

Table II

Hierarchy of motives of full-time university students


Representation of motives by courses, %

The main motives of educational activities at the university



The motive of creative achievement and self-development


Social motives

Causal motives

Studying the motivation for studying at a university

Acquisition of knowledge

Mastery of a profession

Getting a diploma

The researchers used the following methods: a group version of the methodology "Studying the motives of students' educational activities" (compiled by A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin), "The main motives of educational activities at the university" (modified test by Yu.M. Orlov), "Studying motivation education at the university "(T.I. Ilyin's test)".

The basis for the experimental work should be based on the following principles:

  • objectivity;
  • the adequacy of research approaches and means to obtain true knowledge about the object of study;
  • accounting for continuous change, development of the elements under study;
  • the principle of systematic study of the process, phenomenon, object under study.

Prior to the start of experimental work, the researcher must identify the criteria for evaluating the process and determine the indicators.

Criteria- these are the qualities, properties, signs of the object under study, on the basis of which one can judge its state and level of functioning.

For example, the criteria can be learning motivation, activity, independence, self-management, the quality of knowledge, the degree of formation of self-educational skills, etc.

Indicators- these are quantitative or qualitative characteristics of each quality, property, attribute of the object under study, which is a measure of the formation of a particular criterion.

Let's take an example. In the process of organizing experimental work, the levels of economic education of future specialists were determined.

To implement this task, indicators were identified that make up their substantive basis:

  • By meaningful criterion - completeness of ideas about the basic economic concepts, their personal meaningfulness;
  • By social and moral - students' attitude to economic culture as a value, positive personal emotional reaction and assessment of the importance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them;
  • By activity-reflexive criterion - readiness for economic activity for their own benefit, society and the state. the ability to make adequate decisions and evaluate their actions in the conditions of the emerging new Russian economy (Table 12).

Based on a set of criteria and their indicators, the levels of economic education of future specialists were identified. Adhering to the three-level scale adopted in most countries of the world - minimal (minimal), general (general), and advanced (advanced) levels, high, medium and low levels of economic education of future teachers are highlighted in the work.

Table 12

Criteria and indicators for assessing the level of economic education of students



Grading method

Completeness of ideas about the basic economic concepts, their personal meaningfulness

Observation, individual conversations, survey, questioning: methods of role interaction, studying the results of educational activities

social and moral

The attitude of students to economic culture as a value, a positive personal emotional reaction and an assessment of the significance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them

Observation, analysis of oral answers, participation in discussions, business games, decisions economic tasks and situations, protection of projects; expert review



Readiness for economic activity, the ability to make adequate decisions and assess their actions in the emerging new Russian economy

Observation, survey, self-assessment, analysis of participation in business games, discussions, situational seminars, expert assessment, questioning

Criteria for assessing the quality of knowledge must meet the requirements (Table 13).

Table 13

Requirements for the criteria for assessing the quality of knowledge

Effective criteria and their correct use stimulate the improvement and intensification of the pedagogical process.

In pedagogical research, methods are usually applied in combination. Only under this condition the task will be solved correctly, the scientific laws of this or that pedagogical process will be revealed.

The methods discussed in this chapter are often called methods of empirical knowledge of pedagogical phenomena. They serve as a means of collecting scientific and pedagogical facts that are subjected to theoretical analysis.

The success of a pedagogical experiment, experimental work is determined by the fulfillment of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The organizational and pedagogical conditions include the following:

  • 1. Planning (determining the stages of the experiment or experimental work and the timing of their implementation; formulating tasks for each stage and the content of the study at the selected stage; clarifying the methodology for conducting the experiment or experimental work at each stage; identifying the criteria for the effectiveness of changes made to the educational or educational process for each of the indicated stages).
  • 2. Determination of experimental and control groups (classes), approximately the same in terms of the level of training.
  • 3. Selection of teachers with approximately the same level of professional and methodological training.

All other conditions should be the same for experimental and control groups.

The results obtained must be processed using qualitative and quantitative methods for processing experimental data. At present, it is becoming obvious that at the level of qualitative descriptions alone it is hardly possible to deduce patterns of upbringing and education. Mathematical processing of the obtained results is required. Reliability, validity and correlations are determined using the methods of mathematical statistics (A.Ya. Nain). And only a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for processing experimental data can bring the researcher closer to the true result with a certain degree of accuracy.

Smirnova Svetlana Valerievna, teacher of the Sharapovo-Okhotsk school, Serpukhov district.

Organization and conduct of an experimental search research activities students elementary school


When choosing the forms of organization of research work, the following points should be taken into account:

The level of development and preparedness of students;

Interest of students in certain sections of the subject

One of the main requirements for forms and methods is that they stimulate the active work of the thoughts of the children, develop the independence of their thinking, and contribute to creative versatile activity. Years of experience shows that the sooner students learn the basics of research, its technology and methodology, the sooner they will become young researchers; will take place as creative individuals who are able to think independently, summarize the material in the course of research, compose abstracts based on the data of research work and speak with them at scientific and practical conferences.

    Where to start research.

    Choose the right topic that must meet the conditions:

Be based on past or current material;

Correspond to the direction in which the association works;

Arouse student interest.

2. Based on the forms and methods of teaching, we can offer several areas of research work with students:

A) Observations:

For pets;

For wintering birds;

For animals;

For plants in parks, squares, on the streets of the city;

For indoor plants.

b) Carrying out and further description of experiments, experiments:

On indoor plants;

Plants of educational and experimental plots;

Animal living corner;

Animal vivariums or exotariums, etc.

V) Conducting a population survey in the form of a questionnaire and draw conclusions based on the results.

G) Independent work of a practical nature:

Description of the object (for example, anthills):

Research work as one of the types of independent work.

Research areas can be different:

On behalf of universities:

For communication projects:

According to the methods described in the literature;

For international, regional, regional and city projects…

    What can be explored.

Everything can be investigated, that is, any objects of animate and inanimate nature, using various methods of biological or physico-chemical analyzes in the study. It is desirable to conduct research in a complex.

What gives the implementation of research activities to students?

It allows, in addition to educational, to solve a number of the following problems:

To acquaint students with the methodology and methodology of objective scientific research;

To instill skills in collecting, analyzing and processing information;

Obtain specific data on the state of local ecosystems and use them in further work based on the results obtained;

Interact with stakeholders, the media, expand the competence in the field of activities of UDO associations.

    Rules for registration of the results of research work of students.

The presentation of the results of the work should show the ability of students to independently conduct research using modern methods, analyze the results obtained, comparing them with literature data, and draw correct and reasonable conclusions.

Section "Introduction"

This section gives a brief description of the current state of the problem, substantiates the relevance of the work, its scientific and practical significance.

The "Main Part" section consists of subsections:

-"Goals and objectives";

- "Material and methods";

- "Characteristics of the study area";

-“Research results”

Section "Literature".

This section lists all the works used in alphabetical order. Works published abroad are also recorded in alphabetical order after works published in Russian. All works are numbered consecutively.

Research work is carried out on white standard sheets of writing paper arranged vertically. Margins are left on each sheet: 1 cm on the right, 3 cm on the left, 2 cm on top and bottom. Margins are not circled!

The text can be typed on a typewriter or computer with a line spacing of 1.5 characters or, in extreme cases, handwritten in blue or black ink. The text on each sheet is written on one side only.

Pages are numbered starting from 4. The title page is considered the first page. At the first mention of an animal, plant or microorganism, indicate in brackets the specific name in Latin.

A herbarium must be attached to the botanical work.

Structure of research work and design

Work structure:

1st sheet - title;

2nd sheet - the content of the work;

3rd sheet - introduction

the main part begins from the 4th sheet, etc. according to the text.

Each subsection should have a title, it should be written from a new sheet.

Tables are consecutively numbered and can be placed vertically or horizontally on the sheet. On the right or in the middle is written "Table No", below - the name of the table. Notes are provided below the table, if necessary.

If the table does not fit on 1 sheet, then it is transferred to the next one, etc.

Figures, graphs, diagrams, photographs, diagrams, etc. have continuous numbering

With participation in scientific conference the participant is given a position on the design of the work.

Here is the research work prepared by a student of class 4B Kristina Leonidova.


    M.V. Suvorov "Experience of ecological work with schoolchildren", "Teacher" 2009.

    Domoshenko T.M. "Organization of research activities of elementary school students".

    Panina I.V. "Organization of research activities of students", a message for the Department of Primary School Teachers MOU LSOSH No. 1

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