The program "inquisitive search engine" development of search and research activities of children through games - experiments. Creation of conditions for the organization of search and research activities of preschoolers

  Oksana Sosnina

A child is born as a researcher. An insatiable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to observe and experiment, to independently seek new information about the world, are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior.

Research search engine   activity is a child’s natural state, he is set up to master the world around him, he wants to know it. This inner pursuit of research engenders exploratory behavior and creates the conditions forso that the child’s mental development initially unfolds as a process of self-development.

Our task is not to stop search- children's research activity, and vice versa, actively help.

The words of Alexander Nikolaevich Poddyakov and Ralph Emerson confirm this:

“... Willingness and the ability to explore new in the world through real interaction with it is an independent value”

R. Emerson:

“Everything is absorbed firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself.”

At an early age, the baby comprehends and realizes real objects and objects that can be approached, which can be examined, held in hands, with which you can do various manipulations (actions). As well as events and phenomena of reality, in which they themselves are active participants. Thanks to this, children accumulate quite a lot of ideas and knowledge about their immediate immediate surroundings.

More diverse research the activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully it develops.

Research activity   young children is fundamentally different from any other activities topicswhat the teacher strive for create   such an objective environment that could fully stimulate the child to the activities, while safely enriched his sensory experience, plans the stages of the study of objects and phenomena, defines the purpose of experience, materials and equipment. For child research the activity   associated with uncertainty, discoveries, emotional experiences.

To achieve the goal, early childhood educators set the following tasks:

To formulate in children the skill of practical experimentation with different objects from different materials;

Develop visual-auditory communication, fine motor skills (squeeze the sand in your hand and pour from the palm of your hand) ;

To nurture a positive attitude towards elementary experimental the activities;

To teach how to examine the material;

Develop an active vocabulary.

An indicative reflex as a reaction to novelty is given to the child by nature. Baby - "researcher"   from the first years of life, therefore, the education of curiosity falls on fertile soil. And to turn the actions of little researchers into useful channel   It is recommended that a special type of game be held, based on experimentation. They bring the child to the knowledge of the world, the physical nature that he learns much later at school, and for now he will have to accumulate practical experience under the guidance of an adult.

If in the infancy of a child the external properties of objects (brightness of color, unusual shape, novelty of details, originality and sound power) were attracted, in the third year of life he is already interested in their hidden properties that the baby discovers with the help of focused research action: strokes an object, taps it, puts it to his ear, etc. He, as it were, studies the object, revealing properties, Lurking   in his design, and the more surprises the research brings him the activity, the more interesting the situation itself for him.

In this work, ordinary game equipment is used (disposable tableware, plastic bags, plastic bottles, molds, basins, scoops, buckets, shovels, rakes, various molds; small and medium sized fish, turtles, dolphins, frogs (inflatable, plastic, rubber, simple, clockwork).

Alternate Items, Unformed material: cubes, boxes, colored lids, bubbles, jars with a screwable lid (not glass)   different sizes, shapes; cardboard, oilcloth strips of various lengths, widths.

Didactic toys that form intelligence and small motility: Segen box, liners, frames and inserts, pyramids.

The experiments were used to establish children of certain phenomena, relationships and relations between objects and phenomena.

Organizing   games with sand and water,

we not only acquainted the children with the properties of various objects and materials, but also expanded the cognitive interest of the child, while developing fine motor skills of the hands.

Theme: "Water"

We started work with experiments with water, according to the thematic plan of educational the activities.

Children were convinced that water can be washed, lowered into it and caught various objects; that water can pour, and can splash; that objects will become cleaner if you wash them with water; that water has no taste.

At the NCD, the children got the idea that the water is liquid, so it spills from the vessel (familiarization with the environment “Let's water the dolls”);

that water has no color, but it can be colored (drawing "Colored water"); that water can be warm and cold (familiarity with the environment "Katya grimy").

With the help of didactic games "Vodichka, vodichka", "Who knows how to clean themselves"   children will learn that objects will become cleaner if they are washed with water.

Theme: "Sand"

Various sand experiments are used in the organization   directly educational the activities   familiarization with others. In joint activities with children"Katie's birthday doll"   children tried to sculpt "Treat"   from dry and wet sand with your hands and using molds.

At the end of the lesson, the children and I summed up - wet sand takes any desired shape.

With the help of a didactic game “Whose footprints”   children were convinced that traces and prints remained on the wet sand.

And during the experiment with sand, the children were asked to pass wet sand through the strainer, and then dry sand - the kids came to the conclusion that dry sand can crumble. On a walk in the process of observing the sand, it was revealed that sand is a lot of grains of sand.

Games with sand and water can organize at any time of the day, in these games sustained behavior, activity, sociability, and a friendly attitude towards comrades are brought up.

One of the children's favorite games is playing with sand and water, leading

which educators solve important problems of sensory education and teach children to make a conditions   to master the methods of cognition of the senses.

After the work done, summing up the results at the end of the school year, teachers noted that the children became more inquisitive, their vocabulary, susceptibility to the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe physical properties of liquid and solid bodies expanded. All this was the prerequisites for the perception of natural science concepts.

Research the activitywhich teachers tried to include in different types the activities, contributed to the acquisition of more meaningful information about objects of the immediate environment and people's lives.

The intensive development of games with sand and water in all its forms and forms is necessary condition   successful personality formation preschooler, the development of cognitive interest, the education of the need for a holistic perception of the world, the development of mental abilities, sensory education.

In the adaptation period, playing with sand and water relieves emotional stress in children, helps to relax, find contact with the teacher faster. After all, water and sand have a property Ground   negative energy.

This work must be carried out by joint efforts of parents and teachers preschool. Then you can achieve a stable positive result in the development of cognitive activity of young children.

But there were problems ... the problem was the choice of motivation and lack of equipment.

Next year we are planning in-depth work with children on cognitive development. Raising the level of ped. mastery by participating in seminars, master classes, continuing education courses.

At a young age, we continue to practice research activities, but already more expanded and in-depth.

The following were formulated tasks:

To develop in young children the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections and interdependencies, which, in turn, contributes to the manifestation of creative abilities.

To develop in children their own cognitive experience in a generalized form using visual aids (standards, characters, conditional deputies, models);

To support the initiative, intelligence, inquisitiveness, independence, evaluative and critical attitude to the world in children.

We know that binding condition   development and self-development of the child is creature   development environment.

Important create conditions for the organization of independent search research activities of children.

For this purpose in groups organized by"Children's laboratories"   with appropriate equipment, which allowed to have a huge impact on the cognitive activity of children.

In our corners we placed:

1. Capacities.

2. Measuring spoons, test tubes, strainers, funnels of different sizes.

3. Baby bathrobes, oilcloth aprons, rubber gloves.

4. Magnifying glasses, magnets, magnifiers, compass, hourglass, flashlight, microscope.

5. Medical materials: Pipettes, plastic syringes, measuring spoons, cotton wool, bandage.

7. Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth, seeds;

8. Throw material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur.


Schemes for conducting an experiment

Rubber pears of different sizes.

Plastic, rubber tubes.

Wooden sticks, spatulas, spatulas.

Plastic containers.

Roulette, ruler.

Colored transparent glass.

Shovels, watering cans, brushes, scoops.

In 3-4 years, objects for research get complicated   and become more diverse, and figurative and symbolic material begins to occupy a larger place. At 4-5 years old in addition to more complicated   real objects and figurative and symbolic material can be introduced the simplest elements of normative and symbolic material.

In our work on, we used the following teaching methods we:

Design the activity



Targeted walks

Watching films

Laboratory Experiments and Experiments "Eureka"

Work in the corner of nature and on the site d / s

Work with the nature calendar

Work with symbols and emblems

Collection collection

Famous psychologist Pavel Petrovich Blonsky wrote: "The empty head is not reasoning“the more experience, the more capable it is to reason.”

To give children knowledge and to fill their heads with interesting content, the children and I continued to conduct various experiences: with sand, air, water, elementary experiments with a magnet.

Usually the question of how you can see and feel the air, children find it difficult to answer. For search   answers to this question we conducted a number experiences:

-“We breathe air” (blow into a glass of water through a straw, bubbles appear);

-“We have a breath and a breath”;

Answered the following the questions:

How much does air weigh?

Is it possible to catch the air?

Is the air cold?

Blow the ball into the bottle.

Can air be strong?

From the experiments, the children learned that the air is everywhere, it is transparent, light, not noticeable. All living things need air to breathe creatures: plants, animals, humans.

We continue to introduce children to sand and clay, their properties.

To do this:

Observation "Sand on the site"

during the observation, they drew the attention of children to where sand is used in areas of children's the garden: in sandboxes, on flowerbeds, on paths; determine the benefits of sand.

Thematic conversation "Properties of sand"during which children became acquainted with various properties sand: flowability, viscosity

(stickiness) ;

Experience “Dry and wet sand”

Subject - role-playing game "Score"

purpose: consolidated children's ideas about the properties of sand, taught to use

sand crafts in the game the activities, developed the imagination of children.

To get acquainted with the magnet and its magnetism property, we conducted games:

"Magic mitten";

The Magic Theater;

“We are magicians”.

The child’s cognitive interest also develops through experimentation with liquids. Using water as an example, we introduced children to the properties of liquids.

Water is one of the main sources of life on Earth. There is a lot of water on the planet - land occupies one third of its surface. The bulk of the water is concentrated in the seas and oceans, in them it is bitterly salty. Fresh water - in much smaller quantities is found on land in lakes, ponds, rivers streams, springs, swamps, puddles. We tell and show where there is water in nature, and what properties it has. Children learn about the importance of water, who needs it for life, where there is water in nature, how a person uses water, how water works for a person.

To obtain and consolidate knowledge, we carried out the following experiments:

  "Water liquid

“Water has no form”

  “Water has no taste or smell.

"Water has no color, it is transparent."

"Water Solvent"

  "Drowning, not drowning."

  “Does water evaporate?”

We watched the puddle, on the first day we outlined it with chalk, and in the following days we observed its decrease.

They also observed the drying of the floor.

Have an experience and find out "Where did the water hide?"

The children of the preparatory group helped us in this.

Was organized by   excursion to group No. 7, where we watched the work of older children with paper, then the children invited the kids to make airplanes together.

In winter, we observed the snow and its properties.

They taught the children themselves to draw conclusions about the properties of snow - cold, wet, sticky, fluffy,

developed attentiveness, cognitive abilities, desire to perform actions with snow, to cultivate proper behavior when observing snow.

Played snowballs

during this game we introduced children to such a property of snow as stickiness, taught to make snowballs on our own, developed mental the processes: analyzed, compared; taught to use the knowledge about snow gained in the process of observation and conversations.

Watched the ice

They revealed the properties of ice with children - cold, smooth, slippery, hard; learned to compare with snow and its signs; develop interest in comparative the activities, taught to find differences, call them; brought up careful handling of ice during a walk.

For this year we have learned:

1. “Where are the children hiding?

2. “Who has any kids?”

3. How does the plant develop? ”

4. "What do plants like?"

5. “Why does the bunny need another coat?”

6. "How do animals change a fur coat?"

7. "What do birds build nests from?"

8. “Do plants need snow in winter?”

9. "Why is the snow melting?"

10. "Where is spring coming faster?"

11. "Where does the snow not melt?"

12. “Where will the first thaw be?”

13. "Who will fly away, who will stay?"

14. “Why do ducks and frogs have such paws?”

15. "Why can birds fly?"

16. "Who lives in the water?"

17. "How to hide butterflies?"

We tried not to suppress the child with the burden of our knowledge, but created the conditions   to independently find answers to your questions "why"   and "as", which contributed to the development of cognitive activity of children.

We actively involved parents of children in this work. Recommendations were given about conducting experiments at home. With the help of our parents, we learned that salt and sugar completely dissolve in water, but flour does not, that water evaporates quickly if boiled at high temperature and many other experiments. Illuminated in the form of mini-photos of newspapers about a particular experimental the activitiesthat was taking place at the moment.

A multimedia presentation was prepared and shown for parents “We are researchers!”, with the aim of a more detailed presentation of parents about children's exploratory research.

But there were also difficulties in modeling classes of the cognitive cycle with elements experimenting:

Lack of modern equipment,

Young professionals in lack of experience;

Experienced difficulty with child motivation the activitiesusing activity approach, reflection of it in plan.

In the future, we plan to continue development work. search activityuse design the activity, involving parents in the development of their own children!

Consider older age:

We have formulated the following tasks:

Formation in children preschool   the age of dialectical thinking;

Development of one's own cognitive experience in a generalized form using visual aids;

Expansion of development prospects search and cognitive activities of children;

Experimental technology the activities   we divided by months, and in some cases by weeks: its peculiarity is to use the most favorable periods of each season in working with children to familiarize themselves with the phenomena of nature. For example, we carry out the knowledge of the properties of snow in the winter, and the study of sand is warm months, you can play it; familiarization with the moon, stars, night sky organized in NovemberDecember, January is the shortest day at this time, and therefore observations are possible on a walk, etc.

Organization   Our work was carried out in three interrelated areas, each of which is represented by several topics:

1) Wildlife (characteristic features of the seasons in different climatic zones in different climatic zones, a variety of living organisms   as adaptation to the environment, etc.)

2) Inanimate nature (air, water, soil, electricity, sound, weight, color, etc.)

3) Man (Functioning organism, man-made world, materials and their properties, transformation of objects, etc.)

All topics complicated by content, tasks, methods of their implementation (informational, effective-mental, transformative).

Entertaining experiments, experiments encourage children to independent finding reasons, methods of action, manifestation of creativity, as they are presented taking into account the current development preschoolers. Our work began with the study of relevant literature and transformations in the subject - developing the environment: the following appeared in it microblocks:

Laboratory Pochemuchka, which includes materials to familiarize themselves with their properties, equipment for experiments, instruments, models, models;

A corner of nature;

Transformation Center "Craftspersons". It housed various types of materials natural, junk, thread, plasticine;

A corner “Know”, including cognitive literature, illustrations, drawings, collections, herbariums, etc.

the information piggy bank contained a piggy bank of children's questions, cards, imitations;

The game library included didactic games in various sections;

Modeling corner. Entered it conditional characters, observation calendars in nature, protocols of experiments, cognitive algorithms the activities, experiments, experiments, visual aids.

When planning and implementing projects with children, we used such forms work: games, observations, work in the corner of nature and on the site, joint research adult activities with children, GCD cognitive cycle, entertainment.

Involving children in search activity   used an algorithm that did not imply just fixing the results of the experiment, but aimed at solving environmental problems.

Experimentation permeates all areas of the nursery the activities. On a walk, young researchers decided important problems: why does snow melt earlier in the district of the heating main? what happens to snow if it is placed on a dark surface, how to free beads from ice captivity, etc.

Carried out various experiences: with sand, air, water, with a shadow, with a magnet.

We conducted a study on the topic: “Why don't the ships sink?”. And it turned out what:

1. The material from which the ship is made prevents it from drowning.

2. The ship does not sink, because it has a special shape

3. The ship does not sink, because the air inside it keeps it afloat.

4. Secrets of the building.

Using water as an example, we continued to acquaint children with the properties of liquids and learned that it is easier to swim in salt water, because the body supports not only water, but also particles of salt dissolved in it.

“Lotus Flowers”. They made a flower out of paper, twisted the petals towards the center, lowered them into the water, and the flowers bloomed. (The paper gets wet, gets heavier and the petals open)

“Wonderful matches.” To break the matches in the middle, drop a few drops of water onto the folds of the matches, gradually the matches are straightened out (the fibers of the tree absorb moisture, and cannot bend much and begin to straighten out)

“Drop ball”. We take flour and spray from the spray gun, we get droplet balls (dust particles collect small drops of water around them, form one big drop, the formation of clouds).

“Is it possible to glue the paper with water?” We take two sheets of paper, move them one to another to the other side. We moisten the sheets with water, gently press, squeeze out excess water, try to shift the sheets - they do not move (Water has a bonding effect).

“Making the cloud.” Pour 3cm of hot water in a jar onto a baking sheet, put ice cubes and put on a jar, the air inside the jar rises, cools. Water vapor concentrates, forming a cloud.

During the experimental the activities   children learned to ask the questions: "How to do this?", Handle requests: "Let's do it this way," "Let's see what happens if ...", compare the two states of the same object and find not only the difference, but also the similarities.

We also got acquainted with the diversity of the world of stones and their properties, pay attention to the features of stones.

Together with children, stones were classified according to featured: the size (large, medium, small); surface (smooth, smooth, rough, rough); temperature (warm, cold); weight (light, heavy, buoyancy - drowns in water. Children were aimed at search and creative activities   in kindergarten and at home.

Developed visual and muscle memory, eye, logical thinking. Contributed to the development of aesthetic taste. Encouraged children to express their tactile feelings in words. We strengthened the skills of working with magnifying devices. Contributed to the development of auditory perception.

Our relationship with children was built on a partnership basis. Children learned to set goals, solve problems, put forward hypotheses and test them empirically, draw conclusions

It is known that no educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family. In order for the child to maintain interest, the desire to learn new things, to find out incomprehensible things, the desire to understand the essence of objects, phenomena, actions, they recommended that parents conduct simple experiments and experiments at home.

To interact with parents used the following forms:

Selection of reference material.

-Creature   libraries for parents

Consultations on the topic and individual consultations taking into account the characteristics of each child

Meet with enthusiastic people.

We consider the result of our work following:

Children have learned to analyze, draw conclusions, can themselves explain some patterns in nature, conduct experiments with great interest. Which in general had a positive effect on the preparation of children for school. They are confident in their abilities, seek to overcome difficulties on their own.

Understanding the importance of child experimentation in the development of intellectual abilities, seeking create conditions   for the research activity of the child, we encountered difficulties associated with insufficient knowledge of this problem in the light of activity approach. We had difficulty modeling the cognitive cycle lessons with elements of experimentation, the organization   and design corners with the appropriate material.

For successful work in this direction, we found answers to our questions in various sources, based on the experience of other teachers. Held the seminar " Active   educational approach activities with preschoolers”, As well as conducting open views of colleagues.

And I want to finish Chinese dictum:

What I heard, I forgot.

What I saw, I remember.

What I did, I know!

Educational-methodical manual

Search and research activities with children in DOW

Gross Elvira Nikolaevna,
educator1 categoriesGBDOU d / s№41
   Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg,

Urgency of the problem. Of particular importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler is familiarization with the surrounding reality, when it is presented to him in all its diversity and the child is attached to everything that society lives on. The child is trying to understand how objects are arranged, to learn something new about the world. With the help of search and research activities, it is possible to support and develop in a child an interest in research, gaining experience in successful own research activities, developing perception, thinking, and most importantly, speech: the ability to think, reason and analyze.

Children are inquisitive explorers of the surrounding world, and this feature is inherent in them from nature. At the time, I.M.Sechenov wrote about the inborn and precious property of the child’s neuropsychic organization - an unaccountable desire to understand the surrounding life. Search and research activities develop and consolidate the child's cognitive attitude to the world. With the mastery of speech, the cognitive activity of the preschooler rises to a new qualitative level. The speech summarizes the knowledge of children, forms the ability for analytical and synthetic activity not only in relation to directly perceived objects, but also on the basis of ideas.

In our time, the social order has changed in the issue of raising and educating children: yesterday we needed a "performer", and today - a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking. Training should be “problematic”, i.e. must contain research search items. It must be organized according to the laws of scientific research and built as an independent creative search.

The teacher’s job in problematic education is to create a cognitive task, a situation and provide children with the opportunity to find means of solving it using previously acquired knowledge and skills.

NN Poddyakov emphasizes experimentation as the main type of search and research activity: “The more diverse and intensive search activity, the more new information a child receives, the faster and more fully it develops.”

He identifies two main types of orientation research activities:

1. Activity in the process of activity comes entirely from the child. At first, the child will, as it were, disinterestedly test various objects, then acts as its full-fledged subject, independently building its activities: sets a goal, searches for ways and means of achievement, etc. in this case, the child satisfies his needs, his interests, his will.

2. Activities are organized by an adult, he identifies the essential elements of the situation, teaches children a specific algorithm of action. Thus, children get the results that they previously determined to them.

There are different forms of working with children: group, subgroup and individually. To develop the ability of children to doubt, think critically, preference should be given to group and subgroup forms of work.

Communication and joint activities with adults develop the child’s ability to set a goal, act, imitating him. And in a joint activity with peers, the child begins to use forms of adult behavior: to control, evaluate, disagree, argue. Thus, the need arises to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, to accept their point of view. Therefore, search and research activities are organized in the form of a child’s dialogue with adults and other children in the group.

The basis of problem-based learning is questions and tasks that children offer. Often used questions that encourage children to compare, to establish similarities and differences. Thanks to comparison, the child better knows the surrounding nature, identifies new qualities and properties in the subject, which makes it possible to take a fresh look at what seemed ordinary, familiar.

Experimental work with children is based on observations in nature in a warm and cold period. Particular attention is paid to the warm period when children spend a lot of time in the air. It is important to consolidate, clarify the knowledge already mastered by children, introduce new materials in an entertaining, playful way.

Synopsis of directly integrated educational activities in the preparatory group on the theme: "Droplet Travel."

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Security”.

Relevance.Search and research activities in older preschoolers, along with the game is the leading activity of the child. For the development of the personality of a preschooler, the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man is of particular importance.

Purpose:development of cognitive interest in activities in the form of experimental actions and mastery of the ways of practical interaction with the environment.



Ø To acquaint children with the water cycle in nature, explain the cause of rainfall in the form of rain and snow;

Ø To expand children's ideas about the importance of water for human life;

Ø Stimulate children's interest in experimentation, an independent understanding of ongoing processes.


Ø Develop mental operations: analysis, synthesis, classification, etc. in the process of knowing the natural picture of the world;

Ø Develop social skills in children: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the views of a partner, and prove the correctness of their opinions.


Ø To cultivate a careful attitude to water;

Ø To form a consciously correct attitude to human activity;

Ø To bring children to the understanding of “the unity of man and nature”.

Preliminary work:

Reading a poem about water. Consideration of illustrations on the theme "Water", the scheme "The water cycle in nature", the globe. Reading and viewing illustrations in an encyclopedia on a given topic. Observation of precipitation in nature during walks. Conversations about the rules of conduct near a reservoir, water use.

Materials for experimentation:

Electric kettle, cold glass, water, water tanks of various shapes, illustrations on the theme “Water”, diagram-illustration “Water cycle in nature”, globe, mnemonic table, handout for children.

Activity progress:

Today we will talk about natural wealth. What will be discussed, you will learn by completing the task.

The cipher program "Water".

On the carpet is a cipher program consisting of 4 empty cells. Under each the cell is the picture. Children need to select a sound from the name of the picture: from the name of 1 picture - 1 sound (cherry); from the name 2 - 2 sound (cat), etc. The result is the word "water".

That's right - this is water, one of the most important treasures on our planet. There is not a single living organism on earth that can live without water. Plants absorb water from the soil and air. Animals are looking for open spaces of water - watering places. They can be streams, springs, rivers, lakes. Children, please look at the globe. Here we see that most of the land is washed by oceans and seas. Therefore, our Earth is called the blue planet.

Every day we also drink water: eat soup, drink tea, compote. Without water on the table there will be no bread, no vegetables and fruits, no butter and sugar, no other food.

- What is the difference between water in the seas and oceans from water in lakes, rivers, springs?

In the seas and oceans, water is salty, it is not suitable for drinking. In rivers and lakes, ponds, the water is fresh. After cleaning, it is used for drinking.

- Where does the water get into our apartments?(from water treatment facilities).

Our city needs a lot of clean water. Therefore, we also take a lot of water from rivers. Why then does the water in the rivers not end? How does the river replenish its reserves?

Let's boil water in an electric kettle.

Children help pour water into the kettle, the teacher turns on the kettle, all together observe it, being at a safe distance.

What comes out of the teapot spout when boiling water? Where did the steam come from in the kettle - did we pour water?(Water turned into steam when heated).

The teacher brings cold glass to the steam jet. Holding it for a while over the steam turns off the kettle.

In: Look what happened to the glass. Where did the water droplets appear on the glass?Before the experiment, the glass was clean and dry. (When the steam hit the cold glass, it again turned into water.)

You can give children the opportunity to repeat this experience, but under the supervision of the educator.

V-l: This is exactly what happens in nature (shows the scheme "The water cycle in nature"). Every day, the Sun heats water in the seas and rivers, as soon as it is heated in our teapot. Water turns into steam. In the form of steam, tiny, invisible droplets of moisture rise into the air. At the surface of the water, the air is always warmer. The higher the steam rises, the colder the air becomes. The steam turns back to water. The droplets all come together, form a cloud. When a lot of droplets accumulate, they become very heavy for the cloud and rain on the ground.

Physical education:

Development of coordination of speech with movement

In the seas and rivers inhabits ( wave motion).

But often flies through the sky ( arms crossed).

And she will get bored of flying ( wave your hands - lower down).

Falls to the ground again.

In: And who can tell how snowflakes are formed?

Snowflakes form just like raindrops. When it is very cold, drops of water turn into ice crystals - snowflakes and fall to the ground in the form of snow. Rain and melted snow flow into streams and rivers that carry their waters into lakes, seas and oceans. They feed the earth and give life to plants. Then the water repeats its path. This whole process is called water cycle in nature.

Training held:

There is a vase with balls.

V-l: Imagine this is a spring. Take each as many balls as you want. Look, the spring has dried up. What conclusion do we draw from this? That we must save water so that it is enough for everyone.

And now we will recall the rules for using water.

Rules for using water:

1. Close the tap with water.

2. Keep water away from a strong jet.

3. Collect as much water as needed.

In:We all like to relax by the pond. But do we always behave correctly when we are near the water? Now we will see how a person can pollute water. Imagine such a case. The driver washed the car in the river. Gasoline and lubricating oils fell into the water. Vacationers threw cans, bottles, watermelon peels. How will fish and other creatures feel in such water? (Answers of children).

V-l: Is it possible to swim in such water? (Answers of children).That's right guys, such water is dangerous to health.

The rules of conduct near the reservoir:

2. You can not swim in dirty water, in an unfamiliar place.

3. Do not catch the inhabitants of the reservoir.

4. Do not tear water flowers.

Summing up the activities. Clarify that each child has learned new things for himself.

Used Books:

Tugusheva G.P. Chistyakova A.E. “Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age”, 2007;

The magazine "Preschool education" №3,2007. - “Development of creative potential in the process of problem-based learning”;

Venger L.A., Mukhina V.S. "Psychology" / Wenger L.A., Mukhina V.S. - M .: Education, 1988;

Vygotsky L.S. “Imagination and its development in childhood” / L.S. Vygotsky // “Reading-book on developmental psychology”: Textbook. allowance / Comp. L.M. Semenyuk - M .: Voronezh, 2003;

Zaporozhets A.V. "Questions of Psychology of a Preschool Child" / Ed. Zaporozhets A.V., Leontiev A.I. - M .: Pedagogy, 1995;

Korotkova T.A. “Cognitive and research activities of an older preschool child in kindergarten” / T. Korotkova // "Preschool education" - 2003. - Number 3;

"Organization of the experimental activities of preschoolers": Guidelines / ed. Prokhorova L.N. - M.: "Arkti", 2004.

Of particular importance for the development of the child’s personality is familiarization with the surrounding reality, when it appears before him in all its diversity and the child is attached to everything that society lives on.
   The child seeks to understand how objects are arranged, to learn something new about the world, to get ideas about different aspects of life.

With the help of search and research activities, it is possible to support and develop in a child an interest in research, gaining experience in successful own research activities, developing perception, thinking, and most importantly, speech (the ability to think, reason and analyze). We suggested that if we use search and research along with other methods, methods and means, then the formation of a child as an independent, initiative person will be more successful.

Therefore, in the kindergarten of the MDOU "Center for the Development of the Child - Kindergarten" Fairy Tale "of the city of Abakan, a city problem group was organized to study the organization of search and research activities of preschool children.

The group has set itself the following tasks:

  1. disclose the content of search and research methods in kindergarten;
  2. determine the place and importance of search and research activities in kindergarten;
  3. ensure the organization of search and research activities in kindergarten.

And it went through several stages:

  1. 2006 - 2007 academic year:
       a) preparatory - the definition of goals and objectives of the problem group;
       b) diagnostic - collection of necessary information.
  2. 2007 - 2008 academic year:
       a) analysis of the information received and the creation of a methodological base and a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, participants in the problem group;
       b) formative - the work of acquainting and establishing links with other kindergartens of the city, a teacher of a teacher’s college (I. Vasilieva) through consultations, business games (see Appendix 1). Seminars - workshops, for example, a seminar-workshop "Journey into the past." The seminar was held in conjunction with the teachers of kindergartens in Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  3. 2008 - 2009 academic year:
       a) final - generalization of work experience and formulation of conclusions.

To help educators, memos were developed that orientated educators towards a creative approach to the organization of search and research activities, and prospective planning for the cognitive and research activities of a preschooler was drawn up.

For the formation of a culture of thinking and the development of skills and research behavior, you can use different techniques. We examined the methods offered by A. I. Savenkov in his article “Research methods of teaching in children's education”. One of the tricks that A. I. Savenkov uses in working with artistic works is the use of simple graphic schemes. This makes it possible to identify the logical structure of the text. I used one scheme to introduce research teaching methods. The scheme is called the "Spider". It was proposed by the English teacher D. Hamblen.

The main goal of our study is the search and research activities of a preschooler. What methods and techniques can be used in working with children? I presented them in the “Spider-2” scheme (see Appendix 2). In the center of the scheme are research teaching methods, this

  • Level 1 - the body of a spider.
  • Level 2 - spider legs - the main components of the method (there are ten) - facts confirming and revealing.
  • Level 3 - this is "shoes on the legs of a spider." They give our spider stability. Level 3 contains information on definitions, questions and classification.

Using research methods in kindergarten, we fulfill the basic requirement of programs, namely, the entire educational process should be built on the game and game techniques and partnerships.

The kindergarten works under the Childhood program, having carefully studied which, we came to the conclusion that the authors of the program identified the experimental one as the main type of research activity. Although the search and research activity of the child begins from early childhood. The child tries everything to taste, to the touch, determines the shape, color, purpose and so on. Before starting work with children, we introduced parents to this problem. I worked all the time

  • consultation point
  • poster presentation on the topic,
  • photo exhibitions, where we covered the problems of search and research activities of a preschooler.

Cognitive activities are held once a week. Using the research method, we moved away from the traditional teaching lesson when an adult teaches and a child learns. But Savenkov A. I. emphasizes that "the dominance of the research method in teaching does not exclude other methods and techniques, it assumes only its predominance." To achieve the results, we used the following forms of work: experiments in a research corner, “Journey along the river of time”, implementation of research projects, collecting, observations, experiments in animate and inanimate nature. And it is necessary to work according to a plan, where in the thematic, constructive, graphic, speech activity we develop a child’s cognitive initiative. We build classes in such a way that children consolidate old knowledge and gain new ones by applying research teaching methods in kindergarten. Organizing search and research activities, we turned to the recommendations of Korotkova N. A. in the book "The educational process in older groups."

The group in which I work is speech therapy. Therefore, classes in the cognitive cycle correspond to the thematic material offered to us by a speech therapist. For example, the theme “seasons” (seasons) is divided into four subtopics: winter, spring, summer, autumn. You can also compare it at the end of one season with another, just starting.

We have developed our own version of prospective thematic lesson planning taking into account search and research activities (see Appendix 3).

Diagnostic results at the time of entering the group showed (2006-2007 academic year, senior group) that 80% of children have (conditionally) low interest in search and research activities. By the end of training in the preparatory group, the diagnostic results showed that, using research teaching methods in the work, we got a higher (conditional) result. Only 40% of children have (conditionally) low interest in search and research activities.

Children have increased cognitive activity, interest in the world. They have become more confident in themselves, strive to get results when they achieve their goals. Speech of children has improved (it is understandable to others). Children clearly express their thoughts, correctly formulate assumptions, compose coherent creative stories. Children have the prerequisites for further education.

The results of a survey of parents (see Appendix 4) at the beginning of the education of children in the group (2006-2007 academic year) showed that 88% of parents did not know what research behavior of the child was. Taken at the level of tactile research, experimental activity.

A survey of parents at the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year showed that 73% of parents know what subjects and materials children like to experiment with, name them. Often continue to study at home, take part in them. Parents note that the children have become more open, independent. Children can observe, compare, analyze, combine. We managed to acquire interested, understanding partners in the person of parents.

Annex 1
   Business game
   "Test your abilities"
   Purpose: to expand one’s horizons, the development of attention, memory, organizational, creative and logical abilities.
   Participants: teachers of the urban problem group.
   Jury: kindergarten administration.
   Condition: division into two teams, inventing a name.
   Job Options:
   1. "Warm up". Teams give ideas and answers to every question:
   2. What does it take to become a millionaire?
   3. What to do so that children do not fall asleep in class?
   4. Is there a key to a woman’s heart? If so, which one?
   5. What to do if some are plotting, while others are castles in the air?
   6. "Become a poet." Participants are encouraged to come up with a rhyme for an unfinished sentence.
   Suggestions for team number 1:
   1. There was a cow on the moon ...
   2. Cook the soup from the ax ...
   3. Tore off the tail of the dog ...
   Suggestions for team number 2:
   1. Sprat swam in a tomato ...
   2. The dragonfly sat on the hat ...
   3. We asked the parrot ...

Competition "Remember the figures." For this competition, chalk and a rag are required.
   Six figures are drawn (in turn). First one, then it is erased and another is drawn in its place. Each of them is demonstrated for seven seconds. All participants try to restore all the figures in sequence.
   Shapes: a triangle, a square, a circle squared, a cross in a square, a cross, an oblique wand with a dot in the middle.
   Competition "Come up with a model." Come up with and give a description of the new model.

"Birdhouse" - team number 1
   "Sports equipment" - team number 2
   1. Questions on ingenuity. The point is counted to the first one to answer the question:
   1) How many eggs can I eat on an empty stomach? (one).
   2) What will happen to a crow when she turns three years old? (the fourth will go).
   3) Seven brothers have a sister. How many sisters are there? (one).
4) Who is upside down above us? (fly).
   5) What does a half apple look like? (in the second half).
   6) Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (ostriches do not fly).
   7) Which bird consists of the letter and name of the river? (oriole).
   8) How long does it take to cook a cool egg: two, three or five? (not how much, it has already been cooked).
   1. "Imagine without an object." Each participant is invited to depict an object or action, the opponents guess. The jury in this case assesses artistry and originality.
   1) Threads the needle;
   2) Sew on a button;
   3) Throw and catch the ball;
   4) chop wood;
   5) sharpen a pencil;
   6) Move the item from one place to another;
   7) Throw the ball with a friend;
   8) Expand and fold the newspaper;
   9) Pick up alternately very cold, warm and hot objects.
   10) Several times pour water from one glass to another.
   11) To smell the apple, orange, rose, onion, ammonia;
   12) Put several plates one into another, without making the slightest noise.
   1. The game "Good - bad." Carers call the positive and negative watchdogs of the game.
   Team number 1 is good, team number 2 is bad.
   Scoring Awarding winners with funky prizes.

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Advanced Thematic Planning

Month / week
   Real events in the environment
   Types of Research

   "Our garden garden"
   (vegetables fruits)
   “The bear has mushrooms in the pine forest, I take berries”

Leaf fall
   Experiences (amazing fruits)

   "Migratory birds"
   First snow
   Collecting, classification
   Map Travel

   Time travel
   Experiments with water
   Wintering birds
   Wild animals of our forests
   New Year

New Year
   Experiments with water,
   In the snow
   Map travel
   Time travel
   Winter fun
   Animals of cold and hot countries
   New Year
   Experiments ("skier", colorful icicles)
   Time travel
   Map travel
   February 23
   Defender of the Fatherland Day

   Map travel
   Time travel
   March 8th
   Water and water inhabitants
   Indoor Flowers
   International Women's Day

   Map travel
   Our town
   Traffic Laws
   Cosmonautics Day
   Time travel
   Map travel
   Experiments (jets, sailing races)
Spring and Labour Day
Spring and Labour Day

Time travel
   Experiments (sun hat)
   Appendix 4

Questionnaire for parents

Purpose: to identify the attitude of parents to the search and research activities of the child.

1. What is the research activity of your child?

2. What items and materials does your child like to experiment with?

3. Does it happen that the child started the study in kindergarten at home? If so, how often? (Often, rarely, always, never).

4. What part do you take in the research activities of the child?

5. Does the child share with you the research results (his findings)?

"Search and research activities"

Fedotova Galina Ivanovna,

the teacher of the middle group of kindergarten No. 12 of the city of Tashtagol, Kemerovo region.

The development of cognitive activity of senior preschoolers by means of search and research activities

  Experimentation as a means of cognition of the surrounding world

Currently, we are witnessing how in the system of preschool education another effective method of understanding the laws and phenomena of the world is being formed - the method of experimentation.

1. Children's experimentation is a special form of search activity, in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of the emergence and development of new personality motives, which are the basis for self-movement, self-development of preschool children, are most pronounced.

2. In children's experimentation, children's own activity is most powerfully manifested, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge (a cognitive form of experimentation), and obtaining products of children's creativity - new buildings, drawings of fairy tales, etc. (productive form of experimentation).

3. Children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity.

4. The activity of experimentation, taken in its entirety and universality, is a universal way of functioning of the psyche.

The main advantage of using the experimentation method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the studied object, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment.

The child’s memory is enriched, his mental processes are activated, since there is a constant need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation.

The child’s speech develops, since he needs to give an account of what he saw, formulate the discovered patterns and conclusions.

There is an accumulation of a fund of mental devices and operations, which are considered as mental skills.

Children's experimentation is also important for the formation of independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result.

In the process of experimental activity, the emotional sphere of the child develops, creative abilities, labor skills are formed, health is strengthened by increasing the general level of motor activity.

Children are very fond of experimenting. This is due to the fact that they have inherent visual-efficient and visual-figurative thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-specific features. In preschool age, he is the leader, and in the first three years - almost the only way to know the world. Experiment is rooted in the manipulation of objects.

In forming the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to ideal.

The knowledge gained not from books, but acquired independently, is always conscious and more solid. The use of this teaching method was supported by such classics of pedagogy as Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J.Russo, K.D. Ushinsky and many others.

Summarizing his own rich factual material, N.N. Poddyakov formulated the hypothesis that in childhood the leading activity is not a game, as is commonly believed, but experimentation. To substantiate this conclusion, he provides evidence.

1. Game activity requires stimulation and a certain organization on the part of adults; the game needs to be taught. In the activity of experimentation, a child independently acts in various ways on objects and phenomena surrounding him (including other people) in order to more fully understand them. This activity is not assigned to an adult child, but is built by the children themselves.

2. In experimentation, the moment of self-development is quite clearly presented: the object’s transformations made by the child reveal new aspects and properties of the object, and new knowledge about the object, in turn, allows for new, more complex and advanced transformations.

3. Some children do not like to play; they prefer to do something; but their mental development proceeds normally. With the deprivation of the opportunity to get acquainted with the outside world through experimentation, the child’s mental development is inhibited.

4. Finally, the fundamental proof is the fact that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children's life, including play.

N.N. Poddyakov emphasizes experimentation as the main type of orientational research (search) activity. The more diverse and intensive search activity, the more new information a child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. At the time, I.M.Sechenov wrote about the inborn and precious property of the child’s neuropsychic organization - an unaccountable desire to understand the surrounding life. Search and research activities develop and consolidate the child's cognitive attitude to the world. With the mastery of speech, the cognitive activity of the preschooler rises to a new qualitative level. The speech summarizes the knowledge of children, forms the ability for analytical and synthetic activity not only in relation to directly perceived objects, but also on the basis of ideas.

In preschool education, experimentation is the learning method that allows a child to model in his creation a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, establishing interdependencies, patterns, etc.

After three years, the child goes into a period of curiosity, which, provided that the child is brought up correctly, goes into a period of curiosity (after 5 years). It was during this period that experimental activity acquires typical features; now experimentation becomes an independent type of activity. A child of a senior preschool age gains the ability

carry out experimentation, i.e. he acquires the following range of skills in this activity: to see and highlight a problem, to accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight significant signs and connections, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses and assumptions, select funds and materials for independent activity, carry out experiment, draw conclusions, record stages of actions and results graphically.

The acquisition of these skills requires a systematic, focused work of the teacher, aimed at developing the activities of experimenting with children.

Experiments are classified according to different principles.

By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is a person.

At the place of the experiments: in the group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.

By the number of children: individual, group, collective.

Due to their implementation: random, planned, delivered in response to a child’s question.

By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (conducted from case to case), systematic.

By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).

By the number of observations of the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.

By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.

By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining (allowing you to see some one state of the object or one phenomenon without being connected with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of the process or note changes in the state of the object), generalizing (experiments in which general patterns are traced process studied previously in separate stages).

By the nature of children's cognitive activity: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.

By the method of application in the audience: demonstration, frontal.

Each type of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons.

In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They take apart toys, watch objects falling into the water (drowning - not drowning), using their tongue in severe frost, metal objects, etc. But the danger of such “amateur activity” lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances, elementary safety rules. The experiment, specially organized by the teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time introduces him to the various properties of the surrounding objects, the laws of life of nature and the need to take them into account in their own life. In this regard, in a preschool educational institution, an experiment must meet the following conditions: the maximum simplicity of the design of the devices and the rules for handling them, the failure-free operation of the devices and the uniqueness of the results obtained, showing only the essential aspects of the phenomenon or process,

distinct visibility of the phenomenon being studied, the possibility of the child participating in the repeated showing of the experiment. As psychologists emphasize, for the development of the child, it is not the abundance of knowledge that is decisive, but the type of their assimilation, determined by the type of activity in which knowledge is acquired.

Experimentation stimulates the search for new actions and promotes courage and flexibility of thinking.

What should a teacher remember when organizing an experimental activity?

  • Criticism is the enemy of creativity. It is necessary to avoid a negative assessment of children's ideas, the use of directive techniques.
  • To show sincere interest in any activity of the child, to be able to see behind his mistakes the work of thoughts, the search for his own solution.
  • To nurture a child’s faith in their own strengths by expressing anticipatory success ratings.
  • Cultivate perseverance in completing the task, bringing the experiment to the end.
  • End the discussion on the problem being solved before the signs of loss of interest in children appear.
  • Summing up the experiment, the teacher can ask leading questions, but the children themselves call the problem posed, recall all the hypotheses proposed, formulate the correct conclusion and evaluate their work.

Children, first with the help of adults, and then independently go beyond the boundaries of knowledge and skills. So the experiment connects the creative manifestations of the child with his aesthetic development.

The Chinese proverb says: "Tell me - and I will forget, show - and I will remember, let me try - and I will understand." Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimentation in the practice of the DOE.

An important role in the development of the child is played by the developing environment.

It is necessary that she directs to the development of cognitive abilities, to the development of search and research activities of children.

"Sand, clay, water", "Sound", "Magnets", "Paper", "Light", "Glass", "Rubber";

In our time, the social order has changed in the issue of raising and educating children: yesterday we needed a "performer", and today - a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking. Training should be “problematic”, i.e. must contain research search items. It must be organized according to the laws of scientific research and built as an independent creative search. The teacher’s job in problematic education is to create a cognitive task, a situation and provide children with the opportunity to find means of solving it using previously acquired knowledge and skills.


The field of education today is among the state priorities. Preservation and development of domestic science, culture, strengthening of the state directly depend on the education of society.

Modern requirements for domestic education are caused by large-scale and dynamic social changes taking place in our country and in the world, affecting almost all aspects of public life. The National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, the Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010, are oriented towards giving the national education system new qualitative characteristics.

The development of the system, as you know, is carried out through the innovation process, that is, through the process of developing and mastering innovations.

In the system of Russian education, the processes of introducing ideas of personality development, humanization, humanization, democratization, professional orientation of education, development of students' creative potential, formation of search and research activities of students and others into school practice have intensified.

We will focus on one of the leading innovations - the formation of search and research activities of students, which can be considered as a strategic direction for the development of the personality of students.

The success of students' search and research activities is mainly ensured by the use of active teaching methods in the educational process, types and forms of assignments, and skillful leadership of the teacher in this activity.

The teacher should act not so much as an interpreter of science and a carrier of new information, but as a skilled organizer of the systematic independent search activity of students for obtaining knowledge, acquiring abilities, and mastering the ways of mental activity.

Based on the assumption that without vigorous activity a full-fledged conscious assimilation of knowledge cannot be achieved (and the student’s activity in the learning process is a learning activity, an integral part of which is the process of cognition), psychologists convincingly show that all cognitive processes develop effectively with educational organization when students are involved in active search activities.

The main didactic functions of search and research activities include the following:

The function of discovering new (subjectively new, unknown to the student) knowledge (that is, the establishment of the essential properties of concepts; the identification of mathematical laws; finding evidence of a mathematical statement, etc.);

The function of deepening the studied knowledge (that is, obtaining definitions equivalent to the initial one; generalization of the studied theorems; finding various proofs of the studied theorems, etc.);

The systematization function of the studied knowledge (that is, the establishment of relations between concepts; the identification of the relationships between theorems; the structuring of educational material, etc.);

The student’s development function, its transformation from a learning object into a management subject, the formation of independence for self-government (self-education, self-realization);

The function of teaching students the methods of activity, methods and methods of scientific methods of cognition.

The organization of search and research activities of students involves the following steps:

Motivation for educational activities;

Statement of the research problem; the formulation of the ultimate and intermediate goals of the research assignment;

Analysis of the available information on the issue under consideration:

Planning activities to carry out an experiment (carrying out measurements, tests, samples, etc.) in order to obtain actual material;

Independent experiment;

Systematization and analysis of the obtained factual material;


Confirmation or refutation of a hypothesis;

Registration of the progress of the assignment and the results obtained;

The discussion of the results.

Obviously, different types of search and research activities have their own characteristics, therefore, each of them is characterized by its own combination of the mentioned stages.

Our analysis of the process of mastering mathematical knowledge shows that it is advisable to organize search and research activities of students when:

a) clarification of the essential properties of concepts or relations between them;

b) the establishment of relations of this concept with others;

c) familiarization with the fact reflected in the statement of the theorem, in the proof of the theorem;

d) generalization of the theorem;

e) the formulation of the inverse theorem and verification of its truth;

f) highlighting particular cases of a fact in mathematics;

g) a synthesis of various issues;

h) the classification of mathematical objects, relations between them, the basic facts of this section of mathematics;

i) solving problems in various ways;

j) the compilation of new tasks arising from the tasks solved;

k) the construction of counterexamples, etc.

To form research skills, it is advisable to use the following types of tasks: tasks that develop the ability to set work goals; tasks developing the ability to analyze the conditions of a given situation; tasks developing the ability to put forward and substantiate hypotheses; tasks that develop the ability to plan a solution to a problem; tasks that develop the ability to critically analyze the result.

We give a more detailed classification of educational and creative tasks that should be used to organize search and research activities: tasks with a clearly expressed contradiction; tasks with deformed information; forecasting tasks; optimization tasks; tasks to detect errors, to verify the result, to evaluate the result and the process; tasks for the development of algorithmic requirements; design tasks; logical tasks, etc.

The conditions conducive to the intensification of search and research activities of students are: a friendly atmosphere in the classroom; combination of individual and collective forms of education; appropriate organization of the structure of educational material; arming students with rational methods of educational and cognitive activity; the formation of positive motivation and internal incentives for learning; inculcation of interest in the studied object; systematic implementation of personality-oriented and active approaches to learning; a combination of various methods that contribute to the development of students' creative thinking; focus on productive results; creative organization of the educational process, the maximum saturation with its creative situations; development of creative tasks requiring non-standard solutions and an independent search for information sources; implementation of the practice and systematic use of computer technology, etc.


1. Dalinger V.A. Search and research activities of students in mathematics: a manual. - Omsk: Publishing House of OmGPU, 2005 .-- 456 p.

2. Dalinger V.A. On the subject of educational research // Mathematics at school. - No. 9. - 2000. - S. 7-10.

3. Dalinger V.A., Tolpekina N.V. Organization and content of search and research activities of students in mathematics. - Omsk: Publishing House of OmGPU, 2004 .-- 264 p.

Bibliographic reference

  Dalinger V.A. SEARCH AND RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS AS THE BASIS OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT // Modern problems of science and education. - 2006. - No. 5 .;
URL:\u003d511 (accessed: 02.22.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the Academy of Natural Sciences publishing house
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