How to insert smiles in contact on the wall. How to put emoticons in contact in the comments

Greetings, friends. Today's post will not only be useful, but also cheerful - it will be about emoticons for the social network VKontakte. Funny faces and funny pictures have already become an integral part of any communication on the Internet and everyone wants to diversify their texts with new and original.

The legs of all smiles are growing from text designations, when it was for the first time to designate emotions with the help of symbols. For me, the first smile was a smile symbol presented in the form of a closing bracket ")", the detailed version of the smile designation additionally has a colon ":)" - such a writing is familiar to everyone, almost all online services automatically transform this code into a fun smiling face, but it turns out This is not a fenchable GOST standard Unicode.

Unicode is a standard where all the letters, numbers, badges and other printed elements are represented as a unique digital code. This code understands any devices and displays any character correctly. Using Unicode format, you can enable any icon in the text, even if it is missing on your keyboard. For example, you want a hieroglyph "乔" write, put it with the code "𠁒" and everything is ready.

The wide distribution of emoticons led to the fact that many of their codes were included in the Unicode, along with other symbols and signs.

Of course, social networks have become active consumers of smiles on an industrial scale, VKontakte is not an exception. For the convenience of users, to people do not have to memorize and manually write codes to display certain pictures, the contact uses the Tultip - a special drop-down list, where you can visually select the desired emoticon and insert into the message or write on the wall. But on this list there are not all smile codes supported by VC, only the most popular (otherwise the list would turn out too bulky).

The rest of the smiles are, as if hidden, but they can easily use the knowing code for the designation in Unicode. In addition to dialogues and walls, the codes of hidden emoticons can be used in status, how to make statuses in VC emoticons we will analyze below.

I want to reveal the theme of Emodi in the most detailed as possible, but if this description is tired and you yourself know how to insert everything and you just need to get the necessary codes, go directly to. And with curious, we will deeper in history and other interesting moments.

What emoticons work in VC and what is the feature of emoji

Briefly about the main reason for the appearance of smiles, I mentioned at the beginning of the post - this is the need to transfer emotions that are difficult, or to describe the words for a long time. As soon as the Internet has ceased to be a purely business tool and switched to the discharge of entertainment, the need to express smiles, sadness and many other things began to go. What makes communication live and humane (Mimica, gestures) through the text to transmit very difficult, not every writer copes with this task for excellent, what can we talk about the usual people flirting through ICQ.

I, for example, I can not imagine how you can transfer the interlocutor to the text that I wink him or show a language - it will not work stupid and proper effect, but a round yellow face with a closed eye or a thinnest language that the doctor prescribed.

The peak of the spread of smiles coincided with the peak of the development of various communication tools - at first it was ICQ with Skype, then millions of users were drawn in their networks, classmates and Facebook, now every owner of the smartphone every day hangs into Viber or WhatsApp.

We are not always familiar to us now, it is not always a VC, it automatically converts the code ":)" in a funny face, initially all the designation went through symbols, the sender of the message wrote a set of rags, the recipient received them in the same way, understanding his awareness, understanding what is meant. At the initial stage of emoticons was a little almost all were intuitive, or easily remembered. If you look closely, all major smiles are similar to the opposite side of the face.

  • Smile - ":)"
  • Laughter - ": D"
  • Sadness - ":("
  • Wink - ";)"
  • Indifference - ": - |"
  • Cry - ":" ("
  • Puzziness - ": - \\"
  • Amazement - ": -o"
  • Surprise - "\u003d -o"
  • Language - ": P"
  • Kiss - ": - *"
  • Strethless - ": - ["
  • Undormatically vocabulary, mat - ": -x"
  • Anger - ": - ||"
  • Nausea - ": -!"

You probably noticed that the described codes are displayed by VKontakte not as symbols, but as beautiful pictures. All because in the social network it is programmed that the combination of characters corresponds to the desired emoticon, and the image itself will be slightly different in appearance. The reason for the difference is that such emoticons are not standardized characters from UNICOD and there is no standard for their display. On the one hand, it allows each service to make creative images with any level of beauty, on the other, the devices and services that do not support the unofficial encoding of emoticons in the pictures will not turn them completely.

But with Unicode symbols, it is different, emoticons written by this code will be supported everywhere and always. Knowing smiley codes in the Unicode standard you can insert absolutely any of almost 1000 emoticons anywhere in VC, even in the status, even on the wall.


Smiley laughter is informally denoted as ": D", such an input format will not be converted everywhere in the picture. Standardized code of this smile from unicode - "😄", it will be displayed as an icon 😄 on all devices.

But the symbols of Unicode have one feature - they are all simple and black and white. And to make them beautiful and colorful, Emoji (Emoji) were invented. Each Emodji icon corresponds to its symbol from Unicode. In fact, these are the same characters from UNICOD, only displayed otherwise on devices supporting EMOJI. If there is no EMOJI support, then emoticons will still be shown, just simple icons. I probably configured you, it is better to give an example:

Emodezi is emoticons written according to UNICOD standard, but displayed brighter and colorful pictures from a special library if on the site or in service this library is connected.

VKontakte The Emodezi Library is included, so all emoticons on the social network are colored and beautiful.

How to put a smiley in the status of VK?

The above-mentioned libez about emoticons and Emodezi was not just so, after it should become clear, why the writing in the form of a colon with a bracket does not lead to the appearance of a smile smile, and remains in the form of code - this is not a standard.

Familiar picture?

To appear the desired smile, you need writing not ":)", and "😄".

Now in steps.

Step 1. Open status editor

In order to put the emoticon in the status of the VK, go to your page (top panel on the left "My Page") and under the name, click the "Change Status" link:

Step 2. Copy the desired emoticon

A edit field appears, in it you can write any text and add any smile. Recently, in the status of VKontakte, supporting the tube with a standard set of emoticons was introduced - if there is something that you need to choose if not and the desired smile refers to the category of hidden, that is, two ways:

Step 3. Insert the emoticon to the status text

It will work as an insertion code of the emoticon and its unicode symbol. Just note that the smile code must begin to begin with ampersant and the lattice and end with a semicolon, otherwise VK does not convert it to the picture.

  • Right: "😄"
  • Wrong: "128516"

Step 4. Save

How to insert hidden smiles in messages, discussion and on the wall of VK

America in this question I will not open. Anyone who used the contact at least once knows that when installing the mouse cursor in the field for writing text on the wall or in the Freight Discussion field, an icon revealing a huge list of emoticons appears - you can choose from it.

For personal messages, this list is even greater, as it includes several bookmarks - individual smiles for VC (some of them are paid, but for reasonable money, although I do not see the point of paying, especially since you can get any smile from the Unicode table ).

But, all these lists include not everyone supported by Unicode Emoji symbols. Total VK shows about 500 different smiles, the rest (almost as much) remain overboard among the hidden. That is, they are not what would be hidden, just a social network considers the data of smiles not important and not popular, therefore it does not withdraw them to the gallery, and their work is supported in the same way as in the status bar. Yes, and the insertion algorithm of hidden emoticons is similar:

All you need to use hidden emoticons is to have their standard codes at hand. Below I will give the code table, so add a link to this article to bookmarks so that in the future you do not search for codes for the desired pictures.

Code Table Emoticons for VC

When inserting smiles codes in VKontakte, be sure to use opening and closing characters - the emoticon from () begins, and ends (;). In other places, you can meet the codes in pure form, without these characters, the codes themselves are correct, but it will not work in the VC if you do not add specified notation.

Some smiles in the insertion look with squares, but do not be afraid, after saving and updating the PC page, they convert them to beautiful pictures.

For comfort when searching for the desired picture, all smiles are grouped by semantic sections to immediately go to the desired section, click on the name of the required category from the list:

Casodies of yellow emoticons-kolobkov with emotions

😊 😊 - Smile with laughing eyes
☺ ☺ - a stupid smile
😉 😉 - winking face
😋 😋 - playful smile with a dressed language
😀 😀 - face with a smirk
😄 😄 - Happy smile
😌 😌 - Light, nice smile
😅 - joy in cold sweat
😃 😃 - admiration, joy
😂 😂 - Tears of joy
😆 😆 - Mock
😝 😝 - teases and laughs greatly
😜 😜 - teases
😛 😛 - Shows Language
😇 😇 - Saint, Smiley with a little
😒 😒 - bladder
😐 😐 - Neutral physiognomy
😕 😕 - confused face
😏 😏 - smirk
😑 😑 - Inexpressive face
😍 😍 - Larger, hearts in the eyes
😘 😘 - Air Kiss
😚 😚 - Kiss
😗 😗 - purpose
😙 😙 - a goal with smiling eyes
😳 😳 - Surprised face
😁 😁 - smiling face with smiling eyes
😬 😬 - to blame, unpleasant
😓 😓 - sadness in cold sweat
😔 😔 - Pensive face
😞 😞 - Disappointment
😥 😥 - disappointed, but with ease perceives
😩 😩 - Tired face
😫 😫 - Very tired
😣 😣 - perseverance
😖 😖 - Tangled face
😢 😢 - Tears rolled
😭 😭 - sobbing face
😪 😪 - sleepy
😴 😴 - Sleeping physiognomy
😷 😷 - sick, medical mask on face
😎 😎 - steep, smiley in black glasses
😰 😰 - Cold sweat
😨 😨 - frightened face
😱 😱 - screaming from fear
😦 😦 - Gloomy face
😠 😠 - malicious face
😡 😡 - very angry, to red
😤 😤 - Waiting for Triumph, Victory, Success
😵 😵 - dizziness
😲 😲 - Surprise
😟 😟 - concerned
😧 😧 - suffering
😮 😮 \u200b\u200b- a perplexed face
😯 😯 - Full bewilderment
😶 😶 - Mouth on the castle
😈 😈 - Good Chert
👿 👿 - angry thistle
😺 😺 - Smiling cat
😸 😸 - Happy cat
😿 😿 - cat crying
😾 😾 - the cat is angry
😹 😹 - a cat with tears of joy
😻 😻 - cat in love
😽 😽 - Feline Kiss
😼 😼 - Cat smirks
🙀 🙀 - Frightened cat

Smileys depicting men

🎅 🎅 - Santa Claus
👶 👶 - Little Child
👧 👧 - Girl
👦 👦 - Boy
👨 👨 - man
👩 👩 - Woman
👴 👴 - old man
👵 👵 - old woman
👮 👮 - Police in a cap
👷 👷 - Builder
👱 👱 - a man with blond hair
👰 👰 - Bride with a bouquet
👲 👲 - man in a tubette
👳 - - man in turban
👸 👸 - Princess
💂 💂 - Guardsman
💁 💁 - Worker of the Reference Bureau
💆 💆 - head massage
💇 💇 - Hairdresser
🙅 🙅 - bad sign
🙆 🙆 - good sign
🙋 🙋 - Happy man raised one hand
🙎 🙎 - a man with a chubby face
🙍 🙍 - a man with a gloomy face
🙇 🙇 - bow
👼 👼 - Baby Angel
💏 💏 - Kiss
💑 💑 - couple of lovers
👫 👫 - Couple keeps hands
👪 👪 - Family
👬 👬 - Two men holding hands
👭 👭 - Two women hold hands
👯 👯 - Women with hare ears
💃 💃 - Dancing woman
🚶 🚶 - Going
🏃 🏃 - Running man
👤 👤 - Bust Silhouette
👥 👥 - Bust Silhouettes

Smile codes with gestures and body parts

👂 👂 - Ear
👃 👃 - Nose
👀 👀 - Eyes
👅 👅 - language
👄 👄 - mouth
👍 👍 - Like, thumb up
👎 👎 - Dyslike, finger down
👌 👌 - ok, good
👊 👊 - fist
✊ ✊ - support sign
✌ ✌ - Victory Sign
👐 👐 - Open hands
👋 👋 - Mashing hand
✋ ✋ - Greeting sign
👆 👆 - index finger up
👇 👇 - index finger down
👉 👉 - index finger to the right
👈 👈 - index finger left
🙌 🙌 - raised his hands on myself
🙏 🙏 - folded the palm together
☝ ☝ - Pointer Finger Up
👏 👏 - Flap in your hands
💪 💪 - Demonstration of biceps, power
💋 💋 - Red lips

Emoticons hearts

💛 💛 - Yellow heart
💙 💙 - Blue Heart
💜 💜 - Violet Heart
💚 💚 - Green Heart
❤ ❤ - red heart
🖤 \u200b\u200b🖤 - Smiley for VK Black Heart
💔 💔 - broken heart
💗 💗 - Growing Heart
💓 💓 - Beating Heart
💕 💕 - Two hearts
💖 💖 - sparkling heart
💞 💞 - Rotating Hearts
💘 💘 - heart pierced
💌 💌 - Love Letter
💟 💟 - White heart on a dark background
💝 💝 - Heart with a bustard-ribbon

Festive smiley

🎁 🎁 - Gift Box
🎀 🎀 - Red ribbon bow
🎈 🎈 - Air ball
🎉 🎉 - party with confluence
🎊 🎊 - Ball confetti
🎭 🎭 - Cheerful and sad mask
🎃 🎃 - Jack lamp (pumpkin)

Playing cards

♠ ♠ - Peaks (card suit)
- Cherry
♣ ♣ - Treft
♦ ♦ - Bubnes

Smiley numbers on blue background

0⃣ 0⃣ - zero
1⃣ 1⃣ - one
2⃣ 2⃣ - two
3⃣ 3⃣ - three
4⃣ 4⃣ - four
5⃣ 5⃣ - five
6⃣ 6⃣ - Six
7⃣ 7⃣ - seven
8⃣ 8⃣ - eight
9⃣ 9⃣ - nine
🔟 🔟 - ten

Emoticons with clothes and shoes

👑 👑 - Crown
🎩 🎩 - cylindrical hat
🎓 🎓 - Graduation Cap
👒 👒 - Women's Hat
🎽 🎽 - shirt with belt
👔 👔 - Tie
👕 👕 - T-shirt
👗 👗 - Summer dress
👚 - Women's clothing
👖 👖 - Jeans
👙 👙 - Outdoor swimsuit
👘 👘 - Kimono
👟 👟 - sneakers
👞 👞 - Men's shoes
👠 👠 - Women's high-heeled shoes
👡 👡 - Women's sandals
👢 👢 - Women's boots
👣 👣 - Human traces
👛 👛 - Wallet
👜 👜 - Handbag
👝 👝 - Bag
💼 💼 - Briefcase
🎒 🎒 - School Dance
👓 👓 - Points


✂ ✂ - Scissors
📌 📌 - stationery button
📍 📍 - Round stationery button
📎 📎 - paper clip
✏ ✏ - Pencil
✒ ✒ - Feather
📏 📏 - line
📐 📐 - Role-carbon
📕 📕 - Red Book
📘 📘 - Blue Book
📗 📗 - Green Book
📙 📙 - Orange Book
📖 📖 - open book
📚 📚 - Stack of books
📔 📔 - Yellow notebook
📓 📓 - Gray notebook
📒 📒 - Notepad
📝 📝 - note
📁 📁 - Folder
📂 📂 - Open folder
📆 📆 - tear-off calendar
📅 📅 - calendar
📋 📋 - Tablet

Smili codes "Zodiac signs"

♈ ♈ - Aries
♉ ♉ - Taurus
♊ ♊ - Gemini
♋ ♋ - Cancer
♌ ♌ - lion
♍ ♍ - Virgo
♎ ♎ - Scales
♏ ♏ - Scorpio
♐ ♐ - Sagittarius
♑ ♑ - Capricorn
♒ ♒ - Aquarius
♓ ♓ - Fish

Religious symbols

⛎ ⛎ - Sternoshac
✡ - Six-pointed Star (star David)
✝ ✝ - Cross
☦ ☦ - Cross with crosshairs
☪ ☪ - Islamic (Muslim) crescent
☮ ☮ - symbol of the world
☯ ☯ - Yin and Yan

Sport emoticons

⚽ ⚽ - soccer ball
⚾ ⚾ - Baseball
🏈 🏈 - ball for American football
🏉 🏉 - Rugby Ball
🎾 🎾 - Tennis Ball
🏀 🏀 - Basketball Ball
🎱 🎱 - Billiard ball
🎮 🎮 - video game
🎯 🎯 - Darts
🎲 🎲 - Playing bone
🎳 🎳 - Bowling
🏂 🏂 - Snowboarder
🏆 🏆 - Cup
🏇 🏇 - horse racing
🏄 🏄 - Siefer
🏊 🏊 - Swimmer
🚴 🚴 - Cyclist
🚵 🚵 - Mountain cyclist
🎿 🎿 - Ski

Musical emoticons for VK

🎹 🎹 - Musical Keyboard
🎸 🎸 - guitar
🎻 - Violin
🎺 🎺 - Pipe
🎷 🎷 - Saxophone
📯 📯 - postal horn
🎼 🎼 - not a lot
🎵 - note
🎶 🎶 - a few musical notes

Urban and Natural Landscapes

⛲ ⛲ - Fountain
🌅 - Sunrise over the ocean
🌄 - Sunrise over the mountains
🌃 🌃 - Night city with starry sky
🌆 - urban landscape at dusk
🌇 🌇 - Sunset over the city
🌁 🌁 - Bridge in the fog
🌉 🌉 - Bridge at night with stars and moon
🌊 🌊 - Sea Wave
🌈 🌈 - Rainbow
🌋 🌋 - Volcano
🌌 🌌 - Milky Way
🌠 🌠 - Falling Star
🎆 🎆 - Sparkler Fireworks
🎇 🎇 - Fireworks
🎢 - American slides
🎡 🎡 - Ferris Wheel
🎠 🎠 - Carousel Horse
🗻 - Mount Fuji
🗽 🗽 - Statue of Freedom
🗾 🗾 - Silhouette of Japanese islands
🗼 🗼 - Tokyo Tower
🎑 🎑 - ceremony at the moon
🎏 🎏 - Carp Streamer
🎐 🎐 - \u200b\u200bWind chime

Weather emoticons for VKontakte

☀ ☀ - sunny
☁ ☁ - cloudy
⛅ ⛅ - Partly Cloudy
☔ ☔ - Rain
❄ ❄ - Smiley Snowflake
⛄ ⛄ - Snowman

Earth, Sun and Phases Moon

🌎 - Globe of Earth overlooking America
🌍 - Globe of Earth overlooking Africa
🌏 - Globe of Earth overlooking Asia-Australia
🌐 🌐 - Globe with meridians
🌞 🌞 - Sun with a face
🌝 🌝 - full moon with a face
🌚 🌚 - New Moon with Face
🌑 🌑 - New Moon
🌒 🌒 - Arriving Moon
🌓 🌓 - Moon in the first quarter
🌔 🌔 - Arriving Moon
🌕 🌕 - full moon
🌖 🌖 - decreasing moon
🌗 🌗 - Last quarter of the moon
🌘 🌘 - decreasing moon
🌙 🌙 - Crescent
🌛 🌛 - Moon in the first quarter with a face
🌜 🌜 - Moon in the last quarter with a face

Animal Peace (Fish, Birds, Animals, Insects)

🐋 🐋 - Kit
🐙 🐙 - Octopus
🐚 🐚 - Spiral shell
🐟 🐟 - Fish
🎣 🎣 - Fish on hook
🐠 🐠 - Tropical Fish
🐡 🐡 - fuck up
🐢 🐢 - Turtle
🐬 🐬 - Dolphin
🐳 🐳 - whale, allowing fountain
🐸 🐸 - Mordy Frogs
🐊 🐊 - crocodile
🐲 🐲 - Dragon Head
🐉 🐉 - Dragon
🐔 🐔 - Chicken Head
🐓 🐓 - Chicken
🐤 🐤 - Chicken Head
🐥 🐥 - Chicken
🐣 🐣 - Loupered chick
🐦 🐦 - Bird head
🐧 🐧 - Penguin's head
🐂 🐂 - bull
🐄 🐄 - cow
🐃 🐃 - Baran
🐮 🐮 - Cow head
🐆 🐆 - leopard
🐇 🐇 - Rabbit
🐰 🐰 - Rabbit's head
🐈 🐈 - Cat
🐎 🐎 - horse
🐏 🐏 - Baran
🐐 🐐 - Goat
🐑 🐑 - Sheep
🐕 🐕 - Dog
🐖 🐖 - Pig
🐱 🐱 - Cat head
🐷 🐷 - Pig's head
🐽 🐽 - Piglet
🐶 🐶 - Dog's head
🐴 🐴 - Horse head
🐀 🐀 - rat
🐭 🐭 - Mouse Head
🐁 🐁 - Mouse
🐅 🐅 - Tiger
🐍 🐍 - Snake
🐒 🐒 - Monkey
🐗 🐗 - Cabani head
🐘 🐘 - Elephant
🐨 🐨 - Koala
🐪 🐪 - Single-torque camel
🐫 🐫 - Camel dugorby
🐯 🐯 - Tiger Head
🐵 🐵 - monkey head
🙈 🙈 - Monkey closed her eyes, "I do not see"
🙊 🙊 - Monkey closed the mouth, "I'm not talking"
🙉 🙉 - Monkey closed the ears "I do not hear"
🐹 🐹 - Hamster head
🐻 🐻 - Bear Head
🐼 🐼 - Panda head
🐺 🐺 - Fox head
🐾 🐾 - Lape prints
🐩 🐩 - Dog
🐝 🐝 - honey bee
🐜 🐜 - ant
🐞 🐞 - Ladybug
🐛 🐛 - Caterpillar
🐌 🐌 - Snail

Emoticons for VK with a picture of flowers

💐 💐 - Bouquet of colors
🌸 🌸 - Cherry blossom
🌷 🌷 - Tulip
🌹 🌹 - Rose flower
🌻 🌻 - Sunflower
🌼 🌼 - daisy flower
💮 💮 - White flower
🌺 🌺 - Hibiscus flower

Smiles for contact with various types of transport

🚁 🚁 - helicopter
🚀 🚀 - rocket
✈ ✈ - Smiley aircraft
🚂 🚂 - steam locomotive
🚄 🚄 - high-speed train
🚅 🚅 - high-speed train with a round nose
🚈 🚈 - high-speed tram
🚃 🚃 - Railway car
🚟 - Suspended Railway
🚋 🚋 - tram car
🚇 - Underground Metro
🚉 🚉 - Railway Station
🚆 🚆 - approaching train
🚊 🚊 - approaching train
🚝 🚝 - Monorail road
🚞 🚞 - Mountain Railway
🚌 🚌 - Bus
🚏 🚏 - Bus stop
🚎 🚎 - Trolleybus
🚍 🚍 - approaching bus
🚐 🚐 - Minibus
🚒 🚒 - Fire car
🚑 🚑 - Care ambulance
🚓 🚓 - Police Machine
🚔 🚔 - approaching police machine
🚨 🚨 - Flashlight
🚖 🚖 - approaching taxi
🚕 🚕 - Taxi
🚗 - Passenger car
⛽ ⛽ - gas station
🚚 🚚 - truck
🚘 🚘 - approaching car
🚙 🚙 - jeep
🚜 🚜 - Tractor
🚛 🚛 - road train
🚥 🚥 - horizontal traffic light
🚦 🚦 - Vertical traffic light
🚠 🚠 - Mountain Cable Cross
🚡 🚡 - Air Tram
🚲 🚲 - bike
⛵ ⛵ - Sailboat
🚢 🚢 - ship
🚣 🚣 - Vein Boat
🚤 🚤 - Boat
🛥 🛥 - Motor Boat
🛳 🛳 - Passenger liner
⛴ ⛴ - ferry

Houses and buildings

⛪ ⛪ - Christian Church
💒 💒 - Wedding in the Church
🏠 🏠 - residential building
🏡 🏡 - House with garden
🏣 🏣 - Japanese Mail Building
🏤 🏤 - European style postal building
🏢 🏢 - Office building
🏥 🏥 - hospital building
🏦 🏦 - Bank Building
🏨 🏨 - hotel
🏩 🏩 - Romantic Hotel
🏫 🏫 - school building
🏭 - Industrial Enterprise, factory
🏪 🏪 - 24 Hour Store
🏬 🏬 - department store building
🏰 🏰 - medieval castle of European type
🏯 🏯 - Castle in Japanese style
💈 💈 - Hairdresser
⛺ ⛺ - tent under the starry sky
🎪 🎪 - Circus tent

Emoticons food

🍔 🍔 - Hamburger
🍖 🍖 - Meat on the bone
🍗 🍗 - Chicken leg
🍘 🍘 - rice cracker
🍙 🍙 - Rice ball
🍛 🍛 - curry with rice
🍚 🍚 - boiled rice
🍞 🍞 - Bread Bread
🍜 🍜 - Bowl with noodles
🍝 - pasta with ketchup
🍟 🍟 - FRI Potatoes
🍠 - Roasted Sweet Potatoes
🍣 🍣 - Sushi, Rols
🍡 - Dano
🍦 🍦 - ice cream
🍥 🍥 - Fish cake
🍢 🍢 - Oden
🍤 🍤 - fried shrimp
🍩 🍩 - donut
🍧 🍧 - Ice cream
🍨 🍨 - ice cream
🍪 🍪 - oatmeal cookies
🍫 🍫 - chocolate tile
🍬 🍬 - Candy in wrapper
🍭 🍭 - lollipop
🍮 🍮 - Custard
🍯 🍯 - Pot with honey
🍰 - Shortbread
🍱 🍱 - Bento box
🍲 🍲 - Plate with soup
🍳 🍳 - Glazing in a frying pan
🍶 🍶 - Bottle of Sake and Bowl
🍵 🍵 - Cup without handle
🎂 🎂 - Festive Cake Cake
🍕 🍕 - a piece of pizza
🍴 🍴 - Fork and knife

Emoticon codes with drinks

🍺 🍺 - Mug with beer
🍻 🍻 - Calling beer mugs
🍹 🍹 - Tropical Drinks
🍼 - Bottle with baby nipple
☕ ☕ - Hot drinks
🍸 🍸 - a glass with a cocktail
🍷 🍷 - Fuuder champagne

Emoticons medical themes

💊 💊 - Tablet, Pill
💉 💉 - Syringe
🌡 🌡 - Sigdition, thermometer

If you are registered with "VC" and at least sometimes attend your page, you probably had to deal with such entries where smiling little men are present. Emoticons on the wall "In Contact" can add not all users. Some are even sincerely surprised after what they saw! They also want to add smiling faces to the records on their own wall. About how it is done correctly, we will tell you today. If you yourself begin to understand all this, you will probably need to spend a lot of time, so we recommend to get acquainted with the information we have given, and then everything will become clear.

If you pay attention to the wall in "VC", you can notice that in the comments you can already find a translucent round button with which you can install smiles. Of course, the question is immediately brewing: what to do? Let's try to figure out how "in contact" put emoticons on the wall.


In order for you to have the opportunity to add the specified items, you need to work hard. If you adhere to the following method, then you will definitely work out, and you will learn to add different emulls to your or someone else's wall. The first thing that will be required of you is to go to a special resource on which you can find not only smiles, but also their codes. When you write a new comment, you immediately need to decide where you want to set the pictogram. After the selected location sets a copied smile code. Also when copying the code, you need to first see which emotions expresses this smile. Now you know how to write emoticons "in contact", but still there is another important point: you need to choose those elements that are present in the social network database.


I would like to note that you can use emoticons not only when commenting on records, but also when adding different publications. For example, in status or in new articles and signatures for the photo. The question of how "in contact" put emoticons on the wall is interesting, but still it is not clear, for what reasons the administration has not yet developed the possibility of installing such elements through the site functions.


Surely you could figure out how "in contact" put emoticons on the wall. To begin with, you need to select a more suitable picture for recording, after which it is worth copying it and transfer the code to the desired location. The picture can be installed both at the beginning and in the middle or end - everything will be dependent only on the situation.

We give some of the most curious examples. If you want a diamond to appear in the message, use the code "_128142". To decorate the message by the image of the Panda, the combination "_128060" is suitable. If you love music or want to supplement the music selection of notes, use the code "_127925" (for one element) or "_127926" (for several). Love to cook - decorate your recipe with an eggplant image by applying the combination "_127814". So we figured out how "in contact" put emoticons on the wall.

    Smileys in the commentsAlthough they lose their popularity, but still be the best way to designate their emotions. Of course, many believe that it is better to express the emotion to the word, not the emoticon, but in ordinary life smiley more functional.

    How to put emoticons in the comments in contactYou can easily and simply explore this video:

    At first glance it seems to be difficult to do this. There are special codes that denote various smiles on different topics. There are also special directories with such codes, they are like a hint. Selecting the desired code and writing it you can send a smile. In contact there is a special list. You just need to copy the selected code and paste it into the text. That's the sun.

    In order to insert emoticons in VKontakte, on the wall, in comment, in dialogue, You need to know the code.

    Codes can be found here here;

    Of course, you can copy from the usual conversation of VC, for this you need to go into dialogs, enter emoticons and copy them, then paste in the comments.

    You can still insert a smiley in the comment, simply by clicking on the smiley, right in the chat, right up.

    There you need to choose a smiley and send.

    And I have never thought about this topic before. You can really install emoticons in the comments. To do this, you just need to know the codes of these emoticons. The list of codes is in VK. Just copy the smiley code you need in the comment.

    VKontakte has a whole catalog of a wide variety of icons and smiles. For their insertion in the comment site, the site recommends copying from the table next to the desired smile Krakoyar Or copy the desired code and remove the space from it.

    I don't know whether such a function was at that moment when the question was created, but in order to put a smiley in the comment (to photography, video), it is enough to use a special icon, too, emoticons in the upper right corner of the window.

    Press it and the list of many people of different moods will open and not only.

    Choose the desired (necessary) and click Send.


    It is written in very detail how to insert emoticons in the comments bobcot; On the Quot page; Frequently asked Questions; In the social network VKontakte.

    See here.

    also, these emoticons can also be inserted on the wall and in private messages and even in their status.

    Here here you can see the catalog of emoticons VKontakte.

    1. Come in any

    dialog (Messages)

    In contact with.

    1. In the field where you need

    enter a message

    look for the insert button

    smiles (there smile

    drawn) and click on

    button. She is situated

    in the right side of the field

    for dialing


    1. Look for a smile

    which you need and

    purge the pointer

    mice on him. Wait

    seven seconds

    approximately at

    little window

    jump out a tip S.

    a few

    symbols, typing

    which you insert

    you need smile in

    any place.

    1. Remember

    symbols and write these

    same characters where you

    need to. In status on

    wall, B.

    comments, B.

    news, etc.

    As you can see, Sun is very

    even just. After

    the above

    action, you

    be sure to



    In contact with. thanks for


  • Smile in VKontakte comments

    To put emoticons in the comments in VK, you need to know special codes. These codes include the amp icon; #, then there is a certain set of numbers, then a point with a comma. For example, to insert the pet, this is how below, you need to insert the AMP code; # 127876;

    After that, it remains only to send a message with emoticons or multiple emoticons.

    I propose to use this catalog, which is located in one of the open groups in VKontakte. Select the desired category and see the desired code to insert the smile. Smileys there are quite a lot, and the catalog is constantly updated and new. Or you can use to search for the desired emoticon here's this list.

    But I suggest see and pictures and codes to insert into the message of the desired emoticon.

    Here is the New Year emoticons.

    And since the Olympiad soon, then these on the sports topic will be quite by the way.

  • It turns out to put emoticons in contact, you can not only in private messages, but also in the comments on the wall and even in status.

    This will require download the database of codes for emoticons. Download the emoticon database can be used here. After that, it is enough to copy the desired emoticon code and insert on the wall, in the comment or to the status.

    How it is all done can be seen from the video, which is lower.

    Put emoticons in contact in the comments very simple. On the VKontakte page there is a list of emoticons for all sorts of topics and their codes are written there. In order to send a smiley in the comments, you need to log in to this list, copy the code of the emoticon you want to send and paste it into the comment.

Communication in VKontakte is hard to imagine without funny faces transmitting emotions. They are added to messages, status on the wall. Now you will learn how to put emoticons in the comments in VK.

Standard emoticons in contact are face with a variety of emotions that express joy, admiration, sadness, anger, etc. It is possible to find them on your page.

Most often, they are used in messages, and therefore, you need to open the folder of the same name and select any dialog.

In the window that opens, an Available AMOGI collection will appear, which can be inserted in contact. At the beginning of the Tultip, the most frequently used icons are displayed, then emotions, gestures and people, symbols, animals and plants, food and beverages are displayed. Below are smiles that designate sports and activity, travel, transport, items and flags.

In Tultype, there are huge face with different emotions next to the standard emoticons icon.

On this list of free emoji in contact is completed, the remaining code images will be asked to purchase in stickers store or earn different methods.

In addition to affordable smiles, there are hidden icons in Tultype (their mass) that have their own code designations. They can also be added to the dialogs, on the wall and in the discussion completely free. To do this, rewrite or copy the code from the Smiley column and insert into the right place.

As already mentioned, the list of Emodezh in the table is huge and constantly expanding, and therefore your ability to express emotions increase.

Insert smiles in the comments

Add emotions to your comment with emoticons just enough:

To add a large smile, follow these steps:

In addition, you have the opportunity not only to put emoticons in the comments, but also to delete them. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner.

The message will disappear and "Recover" will appear, after clicking which you will see the smile again.

Adding hidden emoticons

As mentioned, except for affordable pictures in the stickers store are represented by Emodeji for every taste. However, you can buy them completely free:

For the main group of emoticons there are familiar to all code symbols that are in the Smiley column. If you copied the character, click "send", but it was not transformed into an emode, then try to restart the page. Even if it did not help, then use the code from the same column.

It happens that after inserting the code and confirmation of sending, you see only numbers and signs. This means that the code has not been copied completely or forgotten to delete (_) before shipping. It is necessary to check all these values \u200b\u200band put a smiley in the comments.

Add emoticons to the comments from the mobile

Users in contact are increasingly communicating through an Android or iOS smartphone. Insert smiles in the comments through the mobile is very simple. You do not need to rewrite or copy the Emodezh code - through the phone you are available for a whole package of standard and hidden emoticons. But if it is not so, then a special software is downloaded, which will provide you with all sorts of Emodezhi. This is called Kate Mobile ().

This program allows not only to insert emoticons in the comments, but also helps to activate invisibility.

Thus, VKontakte developers provide the ability to insert smiles in the comments in several ways. In addition, it is allowed to use the unlimited number of hidden Emodzhi. If you're more often "travel" on VC via a mobile phone, then download yourself the Kate Mobile app.

Ek emoticons can be considered a decoration of any post, comment and status. Merry or sad face, as well as other pictures are able to replace many words, senses and emotions of users. In this article we will look at how and for what you need to put emoticons in the status of VK.

Fast navigation:

What is Vkontakte status

Before you begin to deal with how to put emoticons in the status of VC, we will study in detail what kind of status and why it is needed.

The word "status" is translated from Latin as a "condition". This designation can be considered abstract. It denotes a certain position of the subject, the degree of its rank in a particular sphere or system, region or structure. In a virtual network, the status should call a message, a specific icon (including emoticons) phrase, which are broadcast and stored in conjunction with the visitor contact details of a web resource or on his personal page.

What definition can be given to the status of VK?

The status directly on the social network "VKontakte" is customary to post on the page, all users and friends will see it when they are visited. Similarly, you will report what kind of feelings are at the moment time. Status to the depths of the soul affects what you want to express to your subscribers with words and phrases. Often, winged expressions, wise quotes, interesting aphorisms demonstrate as status. Entrepreneurs and businessmen as statutory provide a link to their blog or site than provoking the increase in its attendance. Lovers likely demonstrate their feelings. It is also possible to broadcast music files. Most often, the songs also express their mood. Constantly changing new statuses "Vkontakte" add a user to the user's fascination and interest of the resource, which will certainly want to visit another time. This kind of service is an excellent option for implementing many ideas. For example, if your goal is to sell something or hold a public survey, the status will allow the people to attract for this. If you inform about your intention on a personal page, then all active contacts of your page will be aware and will try to respond. Therefore, asking the question that you can call the status of VKontakte, we can say that this is a kind of board for a variety of ads.

How to write status on your page

To implement in the virtual reality the opportunity to express your feelings and emotions in the form of status, it is necessary on its page. Under personal contact data is a string "Change Status". Clicking on it with the left mouse button, the field will open to enter your status. Here you should enter the text of the status you wish to broadcast. If you put the "Tell Friends" label, then subscribers who follow the activity of friends and their communities will see your message in the news feed.

How to create a cool status for VK

Many account owners think about how best to put status on their page "VK". In fact, there can be no unequivocal response. It all depends directly from your own interests and desires. If you have no own ideas, then in this case it makes sense to appeal to some techniques that will enable to gain an interesting status. Cool or on the contrary, statuses with meaning for "VC" at this time is that many are trying to find not invent them on their own and not to invent the saying by their own way. It can be concluded that the originality of users of the popular network is missing. In this case, you can add emoticons from the phone or computer, the diversity in this way page. Let us try to figure out what can be entered in the status bar of the social network.

Text, this is the first one worth thinking before you decide to put the status on your page.

The first option, which can only be considered - is the writing of ordinary text, which "spins" in your head - what you think, and what you feel. If you do not assume what exactly you can put the status on the page, then this is a fairly suitable step. In any case, this makes most users. In addition, you can write about a particular person (what do you think about him, what you feel about what you wish to get from him). The main thing is to do it with the soul, from the bottom of my heart. Not when it is not necessary to hope that such status will bring you fame and popularity, or at the expense of it you will get praise from the part, unlike those that contain emoticons in the status of VK. Most statuses will simply fill empty account lines. If you want to really call an excitement, then you need to find cool statuses for VKontakte, which are able to attract a lot of attention.

Create cool and interesting statuses for your PC page to attract more user attention and provide a permanent influx of visits for your page! To do this, you can use different characters and signs, also an excellent addition is to broadcast music along with the message. Experiment and fantasize - and your public alert will be original.

Ready quotes for status in VK

If you still decided not to bother with an independent invention of status, then use well-known veneers and quotes, and also do not forget to insert the VK smiles in status. (Cm. )

This is quite a popular reception. And he, if it is honest, is common in the expanses of all social networks. It is important to choose a suitable subject. It is best to do this, based on our own interests (see), current experiences and personality traits.

Girls are more suitable statuses - quotes that say about love or feelings. Men - about intentions, purposes and their implementation. The most popular is the quotes of philosophers, famous writers and other thinkers. Suppose you can enter Alberta Eneshtein, block, Pushkin, Haruki Murakov, and so on. It is worth noting, recently more and more willing to acquire status prefer wise and loud phrases from films, cartoons and quotes of fictional heroes. Also a good option. The main thing in this business is to show a mixture and intelligence. To improve interest, you need to find something funny and really interesting.

Dilute text with emoticons

The emoticons in the status of the VC also have a fairly big weight, because it is the smiley pictures that can say more than even the most sophisticated text.

Receiving text dilution in the status of emoticons love youth. He adds an originality and unusual page. It is just what will cause a storm of emotions from a visitor. For this, many users are chased.

In order to supply your picture status, there is nothing difficult, you just need to insert smiley code, but despite this, many with the go hurt it. At exactly how to use emoticons in status, consider below.

How to put emoticons in the status of VK

Emoticons - as already mentioned above can be considered a fairly widespread option of statuses, or add-on to status. Only here for some put it is not so simple. It is quite possible to perform a smiley with the help of symbols, but then it will not be supervised. But the multicolored "smiles" -Kartinki is already quite another matter. In order to implement them into text or separately into the status bar, you need to visit the "VKontakte" emoticons, which is indicated as "VC emoticon codes" and in the status line copy the code of the selected symbol ( set of signs). It is still invisible for the user, but recognized by the system as a picture. The image will be visible to everyone when clicking in the Status Status button.

Where to get all the codes that are possible to insert into statuses? In specialized groups in Vkontakte and other Internet resources. They are so referred to as "Ek emoticons." Add some kind of unique picture to the beginning, the middle or the end of your text is to add creativity and uniqueness. For example, it is easily possible to draw a heart or ring, kitten or a couple in love. Fantasize and disclose your inner creative! Funny statuses for "VC" - this is the personal work of each willing!

How to put a smiley in the status of VK from the phone

It's not a secret to anyone that many users of VK attend the site directly from the phone, (see) But it absolutely should not limit people from the functional that can be used by computer owners. In order to put emoticons in the status of the VC, you can use a special program or use symbols.

To insert any smile, it is enough to register its code in the text, before sending or saving the text, the smile will look like a set of signs, but after sending and saving it will acquire a graphic view, its image will appear.

Emoticon codes for VK

If we talk about emoticons that can be inserted into statuses, then their very large amount is every taste. A variety of pictures allows you to express any emotions in the form of pictures.

Below are symbolic codes in order to select and copy the code and use them to insert emoticons in the status of VC or any post, message, comments, use table in VK.

After you add a smile to upgrade the page that it has been completely displayed. To do this, click the "Update" button in your browser or simply use the F5 key.

Vkontakte there are restrictions on the number of emoticons used in the message. Not more than 100, if not to follow this rule, only the first 100 will be available, the rest will not appear. Fortunately, the threshold is high enough and it is difficult to imagine who can need to use emoticons in the status of the VC or message, more than 100 smiles in one status or comments.

If you appear instead of a smiley code, even after the update - you need to check whether you copied the code completely, and it is not attached to some word. And edit the comment.

Symbols in the status of VK

If you do not have a desire to make out your picture status, but also one text does not put the visitor, you can use the well-known symbol method. As well as for smiley pictures, there are also its tables for symbols that can be found on the network.

● ツ 0 · ● ° ★, ~~ † ╬╬╬ ╬ ❖❖❖❖, ωωω ♡♡♡♡ ° * "~, tm ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ♀ ♀ ♀ ♀ ღ ღ ღ ღ 社会 社会 ♠ ♠ ۩ ۩ ۩ ۞۩, ▀▄ ▀▄ ▀▄ ▀▄▀۞ ۞█ ▌ ★ ☼☼☼ ● ● ° ★ ★ ● ° ★, ● ° ★ ● ° ★ ♪ ♪ ● ° ★ ● ° ★ ★ ● ° ★ ● ° ★ ● ° ★, ♪ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▒ ↕ ↕ ↕ ๏ ̯͡ ̯͡ ๏ 斯坦尼斯 会文 社 ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ★ ★ ★ ۞ இஇஇ இஇஇ இஇஇ ® ® ® √ √ √ √ √ 1 ۩ ۩ 1 ¤¤¤ ♂♂♂ ツツツ ● ● ♡♡♡ ღღღ ♀♀♀ ₪₪₪ ₪₪₪ ØØ ø♪♪♪ ஐஐஐ ↕↕↕ ~ "* ° .. ° *" ~ ששששש ☻☻☻ ت ت ت ˙ ˙ ·. ૐ ╬╬╬ *** ◘◘◘ ❖ ❖ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ύύύ † † † ☆ ☆ ♣ ω ύύύ † † ♠♠♠ ☆ █ ▌ ○○ ☺☺☺ ټ ټ ههه * ه * ه * ه * ه * ههه ☼ ☼تبر رفيقة, أنا أنت يتلقى تبحث ل, ويحافظ أنت يسكت ¶ ¶ ¶ ▼ ◄◄ ■ "" © \u003e\u003e \u003e\u003e "% $$$ ### @@@" ""! ~ "" ^^ && ??? *** ((())) __- ++ \u003d\u003d\u003d /// |||| \\\\\\ ░▒▓█ █▓▒░ ♦ ☺☻ ♠ ○ ◘ ★ ° ¤ ツ ® ₰ ◘. ☻ ஜ ♀ * "~~" * ☺√ 斯坦 † (̪ ● ●) † ♪ ♫ ♡ ♠ d -_- b 文 ╬ ◙ ♣ ѽ 촕 慎 횇 ® ペイル ペイル ۞ټ இ [▪ ▪] x [▪ ▪] ° ☂ ● ● ☆ 彡 π ♠ ♣ ♦ ▼ ○ √ι ק ҳ̸ҳ̸ҳ✖ | 2х29 (̾ ● ♔㋛✄❀ϟ┼ ♔㋛✄❀ϟ┼ ╓ ░⎛╨ ░⎛╨ ░⎛╨ → / ◘ ╥ ї ї љ љ \u003cњ Ќ ћ џ џ 了 了 本 篇 报 告 ψ ψ ↓ ↓ → → ڿ غ څ▒ څ▒ ▓ ▓ ▓ ╡ ╖ ╖ ╕ ր ր ր - - ۩ ۞ ▀ ▄ \u003c⎳۞ک ϟ ↕tm ★ ★ ¤ ツ ツ ₰ ₰ ◘ ☻ ஜ ஜ ♀ * "~~" * ☺√ 斯坦 † (̪ ●) † ♪ ♫ ♡ ♠ d -_- b 文 ╬ ◙ ♣ ѽ 촕 慎 횇 횇 횇 ペイル ペイル ۞ټ இ [▪ ▪] x [▪ ▪] ° 社 ☂ ● ☆ 彡 π ♠ ♠ ♣ ♦ ▼ ○ √ι ק ҳ̸ҳ̸ҳ✖ | 2х29 (̾ ● ♔㋛✄❀ϟ┼ ♔㋛✄❀ϟ┼ ╓ ╓ ░⎛╨ → / ◘ ╥ ї ї љ љ љ њ ќ ќ ћ Џ 成 了 了 本 报 报 告 ψ ψ ↓ ↓ ↓ → ڿ غ 8 څ▒ ▓ ▓ ▓ ╡ ╢ ╖ ╕ ր ր ր - - ۩ ۞ ▀ ▄ \u003c⎳۞ک ϟ ↕tm ★ ° ¤ ツ ® ₰ ◘ ☻ ஜ ♀ * "~~" * ☺ icons without category: ◗ ◖ ◕ ◔ ◓ ◒ ▲ ▲ △ ▴ ▵ ▷ ▸ ▹ ▻ ▼ ▽ ▾ ▿ ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ● ◑ ◯ ◭ ◭ ◬ ◫ ◪ ◩ ◨ ◧ ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▪ ▪ ▬ ▭▮ ▯ ▰ ▱ ▓ ▒ ░ ▐ ▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▒ ▓   ╴ ╵ ╵ ╶ ╷ ╸ ╹ ╺ ╻ ╼ ╽ ╾ ╿ ┇ ┇ ┆ ┅ ┄ ┃ ╇ ╇ ╆ ╅ ╄ ╃ ╂ ╁ ╀ ┿ ┾ ┽ ┼ ┻ ┺ ┹ ┸ ┷ ┶ ┵ ┴ ┳ ┲ ┱ ┰ ┯ ┮ ┭ ┬ ┫ ┪ ┩ ┨ ┦ ┥ ┤ ┣ ┢ ┡ ┠ ┟ ┞ ┝ ├ ┛ ┚ ┙ ┘ ┗ ┖ ┕ └ ┓ ┓ ┒ ┑┐ ┏ ┎ ┍ ┌ ┋ ┊ ┉ ┈ ┇ ┆ ┅╬ ╫ ╪ ╩ ╨ ╧ ╦ ╥ ╤ ╣ ╢ ╟ ╟ ╝ ╜╛ ╚ ╙ ╘╗ ╖ ╕╔ ╓ ╒║ ═ ═ ╍ ╌╋ ╊ ╉╈ ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ ✿✿ * "`. ° * "` * * `" * °. `" * °. ✿ ✿ ° * "`. ° * "` ** `" * °. `" * ° .✿ ✿ ° *. ° `**. `" ° ✿ ✿ ° * "`. ° * "` `" * °. `" * ° .✿ ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ (̅_̅_̅_̅ (̅̅̅̅̅̅ (̅_̅_̅̅̅̅k̅̅e̅n̅t̅_̅_̅_̅ () ๏ ̯͡ ๏ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☼ ☽ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ℃ ℃ ✽ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❈ ❊ ❊ ❋ ❋ ✱ ✱ ✳ ✴ ✵ ✵ ✷ ✸ ✸ ✺ ✻ ✻ ✼ ✪ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ✬ ✮ ✯ ✰ ⋆ ⋆ ▄ ▀ ▼ ▓ ▌ ■ ■ ▂ ▃ ▅ █ ▲ ▲ △ ▷ ▼ ▽ ◀ ◁ ◆ ◇ ○ ◌ ▢ ◊ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ▉▊▋▌▍▎▏〇 ☺☻ ♠ ♣ ♣ ♦ ○ ◘◙۞ ҉ ѿϡ◄ ▲ ▼ ■ ψ☼¤ † ł1øω ♪ ♫ ♪ ..ιlιlι .ιl. ₪ ╬ ╬ ╬ ソ ッ ッ ヅ ツ ゾ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ヅ ツ ゾ ジ ټ ↓ ↓ ↓ ت ت ت ↔ ♦ ♦ ™ ™ ت ت ◄ ♦ ◊☺◊ ♦ ▄▀ ▀▄ ۩ 1 ★ ★ (̪ ●) (̪ ●) _ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ♂♀ ♀♂ \\ ▪ \\ - \\ ▪ \\ - \\ ▪ \\ / ▪ / - / ▪ / - / ▪ / - / ▪ † ╔ ++++++++++++++++++++++ ╗__) _║ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ╝ "- (¯`v'¯) -" ....)))) "- (¯`v'¯) -"! ° * "~~" * ° ●?!. ° * "~~" * ° ● ☀ ☀ ♂ s ╠══ \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d † \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d ══╣ ╠════ \u003d † \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d † \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d ═ ██████████ ██████████ ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ●● ● ● ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ♪ ★ ♪ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ::::: :: ... :::::::::::::: ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬ ♂ ♪ \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d ♪ ♫] ♫ ♪ \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d █ ▌█ ▌ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ● ● ★) ★ ● ● ● ☜ ♡ ☞ ☺☻☹ ㋛ ソ ッ ヅ ツ ゾ シ ت ت ت 〠 ๏ ̯͡ ๏ ͡ ๏ ̮͡ ๏ ๏ 9 (̾ ● ̮̾͡ ̾) 6 9 (̾ ● ̮̮̾ ̾) 6 (̪ ●) 鸒

● ツ 0 · ● ° ★, ~ ~ † ╬╬╬╬❖❖❖❖❖, ωωω ♡♡♡♡ ° * "~, TM ☠☠☠☠☠♀♀♀♀ღღღღ ,, 社会文 ♠, ۩۞۩ , ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀۞۞█.

▌★☼☼☼● ° ★● ° ★, ● ° ★● ° ★♪♪● ° ★● ° ★, ● ° ★● ° ★● ° ★, ♪▂▃▄▆▒↕↕↕๏✔̯͡๏斯坦尼斯会文社═╬╬═۩۞۩★★★

▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄۞۞۞இஇஇ®®®√√√๑۩۩๑¤¤¤♂♂♂ ツツツ● ● ♡♡♡ ღღღ♀♀♀♫♫♫₪₪₪øøø♪♪♪ஐஐஐ↕↕↕˜”* ° . . °* ”˜ששששש☻☻☻تتت˙˙·. ૐ╬╬╬٭٭٭◘◘◘❖❖❖♣♣♣

† † † ☆☆☆ ωΩΩ111 ♠♠♠ █▌ ○○○ ☺☺☺ټټههه * ه * ه * ه * ه * ههه☼☼ههه☼☼تبررفيقة, أناأنتيتلقىتبحثل, ويحافظأنتيسكت¶¶¶ ▼ ◄◄ ■ "© © ░░░░░\u003e% $ $ $ ### № @@@ «»»! ~ «« ^^ && ??? ***

((() ) ) _ _ -++ === /// |||| \\\\\\ ░▒▓█ █▓▒░ ♦ ☺☻ ♠ ○ ◘ ★ ° ¤ ツ ® ₰ ◘. ☻ ஜ ♀ * "~~" * ☺√ 斯坦 † (̪ ● ●) † ♪ ♫ ♡ ♠ d -_- b 文 ╬ ◙ ♣ ѽ 촕 慎 횇 ® ペイル ペイル ۞ټ இ [▪ ▪] x [▪ ▪] 社 ☂ ● ● ☆ π π ♠ ♣ ♦ ▼

○ √ι ק ҳ̸ҳ̸ҳ✖ | 2 x2 9 (̾ ● ♔㋛✄❀ϟ┼◄╝╓░⎛╨ → / ◘╥◘╥┴1 ۩۩1↕ Ø ₪ ש љ \u003cњќћџ 成 了 本 篇 报告 ψ ↓ → ڿغ 8 څ▒▓│ ╕іїї ր ր-- ۩۞▀▄ \u003c⎳۞ک ϟ↕tm ★ ° ¤ ツ ® ₰ ◘ ◘. ☻

ஜ♀ * "~~" * ☺√ 斯坦 † (̪ ●) † ♪ ♫ ♡ ♠ D - _ - b 文 ╬◙ ♣ ѽ 촕 慎 횇 ӓ ӓ ペイル ペイル ۞ټ இ [▪ ▪ ▪] x [▪ ▪] ° 社 ☂ ● ● ☆ 彡 π ♠ ♣ ♦ ▼ ○ √ι ק ҳ̸ҳ̸ҳ✖ | 2 x2 9 (̾ ● ♔㋛✄❀ϟ┼◄╝╓░⎛╨ → / ◘╥◘╥┴11 ۩۩1↕ Ø ₪ ש љ \u003cњќћџњќћџ 成

了 本 篇 报告 ψ ↓ → ڿغ 8 څ▒▓ څ▒▓ ії ր ր ր ۩۞▀▄ \u003c⎳۞ک ϟ↕tm ★ ° ¤ ツ ® ₰ ◘. ☻ஜ♀ * "~~" * ☺

◗◖◕◔◓◒▲△▴▵ ▷▸▹ ▻▼▽▾▿◀◁◂◃◄◅◆◇◈◉◊○◌◍◎●◐◑◯◮◭◬◫◪◩◨◧■□▢▣▤▥▦▧▨▩▪▫▬▭▮▯▰▱▓▒░▐▏▎▍▌▋▊▉█



✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿* ”` . °* ”` * * ` ”* ° . ` ”* ° . ✿✿ °* ”` . °* ”` * * ` ”* ° . ` ”* ° . ✿✿ °* ”. °` * * . ` ”° ✿✿ °* ”`

. ° * "` `" * °. `" * °. ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ (̅_ ̅_ ̅_ ̅ (̅̅̅̅̅̅ (̅_ ̅_ ̅̅̅̅k ̅̅e ̅n ̅t ̅_ ̅_ ̅_ ̅ ()

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