How to put emoticons in the VKontakte comments. How to put emoticons in VK status

Communication on VKontakte is hard to imagine without funny faces that convey emotions. They are added to messages, status, on the wall. Now you will learn how to put emoticons in comments in VK.

The standard emoticons in contact are faces with a variety of emotions that express joy, admiration, sadness, anger, etc. You can find them on your page.

Most often they are used in messages, and therefore you need to open the folder of the same name and select any dialogue.

In the window that opens, an accessible collection of emoji that can be inserted into the contact will appear. At the beginning of the tooltip, the most frequently used icons are displayed, followed by emotions, gestures and people, symbols, animals and plants, food and drinks. Below are the emoticons that indicate sports and activity, travel, transportation, items and flags.

In the tooltip next to the icon of standard emoticons there are huge faces with different emotions.

This completes the list of free emojis in contact, the rest of the code images you will be offered to purchase in the sticker store or earn by various methods.

In addition to the available smiles, in the tooltip there are hidden icons (their mass), which have their own code designations. They can also be added to dialogs, on the wall and in discussions completely free of charge. To do this, rewrite or copy the code from the smiley column and paste it in the right place.

As already mentioned, the list of emoji in the table is huge and constantly expanding, but because your ability to express emotions is increasing.

Insert emoticons in comments

Add emotions to your comment using emoticons is quite simple:

To add a large smiley, follow these steps:

In addition, you have the opportunity not only to put emoticons in the comments, but also to delete them.  To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner.

The message will disappear and the message “Restore” will appear, after clicking which you will again see the smiley.

Adding Hidden Emoticons

As already mentioned, in addition to the available pictures in the sticker store, there are emoji for every taste. However, you can purchase them for free:

For the main group of emoticons, there are familiar codes for all, which are located in the "Smiley" column. If you copied the symbol, clicked "Submit", but it did not convert to emoji, then try reloading the page. If even this does not help, then use the code from the column of the same name.

It happens that after inserting the code and confirming the sending, you see only numbers and signs. This means that the code is not completely copied or you forgot to delete (_) before sending. You need to check all these values \u200b\u200band put a smiley in the comments.

Add emoticons to comments from mobile

Users in contact are increasingly communicating via a smartphone based on Android or iOS. Insert emoticons into comments via mobile is very simple. To do this, you do not need to rewrite or copy the emoji code - through the phone you can access a whole package of standard and hidden emoticons. But if this is not so, then special software is downloaded that will provide you with all kinds of emoji. This application is called Kate Mobile ().

This program not only allows you to embed emoticons in comments, but also helps activate stealth mode.

Thus, VKontakte developers provide the ability to insert emoticons into comments in several ways. In addition, you can use an unlimited number of hidden emoji. If you more often “travel” on VK through a mobile phone, then download the Kate Mobile application.

If you have an account on the VKontakte social network and you at least occasionally go to your page, then for certain you have come across inscriptions that contain emoticons. However, not all users know how to add smiling little men to the VK wall.

This sincerely surprises many. If you want to know how you can add smiling faces to your wall, we suggest you read this article to the end.

You can, of course, try to figure this out on your own, but it may take you some time. The information below will help you clarify this issue. If you pay attention to the wall in the VKontakte social network, then you can notice that the comments no longer have a translucent button, which was used to set emoticons. And here many have the question: what now needs to be done to add emoticons?

Instruction manual

If you need to add these elements to your wall, you will have to work a little. If you use the method below, you will be able to achieve a positive effect. You can add emoticons not only on your own, but also on someone else's wall. First of all, you will need to switch to a special Internet resource where you can not only smileys, but also their codes.

When writing a new comment, you must immediately decide where you will install the icon. Then you will need to insert the emoticon code in the selected location. When copying, pay attention to what emotions this smile expresses. Now you know how to easily and quickly insert a smiley on the VKontakte social network. But there is one subtle point: you need to choose only those elements that are in the database of this social network.


I would like to note that emoticons can be used not only when writing comments, but also when adding publications. For example, they can be used in photo captions or in new articles. The question of adding emoticons to the wall in the VK social network is quite interesting. But still it’s not entirely clear for what purpose the site administration has developed the ability to add these elements through the site’s functions.

Final part

We hope this review helped you figure out how to add emoticons to the wall on the VKontakte social network. First of all, you will need to select a suitable picture for recording. After that, you have to copy the code of the selected element and add it to the desired location on your page. You can set the picture at the beginning, end or middle of the post. Here everything will depend only on the situation and your preferences. Let's look at some pretty simple examples.

If you need the diamond icon to appear in the message you typed, insert the code "_128142" into it. If you need to decorate your message with a picture of a panda, use the combination "_128060". If you like listening to music and want to complement your playlist with a picture of notes, try dialing the code “_127814” for several elements, or “🎵” for one. For fans of cooking, a picture with an image of an eggplant is suitable. You can insert it using the combination "_127814". Now you know how to add emoticons and not only to your page on the VKontakte social network.

Currently, there is constant communication between people. It can be of two types: verbal and non-verbal. The first type of communication is written and spoken. Non-verbal communication expresses the tone, timbre, volume of the voice, as well as hand gestures, winks and facial expressions.

Thus, during correspondence on a social network, you can not just transfer letters, but display them.

When writing a message to a friend, as a rule, certain emotions arise that correspond to a specific situation. Very often I want to convey them. For such cases, the site administration provides special smiles. Not all users know how to put them. Many people prefer to convey their feelings in words, but this is not always convenient and fast. To put emoticons on the wall in the social network VKontakte, it will take some action.

Emoticons in messages

When communicating on the network for a long time, most users express their emotions with a certain key combination. Often there are the following notation:

  🙂 - joy;
   🙁 - sadness and others.

If you know how to create VK emoticons, you can easily transfer your own emotions and feelings. When exchanging private messages, it is also sufficient to use a certain key. It is placed in the dialog box and is represented by a translucent icon that looks like a smiley. You must click on it so that a picture appears in the message. It can also be inserted using the Tab key.

How to install VK emoticons on the wall?

In this case, the situation is not so simple. There is no translucent key on the wall for discussions and comments. What is the way out of this situation if you want to take an active part in any dialogue? It is worth noting immediately that you have to work a little. First, you need to go to a special site where emoticons are displayed, each of which is endowed with its own code. To insert an icon in the required comment, you should set the emoticon code in a specific place in the message, having previously copied it. It should also be noted that among the pictures there are not only emoticons, but also different objects and conditions.

Once it becomes clear how to put emoticons on the social network VKontakte on the wall, it is easy to display them in status or comments. For example, with a cup of tea you can express a momentary lesson or rest or chat with friends for a long time. When the desired picture is selected, you need to copy the code written next to it and paste it into the recording on the wall. There is one prerequisite, which is the presence of a semicolon at its end.

What is the harm of smiles?

After the user has learned how to add smiles to the VKontakte social network on the wall, it's time to think about the security of your own page. It is undesirable to install some third-party programs that provide access to insert smiles. There are several reasons for this:

Programs are able to load the server, as a result of which the pages will slowly open;
   many pictures in these utilities have the wrong code (or rather, it is correct, but it is not suitable for most computers due to the lack of the required extension);
   software search, as well as its study and installation take a long time, so you should not waste it, because it is very valuable.

Today, sharing emotions with your friends is easy. And this can be done not only with live communication.

If you are registered in VK and at least sometimes visit your page, then you must have come across such recordings where smiling men are present. Emoticons on the wall of "VKontakte" are not able to add all users. Some are even sincerely surprised after what they saw! They also want to add smiling faces to the posts on their wall. About how this is done correctly, we will tell you today. If you yourself begin to understand all this, you probably need to spend a lot of time, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information we provided, and then everything will become clear right away.

If you pay attention to the wall in "VK", you can notice that in the comments you can no longer find a translucent round button, with which you can set smiles. Of course, the question immediately arises: what to do? Let's try to figure out how to put emoticons on the wall in VK.

Instruction manual

In order for you to be able to add these elements, you need to work a little. If you stick to the method below, then you will surely succeed, and you will learn how to add different smiles to your or someone else’s wall. The first thing that is required of you is to switch to a special resource where you can find not only emoticons, but also their codes. When you write a new comment, you immediately need to decide where you want to set the icon. After that, the copied emoticon code is installed in the selected location. Also, when copying the code, you need to first see what emotions this smile expresses. Now you know how to write “VKontakte” emoticons, but still there is one more important point: you need to choose the elements that are present in the base of the social network.


I want to note that you can use emoticons not only when commenting on posts, but also when adding different publications. For example, in status or in new articles and photo captions. The question of how “VKontakte” to put emoticons on the wall is interesting, but it is still not clear for what reasons the administration has not yet developed the ability to install such elements through the functions of the site.


Surely you have already managed to figure out how to put emoticons on the wall in VK. First you need to choose a more suitable picture for recording, after which it is worth copying and moving the code to the right place. A picture can be set both at the beginning and in the middle or at the end - everything will depend on the situation here.

Here are some of the most interesting examples. If you want a diamond to appear in the message, use the code "_128142". To decorate the message with the image of a panda, the combination "_128060" is suitable. If you like music or want to add a musical selection to notes, use the code "_127925" (for one element) or "_127926" (for several). Love to cook - decorate your recipe with the image of eggplant, using the combination "_127814". So we figured out how to "Vkontakte" put emoticons on the wall.

Emoticons have become an integral part of almost any correspondence. Many do not describe their emotions, they transmit them directly through a small image.

By the way, they have become so popular that they are constantly evolving and receive updates in the form of new characters. Social networks also do not lag behind new-fangled trends and offer to insert emoticons (they are emojis) in posts, on the wall and in comments. Well, those who want to stand out from the rest can put a small picture straight to their status.

Previously, to perform such an action, it was necessary to know a special image code. But time passes and everything becomes much simpler.

Emoticons on VK

How to insert emoticons on VK

It all starts with emoji in private messages. It is worth noting that this method is applicable to all moments when you need to express your emotions, with just a few images.

Emoticons in messages

So, once in private messages, you should pay attention to the image of the emoticon. It will be located on the right side of the message line. Here, in addition to standard images of the “yellow face”, other pictures will be present. To see them, just scroll down the list. Along with the usual emojis, there are stickers here that can also be used in order to maintain a conversation or embellish the moment after receiving excellent (or not so) news.

Having decided on the most suitable smiles, they must be selected. We click on the icon with the left mouse button (touchpad) and observe how it appears in text form. Having typed the message to the end, it remains to press the “Send” button or the “Enter” key located on the keyboard.

Emoji for comments

Emoji in the comments open identically. Here they can be used for its intended purpose or sent to one of those who managed to comment on the record. After opening the necessary tab, first of all, you will find those characters that you used the last time. This greatly simplifies the search for your favorite emotions, as they are brought to the fore. However, less interesting options remain somewhere overboard.

Emoticons for notes

It is impossible to bypass the posts for general viewing. Here you can not do without violent reactions, beautiful words and a large number of hashtags. Of course, the entry will be incomplete if you do not add a few thematic emoticons. Before placing a ready-made version for viewing, be sure to look at all the available emoji options. The overwhelming number of people simply does not want to scroll below, in search of the most suitable option. But in vain, with the help of smiles, you can tell a full story that can be awarded thousands of likes.

Before posting, pay attention to the images of the smiling round ball. Again, it is worth clicking on to see the entire list of available characters. Do not forget that their number is strictly limited, but a full post with a story will be more than enough.

Funny characters in status

Well, the last in line is the emoticon in status. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, previously the social network did not have a free addition to the status of images. Such a function appeared relatively recently along with a change in the site interface.

We go to your page and go to the status. If you haven’t installed it yet, the inscription “Change status” will appear there. Click on it. So you will see an input line. A face with a smile will show off on the right.

Again we click on it and select the characters suitable for the status. It should be noted the restrictions introduced by the system. Status can consist of only 100 characters. This applies to both the letter and numbers, and smiles. Therefore, try to correctly allocate free space.

The only information space where emoticons have not yet managed to get are articles. This feature is a recent innovation on the part of the social network and, according to the developers, only exceptional materials should be collected there, where there is no place for additional symbols. But no matter how ironic it may sound, they are all available in the form of codes that can be found on the vast expanses of the world wide web. However, if you are going to release a serious work, we advise you to bypass the emoticons, because all the desire to seem serious sink into oblivion.

We put a few spaces in a row

We all perfectly understand that it is impossible to hide a creative streak, even using only emoticons. For example, among emojis there are a large number of various pictures that combine perfectly with each other, however, for this you need to put a few spaces.

The problem is that if you use the standard solution and just click a few times on the gap, the system will automatically remove them. And then the result will be completely violated - emoticons will be at the beginning of the input line.

The standard solution to the problem using the combination “Alt + 255” no longer works and in the input window it is displayed as a standard space. Advanced users use the code:.

Please note that during input it will be displayed as normal characters, but after sending it will immediately turn into a space. You can enter sequentially one after another, without putting spaces. Thus, we get endless spaces that will be visible to all users. This will allow you to create real masterpieces using only symbols from existing emoticons.

Among the interesting features there is a system for replacing a word or emoticon with a sticker corresponding to the user's emotions. It works as follows: at the beginning of entering a message, if a word or emoji has a direct interpretation to one of the stickers, its image appears a little higher. This always allows you to stay in trend, communicating more meaningfully with minimal time.

But unlike text messages, stickers take up one message. That is, when they are sent, they cannot be supplemented with information, which is slightly inconvenient, because then you have to pre-prepare additional speech about a similar character and the user with whom the dialogue takes place.


As it became clear from the article, emoticons on VKontakte occupy a leading role in communicating or expressing their emotions without auxiliary means. Using them is becoming easier, and sooner or later there will be support for those when writing copyright articles. They may already be displayed there by introducing a special code, but this is much more inconvenient than an informative list, staffed in a certain order.

As for their development in the future, they will confidently remain in their positions, at times supplemented by new images based on a particular event. For example, some services add several emojis to choose from. In particular, this applies to labels with people, because the issue of skin color is now more acute than ever.

However, the most important thing is that now you can attach emoticons to any post or message. And also will not do without the original status.

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