Why make snow robots and portraits by smell. Master's business: how the workflow of the art group "Where the dogs run a creative association where dogs run

The group members consider the symbolic date of the base of the team of 1961, when Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space. In reality, the activities of this creative association began in 2000 with experiments in electronic engineering, using the methods of which it creates various (mainly miniature) artistic forms and then integrates them into the surrounding space. The group is engaged in creating multimedia installations, performances and kinetic sculptures. Among their projects - an electromechanical shaman, which serves as an archive of the environment, filled with smells, sounds and situations; balls robots combining mathematical models with real physical parameters that make the movement of these balls unpredictable; As well as a multimedia installation that creates the illusion of the presence of consciousness in inanimate matter due to the magnetic fluid that takes the shape of the eye and follow the viewer. Continuing to investigate the ambiguity of the human future in the context of the development of artificial intelligence and various forms of illusions on the border of art and technology along with the body experiences generated by them, the team created the first prototype "Robocadilo" - portable automatic cencing designed to scare the evil forces. A small device resembling the pendulum is equipped with gamma radiation detectors and, depending on the situation, sprays incense with varying degrees of intensity.

Snezhana Krabstev


The creative association "where the dogs run" was created in 2000 in Yekaterinburg. It includes Vladislav Bulatov (r. 1975), Natalia Grekova (r. 1976), Olga Inozetseva (R. 1977) and Alexey Korzukhin (r. 1973). Among their personal exhibitions: Trialog (Ural branch of the State Center of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg, 2013), I Feel U (Street Vision site, Tomsk, 2014), "1, 4 ... 19" (Ural branch of the State Center of Contemporary Art, Yekaterinburg , 2014). Participants of numerous group exhibitions: The Russian Art Show (Calvert 22, London, 2012), 2nd Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art (Ekaterinburg, 2012), "Dreams for those who are awake" (Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, 2013), " Mostzat "(Artplay Center, Moscow, 2013)," Museum of Contemporary Art: Department of Labor and Employment "(State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, 2013)," Art against Geography "(Museum of Modern Art Permm, Perm, 2013)," Laboratory Ice "(Laboratoria Art & Science Space, Moscow, 2013). Live and work in Yekaterinburg.

On April 21, the winners of the Tenth Anniversary All-Russian Competition in the field of modern visual art "Innovation" will be announced, and before that time, Art Knot has prepared a series of interviews of some nominees and organizers of the legendary competition. Read with Hesteg # innovation2014.

Creative association "where dogs run". Ekaterburg. Nominee Innovation 2014 in the field of "Work of Visual Art".

Creative association "where dogs run"Where Vladislav Bulatov, Natalya Grechova, Alexey Korzukhin, Olga Inozemeseva formed in 2000 in Yekaterinburg. Artists create kinetic sculptures, objects, installations, video and shares, which combine spontaneous experiences, myths, optical and linguistic illusions and technical achievements. This group is an active participant in various Biennale and exhibitions of contemporary art in Russia and abroad.

The competition is based on a generative installation: a mouse, a robotic labyrinth, a camera, the projection "1.4 ... 19" really makes it stop and watch.

Anastasia Chetverikova: Your mouse happens not by Elgernon is called? And was this installation done based on the book D. Kiza "Flowers for Erzernon"?

Olga Inoshetseva:No, it's quite about a friend. Now we have 16 mice, they have different names, but here there is a new Moscow squad of mice, which we have not yet called.

A.Ch.: Tell us about the integration of virtual mice into the life of a real mouse.

O.I.: Virtual mice are unrealized real mouse capabilities. In principle, they possess all the possibilities of the behavior of the live mouse: to run in any direction, to sleep, there is, etc. Their trajectory is constructed in real time. At the moment when the threat of a virtual mouse of unrealized capabilities and a real mouse arises, then a wall occurs in the maze between them. We can simply observe how unrealized capabilities begin to form the trajectory of the live mouse, as they, in the end, limit the volume of its living space. As soon as the threat of the meeting disappears, the doors open, so mice quickly understand that the passive position is most beneficial.

But on the other hand, mice in the maze there is no other incentive in addition to their actual interest.

A.Ch.: And even there is no cheese?

O.I.: (Laughs) We also believed when a labyrinth was built in a fairy tale about cheese, but it turned out that there is nothing like that and cheese does not work. At first, we tried to lure them in food, but quickly realized that the best incentive for the mouse is their own curiosity.

Creative association "where dogs run". Project "1.4 ... 19"

A.Ch.:Do you act in this project as natural scientific researchers or as artists?

O.I.: We speak only as artists, and we are interested only from these positions.

A.Ch.:Mouse in a maze like an allegory had a value for you?

O.I.: Unfortunately, you can not get anywhere from the beaten metaphor about the mouse in a labyrinth, and we also embody it physically. The fact is that this is the most accurate way to create a spatial version of a rational labyrinth that allows you to cut off these not necessary moments.

A.Ch.: What conclusions did you do from this experiment?

O.I.: We should not draw conclusions and we should not have such a task. But watching, we found several moments that did not plan, for example, that there are two behaviors: "unidirectional mouse generator" and "bidirectional mouse generator". Unidirectional - this is when the mouse has one corridor, but it doesn't go to it, and the virtual mice will be broken into the closed door, then the virtual mice are beginning to be born and it immediately closes in this space. Bidirectional when it has two outputs from the intersection, but it still does not go to them and closes in the closed - it is still faster starting to create virtual mice and it starts to lock in this space for a longer time, because the more she created Fantomov, the longer she spends on.
And from this we made the only conclusion that the passive position of the most winning. But on the other hand, it sits in the corner and does not use the options, is it possible to consider this position of the winning?

And we were struck by such a thing that the live mouse was able to locate the virtual mouse at the crossroads. Those. She can win.

Creative association "where dogs run". Project "1.4 ... 19"

A.Ch.: Is it possible to make such an experiment in humans?

O.I.: In this idea there is nothing cynical or crazy, in humans every day spend many experiments all who are not too lazy, and in particular this experiment. Just on the contrary, we hope that our experiment will help people look at the possibility of choosing and on unrealized opportunities from the part.

Watch the mouse and make your own conclusions until May 3, 2015 In GCCI on zoological. And also watch the video at www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dYSDZGVPAQHE


You already exist for 15 years - how did your interests and themes changed during this time? How did the world change around?

Globally in no way. Probably gradually, as new incoming data arrives, there is an expansion or deepening of the circle of both interests, but it is hardly any radical changes. And the world has become more "outsiders" and "otherworldly". At least for us.

How does your job work? Do you all have the skills of creating complex objects? Are you in constant interaction - or is it sporadically?

We all have different skills and skills, someone big, someone smaller. When we lack our cumulative skills, we appeal for help from specialists. We work as a group, and never worked otherwise. We spend most of the time together, and, probably, it can be called permanent interaction.

"1.4 ... 19"

The main hero of the installation "1.4 ... 19" is a white laboratory mouse that runs through the maze. At each crossroads, she chooses one of the possible paths. At this time on the projection of the labyrinth on the screen ("view from above") A virtual mouse appears, selecting the turn from which the real mouse refused. As soon as in the virtual world, the paths of the present and alternative mice are intersect, the door is closed in the next to the real mouse the labyrinth. Thus, virtual mice can limit the space of a real to a minimum, and its life will be formed by the missed capabilities. By the way, this project was nominated for the latest Innovation Award.

Are you bearing technologies or trust them?

We do not beware of technologies, do not admire them, do not have confidence or distrust to them. Man if we separate from technology, it is very short: he will immediately create the technology to "be without technology". We, for example, we can very technologically "to blow to the limit" and notice that this is a fairly common technology. We train to distinguish technologies in any action of a person. Something "non-technological" we consider unique and worthy of close attention.

In some of your work, you can see a rather gloomy image of the future. Do you think technology can not lead humanity to utopia?

Of course, we sometimes betray the illusions that humanity moves somewhere and that the technology created by man helps him in this. But such seizures of collective positivism happen to us infrequently, as quite correctly noticeable. Rather, we understand the word "Utopia" literally: as a place that is not. And it seems to us that humanity, of course, may be "non-existent" in the "non-existent place." But we think that if it happens, a certain idea developed by a certain culture will lead us to this place, and not separate technologies.


Three spherical robots on their own move on the snow field. Their movement depends on the law laid into the program, similar to gravity: displacements are determined by mass indicators of body. The physical space makes adjustments to the mathematical law in the form of errors - these are bumps, the snow, inaccuracies of mechanical control. It turns out that it is impossible to predict the trajectory of the balls even in a minute. The created system comes out of control, becomes autistic, closed on himself.

Which directions of research in modern science seems to you the most interesting or controversial?

We are now interested in research related to perception, with senses, memory, with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, as well as with the theory of consciousness. It seems interesting to us very much, but controversial ... We do not have so powerful knowledge to consider some research controversial or untenable. After all, we still know quite a little about the world and therefore we think that it is not necessary to say something to do or something unpromising "- somehow strange.

Fields 2.1.

Installation consists of a glass bowl with a magnetic fluid under which the mechanism is hidden - eye from magnets. The fluid reacts to the movements of the "Eye", which "opens" only when the viewer is suitable for the structure. Then installed above the chamber bowl are broadcast two eyes, which are formed on the surface of the liquid. Non-fat Matter thus acquires its own "consciousness", which exists only when contacting human consciousness.

What relationship do you enter with the viewer? Does it have to be squeezed in some questions - or are you more interesting to a blank sheet?

Some of our works are based on what the audience thinks and feels, on how he is used to do with reality. In this case, we are very interested in any reactions of viewers, and all. Then our work is consisting of them. But we have projects, in no way related to the viewer. Then we just do not remember about it while we work. On the supernisters, we are the most interesting "unbiased viewer", and it can be savvy or not. But in general, we are very surprised by the still common "removal" of technological art in some separate category of human activity, requiring individual connoisseurs. It seems to us not useful and strange. We think that the evaluation criteria, access codes, decryption in this case are all the same as always.

"Face smell"

Installation is made of tubes and gas analyzers, which analyze the condition of the air when the viewer is suitable for the object. Unique smells that publishes his body transform the structure of the gas field around it. The information is analyzed and the screen appears on the screen created on the basis of "gas" data on where those or other parts of the person and human body are located. If the viewer approaches the device for the second time, the portrait will be different. The object helps to keep the memory of the smell that usually eludes.

What questions do you explore now? What are your plans?

Now we work with phobias, smells and evaporation. Preparing two new works.

What happens on the art scene of Yekaterinburg? Are you more inscribed in it or not?

We live quite closed and therefore not very inscribed in the art community of Yekaterinburg. Also, as in Moscow or St. Petersburg, artists here are united because "we are so little", but on the basis of common interests. Our common interests are focused mainly inside the group. From the most visible in the city - the community of street artists, but this is not the only direction in which artists work here. Recently, several artists have appeared in the city, for whom the logic is interesting to observe. It is unlikely that someone is now feeling torn off from the world, closed only in their city. By virtue of our lifestyle, we see very little actions and works of Yekaterinburg authors "live" and basically learn about them from the Internet. Now artists instantly, often in real time represent themselves to the world. Apparently, the locality of art communities in the geographical sense is not very relevant. Locality arise, but several others.

Where are the dogs run. Evaporation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2017. Installation. Courtesy Authors and V-A-C

"Where dogs run" - Yekaterinburg association (Vlad Bulatov, 1975; Natalia Grekova, 1976; Olga Inozemeseva, 1977; Alexey Korzukhin, 1974), established in 1999. Artists work in the field of video and medical mart, create kinetic sculptures, objects, multimedia installations. The exhibitions with their participation were held in many cities of Russia, as well as countries of the Baltic States, Germany, Italy, Japan. In one of the latest works, "evaporation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" (2017), artists translate the text of the Russian Constitution in Azbuk Morse and transmit it with the help of water droplets and hot irons. The drop drops only when the iron is rolled enough. The purpose of the process is to transfer information in the form of steam. The text of the Constitution is displayed to the Spectators able to see the information evaporated at the moment.

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