Alexey Haas Biography. "The hair was waved even at bald": to the twentieth anniversary of the club "Titanic. You have implemented yourself in many professions

The Bridge club broke up with his promotional team led by George Petrushin and invited to develop a new concept of the establishment of a famous St. Petersburg promoter, designer and DJ Alexei Haas.

In my opinion, the "bridge" was never a club. There was a point, playground, place of events. Sometimes understandable, sometimes not quite. Glamorous Paris Hilton came here. Here I am jumping along the walls drunk Barbara Panther. Celebrity and oligarchs, expata and just student gathered here. But no one could understand - why? It was a certain territory. But did you ever exist like a club? After all, the club is a place for interest. Or the word "club" used simply because they did not know another definition? Corporate events - please, some birthday - no problem. Anything. The last few months in the "Bridge" - restructuring. In the role of Gorbachev - Alexey Haas.

What will happen in the new "bridge"?

Now I would like to realize it as a club. The club is a certain idea, a strategy and direction in which we are moving. And people who like this direction and vector - with us.

What do you like?

For me, music has always been important. Music is the key that opens any closed nightlife locks. Because sound and music are the main components of the club. What music, such people, such as requests, and themes in the bar.

"Flying gait" will be?

Hard question. May be. But this is not the main vector. Still, I would like music to be interesting first. And, of course, different. I do not want to say smart or intellectual, but that she was disheartal, unusual music, which can not always hear and not all the time, but only in this place. So that people come here to dance under good music. Probably, in order to get acquainted with a girl or a guy, and even for other reasons. But the main thing - so that there was high-quality music.

What is high-quality music for you?

This is Frankie Schobz, this is David Morales, Roger Sanchez.

And now about the design and interior. What do you change here and why?

We rearranged DJ. Made the sound elsewhere. Slightly expanded the sofasses and combined two small bar in one large. The scene was very limited to the size for the attitudes of different groups and performances. And then the scene in the center of the hall is difficult for perception of both visual and psychological.

On Feng Shui?

You know, for me, Feng Shui is an ambiguous concept. I just know that this word itself scares people. They remember the sticks that light for smell, and run from them as damn from incense. In any space there is a point, finding which you can spin this space. Each person who works with space knows it. There is the right center, and everything is built around it. It may be a window or corridor. Maybe some kind of development on the ceiling or the architecture of the place. Here's how churches built? Walked with chopsticks and looking for a point. They did not build anywhere. First chose a place. And it was not done in vain. Similarly, the position of the DJ, the position of the scene and bars in the nightclub space. It, in principle, may be random. But the situation will not work one hundred percent. That is, all the movements that we now do are aimed at turning this space into an ideal system that works for its tasks. So that people came, drank, danced, beat them, felt well, went home. The next day came again. With pleasure. Maybe they even drove into other places, they looked like, then returned to us. This Magic, this Feng Shui, is difficult to explain.

Everyone in the club industry is known that inside the club - God Is the DJ!

No, not everyone knows that DJ is God. That is what God is? This is something abstract and everyone is deep inside. Similarly, the situation of movements in the club. It is more connected with sensations, and not with specific explanations. Why is that? Yes, because here the bar will be longer. Or why to put a DJ here? Because the dance floor will be more. It does not work in clubs. That is, I go and feel - something wrong. Here is something located, or stands, or plays so that I feel uncomfortable. And in order to feel comfort, you need to try different things. Sometimes it happens the first time: once - and built a scheme. For example, there are some specific laws for which clubs are built. Ideally, this is a platform of 15 by 15 meters. That is the square. By the way, about Feng Shu: Square - a steady figure, and the feeling of stability and stability in the nightclub is very important. Because all people in clubs are in a state unstable, and they necessarily need to lean to something. And if the walls also float, then everything will be crazy.

Maybe it's good?

No, if a person go crazy, he will be taken to a mental hospital, not home. And so very quickly we lose customers. Our task is a dosed convergence crazy.

An example of an ideal club. Architecturally and feeling.

For me, an ideal club is a black box, 50 meters 50 meters. And desirable meters 30 height.

This is a practically theater scene. Modern theater. Because people do not go to church now. They do not go to theaters. They go to clubs. I mean young people. For them, clubs are now all - and the Church, and the theater.

I meant an exclusively club.

And clubs in the modern world seriously fastened all other entertainment.

I can not name the church entertainment. And then clubs are a night action, and in the church we usually go.

Well, how and night vigils, and the processions?

Let's go back to the perfect club!

I find it difficult to answer right so with the go. There is definitely not in Moscow! In St. Petersburg, there is definitely not. There is definitely not in Russia. New York has long been a USA club. He worked half a year and closed. The owners had drug problems. It was a huge old theater in the very center of Manhattan, which was converted to a disco. And this volume is the height of the ceilings of meters 20 for sure, the old authentic interiors that were made for the classic theater. Just made all the chairs from the auditorium and made it a dance floor. There was a very unusual layout. He was made by such a fan. And they retained this fan. Made a focus not on the scene. There was a very pleasant feeling in space. Plus, the sound was crazy, unreal ventilation. And this space makes it possible to build any scenery in the air. That is, for me the perfect club is Circus du Soleil. They build their scene every time. The ministry of sound was also enrolled. Only with sound. They built eight towers and covered them with the hangar. Therefore, if I did the perfect club, I would probably take a huge shop from which the space could have carved itself. Either I just would build it from scratch. Because all clubs in cities, where I was - Paris, London, Moscow, etc., - they are all dumbed somewhere. There was something before that club. And Circus du Sali is ideal in that they build the situation around themselves and under themselves. For me, this is the perfect architecture of the club when you can put the film projectors from behind. When you can build any scenery. And when the scene has a flasher.

What is missing to our clubs?

Some clubs are missing life. Extreme. They have no goal, risk, danger, emotions and self-dedication. Some clubs open, because it is fashionable, because there is a room, because you can become famous. And not because people live it. You know, they say, you can not write - do not write. So here - Yude does not feel the need for these clubs. When I got into the club, I realized that I couldn't do anything else in my life. This is my drug, my necessity. Similarly, with any successful case - should be the need to do this. Not because it is interesting now or just so happened. And because it is yours. You found your chip inside, and you realize it. If there is no this inner need, then it is better not to do this, because the case will never be soupeless.

What are the trends in the interiors and architecture?

I have a feeling that new trends are exactly what we talked about, - Extreme. And the next step in the club architecture, it seems to me that there will be a high-tech direction. Already invented flat screens, which, like wallpaper, can be glued onto the walls. This is a fantasy that we read in childhood: the room is completely like an image. 3D holograms all sorts. I pressed the button - and you at sea. The next direction will be sport-extreme. Trash, ruins, music with broken rhythms, stroboscope, Fire is real, real water. Elements. Fresh elements - this is what a person is lacking in the urban environment.

promoter, club owner

"I always liked to do this. The first disco I made a classmate to Vitakka in the seventh grade. The impetus was a well-known topic - only from the eighth class it was possible to go to school discos. In general, we agreed with a pioneerworthy, found someone who trampled ramp on the landfill and dragged her on the railway, because she did not climb the bus. It took us a whole day - really started to carry it at two in the afternoon, and brought at ten o'clock in the evening. According to the schemes from the magazine "Technique of Youth", light summers were smeared. Vitka brought the coil tape recorder from the house, and we made a disco. All high school students were with us!

After school, I went to commerce for some time. Foreigners tried to "iron", gold sold gold. Many then they dealt with gold - at the state price it cost 2.3 dollars, and sold on "six comma two". I sometimes loaded on the shelter per day in a newlywed salon on Yakimanka - you imagine what money? I had a record - $ 2,200 per day. In 1990! Think away!

I told many times that I had a friend of the promoter from the scam. My friend and I went to Mobile (1992 Party. - Approx. ed.). I really liked it, and I asked: "Seagh, and who did it all - foreigners?" And he: "Yes, good, what are foreigners? Timur Lenan from the Institute of Culture, he has a diploma director-producer of cultural events, he did. " So I met Timur, and we decided to create something together. I remember, I asked: "And where did DJs, Timur, will we take?" And he says: "Come on with M-Radio call!" Who does not remember, it was one of the two broadcasts existing in the FM range, DJs on which the name was super-alena and Vanya Cowboy. We went to them - they said that everyone knew. But we were, in principle, anyway: we did a one-time event to make money. Only that was not entirely clear what to do. This now removed the handset, and a hundred people arrive to you in an hour. And then Timur took some kind of guys from the rocking chair and put under the guntion of the guards to the entrance. And next to VDNH, immediately behind the hotel "Cosmos", there was a Mazutka - the most criminal region of Moscow. So, on our event in the "Cosmos" pavilion, which we called "Gagarin-Pati-3," the whole Mazutka came. And our guards, as soon as they saw these lesson, recycled the real, just moved to the side. I have not seen it with my own eyes. I only remember: some cotton were heard, I grab our cashier, which consisted of one cardboard box, and run to the roof of the "space". In general, we didn't really really make money, but I realized that I was more interesting to deal with something more interesting than to resell gold.

And we began to build "Penthouse" with Timur. I just left the girl and began to live in the club under construction. I am on the formation of the builder, I wonder: in the morning you stand up, and the construction is already coming. And here in one of the autumn nights I hear: some kind of running ... And we had guards - two grandfather. So, they set the solvent in the corner, and next to the wall hung such a sheet with a spiral inside - now, in my opinion, they are forbidden already, "stick to the outlet, and the sheet is heated. One of the guards took her socks on him hung. The sheet of cornob, socks tanned, the solvent broke out in the corner - in general, a fire began. I run, pants on the move zasya, sneakers, as I remember, New Balance with me. I resort, and there two floors already in the fire and the third burn begins. But we have fire extinguishers everywhere. I grabbed one, threw a check, sent a jet on the fire, and the fire to me ugh in response, just zero emotions. I remember me, I am very striking. I thought, one fire extinguisher can be alone.

In short, I dispersed in the hollow all fire extinguishers that were, and caused firefighters. I jumped them to meet on a carriage row in sneakers on a boss foot, in T-shirt and see how they are going to me. Drive up, begin to unloaded - they seemed to me huge in their headsets as fabulous characters, knights. I run around them: "Uncle, there, Uncle, a fire." And they pushed me huge with their mittens and they say: "The boy, come out, do not bother, we will do everything now." And calmly, not in a hurry, everyone was extinguished. Three months before the discovery, this fire was. The most interesting thing is that we have almost completed the club and even protouted. And in one night he was all covered with a thick layer of ice. But I must say, we all became activated, picked in the hands of Kirk, shovels - and everything was rapid. Three months later, at the discovery in the already drilled "penthouse", some kind of team acted - girls with bare tits.

For a new generation, everything we did is Pops. Why is that? I have long understood: if you want to find an answer, project a question for yourself. And I began to remember. For example, the club "Ptüch". Playing, say, Vanya Salmaks, and here is accidentally driven by hyperpopular Madonna. He wants to sing, Salmaksov say: "Wan, you don't play now - she will sing." What will I do in such a situation? Naturally, I will shout: "Remove Madonna, leave Vanya alone." Each generation has its own religion. And for hipsters what we did, Pops. As for me, Madonna twenty years ago.

There used to be a lot of romance, she manifested themselves. For example, in the morning on Tuesday, you walk down the street - and the feeling that you belong to some separate caste. You are strange, cheerful, walk in Moscow while everyone else go to work. And you can boldly communicate with any topics with friends - no one will understand. The events were then little, everyone sought to get on them, listen to music, let me up. And so it was until everything turned into a tough commercial history. True, not really profitable.

Our country is different from other fact that we have no youth that can spend fifty dollars for entering the club. Clubs work in good. Take the same Burning Man's festival in the USA, which ticket costs $ 380. The public is the middle class, ready to spend two or three thousand weekends. Remember, in the film "Casino", the Hero of Robert de Niro says that those times passed when the casino managed, guys from the streets, came corporations, began to calculate the average dollar per person. So, in Russia this did not happen. None of the serious businessmen took to calculate the average dollar from the club visitor. In business Rave and did not grown. And Moscow is generally a separate story. Cool somehow said Lech Haas: "Peter Nostalgically sad, and Moscow Kabatskaya." Looking at what is happening now, you can specifically say: Kabaki won.

In general, all this our conversation about the past reminds me of words from the song Makarevich. There are two rock and rolls in the plot:

"And remember the bear seventy second,
And psychodro, and Seven in "Luzhniki"?
Like the door hooked head
How did the fans wear on our hands? "

Interview recording was made in the summer of 2014 for the project Oleg Tsodyikov "Made in Dance."

What did Alexey Gorbij

  • 1993Detern
  • 2004–2006
  • December 201425

    Together with her friend, Sergey Solovechik in April is visited by one of the first Russian raves Mobile, who conducted promoters Ivan Salmaks and Evgeny Birman on the cyclers in Krylatsky. Mountains fall in love with electronic music. In the summer, together with the former student of the Director of the Faculty of Mgik, Timur Lansky takes part in the organization of Raiva "Gagarin Party 3" in the Pavilion "Cosmos" at VDNH. According to the memoirs of the Horbiya himself, "it was pure scam water." Nevertheless, they spent several more events under the general name "Gagarin Party".

    After the nine-month construction, together with Timur Lansky, the Hermitage Garden opens the Penthouse club, in which on Mondays it is satisfied with the parties with "difficult" music - House, Transom, Techno and Hardcore. There is also a few TRANCEMISSION parties, the first of which collected under 2000 people. The club itself, worked for half a year, closed after a fire.

    By going for the sake of interest in 1996 to Kazantip and coming to a complete delight, the minority with the Underwater Promo Group (Oleg Tsodyikov and Dmitry Fedorov) decide to take an active part in the organization of the festival. Before the trip leaves "Titanic", because, according to his memories, "tired to work for bandits, and just tired."

    Together with Oleg Tsodicov, Gennady Kostov and Alexander Yakut takes part in the opening of the Rotonda Gallery in the Museum of Minerals of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There are strange and conceptual events of the widest profile - from exhibitions of neoacadeuses and concerts of classical music to Private Techno-Aftepati and the weddings of Timur Mamedov. Herbian himself worked quite a bit in this project, because I saw what success was Sinisha Lazarevich with his Jazz Cafe.

    In a small institution on Kuznetsk bridge from India, furniture and carpets are brought out, they will enjoy the support of the sponsors and make a bet on light music - the French disco-house is fashionable. In fact, from the "Shambhala" of the Horbius, together with the former Hospital "Hermitage" club, Light Vickers makes his version of Jazz Cafe. The place quickly acquires a cult status, and in the summer night at Kuznetsky Bridge grows a traffic jam from expensive cars, beautiful girls and rich papiks. It is believed that it was from "Shambhala" the era of Glamor began and the whole technology of expensive clubs was running here. In the same year, together with the restaurant, Alexander Oganezov opens the Jet Set Club.

    Realizing that there is no stability for the rich public, but something new, the miner launches seasonal projects - "Winter", "Summer", "Autumn". They all live long, but become real places of the power of that era. "Winter" built from scratch for a record 43 days, "Summer" operated on the Yauzskaya Embankment, "Autumn" - in the premises of the former central baths. The success of these clubs generates a whole string of competitors' clubs like FIRST, Opera and Billionaire.

    After the seasonal escapada in the Hermitage Garden of the Horbius, together with the promoters of Sinish Lazarevich and Mikhail Kozlov, builds the club "Dyagilev", who had to work for a year, and eventually functioned two. Fakesontrol, lodges for fabulous money, queues in a paid toilet, members of the government in the crowd and remixes to Soviet Pops - "Dyagilev" became the peak of the Moscow glamor's epoch and burned on February 7, 2008.

    At the site of the former club "Behemot" launches Imperia Lounge. The construction was about two years old, and on the plan it was supposed to be the most chic club - with LED panels, trimmed by DJ. However, despite the fabulous investment, the place did not meet expectations. In 2011, the club changed the name at Premier Lounge, and after another two years closed quietly.

    After the closure of Premier Lounge, Alexey Goropro MajoPro team moves to "Red October", where she began to deal with events on a weekend in Shakti Terrace - they were called "Art (spruce) insomnia." However, Alexey himself after his 45th anniversary in February 2014 moves away from management. In an interview with the "CITY", he commented on his position: "Ass complete. I stopped to like there. "

    Alexey Horbia's heart stopped in Bolivia, where he came to relax with a large company. Buried in Moscow in the Khovan Cemetery.

Mountains in the memoirs of friends

in the past promoter, now - co-owner of the chain "Teahon number 1"

"In 1992, Lesha and I made" Gagarin-Pati-3 ". We knew about the Peters and about their "Gagarin" only from the words of our friend Lelik, who was in squelch on the fountain, and then we told about how people lose on the turntables vinyl records, as the melodies alone overflowing like a fabulous beauty girl Under it is dancing. For our inexperienced brains, it was amazing. Our party was June 1 - the next day after the discovery of the disco "U Lis's" in the Olympic. For this occasion, the night we spent the night, taking a parking lot around the sports complex and laying the flyers under the automotive wipers. And then it was scary: we went to the "Cosmos" pavilion with pockets stamped with money - revenue from the entrance, and at the hour of the nights we hired nine fighters stopped cope with the flow of people, and a huge crowd rushed inside. I think it was after that, Lesha had a passion for "coils" - metal fences at the entrance, so that people stood, stretching out in the rank.

Actually, on "Gagarin-party" we only trained. Already then the main dream was the club. In March 1994, we opened the "Penthouse" in the "Hermitage". The director of the garden was my comrade from Gitis Andrei Kebal. He passed the Light Vickers a former restaurant "Mermaid", where she made the "Hermitage" club, and we advised us to pick up either Schukinskaya box, or a mirror theater, in which Salipin sang Mephistofel. The box was all loaded with scenery, which were taken there from all over Moscow, and in the theater hung a huge crystal chandelier and there were very beautiful lodges; There we made the club. "Penthouse" was built by nine months - Lech in the club practically lived. I myself am not lazy, but I was always far from Lesha.

For a given period of time in Russia there is no person who would have achieved in club culture greasy than the minor. In general, I do not fully believe in what happened. I asked people who were engaged in all these sad events - body carriage, funeral, - no one clearly seen him in a coffin, you see? And knowing the scale of a lechine fantasy, his determination to make a fairly thoughtful and at the same time a bold act, I do not exclude that everything is not so tragic, as you think. I want to believe it. "


"With a lash, we introduced my eldest daughter in" Penthouse ". The next time we saw already in the "Titanic". The case went to the discovery, and we worked a lot. I remember I was surprised in it not what he was fast, but, on the contrary, - what slow. In the sense - as he painstakingly treated the details, as he loved the systemally recorded everything. "So-so-so, wait a second, this point we did not finalize." I am more like this feature in it than that reactivity, which, of course, always rushed into the eyes.

Somehow, under the New Year, we were fascinated by the invention of flyer and at some point they thought to such a non-standard solution: to make an invitation in the form of a huge heart-shaped box, grazing candy. But whether the boxes were expensive, or sweets ... We counted, and came out very decent at that time the amount. Our commercial partner, who always listened to us, responded sharply. Perhaps even for him it was expensive, and maybe he was simply emotionally difficult to agree to the box in the form of a heart. He said: "I will not give money." We looked around, and despite the fact that savings no one from us in the mid-1990s was found, made boxes for their money.

I am sure of everyone who has worked with Lesha, there are similar stories: he was always ready to give all his work, burn and burn others. He was one of the best who did this celebration of life. We can another hundred and twenty names to come up with what Lech did. We can use the phrase to use or not use, agree with it or disagree, pronounce it with a stroke, sarcasm or respect. The essence does not change: the minority was one of the few who in the 1990s and to zero could create a real holiday of life. "

Photo: From the personal archive of Oleg Tsodykova

designer, DJ

"Lesha Sunny was. When I say to myself, "Lesha Goroby" - as if the bright light is included somewhere. We met in the "Hermitage" in the early 90s. In general, we have, in St. Petersburg, the attitude towards Muscovites has always been with a chill. Especially after they conducted "Gagarin-Pati-3", after which it became completely clear that this is the usual knockout of money from the brand. We were not against that someone stole our idea, but we did not like that people could not come up with something new. Then I, of course, I forgave everything, and we just friendly friends.

The merit of Lehi is that he first clearly understood: people get tired of clubs. And after "Shambhala" he did not get into the fundamental construction with serious investments, and made a club-transformer. "Winter" was a huge shed, the former club "Pilot", which was rented for some small time. Lech invited workers who still at one time in the "Titanic" pulled out, are real theater masters who had a scenery for the Bolshoi Theater. I think that they pushed him to think that it was not necessary to build a club, but to put a performance. The only minus of the decorations is that from afar they seem to be awesome, and it is clear that it is clear that it is a pure fake from plastic and polyethylene. In the "winter" distracting factor were four flamethumes delivered from St. Petersburg by Ruchniki by Roma and Timothy Abramov, and a gigantic disco-ball-bowl of a meter in a diameter, which was brought from Spain. A ball of the times of the first discos of the 1980s: such a mechanical orange, which was revealed, and it was clear that there were lamps inside. So, orange, flamets, white fabric around the perimeter, dancers in fur caps. Actually, all. There was nothing more. The club-transformer is easily going, easily disassembled and moves to a new place.

I remember Lesha came to the club "Bridge", which I was then only built. I watched, as I work, and said: "Alexey, yes, do you do it on the fig? We spend so much forces on this toilet, on this sound system! " I was surprised: "Why?" And he: "Yes, because Moscow is not necessary! She needs women, drags and places where these women with these drags can be fucked! " I answered that I don't want to build clubs for such people. And he said: "There are no others in Moscow! If you want the club to bring money, scalotes from plywood stall and spill warm champagne in it! " It sounds cynical, but it is. At the same time there were no falsehood in the lech. All he did, he did with a clear conscience. And therefore was one of my closest to me in the spirit of Muscovites. "

deputy Director for Education and Research of the IT Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, in the past - photographer

"We met with Leshey in the" Penthouse ", the colleagues became in the" Titanic ", and then the acquaintance was transferred to friendship. We communicated with the same people, adults on the same things. In 2000, I went to learn and for some time stopped watching what happened in Moscow. I remember that in one of my arrings, Lesha opened the "summer". For three years, until I was, the city has changed. There was some kind of new format when DJs were not so important as shine, tinsel, a sense of fool and a holiday. I remember, Lesha, having seen me in the club, I was very happy, I spent everywhere, everything showed. It was seen that he was very happy to meet, despite the fact that before that we had not seen several years. Then he said: "Washka, in Moscow not so many people whose opinion about what I am doing, I am important to me, you are one of them." I have these words and the feeling that we are "one blood" - no matter where we are and what we, I still remember. In Lesha, this personal integrity was in general, especially in relationships with friends. Suddenly this person did not become - and as if they removed one column from the colonnade. And everything seems to be like, but something is missing. "


"In 2001, I sat without the project, and Lesha invited me to work in Shambalu. He had only dealt with big projects before that - "Penthouse", "Titanic", and I, on the contrary, only with small. We decided to unite efforts.

Lesha did not like our idea with Misha Kozlov, to share visitors to classes. Lesha was for democracy. But since we all wanted to get a salary, I had to learn to earn money. At first we made only two lodges with paid, then started selling a swing on the first floor, then all other tables. Earn money went into business. "Shambala" without an intersection did not live. She as an Indian cinema - cost the same insane money as Bollywood. The difference was only that Indian films are watching a billion Indians, and we did not have such an audience.

I remember, we went all together in Italy. And Lesha loved to carry all things with him - oh, from such a suitcase for two days! I told him: "You all fall apart." So it turned out. When we flew with Sardinia to the continent, I look - it's not and no, and the plane takes off, and I do not know where to look for it, and the phones do not work. As a result, he and his broken suitcase flew only every other day. And there - and I also warned, "he did not rent a car due to the fact that he had no international rights. We had to take a taxi and pay a thousand euros for a trip to Monte Carlo. Or in Japan, where we came to watch Formula 1. He sat down at that train and missed all the races. Traveling with him was interesting.

Lesha was distinguished from other people, and I even did the comments on this. I mean the difference that borders with the discharge. For example, I constantly hold myself in the form - physical and mental. I tried to explain the term that mental health is the most important thing that it cannot be physically without it, that the happiness, followed by everything, is in our mind, just thinking about it. But we never found a common language. He was a painful person.

And I started working in clubs 25 years ago, and one of the first lessons was like this: the best girl on the disco is new. And if a person thinks otherwise, he does not work in this business. Lesha, apparently, thought otherwise, but it was still the best in our industry. "


"Michael Jackson gave his first and only concert in Moscow at Dynamo Stadium, and we stand with Solovia (Sergey Solovychik - Club Worker of the beginning of the 90s, now a restaurant. - Approx. ed.) The subway, and suddenly the minor fits. I wanted me with all the legs to the head and invited to work the flakeer. And I loved it insanely! I also taught the story at school, I worked in the day, the flyers distributed in the evening. Over time, I had a whole army of flaps (and Pasha FaisconTroll in my army began, he was then 14 years old). There were always many people around me, but of all who somehow identified my destiny, I always allocated, of course, Alexey. I loved him insanely.

His "Dyagilev" was the culmination of everything that was good in the Russian club business. Schukinskaya box in the garden "Hermitage" - beautiful teremok in the style of Parsley. We have moved the whole first ten forbes. Once in the New Year, I go past the entrance, and the security says to me that there is some kind of woman there, the facecloter does not miss it. I approached, we talked. It turned out that she was a teacher of English from the Moscow region that she was preparing for this evening for a whole month. "I know that you have expensive," she said to me, "but I collected two salaries, I specifically found out how to dress, I want to get into your club." Of course, I let her go. And Alexey, when he learned about it, praised me. "Well done," says.

"Dyagilev" burned down in February 2007. Under us was a basement in which the wipers who serve "Hermitage" lived: migrant workers from the southern regions, which were always cold. Something in their basement ignited - and everything burned per minute. At this time, we sat in the restaurant and celebrated a friend's birthday. We did not work after that. And then I was invited to Ginza, and Lesha built a "Lounge Empire". The last time we saw this summer - met in a shoe on the tube. Hornly delighted, went to drink coffee, as a result, saw champagne. And he bought me sneakers. Honestly, they didn't like it terribly - and for a long time I could not make them wear them, - and when I started going to walk, everyone asked: "Where did such cool crossings bought?" I proudly told that their mines presented. "

former Face Distributor Clubs Jet Set, "Shambala", "Winter", "Summer", "Dyagilev", now - Managing Partner in Duran Bar

"We met with Leshe in Jet Set, where I was standing on the facingontrol, and he was a co-founder and occasionally appeared to check how things were going. After the closure of Jet Set, he invited me to himself in "Shambalu", and I did not think it went. Lesha was a man with whom I wanted to work. He clearly knew what he wanted, and very competently destroyed any problems.

Suppose a banal story: I didn't let into the club of a person, he naturally was offended, called the Horbia. Lesha always went to the doors, if something is wrong, and on the outside it did not look like the owner of the institution and commanded: "Let me say." He always asked my opinion: "What do you think Pash, you can put such a person to the club?" I honestly answered: no, and explained, because of what. For example, Vova Versace - there was such a character - or Vickers, the whole family, it is still specific very people and look like a softer to say, scary.

Sometimes he agreed with me, and sometimes he said: "You are these people, Pasha, do not know, and I know. These are artists, representatives of the creative intelligentsia, they are needed in the club, no matter how dressed. " That is, he conducted a libez. And never humiliated with those people that I did not let, and I could. On the contrary, immediately, at the entrance, we are minerals, introduced. Many of those I once missed the same "winter", with whom it was straightforwardly quarrel, subsequently became my close friends.

Of course, at some point it became clear that all this creative intelligentsia does not determine the public opinion and call these people to the club with the expectation that the crowds of other people come for them, it was meaningless, but Lesha still allowed them: "This is mine Old friends, Pash. " And this is one of the many qualities with which he possessed. So because I was followed by him from the project to the project - I always gave me great pleasure to work with him. "

I just remember how Grace Jones acted in Dyagilev. I also came to see, and I see that there is no one on the stage, and the mountains in a panic runs on the club. I ask what is the problem, and he: "The singer does not enter the scene." What should I do. "Let's go, Lech," I say, "we'll figure it out now." We go into the dressing room, and there sits Grace and requires champagne, and for some reason it does not bear it. In short, Lech brought champagne, the singer went to the scene, and then it was that I would not retell. I was standing behind a tightly closed door, but I still heard how the minor died to employees: she fired someone, she fined someone. It lasted for a few minutes, after which the steam released and all the obsolete Lech fell out of all champagne ...

Here, they say, friendship is a concept round-the-clock. Leho and I have for the last time saw two years ago. Constantly agreed to meet, he was postponed, and that's what is called met. But I constantly had the feeling that he was near. There are very few such people. I think with his departure, the club's industry will fail. Only he supported her: built clubs, he invented decorations for them. I do not know any today's promoter who would bother over every project just like Lech. I didn't have enough of the engine at one time: in 1998, I realized that I could not step over all these bureaucratic difficulties. And he could - rested the horns and sold. "

You have implemented yourself in many professions.

I constantly play hide and seek with me, looking for a key that heating the locked door to himself. I thought for a long time, who I am in the profession, - and decided that the English word artist was most suitable for me. Cracker. Indicates any person engaged in creative work.

When did you decide to arrange a disco in the apartment, there was no problem? Still, residential premises, neighbors do not like noise.

The difficulty was only one - we had no money at all. But my friends with friends did not experience much - we have never had money before, so we have done great. And in the very idea - to organize a disco in the apartment - no, in my opinion, nothing original. Do you invite your friends to parties? And imagine now that you are the prince of Yusupov or Shuvalov, do not live in a small communal, but in the palace. You will also invite not two-three guests, but twenty-thirty - to fill the space so that you can run with them, play hide and seek, you never know what.

Your brainchild, club "Tunnel", recently closed.

Honestly, I do not care that now with the "tunnel" is going on. I regard it solely as my gift to young people. Here you have in my childhood, a favorite toy was probably a bear. You played out with him, grew up - you can put it on the shelf or give to someone, attribute to kindergarten. I chose the last option. That is, of course, I am not at all the fate of my "bear" is not at all important, but I have already come out of that age to be interested in.

And what is important for you now?

The main thing in the world is harmony. Yin and Yang. Black and white - one without another does not exist, the difference is in lighting. I am looking for a fair balance, equilibrium without distortion.

How do you balance yourself?

Now Era Aquarius, and for her it is important for female energy. Therefore, I surround myself with women, because only they can calm down a man. If they were not next to me, I just did not survive. They direct energy towards life, the world is not for destruction, but on the creation.

Friends like you more or rather understand?

I am happy that they suffer me. I am a hard and difficult person. If I need, I can be enjoyable, and I can be unbearable.

Who will you be in the next life?

Probably a bird. Migratory. Snake, Mole, or Fly, I would definitely become like. I think people were once birds, no wonder we fly in a dream - we are familiar with the feeling of flight. I sometimes feel like another creature, not a man for sure.

But in general, believe in the creator or to Darwin's theory?

I do not know what I believe. In some power. I do not like Darwin theory. And in the concept of the creator, of course, I believe. We are called - "Architectural Workshop No. 2, because No. 1 is he.

Who of the modern architect creators is interesting for you?

Like Tadao Ando and its basic idea about hiding the idea. Make it invisible, but at the same time functional. Turn the object into the Absolute from the point of view of the surrounding world: you do not admire the tower or sophisticated trim, and they admire them absence. The first step is bioarchitecture, the next - merging. Ando is the light and space that is the most important. In architecture, as in life, there are creation and PR. The tower to heaven is PR, and the temple of the light is creation. Eastern people follow the water, which flows and penetrates everything, Western - Ice, atomic system. My wife is a Western man, and I am Eastern, and it is reasonable. We like a double-headed eagle - look at different directions, but it is better to see the world.

Water does not stop, it does not make an element of incompleteness?

The feeling of incompleteness pursues me all his life. Completion and focus on the result is Western culture. I'm closer the theory of Dao or Bouri-to - "Way of Warrior". Creativity is the way, search. The path did not take place if you entered the phase in which they do not change. It is not the result, but to move to it.

In another country or in another city would not like to live?

And I had such an opportunity - to live anywhere, and I used it. Pulls all the same here. Here, everywhere on the spiers of the angels that we are guarded. Petersburg is the last and at the same time the first city of Europe. Just as comfortable only in Amsterdam: there everything is quite indifferent, who you are, are all busy. There freely.

For you, freedom is indifference?

Rather, respect for someone else's life. I was not in the East, but I read a lot and reflected about him as Robert Louis Stevenson, who wrote about the sea, although never went on the ship. I consider land as a human body that has legs, hands, heart. Accordingly, the countries are divided from the point of view of physiology: Germany - Hands, England - Brain. The heart is Himalayas or St. Petersburg. Our city is a strange place, it might dare in a dream: unusual on history, place, internal status. Phantom and ghost. I have such a feeling that it does not belong to us. In the "dance floor" on the fountain there was a feeling that we had to in someone else's life, and I see the shadow of these people. This is a city of shadows, and we are annealing tenants who were counted to them. The city-drug from which it just does not jump.

Oleg Tsodikov

founder of the Club, participant of the UNDERWATER PROMO GROUP

"Clubs in our country were a continuation of an apartment, kitchen, workshop or cottage. They were made on the knee. "Hermitage", "Aerodenc", which opened almost simultaneously with the "Titanic", "Ptüch" - all of them are made in the style of the end of the 80s - the mid-90s. "Titanic" turned out to be the first grand club with a luxurious design and the best sound at that time. Each centimeter of space was thought out thanks to the efforts of Alexey Haas, me and Lesha Gorobiya.

The fifth pipe is drawn to not confused with a powerful ship, and as a symbol of 1995

The place we began to look for when they did the second "Gagarin Party" in 1992. Haas in St. Petersburg had a "tunnel" - in Moscow there was nothing like that. The place we found in the wall of the stadium of young pioneers: Once I looked into some kind of hole and saw a huge strange basement; Heart echo. I drove there with Haas, he also liked it. Oleg Krivoshein, Oleg Krivoshein, became our commercial director and investor, who visited such institutions in his youth. The room turned out to be practically nothing suitable. Sewer was not - I had to put a pumping station. The roof flowed, the water was knee-deep. And with electricity, we fought, and the concrete could not drill for a long time, they called even a "metrostroy" - and they could not. Each stage, which seemed to be able to go in the day, was made in twenty. But the construction of "Titanic" was the construction of a legend that had to live long. For many months, we settled with different contractors, I did not have impossible forms from the metal, special bolts were manufactured; Balconies were cut to be a rounded shape. The taste was made light - the laser drew all sorts of miracles. The scene was not very big, but in the right place under it there were Sabs who simply demolished. Everything was done tight, powerfully.

March 32 (actually April 1st. - Approx. ed.), On the opening day, the club cracked on the seams. It was an experiment - we invited different people from whom half the first time heard dance music. We knew that we want to marry the audience, which never met together. At the same time, we understood what to do with an underground audience, and from commercial - not very. So the discovery was stretched for two days, and in the first dance music, it was stirred with a fairly popular. After the weekend, it became clear that there are people who do not really understand the hard techno or a non-commercial house, but they want to dance and have fun.

Flyer Club "Titanic"

Then we began to make a separate weekend and Mondays, where they played experimental music, they walked for her who wanted exclusively new, even strange. On Monday, it was rarely possible to see a man in a suit with a briefcase or a woman dressed for a restaurant. And on weekends went and those who simply looked, and those who drank, and those who came to show themselves - or because they need to come. That is, they knew that in Moscow it is necessary to go to the Red Square, in Mausoleum, in the large and in the "Titanic".

Bar revenue was small, relative to the entrance - very small. In the first place on sales was hot tea. It cost quite expensive at that time - 40-50 rubles (in other places - 20-30). Tea drank in a state of euphoria when not always want to drink, but pulls to extend the effect with a hot liquid. The main mass of people danced, because in the "Titanic", in contrast to today's clubs, there was a huge dance floor - he occupied 90% of the site. Only a few sitting as in the restaurant, on the balconies and looked down. These balconies of the miner always used: if there were 10% in the "Titanic", then in his clubs they occupied 50-60% of the area. In the wardrobe there was a zone where they danced and undressed. The toilet was a zone where they went to the toilet, and danced, too, since there was a sound everywhere. Many, falling toward the facingontrist, have already started moving.

Oleg Tsodyikov and Pavel Vaschekin, 1995

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

"Titanic" was a dividing line between the beginning and end of the 90s. It was also underground, art, creativity, close, burning, everyone knew each other. In the mid-1990s, professionalism, "Titanic", Radio "Station", institutions that divided people in their musical predensions. I went a large amount of information, the magazine "Ptüch" began to be published. People came from another layers, there were many clone institutions, the organizers who used the developments of those most people with burning eyes appeared. Repeators began, and the clubs filled out the public, which did not see what was at the very beginning, the explosion of that first energy. New directions originated - the lifestyle called glamor became very relevant. At the end of the 90s, no one worshiped space, Gagarin, techno-music, laser and machines. Many fell in love with Pafos, and if at first it was done with taste, today the word "glamor" causes colic rather than pleasure.

What events remembered? "Titanic" was a factory, but let's give. Two-day show Paco Rabanne with his metal museum collection. The first foam part of everything broke his head - even people who did not imagine that they could allow themselves to behave. There was an event "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" - we made two weekends in two cities in parallel, when people from Titanic worked in the "planetarium" in St. Petersburg, and St. Petersburg worked in Moscow. In general, I really liked when people saw something new. For example, when I invited Petlyura, and the commercial House met with a flea market.

"Tight passing" under the group Arrival for May Day 1996 - it is clear that the worship of the laser and space at the time in Moscow was still present

Somewhere in the 1997th "Titanic" all his energy out of the room and out of us, even though we sometimes came back to the club and came up with something extraordinary. And the facingontrotol weakened, and the cream of society began to go less frequently. I went to the miner, the ideas began to repeat the ideas in the club, the quality fell. Although our DJs sometimes played, the halo club of the UGAS. I myself realized that it was time to finish when "Kazantip" happened. Marshok came to me, to Shulinsky, to the lantern, and said: Guys, let's make a new project. "Titanic" worked as much as the remaining public, he spent children's parties until 23.00, trance events - and eventually died quietly. He stood closed for a long time, then someone came to the owner of the stadium and said: let me make a new club. Rent a room, from plywood Something collected - the club lived for several months. Then another club appeared in his place, and the "Titanicians" -klons opened throughout the country, even with the same name.

After closing at the stadium, young pioneers opened the "rink of mass riding". And another 10-12 years was on this territory, watching the building of the Tribune, which was "Titanic", and in the same place put a copy-copy as an obstacle from sound and dust from the third ring.

Many familiar deify "Titanic". Lesha Gorbij, because all the time was in the process of creating new institutions, the bursts recalled old times. "Titanic" for me was a wonderful period of life, very rich and very heavy. He gave the opportunity to learn to creative endlessly and feel over people - to represent their reactions in advance and even manipulate, constantly making inspirational projects. At the same time, it was a very difficult period physically and morally, after which it had long had to be treated. Then, for years, seven-nine years did not attend nightlife at all - they were allergic. "

Dmitry Fedorov at the club's birthday party, 1996

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

Alexey Haas.

architect, DJ and promoter, co-founder "Titanic"

"In the 1990s I lived in New York and went to clubs. Around me was a House Revolution, Exthess Revolution. It was wildly fashionable. You can imagine - a military aircraft carrier stands on Hudson, and a party is held on his deck. People deliver there on boats and helicopters. Around New York. Interesting to go to such a party? And what clubs at that time were - The Roxy, Save the Robots. It was the very beginning of the drives. Maybe now every second invites you to make the club, and then no one did, and it was interesting to do this.

I knew a little more than Oleg Tsodikov, with whom I worked on Gagarin Party, so they invited me to build a club. He had a "flask", because the premises had a narrow neck at the entrance and wide inside. There were still some ridiculous names related to chemistry: Exthesis-revolution stood in the yard. I do not even remember who offered "Titanic", I first did not like it. The image was different - we did the Space Laboratory.

Show Paco Rabanne, 1996

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

For me, any club is sound and ventilation. I knew this at the best places in London and New York. Another good floor, so that it was convenient to dance: not a slippery tile, and preferably a tree, or tires, or metal pasted on rubber. That is, competently made surfaces. The uniqueness of the "Titanic" was that he was in the relative center, was big and there was a convenient parking - it also turned out to be important. But the main thing is good sound and good ventilation.

Show Calvin Klein, 1996

© Alexey Vasiliev, from the personal archive of Oleg Tsodikov

Of course, there were funny times - Oleg Krivoshein gave me money, we went to the TURBOSOUND plant, where I just got 70 or 80 thousand dollars from your pocket. Call came to look at the cache - they saw so much only in Gangster films. They say: what are you, the Russians, everything is so paying? We say: yes. They gave us a big discount.

I stopped tightly on the "Titanic" at the end of construction - they were divided into some kind of artistic things. I thought that if Oleg knows better, then okay. At that time too much money was spent. The preliminary budget was a hundred thousand. When already to the million began to approach, everyone was on the nerves - one sound system cost a hundred thousand. No one knew what would be tomorrow. The lads came, showed me: "But this one is okay, the artist, with him what to take. And you guys will answer where the money is going. " There all went sad and nervous. Now a million dollars - nonsense, each second apartment costs a million dollars. At that time, for this money could be buried four times the whole family. It was necessary to solve something. I am very grateful to Olegam - one and the second, - that they endured me for so long and endured my zakydons. Despite a tenfold increase in the budget, they have numbered - well done. I was pleased with the fact that everything turned out: everyone is dancing, the music is good. At the party is stronger than "Gagarin Party", I was not in Moscow: if you took some emotions from the project, it is impossible to be high all the time. The second time will already be weaker. This also applies to the "Titanic". So I was not interested in his fate, but I was sure that everything would be fine with him. "

One of the parties in the club, 1996

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

Dmitry Fedorov

club designer, participant Underwater Promo Group

"To the" Titanic ", I worked in the team of Zhenya Zhmaakin and the glory of the finist - answered the decoration of the premises, and when Zhenya went to England or for a long time, then for the printing. When the "Titanic" was completed, the miner called me as an artist who was supposed to draw a logo. Long came up with the name - I came to meetings and thought about the logo, and there was no name yet. On the Sheet of Watman was a pen written about one hundred options. On one day, Oleg Kombizbed the word "Titanic", because there was no time. "Sure?" He says: "I'm sure." Everyone liked a completely different name - me, for example, "boat". Someone - Das Boat.

I took a notebook checkered sheet and painted the logo about a month. He was accepted and offered me a position of a regular designer. I agreed with joy, because I liked the project, and all its participants. Quickly quickly came to me the function of the creative director. If Lesha Gorbij was a deputy art director, then I, besides the fact that everything was painted, was the one who was allowed to improvise.

Flyer Club, 1997

We had brainstorms in which up to 15 people participated, but the key creatives were the craters, the minority and me. No one looked at the art director, and who promoter. A hundred trivial ideas were offered, I mostly offered insane, and, as a rule, we left something from insanely and launched.

Allocate or die - one of the rules that we have always used. The week 10 clubs produced 10 flyers - my 11th was different. They have yellow-orange - I have black and gray. The second rule - we must be ahead of the desire of our customers for two steps. An indicative example was the jungle party - no one was waiting for such a party, and no one would take for her. The thing seems to be simple in the title, and in the production of it is very confused. We wrapped around a large club with trees - a special brigade went to the forest, disturbed branches, and another brigade under my leadership went to the Botanical Garden, from which we brought a whole gazelle palm leaves of five meters. We also found the guys, which were produced for amusement parks of dinosaurs from special rubber, - they were leased from them. We flew from us, stood - such was the most powerful ornamental component. When people came, they were surprised, because the interior turned into real jungle, in which the leaves began to give moisture. Everyone had the feeling that they were in the bath. About it was talked about somewhere.

Once we made a porn style party - I do not consider her masterpiece. Lesha was withdrawn this topic, I did not agree with him, because I am in short product, and pornography is a retreat. But some part of people intensified the erection - they conceived children in cars in the parking lot of the Titanic, and in this demographic plus. There was an interesting party, which was called, it seems, "turbodynamics". The idea was such - put a large fan and blow them into the hall. People counted me schizophrenic, but the creative part of the club fell asleep. It was an indelible impression on the public - the hair was waved even at bald. In Russia, I think in terms of applying some kind of blowing first we were. Then this fan from Parties "Happy Mondays" switched to ordinary events and began to be used constantly - so everyone liked him.

Presentation of the project "Kazantip" in "Titanic", 1997

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

Another interesting event was prophetic: 9 months before the murder of Versace, I suggested Lesher to make a party to "kill Versace." It was not that we wanted to kill Janni Versace: at that moment the new Russians with a bad taste were dressed in Versace. The party was supposed to fight for a good taste, and the appeal was to some truth in society in external manifestations. I came up with the "Kill Versace" logo, we made about 20 exclusive magicians, who immediately scattered over close and friends, someone squeezed them or handed them. One, I know, even beat Versace fans for what he went to this T-shirt.

Two-day marathon in "Titanic" and "Planetarium", 1995

And in nine months, Versace was really killed, and I gave a few interview after that. By the way, our founders were given a party for the party - they wore Versace. Conversations with them that we have to do more understandable things, went from the very first day.

In those times, the gangsters were called "bulls" because they looked in Lyubertsy style - healthy, with short hairstyles, in colorful shirts from Gianni. Sometimes they came into such a rage that these shirts were praised. Sent guard, made comments, they were changed somewhere. Periodically, they were twisted and thrown into the street. Serious sweatses happened - I know, one of our guard was killed by the results. The founders wanted to earn money, and not pay extra for the culture, so that the "bulls" in the "Titanic" were. But we always focused not on them, but on our friends. A turning point in the life of the club, I believe, happened to my departure, I left Lesha Goroby and Oleg Tsodikov. I really, then returned to the 1998 crisis. We fought with him, fought, and then everyone began to cut.

Such as "Titanic", in Russia no one did. We everywhere were striving for some absolute. It was difficult for us, we spent the enormous amount of time - now no one spends so many events. We lived in the club about two years. I went on foot from the house in the area of \u200b\u200b12 hours of the day - at 2 o'clock at night, Lesha took me home by car. We gave the soul to this project, we did not have any personal life. We decided not to spend this year an event for the anniversary, because I wanted to do something ambitious, and I can drink at any time at any time. With him, by the way, we met in Titanic. "

Club Birthday, 1996

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

Pavel "Pasha Faisontrol" Pichugin

frevious and Flyer in Late years

"I was 15-16 years old, so Misha Kozlov and Dmitry Fedorov, who worked there and then took me to Shambalu, were held at night parties in Titanic, which was there and then took me to Shambalu, where I was already standing at the entrance. In the "Titanic" called me for the first time. I liked so much, you enter - and some other world: people are dancing, everyone's fun, girls are beautiful. I then went to the "Master", and in Three Iksa, and in Robotek, but less often. "Titanic" was near the house. Convenient, beautiful - why not? Then the friend began to distribute flyers, says: Do you want to try? Come on. They distributed them everywhere - the most popular place was in Pushkin Square.

Previously, everything was easier - people did not worry the area where the club was. Everyone went at least in Izmailovo, because the main thing was a party. Now the location, parking - people lit up. Then they really rested, and everything was easier. Previously, they went to the "nines", and everyone was glad. And now they are trying to drive up at Rolls Royce, there, lodges, deposits. Clubs in the 2000s have already been very different; Previously, the ticket bought at the checkout - and you go. The facingontrol in the "Titanic" was not very tough - an adult man Petya, a friend of the owner, looked mostly drunk man or not. Many could not afford a ticket because he cost a lot. Because of the box office, people were filled, but now there are no tickets in clubs at all. "

DJ Grub, Oleg Tsodikov, Sergey "Africa" \u200b\u200bBugaev on the project "Around the World", end of 1995

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

Vladimir Trapeznikov

dJ and Promoter 4Rest Division

"For me," Titanic "is 1995-1996: the balance of the super basic club, very fashionable and very popular. He was distinguished by the fact that it was a new club, soluble built by Alexei Haas. Later has changed much. "Titanic" gave a lot of Lesha Gorbii - his formation as a successful promoter was held there. Actually, I learned about the "Titanic", because Lesha, after the closure of Penthouse, went there to work there, and already on the second day of the opening of Titanica, I organized the arrival of foreign DJs.

Flyer Club, 1995

There was Pierre, a resident of the Belgian FUSE, which can now be found at the Lessizmore parties in Arma 17, and StefaN _ A & R label Music Man. Interestingly, it has been 20 years old, and in fact the same people are still in the forefront of the techno and house music. True, the speed of musical compositions was then very high, 130-135 shots per minute, and now not higher than 117-120.

Then in the company with an unsolving Alexander Oganezov and Artem Molchanov, we made several parties on Mondays. One of them, by the way, was called "Love Boat Cruise". These were the usual house parties that we did in the "Penthouse", and after its closure, they moved them to Titanic. They became sharply popular, and further co-owners "Titanic", realizing the commercial attractiveness of the project, continued without us entitled "Happy Mondays" with an entrance ticket $ 50 - after that, in the "Titanic", my participation was to the role of DJ and Buking agent. "

Photo from a press conference on the occasion of the birthday of the Club, 1996

© Personal Archive Oleg Tsodykova

Birthday "Titanic", 1996

DJ was in such angle that everything was visible, which was happening on the dance floor, and on the balcony, and on the screw staircase. These crochets, whistles, "Let's come,". This sound - Turbosound endured everything. These fans, this crazy bit. Bartenders stood in a rank.

Each jockey disc had its own audience. There were fans, calls, treats. Then the tour began - we ran around four to five cities per week. It happened that in one night - three cities: Samara, Tolyatti, and in the morning I flew through Moscow to Kaliningrad. They cured as they could. Yes, I won the Funny House Awards in 1997 as the best DJ - thanks to the "Titanic", and my game. Still, it all depends on the person, from taste - I traveled, chose, bought plates. Volodya trapsens constantly with new products, with fashionable tincakes. Ivanov - he has everything competently selected, an excellent feed. Dima Duck on the ground wave. Mendez has nuclear compilations. The famine of the finist and I was a fan: from the first plate of the sets took place in one breath. Big Furior in the "Titanic" produced a DJ girl Katka Kat - she also always had a good program.

Another indicative video from the "Titanic" with DJ Nikk, but in 1998. Here and the cries of "Let's - Come on," and the Holy House, and the performance of the Black Diva Martha Vosh

Then the records in the collection of each DJ have repeated. When they met, discussed who would play one or another thing. Klubbheads were hit, TechnoHead, a converted theme from the "criminal hevival" - everything caused delight. In the "Titanic" I did not even receive a salary for a couple of months - I left the bar. Friends almost put as I drink: "20 whiskey-clock per night! Kohl, enough to bloom! " Many were suitable: "Kolyan, you're viskar! Double, yes? " Near DJhouse stood one cocktail, after two and a half hours, when I finished playing, there was a battery from whiskey-count. There were forces.

Then people became other walking - some have already matured and tired, the club remained the minimum percentage of the old public. From 1998-1999, evening parties were held - and those people who have grown on our music began to go to clubs. They needed to put something quickly, but this format "Titanic" did not support. I played Hardhaus, and it was necessary to approach more commercially. At two o'clock in the morning it was necessary to put disco-funk, disco-house ... I did not understand. Then I worked in the "city", I went to Kazantip - played until 2005. My last residence was in the "30/7" bar, after that it was necessary to change the lifestyle. When 115 kg came to weight, I understood: it's time, my friend, stop. From nature you will not run - during the day you need to work, sleep at night. But I remember all these times with a big smile. With the finistyer recently called. "How do you?" - "Shore yourself." - "Berp until Friday?" "Yes, and then ..." Someone lives this, someone turns the page. "

The interviews in the material will be used in the project of Oleg Tsodykov. For the first time, the article was in April 2015.

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