Mitage Burmists Aka Masta MIC: "I do not understand people who say that they love some kind of musical direction. This is an unforgivable narrowness. You are a spontaneous person

We remember him as one of the most popular bitboxers of Europe and Russia. What is the famous musician doing now Mitya Burmistrov? Today he told us about himself, the attitude towards his own glory and what he never tried to understand.

What were you like as a kid?

Little. More difficult to answer, although I wonderfully it would be interesting to remember myself early. When I look at my children's photos, I do not associate myself with this cunning and smiling man. Rather, I see a good friend.

What is the Mitya Burmistrov man?

One by a million, do not you see?

Why is Bitbox? A way to distinguish between other or chance?

Bitbox I chose immediately after football so that the transition between strange hobbies was smooth. In general, when you choose something, you do not give yourself a report in motifs. Just allow you to choose you and absorb you. What happened between me and music a little later.

So far, not as I would like.

Last summer, you released my first mini-album "Crest".

Crest - Comb, wave peak, after which she is just left to bring up to Earth. The state of maximum concentration that allows you to complete the started, freeing the place of the new one.

Tell about the album? I heard explicit love for the 70th. This is true?

There are 70s and does not smell, this period I started to hurt a little later. This album is rather modern eclectication: deep 808 with a handful of vocal samples from 2000s, a little Funky of the 80s and psychedelic guitars with panning. It turned out a kind mini-collection of songs recorded in America's jungle at 1BEAT, Moscow on RBMA, in the house and in the storage room of his new apartment.

What was the reaction to the album among the public?

Positive: a lot of people opened a new artist, many people moved me anewly, which I achieved this release. I wanted to start a new stage of development.

How do you perceive criticism in your address?

Most often, under criticism, people mask selfish attempts to self-affirmation in the sphere where they do not know anything at all. So the criticism for me is the comments of other producers or musicians with the experience, to which I treat with respect, but I have no monologue of the junior Eugene in a nightclub, starting with the phrase "Mant, I don't want to offend you."

Will you hear in the near future your listeners something new?

Of course. I regularly post in Instagram moments of the recording process of new songs, periodically lay out on YouTube. new performances or clips, and in general, at the end of April, I release an album that has an interesting story.

You lived in many cities in the world. Where would you like to return?

I did not live, but just was, unfortunately. Nevertheless, I liked in Tokyo, Vancouver, Barcelona and New York most. While energy boils, I want exactly where you feel a wild pulse. And closer to the accurate age - a view of the mountains and a meadow with a cow. But, of course, on a trip to any my favorite part - return home.

I never…

I tried to understand the meaning of dreams.

When I compose music

I am weird.

Are you a spontaneous person?

Iceberg lettuce.

The most emotionally bright moment over the past three months ...

Farewell ceremony on SWY28 leaders in Japan, where 300 people were sobbed at the funeral from all over the world.

Those people who love only one musical direction ... Ehm ... faithful people? What should I answer?!

You are enviable fiance. Surely many girls are shy of you. Or vice versa?

Ask girls, I'm confused. And vice versa.

What is filled with your life, except Bitbox, speeches, championships?

From what was listed, only performances are present in my life. Most of the time I write down and bring music. In order not to go crazy by periodically leading the radio, removing parody films.

If you met a 20-year-old, to advise him?

Do all the same, but quickly.

Once the Mitty of the Burmistrov wanted to show the world, what is the original, and laid out his video online. Roller scored a million views over the week and brought him mad glory. Today, 230 thousand people signed on his channel YouTube, and the total number of views exceeds 47 million.

Do you follow your popularity on the Internet?

Last month, I began to track the statistics of my subscribers, pleases that it grows, but there are many aspects that can be corrected. My biggest "Army" dwells on YouTube: on my channel Signed 228 thousand people. Also, I am in VKontakte, Instagram, Soundclaude and try to act in Faisbook and Twitter, although the latter introduces me to a stupor. Follow all this happens troublesome: I do all the affairs myself, producers, managers or just the defendants for template messages I do not have. But you need to still discuss speeches, doing mastering / information, the development of a new Live program, bitbox applications on Ipad, and just the meals can be left. Of course, I like all the stages of work to pass through yourself and I think that no one will be able to cope with anything better than me, but I am pleased to cooperate with competent people.

For how many years have you scored such a big audience and how it all started?

It is difficult to answer for music. Five years ago, I shot a video where I play football, I began to mount them and lay out on football forums. Then the Internet was so slow that during the download of the two-minute video you finish the university son. In general, it was a special atmosphere of Internet work and a real sweat. After I started shooting the first bitbox-video. The explosion of popularity was not. I remember, I forcefully forced strangers on hip-hop forums to watch this video. I wrote: "Guy, what is happening here at all?". In general, he listened to all the worst thing that only one could say a newcomer. But I just wanted everyone to notice what an original boy I was given me a chewing. And after four years, the idol of childhood Fred Dust from Limp Bizkit posts my video onto the Facebook. This video scored about a million views in a week, today it has more than 12 million views.

What opportunities did the first glory opened before you?

This was not the first glory. Until that time Ialready two years gave concerts, traveled to all sorts of contests, Russian jetsters, butt and managed to speak at the Olympics. Glory cannot take and fall on his head like this, you need to apply efforts, and at some point the powerful energy mass gives you the green light - and now you are with a smile of racca on the trail, for which I have long been looking at the salivation.

The glory of this video opened in front of me the possibility of holding the first full-fledged concerts abroad, more than 60 percent of my audience - Europeans and Americans. I started riding tour with integer hour concerts, and people came and waited for me - Russian Bitboxer boy.

Who is your viewer?

I'm a little scary, but in most it is men. Such guys whatever I was once. They look at me, charge, begin to engage in something interesting. It's good. And if they begin to create something their own, do not just copy and wait for immediate love from the world, or simply acquire a mental balance, then I am happy. Well, smart, sexy leydis from 6 to 88.

Do you communicate with your fans?

On all letters, VKontakte is physically and mentally, it is impossible to answer, so many are built by clichés. There is also a separate branch of quasi-original letters that are thin in their originality. But many indescribable, clean and amazing letters. For example, recently, one girl from Chita wrote me a four-time letter from hand (from somewhere found my address) and gave me a book that turned out to be interesting. Walked smiling.

Now the audience changes with me, becomes an adult and musical. If earlier I am bastardly made focus on the mouth and amazing oral dithyrabs by the voice of the robot, now all this is covered with gentle and powerful musical broth. In general, focuses turned into music. And since there is talking about music - the most useless occupation in the world, then wait for September, and listen to my first album, which I am now with the foam at the mouth with my musical friends from all over the planet.

Can you give practical advice, how to unleash on the Internet?

First, do something high-quality. Secondly, you need to know your audience and work on it. You also need to know what you are unique (and this is the mandatory property of each of us) and present it with soul. Of course it will not hurt to be stubborn, not to give up at the first failures. Well, the avatar with the maximum number of naked breasts.

Who do you see yourself in a few years?

In order not to distort yourself with the thinking about the unpredictable future, you just need to remember what brings you happiness, makes you forget about the time, the world around, and do it.

I like my present, it is not perfect, with the attacks of ordinaryness, periodic brightest flashes, but, the main thing that I want to see in it. After all, no one has canceled the power of thought.

Text: Olga Volshnets

The Internet has always gave birth and continues the characters that become the subject of ridicule, but at the same time, the Internet makes it possible to reveal its potential to talented and smart people, to move and achieve popularity. Some well-known for the whole of Russia, and even on the whole world, people were glorified with the help of both the worldwide cobwebs. The Internet, besides, is a wonderful self-worn opportunity and a good way to communicate with fans.

"Mitenka, well, that ... Who Masta, like him .. Masta Mic, in!" (C)

Masta Mic. - This is a creative pseudonym Mitya Burmistrov. Mitya was born in 1989 in Kazan, in the family of Mom and Pope, his famous cat, Frosya born later.

Mast Mike He studied Bitbox (from the English. Beatbox) very hard, and "went out into the light" somewhere in 17-18 years. It is hard to talk about the facts of his life, because there are few official data on the net, even on Wikipedia, the article was removed, because of (!) With a small significance ... Well, nothing, they still recognize one of the greatest bitboxers of Russia (although they can only be counted on two fingers).

In everything Mast Mike withlit to emphasize himself and its unique creativity, to separate from the rest, he even spoke in his interview "When everyone rode on a skateboard - I was engaged in football ..." and so on, even myself Masta Mic does not consider and does not consider it to "all this Bitboxers ", because his own passion he suffered from the category of bitbox in the discharge of music, of course, did not cost without special equipment, which helps him to create music in real time only with the help of his voice ...

To all other Mitya Burmistrov The presidential scholarship was awarded and transferred to free training at his university, all this happened due to his participation and victories in international bitbox competitions. Immediately after such an "lift", Mitya did not stop in development, but on the contrary - began to plan a global tour, began to create new music, participate in various programs and of course lay out new videos for its fans from different ends of the world.

Style and influence - the basis of prosperity!

Masta everything she tried to be unique, but all from "something" began? Yes, that is right. Mitya himself argued in his interview that he began to deal with bitbox in order to stand out from the crowd, but then this game turned into a strong passion and way of earning. Of course uniqueness Mast Maka. This is one of his main "chips", but if you look closely, you can find a similarity with the English Bitboxer Boedimen (from the English. Beardyman - a bearded man), this similarity is visible in behavior and in the manner of communication with the hall, and including in the method creating music. Maybe it's not like that - no one knows, but I think that in order to imitate such a person like Beardyman there is nothing galloping, because it is 15 times the world champion in Bitbox, collects stadiums of fans and creates simply "wonders" . Unfortunately Mast Mike Will be able to achieve this at all soon (again - my opinion), and all due to the fact that in Russia such "informal" types of creativity are developed very badly, and the state, and many people are generally not interested in the development of such trends. Therefore, in our country there are few followers of bitbox, which could excel a truly high contribution to history and development.

In his work and in the process of creating music, Masta uses a synthesizer, mixer and most importantly - Kaoss Pad 3. Samplers 3. Many are interested after watching his performances: "What are these red things, then?!", What follows mocked comments "knowledgeable" people . Kaoss Pad-s helps to record the sound in real time, which allows you to create a full-fledged track or just a melody, while there is no limit to add new sounds, it all depends only from the performer itself.

When Mitya Burmistrov Only came out on the path of the professional bitboxer, the basis of his popularity was the channel on YouTube. First roller that Mast Mike I recorded in my kitchen, in a matter of days I scored about one million views, now the movie has more than 5 million views ... a lot of the situation played, in which Mitya created his masterpieces. Based on the fact that the Americans (and this is 80% of his subscribers) it was interesting to look at Russia from the inside, they were interested in the "great" kitchen, in which Mityusha recorded most of their videos. And today, when Masta Mic. Began to go to the public, act in the halls, at concerts, and then lay out speaking on the network, Americans displeased "Hey! Where Is Your Kitchen? I Want More Kitchen-Videos, Dude!"

"Time does not always flow in the same rhythm. We ourselves define its rhythm" (c) Masta MIC

Mityi's work also never stood and will not stand still - I'm sure. Each in something creative man defines the framework of its genius itself. Previously there was a kitchenette with a couple of bursting bits - now have become large scenes, stadiums, television ... Hope is dying the latter, and I hope that this direction, bitbox, will progress, and people like Mast Mast T-shirts will be personally promoted and advanced.

Today Mitya Burmistrov One of the most popular bitboxers in Russia and in the world. Creative person will always notice, and even more so such as Mast Mike. In addition to participating in the world championships, and speeches in foreign countries, Mitya plans to arrange a world tour.

Despite the fact that Masta Mic. From Kazan, most of the time it takes place in Moscow. Otherwise, over the past 3 years, Mitya lit up several times on television, gave a lot of interviews. It is not surprising that people want to see Mitu Burmistrov in their studio - a young, fun, ambitious, amateur joke and kokcatatny.

Alexey Quail, specially for site site

Almost eight years ago, one ordinary guy from Kazan decided to show himself as it is.

Then it all started with the usual hobby of the bitbox, which agreed into something larger. The first rollers of the Mitya Burmistrov collected their audience and a sufficient number of viewing.

It would have continued that if at one fine moment the frontman Limp Bizkit Fred Dörst laid out the efforts of Russian Bitboxer to Facebook.

Since then, 230,971 people subscribed to Mitin channel in Youtube, and the total number of views turned the mark of 52 million. In his video, Mitya works with kindergartens, guitarists, famous bitboxers and ordinary people from the street.

In 2015, Mitya took himself the uncomplicated name Mitya and plunged from his head to writing independent music, where she succeeded at no less than in Bitbox. To date, he was noted by a performance with an Israeli multi-instrumentalist YoAV, and in Kazan, a joint concert with a symphony concert was presented to the listeners.

In 2016, together with Red Bull Mitya, went to a large music journey through the villages of Tatarstan and the Chelyabinsk region.

Communicating with the locals, he collected a large amount of material that was based on its Monument EP. The story of the creation of this release, he retold in his web series Echpochfanc. What this person will be engaged next year - it is not known anyone who probably does not even know about it.

"Thank you to the French fatty"

Mitya appeared in the cafe, where the "Business Online" correspondent agreed to meet him for an interview, in the Black Luga's color shirt, bringing freshness from Perfume Salvador Dali. Baseball cap of all colors of the rainbow, hands of hand in baubles, shining eyes and smile.

- Mitya, how was the championship? And in general, how did you live in Paris?

It was the European Championship. Many thanks to the French little fatty, who, first of all, is amazingly bitbox, and secondly, it turned out to be a wonderful organizer. He collected 8 countries from all over Europe. These were the Netherlands, France itself, Russia - I began to list, confidently. There were England, Hungary and three more. I broke! Four people participated from each country, claiming honorary titles.

- So these were teams?

Yes, four went four. First, they went out one person from the team, then four-way. We judged us champions on the Bitbox of the past years. The teams were friendly people, we have a family spirit there in the foreground. In our team included one Muscovite of Georgian origin, two Kaliningrad and one Kazan, that is, I.

- And what were the results of participation in the championship?

Oh ... we all got on the irony of fate. Of the four teams that participated in the first evening fights, we went last. We started to perform in an hour or two nights. Before that, there were flights, rehearsals, we just saw each other for the first time in a long time. Lips in all in the corners - from stress, from permanent rehearsals. We were already banging, as if Polvoy passed. And we get to the French team, and these are very powerful guys, there is even a world champion in the team. And here we oppose the French in the last battle. All yell, because they suspect - it will be the most powerful duel. So it turned out. They overtook us on one point. The score was 31:30. And it seems to me that they were addicted. However, it seems to all Russians who have seen this duel. They approached us and said: "You are the best." So we dropped out, at this championship, the deposit system. Well, okay. I did not have to prepare the next day. I'm trying to find pluses everywhere.

- Do you often go to championships?

Recently often. Of Russia, few people do it.

- Who finances trips?

Sometimes we ourselves. In Paris, for example, there was a very pleasant organization of the championship, and we all paid for - tickets, accommodation. Usually all championships are permeated by the spirit of the family. Well, why not pay, do not make yourself a visa? Although Russia is expensive from Russia, the Europeans are easier.

"You need to eat in yourself"

"Mitya, why among many directions did you choose bitbox?" Not quite ordinary musical passion.

Agree. I have already asked such questions in life, and I try to move away from my own stereotypical answers. You need to dig in yourself. Probably, it all started with football, this is such a small ball. The technique is something similar to rhythmic gymnastics, just instead of the item in your hand you have a ball on my leg. You twist it, throw up, do turnover. In 2005, I first heard Bitbox from Felix Zinger, he, by the way, was in the jury in Paris, we threw the ball there, and there was such a transition to the past. In general, I was then just necessary to do something - a transitional age, I was 17 years old. All these "student spring" went, it was a big responsibility, before girls wanted to shine, show his biceps to the boys.

- And in the world did you learn somewhere?

Already reached. In Kai. Before that, I studied at the art school, I remember that I visited the history of the arts. And in Kai I received the profession of manual management manager. Perhaps it will ever use in life until it applied.

- It is known that you are more often in Moscow than in Kazan. Why?

It was when I lived in Moscow. I lived somewhere there.

- And returned to Kazan?

I decided so, I just decided to return. So you run, then you return to the place of your habitat, then run again. And you start to appreciate what you have. I just would just like to be overwhelmed at home. See what it is the Universiade.

"I will play in Kazan in a simple way"

- Do you come on it?

Yes, I think I will act as myself. I can't say anything about the discovery, because in China, they already appeared and squeezed out, I participated there in these ceremonies. In Kazan, I will play in a simple way, with a concert, most likely in the village of Universiade. There will be a good concert area.

- Mitya, but what musical addiction do you have any?

Bitbox I never listen, incur such waves, and I understand that it is necessary to develop further. I sometimes score a lot of different music into the phone, I listen, listen ... I love music very much for its differentness. I can listen and "Beatles" and Beethoven. Absolutely different music love. I do not understand people who say that they love some kind of direction, such as jazz. This is an unforgivable narrowness. In every musical direction there is something good.

- Have you studied music?

No. My older brother played in the rock group, and that's it all went. He constantly rehearsed, he even had concerts. By the way, they played my song I wrote. We have a dictionary of foreign words at home, I once, still a schoolboy, wrote from it a lot of interesting words and their divorced. For me, 10 years old, it was very interesting. And it became the most popular song of the group of my brother!

- What was Abrakadabra?

No, there was a hidden meaning, at the zemfira level something. "Oh, as beautiful," everyone thought. I then wanted to play, pounding on the bottle, by myself, began to play the guitar.

- Bitbox, as I understood, have you not studied anywhere?

No, I'm still learning. All our festivals are an opportunity to learn a little more. Bitboxers are constantly learn. Many of them do not know the language, but they still can communicate.

- Do you have a good English?

Yes, there are no problems with the language. On the second higher education I translator. But the most important thing is practice.

- Your concerts in Kazan where most often pass?

In Kazan, we practically do not do concerts, I do not know why. Where I was not only with my concerts three-hour, but not in Kazan. I want to make a concert in the fall. And so I perform for some corporate events, in festivals. But I never showed my program here. I write music, but everyone knows me like bitboxer. I'm just not showing music. But in September, I think this program I present in Kazan.

"Glory, she's like snake"

No, it's not quite so. She looks like a snake - it will come, it will pull out. On YouTube, I have little competition. But you understand, creative people will always strive for something more perfect.

- There are idols in music?

No. But when I hear some song and I want to cry, I am happy. If I have at the time of the performance of some artist goosebumps, it's great.

- If you were asked what kind of Mitya Burmistrov is a person to answer?

I would say that very beautiful and cheerful.

- Do you often play life?

Maybe yes. It seems to me that I'm just an impressionable person, seeing a bright character, I for some time I put on his "costume." I do not know why.

- And you would not like to try yourself in a movie or theater?

There is experience. "They said about him that he was playing in KVN." I'm kidding it. There is a couple of videos on the Internet, where I play in advertising. I would like, of course, in some movie to play and show yourself, but it is necessary to put a goal before you, it's just that it does not happen.

- Well, there is some kind of purpose? Or are you planning to do a bitbox all life?

You know, if it was impregnated with youth maximalism, I would say: "Bitbox is my whole life!" But I will not say that. Bitbox is part of the music in my understanding. And my love for music will develop and open new horizons. I would like to do all my life to play music, creativity and show people that you can do what you love, and live it.

- You can live on Bitbox?

Oh sure. We have normal fees.

- How much is your concert?

Now ... I actually never respond to these questions. Of course, you can call me and say: "Mitya, this is Gerasim from Krasnodar. How much is it worth ordering you? " You probably do it?

- No. But the idea is good.

My fee for a concert is a few medium wages.

- Do you have a family?

I have a wonderful family! In the upper generation, not in Nizhny - there was nothing yet.

- So you envy fiance?

Naturally! Only girls are not looking at me for some reason, but in the floor. How to find out how much I get, there are no, we are silent! And the family we have cool: dad, mom, brother, cat, grandmother, uncle ... So everything is fine, and God will give, and then it will be so. I appreciate the family and I understand that their shortcomings are shortcomings only in my eyes.

- In addition to Bitbox life What is filled?

I absolutely do not watch TV. If I see that parents look, I try to turn it off and somehow change the situation. If there are some exhibitions, I go to them with pleasure, I love to communicate with the musicians. I play chess. I read the modern classics and just a classic - Hemingway, Dovlatte ...

- Well, Mitya, you're just the rarest type. Your peers and names are not known.

And I'm inappropriate! I just prepared for an interview.


Mitya Burmistrov Born in 1989 in Kazan, finished KAI, participated in self-conceiving. He worked leading on television. One of the most popular bitboxers of Europe, his rollers on the Internet are gaining millions of views, a lot touring Europe.

Bitbox is the art of voice imitation. Only with the help of the mouth of the bitboxers reproduce a variety of rhythms, sounds and melodies. Today, Bitbox covered all Hip-Hop genres. According to most of the fans of this direction, the absence in hip-hop-tracks Bitbox is very much impoverished him. Being bitbler is very difficult. After all, the performer must have good vocal data. Without this, the sound imitation will be simply impossible. Today, many performers of this genre replace musical accompaniment to many vocalists, replacing with their voice a lot of musical instruments.

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