Periscope: how to use a twitter periscope application. "Hell Periskop": in the community in "VKontakte" collect screenshots of the strangest broadcasts from the PERISCOPE application black periscope VK

The global network continues to gain popularity app for Periscope video broadcasts, which in August overcame the frontier of 10 million users, and in December, it was recognized as an App Store application. Own broadcasts in it periodically lead not only ordinary users, but also celebrities of different scales, as well as sports clubs and organizers of various events.

On December 14, a community appeared on the social network "VKontakte" Hell Periskop "Dedicated to the strange broadcasts seen in Periscope. It publishes both original violets and the best of those found on the net. In less than two weeks, the public page collected more than 44 thousand subscribers, actively commenting on every new screenshot.

The founder of the community Arslan Surov told TJ that at first "hell periscope" was filled with content exclusively administrators, but gradually the best screenshots began to offer the readers themselves. He admitted that he did not expect such the popularity of his idea in Vkontakte, but noted that many subscribers, according to his data, themselves regularly use Periscope.

Sometimes it is sometimes looking for broadcasts, there are interesting people from different countries, a lot of our compatriots in the US or Europe periscopol and tell about life abroad. From the particularly rememberable - the driver was in the United States on the Uber, I do not remember where exactly exactly, but spoke in Russian and told about good earnings with this service.

Arslan Surov, Founder of the Community "Hell Periskop"

In the collections of the community, there are still about two hundred screenshots, there are, for example, stringing frames from the SIZO, a snapshot of the service of the Orthodox priest and a photo of a person who repeated on his own example, a well-known experiment with a light bulb, which is relatively easy to shove in the mouth, but without help pull back.

In the screenshots of "Hell Periskop" regularly appears Russian stylist and singer Sergey Zverev

If the user was blocked in the periscope, most likely, there were good reasons associated with violation of the rules of conduct. The rights to blocking have ordinary project participants who enter non-profit faces into the blacklist, the administration of the service and the anti-trolling program.

Causes and manifestation of sanctions

There are several key reasons that can cause your account in the periscope to be blocked:

  • the abundance is not thematic comments - preventing the construction of a constructive dialogue between participants;
  • obscene abroad in the comments;
  • just someone from users took and blocked you (with a light movement of the hand by clicking "Block the User", and you will not recognize about blocking);
  • error bank anti-Trolling service periscope;
  • due to the large number of users in broadcasting your posts may not be visible; This is not blocking - this is a limitation;
  • the broadcast organizer turned off the possibility of commenting;
  • banal service failure can lead to temporary restrictions and blockages.

The first question that stands in front of a person is how to understand who exactly subjected the blocking account. The difference lies in the available features limited in the plan of viewing broadcasting of comments to the video recordings of a particular person, if hitting it in its black list.

If the account is blocked by the central system, its owner will lose the opportunity to express his opinion regarding any entries on the network. The video view option is still preserved.

When concrete users were blocked in the periscope, then leave the blacklist is possible only by their desire. At a minimum, it makes sense to find an account on Twitter and during personal correspondence to resolve the situation.

Solving arising difficulties

The question is much more relevant to what to do when the sanctions are applied by the project administration. Here you will have to come to contact with the support service, sending your indignant petition on. We strongly recommend that weighing weighing arguments, briefly and clearly state your thoughts.

Attention! The alternative is to compile a letter from an account on Twitter, directly from the @Periscopehelp page.

It is necessary to fill out several graph in the letter:

  • theme - Black List;
  • the body is drawn up text, with support for support, containing assurances in the absence of malicious intent and provocative actions. It is necessary to assure the administration in good intentions and promise to continue, avoid a disrespectful attitude to other participants;
  • name name and profile.

When the account was blocked in the periscope, the behavior should be revised and draw conclusions relating to their own behavior. The first blocking will certainly be canceled, but in the future, a decision on the eternal excommunication from communication on a social network can be made. Quickly seek help, in order to remove the lock in the periscope and continue full-fledged communication.

Successes in unlocking periscope and resolving difficulties!

Have questions? Wishes and suggestions? Write in the comments!


Instruction updated February 19, 2016
and includes new features of the PERISCOPE application

Just a month ago, the Periscope app appeared on Android (version 4.4 and higher).

2. Enter the twitter application or phone number

When you open the PERISCOPE application in the phone, you will be selected in front of you: Sign up through your Twitter account or using the phone number.

Before making a choice, think:

Register via Twitter will save you from the need to enter an SMS code of confirmation every time at the entrance.

What to do those who have several twitter accounts?

In the periscope, like on Twitter, you can have several accounts. I have them at the time of writing Article 3 - for different tasks.

How to register in Periscope using phone number:

  1. Select the option Enter the phone.
  2. Enter the required information and click Send a confirmation code.
  3. You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it.
  4. If SMS did not reach you, press you can return to the previous screen and request a new SMS.
  5. Wait a little while the application does not redirect you to create your profile screen.

3. Choose yourself username in Periscope

This is an important step.

If you have registered through Twitter, this does not mean that you must save your name on Twitter.

If you do not like your name on Twitter, choose yourself a new name for Periscope (While there is such an opportunity).

Select the name / surname or the name of your brand - to solve you. In the end, you can have several accounts in the periscope :)

Whatever name you choose, keep in mind:

My look like:

How to find your page:

Dial in the browser bar and add your username without @.

What else can you do in the profile?

How to manage your subscribers, black list and those who are signed to whom

In your profile you also see:

  • who are you subscribed to (and you can unsubscribe in 1 click)
  • who signed you (you can subscribe to them)
  • blacklist (who you are blocked)
  • recording your broadcasts (you can see or remove them yourself, no longer functional)

How does the user blocking in Periscope work?

When you block the user in the periscope, this user can not be your subscriber, cannot watch your video broadcast, write in the chat and put you hearts.

To block the user:

  1. Click on this user name.
  2. Click Block the user.

You can unlock the user at any time in your " Profile«.

To unlock a user:

  1. Click on the tab " Black list»In your profile to view a list of all those you blocked.
  2. Select the user you want to unlock by clicking on its profile.
  3. Press Blockedto see the option Unlock. Click on it.


The user will not see a message that you blocked it.

How to change Push-notifications in Periscope settings

By default, you will receive notifications when:

  • The user subscribed to you: "Maris Dreshmanis @maris_dresmanis is now reading you."
  • The one you are signed for, begins the broadcast: "Maris Dreshmanis live" Name "
  • The one you are signed for, invites you to a private broadcast: "Maris Dreshmanis invited you to a private broadcast" Name "
  • The one you are signed to, share the video broadcasting of another user: "Maris Dreshmanis shared with you the broadcast" name "
  • The one you are signed on Twitter conducts your first video broadcast.

How to edit notification settings?

  1. You can disable notifications that new user signed on you (See Screenshot above).
  2. You can disable notifications about the broadcast of a particular user, but stay his subscriber!! (See Screenshot below).
  3. You can unsubscribe from users whose broadcasts have ceased to be interesting for you.
  4. You can generally disable all notifications in the periscope.
  • Go to Settings Your phone.
  • Find in the list of applications Periscope.. Click on it.
  • Choose Notifications. Turn off the option Allow notifications.

Next step. Where to look for who you subscribe

When you subscribe to the user in the periscope:

  1. You will receive invitations to broadcast video, provided that you have notifications included.
  2. Repeat their video broadcasts will be available to you within 24 hours on Main screen Applications.
  3. They can invite you to watch other users broadcasts.
  4. You can chat on their private broadcasts.
  5. Everyone you are signed can invite you to private broadcast.

How to find out who you should subscribe to?

Ideally, the people you subscribe to, should:

  • Conduct video broadcast in Periscope.

If they do not spend broadcasts, what's the point to subscribe to them?!

  • Have similar interests.

Informational garbage in the network already enough. So, we are looking for like-minded people.

1. Subscribe to @alenainfoclub

Why and yes?!

Let's see: Alena Starovoitova - Project Manager Keys of skill.

What you need to know before starting your periscope broadcast:

1. Broadcast name

It should be short, understandable and clichable.

Users by name decide whether to go to your broadcast.

And yes, can you use Emodji and hashtags in the title?! Just do not overdo it with them ...

2. Location of broadcast

You you can Specify the place from which you keep broadcast.

note: Geotargeting in Periscope works up to the street on which you are.

Therefore, if you are broadcasting from home and do not want your address to be known to all users, it is better not to specify your location.

3. Confidentiality broadcast

Will your broadcast public or private? Private broadcasts are not displayed on the "Watch" screen, only those users who have been invited to the broadcast are received.

If you want to spend private broadcast, click on the lock icon (as in the screenshot above) and select those you invite to broadcast.

4. Restriction who can comment

This is a new feature in the periscope, is designed to help you control the quality of comments during your broadcasts.

If you click on this icon, only users reading you will be able to comment during the ether.

6. Autos of broadcasts

If you want to save all your broadcasts, you can enable this option in the settings of your profile.

What else can you do with broadcasts in Periscope?

Delete repeat video broadcast recording

You will see this option immediately after the broadcast is complete.

Click twice to flip the camera

Double click on the phone screen during the broadcast will allow you to switch the front chamber to the back to show not only you, but also the landscape around.

7. How to finish the broadcast

Pull the screen from top to bottom and click "Finish Broadcast".

What happens to your broadcast after the ether

Periskop saves your broadcasts 24 hours.

Percope users can see the repeat video broadcast during this period of time.

During the reverse, the audience can enjoy the "live" broadcast interactive, with reading comments and hearts, or disable chat while watching the repeat.

Just turn on / disable chat while watching a broadcast recording.

You can also watch the story of your broadcasts in your profile on the tab " Broadcast", But you can not show it again 24 hours after the ether.

(There are third-party applications that allow you to overcome the limit at 24 hours, I have repeatedly told about it in the periscope.)

Is it possible to watch the transition of Periscope from the computer

Yes, you can. Spectators can watch live broadcast lives and recording (only 24 hours) on the PERISCOPE.TV website.

But only to watch. Spectators will not be able to write comments or make hearts when watching broadcasts from a computer or laptop.

Why recording your broadcast is not saved on the phone

If your phone does not have enough memory, the broadcast recording will not be saved.

Moreover, the broadcast recording will not be available for viewing 24 hours ...

Therefore, before reaching the ether, do not forget to make sure that there is enough space in your phone to save video recording.

Periscope rules that cannot be broken

Before you go to study the possibilities of the periscope application, be sure to explore Community rules .

The rules have a ban on:

  • using Periscope for illegal purposes or to facilitate illegal action (pornography, violence and cruelty),
  • disclosure of confidential information (passport details, credit card numbers, accurate address of accommodation, phone numbers and email address),
  • for disinformation (do not give yourself for other people to mislead),
  • for sale or purchase accounts,
  • on spam during broadcasts (both for speakers and viewers).
  • Violation of the Community Rules Periscope can lead to blocking your account.

Periscope: Checklist for implementation

The Periscope application is actively updated, so I will continue to replenish this instruction when new features and features appear.

P.P.S. I stop answering questions on periscope in the comments ... Sorry, but at the moment Facebook Live is closer to me ...

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