Buy unnecessary things. Where can I quickly sell unnecessary things on the Internet? How to sell? How to make an advertisement

How to sell the old tablet that you have not used for a long time? Where to attach a jacket, which is not suitable for anything in the wardrobe? How to dispose of the dress, so narrow and short that it is impossible to sit in it or breathe? Such things that are useless to dust on the shelves and occupy a lot of space, much absolutely have each of us. But do not hurry to throw them out. What seems unnecessary and unattractive may become a real find for others. You can sell old things on the Internet without leaving home. For this there are special sites. The advantage of such resources is to free advertisements on the Internet. They are visited by users who wish to make a certain purchase, that is, potential customers.

Overview of sites for the sale of things on the Internet

Consider the most famous, popular and visited sites of Russia, where you can sell unnecessary things, as well as exchange or buy something useful.


Avito - Leader on posting free ads in Russia. About a million Internet users who are selling things are visited daily, which are engaged in selling things or are looking for themselves. Most of them know.

The design of this site is simple, the interface is intuitive. Downstairs there is a menu with sections, you can find answers to common user questions. For the sale of things on the Internet you need to go through the registration process on the site. After that, you can post information about the sale, purchase. You can send messages without registration. But still, this procedure is best done, since the user will open new features:

  • manage your ads (editing, deletion, addition to new data, photos);
  • activation of the announcement that has expired;
  • creating your store on the site (in this case you need to know about);
  • using paid services (raising, removing in the top, premium ad).

When placing information, specify all the information in Russian. Fill out each field - "Title", "Description", "Contacts", "price". Specify the real value (for this, analyze the average market prices). Symbolic or, on the contrary, the vigorous price will miss the potential buyer.

Council: You can not submit the same announcement again. If the validity period has expired, but the thing failed to sell, it needs to be activated again.


LETGO is a fairly new resource that provides users with the opportunity to receive money from the sale of unnecessary things and find suitable products for themselves. To sell for sale here can be household electronics, clothing, games, inventory and other personal items. The main difference between LETGO lies in an innovative approach. You can place the product in a matter of seconds thanks to the technique of recognizing pictures with artificial intelligence. The program can independently call things and prescribe tags.

When placing information, the applicant's location is primarily taken into account, which records the program on the Internet. When a user who wants to purchase a certain thing will introduce its name in the search, it will see a list that is sorted by remote from the seller. Such a mechanism is convenient and to the buyer, and the seller, as there is no need to spend time on a long way to the seller or expect a parcel from other regions.

The essential complexity of such sites is the connection of the seller and the buyer. As a rule, you need to specify your phone number or email address. The LETGO application contains its own chat for quick messaging. This site can connect your account VKontakte or Facebook. So it is possible to find out information about the potential buyer or the seller, to assess the degree of its solidity, to understand whether to trust it. You can also observe the ads of your friends. A separate option is established on LETGO, which provides the opportunity to the seller to offer its price. It can be higher, and below the starting.


EKOMISSIONKA is a popular flea market in Russia where you can sell and buy things. The principle of operation is simple - the passage of registration, the presentation of ads and waiting for feedback with potential buyers on the site. Classified ads are free. When searching for goods, you can use a filter by choosing sellers of a certain region. Also, the sale of all things on the site is divided into categories. The most visited from them - "Real Estate", "Services", "Technique" and "Construction". An ad may be on page 6 months, after the expiration of the deadlines you need to update.


Moiknigi is a book system, the site that is united by all Russian biblies. If you decide to free the place on the bookshelf, sell books, magazines, unnecessary benefits Oh, the easiest way to do this with this service. The site operates on the principle of the library - except for sale on the Internet, it can be changed with literature with other users. To place the ad, you need to go through a simple registration process. To find the necessary book, you can use the alphabetical directory. Moiknigi can connect to the mobile application and receive information about the new items.

Buy Sell

Buy-sell - a site that helps to quickly buy or sell an interesting thing on the Internet. The resource is relevant for those who do not know. Submit an ad is simple enough. After registration, all users of the site will see the information. On the site, the Cipellier is placed various categories - from real estate and transport to clothing, techniques, animals and food.

Council: By selecting the "Apply" option, read all the recommendations for posting information, indicating all the details of the sale. It will be a guarantee that the potential buyer will not only take into account your offer, but also chooses it.

Sale of things on the Internet through social networks

You can sell unnecessary things not only on flea market sites, but also with the help of social networks - VKontakte, classmates, Facebook, etc. It is noteworthy that some do not just implement their old things, but ordered products from other suppliers and resell it, a virtiable percentage. This can be excellent. Social networks allow you to attract the sale of friends and other Internet users to the process, create communities, as well as advertise their products in other publics.

How to quickly sell a thing online?

After you decide on the site where you can place information about selling on the Internet, go to the admission of ads. To optimize and speed up the sales process, it is recommended to comply with some rules:

  1. Install real prices for things. To do this, learn the cost of similar products on the Internet or in a regular store ,. Pricing policy is not such a simple step, as it may seem at first glance. Please note that the tickets of the flea markets are most often visited to find a certain thing cheaper. But it is not recommended to undertake the cost, since the seller must get his profits.
  2. ? Prepare a thing that is exhibited for sale - Clean, polish, ignore, in other words - give it a commodity look.
  3. Properly written announcement text - the key to the successful sale of things on the Internet. In addition to general information, describe the benefits of the thing, its best qualities, reason for sale.
  4. Any text must be accompanied by high-quality photo.
  5. Treat delivery process in advance. Excellent if you manage to find a buyer from a native city. But if he lives in the declaration destination, make a way of delivery and payment features.

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For each product there is your buyer. Even if the thing on the Internet was not sold for the first week, take patience. Optionally choose one site to place an ads for sale. The more sites and resources you use, the greater the likelihood of the transaction. Periodically update the information, promptly respond to questions of potential buyers, and everything will definitely.

With the development of information technologies, much more opportunities have appeared for earnings. If you organize your own online store, you can receive income without leaving home. How to sell things online? There is nothing easier even if there are minimal capital. The main thing is to find a target audience, properly approach communication with potential buyers.

Why is it worth selling things online?

Before you begin to think about how to sell things over the Internet, it is worth understanding if there is a desire to engage in such a thing. It should be remembered that any work requires perfection and patience. We will have to communicate with the most different people. Sometimes you have to find an approach even to not the most pleasant customers. If such difficulties do not stop a potential businessman, then in the future it is waiting for only the benefit.

First, via the Internet you can offer products of a more extensive target audience. Where can I sell things in real life? Only on the market or in the store. This means that the goods will only see people passing by. The World Wide Web gives much more opportunities. Many promoted online stores were organized in the outback, and their owners began their careers, sitting at the home computer.

What things are better to sell?

Sale of clothes and shoes on the Internet today is fairly in demand. This is due to the fact that in online stores, as a rule, products are offered at a reduced cost. But it is worth considering that men are more practical. They will not buy jeans or shirt without fitting. It is easier for them, but to be confident that the goods are perfect. On the Internet, products intended for women and children are much fastened.

What things to sell? First of all, it is worth paying attention to seasonality. No one will buy T-shirts and T-shirts in winter, and down down jackets. Before selling things over the Internet, you should compile a competent business plan. It is important to understand when sales will start. Based on this and it is worth purchasing goods. Summer things can be started selling already in mid-April, and the winter is closer to October.

Practice shows that much more can be earned on clothes and shoes for children. First, the kids grow rapidly, and parents have to regularly update the wardrobe of their chad, and through the Internet it can be done more profitable. Secondly, moms and dads seek to wear babies really fashionable. The seller, who has everything in order to be tasteful, will be able to earn good.

Where to sell things?

There are several options for organizing online sales. Those who are just starting to lead such a business should pay attention to social networks. Commercial pages here can be created absolutely free. But it is worth considering that the owners of such sites as "classmates" or "VKontakte" do not welcome the organization of online sales with their help. Accounts are often blocked. Therefore, you should start several profiles in advance.

Another option is an electronic bulletin boards. You can also start selling here for free. You have to choose resources offering ranking systems. As indicators grow, the number of buyers will increase. In addition, on site such sites, as a rule, buyers may leave feedback.

Those who have already tried themselves in online sales and realized that it is possible to perform such work perfectly, should not be delayed with the organization of its own online store. This issue is not recommended to buy. Creating and promoting your own site is better to entrust professional website. Costs will quickly pay off.

Photo preparation

How to quickly sell things? Everything is very simple! All you need to do is set the goods in a favorable light. We are talking about photographs that will be posted on the bulletin board or in its own online store. Of course, it is much better if the goods are removed on a professional chamber. But with the help of a smartphone, you can make quite good pictures. If we are talking about clothes, it is worth buying a mannequin. An even better, the goods will look at the live model. You can ask to pose someone from acquaintances.

It also matters the background of shooting. If there is no job in the room, it is better to take pictures of the goods on the street. Shoe models beautiful will look, for example, on green grass. The goods are recommended to remove immediately in several angles so that the buyer can consider it from all sides. You must not forget to make inscriptions under the photo. How to quickly sell things online? It is necessary to provide the potential buyer the maximum full information (existing dimensions, seasonality, possible defects).

Marketing and advertising

The proverb "Under the lying stone water does not flow" it is quite possible to attribute to the sphere of sales. If you do not advertise the goods and do not invent interesting promotions to attract customers, it will not be possible to earn money. How to file things? Need to declare yourself! At the initial stage, you will have to spend money on advertising on social networks. All e-ad board also offer paid promotion. You have to spend money to earn a good reputation. And in the future it will work "Sarafanny Radio", but provided that there will be really high-quality goods at a democratic price.

Increase sales will also help various promotions. For example, when buying each third thing you can offer free shipping. Or every Friday you can make a sale, offering things with a discount. People who buy a thing for the action will want to cooperate with the store and in the future.

How much to wind?

In this issue it is worth choosing a gold middle. Most of the offline shops put the cheating at the level of 100%. That is, if the thing in procurement costs 200 rubles, then the retail price will be 400 rubles. This is justified, as you have to pay for rent. Prices on the Internet is often an order of magnitude lower. The cheating is usually not rising above 60%. And some sellers put the minimum price (add no more than 20%) and thereby increase sales at times. It is possible to earn great due to the difference between the wholesale and retail price, but thanks to sales.

A little different things are dealing with branded things. Those who decided to take this segment of the market, put the minimum price of the goods undesirable. Buyers will decide that they are offered for a fake, and will no longer want to return to the store.

What things can be sold on the Internet? Variety! There is always a buyer for each product. But the price must be appropriate. So, no one will buy a natural fur coat for 5,000 rubles or a knitted shirt made in China for 10,000 rubles.

Customer Feedback

To increase the number of sales, it is worth correctly communicating with potential buyers, respond to any questions that arise. The more the amount of products will be, the longer you have to pay business. If there is already its own online store, it is worth creating a feedback window through which the buyer will be able to recognize all the necessary information from the sales manager. The process is to automate as much as possible. It is advisable to connect SMS notifications that will notify about the arrival of new messages on the site.

Buyers need to create a maximum of convenient conditions. It is recommended to purchase several mobile phone numbers so that the client can call within its own operator. In addition, it is desirable to offer several payment options for the goods. The more extensive service will be, the faster the number of buyers will grow.

How to issue an online store?

How to sell things online? In order for the business to bring the maximum income and the minimum of problems, it is worth every official. You can not do it immediately, but a few months after the start. It is worth notifying that the business is really good and will continue to develop. Most entrepreneurs who sell things online work on a single tax. Paperwork does not take much time. Financial costs will also be small. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid fines for illegal trade.

Once a quarter will have to take the tax return taking into account the income. Those who do not understand the nuances, it is better to entrust this work to the accountant. It is better to pay for the services of a professional, rather than pay a fine again.

How to earn more?

To get even more income, it is worth thinking about the opening of a real store in your own city. It may be a showroom, which everyone can come and see the proposed product. Potential buyer wants to come to a real store only once. In the future, he will buy things only online if the products please the quality. In addition, it is worth considering that there are still people who are not friends with computer equipment and do not know how to use the possibilities of the World Wide Web.

Come on sales through the Internet is not bad. It is worth only to spit into all the nuances, to know how to sell things, explore the market, see which it offers products in the selected segment. To take a favorable position, it is worth offering even more convenient conditions for a potential buyer. Well, of course, you need to love your business.

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The purchase of items that were used, not even the strong world of this world: So, the former Prime Minister of Australia boasts in his instagram buying a refrigerator on the website of the commission goods. However, online trading does not always go smoothly - someone easily gets rid of all unnecessary, and other goods have a new owner for months. So what is the secret?

We are in websitewe know exactly how to sell unnecessary, and today we share the advice of successful trading over the Internet.

Unnecessary things that are best sold online

  • Electronics, video games and computer goods.The gaming consoles that you have cooled, unnecessary, but well functioning telephone, discs with video games and digital players are an incomplete list of what will surely have buyers.
  • Clothes, shoes and accessories. The dress, for only once, shoes, which were so beautiful in the store, and in the process of socks were inconvenient, and what just did not fit in size. All these things can be sold and thus partially compensate for their financial losses.
  • Toys and goods for children.Perhaps the most popular type of ads. The reasons are extremely simple: children grow so fast, and young mothers buy so much that most things remain in perfect condition (they did not even have time to use). Boldly sell them.
  • Furniture and large household appliances.Decided to update the interior or maybe buy a new refrigerator? All unnecessary can be sold: perhaps someone looking for furniture for a removable apartment or cottage and will gladly buy yours.
  • Collecting items. Old books, newspapers, plates - what only people are not collecting! Maybe porcelain figurines that are dusting in your attic, for someone will become the most real treasure? In any case, you can try to turn antique items into money.
  • Services and handmade. Do you bake cakes, embroider or make flowers? Sites of free ads will help sell all your creations.

How to sell things?

1. Determine the optimal price

Perhaps the correct value assessment of the goods is the most important stage of sale. Because it is at the price that buyers will filter ads and compare your product with similar products from other sellers. And no matter how you paint the merits of your product, whatever good photos do, potential customers will first look at the price.


  • Estimate demand. If similar goods are fully, then your affairs are bad. It is hardly possible to sell more expensive, so you have to look for a golden middle or in general to dumping (which you can't do for sale).
  • Do not put a price higher than 50-60% of the market. It is unlikely that someone wants to buy a former in use (albeit at all for a long time) thing for the price of a new one.
  • Hold an investigation. See what prices are your competitors. It is better to conduct intelligence on those portals where you, in fact, and gathered to sell. Determine the optimal price for yourself, but on the second put yourself in the place of the buyer. Think, you might you pay the appointed amount for this product or not, and if you doubt, then boldly reduce the cost.

2. Make good photos

3. Make a proper description

After reading the description, the potential buyer will decide whether he should contact you. And here you have to remember the experience of writing school works and attract all your literary talent. The description should be brief but informative. If you forget to write the characteristics of the goods, its size and describe the condition, then wait for a squall of calls, because people are interested in knowing what they are going to buy.


  • Do not specify the causes of sales. Few people are interested in what you move or that you have a black bar and you really need money. This is absolutely excess information.
  • Throw header. Feel free to apply the premises of the pros - a short and bright header will attract the attention of buyers.
  • Format text. Do not neglect paragraphs, because the announcement that is well structured, will surely read to the end.
  • Publish the same product in different categories. For example, the announcement of the sale of the video recorder can be placed in the headings "Auto", "Photo and Video" and "Security". Accordingly, the chances of what your goods will see and buy, grow up.

4. Never postpone goods

People who often sell unnecessary things over the Internet are already accustomed to requests to postpone the goods before tomorrow, until Monday, before salary. Many such "before." But think, because buyers are so inconstant: today they caught fire to buy a bike barbell and asked to postpone it, and tomorrow they have changed his mind to do it.

On the online sale time plays against you. If a person who wanted to buy the goods immediately, then it's great. Sell \u200b\u200band do not suffer remorse of conscience about the fact that they denied someone in the request to hold the goods.

5. Add bonus

All love gifts. Marketers have long used this trick to sell not the most popular products. A free gift or bonus for acquisition increases the value of buying in the eyes of the buyer. Why not adopt invaluable experience in sales staff?


When selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. If you decide to part with children's clothes, it will be useful to put a toy or some useful trifle. Be sure to write about it in your ad in the first lines.

6. Give the buyer the opportunity to bargain

Another secret of marketers: Too low price is able to alert the buyer. The person who decided was on the purchase, doubts are gradually: what if the goods are defective or not so good, as the seller writes about him?


Assign a bit above the one planned initially, and in the ad specify that they are ready to bargain. The magical phrase "possible bargaining" usually attracts economical buyers and those who initially did not even think about acquiring this thing. Inferct with joy. The result is a great mood for all participants in the transaction.

7. Consider the cost of postal expenses

The Internet combined people from different parts of the world - international and long-distance sale and exchange ceased to be rare. By adopting an ad, consider the issue of delivery. Who will pay postal charges, delivery or courier services? These details should be negotiated before making a deal to avoid unpleasant surprises.

8. Observe the safety rules

As for security rules, each site hosting free ads usually offers users with these regulations. Do not neglect this opportunity, observe simple rules, and most likely the deal will be smooth.


  • Do not disclose personal data.
  • Get a separate SIM card for online sales and orders in online stores.
  • Meetings with buyers, appoint friends in crowded places or call with you. Do not invite strangers home.
  • When selling digital and mobile equipment, photograph serial number. Often scammers replace the purchased goods broken, and then return to its seller. As a result, the seller loses money and goods.

Goods that can not buy from hand

  • Digital camera with video recording function. Video shooting mode warms up the matrix, strongly reducing its service life. Wearing this item to determine very difficult, so it turns out that you purchase a cat in the bag.
  • Computer hard disk. Really fragile thing: even a slight blow can affect its performance.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle helmets, as well as children's car seats. These are things that are literally responsible for life and health, and when used in the past, they may not cope with their direct functions. Do not save on security.
  • Plasma panels. Phosphorus, which is part of the fluorescent coating of each pixel of the plasma panel, unfortunately, is subject to the effect of burnout. A similar deficiency is inherent in almost all TV technologies, but the plasma got more than others.
  • Tires and discs on the car. The purchase of these goods is dangerous due to what to find out, in what conditions they are exploited, simply impossible.
  • Vacuum cleaner.The vacuum cleaners relate to high-power home appliances, are used very often and not always carefully. The most expensive item in them is a motor that fails the very first, and the repair is very expensive.

Almost every one of us in the wardrobe you can find a bunch of things that are already tired, not suitable in size or steel is already irrelevant. All this clothing only occupies a place in your closet or dust in the unrequisite on the shelves. There is a way out - these things can be sold, and it's not bad to earn it. Of course, the amount you have once spent on clothes, you will not be returned anymore, but still something gets completely succeeded.

We offer to find out where you can sell clothes and make it most comfortable as possible and quickly. If you are interested in the question where to sell things, it is worth paying attention to the following options.


One of the options to get rid of unnecessary clothes - give it to the commission. They, as a rule, are perfectly accepted both children's and adult things that have already been to use.

Commissions work in two schemes:

  • You take things to implement, and you get money only when they are sold. With this work, the cost you install, and the store holds yourself an additional percentage.
  • You are given a fixed amount for all accepted things. At the same time, their condition and cost is taken into account. As a rule, the cost will be small, as the store must insure from the loss, but you will get money immediately and you can spend them on a new thing for your wardrobe.

You can also try to pass off the clothes in second-hand, although most modern stores sell various European or American brands, and ordinary clothes are not interested.


Of course, you can sell your belongings on your own on the market. To do this, rent a place and spend a lot of time for the counter. If there are friends who are engaged in similar activities, it is possible to suggest to pass things to implement under the percentage.


Open any local newspaper and find in the category "Buy" ads for the purchase of clothing. Call the number and discuss the terms of sale, condition and cost. Perhaps if you agree on all the nuances, your clothes will be taken to implement.

You can also file an ad with the description of the clothing you want to sell.

Sale on the Internet

Here the field of activity is almost limitless. Apply an ad on the Internet not only quickly and conveniently, but also extremely effective.

There are especially popular sites where you can quickly sell your clothes, and it does not matter, new it or already used. Such online shopping is visited daily thousands of people, and you have a high chance to carry out the necessary sale.

  • Avito is one of the most popular Russian sites where you can sell men's, female, children's clothing or any other things. To do this, you need to register and set your announcement. In the settings, you can choose a region or even the city so that you do not send things by mail, but simply pass them out of hand to hand.
  • Molotok is a well-known resource auction, which sells things throughout Russia. Cons conclude that most likely will have to send the parcel by mail. But it makes it possible to sell your clothes more expensive than in that city where you live. The shipment cost is quite small and amounts to about 13 rubles for every kilogram of weight.
  • eBay - website of international trade of absolutely different things, including clothing. Sex and age features do not matter. For registration and decoration, the ad will need good knowledge of English. From big advantages - the fact that the thing that has already come out of fashion is somewhere on another corner of the earth can cost good money. Thus, international trade opens up great opportunities.

In several ways. The most common thing is to lay out information about them on the Internet. Now many resources engaged in the sale of old things. To begin with, it is necessary to sort them into categories: shoes, clothing, children's goods, machinery, furniture, and so on. After that, bring things that decide to sell in a decent view. Clear, wash, repair, if necessary. After that, take a picture, necessarily from different angles. Photos are preferably handled. The next step is the layout of photos on any resource engaged in the sale of old things. This can be done on generally popular sites (,, etc.), and on simple flea markets. There are still many thematic communities in social networks and live magazines - the choice is huge. Baby things sell well on special sites dedicated to children, in the flea market. Deciding with the site, fill photos there. Now we have to come up with an advertising, because everyone knows that this is the engine of trade. In the text, we specify the purpose of things, how much time it was in operation, in what state it is, and additional information. Next, exhibit the price. About her separately. It is necessary to see what prices other sellers of similar goods indicate. No need to underestimate the price, it is enough to establish it in the range of similar prices. It is also necessary to specify whether bargaining is possible. It remains to specify your phone and wait for the call.

If you have more valuable than shoes or clothing things, you can try to "attach" them in other ways. For example, mobile phones, and other equipment can be sold to buying. Such a lot on any radio rolls. It is enough just to bring a thing, and sell its dealer. However, they offer a price somewhat lower than that for which it is possible to sell the thing alone. But not everyone has access to the Internet and is too much time to search for the buyer. You can still raise ads on free stands and on the pillars. An option, of course, is not the most reliable, but why not try. If you have antique antique things, they can be attributed to the antique shop. If the thing is suitable, then you can get good money for it. You can also go to the so-called flea market, on which there are always buyers, maybe they are looking for your own thing?

So, if you have older, or just unnecessary things, do not rush to get rid of them, say, so, free. You can simply sell old things, thereby please yourself with earned money, and the buyer, acquired. Whatever way you do not choose, successful sales you.


  • sale of old things

Sometimes there are situations when people make rapid acts. For example, they buy extravagant shoes that have nowhere to wear. Or not guess with the size of shoes when buying in the online store. From such situations there is a way out, because you can sell shoes!

You will need

  • - bank card for payment;
  • - registration in online auctions;
  • - Registration in social networks and blogs.


The first thing that should be taken when selling the impocitation of shoes is to call acquaintances with a suitable size. It is likely that the potential mistress is very close and dreams of this pair. Call your friends, send a photo of the acquaintance, lay out a photo on social networks with a comment on sales reasons. There is a high probability that someone from your virtual friends will be interested in a proposal or will recommend your acquaintances.

You can also sell shoes through other social networks and flags. For example, in the live magazine there are many communities specializing in the sale of unimportant clothes and shoes. Use the search, find such communities, make detailed shoes and lay out some photos. Buyer will definitely be found.

There is one more, a very popular way of selling clothes, shoes, or any other things. We are talking about online auctions. There are Russian auctions, there are popular all over the world (for example, eBay). Taking into account the fact that now receiving money through PayPal service is also available to citizens of Russia, try selling shoes through auctions. But do not forget to calculate the shipping cost separately and report it to buyers. For sale, shoes through auctions just enough to register and enter your detailed data.

But how to get money if the buyer is virtual and is in another city or even the country, you ask? Everything is easy and simple. It is necessary to get a prepayment before sending shoes to another city. Prepaid can be obtained on a bank card by sending details to the buyer. You can use the e-currency, but it is better to prefer another option, for example, send the parcel by cash on delivery, then the buyer will pay the goods upon receipt.

Video on the topic


  • where to sell shoes

In a female wardrobe, you can often find dresses that were bought for a certain occasion and after that, no longer worn. It also happens that the purchased dressed dress will stop like after fitting the house. As a result, a lot of unnecessary things accumulates a lot of unnecessary things on the cabinet shelves. But they can be treated to sell them.


Suggest your girlfriends unnecessary to you and familiar, naturally, at a reduced price to seduce them for a purchase. Perhaps it will have to do with the soul and makes great on the figure. Well, if not, they can tell about the goods sold to other ladies. Such a "sarafined radio" often helps in such situations.

Place information about your dress on your own page on social networks or on the websites of free ads. This is one of the most effective ways to sell, because your ad will read many people. And so that your thing seems to find a new hostess, beautifully take pictures on yourself and describe in detail. At the same time, you must specify that you sell at a discount, in a good dress, whether it was worn at all.

Place an advertisement for the sale of dresses in the local newspaper. True, such a way is more suitable for the implementation of a wedding or evening dress. Since it will have to pay for the announcement, consider it in advance to accommodate fewer words and at the same time specify all the necessary information: product name, size, color, price and. If there is a place, you can specify the size of the discount, as well as the fact that the dress is in good condition.

If you have never worn a dress, try selling it to the store. Your undertaking will have more chances for success if you contact not in branded boutiques, but in small private shops, located, for example, in the basements of residential buildings. Naturally, you need to communicate not with the seller, but with the hostess. At the same time, do not forget about the cost reduction - few people will buy a dress from the hands at a high price.

Former dress hand in a commission store. Of course, they will pay there quite a bit for him, but they will certainly accept. To do this, the dress must be brought to the appropriate look: clean or wrap, stroke and gently fold.

Tip 4: Buy fashionable clothes on the flea market, is it possible?

With the word "flea market" someone can introduce a small spontaneous market, located somewhere on the backyards. Most likely, they trade dishes with chopped handles, linal towels and other uncomfortable nonsense. Or maybe still it is possible to buy fashionable clothes on the flea market to create a stylish image, for example, on a photo shoot?

Practically any, at least a little climbing fashion trends, a girl knows that fashion trends are cycled. For example, some time ago were very popular, as on PIN-UP posters of the middle of the last century: bright shocks on the head or neck, open blouses, waist and lush skirts. Those girls who do not want to spend the whole condition to keep up with fashion trends, can search for their clothes of the actual style in Sond-Hende or even buy an outfit on the flea market.

Things with flea markets: hoarse or vintage?

A few years ago, the so-called "vintage" things or clothing with history became very popular. The rule of good taste was the use of at least one vintage detail in its image. It was then that thousands of girls gladly understood that many grandmothers outfits in an old chest, stored in the attic of the cottages - this is not a trash, but stylish and. Girls who did not move into inheritance vintage dresses may look for such outfits on the flea market.

Someone squeezing sprinkles sprinkle, having heard the word "", and someone has such markets on which you can meet the most unexpected rare things, cause a truly hunting excitement. Good search, on the flea market you can find perfectly preserved items of the wardrobe, the age of which can be twice as much more. In those days, most of the clothes were searched from natural fabrics using durable threads and high-quality fittings, which allows such things and now look quite worthy. If the dress or Trenche you like is still small defects - spoiling lightning, for example, or the absence of buttons - then in any studio thing is quickly able to put in order.

»Star" flea market - become closer to your idol

Over the past 5-7 years, the so-called flea markets are becoming increasingly popular, which are sold to the apparels of show business stars. Of course, those who participate in this kind of promotions, famous people sacrifice their belongings not for personal enrichment. All funds collected from such events are usually transmitted to charitable purposes. Buyers disassemble things that previously belonged to their idols, and with great pleasure and indescribable pride wearing them on their own or just keep at home.

Tip 5: Features of buying clothes and shoes in the online store

Rounding online stores is constantly increasing. It is beneficial for sellers, because you do not need to rent shopping areas and pay salary with numerous staff - it is enough to have a warehouse and pay the creation of the site. It is convenient for buyers - you can, without leaving home, choose exactly what you need, compare prices on different sites and order delivery. What are the nuances of buying clothes and shoes in the online store?

Choosing a reliable online clothing store and shoes

First of all, it is important for a potential buyer to understand that in principle any more or less competent can create a website for an online store. That is why before transferring payment for selected things, you need to check whether a specific online store is reliable and verified. The largest resources engaged in the sale of clothing and footwear on the network, on social networks there are pages on which consultants will answer any questions in real time.

In addition, you can search the Internet

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