Stars Manchester United in Periskop. How to find and add interesting people in Periscope? How to finish the broadcast

Learn the news instantly, becoming an eyewitness of events, regardless of how far you are from the scene of the incident, see the real (more photoshop and other graphic editors) of people - all this is possible with the help of the new PERISCOPE application. Just do not roll the eyes and say that the memory of the phone is already exhausted by photos of cats and selfie. Archiving memories is no longer in fashion. Through a new social network, you can broadcast in real time or check on other users, commenting on their actions along the narration. The records themselves are stored throughout 24 hours. It is especially pleasant that among a million people who have already managed to download this application to their telephone, you can find not only a former neighbor on the desk, but also a global stars. Elle decided to make a list of celebrities that were not afraid to tell about their lives online and have already managed to register in the new service.

Photo Starface.

Photo Getty Images

Name Network - @RingostarrMusic

Number of subscribers 30 805

Age is not vice! This statement was adopted by the 75-year-old drummer of the legendary group The Beatles, one of the first to registered in the new service. Although what is surprised here: the musician is present in almost all popular social networks and not alien to online communication with fans.

Photo Starface.

Name Network - @Makozhevnikova.

Number of subscribers - 39 721

Want to know what the deputies are engaged in breaks between meetings and the adoption of the state budget? If the answer is affirmative, then you should subscribe to Maria Kozhevnikova's broadcast. Although non-politician lives periscope artist. Do not be surprised if you have a witness to preparing the star of the movie "Spirieless" to the exit on the red carpet. Or, let's say, the formation of a new musical duet actresses and her colleagues on the TV series "Univer" Vitaly Gogunsky. Maria is not shyless to demonstrate to subscribers all aspects of their rich life.

Photo Getty Images

Name Network - @edwardnorton

Number of subscribers - 64 933

Praphrazing the classics, - a person in which everything is fine: and clothes, and face, and thoughts, and even his desire to keep up with the latest IT technologies. Especially interesting will be observed for its inclusions while working on the new draft director WESS Anderson, in which the actor must fulfill one of the main roles.

Photo Getty Images

Name Network - @victoriabonya.

Number of subscribers - 85 618

Among the Russian stars, Victoria Bonu is quite possible to call the guru of the new application. Leading spending broadcasts almost every hour, telling subscribers about his life in Monaco, diet and dream problems. Moreover, the model is leading in two languages \u200b\u200bimmediately.

Photo Getty Images

Name Network - @Jaredleto.

Number of subscribers - 94 423

He likes to raise the public with its appearance. Now all the wisdom of stylists over the image of the stars can be "high in the PERISCOPE singer. A pleasant bonus for subscribers will be direct broadcasts of the performances of his group 30 Seconds to Mars.

Photo Getty Images

Name Network - @schwarzenegger

Number of subscribers - 98 846

How much policies are neither feed, it is still looking at the set. Well, or in this case - in the phone camera lens. Interestingly, in his "life position" in Periscope, Iron Arnie characterized itself first of all as Mr. Olympia, in the second - as a terminator and Conan, and only at the end - as the Governor of California (and without the "ex" governor).

Photo Getty Images

Thanks to two friends, Joseph Bernstein and Caewon Baker, the world found out about the social network called Periscope. This application had to do with the developers of Twitter, and they decided to buy it out for $ 100 million. Just at that time, the peak of his popularity increased to the number of 10 million users. To date, the number of people who use the periscope application is rapidly increasing. At its expanses there are many interesting accounts, broadcasts that can be viewed at leisure and draw something useful and new for themselves. If you just registered in the periscope and do not know who subscribe to and how to add a new user, we will try to tell you about it in the article.

Search for users

After installing and registering in the periscope network, it would be nice to find yourself subscribers to view each other's broadcasts. You can make it in two ways:

  • through the standard periscope search engine;
  • thanks to other social networks.

In the application itself there is a pretty good standard search with which you can find a person you are interested in by name and surname and subscribe to its updates. To do this, go to the Users tab, click the Search button and enter the desired name. But this kind of search takes a lot of time, as people with similar names and surnames are a lot. And whether this is the person you were looking for, you can only see his broadcasts.

Another thing is to look for an account in other social networks, because surely the person you need is registered in the same VKontakte or Instagram. You can calculate it nickname and search for it already in the periscope, since most users do not bother over the uniqueness of Nick. If this method failed, try to calculate your object according to the intended location. Click the icon with the map and select the desired country and the city.

Celebrities in Periscope

Like any other social network, Periscope is just shot by interesting pages of movie stars, politicians, showmen, singers and bloggers. The celebrity in the periscope is determined by the number of subscribers. So the most interesting periscope was recorded by the user under the name of Santoro from America. This video blockger scored more than 180 million hearts for laying out its entertainment rollers. The top three leaders includes the Prince of the UAE and the girlfriend Charlie Tire, the former actress of the porn industry Brie Olsnon. They have a number of views reaches 130-150 million.

On the pages of the periscope, you can find many of our Russian stars. Among them: Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Valery, Kristina Asmus, Ksenia Sobchak, Egor Cre, Alsu, Dzhigan, Anna Sedokova, Christina Orbakayte and many others. Foreign colebritis in this regard are more conservative. On the periscope only Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Rita Ora, Jared Summer and Lady Gaga are seen.

If you are interested in some particular star, then use the search in the periscope with the introduction of the name and surname, then all according to the standard scheme, click on the user and click the read button. Only here often under the name of the star can be hidden quite an ordinary person, so to check if you chose the subscriber correctly, wait for it to broadcast or look at the existing one.

Dating in Periskope

Thanks to the periscope application, you can get useful acquaintances. They can carry any character:

  • personal development;
  • romantic acquaintance.

Have you decided to learn the language or learn to knit a sweater? In the periscope application, many all kinds of videos with different teaching benefits. All you need is to find pages with topics interesting for you and subscribe to master classes. If video translation is conducted live, ask questions with chat. Questions will be displayed as comments at the bottom of the screen and the speaker with joy will answer them. Language or learns the right pronunciation, you can, simply looking through the videos with users of that country, whose language is interested.

Most young people are now familiar with the special dating sites and social networks, and the periscope is no exception. Romantic dating is also very popular in this application. And the person you like to start can not be shown, but just for some time to watch him. In the future, you can make a closer acquaintance due to communication in the comments.

Important: For a successful acquaintance, try to fill your profile as much as possible. Tell us about yourself and be sure to place a photo on the avatar.

Finally, I want to say that most importantly in communication is mutual respect. Very often you can meet people who watch the broadcast only to insult or offend a person, point to racial affiliation or religion in disrespectful form. In this case, the speaker can prohibit access to viewing its broadcast, if it is a regular "viewer" or add to the blacklist, if this is a subscriber. In the future, the locked user can neither view the esters of blocking, nor write it comments.


Instruction updated February 19, 2016
and includes new features of the PERISCOPE application

Just a month ago, the Periscope app appeared on Android (version 4.4 and higher).

2. Enter the twitter application or phone number

When you open the PERISCOPE application in the phone, you will be selected in front of you: Sign up through your Twitter account or using the phone number.

Before making a choice, think:

Register via Twitter will save you from the need to enter an SMS code of confirmation every time at the entrance.

What to do those who have several twitter accounts?

In the periscope, like on Twitter, you can have several accounts. I have them at the time of writing Article 3 - for different tasks.

How to register in Periscope using phone number:

  1. Select the option Enter the phone.
  2. Enter the required information and click Send a confirmation code.
  3. You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it.
  4. If SMS did not reach you, press you can return to the previous screen and request a new SMS.
  5. Wait a little while the application does not redirect you to create your profile screen.

3. Choose yourself username in Periscope

This is an important step.

If you have registered through Twitter, this does not mean that you must save your name on Twitter.

If you do not like your name on Twitter, choose yourself a new name for Periscope (While there is such an opportunity).

Select the name / surname or the name of your brand - to solve you. In the end, you can have several accounts in the periscope :)

Whatever name you choose, keep in mind:

My look like:

How to find your page:

Dial in the browser bar and add your username without @.

What else can you do in the profile?

How to manage your subscribers, black list and those who are signed to whom

In your profile you also see:

  • who are you subscribed to (and you can unsubscribe in 1 click)
  • who signed you (you can subscribe to them)
  • blacklist (who you are blocked)
  • recording your broadcasts (you can see or remove them yourself, no longer functional)

How does the user blocking in Periscope work?

When you block the user in the periscope, this user can not be your subscriber, cannot watch your video broadcast, write in the chat and put you hearts.

To block the user:

  1. Click on this user name.
  2. Click Block the user.

You can unlock the user at any time in your " Profile«.

To unlock a user:

  1. Click on the tab " Black list»In your profile to view a list of all those you blocked.
  2. Select the user you want to unlock by clicking on its profile.
  3. Press Blockedto see the option Unlock. Click on it.


The user will not see a message that you blocked it.

How to change Push-notifications in Periscope settings

By default, you will receive notifications when:

  • The user subscribed to you: "Maris Dreshmanis @maris_dresmanis is now reading you."
  • The one you are signed for, begins the broadcast: "Maris Dreshmanis live" Name "
  • The one you are signed for, invites you to a private broadcast: "Maris Dreshmanis invited you to a private broadcast" Name "
  • The one you are signed to, share the video broadcasting of another user: "Maris Dreshmanis shared with you the broadcast" name "
  • The one you are signed on Twitter conducts your first video broadcast.

How to edit notification settings?

  1. You can disable notifications that new user signed on you (See Screenshot above).
  2. You can disable notifications about the broadcast of a particular user, but stay his subscriber!! (See Screenshot below).
  3. You can unsubscribe from users whose broadcasts have ceased to be interesting for you.
  4. You can generally disable all notifications in the periscope.
  • Go to Settings Your phone.
  • Find in the list of applications Periscope.. Click on it.
  • Choose Notifications. Turn off the option Allow notifications.

Next step. Where to look for who you subscribe

When you subscribe to the user in the periscope:

  1. You will receive invitations to broadcast video, provided that you have notifications included.
  2. Repeat their video broadcasts will be available to you within 24 hours on Main screen Applications.
  3. They can invite you to watch other users broadcasts.
  4. You can chat on their private broadcasts.
  5. Everyone you are signed can invite you to private broadcast.

How to find out who you should subscribe to?

Ideally, the people you subscribe to, should:

  • Conduct video broadcast in Periscope.

If they do not spend broadcasts, what's the point to subscribe to them?!

  • Have similar interests.

Informational garbage in the network already enough. So, we are looking for like-minded people.

1. Subscribe to @alenainfoclub

Why and yes?!

Let's see: Alena Starovoitova - Project Manager Keys of skill.

What you need to know before starting your periscope broadcast:

1. Broadcast name

It should be short, understandable and clichable.

Users by name decide whether to go to your broadcast.

And yes, can you use Emodji and hashtags in the title?! Just do not overdo it with them ...

2. Location of broadcast

You you can Specify the place from which you keep broadcast.

note: Geotargeting in Periscope works up to the street on which you are.

Therefore, if you are broadcasting from home and do not want your address to be known to all users, it is better not to specify your location.

3. Confidentiality broadcast

Will your broadcast public or private? Private broadcasts are not displayed on the "Watch" screen, only those users who have been invited to the broadcast are received.

If you want to spend private broadcast, click on the lock icon (as in the screenshot above) and select those you invite to broadcast.

4. Restriction who can comment

This is a new feature in the periscope, is designed to help you control the quality of comments during your broadcasts.

If you click on this icon, only users reading you will be able to comment during the ether.

6. Autos of broadcasts

If you want to save all your broadcasts, you can enable this option in the settings of your profile.

What else can you do with broadcasts in Periscope?

Delete repeat video broadcast recording

You will see this option immediately after the broadcast is complete.

Click twice to flip the camera

Double click on the phone screen during the broadcast will allow you to switch the front chamber to the back to show not only you, but also the landscape around.

7. How to finish the broadcast

Pull the screen from top to bottom and click "Finish Broadcast".

What happens to your broadcast after the ether

Periskop saves your broadcasts 24 hours.

Percope users can see the repeat video broadcast during this period of time.

During the reverse, the audience can enjoy the "live" broadcast interactive, with reading comments and hearts, or disable chat while watching the repeat.

Just turn on / disable chat while watching a broadcast recording.

You can also watch the story of your broadcasts in your profile on the tab " Broadcast", But you can not show it again 24 hours after the ether.

(There are third-party applications that allow you to overcome the limit at 24 hours, I have repeatedly told about it in the periscope.)

Is it possible to watch the transition of Periscope from the computer

Yes, you can. Spectators can watch live broadcast lives and recording (only 24 hours) on the PERISCOPE.TV website.

But only to watch. Spectators will not be able to write comments or make hearts when watching broadcasts from a computer or laptop.

Why recording your broadcast is not saved to the phone

If your phone does not have enough memory, the broadcast recording will not be saved.

Moreover, the broadcast recording will not be available for viewing 24 hours ...

Therefore, before reaching the ether, do not forget to make sure that there is enough space in your phone to save video recording.

Periscope rules that cannot be broken

Before you go to study the possibilities of the periscope application, be sure to explore Community rules .

The rules have a ban on:

  • using Periscope for illegal purposes or to facilitate illegal action (pornography, violence and cruelty),
  • disclosure of confidential information (passport details, credit card numbers, accurate address of accommodation, phone numbers and email address),
  • for disinformation (do not give yourself for other people to mislead),
  • for sale or purchase accounts,
  • on spam during broadcasts (both for speakers and viewers).
  • Violation of the Community Rules Periscope can lead to blocking your account.

Periscope: Checklist for implementation

The Periscope application is actively updated, so I will continue to replenish this instruction when new features and features appear.

P.P.S. I stop answering questions on periscope in the comments ... Sorry, but at the moment Facebook Live is closer to me ...

As soon as any social network is gaining momentum, a logical question arises: who, in addition to his friends and acquaintances, is worth making a subscription to not miss the most interesting and useful. So it was with twitter, and with instagram. Return to Periscopes.

Some of the most frequency queries in search engines associated with the application is " Stars in Periscope."And" Celebrities in Periscope."- the audience is eager for not just rollers filmed by shaking hands and not carrying any sense, but a part of the life of famous people - even if the quality of the broadcast information is not higher than that of ordinary mortal users.

Prepare that for contemplation is not always the great and rare-once-beautiful, but in the performance of world stars of showubesis, politicians and science, you will have to adapt ears to a foreign language: broadcasts (it is regular broadcasts, meaningful, logical and meaningful) for mostly Performed by foreign bloggers in English.

So for the mind. ATTENTION: Data subscription Channels does not guarantee an increase in IQ, but raises the martial spirit and intellectual significance in their own eyes.

Glory of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Official position, expert opinions. All Russian politicians are literally on your palm. Subscribe to @mid_rf.

Guy Kawasaki is the legendary manager, the ex-evangelist Apple and the Counselor of the Motorola division in Google. Author 13 bestsellers, at least one of which should read every self-respecting person. Guy: @guykawasaki.

This is the Channel of the Global TED program, organizing great events and performances, promoting innovative ideas and technologies. To get to the TEDX style events are not so simple, but to see in the periscope - quite: @tedx

Alexey Venediktov is a Russian journalist, chief editor, co-owner and leading radio station "Echo of Moscow". In the periscope: @aavst, under a similar nickname it can be found in Instagram.

Scott Belski - Founder and Behance Ceo, Investor, publisher, author of very cool books. His masterpiece "The embodiment of ideas" is one hundred percent Mast Reed! In the periscope: @scottbelsky

Rain TV channel is an independent Russian info in the television channel. Broadcast events, events, incidents and opinions. Look for @tvrain.

Richard Branson is a British entrepreneur known to the whole world, the founder of the Virgin Group corporation. Branson state is estimated at $ 5 billion. The author of Bestseller "Business in the style of Virgin" and a tireless fifteentist in the periscope: @RichardBranson

The technoblog account regularly broadcasts various digital video with tips, opinions, instructions and simply news. Pretty informative: @mashable

Meduza is a Russian-speaking Internet media of Latvian origin, founded by the former editor-in-chief of Galina Timchenko. Politics, Economics, Culture: @Meduzaproject

Natalia Skeeva - founder and general director of the rain media holding (Rain TV,, "Big City"). Coordinator and ex-general producer of radio station "Silver rain", founder of anti-refrembation "Silver Kalosh". List: @Sindeeva

Want to know where it happens and what is the co-founder and CEO service periscope? Then add it to your @kayvon tape.

Do I need to represent Paul Durov? We think that there is no. The pride of the domestic IT does not change itself, and in the periscope it can be found under the usual address: @durov

Chris Hefeield is a tester pilot, astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency. Very active video unit, broadcasts "near-wing" video @cmdr_hadfield

Brian Tracy is a recognized person to develop a person and management, author of wu books on business topics, sales management, self-realization, leadership, etc. Name: @BrianTracy

Please make an eye.The perception of video blocks depends on the individual preferences, we only give a direction in which you can start looking for selected channels. Musicians, models, couture ... The choice is huge!

The Victoria's Secret brand can be loved, despise, but to resist and not survived, which the Angels are engaged in the VS - it is impossible. Broadcasts with red tracks, labor weekdays, shows - all look for @victoriassecret

Mother, model, philanthrop - so positions the model Natalya Vodyanova. Broadcast rather about work: shows, preparation, makeup ... all on @NataSupernova

Karl Lagerfeld. Laksheri, Viapi, Pre-A-Porte and all things. But Stuff of the Great Kutyutyh did not bother and in the description of the profile of the head pointed out that this is the official fashion designer page in Twitter. Ahhhh @karllagerfeld

Perhaps, no one generation is already up on Culinary Show Jamie Oliver. In the kitchen of any self-respecting mistress has dishes of his brand. And now he is broadcasting right to us, right in the periscope @jamieoliver

Polina Gagarina is the pride of the Russian showbiz '2015. Beauty, clever, athlete-Komsomolka. Songs, rehearsals, presentations. Official account @ Gagara1987. If you are looking for domestic pop stars, go to the list of her friends - they are there!

The user has not provided profile descriptions. And why? Ringo Star, The Beatles, Periscope. @RingostarrMusic

Colonel still no one writes. Yes, and what if you can see backstage, performances and other videos from the already legendary group Bi-2 @ B2Band

Dipak Chopra is an American doctor and a writer of Indian origin, which issued many books about spirituality and alternative medicine. Experiment with consciousness? Experiment under the supervision of a specialist @deepakchopra

Unsorted. We decided to highlight a separate group: here and Fun, and Smart, and to some extent beauty. Which section is better to attribute similar accounts, solve you. Although some of them are extraordinary, and controversial - but, undoubtedly, it is worthy of being in the list of elected periskoponists.

While he did not hit the big policy, he was all his favorite Arnie. But then it became clear: if I'll Be Back say too often, the electorate is tired. Meet Arnold Schwarzenegger aka @schwarzenegger

Artemy Lebedev is a cult person. Russian designer, inventor, businessman, blogger, traveler ... Judging by the number of likes, is clearly not an active "translator", but one day it can give something very cool in the periscope, like all his projects @temaleBedev

We admit, we thought for a long time, in which group to determine the account of Ksenia Sobchak, the person contradictory. While let him get here. All the same, it is more often shown in the broadcasts of the periscope of the TV channel of the rain. We are waiting for the video, @xenia_sobchak

"Night hooligan" Dima Bilan, who once can become the king of Russian pop music. For lovers of celebrity backstage, we recommend @BilanOfficial

Journalist, architect, photographer, founder of the Foundation City projects - Ilya Varlamov. Already that year, his LJ (Nick Zyalt) becomes the place of epic holivars. And what are given in the periscope? See @Varlamov @varlamov

Another iconic character: Yoko it, Japanese avant-garde artist, artist and at the same time John Lennon's widow. Those who convert bullying over her name can see what it is divided into his video blocks: @yokoono

For those who (like us), a little Dmitry Borisov in the evening news on the first channel, passing passwords and appearance: @ DDB1. As Dmitry promises, in the periscope of broadcasting will not touch the work, the personal blog ONLY.

If you have a little TV channel, a printed log, site and official National Geographic networks, then add more in Periscope @NATGEO. Here the staff also decided not to change the description, Twitter so twitter.

, Periscope. - An excellent application that, with the right approach, can be used not only for pampering, but also for use: enlighten, open the unexplored, to recognize new people.

Our advice: If you really like the broadcast of any user and you want to find similar accounts, then try to watch those who your chosen character subscribed: There will be either his friends, or colleagues, or a blogger close in spirit.

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Although Periscope's Twitter belonging to Russia was available in Russia on March 26 together with for iOS all over the world, until recently he did not use very popularity. However, in early November, the stars of the Russian show business became massively advertising Periscope on their pages in social networks, setting subscribers to a new and unusual application for them.

Dima Bilan in Periscope


Almost immediately after the launch in March 2015, Periscope managed to "kill" his famous meerkat competitor earlier than a few weeks. Large-scale support for Twitter, among other things, disabled Meerkat access to its social graph, quickly brought PERISCOPE to first place among mobile video broadcasting tools.

And although the direct video broadcasts themselves were not new for Twitter (at the end of the tenths of Livestream launched Twitcam, which became popular quickly, but not long), the mobile service turned out to be like the way in the conditions of the available high-speed Internet for phones. Media: The incidents began to be accompanied by not only photographs and video on Twitter and Instagram, but also directly inclusions from the scene - as it was with.

Until now, the stars did not complain PERISCOPE. At first, he was more likely to brush the time and easily talked with his audience, so the service was widely used by Western technologists, having a large number of subscribers on Twitter.

Gradually, the situation changed: for example, on November 3, the first broadcast spent The star of the series "Silicon Valley" Thomas Middldolds, together with his colleague, Jemy Miller. However, the problem of the service is that most of the video are not saved, especially when the broadcasts go for a long time: many, like Middlddych, do not wait for the volume video in the "cloud" and close the application.

It cannot be said that in Russia the service can become truly popular for six months since the start, but in the fall, the stars of show business, athletes, media and all sorts of organizations have become massively joined.

Chain reaction

The first wave began in September. Then the broadcasts began to launch football and hockey clubs.

Subsequently, media daisons began to join athletes: Producer Joseph Prigogin and his wife, singer Valeria, TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, major media and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. One of the first periscope tried the group "Bi-2".

- Alexey Shelestenko (@akhamlet) November 5, 2015

On October 23, Suspendenko became a news hero. After careless words in Putin's address and the current Russian authorities, Roskomnadzor. At the same time, bloggers criticized the Twitter representative for the opaque profile verification policy: He headed the protest media manager Anton Krakkov-Zemlyansky, in the past Kozlov on the SMM agency "Legend", which was collapsed with former shareholders.

In the spring of 2015, simultaneously with the start of Periscope in Russia, Rustenenko TJ in an interview that his role is to establish relationships with media show business, politicians, media and sports organizations. For all of them, the company including consults on the use of its products.

It is possible that possible advice on using Periscope simply "hit" to the desired audience and forced the stars to compete with each other for likes and subscribers.

At the same time, the trumping for the advancement of Periscope was well chosen. At the beginning of August, Facebook has released its Mentions mobile video broadcasts, while only the limited number of users among celebrities: in September his work was demonstrated by Zuckerberg himself. Trend is trying to join both "VKontakte": the company is already direct video broadcasts with musicians for the desktop version of the social network, however the service code implies a quick deployment and mobile application.

Twitter's official comment on history with a sudden growth of Periscope, which managed to get TJ, does not wake up whether there is a commercial component in how quickly all the stars have become users of a new application.

The Twitter team, which is responsible for media partnerships, works with partners throughout Russia to help them useTwitter and Periscope in the best possible way. Here are some of the interesting integrations that we spent this year:

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