Linux user groups. Linux: Creating a Group and Adding a User to the System Linux Group Management

UNIX-like operating systems are multi-user. Users and the groups they belong to are used to control access to system files, directories, and peripherals. By default, linux offers relatively simple access control mechanisms. You can extend them with LDAP and ACL, but in this topic we'll look at the standard access controls.

Users and Groups in Linux


Business - Internet Access #1.

User is anyone who uses a computer. The user is assigned a name, the name must be unique on the system (linux has reserved names such as "root", "hal", and "adm"). The name can consist of letters of the English alphabet, Arabic numbers and symbols "_" (lower space) «.» (dot).

root(from English root- root; read "root"), a superuser is an account in UNIX-like operating systems with an identifier (UID) of 0, the owner of this account has the right to perform any operation. For security reasons, run as superuser root Not recommended.

In addition to the system name, the full name (for example, full name) of a real user can be entered and stored in the system. For example, the real-life user newuser might be a person named John Smith. This information will allow a system administrator to better control and identify users, especially if there are hundreds or even thousands of users in the system.

For each user, a separate directory (home directory) is created. The user enters this directory after he has logged in and the user's personal files and folders are stored in it. All user directories are collected in one place, usually /home.

Also, the user is assigned a command shell (command interpreter used in operating systems of the UNIX family). For example: /bin/bash, /bin/zsh, /bin/sh etc. Many linux distributions have a bash shell by default for users.

Each user is assigned an identification number (User ID). The number is abbreviated as UID, which is a unique user identifier. The operating system keeps track of the user by UID, not by their name.

Also, each user is assigned a password to log into the system. The password is stored in encrypted form (encripted). The passwd command is used to create and change a password. The system administrator can assign a password himself or allow the user to enter his own password at the first authorization.

Each user belongs to at least one or more groups. (users and groups in linux)


To differentiate rights in linux, in addition to users, there are groups. Just like a user, a group has access rights to certain directories, files, peripherals (there are reserved groups in the system). For each file, not only the user is defined, but also the group. Groups group users to provide the same permissions for any action.

Each group is assigned an identification number ( group ID). GID is short for a group's unique identifier. A user's membership in a group is set by the administrator.

View Users

(users and groups on linux) All of the above information is stored in the /etc/passwd file. To view the list of users, you need to enter the command:

# cat /etc/passwd

Each account occupies one line. The output might be:

Root:xD928Jhs7sH32:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash newuser:Xv8Q981g71oKK:1000:100:John Smith:/home/newuser:/bin/bash

This line has the following format:


account- Username password- encrypted user password UID- user identification number GID- identification number of the user's primary group GECOS- an optional field used to specify additional information about the user (for example, the user's full name) directory- user's home directory ($HOME) shell- user shell (usually /bin/sh)

To view a list of users who are currently in the system, there is the who command.

The output might be:

Newuser pts/0 2013-11-13 14:19 (:0)

Creating, managing and deleting users

(users and groups in linux) When creating new users, a sequence of certain actions is performed. First, an entry is made in the /etc/passwd file, where the user is assigned a unique name, UID, GID, and other information. UID must be greater than 1000 and GID greater than 100, this is due to the fact that the system reserves small values ​​for its own needs. Also, a directory is created, permissions are set, shell initialization files are placed, and configuration files are modified.

In order not to enter this information manually, there is a useradd (or adduser) program. The settings for this program are stored in the /etc/default/useradd file.

# cat /etc/default/useradd

The output is the following:


It allows you to change the default settings. For example, a directory for users from /home to /home/user or an interpreter from /bin/bash to /bin/sh.

To create a new user, use the useradd command:

# useradd -m -g users -G audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games,power,scanner -s /bin/bash newuser


# useradd -m -g [primary group] -G [list additional groups] -s [shell] [username]

  • -m- creates a home directory, like /home/[username].
  • -g- name or number of the user's primary group.
  • -G- list of additional groups the user belongs to.
  • -s- defines the user's shell.

For more detailed information, use the manual:


With the chfn command, you can enter or change user account information (name, work phone, work coordinates, etc.) (username - username).

# chfn [-f fullname][-o office][-p workphone][-h homephone][-u][-v]

The passwd command is used to set the password:

If we want to force the user to change the password to his own at the first login, we need to use the command:

# chage -d 0

You can read more about the chage command in the manual, enter:

# man change

There is a userdel command to delete a user.

# userdel -r

The -r option tells the user to delete the home directory and mailbox along with the user.

Group management

To view all groups systems and how user they belong you need to enter the following:

# cat /etc/group

The /etc/group file defines the groups in the system. To see which groups a user belongs to, type:

# groups

The id command shows more detailed information.

# id

To create a new group:


To add a user to a group:

# gpasswd -a

Removing a user from a group:

# gpasswd -d

And in order to delete a group, enter the following:


(users and groups in linux) That's all, in principle, the most basic is stated.

User accounts can be assigned to one or more groups in Linux. You can set file permissions and other privileges by group. For example, on Ubuntu, only users in the sudo group can use the sudo command to gain elevated permissions.

How to create a new group in Linux

If you want to create a new group on your system use the command groupadd, replacing new_group to the name of the group you want to create. You will also need to use sudo with this command (or on Linux distributions that don't use sudo, you will need to run the command su to get elevated permissions before running the command).

sudo groupadd new_group

Adding an existing user account to a group

To add an existing user account to a group on your system, use the command usermod, replacing group_name to the name of the group to which you want to add the user, to username the name of the user you want to add.

Usermod -a -G group_name user_name

For example, to add a user mial to the group sudo, use the following command:

Usermod -a -G sudo mial

Changing a User's Primary Group

Although a user account can be a member of multiple groups, one of the groups is always the "primary group" and the rest are "secondary groups". The user login process, files and folders created by the user will be assigned to the primary group.

To change the primary group a user is assigned to, run the command usermod, replacing group_name to the name of the group, and username to the user account name.

Usermod -g group_name user_name

Pay attention here to -g. When you use small g, you assign the main group. When you use capital -G, as in the examples above, you assign a secondary group.

How to find out which groups a user belongs to

To view the groups that the current user account is assigned to, run the command groups. You will see a list of groups.

To view the numeric IDs associated with each group, run the command id:

To view the groups that another user account belongs to, run the groups command and specify the user account name.

Groups user_name

You can also view the numeric IDs associated with each group by running the command id and providing a username.

Id user_name

The first group in the group list, or the group shown after " gid=' in the list of identifiers is the primary group of the user account. Other groups are secondary groups. So, in the screenshot below, the main group of the user account is mial.

Create a new user and assign a group in one command

Sometimes you may need to create a new user account that has access to a specific resource or directory, such as a new FTP user. With the command useradd when creating a user account, you can specify the groups to which the user account will be assigned, for example:

useradd -G group_name user_name

For example, to create a new user account named jsmith and assign this account to a group ftp, you should run:

Useradd -G ftp jsmith

Of course, you'll want to assign a password for this user:

Passwd jsmith

Adding a user to multiple groups

You can add a user to multiple secondary groups at once by separating the list with a comma:

Usermod -a -G group1,group2,group3 user_name

For example, to add a user named mial into groups ftp, sudo And example, you should run:

Usermod -a -G ftp,sudo,example mial

You can specify as many groups as you like - just separate them all with a comma.

How to view all groups in the system

If you want to see a list of all groups on your system, you can use the command getent:

Gent group

This output will also show you which user accounts are members of groups. So, in the screenshot below, we see that user accounts syslog And mial are members of the group adm.

This should cover everything you need to know about adding users to groups on the Linux command line.

Let's create a vivek user and add it to the developers group. Log in as root user:

For example, add a user vivek:

useradd -g users -G admins,ftp,www,developers -s/bin/bash -pxxxx-d/home/ghost -m vivek

  • -d home directory
  • -s set the start shell (/bin/sh) - after that you can change it in the file /etc/passwd
  • -p password
  • -g the main group to which the user is assigned (Group must exist)
  • -G other groups to which the user belongs
  • -m create a home directory for the user
  • xxxx character user password

Make sure the developers group exists:

# grep developers /etc/group

If there is no group, use the command groupadd to create a new developers group:

Now with the command usermod add the user vivek to the developers group:

# adduser vivek developers && newgrp developers

Make sure the user is added to the developers group:

# id vivek
uid=1122(vivek) gid=1125(vivek) groups=1125(vivek),1124(developers)

Set/change the password for the vivek user:

Let's play with groups

Indicate the vivek user to participate only in the developers group

usermod-G developers vivek

Instruct the vivek user to only participate in the admins, ftp, www, developers groups by typing:

# usermod -G admins,ftp,www,developers vivek

Remove user vivek from some groups (reassign groups to him):

# usermod -G ftp,www vivek

now vivek is not a member of the admins and developers groups.

Note: team usermod will not change the username if that user is currently logged in.

userdel- delete user

For example, let's delete the user vivek:

  • -r delete user along with home directory

Detailed SYNTAX

useradd [-u identifier[-o] [-i]] [-g group][-G group[[,group] . . .]] [-d catalog][-s shell] [-c a comment][-m[-k skel_dir]] [-f inactive] [-e expire][-p passgen][-a event[, . . .]] reg_name

Detailed description

Call useradd usually adds a new user entry to the system data files identification and identity verification(Identification and Authentication - I&A). Users are an exception. network information service(Network Information Service or NIS for short). It also allows you to set membership in additional groups for the user (option -G) and create an initial directory for it (option -m). The new login is blocked until the command is executed. passwd.

Immediately after installation, the default values ​​for various parameters are specified in the file /etc/default/useradd. The default values ​​for those of the options listed below that require default values ​​can be changed with the command defadm.

System file entries created with this command have a length limit of 512 characters per line. If multiple options are given long arguments, this restriction may be violated.

The following options are supported:

-u identifier User identification number (UID). This number must be a non-negative integer not greater than MAXUID defined in sys/param.h. The default is the next available (unique) non-legacy UID greater than 99. This option is ignored if the new login will be administered by the Network Information Service (NIS). See the "Network Information Service Registration Names" section below for more details.
-o This option allows you to duplicate the UID (make it non-unique). Since the protection of the system as a whole, as well as the integrity audit trail(audit trail) and accounting information(accounting information) in particular depends on the one-to-one correspondence of each UID to a certain person, it is not recommended to use this option (to ensure that user actions are accounted for).
-i Allows the use of a legacy UID.
-g group Integer identifier or symbolic name of an existing group. This option sets main group(primary group) for the new user. By default, the standard group specified in the file is used. /etc/default/useradd
-G group[[,group] . . .] One or more elements in a comma-separated list, each of which is an integer identifier or symbolic name of an existing group. This list defines belonging to additional groups(supplementary group membership) for the user. Repetitions are ignored. The number of elements in the list must not exceed NGROUPS_MAX-1, because the total number of additional groups for a user plus the main group must not exceed NGROUPS_MAX. This option is ignored if the new login will be administered by the Network Information Service (NIS). See "Network Information Service Registration Names" below.
-d directory Home directory(home directory) of the new user. The length of this field must not exceed 256 characters. The default is HOMEDIR/register_name, Where HOMEDIR is the base directory for new users' home directories, and reg_name- the login name of the new user.
-s shell The full path to the program used as the initial shell for the user immediately after login. The length of this field must not exceed 256 characters. By default, this field is empty, which forces the system to use the standard shell /usr/bin/sh. As a value shell an existing executable must be specified.
-c comment Any text string. Usually, this is a short description of the login name and is now used to indicate the last name and first name of the real user. This information is stored in a user record in a file /etc/passwd. The length of this field must not exceed 128 characters.
-m Creates the new user's home directory if it does not already exist. If the directory already exists, the user you add must have permissions to the specified directory.
-k skel_dir Copies the contents of a directory skel_dir to the new user's home directory, instead of the contents of the standard "skeleton" directory, /etc/skel. Catalog skel_dir must exist. The standard "skeleton" directory contains standard files that define the user's work environment. Administrator-defined directory skel_dir may contain similar files and directories created for a specific purpose.
-f inactive The maximum number of days allowed between uses of a login before the login is declared invalid. Typically, positive integers are used as values.
-e expire The date from which the login can no longer be used; after this date, no user will be able to access under this login. (This option is useful when creating temporary logins.) Enter the value of the argument expire(representing a date) can be in any format (except Julian date). For example, you could enter 10/6/99 or October 6, 1999 .
-p passgen Indicates that the FLAG field in the file /etc/shadow must be set to the specified value. This field is accessed by the command passwd to determine if the password generator is valid for the given user. If option -p not explicitly set, the record is checked FORCED_PASS in file /etc/default/useradd to determine the value for the corresponding field in /etc/shadow. If records FORCED_PASS no in /etc/default/useradd, in the corresponding entry field in /etc/shadow there will be no value. If the value FORCED_PASS equals 1, write to /etc/shadow gets the value 1. If the value passgen is not empty and is not an ASCII printable character, a diagnostic message is issued.
-a event List of types or classes of events, separated by commas, forming audit mask(audit mask) for the user. Immediately after the system is installed, there is no standard audit mask for the user, but it can be set in the file /etc/default/useradd using the command defadm. This option can only be used if the Auditing Utilities are installed. (To see which packages are installed on your system, run the command pkginfo.)
reg_name A printable string that specifies the login name for the new user. It should not contain colons ( : ) and newline characters ( \n). It also must not start with an uppercase letter.

Note that many of the default values ​​for the options discussed above can be changed with the command defadm, designed to work with a file /etc/default/useradd. These default values ​​apply only to local users. For NIS users, the default values ​​are set in the Network Information Service database. To change the default NIS values, you must specify options on the command line.

Network Information Service Registration Names

If the login starts with a character + , (For example, +chris), the user definition will be managed by the Network Information Service (NIS). The default values ​​will be determined based on the NIS database, not the file /etc/defaults/useradd. Option Argument Values -u, -g And -G will be silently ignored if these options are given. Instead, the user ID and group ID values ​​will be taken from the NIS database. See the man page for details passwd. Note that when adding a NIS user, the login must already exist in the NIS database. For example, to add a login Chris as NIS username, Chris must already exist in the NIS database. Then you need to call useradd with login +chris to indicate that a user needs to be added Chris as a NIS user, not as a local user.


/etc/security/ia/audit(if auditing utilities are installed)


Team useradd exits with a return code of 0 if successful. When errors occur, the following messages may be issued:

Invalid command line syntax.
The command line syntax was invalid.
An invalid argument was specified in the option.
An invalid argument was provided with an option.
The identifier specified in the -u option is already in use, and the -o option is not specified.
The uid specified with the -u option is already in use and the -o option was not specified.
The group specified with the -g option does not exist.
The group specified with the -g option does not exist.
The login name specified is not unique.
The specified login is not unique.
Failed to modify /etc/group. The login is added to the /etc/passwd file, but not to the /etc/group file.
Cannot update /etc/group. The login was added to the /etc/passwd file but not to the /etc/group file.
Failed to create home directory (in -m option) or failed to copy skel_dir to home directory.
Unable to create the home directory (with the -m option) or unable to complete the copy of skel_dir to the home directory.
The identifier is not old enough. Choose another.
uid not aged sufficiently. Choose another.
An invalid -a option was specified; system service is not installed.
An invalid option -a was specified; system service not installed.
An invalid audit event type or class was specified.
An invalid audit event type or class event was specified.

The basis of the distribution of access rights in the Linux operating system lies on the concept of a user. The user who owns the file is given certain permissions to work with it, namely to read, write and execute. Read, write, and execute permissions for all other users are also set separately. Since in Linux everything is a file, such a system allows you to control access to any action in this operating system by setting file permissions. But even when creating Linux, the developers realized that this was clearly not enough.

That's why user groups were invented. Users can be combined into groups so that groups can already be given the necessary permissions to access certain files, and, accordingly, actions. In this article, we will look at user groups in Linux, consider why they are needed, how to add a user to a group and manage groups.

As I said, groups in Linux appeared at the very beginning of the development of this operating system. They were designed to enhance rights management. Let's analyze a small example, let's take an organization in which there is only one computer, we have administrators and users. Each person has their own account on our computer. Administrators can configure the system, but it is better for users not to give free rein so that something is not broken. Therefore, administrators are united in the admin group, and it is given access to all equipment, in fact, to all the files in the dev directory, and users, united in the users group, and this group is given the opportunity to read and write files to a common directory, with which they can share the results of your work. We could assign rights for each user separately, allowing him access to a particular file, but this is too inconvenient. That's why groups were invented. Say, yes, nothing, you can appoint? Well, now imagine that our users are processes. This is where the beauty of groups comes to the fore, groups are used not so much to provide access for users, but to control the rights of programs, especially their access to equipment. For services, separate groups are created and the user on whose behalf it is launched, the service can be in several groups, which provides it with access to certain resources.

Now let's look at how to view linux groups.

Groups in Linux

All groups created on the system are located in the /etc/group file. By looking at the contents of this file, you can find out the list of linux groups that are already on your system. And you will be surprised.

In addition to the standard root and users, there are a couple dozen more groups here. These are groups created by programs to control the access of these programs to shared resources. Each group allows reading or writing of a specific file or directory on the system, thereby regulating the permissions of the user, and hence the process running under that user. Here we can consider that the user is the same as the process, because the process has all the rights of the user from which it is launched.

Let's take a closer look at each of the groups in order to better understand why they are needed:

  • daemon- on behalf of this group and the daemon user, services are launched that need the ability to write files to disk.
  • sys- group provides access to kernel sources and include files saved in the system
  • sync- allows you to execute the /bin/sync command
  • games- allows games to write their settings files and history to a specific folder
  • man- allows you to add pages to the /var/cache/man directory
  • lp- Allows the use of parallel port devices
  • mail- allows you to write data to mailboxes /var/mail/
  • proxy- used by proxy servers, no access to write files to disk
  • www-data- with this group the web server is started, it gives write access to /var/www, where the web document files are located
  • list- allows you to view messages in /var/mail
  • group- used for processes that cannot create files on the hard disk, but only read, usually used with the nobody user.
  • adm- allows you to read logs from the /var/log directory
  • tty- all /dev/vca devices allow read and write access to users from this group
  • disk- opens access to hard drives /dev/sd* /dev/hd*, we can say that this is an analogue of root access.
  • dialout- full access to the serial port
  • cdrom- access to CD-ROM
  • wheel- allows you to run the sudo utility to elevate privileges
  • audio- audio driver control
  • src- full access to sources in the /usr/src/ directory
  • shadow- allows reading the /etc/shadow file
  • utmp- allows writing to files /var/log/utmp /var/log/wtmp
  • video- allows you to work with the video driver
  • plugdev- allows you to mount external USB devices, CDs, etc.
  • staff- allows writing to the /usr/local folder

Now that you know why Linux groups are used and what they are by default, let's take a look at managing Linux groups.

Linux group management

You can also manage groups using the graphical interface. KDE has a Kuser program specifically designed for this, while Gnome does it through system settings. In addition, popular distributions have separate tools such as YaST in OpenSUSE or Ubuntu Settings. But with a graphical interface, I think you'll figure it out. And we will look at managing linux groups through the terminal. First, let's deal with files, and only then with users.

When a file is created, it is assigned the primary group of the user who created it. It's just for example:

Here you can see that the owner of all folders is sergiy and the group is also sergiy. That's right, since these users were created by me. But let's go further:

Here we see that the sd * disk devices are assigned to the disk group, which means that the user in this group can access them. Or another example:

All as we considered in the previous paragraph. But these groups can not only be set by the system, but you yourself can manually change file groups for this there is the chgrp command:

chgrp groupname filename

For example, let's create a test file:

And change the group for it:

If you want to create a linux group, you can do so with the newgrp command:

sudo groupadd test

With users, the situation is a bit more complicated. The user has a main group, it is specified during creation, as well as several additional ones. The main group differs from the usual ones in that all files in the user's home directory have this group, and when it is changed, the group of these directories will also change. Also, this group is received by all files created by the user. Additional groups are needed so that we can allow users to access different resources by adding it to these groups in linux.

Managing Linux groups for a user is done using the usermod command. Consider its syntax and options:

$usermod options Username

  • -G- additional groups to add the user to
  • -g change primary group for user
  • -R remove a user from a group.

You can add a user to a group with the usermod command:

sudo usermod -G -a groupname username

You can add a user to the linux group temporarily with the newgrp command. A new shell will open, and the user will have the necessary permissions in it, but after closing everything will return as it was:

sudo newgrp groupname

For example, let's add our user to the disk group in order to have direct access to hard drives without the sudo command:

sudo usermod -G -a disk sergiy

You can now mount drives without the sudo command:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

You can view the linux groups in which the user is a member with the command:

You can also use the id command. In the first case, we simply see a list of linux groups, in the second, the group and user id are additionally specified. To include a user in a Linux group, the -g option is used for the primary group.

Creating a new group in the system
With this command, you can create a new user group (hereinafter referred to as the group) group in system:

Adding a new user to the system
New user user can be added with the command:

He will automatically be placed in an individual group named after him.
To add a user user to an existing group group prescribe:

With this command, a user can be added to several groups at once. To do this, list the group names separated by commas.

To add a user to a new group with a name different from the user's name, do the following:

useradd -g groupname user

This group for the user will be the main one.

Setting a password for a user
User password user given by the command:

This command will ask you to enter your password twice. Never leave a user without a password!
Sometimes it is necessary to prevent a user from logging in. For example, if you need access only to a network share. (More on this.) To do this, modify the file passwd with the following command:

In the password field, I add an asterisk character "*" before the password itself (this file is described in more detail at the end of the article). Save the changes and exit with the keys Ctrl+X, key Y confirm our choice. For greater security, this file can be edited with the command vipw. To exit the editor and save changes, run :wq. To exit without saving changes, write :q or :q! if any changes have been made.

User Information Files
The following information is provided for a better understanding of system user creation and fine-tuning. To edit users, in most cases it will be easier to use the command usermod. You can learn more about this command by running

. Usually, the above commands are enough to add and edit a user.
All information about system users and groups is stored in the following files:
- /etc/passwd this file contains the entire list of users known to the system. Each line of this file describes a user and contains seven fields that contain user information. The fields are separated by colons.
2. Encrypted user password (never leave this field blank);
3. User identifier (UID);
4. Group ID (GID);
5. GECOS field, in which you can specify the user's full name, work home phone, place of work, etc.;
6. Path to home directory;
7. Registration shell.

- /etc/shadow encrypted passwords are stored here. This file is read-only by the superuser. Each line corresponds to one user. It contains nine fields separated by colons:
1. User registration name;
2. Encrypted user password;
3. The date the password was last changed;
4. Minimum number of days between password changes;
5. The maximum number of days between password changes;
6. Number of days before password expiration warning;
7. The number of days until the password expires;
8. Account expiration date;
9. A reserved empty field that is not used.
The date fields in this file are filled with the number of days since January 1, 1970. The first two fields must be filled in!

- /etc/group contains a list of groups and the usernames that belong to those groups. Like the previous files, each line corresponds to one group and has four fields, which are separated by colons:
1. Group name;
2. Encrypted password or character x indicating file usage gshadow(when to connect a user to a group using the utility newgrp you need to enter a password)
3. Group ID (GID);
4. A comma-separated list of the members of this group.

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