How to put hashtags on Instagram: a detailed guide. Hashtag - what is it and how to do it

Greetings friends! In this article, we will deal with hashtags in social network In contact with. You've probably noticed on some of your friends' and groups' posts words in the form of links (highlighted in blue, which you can click on).

These words are usually preceded by a # sign. That's what hashtags are. But still, let me somehow collect all these thoughts together and give you a short term.

Hashtags are keywords for a specific post on a user or group page. With their help, we can search for posts by keywords, and thus promote publications in our group or the group or page itself.

If you click on any such word, then we will load a whole list of posts different users who used the same keyword in their posts.

Who now does not understand what I am writing about, pay attention to the screenshot:

The above example shows a post on the wall of a user's page with a photo, and the tags are two words: spring and park, as well as the phrase good weather.

How to write hashtags

1. In order to make a hashtag out of an ordinary word in a post, simply put a # sign without a space before this word. In our case, it was #spring and #park.

2. If you look at the third #goodweather, then we can conclude that if you want to make a hashtag a phrase, and not just one word, then you need to write such a phrase together or through an underscore - #good_weather.

4. When writing keywords You can use both Latin and Cyrillic characters.

Hashtag example

For example, let me show you how to create a hashtag post on your wall from scratch.

And so, in the beginning, you can write several keywords that will convey the meaning of the entire post (this does not have to be done right at the beginning). After that, we write the main text and we can add another photo by clicking on the camera icon. After that, you can click on the "Submit" button:

Let's see what happened:

How to search by hashtags

To do this, simply enter the keyword in the search field and press the "Enter" button. For example, I want to search all records for Lately with the keyword "work":

I am shown all the publications with the tag "work" for the last time. The search result there is formed according to the rule “from new to old”

Similarly, you can search for multiple hashtags. For example, if I wanted to look for a job in St. Petersburg, then I drive in a query consisting of two already keywords separated by a space (# job # peter):

At the end of this article, I would like to say that this function is quite actively used by people who develop their business through the social network Vkontakte. With proper use of keywords, you can attract new visitors and future customers to your group.

Also quite often this technique is used by young people to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Hello friends! A few months ago, I became the administrator of the VKontakte public, which promotes the services of a surf school in Fuerteventura (this is such a cool island in the Canaries). We managed to learn a lot from this non-dusty and exciting work: a lot of communication with travelers, the search for colorful videos and photos from a paradise on the planet ...

... - all this brings a lot of positive things into my life. And also, I am gaining experience in the promotion of publics, so I share with you the experience of using Vkontakte hashtags.

A hashtag is a word preceded by a # sign, as well as words that mention pages with an @ sign. These characters turn a word into a link. For example, if you write #surfing and publish a post with this tag, it will become clickable. By clicking on it, you will go to the news search and only posts with the hashtag #surfing will be included in the results. That is, you can search for news in any category that interests you. You can even not create a post with a hashtag for the search, but simply go to, go to the “Search” tab and ask there desired query with # sign.

Why you need hashtags

  1. It's simple: targeted traffic comes from them, attendance is growing your page. Those. a person is looking for information in a particular category, and, finding your posts, begins to study it. If the content is liked and the user is interested, he can go to your group / page, read / watch something else, repost or like, subscribe, buy something (if the group is commercial), bring friends and so on.
  2. In addition, a unique hashtag for a brand or group name builds a loyal audience. And already according to it, people who already know about you will periodically check if you have any news or other “interesting things”.
  3. Another reason to make a hashtag VKontakte- this is a rubric within a group. Those. if there is a rubric, for example, about surfing spots (such places, beaches where surfers ride), then it can be written in each post using the # and @ signs, and then the search in the rubric will be conducted exclusively by your group/personal page / public, and not throughout the social network. I will talk about this further.

Thus, hashtags:

  1. optimize the search in the public (page);
  2. help new and existing users find you;
  3. bring traffic and subscribers.

If the group, for example, has a series of posts about flights, then potential client can set the display of only these posts in the feed and see the next departure dates. Ease of group navigation increases audience loyalty and has a good effect on behavior, which in turn saves the group promotion budget and accelerates its development.

There is another interesting thing: attracting new users with tags. About her and other chips - further.

The benefits and possibilities of hashtags

As mentioned above, hash searches can be performed on the entire social network or on a specific page. Let's see how to implement everything.

Regular hashtags

It is necessary that traffic from all over Vkontakte comes from the hashtag. Then just put # and write the word without a space.

Example: #morning_coffee, #I love life

Group hashtags

You want people to be able to search for content on your page by category. Then you need to write the # sign, a word without a space, followed by the @part_url_of the group/page, also without a space. To make it clearer, I will explain with an example how to put a hashtag for searching on Vkontakte.

Hashtag for searching on a specific page

Example: The picture shows a post consisting of only one link # [email protected] _wrart. Where will she lead? To the feed of posts of the user whose page is located at Moreover, only entries with the #upsurf hashtag will be shown in the feed. Another example: #earnings@wrart. In this case, the search will be carried out by the #earnings tag in the group. Note: if the page looks like, then the search by the #earnings@idxxxxx tag will not work, so it’s better to change the page url in the settings and make it more “human-readable” 🙂

Hashtags with a person's name on his personal page

Engage users by mentioning them. Entries like @idxxxxx (UserName) or @xxxxx (UserName) not only become a link, but also send a notification to the owner of the referenced page in My Replies. That is, a person will see a post on his page in which he was mentioned, and will probably want to visit the public that made the mention. When is engagement useful? Firstly, if you need to attract an interested visitor (and possibly make him a client). Secondly, to reward active subscribers for the provided photos/drawings/participation in the contest. People love to become popular, and if your public / page makes them so, you can increase their loyalty.

Example. I created a post in a group with a mention of the form @id117736104 (Alexandra Somova) - my account. As a result, immediately after the publication, I received an alert on the left.

Hashtag syntax

No gaps. Words and symbols #, @ are written together. If you need to use a phrase as a hashtag, then use underscores instead of spaces, for example, #business_online. Some write the whole phrase as a whole, for example #wonderful day. With spaces, you can only write words in brackets in the mention, like @durov (Pavel Durov).

Individual group hashtags

If you want your subscribers to have the opportunity to search for posts by category, then in each post you must put a signature consisting of 2 lines.

  • Here we indicate all the hashtags related to the post.
  • On the second line, write something like “Search in this category” and then #hashtag_categories@xxxx. Those. the signature might look something like this:

Converting words to hashtags makes online life easier. The sign "#" is read in Russian as a hashtag, in English - hashtag. How to create a hashtag is easy to figure out. Example: a person writes an article about phones and puts an #iPhone. It is easier for Internet users to find a note. Hashtags are used to advertise and promote a brand on social networks and blogs.

What is a hashtag

For the first time, the existence of the hashtag became known from Twitter, where an interesting poll was conducted: what if we group all topics into one single icon? Many users liked this offer. To understand what a hashtag is, you need to know what it looks like. Distinctive feature– the pound sign # to be inserted before words or phrases. The writing process key phrases articles takes little time, allowing you to promote products, brands for free.

Why you need hashtags

The need for hashtags is a matter of convenience. The combination of several words, a single phrase is comfortable. This enhances regular search by helping you find faster. necessary information joining together to discuss the same topic. If you type in the search for a social network hashtag #hurryatnitsa, then it will immediately become clear what the hashtag is for. Example: Clicking on #hoorayatnitsa will display joyful pictures and phrases from posts about the end of the working week.

How it works

Improved hyperlink - hashtag - saves when you need to find right word. Without sorting topics in different services on the Internet, there would be confusion. How a hashtag works: if it is written, it is anchored, a link is created, and all users can easily find what they are interested in. Hashtag - what is it? The automatically generated link is useful for finding people who are ready to discuss the topic. Using the hashtag icon, you can gather groups and subscribe to updates, show your mood.

How to make a hashtag

When creating a hashtag, you need to take a group of words and highlight the main topic to which they belong. Rules:

  1. If you need whole phrases, they fit without spaces. You can use both Cyrillic and Latin.
  2. Any language is suitable for writing, but it is better when it is the main one or accessible to the audience reading the author.
  3. You can improve the perception of the whole phrase by writing each individual word with a capital letter.
  4. Underscores are allowed instead of spaces.
  5. The correct spelling of a hashtag is as follows: the tag # is attached to the word.
  6. How to use hashtags: It's important to use keyword research - knowing in advance what people are looking for on the search network.

To Instagram

The world-famous social network aimed at the distribution of pictures, photos, videos is used by many. Instagram hashtags play an important role. Here, the notation quickly sorts numerous photographs into groups and works as a separate filter. If you are interested in how to make hashtags on Instagram, then you should remember the main rule - how accurate a word / phrase is, how interested visitors who searched for them will be. Examples:

  • Before posting a photo of the necessary purchases, you just need to insert the phrase #to-do list.
  • By clicking on a similar hashtag in your post or friends, you can see the list of other people's to-do lists.

The maximum number of Instagram hashtags is 30. One of the most popular Instagram hashtags is #tbt. It was invented to refer to the actions performed on Thursday. Use hashtags to find out what's new in apps. Among the new ones, #vscocam or #vsco stands out: both designations mean that the published photo has been edited with special application for iPhone and Android.


You can make it easier to search for a Vkontakte topic of interest if you write # topic in the search bar. If you click on other people's hashtags, then all posts on the specified topic will be displayed. To understand for yourself how to make hashtags on Vkontakte, you need to add the formula to the message or under the photo / video: # topic (# cool). The best option there will be an exact selection of the phrase (#funnycat). Grouping words using VK hashtags gives impetus to the rapid development of discussions, and the topic becomes more popular.

In Facebook

To figure out how to put a hashtag on Facebook, you need to select a general category for the phrases of interest and put the hash symbol in front. Want to discuss or read news about Zuckerberg? You can publish the post “Founder of the social Facebook networks- #Mark Zuckerberg". Signs after the lattice are unacceptable, all words are written together. Advertising promotion of a social network page - the main objective implementation of hashtags among Facebook users. Easy search guarantees fast wrapping of comments.

In Odnoklassniki

The search for topics of the same name was carried out by Odnoklassniki users using tags. Tag - a keyword that should be specified in the "Add keywords" window. It has become much easier: you just need to type the pound sign on the keyboard with the request of interest: #travel. How to make a hashtag in Odnoklassniki? It's simple: get promoted social page or groups is much easier if you use the most popular hashtags.

IN modern world there is no escape from social networks. Even if you yourself are not a user of one of them, you must have at least heard of them. Social networks are used everywhere. By registering in them, people pursue completely different goals: from communicating with friends and finding like-minded people to promoting their brand and advertising their company. The "Internet trend" has not bypassed the world celebrities who constantly delight subscribers with new publications. The popularity of such sites gave rise to the emergence of a new means of promoting posts - hashtags. In this article, we will tell you about what it is, and also explain how to put hashtags on Instagram.

How did hashtags come about?

First, let's figure out what these labels are. If you have an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, or other similar resources, you may have seen words or short phrases marked with a hash under the posts. As a rule, such entries have a blue color, the same as that of links. Yes, hashtags themselves are links. They started on Twitter and gradually moved to other social networks.

What are hashtags for?

Such designations help to group posts on specific topics. It is known that in such "giants" as "Instagram", a lot of posts are posted daily. You have the opportunity to view publications not only of your friends, but also of other users who have a profile open. Hashtags make it easier to find a specific post and narrow the list down considerably. Thus, you will find the news you are interested in much faster. In addition, depending on the popularity of a particular hashtag, the publication may be promoted in the general news feed. This is perfect for entrepreneurs or owners of a particular brand. So how do you put hashtags on Instagram? What needs to be done for this?

How to put hashtags on Instagram?

This is done very simply. To put a hashtag, you need to add a "#" sign in front of the word, and it will automatically convert the word into a kind of link. It is very important to write one word in one hashtag, phrases with spaces will not be accepted, only the first word will be marked, preceded by a hash. If it is important to indicate the exact phrase, use dashes or write the phrase without separating it. However, writing a long phrase without separation is completely impractical. Here are examples of correct hashtags: "#street", "#house", "#dog", "#shop", "#my_purchases", "#romantic_date", "#my sister", "#delicious". Of course, without quotes.

If you write "#how I celebrated my birthday", then only the word "how" will be a hashtag. You can verify this if you notice that this word will be highlighted in blue, like a regular link. It is not recommended to write "#how did you celebrate your birthday" or similar long phrases. Most likely, such a request will not be popular. Do not forget that such tags allow you not only to find a specific post, but also increase page visibility, respectively, you will also have more likes. But this will only happen if you put the bars correctly. How to add hashtags - now you know. But what should they be?

Popular hashtags "Instagram"

What to write in this very hashtag so that other users find your publication faster? It's impossible here better fit the expression "simplicity is the sister of talent." Just look at what's in your photo and try giving it a simple title. If you are with friends in the photo, just say: "#me and friends", or simply: "#friends". By this principle, place similar links further. On this moment Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per photo. But believe me, this is more than enough. It is also not worth overloading the image with labels. You can often notice that one publication is teeming with various hashtags, and some of them do not even relate to the topic of the photo itself. It looks stupid and no one is interested, but the main idea of ​​​​the promotion is that your post should be of interest.

Universal tags

There are a number of hashtags that will fit almost all photos. They are specifically designed to ensure that other users find your profile and rate your posts. For example "#follow", "#followme", "#followforfollow", "#instagood", "#inst". The hashtags #GN, #GM, #gn, #gm are very popular lately, their decoding is quite simple - this abbreviation is "good night" and "good morning", they are placed under any photo depending on the time of day. Do not forget that labels can be written both in Latin and in Russian. You can enter the name of your city, country or locality. Then you will be subscribed and "liked" by people living nearby. But you don't need to add too many obvious hashtags, you risk looking a little comical. For example, if you drank a cup of coffee in a beautiful place and took a photo, you do not need to invent a million labels related to this, for example: #brazil #coffeemania #sugar #drink #energy #rest. By the way, hashtags for Instagram on topics can be written with spaces, as shown in the last example, or without gaps.

How to find a post by hashtag?

Hashtag search on Instagram is carried out as follows. Go to the client and pay attention to the panel at the bottom of the screen. Next to the house icon that you clicked to get into the news feed, there is an image of a magnifying glass (a circle with a dash), click on it. Tap on top search string, and another menu will open in front of you. By going to the "Tags" tab, you can easily find a publication by hashtag.

Now you know how to put hashtags on Instagram. Do it right and wisely.

I am writing this article in the hope that some of my readers do not yet know how to make a hashtag and where it can be used.

If you explain in simple words, then the hashtag is the keywords for finding information on the topic you need. The hashtag is used and applied mainly in social networks. If you're interested in a particular topic, using a hashtag makes it much easier to find only those posts in the ocean that are relevant to your topic. Naturally, provided that the author of the text did not forget to highlight this hashtag in his post. Remember, hashtags are used to combine the posts of many people into one feed.

If you have just started using social networks, then it is likely that words highlighted in this way may annoy you at first. But this is only until you understand their meaning. Once you learn how to use it both as a post author and as a reader, hashtags will become necessary for you and useful tool for work and communication in social networks.

Creating a hashtag is not difficult at all, it is enough to put a hash sign # in front of the keyword of the text. The keyword will look like this: #cottage or #internet. And yet, there are a few nuances that are useful to know.

Rules and etiquette for using hashtags

# X Eshtag can be inserted anywhere in the text. Although most often hashtags can be seen at the beginning or end of the post.

# B More than three hashtags are considered spam. It is recommended to highlight no more than three keywords in the text, otherwise the message will look unreadable.

# X ashtags support numbers: #10_instruments. Other Special symbols, spaces, punctuation marks, asterisks, exclamation marks, and question marks are not used.

# X Ashtags can be written in different languages.

# X Ashtags can consist of two or three words.

# H Multiple words are best separated by underscores. For example: #work_on_the Internet.

# AND Use the brand name of your company, product or service as a hashtag. If you watched the popular program "Voice", then you probably heard how the host of the program Dmitry Nagiyev constantly informed us that the program can be found on social networks by the hashtag #Voice.

# AND Use trending hashtags, that is, those that have already become popular among millions of network users. This may be a message related to some holiday, event: #Sochi_2014. This method will allow you to see your message among all the messages that are related to the Olympics, but also imposes certain obligations to create unique and interesting content that users will notice.

# P If necessary, when searching for information, drive in several hashtags until you find what you need.

# X The ashtag should be short, no more than 10-15 characters. If you use Twitter, you know that a message is only 140 characters long.

# WITH The most popular hashtags can be seen: ( With this service, you can analyze Twitter hashtags by activity and usage time.

# IN Google+hashtags can be added for you by the system. If the hashtag is gray, then the author added it, if the hashtag of blue color, it is added by the system.

# E If you manage to come up with your own original hashtag, you can immediately start promoting it.

# R by scrolling your hashtag, you can see that others are using it, and even with malicious intent: publishing information on your hashtag that has nothing to do with it.

# E If, or on Facebook, you need to organize content on a page, create unique titles for categories and add a category hashtag to a specific post. For example, you write a post about beauty and health every day and 10 more posts on other topics. To save the user from having to scroll the wall in search of posts about health, come up with a unique category hashtag.

# X ashtag works if you don't forget to put it in your posts in different social media, and don't forget to remind users of it.

More on hashtags...

In fairness, it must be added that programmers came up with hashtags long before the advent of social networks. It was a technical tool, and it was only thanks to Twitter that it became a recognizable and very useful tool.

Only thanks to the hashtag, you can quickly pull information from the depths of the social network for a specific request. Yes, and even in this case, there is no complete certainty that you will receive all the information you need. Since so far not everyone knows how to make a hashtag, and what it is for. There is an interesting statistic: only every fourth tweet contains hashtags, and they get half of the attention of users.

The main value of hashtags: if you understand how to use them, they will help you structure a lot of information. At a time when a stream of uncontrolled information is pouring on our heads, this possibility can hardly be overestimated.

As usual, a useful video to help:

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