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Media manager Anton Nosik launched an SMM agency and spoke about a new photo project

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Media manager and blogger Anton Nosik continues to reveal the details of the creation of his new holding: in early June, he launched the Shaggy Cheese SMM agency, and also plans to launch a YouTube video channel and open a photo project in September.

Shaggy Cheese Office

Anton Nosik announced the creation of the Shaggy Cheese SMM agency on June 12, stating that it was launched “last week”, however, Izvestia attracted considerable attention to the project, writing on Monday June 16 about two Spout projects at once.

Judging by the photographs published from the office, Shaggy Cheese employs Igor Belkin, ex-producer of the new media department of, Andrey Konyaev, former head of the Science section of, media consultant Alexander Amzin, and former editor of ru" and the leader of its community on VKontakte Igor Petrushov, former director of digital media at Irony Production Mikhail Kafanov. According to Nosik, the director of the agency is Marina Pustilnik, former development director of SUP Fabrik.

The photo project, whose name has not yet been disclosed, will be made by a team of about 10 people, consisting of employees of the photo service, who left it almost in full force. The concept of the project is described by Nosik as "News in pictures without theft": photos will be bought legally, and the site will be registered as a media. Lebedev Studio will be developing it, and Nosik registered the domain for the project together with Artemy Lebedev back in 1999, the Izvestia media manager reports.

According to Pavel Bednyakov, who worked as the managing editor of under Galina Timchenko and remained in the position of photojournalist under the new editor-in-chief Goreslavsky, the publication's photo service did not have the declared ten employees.

The third project will be a YouTube channel run by the former Lenta.doc team. According to Nosik, they "took on the implementation of about 900 training clips" about 5 minutes long, but other details of the project are not yet known.

Despite the fact that Nosik's projects are almost completely staffed by employees of the "old Lenta", he himself declares that they will be done separately from the former editor-in-chief of Galina Timchenko. June 12 she stated about the expiration of a three-month period during which, according to Nosik, she could not manage, edit and publish the media.

Although Nosik's startups are built around former employees, they will exist separately from Galina Timchenko's new projects.

Nosik himself does not yet disclose the full list of employees, since not all of them have work books, and he is also not ready to talk in detail about Shaggy Cheese until the details of cooperation with partners investing money have been settled. “Agreements in principle have been reached, and the project has begun life: he is talking with various companies about solving their problems,” Nosik said in a comment to TJournal.

In order to do a full cycle, there are really few employees. There are, in fact, eight people - this is more than necessary for the SMM needs of the average client. Crowdsourcing is an important part of a viable SMM. Why do we take such audacity and enter the market? Because there is a certain know-how of working with large communities and people, from among whom assistants are calmly and free of charge recruited for any ongoing projects. Anton Nosik

According to Nosik, the model used here is " Lentacha” - running a large community by third-party volunteer editors, but it was successfully tested even earlier on the million-strong Nokia community on VKontakte: one 18-year-old leader single-handedly managed to recruit a team of active participants.

SMM is actually nuclear energy. She uses the power of chain reactions. Anton Nosik

Regarding the choice of the name, Nosik said that he is not a creative part of the team, therefore he cannot argue with her on creative issues: “They all felt so right. We agreed and that’s it, now where to go.”

We live in an interesting post-Mamutov era: all people who work in creative teams and who give them money have the same thing in their heads - for the first it’s “God forbid we have another Mamut”, and for investors it’s “ God forbid I become Mamut. In all the projects that I create, there is a new poetics of relations between teams and investors. In all creative discussion, the investor is the listener. Maybe the word “outrageous” came to my mind, but whatever I think about the name “Shaggy Cheese”, it doesn’t affect anything. Anton Nosik

The media holding itself does not yet have a name and, most likely, it will be technical: “The media holding is needed in order to manage my and my partners' shares. Now, if it grows to such a state that we will create a fund, then it will be necessary to come up with a good name.”

Nosik plans to tell other details of the new project before the end of June: “I think in the next couple of weeks we will find something to say and present.”

The extraordinary name "Shaggy Cheese" has already caused a strong reaction in the media community.

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