ITunes has no program item. Apps disappeared from iTunes - what to do

After the release of iOS 11, the logical step for me was to update iTunes to the most recent version 12.7. As it turned out, this time iTunes not only did not improve, but became worse ... I call it degradation. Below I will explain what disappeared from the iTunes application on the computer and how to live with it ...

The App Store in iTunes no longer exists!

From now on App Store opens only on gadgets. To find an application on a computer, you need to enter its name in Google, but it no longer transfers it from the application page to iTunes.

Common files

Apple also removed the ability to manage apps from iTunes. Because of this, the management of icons on iPhone and iPad in iTunes disappeared. Only management is left " Shared files", Which was moved to a separate section.

Now films, books, documents and other files are entered into the corresponding programs only through this item.

How to transfer ipa files to iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch from computer now?

If you still have ipa-files with old versions of the application that you would like to install on your iDevice, then you can still transfer them to the device. For this you need:

a) open your device in iTunes.

b) drag the file from Explorer (Windows) / Finder (Mac OS) to the On My Device section in iTunes.

c) Wait until the ipa file is downloaded.

The same goes for ringtones , the section with which also disappeared from iTunes 12.7.

Can I not upgrade to iTunes 12.7?

In theory, yes - no problem. But iTunes 12.7 is also designed for correct pairing with devices on iOS 11.

Also in iTunes 12.7, interaction with Apple Music has been reworked: new options have been added. Basically, we are talking about the social component. You can see and listen to your friends' playlists.

These are the changes ...

On the one hand, Apple seems to have acted logically - iTunes now includes movies, music and videos, and to install applications on mac computers and Windows have corresponding Mac App Store and Windows Store... On the other hand, searching for applications in the mobile App Store made it much easier to get acquainted with the development - all the programs were at hand and there was no need to reach for an iOS device.

All this remains in iTunes 12.6. And if you've upgraded to iTunes 12.7, get ready to change your habits - the App Store isn't there. But everything can be fixed if you perform a few simple

1. Close up iTunes appby pressing the key combination CMD + Q.

2. Open Spotlight Search (the magnifying glass icon at the top-right of the screen near the system clock) and launch the Terminal app.

3. Enter the following command:

Cd / Applications /

A directory with an application folder will open. Now we need to remove current version iTunes 12.7.

4. To do this, enter the following command:

Sudo rm -rf

Be careful that you entered the command correctly, as there is a risk of deleting the wrong directory. You will be required to enter the administrator password.

5. Open Finder and press the keyboard shortcut CMD + Shift + G... Enter the following directory address:

~ / Music / iTunes /

6. In the list of files, find the file named iTunes Library.itl and move it to any other folder. For example, on the Desktop.

7. Open the folder " Previous iTunes Libraries"and sort the files By date... Please select last file iTunes Library 2017-XX-XX.itl, where XX-XX is the month and date the file was created. Copy it and copy it to any folder for future use.

8. After moving to new folder rename the file by removing the date value. As a result, the file should be named iTunes Library.itl... Now it needs to be moved to the iTunes folder, which was opened in the 5th paragraph of this instruction.

9. Open the Apple website and download iTunes 12.6.2 for macOS... Install it. Save the installation file for future use just in case.

After installation, you will receive "new-old" iTunes 12.6 with the App Store.

How to get iTunes back with the App Store on Mac

1. Open your iTunes installed folder and find the "Previous iTunes Libraries" directory. Make a copy of the most recent iTunes Library.itl file (by creation date).

Many users of Apple products after updating to iTunes computer up to version 12.7 with horror found that now there is no Program item in the application and, accordingly, the section disappeared App Store.
In this article we will talk about what the main disadvantages of such an innovation are, we will briefly describe how Apple indirectly admitted its “mistake”, and, of course, we will find a way out of this situation.

Problems after updating iTunes to version 12.7

For those who may not yet know what happened, we explain.
13 September 2017 of the year Apple released iTunes product update with version In this update, in addition to support for syncing devices with iOS 11 and some improvements in working with media files, some very useful and convenient features were cut out.
The greatest resonance among users caused removing the Programs section from iTunes... Why did not everyone like this innovation? Below are three points that iPhone owners complain about after software changes released by the developer:

Apple iTunes 12.6.3 Release with Programs Section

Great user dissatisfaction with the changes made in the update iTunes version 12.7have not been ignored by Apple. It's worth noting that this is definitely a sensible gesture on the part of the developers. Even if they did not return the excluded functionality in new releases of the program, the proposed solution is quite working and speaks of the IT giant's loyalty to its customers

And here's what happened: after a heap of negativity in their address, Apple went to meet users and 9 October 2017 released version iTunes 12.6.3 (despite having a release 12.7 months ago).

In iTunes version 12.6.3, the usual function of installing ringtones on the iPhone and the access to the store desired by many were returned apps App Store.
Here's what the official Apple website says about this:

Free translation of the message:

Deploying Applications to a Business Environment with iTunes

Learn how to deploy apps using iTunes.

Apple offers Volume Purchase and Apple Configurator programs on Mac to help enterprise environments manage and distribute applications to iOS devices... But some business partners still need to use iTunes to install applications.

Installing Apps Using iTunes

If you have already installed new version iTunes, you can download this version of iTunes on your Mac, 32-bit PC or 64-bit PC * and run the installer. Once the installation is complete, you can continue to deploy applications using iTunes.
After installing this version, you will not be prompted to automatically download new versions of iTunes. Update iTunes to latest version manually when you're ready to upgrade.

* Apple provides technical support for the latest version of iTunes only.

Download and Install iTunes 12.6.3 on Windows and Mac

As is clear from the above, download iTunes 12.6.3 and you can install it manually. After that, you can also manually upgrade to version 12.7 by downloading the installer from the official website, because automatic update disabled in iTunes 12.6.3.

iTunes 12.6.3 for Mac OS:
iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows x86 (32 bit):
iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows x64 (64 bit):

After downloading the archive, you must unpack it and install the program. We advise you to make a backup of your data beforehand.

Launch iTunes and use the Programs section at our discretion. Now we can again install apps from the App Store from computer to iPhone, including those with an outdated version of iOS.

Very often, Apple users are faced with the fact that programs are not displayed in iTunes. In fact, there are not very many reasons why this can happen, and all of them can be listed literally on the fingers of one hand. In today's article, we will tell you in detail about these very problems, because of which the "tuna" does not see the program, and also share effective solutions to eliminate these malfunctions.

It's all about the iTunes versions

So, one of the most common reasons why iTunes does not display programs is the version installed iTunes... No matter how strange it may sound, but "tuna" is very picky about the versions of their programs. For example, if will be installed old version or some kind of beta, then iTunes can work completely unpredictable, due to which various problems appear: program crashes, lack of a list of programs, errors in synchronization and much more.

What can be done in this situation? The best option would be to uninstall your current version of iTunes and install the most recent and, most importantly, stable version. In some cases, installing previous versionbut not too outdated - this is important.

Reinstall iTunes

The next reason why programs are not displayed in iTunes is a malfunction of the program itself. This also happens, and you shouldn't be surprised. If iTunes, regardless of the version, does not display the list of programs, and generally does not work correctly, then you need to perform a complete reinstallation with the removal of all created files, folders, registry keys, etc. You can, of course, just delete the "tuna", and after installing it, but this may not always help, because there are still records in the computer and required files programs that will interfere normal work.

Here's what you need to do to accomplish clean install iTunes:

  1. First you need to download special programto completely remove iTunes from your computer. For PC with operating system "Windows" is recommended to use one of these "software": Total Uninstall, Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool or IObit Uninstaller. For Apple PC owners with installed Mac OS the best solution will use the App Cleaner program.
  2. You need to install one of the above programs, run it and find iTunes in the list that appears. Select "tuna" from the list and press the button in the "Uninstall" or Uninstall program. The uninstallation process will start. It may take a while, so you have to wait. The most important thing is that when a window appears during the uninstallation process in which you will be prompted to delete all folders, files and registry paths, you must select everything and click "OK". The removal process on Mac OS and Windows can be noticeably different, so don't be intimidated.
  3. Now that iTunes is completely removed, you should restart your computer.
  4. The next step is to open a browser, go to the Apple page and download the latest and stable version from there. iTunes programs... As soon as setup file download, you need to run it and complete the installation.
  5. As soon as the "tuna" is installed in the system, launch it, enter your data from apple account, we synchronize and rejoice at a completely working program, which displays a list of applications.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the described actions, so everyone can cope with this task.

Authorization in the program

If two previous method did not help, and programs are not displayed in iTunes, then with a high degree of probability there was a failure in the synchronization of the Apple account itself. This also happens quite often, which is why many users then have problems when working with "tuna". Failure in synchronization, as a rule, happens most often on Apple smartphones, and not in the program itself on the computer. What is most interesting is that if after some time the synchronization is restored on the phone, not everything is so smooth with the version on the computer. There may continue to be problems that lead to the fact that programs are not displayed in iTunes.

What to do in this case and how can you fix this unpleasant problem? In fact, everything is quite simple here. First, you need to sign out of your Apple account on your iPhone and sign in again. After that, you need to do all the same, but only in the program on the computer. To do this, you need to run "tuna", click on the tab at the top " Account"and select" Authorization "\u003e" Deauthorize this computer "from the list. After you are logged out, you need to click on the" Account "tab again, select" Authorization "\u003e" Authorize this computer "and enter your details from your Apple account. Everything!


Well, the last reason why programs are not displayed in iTunes is jailbreak. Many iPhone owners like to install jailbreaks on their devices, but they do it not quite correctly, or they choose a not very successful version, which ultimately leads to some problems. In particular, synchronization is broken, sound disappears, programs in "tuna" are not displayed, etc.

Fixing the problem in this case is also quite easy: all you need to do is reset the iPhone to factory settings, and everything will work again.

In iTunes 12.7 Apple removed the App Store tab and app management. It became impossible to save applications on a computer and load them through aytyuns. We have completely lost the ability to independently manage what is installed on our devices. But it’s not so bad - we have the biggest companies in the Fortune 500 on our side. Their pressure forced Apple to leave an emergency course. What happened, how to install iTunes with appstore and is it necessary at all

The iTunes App Store is an important part of the ecosystem

While iTunes was the App Store, the computer could act as an intermediary between the iPhone and Apple. Everything that we bought through the App Store was stored on it. Even with the absence of the Internet or with the complete disappearance of Apple with all its infrastructure, it was possible to install and uninstall downloaded applications. We had our own collection of downloaded applications.

Without an intermediary, all applications will only be managed by Apple. This means that when you delete an application from the App Store, you will no longer be able to install it. Only through jailbreak (which is rather dead than alive).

I clearly showed the problem in this video:

Why Apple brought the App Store back to iTunes 12.6.3

Apple devices are used large companies from the Fortune 500. They install special applications that do not exist in the App Store and are also tied to older applications. They, like us, need control over applications and data. Together, they pressed Apple to release a solution.

Apple has made a special version of iTunes for business. It retains the App Store tab and you can manage the Applications on the device. She supports everything modern devicesincluding iPhone X. But this is not an update. It's old iTunes versionthat you can install and use. This aytyuns has version 12.6.3. I call it the iTunes business.

Do i need to install iTunes 12.6.3 (business)

You need to install if any of this is important to you:

  • Old apps,
  • Control over applications without the Internet,
  • Storing applications on your computer to save space on your iPhone,
  • Special applications that may disappear from the app store,
  • You have more than a dozen devices and you control them via USB hubs

ITunes business installation video

Preparing to Install iTunes 12.6.3 business

The library will need to be restored. I think you are currently using a version higher than 12.6. This means that your iTunes library (files with information about what you have in iTunes) has been updated. If you install iTunes 12.6.3, then it will not be able to read your new library and will need to restore it to the state of September 13, 2017. Everything that was added / removed later - consider it lost.

iTunes will no longer update itself. You will need to install new versions manually. But this is not big problem... You can install the update only if something does not work for you. At the moment in itunes update 12.7 only stripped down functions. ITunes 12.6 can do anything and more.

Install iTunes 12.6.3 (business)

The first thing you need to do is download the installer:

The fun begins when we launch iTunes. This window is usually shown:

New iTunes Library File Warning

I spoke about this above. Your library is too new and he cannot read it. He suggests installing a new iTunes to read it. But that's not why we set up the iTunes business? \u003d)

Restoring iTunes Library.itl

Close iTunes.

Go to the folder with iTunes Library.itl

/ Users / [YourUserName] / Music / iTunes

Windows XP

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ [YourUserName] \\ My Documents \\ My Music \\ iTunes

Windows Vista

C: \\ Users \\ [YourUserName] \\ Music \\ iTunes

Windows 7, 8 or 10

C: \\ Users \\ [YourUserName] \\ My Music \\ iTunes

We will do backup... Rename iTunes Library.itl in iTunes You can rename whatever you like, but I like new - it means that this is a newer library. You can just add ones or zeros to the title. As you wish.

Then we go to Previous iTunes Libraries... Among them we find a media library older than September 13, 2017. In my case, it was the library dated September 13th: iTunes Library 2016-09-13.itl. Move it to the folder above so that it is with iTunes and rename it to iTunes Library.itl... Now iTunes will try to use this file at startup and will find the "native" library from September 13th in it.

This is how the iTunes Library file looks like for me

Correcting the menu

After starting the Programs will not appear. You need to choose "Edit menu ..." and put a daw near "Programs".

For programs to appear, you need to add them to the menu

Select the newly appeared Programs in the drop-down menu on the left. Here again is the App Store tab.

iTunes 12.6.3 with Applications Tab

Returning a new iTunes

If something stops working. Or you decide that you no longer need the iTunes business, you can easily return the new version.

Download iTunes from Apple website. You do not have to specify the mail and address if you do not need advertising from Apple.

At the first launch, the library will be updated and everything will become the way Apple and the government want \u003d)

Here's a video:

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