Access - What is what? Creating a database in Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access for Dummies - What is this program and how to use it

Today any user computer Systems on the windows-based knows that in the standard package office programs Microsoft includes a unique editor called Access. What a given program represents and how to work with it, we will now consider. In this article, of course, only the basic issues of the program will be given. Full description All the features of this application will take not one page.

Access: What is it?

What is the program Microsoft Access.? Access is a full-featured program that is designed to work with databases of any type. This program uses a dynamic data exchange model with Internet publications and other applications. This program It provides for the use of automation tools for the processing of any type of information presented in structured form. Among other things, Access is also a software package that provides for support for ActiveX elements. This significantly expands the capabilities of the program in the sense that it can use not only text and tabular components, but also objects from the Internet, and multimedia. The bonds installed in the application between databases (database) make it possible to accurately track changes to any of them and automatically adjust the parameters in others.

Access: main directions of use of the application

It is not at all surprising that in most cases Microsoft Access is used to fully automate data analysis processes in business, accounting and so on. The program, due to its universal structure, can eliminate the appearance of the so-called data redundancy, when it is necessary to change some parameter without entering a new one, but by adjusting the old one, and so that this change is displayed in all related databases. At the enterprise, with the help of Access, suppliers, customers and events in which they are involved can be recorded. Suppose that the supplier changes bank details. Then it will be enough to change them in the database, and the automatic adjustment will affect other databases. This will replace the data, and not input new information Along with existing. This change will concern only related events. In a sense, the user gets full automation. The same applies to warehouse accounting. Suppose some group of goods is sold through the corresponding division of the enterprise. Then the product positions will be automatically written off in the database of goods available in stock. It is worth noting that these are only the most simple examples. The application actually has wider opportunities.

Microsoft Access: Structure

If we talk about the convenience of work, it can be achieved due to the presence of basic elements that play an important role in analyzing and processing data. The main elements include the following:

  1. The table is an element in which the main information is stored in a specific format (text, numeric, graphic);
  2. The query is a means of reference to related elements, other databases or third-party programs;
  3. The form is the provision of data or information in a user-friendly;
  4. The report is the output of processed results;
  5. The macro is an executable element that allows you to perform certain actions, forming a report when any event occurs.
  6. The module is a Visual Basic tool that allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the program based on the use of numerous functions and creating procedures;

Microsoft Access: Communication with external databases and other programs

As it should be clear, Microsoft Access allows not only to use its own data entered by the user, but also bind them among themselves. The capabilities of the program are such that information can be imported from various applications, such as Paradox, FoxPro, Excel, Word So further. Data to simplify procedures can not be imported, but to bind, not only with these programs, but also with sources on the Internet or network environment. The binding process itself is carried out on the basis of requests by type of how databases work sQL data. By the way, the Access program also supports them.

How to create databases based on templates?

The Microsoft Access program is the main element of the table. This component of PO appearance Very similar to excel tablesHowever, it has wider opportunities. Yes, and the principle of working with these elements has its own distinctive features. However, when you start your own database, it is quite simple. After the welcoming window appears, the selection of templates is provided, based on which the future database structure will be created in the table form. Differently this view called backstage. Here you can find and built-in blanks that you will need when performing specific tasks. If none of the presented billets does not meet the user's requirement that it is unlikely to refer to the search on the official resource of Microsoft. When the desired template is selected, it will need to be saved as a file, specifying the name and location. The application will then automatically form the desired tabular structure.

How to create a database from scratch?

This issue should take into account a number of restrictions. So, for example, databases for desktop personal computers Do not support online publications. Web databases are not consistent with some features of the previous ones. After the starting table is created, it will be possible to move to the introduction of information. It is worth paying special attention at the time that the data can be made exclusively in adjacent lines and columns. It is not necessary to add empty cells between them, as is done in the Excel application. The best condition is that each column must contain only one type of data. Thus, if the format initially provides for the use of the date and time, then the information entered in the column with the calculations based on the exponent will not be recognized. If possible, you need to plan the table in this perspective. To simplify work, you can use a special design mode.

Features of import and binding data with other sources

If we talk about importing data, then the Microsoft Access program has practically unlimited possibilities. The main condition is that imported data should be divided according to the type of tables, as is done in Wordi Excel. If imports are carried out, for example, in a textual version of the Notepad program, then to create a similar structure, you can use the Tab key (tabulator). It is also possible to use Share Point lists and binding data to simplify work. For this purpose on the external data tab, which is located in the binding and import group, a special team is applied. Here are also offered and ready-made solutions (Word, Excel So below). If you select, you can specify only the location. the required file, Storage location in the current database, and then confirm your choice.


Thus, the Access application looks like. On the this moment This program is very popular among the wide range of users, as its developers, tried to combine other programs in it. this type. This allowed to do this application Very flexible in the automation of most necessary functions and configuration. You can only add that Microsoft Access is a powerful software For data processing. Access allows you to easily create databases and manage them. This software product is suitable for both small projects and large businesses. Access is an excellent helper for storing information of various kinds.

Microsoft Access is a program for creating databases that makes it easy to manage and edit databases. It comes literally for all, ranging from small projects and ending with a large business, it is very visual. This makes it an excellent assistant to enter and storing data, as the user does not need to deal with tables and schedules. Start reading to learn how to use Microsoft Access as efficiently as possible.


Part 1

Creating a new database

Creating a query for creating a table

    Select Table (s) of which you want to extract the data. Double-click on the table from which you want to extract information. You can use several tables at once if required.

    Select fields from which you want to extract data. Double-click each field to add. It will be added to the query grid.

    Place the necessary criteria. If you need a certain information from the fields, install the filter by criteria. Go to the "Creating a Crequency Creation request" above for more information.

    Test the request to make sure it displays the desired results. Before creating a table, execute the request to make sure it retrieves the information you need. Set the criteria and fields until you get the result you need.

    Save the request. Press Ctrl + S to save the request for further use. It will appear in the navigation column on the left side of the screen. If you click on this request, you can use it again, then go to the "Designer" tab.

    Click the "Create Table" button in the query type selection group. A window will appear, requesting the name of the new table. Enter the name of the table and click OK.

    Click the "Run" button. According to the established requests will be created new Table. The table will appear in the navigation column on the left.

Creating a request for adding

    Open the previously created query. You can use the add-on request to add information to the table, which has already been created in another table. This is useful when you need to add more data in finished tablecreated at the request of the table.

    Click the Add button in the Designer tab. A dialog box opens. Select the table that you want to add.

    Change the request criteria so that they correspond to the added information. For example, if you have created a table with the criterion "2010" in the "Year" field, change this value according to the added information, for example, "2011".

    Select where exactly you want to add information. Make sure you add data to the appropriate fields for each added column. For example, if you make the changes above, the information should be added to the "Year" field on each line.

    Perform a request. Click the "Run" button on the Designer tab. The query will be conducted and the information will be added to the table. You can open the table to make sure that the data entered is correct.

Part 5.

Creation and use of forms

    Select the table for which you want to create a form. Forms display data for each field and allow you to easily switch between entries or create new ones. Forms - the necessary tool with long periods of information entry; Most users believe that it is much easier to use the forms than tables.

    Click the "Form" button in the Create tab. A form based on data based on the table will be automatically created. The Access program automatically creates fields with the desired size, but at will you always can always be changed or shifted.

    • If you do not want to display a specific field in the form, call context menu right-click Mice and click "Delete".
    • If the tables are connected with each other, a description appears on each entry that displays the combined data. So edit this data is much simpler. For example, each sales representative can be attributed to the customer base.
  1. Move in a new form. Pointers in the form of arrows allow you to move from one entry to another. Fields will be filled with your data at the time of switching between them. You can use the buttons around the edges to immediately go to the first or last entry. .

The main purpose of this program is to create and work with databases that can be tied to both small projects and a large business. With it, it will be convenient for you to manage data, edit and store information.

Package application Microsoft Office. - Access - serves to work with databases

Naturally, before you start work, you will need to create or open an existing database.

Open the program and go to the main menu by clicking on the file command, and then select "Create". Creating a new base, you will be presented to you empty pagewhich will have one table or a web database that allows you to use the built-in program tools for, for example, your publications on the Internet.

In addition, to maximize the simplification of the creation of a new base, the user to choose from the templates to create a base oriented database. This, by the way, can help you quickly create the necessary form table, without setting up everything manually.

Filling the database information

By creating a database, it is necessary to fill it with relevant information, the structure of which is worth thinking in advance, because the functionality of the program allows you to draw data in several forms:

  1. Now the most convenient and common type of information structuring is the table. In terms of its capabilities and mind, the ACCESS tables are not very different from the same in Excel, which, in turn, greatly simplifies data transfer from one program to another.
  2. The second way of making information is forms, they are something similar to the tables, however, provide a more visible data display.
  3. For calculation and output of information from your database, reports are provided that will allow you to analyze and calculate, for example, your income or the number of counterparties you work with. They are very flexible and allow you to produce any calculations, depending on the data entered.
  4. Getting and sorting new data in the program is carried out by request. With their help, you can find specific data among multiple tables, as well as create or update the data.

All of the above features are in the toolbar in the Creation tab. There you can choose which item you want to create, and then, in the "constructor that opens", set it up for yourself.

Creating a database and import information

Having created a new database, the only thing you see will be an empty table. You can fill it on manually or fill copying the necessary information from the Internet. Pay attention that each of the information you entered must be placed in a separate column, and each entry has a personal string. By the way, the columns can be renamed to better navigate in their contents.

If all the information you need is in another program or source, the program allows you to configure data importing.

All import settings are located in a tab separately in the tab panel, which is called "External Data". Here, in the area of \u200b\u200b"Import and Communications", the available formats are listed, among which excel documents, Access, Text and XML files, Internet pages, Outlook folders, etc. By selecting the desired format from which the information will be transferred, you will need to specify the path to the location of the file. If it is posted on any server, the program will require you to enter the address of the server. As you import, you will encounter with various settingswhich are designed for correct data transfer to Access. Follow the instructions of the program.

Main keys and interconnection of tables

When creating a table, the program automatically gives each entry with a unique key. By default, it has a column of names that expands, as new data is made. It is this column and is primary key. In addition to the main keys, the database may also contain fields associated with the information contained in another table.

For example, you have two tables containing interconnected information. For example, they are called "Day" and "Plan". By selecting the Monday field in the first table, you can link it with any field in the "Plan" table and when you hover the cursor to one of these fields, you will see information and related cells.

Such interconnections will facilitate the readability of your database and will surely increase its convenience and efficiency.

To create a relationship, go to the "Work with database" tab and in the "Relationship" area, select the Data Scheme button. In the window that appears, you will see all the processed databases. Your attention should be paid to the fact that there should be special fields in the databases intended for external keys. On our example, if in the second table you want to display the day of the week or the number, leave an empty field, calling it the "day". Also configure field format, since it must be the same for both tables.

Then, opening two tables, drag the field you want to connect, in a specially cooked field for the outer key. The "Change Relations" window appears, in which you will see separately selected fields. To ensure that data change in both related fields and tables, check the case opposite the data integrity item.

Creation and types of requests

The request is an action in the program, thanks to which the user can edit or make information into the database. In fact, requests are divided into 2 types:

  1. Selective queries, thanks to which the program takes certain information and makes calculations according to it.
  2. Actions requests adding information to the database or removing it.

By selecting "Master of Inquiry" in the "Creation" tab, the program will create a process of creating a specific type of request. Follow the instructions.

Requests can significantly help you streamline data and always access specific information.

For example, you can create a selective request for defined parameters. If you want to see the information on a specific date or day of the Table "Day" for the entire period of time, you can configure a similar request. Select "Request Designer", and in it you need a table. By default, the request will be elected, it becomes clear if you look into the toolbar with the "Selection" allocated there. In order for the program to search exactly that date or the day you need, find the "Selection Condition" line and enter the phrase [what day?]. Remember, the query should be placed in square handles and end for a question mark either on a colon.

This is just one of the use of requests. In fact, with their help you can also create new tables, select data on criteria, etc.

Setting and using forms

Thanks to the use of forms, the user will easily view information on each field and switch between existing records. With long-term input information, the use of forms simplifies data.

Open the "Creation" tab and find the form "Form" by clicking on which the standard form will appear based on your table data. The emerging fields with information are subjected to all means, including height, width, etc. Please note that if there are interconnection in the table, you will see them and be able to reconfigure in the same window. At the bottom of the program, you will see arrows that will allow you to sequentially open each column of your table or immediately move to the first and last. Now, each of them is a separate entry whose fields you can configure by clicking on the button "Add Fields". Changed and in this way the information will be displayed in the table and in all the tables attached to it. After setting, the form must be saved by pressing the "Ctrl + S" key combination.

Creating a report

The main purpose of reports is the provision of a common summary of the table. The report can be created absolutely any, depending on the data.

The program gives you to choose a report type by providing several to choose from:

  1. The report - auto report will be created using all the information provided in the table, however, the data will not be grouped.
  2. An empty report is not a filled form, the data for which you can choose yourself from the necessary fields.
  3. Wizard of the reports - will help you pass the process of creating a report and conduct grouping and formatting data.

In an empty report, you can add, delete or edit fields by filling them necessary informationCreate special groups that will help separate certain data from the rest and much more.

Microsoft Access 2003 is one of the first versions of the popular system for managing databases. With this program, you can collect information from spreadsheetsProceed text documentsAs well as the most common database formats. The application is able to analyze data, as well as create web pages and a variety of applications. Naturally, to work with Access 2003 you will need some skills, but compared to management professional programs - They will be minimal. And the product, unlike its other analogs, is distributed free of charge.

Aksss 2003 can be downloaded for use, both home and corporate purposes, but in the latter case - software will be more useful. You can apply it as a DBMS for offline control or file Servers. You can interact with other sources using "related tables" and "Server requests".

Microsoft Access 2007.

Microsoft Access 2007 - a program for working with databases that makes it possible to make changes to them, organize reporting and provide sharing to documents. Even those users who do not possess special knowledge will be able to develop applications using ready-made free patterns.

Access 2007 allows you to adapt the designed projects in accordance with the needs of your business.

Microsoft Access 2010.

Microsoft Access 2010 is an application that allows you to combine information from different sources in one database. This version came out under the motto "simplicity in everything" - you do not need to be a specialist for working with it. Added web bases significantly improved interaction with information, simplified data tracking processes, reporting and sharing.

Tape control, fully implemented in Access 2010, provides only the most required tools, not allowing the user to get confused in a variety of commands and settings.

Microsoft Access 2013.

Microsoft Access 2013 is one of the new versions of the database management system (DBMS). In the application you will find required functions and tools that will help organize data maintaining, improve reporting and provide sharing to information for a large number of users.

You can download the program to create a web application. In the Access 2013 version, you will only need to select the type of data monitored (projects, tasks, contacts), after which the application will create a structure to which you can add information. The project will include basic commands and navigation tools, so after creating you can immediately go to use.

Microsoft Access 2016.

Microsoft Access 2016 is much more than simple program To develop databases. This is a whole system designed to track information, creating reports and sharing information. It helps to make reasonable and suspended conclusions and choose optimal solutions For those or other tasks. Download and use Access 2016 and not particularly experienced users, because not even possessing large knowledge in this area, you can quickly develop the necessary application, transforming free ready-made templates for your needs.

This version of the program offers a new type base: the Web application is created in MS Access 2016, and is used through the browser as the SharePoint service. To create it is necessary to determine the data type that will be required to be traced, after which the program will generate the necessary structure independently. It will include basic commands and navigation tools, so work can be started immediately.

Hello everyone! I am very often asked how and where to download Microsoft Access for free. Honestly, tired for the hundredth time to explain the same thing, so I decided to write a small article about how and where to download Microsoft Access for free. Be sure to read this text to the end, find a lot for myself useful information, as well as a small bonus.

Method 1: Official Microsoft Developer Site

To begin with, Microsoft Access is part of the Microsoft Office software package, in which you can also find Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc. Separately from the entire Office Microsoft Access package you will not be able to buy, not download. If you are interested in a licensed product, then the first thing you have to do is go to the official site of Microsoft in the "Buy Office" section Select suitable version. At the time of mid-October 2017 in the official store Microsoft available versions: Office 365 and Office 2016.

As you can see, Microsoft Access is included in the "Office 365 for home" package, which will cost 3399 rubles per year (or 339 rubles per month), and in the Package "Office 365 personal", which is cheaper than 2699 rubles per year (269 rubles in month). Benefits of both versions you can see in the screenshot. Also note that Microsoft Access in office Package 2016 is not included.
Expensive or not, everyone decides for himself.

Method 2: Microsoft Access Execution Environment

The second is no less popular question: I downloaded Microsoft Access from the official site, but my base does not open. Most likely we are not talking about a full Microsoft Access, but about the Microsoft Access Method. This software can really download free from the developer's official website, but at the output you will receive a "cropped" Access, which will allow to distribute access applications Among users who have no full-fledged Access. In other words, you can only view databases, but you cannot edit or create new databases.

Method 3: Online Search

If you are not satisfied with the first two options, you can try to find and download Microsoft Access for free on the Internet through search engines. Immediately I warn you that this option is not legal, and all the risks for downloading the unlicensed according to you take over. According to such requests as "Download Microsoft Access" or "Microsoft Access for free" on the Internet millions of sites, which I extremely do not recommend using. There may be like frank "left" sites, which are engaged in the spread of all kinds of viral software, and simply beats, on which nothing except the spent nerves do not get.

Method 4: Torrents

The fourth way both and where to download Microsoft Access is free - these are torrent trackers. This is more safe methodthan downloading from ordinary sites, but in any case the torrent tracker must be verified and not to cause suspicion. From the practice, I will say that you can trust such giants as Rutracker and NNM-Club. But again, you should understand that downloading Microsoft Access even with trackers is not legal. Although it seems that the use of torrents should not cause difficulties, anyway arises many questions, how and where to download Microsoft Access for free on Torrent.
Let's go back to the beginning of the article, I will remind you that Microsoft Access is part of the Microsoft Office software package. Many on Torrent are not looking for Microsoft Office, but Microsoft Access and, accordingly, do little.


In this article, I told 4 ways as and where to download Microsoft Access for free. Which option come to you, decide, of course, you. Thank you for reading the article to the end, so the promised bonus below. In any case, it is strongly recommended to use only licensed Microsoft Access. But if you need, free download Microsoft Access for informational purposes only, that is, a pair of proven links below. I repeat once again, references are presented for informational purposes, so after acquaintance with microsoft program Access is recommended to remove it from your PC and purchase a full-fledged version in the official store Microsoft.

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