Why does the computer load something all the time? What to do if something is constantly loaded in the computer while it is running (strange processes and how to get rid of them)

Answer: The problem may not be viral.

Upload to safe mode... If no problem is observed, the problem is with a third-party service or program. In this case, follow these steps.
Start - Search / Run - msconfig - OK and go to the tab Services... Check the box Hide Microsoft services.
Disable all listed services (meaning only non-Microsoft services) and reboot. If the problem does not appear, the problem is with one of these services.

Then proceed with the "half division" method. Enable half of the services and reboot again. If the problem does not appear, the problem is with the remaining disabled services. If the problem is reproducible, the reason is enabled services - disable half of them and reboot again. By doing this, you can identify the service that is causing the problem and determine the program that owns it.
You can do the same on the tab.
Here, too, you should not disable items made by Microsoft. Disabling third-party software may cause devices to malfunction if you disable their drivers. Therefore, it is better not to disable the programs of your hardware manufacturers (for example, Intel), or disable it as a last resort.

Read more about this diagnostic.

I scanned the system with a virus, and then the wrong ones, the screen turned black and only the mouse cursor remained on it. The reboot did nothing - the same effect. Through bios I wanted to load from installation disk - the same song. I thought that the sistemnik was covered - but the second hard works.

What to do then? The black screen does not respond to any buttons at all. Only the mouse cursor can be moved and that's it.

I appeal to the collective mind for help, because I could not fence the problem myself.
Initial data: there is a laptop and an external monitor connected to it (via HDMI), the resolutions on the display of the laptop and the monitor are different (I don't know if this has any value). The laptop has two video cards: Intel + Nvidia. Windows 7 x64 licensed, empty, not assembly is installed on the laptop.
The situation is this: after installation on a laptop it costs nothing, there are no drivers. I start by installing video drivers on Intel ( latest version pre-collected from intel.com). As soon as the drivers get up and after the reboot the second monitor is detected, the extension mode is set, the mouse cursor glitches begin. Wherever the cursor changes from the default arrow to the "I" text cursor when moving, it freezes and freezes in place. The problem is not constant, it is observed on both monitors and fiercely, fiercely, madly annoying since there was nothing like this before.
Googling showed that there are still those who faced the same problem, if necessary, I will attach a link.

Maybe someone met with a similar one? Knows how to fence?

Good afternoon, after turning on the PC by the user, the mouse cursor is not displayed correctly, in the form of vertical stripes (similar to a barcode, while the stripes go along the thickening, i.e. first thin, then thicker and to the thickest, while the cursor area is not changed). Replacing those or types of the cursor through the control panel -\u003e mouse -\u003e pointers - did not help, restarting did not help either. Tell me what's the matter please!
P.S. Windows 7x64

Answer: In this case, it is easier to change the system and save time.

I noticed about 5-7 days ago that the mouse cursor looks like this every 10-15 seconds:

spinning for 2-3 seconds, and then normal again normal view arrows accepts.

What kind of program does it - I can't figure out.
I noticed this on two PCs. The programs are about the same. I closed, stopped everything I could.
Maybe there is some utility that will show?



Take ProcessExplorer from Russinovich.

thanks, probably found
i suspect the problem was with the ChunkVNC client side.
We'll see

I bought a Multi-touchscreen as a second monitor, put it on a curbstone to my left, in order to launch Actions (sequences of actions in my program) with one convenient touch. And I was faced with the fact that each touch of the touchscreen transfers the mouse cursor to another monitor. It's already maddening, rummaged through everything standard settings Windows, chas-word ... at least do not touch the touchscreen.

The task is this - to disable, untie the touchscreen from the mouse cursor. Already spent 4 hours on the solution, anyway, poking the mouse cursor into the touchscreen jumps to another monitor. I am eager to untie the touchscreen from the cursor.

Many settings have been tried. Until the effect was given.

Thank you for your attention to the problem.

Answer: In fact, if you look at the root, the question sounds simpler. How to make 2 cursors in Windows. And with this wording, much more useful information is already beginning to appear. But nothing has worked consistently well yet. Maybe someone knows a proven method to make 2 cursors.

Question: The loading icon is constantly flashing

After the operating room was installed windows system 10, the antivirus removed a couple of viruses and a loading icon began to appear near the cursor. If he just blinked and that's it, it would be half the trouble. But when the cursor blinks, my applications collapse, drop-down menus on sites collapse, nothing can be selected. I do not want to sit and wait until it passes, since it will not pass) Option or roll back the system, or maybe someone knows what to do?

I would be very grateful!


Question: What was the sensitivity of the mouse to files and folder, tell me, please? Suspicion of a Trojan

Hello! 6-7 days ago, my laptop, it seems, caught a virus ... it began with the fact that it began to slow down a little, and then I could not open almost anything like the Internet. and the desired folder even on the desktop, tk. just brought the mouse cursor. then it opened - in general, past which file the mouse cursor flew past. then he also began to open up - leapfrog began. And then I found that my avast was removed from the taskbar. instead, there is McAfee security, which I deleted today. In general, I managed to somehow start Antimalvar. but he found nothing. then launched the utility of Dr. Web (Curreit) - she found 2 viruses, called it a suspicion of Backdoor Trojans - she managed to neutralize one virus. and the second, she wrote. that she couldn't. Shortcuts of some programs disappeared on my desktop due to this leapfrog. Including the programs were removed. for example, Aninstall or that Avast antivirus - but I found Avast on the C drive in the downloads. and Anininstall again downloaded from the Internet and with the help of it removed the McAffee security antivirus. before that, having checked his laptop with him, he also did not find anything. But at least after checking with the Dr.Web utility (so I think) the mouse has ceased to be so sensitive. or something - now everything is fine with this, folders open as before - on click. not just hovering with the mouse. Help me to understand. are there any more malware on my laptop (maybe it was an advertising program?)?
Logs, according to the rules, I attach:

Answer: Nothing suspicious about the logs

I'm sure you know this feeling when the computer is constantly loading something. You already seem to be doing nothing, but it constantly loads and loads. If the answer is "Yes", then in this lesson I will tell you where to see what is currently loading your system.

First of all, we need to launch the "Task Manager". This can be done in several ways. You can press Ctrl + Shift + Esc on the keyboard, right-click on the taskbar and select "Start Task Manager" from the drop-down menu.

A window will open in which we are interested in the "Processes" tab. This is where the programs that are currently running are shown.

In the column "CPU" you can see how much each program uses the central processor. In the column "Memory" - the amount of memory consumed by each of the programs.

At the very bottom of the window, you can see general data that will help you find out the number of running processes, the load on the central processor, as well as the percentage of physical memory used.

By clicking on the signature of any of the data columns, you can sort the processes that, for example, use the maximum load on your processor or use maximum amount memory. At the moment, this is the Photoshop program.

Now let's take a look at what you can do with running processes... Typically, the task manager is accessed at the moment when suspicious computer activity is observed, for example, with a virus, and also when one of the running programs freezes. In this case, you can end the process manually. To do this, simply click on the process in the list and click the "End Process" button. Alternatively, you can right-click on the process and select End Process from the list.

A hung program or active process will disappear from the list, and your computer will stop loading so hard. Unfortunately, this is a process of emergency stopping of programs, so all not saved data will also be deleted.

And one last little piece of advice. If you are in doubt about stopping the process, then it is better to leave it or read it on the Internet, for which it is responsible, and only after that apply radical methods to it.

In this video tutorial we will talk about how you can install new font in Windows 7 and Windows XP.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to enable God Mode in Windows.

In this lesson, you will learn how to change appearance folders in Windows 7.

Good day!

I think almost every user, at least with a little experience, faced a similar problem: you work and work at the computer, and then you start to notice that it somehow slowly reacts to pressing the buttons of the mouse, keyboard, slows down ...

Very often the reason for slow work and lags is the CPU load, sometimes it reaches 100%!

It is not always easy to solve this problem, especially since the CPU can be loaded for no apparent reason (i.e., you may not have started any resource-intensive programs: games, video editors, etc.).

In this article, I'll walk you through a sequence of steps you can take to remove CPU utilization and return your computer to normal performance.

The first thing to try is to identify the process or program that is using up the CPU. As happens in most cases: some program (or game) was launched, then the user exited it, and the process with the game remained, which loads the processor ...

What process, the program is loaded with the processor

Most quick way determine which program is using the CPU is to call task Manager (buttons: Ctrl + Shift + Esc ).

In Task Manager, open the Processes tab and sort applications by CPU load. In the screenshot below, you can see that the lion's share of the CPU (~ 84%) is consumed firefox browser (although I don't even have it running ...). If you have a similar "hidden" program, then you can close it from the task manager (just click on it right click mouse ...).


Windows has its own resource monitoring, which can also be used to view the load on the processor, memory, disk and network. To call it, press the buttons Win + R, then type in the line "Open" command resmon and press Enter .


In some cases, the task manager does not allow you to calculate the reason for the processor load. By the way, the processor may be loaded not by 100%, but, say, by 20-50% ...

If the task manager did not give information for thought, I recommend using one utility - Process Explorer (by the way, located on the Microsoft website ...).

Process Explorer (search for the "invisible" cause of the brakes)

An excellent program that has helped me out more than once! Its main area of \u200b\u200bwork is to show you ALL the processes and programs running on the computer (probably no one will leave it ...). This way, you can determine for sure which process is using the CPU.

The screenshot below is very revealing:

  • System idle process is an indicator in% of system inactivity. Those. in the first half of the screen below - the processor is almost 95% idle (this is how it should be if a couple of programs are open on it: a browser, a player);
  • and on the second part of the screen System idle process is 65%, but hardware interrupts and DPCs as much as 20% (and sometimes even up to 70-80%! It shouldn't be like that. In general, interrupts (these are system interrupts) when normal workrarely go beyond a few percent! Here is the reason for the brakes and loading of the computer!
  • by the way, very often the system is loaded by the svchosts.exe process... In general, this is a systemic process, but there are a number of viruses that disguise themselves as it and impersonate it. Below we will consider the question of how to catch them ...

Process Explorer: in the first part of the screenshot - everything is fine, in the second - the processor is loaded by ~ 20% with hardware interrupts and DPCs.

If the CPU loads interrupts ...

If the problem is related hardware interrupts and DPCs - then most likely the problems are related to the drivers. More precisely, with their conflict between themselves, and even more likely, incompatibility with your Windows OS. Moreover, even if the description for the driver contains your windows version - this is not a 100% guarantee of compatibility.

Pay special attention to the drivers: video cards, chipset mat. boards, network card, Wi-Fi, sound card... I recommend downloading several versions of them at once and trying them one by one.

Less often, the problem is associated with viruses, even less often with peripheral equipment: printer, scanner, network cards etc.

Checking and updating drivers

Sometimes choosing the right drivers for your computer / laptop is not as easy as it seems at first glance ... In general, usually, a new version the driver works better than the old one (but sometimes the opposite is true). If your CPU usage is related to hardware interrupts and DPCs - recommend:

  1. try to install drivers from the official website of your hardware manufacturer. Usually, this requires determining the manufacturer - for this you can use a special. utilities for determining the characteristics of the PC -;
  2. if you did not find the site or could not identify the manufacturer, you can try using some special. utility for updating drivers:
  3. if during installation there were problems with removing the old driver from the system, I recommend this instruction:

To find out if you have devices in your system for which there are no drivers - open device Manager ... To do this, call the "Run" menu - buttons Win + R, enter devmgmt.msc (example on the screenshot below).

Virus scan

Viruses can be the cause of everything ... Usually, when the processor is loaded due to viruses, you can find some process that loads the system. Most often, this process is systemic: for example, viruses are disguised as a process svchost.exe - even a user with experience can not immediately find and identify among real processes, viral (but this file will be discussed below) ...

  1. In Windows Xp, 7 - you can press the F8 key several times during startup - a "black" window with a choice of boot options should appear;
  2. in Windows 8, 10 - click Win + R, enter the command msconfig... Further in the section select Windows OS and check the box next to "Safe mode" ... Save settings and restart your PC (screenshot below).

And already from safe mode, it is advisable to run a virus scan. You don't need to have on your computer installed antivirus - there is special utilitythat do not need to be installed.

Periphery equipment

If the problem has not yet been found, I recommend trying to disconnect from the laptop (computer), all unnecessary: \u200b\u200bprinter, scanner, mouse, etc.

I will also focus on device manager (more precisely on the drivers). Perhaps for some peripheral equipment drivers are not installed in the system and is on exclamation point...

Pay special attention to old devices that may work in the new Windows OS, but you installed the drivers for them "forcibly" (for example, Windows could warn that there was no signature, and you continued the installation) ...

In general, it is quite difficult to find the true culprit in this case. If the processor does not load in safe mode, I recommend trying to remove the drivers on the peripheral equipment one by one and watch how the load behaves.

How to remove old or extra "firewood" -

Svchost.exe loads the processor - what is it?

Very often the processor loads the file svchost.exe - at least he says so task Manager... The point is that this is the main process for loading services - i.e. roughly speaking, the necessary systemic process, without which you cannot do ...

There are two case options here:

  • viruses are often disguised under this process, and to distinguish real svchost from disguise - even experienced users are not always able to do it;
  • real svchost can load the system in certain cases.

How to determine: which svchost.exe file is the system file and which is not?

When you start it, you need to go to the menu Service / Process Manager (see screenshot below). Then you will see ALL processes in the system - they need to be sorted by name (this is more convenient, I think).

The bottom line is: everything system processesthat AVZ knows about are marked with green color. Those. if you have on the list svchost black colors - look at them very closely, they are most likely viral.

By the way, all other suspicious processes can be analyzed using this AVZ.

Disconnection automatic update Windows

Often svchost loads the processor due to automatic windows updates... I propose to disable it (there is nothing wrong with that - just a couple of times a month you will manually check for updates - click 1-2 times with the mouse ...).

First you need to open the tab service ... The fastest way to do this is by clicking a button WIN + R, enter services.msc and press Enter (as in the screenshot below).

  1. launch type put "Disabled";
  2. and click the Stop button.

Save your settings and restart your computer.

Is there overheating? Checking the CPU temperature!

A possible reason for the processor load may lie in overheating. Moreover, if everything was normal with you before, this does not mean at all that now it cannot start to overheat.

The most common cause of overheating is:

  • dust (especially if the system unit has not been cleaned from it for a long time). Dust forgets ventilation holes, the air starts to circulate badly in the device case - and the hot air from the processor remains in place, and the temperature starts to rise. Most easy way get rid of dust - open the cover system unit and blow out the dust with a vacuum cleaner using reverse mode. With laptops, everything is more complicated - if you have never disassembled it before, I recommend giving it to specialists ...
  • heat in room ... This usually happens during hot summer weather when the temperature outside the window can rise significantly. In this case, you can open the side cover of the system unit - and direct a regular fan towards it. There are special cooling pads for the laptop on sale.
  • broken cooler (or it could also get clogged with dust). Here the advice is simple - replacing it or cleaning it.

Signs by which overheating can be suspected:

To check the CPU temperature - I recommend using some utility to determine the characteristics of your PC. For example, I like Speccy and Aida 64. You can see a screenshot of the processor temperature from Speccy below (t \u003d 49 ° C, degrees Celsius).

Utilities for viewing computer specifications -

What should be the temperature of the processor?

A very popular question that cannot be answered unequivocally. The fact is that different manufacturers have different critical temperatures.

For personal computer

In general, the ideal option is to look at the model of your processor and open the manufacturer's website: it always lists the critical temperatures.

Generally speaking, if the temperature of your processor is up to 40 ° C (degrees Celsius), then everything is in order with it, the cooling system is coping. Temperatures above 50 ° C - May indicate problems with the cooling system (or a lot of dust). Anything above 60 degrees should be carefully examined and measures should be taken: clean it from dust, install additional coolers (or replace the old one).

For laptop

As for laptops, the bar is somewhat different here. Since the space in the laptop is limited, the processors here heat up higher. For example, not uncommon - working temperature the load on many processors is around 70 ° C. When idle, usually, this level is about 40-50 ° C. In general, it begins to worry (for most modern laptops) if the processor temperature rises above 75-80 ° C (at least check if this is normal for your device.

Most often, such a high temperature is reached when running editors, games, and other heavy applications.

By the way, many experienced users (and some experts) echo the critical 105 ° C for modern laptops. I will say this, the laptop can and will work at 90-95 ° C, and even, perhaps, at 100 ° C - but main question: how much? In general, the question is debatable for many ...


One last tip. Sometimes finding and eliminating the reasons for the high load on the processor and computer brakes is quite a tedious and difficult task. IN similar cases, I recommend trying some with different OS, or replacing your Windows 7, say, with more new windows 8/10 - the problem can be solved with just a 10-minute OS reinstallation ...

Well, that's all for me. Good luck!

It often happens that while your hardware is running, it constantly loads something. It turns out as follows: you click on an icon (any), but instead of an instant response, you get a rather long (sometimes a minute or more) simple one, and on the monitor screen you see a cursor, next to which either an "hourglass" or the cursor miraculously turns into a spinning circle. This confirms the loading of some process.

This problem occurs frequently on single and dual-core computers. Why? And most importantly - how to get rid of this trouble? Now we'll see. So!

I will say right away: the probability that such a load on the system is the work of a virus or a "trojan" is practically zero. But all the same, the elimination of the problem begins with checking the system for the presence of spyware and other virus slag. If your "super-duper" space antivirus showed nothing, then the problem is definitely in the system itself.

Where to dig? And dig, my friends, it is necessary under your very nose! There is such a cunning and very smart programcalled Emsisoft Anti-Malware.

It can be downloaded in two versions on the Internet: paid version and a free version. There is practically no difference between the versions. The only inconvenience free version lies in the fact that updating the virus signatures will have to be done manually, that is, when you open the program, you will have to update the signatures yourself using the Update button.

In general, everything is so simple there that it will be easy for even a hedgehog to figure it out. In short: downloaded and launched the program. We updated the virus database. Launched a system scan. I warn you right away: there are several scanning options.

Choose the one you like. Naturally, when scanning the system, Emsisoft Anti-Malware will find something: it is very meticulous. Delete everything. And proceed to the second part of the procedure, or rather, to a complete defragmentation of disks and registry. I am sure that you either defragment every six months, or you don’t know at all what it is. (Hint: defragment should be done at least once a month.)

After defragmenting the disks and the registry, we proceed to the last phase: complete destruction of previously deleted files. Do not understand what I mean? It's simple: when you delete files first in the "Trash", and then completely, then in fact from deleted files their traces remain, which remain in the system. And these "traces" should be destroyed: by the way, you will be surprised a lot when you see how much space is on hard drives you are free!

How to completely destroy files? This can be done either using the well-known "Total Commander" utility or "AusLogics BoostSpeed". Both of these utilities have a WIPE function for files. Wipe is the complete destruction of previously deleted files. Download any of the utilities and run the eraser. I assure you: the program is smart and will only destroy what has already been deleted. Everything else will remain intact. Destroying (wiping) files takes some time, so be patient and wait for the process to finish.

One last thing: an exception from startup unnecessary programs and applications. As a rule, newbies "dummies" have a sea of unnecessary applicationsthat they don't need. For example, you can safely exclude everything that can be called manually: all sorts of emulator programs, like " Daemon tools"," Unlocker ", GuardMailRU Module, Google installer, etc. In general, open autoload and see what is there and what is activated. Anything that you do not use can be safely disabled from autoload (move the cursor over the application that you want to prohibit, click RIGHT click the mouse and select "Delete").

Everything. Reboot the system and check it in action: there should be no more strange processes.

Of course: I won't give you a 100% guarantee - I don't like to lie. But I will give an 80% guarantee, since 8 out of 10 users this procedure helped to solve the problem. Hope it helps you too.

All the best and see you soon!

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