Operating temperature of the laptop processor and card. Laptop cooling methods. What is the normal temperature of the video card

Many users, after watching my video tutorial "", ask me about the following question: Is it normal for my computer or laptop to have this or that temperature? In some cases, their question sounds a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, and in some, even 100.

In this lesson, let's deal with this issue and decide what to do if the temperature is very high.

First of all, let's figure out how to view the current temperature of the processor, video card and hard drives. For these purposes, I always recommend the AIDA64 program. Download it and install it.

After starting the program, we need to open the Computer section, then Sensors.

Here we are interested in the following lines:

CPU (processor) - 37 degrees.
DIODE GP (video card) - 33 degrees
And what is below is hard drives. In my case, there are 3 of them. Temperature up to 30 degrees.

This temperature is at idle, that is, when we do not load the computer with anything. To find out what the temperature will be under load, you need to go into a modern toy and play for 15 minutes. Then minimize the game window and immediately pay attention to the temperature in AIDA64 (the program, of course, must already be running before entering the game).

Now let's consider what temperature is normal, and which is unacceptable and requires our intervention to solve problems.

CPU temperature

If you do not overload your computer or laptop, then cPU temperature should be around 40 degrees... Under load, such as gaming or video processing, the temperature should not exceed 70 degrees... More than 70 degrees is already overheating and this temperature will at least cause braking in the system! If the cooling issue is not resolved, the processor may fail!

Graphics card temperature

As in the case of the processor at idle, the temperature of the video card should be approximately 40 degrees... Under load, it can get very hot and here the temperature is permissible 80 degrees... Some gaming graphics cards can handle temperatures up to 90 degrees. What is higher is already overheating!

Hard disk temperature

On a computer, the hard drive should not exceed 40 degrees. If this is a laptop, then here the heating is allowed up to 50 degrees!

What to do at high temperature?

If you notice that the temperature of the components is high enough, then the first step is to clean the computer (laptop) from dust, spread fresh thermal paste and in some cases add or replace the cooler. For example, it may be that you have a standard cooler on the processor and it does not cool a powerful processor so well in demanding games. In this case, you need to buy good cooling. You may also need an additional cooler in the case to remove heat!

I have already mentioned that the maximum temperature may differ for different components. Therefore, do not literally believe every word I say that was voiced in the description of the maximum temperature for certain types of components. It is better to visit the official sites of the parts you use or read the forums, and I am sure you will find a lot of useful information there.


CPU temperature
When idle up to 40
With a load up to 70

Graphics card temperature
When idle up to 40
Under load up to 80 (90)

Hard disk temperature
On a computer up to 40 degrees
On a laptop up to 50

Good afternoon.

A laptop is a very convenient device, compact, containing everything that is necessary for work (on a regular PC, the same webcam - you need to buy it separately ...). But you have to pay for compactness: a very common reason for unstable laptop operation (or even failure) is overheating! Especially if the user loves heavy applications: games, simulation programs, viewing and editing HD videos, etc.

In this article I would like to dwell on the main issues related to the temperature of various components of a laptop (such as: hard drive or HDD, central processing unit (hereinafter referred to as CPU), video card).

How do I know the temperature of laptop components?

This is the most popular and first question asked by novice users. In general, today there are dozens of programs for assessing and monitoring the temperature of various computer devices. In this article, I propose to focus on 2 free options (and, despite being free, the programs are very decent).

1. Speccy


  1. free;
  2. shows all the main components of the computer (including temperature);
  3. amazing compatibility (works in all popular versions of Windows: XP, 7, 8; 32 and 64 bit OS);
  4. support for a huge amount of equipment, etc.

2. PC Wizard

To estimate the temperature in this free utility, after launching, you need to click on the "speedometer + -" icon (looks like this:).

In general, it is not a bad utility, it helps to quickly estimate the temperature. By the way, you don't need to close it when the utility is minimized, it shows the current CPU load and its temperature in the upper right corner in small green font. It is useful to know what the computer brakes are connected with ...

What should be the temperature of the processor (CPU or CPU)?

Even many experts argue on this issue, so it is rather difficult to give a definite answer. Moreover, the operating temperature of different processor models differs from each other. In general, from my experience, if I single it out in general, then I would divide the temperature ranges into several levels:

  1. up to 40 gr. Ts. Is the best option! True, it is worth noting that it is problematic to achieve such a temperature in a mobile device such as a laptop (in stationary PCs - this range is very common). In laptops, you often have to see temperatures above this line ...
  2. up to 55 gr. Ts. Is the normal temperature of the laptop processor. If the temperature does not go beyond this range even in games, then you are in luck. Usually, a similar temperature is observed in idle (and not on every laptop model). Under load, laptops often cross this line.
  3. up to 65 gr. Ts. - let's just say, if the laptop processor heats up to such a temperature under heavy load (and in idle time about 50 or lower), then the temperature is quite acceptable. If the temperature of the laptop in idle reaches this edge - a clear sign that it's time to clean the cooling system ...
  4. above 70 gr. Ts. - for some of the processors, the temperature will be 80 degrees. Ts. (But not for everyone!). In any case, such a temperature usually indicates a poorly working cooling system (for example, they haven't cleaned the laptop from dust for a long time; they haven't changed the thermal paste for a long time (if the laptop is more than 3-4 years old); a cooler malfunction (for example, with the help of some utilities, you can adjust the rotational speed of the cooler, many underestimate it so that the cooler does not make noise. But as a result of inaccurate actions, you can increase the temperature of the CPU.) By the way, at such high temperatures the computer may start to slow down (the so-called "throttling" the purpose of lowering t).

Optimal graphics card temperature?

The video card does a huge amount of work - especially if the user loves modern games or HD video. And, by the way, I must say that video cards overheat no less often than processors!

By analogy with the CPU, I will highlight several ranges:

  1. up to 50 gr. Ts. Is a good temperature. Typically indicates a well-functioning cooling system. By the way, in idle time, when you have a browser and a couple of Word documents running, this temperature should be.
  2. 50-70 gr. Ts. Is the normal operating temperature of most mobile video cards, especially if such values \u200b\u200bare reached under high load.
  3. above 70 gr. Ts - a reason to pay close attention to the laptop. Usually at this temperature, the laptop case will already get warm (and sometimes hot). However, some video cards work under load and in the range of 70-80 grams. Ts. And this is considered quite normal.

In any case, exceeding the mark of 80 degrees. Ts. Is no longer good. For example, for most models of GeForce video cards, the critical temperature starts from about 93+ degrees. D. Approaching a critical temperature - may cause a laptop to malfunction (by the way, often at a high temperature of the video card, stripes, circles or other image defects may appear on the laptop screen).

Hard disk drive (HDD) temperature

The hard drive is the brain of the computer and the most valuable device in it ( at least for me, because the HDD contains all the files that you have to work with). And it should be noted that the hard drive is much more susceptible to heat than other components of the laptop.

The fact is that the HDD is a fairly high-precision device, and heating leads to the expansion of materials ( from the physics course; for HDD - it can end badly ...). In principle, working at a low temperature is also not very good for an HDD (but overheating is usually encountered, since in room conditions it is problematic to lower the temperature of a working HDD below the optimal one, especially in a compact laptop case).

Temperature ranges:

  1. 25 - 40 gr. Ts. Is the most common value, the normal operating temperature of the HDD. If the temperature of your disk is within these ranges, don't worry ...
  2. 40 - 50 gr. Ts. - in principle, the permissible temperature is often reached during active work with the hard disk for a long time (for example, copying the entire HDD to another medium). Also, you can get into a similar range during the hot season, when the temperature in the room rises.
  3. above 50 gr. Ts - undesirable! Moreover, with such a range, the life of the hard disk is reduced, sometimes several times. In any case, at a similar temperature, I recommend starting to do something (recommendations below in the article) ...

How can I reduce the temperature and prevent overheating of laptop components?

1) Surface

The surface on which the device stands must be flat, dry and hard, free of dust, and there must be no heating devices underneath. Often, many put a laptop on a bed or sofa, the ventilation holes are closed as a result - as a result, the heated air has nowhere to go out and the temperature begins to rise.

2) Regular cleaning

From time to time, the laptop needs to be cleaned from dust. On average, you need to do this 1-2 times a year, it is also not superfluous to replace the thermal paste once every 3-4 years.

Cleaning a laptop from dust at home:

3) Special. coasters

Various kinds of laptop stands are quite popular now. If the laptop gets very hot, then a similar stand can reduce the temperature to 10-15 grams. Ts. And yet, having used stands from different manufacturers, I can say that it is worth relying too much on them (they cannot replace dust cleaning with themselves!).

4) Room temperature

Can be quite powerful. For example, in the summer, when instead of 20 grams. C., (which were in winter ...) in the room to become 35 - 40 gr. Ts. - no wonder the laptop components start to get hotter ...

Reducing the load on a laptop can reduce the temperature by an order of magnitude. For example, if you know that you haven't cleaned your laptop for a long time and the temperature can rise quickly enough, try not to run heavy applications until you clean it: games, video editors, torrents (if the hard drive overheats), etc.

This concludes the article, I will be grateful for constructive criticism 😀 Successful work!

Good day.

One of the disadvantages of laptops (especially gaming ones) is their compactness and weak cooling system, as a result of which overheating is often observed. And quite a lot of questions come up about how to determine overheating in general, and what temperature of the processor should be considered normal, and what temperature is high and start worrying.

In general, there is no definite answer to this question. The fact is that only in the last 10-15 years thousands of different models of laptops have been released, various generations of processors are used, etc. Without knowing the specific processor model, one cannot say what is considered the norm and what is not.

In this article I will try to answer such questions and show you how you can independently find the critical temperature for your particular processor.

How to determine the temperature of the processor and what is considered normal

First, let's determine the current temperature value.

This can be done, for example, by going into the BIOS or using special utilities (I recommend the second option, because until you get to the BIOS and close games and other resource-intensive applications, the temperature will change, and its relevance will not be significant).

The best utilities to determine the characteristics of your computer / laptop-

For example, I am impressed by AIDA 64.

Opening AIDA 64, and going to the tab "Computer / Sensors" you can find out the temperature of the processor, hard disk, video card and other components. See screenshot below.

Approx. : in my case the CPU temperature is 38 ° C.

To get a more accurate temperature reading - without closing AIDA 64, start the game and play for 10-15 minutes, then quit the game using the "Win" button (or a combination of buttons Alt + Tab ) and see the temperature reading.

In principle, now we have received a couple of dry numbers (one - without load, the second - under load), which do not tell us anything yet.

The next step to take is to find out specific processor model installed in a laptop. This can be done using the same AIDA 64 - open the "Summary Information" tab and look at the line "CPU Type".

Summary information about the computer - look at the TYPE of the CPU. Processor model - Intel i5-7200U

Next, you need to find specification and tech. specifications specifically your processor on the official sites of Intel or AMD (I give links below). For a quick search - just enter your processor model into the search box on the site.

  1. Intel -
  2. AMD -

Actually, it is in those. characteristics, as a rule, the manufacturer always indicates the critical temperatures for their processor lines. I gave a couple of examples below. For the same Intel i5, i7 of 7-8th generations - the critical temperature value is - 100 ° C; for AMD A10, A12 - 90 ° C.

Moreover, I note that Intel's limit of 100 ° C does not mean that a temperature of 90 ° C will be normal for Intel. When approaching this critical mark, the laptop will most likely either start to slow down hard, or simply freeze and turn off. This value is more needed to know the border and, when approaching it, to take timely measures.


Average "in the hospital" considered the norm (for modern laptops) if your CPU gets hot:

  • 30-45 ° C - in idle mode, when the load on the CPU is less than 20% (i.e. the load is weak, for example, reading web pages, social networks, watching movies and TV series);
  • 50-65 ° C - in a heavy load mode (i.e. in games, when rendering video, working in various heavy editors, etc.);
  • i note right away that some gaming laptops are designed for temperatures up to 80-85 ° C and they work quite normally in this mode for years.

In general, everything which is above 80 ° C - I would recommend for examination and diagnosis. The fact is that heating to such a temperature does not have a beneficial effect on the components and parts on the mat. board (as an example: the hand can no longer tolerate temperatures above 60 ° C!).

It is worth noting that on the websites of laptop manufacturers, permissible temperatures are also sometimes indicated. Similar information can be found on them.

I will add that AMD processors overheat most often (nothing personal, simple statistics).

1) If signs of overheating appear (loud noise from the fans, hot case, burning air escaping from the case of the device) - turn off the device and let it cool down.

For information on how you can clean your laptop from dust yourself, see this article:

3) Change the thermal grease / thermal pad. If you yourself do not know how this is done and what it is, use computer services. On average, it is recommended to do this once every 2-4 years.

4) There are specials for laptops on sale. cooling pads. Such a stand can lower the temperature by 10-15 ° C or more (the amount of reduction depends on the design of the laptop and its degree of heating).

5) If you don't want to buy a stand, then you can put something under the laptop (a book, for example): to increase the space between the table and the ventilation holes.

6) By the way, it is recommended to work at the laptop on clean, hard and level surfaces (and working on the sofa, for example, often interferes with normal air circulation inside the device (soft cloth blocks the ventilation holes)).

7) Reduce the graphics and system requirements in the game, optimize and clean the system, remove old unused programs and "garbage". Due to this, the load on the CPU can be reduced because it will be unnecessary for him to perform "extra" and unnecessary work. Below are a couple of links to my articles.

That's all, good luck!

Has your laptop gotten too hot lately? It makes sense to check the temperature of the processor and video card. After all, if they work at the limit of their capabilities, then it is urgent to fix it. How? Especially for this, below there is an instruction on how to check the temperature of a laptop, as well as 5 effective ways to lower it.

For starters, it's worth noting that there is no such thing as laptop temperature. In this case, the indicators of its components are checked - a processor, a video card, a hard disk (hard drive). And already by them it is determined whether something is warming up or not.

But still: what should be the temperature of the processor on a laptop? It depends on the load level:

  1. Light workload - 40-60 degrees. This includes chatting on the Internet and working with the Word text editor.
  2. Heavy workload - 60-80 degrees. Such indicators occur when working in video editors and other heavy programs, as well as when launching modern games.

The maximum temperature of the laptop processor is 95-100 degrees. Although, to be honest, this is overkill. If the CPU temperature reaches 80-90 degrees, the laptop may automatically restart (this is done specifically in order to prevent damage).

What is the normal temperature for a laptop video card? Again it depends on the load. In idle mode (on the desktop or with the browser running), it is about 30-60 degrees. If you turn on the game, then the values \u200b\u200bwill be 60-90 degrees.

As for the hard drive, the optimum temperature for a laptop hard drive should be between 30 and 45 degrees.

Please remember that all of these values \u200b\u200bdepend on the specific model of the device. Your laptop may have an Nvidia or AMD graphics card, with one cooler (fan) or two - and all this directly affects the performance. The same goes for the processor: some models get hotter, others less. Therefore, everything above is averages.

How to find out the temperature of a laptop

Where can I see the temperature of a laptop? There are programs and utilities specifically for this.

Of course, you can determine the temperature of the laptop through the BIOS, but for this you need to reboot it. As a result, the load will decrease, and the displayed values \u200b\u200bwill not be entirely correct. Although if there are serious problems (for example, there is no thermal paste), then you will see this in the BIOS.

For example, the Piliform Speccy utility might be a great option. This is a free laptop temperature tester that shows data for all components. You just need to select the desired item in the left menu - the central processor, graphic devices (video card), etc.

How to lower laptop temperatures

So, you launched one of the utilities, performed a laptop temperature check and realized that the processor or video card is overheating. What to do in this case? How do I lower my laptop temperature? Here are 5 effective ways, one of which should definitely help.

By the way, if the temperature of the CPU (or video card) is too high, then you will notice it without programs. After all, the device will begin to behave "strangely": work slowly, shut down or reboot for no reason, and games will slow down. It is also quite possible that the laptop will start to hum a lot due to the cooler (fan) running at maximum speed.

Place the laptop on a flat surface

The first way to lower the temperature of your laptop is to place it on a table. Or on another surface. And it must be flat and clean.

If you like to sit with a laptop in an armchair or on a sofa - then do not be surprised why the temperature of the processor or video card is so high. After all, if you put it on a soft surface, then the special holes through which the device is cooled will be simply closed.

Dust off

Laptops are very rarely cleaned from dust, since they are more difficult to disassemble than the computer system unit. And, by the way, when too much of it accumulates, it interferes with air circulation, as a result of which the temperature of the processor or video card of the laptop rises significantly. And the dusty cooler will make a lot of noise.

If you do not know how to clean the laptop from dust, then take it to a service center at least once a year.

Check Thermal Grease

If the temperature of the laptop suddenly rises sharply, it is quite possible that the thermal paste needs to be replaced. It is a very important component that is used to cool the processor and graphics card. And if the thermal paste becomes unusable, then the indicators will jump up sharply.

For comparison: the temperature of the processor without thermal paste on the desktop (without running programs) is 60-80 degrees (should be 30-45). And if you start any game, it will completely burn out. This is a prime example of how important thermal paste is.

To fix this problem, you need to replace the thermal paste. The procedure is quite complicated, so inexperienced users should take the laptop to a service center - let the specialists check its condition and replace the thermal paste if necessary.

Use a cooling pad

Another way to reduce the CPU temperature on your laptop is to buy a dedicated cooling pad. Such accessories are installed under the device case, so they will lower not only the temperature of the processor, but also the video card and other components.

This thing will be very useful in the summer. In a heat of + 35-40 degrees, even a normal processor or video card (with thermal paste and no dust) can overheat. The cooling pad can reduce the temperature of the laptop by 5-10 degrees. A bit, but also good.

Optimize your laptop

And the last way is program optimization. Of course, this method will not help much to reduce the temperature of the CPU or video card on the laptop, but it will at least speed up the device.

First, instead of heavy programs, you can use lighter ones. For example, instead of Photoshop - simpler editors like Corel Draw or Paint NET (especially if you rarely work with images), and instead of an audio player - listen to music online through a browser (one extra tab does not play a special role).

Instead of a conclusion

That's all. Now you know how to check laptop temperature and what values \u200b\u200bare considered normal. And if you find that the processor or video card is very hot, you can reduce the temperature using any of the above methods. And after that it will be pleasant and comfortable to work with a laptop again.

The graphics card is the busiest component inside your computer when it comes to gaming. It processes millions of instructions to perform various operations during games, and because of this it gets hot. Similar to the processor, overheating of the GPU on the graphics card can occur, which can lead to a variety of problems, including the graphics card crashing. In a graphics card, the GPU is the main component where overheating can occur. The memory of the graphics card may also become warm, but it does not exceed the hazard level. Overheating can reduce the life of the GPU and can also cause immediate damage to the graphic card.

What is the normal temperature of the video card

The answer to this question depends both on the manufacturer and on the specific model of the video card, but in general, anything above 80 degrees Celsius is a sign of concern. If the temperature of your graphics card GPU is over 80 ° C, you should take appropriate measures to lower it, preferably in the range of 70 ° C - 75 ° C or below.

If you are having problems with the performance of your computer, especially when editing video, processing video or when playing a video, it starts to stutter, slow down, freeze, then the first thing you will need to do is the video card and compare it with the readings in the table below.

Permissible temperature NVIDIA graphics cards

Video cardsTemperature IdleAllowable TemperatureMaximum temperature
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti42 55-80 91
GeForce GTX 108042 60-84 94
GeForce GTX 107041 83 94
GeForce GTX 106038 55-75 94
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti35 55-80 97
GeForce GTX 105035 55-80 97
GeForce GT 103035 65-82 97
GeForce GTX TITAN X42 83 91
GeForce GTX TITAN (Z, Black)41 81 95
GeForce GTX 980 Ti42 85 92
GeForce GTX 98042 81 98
GeForce GTX 97044 73 98
GeForce GTX 96037 50-78 98
GeForce GTX 95030-35 75 95
GeForce GTX 780 Ti42 83 95
GeForce GTX 78043 83 95
GeForce GTX 77036 60-77 98
GeForce GTX 76036 82 97
GeForce GTX 750 Ti33 55-70 95
GeForce GTX 75033 76 95
GeForce GTX 69034 77 98
GeForce GTX 68037 80 98
GeForce GTX 67036 55-80 97
GeForce GTX 660 Ti34 78 97
GeForce GTX 66032 63 97
GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost38 69 97
GeForce GTX 65035 66 98
GeForce GTX 645- - 97
GeForce GT 64034 75 102
GeForce GT 63035 75 98
GeForce GT 620- - 98
GeForce GTX 59037 81 97
GeForce GTX 58042 81 97
GeForce GTX 57044 81 97
GeForce GTX 560 Ti33 76 99
GeForce GTX 56034 76 99
GeForce GTX 550 Ti36 67 100
GeForce GT 52037 75 102
GeForce GTX 48044 96 105
GeForce GTX 47030-40 92 105
GeForce GTX 465- 90 105
GeForce GTX 46030 65-80 104
GeForce GTS 450- 65-80 100

Measures to reduce GPU temperature

Here are all the possible measures you can take to lower the temperature of your GPU.

Disable GPU overclocking

If you have overclocking on your graphics card, then you must return the GPU to its original settings to prevent it from increasing the GPU temperature. If you plan on overclocking again, then you need to make sure the card stays in a safe temperature range in the future. Below you can read how to prevent overheating of the card.

Clean fan and heatsink

Dust can build up on the heatsink and fan, reducing their performance and efficiency. Open the PC case and then remove the graphics card. After that, use a small brush and vacuum cleaner to carefully remove the dust from the video card. Put on the graphics card again and then monitor the temperature with GPU monitoring tools.

Change Thermal Paste

The thermal paste between the GPU and the heatsink may have dried out and cracked and thus lost its effectiveness. You will have to remove the fan and heatsink, and remove the remnants of the old thermal paste, and carefully apply the new thermal paste. Read more on how to properly replace thermal paste.

Faulty fan

If the video card fan is not working properly or it may be spinning very slowly, then this may be due to an increase in the GPU temperature. Here, the only thing you can do is replace the faulty graphics card fan with a new one, or try it.

Install a more efficient cooling system

You can also install a good, better performing 3rd party Aftermarket GPU cooler on your graphics card. And if you think the stock cooler / heatsink fan (HSF) is not doing well enough, then you can install a water cooling system for the card to bring down the GPU temperature.

Note: Aftermarket Coolers only work with reference graphics cards or graphics cards with a standard PCB size.

Increase air flow inside the PC case

Incorrect or poor airflow inside the computer case can also increase the temperature of the graphics card. To improve airflow inside the PC case, you can install additional exhaust fans.

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