Passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser: how to save, where they are stored, how to view and delete. How to view saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox

Firefox is a browser that is gaining more and more popularity among Internet users every day. And all thanks to its wide functionality, which greatly facilitates the use of the worldwide network and the search for information in it.

One such feature is auto-saved passwords. A very useful thing, especially if you use several sites in which you need to enter your data.

Firefox autosave passwords

You do not need to enable this function. When you download Mozilla to your computer, it will be available by default. And when you go to the site, where you need to enter your code.

By clicking “Remember” firefox will fill in your username and password on this site.

It also happens that for some reason this function can be deactivated and mozila will not ask for permission, but to save the login. To activate, you need to do the following:

  • We go into firefox, hold down the Alt key (it calls the main menu in the browser).
  • In the menu, select the "Tools" icon.
  • Next, click on "Settings".
  • In the upper corner of the settings, we find "Protection".
  • There we see the heading "Passwords" and below "Remember logins for sites" we put a tick opposite, and then the "OK" button

How to view saved passwords in Mozilla

There are situations when we need to look at the key. For example, you forgot the code for your social network. How can I find it and where can I find it if it was saved in Firefox?

It's very simple. First, you need to repeat the first three points that were described above, and then there is very little left, you just need:

Import from other browsers to Firefox

If necessary, you can import important keys from any browser into Mozilla. How to do this is described below.

  • The first thing you need to do is enter Firefox, find the "Bookmarks" tab, click on it and select "Show all bookmarks" there, this is necessary to open the library.
  • In the window that appeared, you can find the menu "Import and backups". Then choose "Import from another browser".
  • After that, click on the browser that stores the necessary keys, put a checkmark in front of the sites from which passwords will be imported and confirm this action.
  • All data is now loaded into Mozilla.

Where all Firefox information is stored

The data associated with your passwords, personal data is stored in a folder called Profiles. This folder is needed to quickly restore all the information that was saved in Mozilla, even when something happens to the browser itself.

For a long time, browsers have appeared such a function as saving entered passwords. This feature makes life much easier for users, relieving them of the need to remember the password used when registering an account on a particular resource. However, the presence of this function led to a number of questions and an understandable desire of people to be able to access this stored information at any time. In particular, many of you would like to know where passwords are stored in Mozilla and how to view them. This is what I will tell you about today.

User profile

In the Firefox browser, from the very first versions, a system of profiles is used, where all information about changes made by a person to the browser is entered:

  • all settings;
  • passwords;
  • appearance parameters;
  • downloads;
  • autocomplete fields.

All this and a lot of other various information is stored in the profile folder (you can read how to delete a profile). Obviously, the answer to the question of where Firefox passwords are stored will also be a profile, and you can access it by following the instructions below.

Important! I must say right away that we will not find text files with saved passwords from all sites in the profile folder and this method is only needed to copy the profile and make a backup copy of it. The conversation about how to see the password in plain text will go in the next block of the article.

So, to open the profile folder, you will need:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and activate the search bar.
  2. Enter the phrase "% APPDATA% \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles" into it and DO NOT press the Enter key.
  3. Wait for the search results to load, in which you will see a list of Firefox profiles.
  4. Touch the desired folder to open it.

Attention: the screenshot below, showing the steps for performing the described operation, was taken on the most current version of Windows at the moment - 8.1. For Windows 7 users, the steps will be similar, but all the action will take place in the classic Desktop interface.

View passwords

And now we have come to the most interesting part and will talk about how to view saved passwords in FireFox. Here the procedure is much simpler and requires only a few clicks from the user. Namely:

  1. Launch browser.
  2. Open the main menu and go to the "Settings" section.
  3. In the window that opens, switch to the "Protection" tab.
  4. Click on the "Saved Passwords" button.
  5. Select "Display passwords".

After you answer the question of whether you really want to see passwords from sites, this information will immediately become available. By clicking on a particular line with the right mouse button, you can copy the necessary information in order, for example, to save it in a text document.

I hope that with this article I was able to answer the question of how to find passwords in Mozilla. Now you can easily make a backup copy of your own data, and not have to face the access restoration procedure.

Hello dear visitors to my blog! Today we will talk about saved passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser. As you know, there are many different services on the Internet, in some of them you are, of course, registered. And in each of these services you need to enter a username and password. I certainly doubt you all remember them.

Almost all browsers have a function to save them automatically. Mozila is no exception. Of course, why should he lag behind. It was once the most popular browser.

If you do not want to save such data in a separate file or on a piece of paper, then one of the ways is to save it directly in the browser.

You probably know and have noticed that when you enter a site where you will need to enter data for authorization, a similar window pops up with a proposal to remember the entered character set. If you want to remember them and not enter them again, then click on the corresponding button:

How to view saved passwords in Mozile

Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select the "Settings" item from the drop-down list.

In the window that opens, go to the "Protection" section, make sure that there is a bird in front of the "Remember logins for sites" item. Click on the "Saved Logins" button.

Before us opens a list of addresses, the data for which you have saved. In order to view them, click on the "Show passwords" button.

Now, in addition to logins, we also display the corresponding combinations of symbols. In order to remove the password in Mozila, select the required site and click on the "Remove" button.

If Mozila does not save site passwords

This means that such pages have been added to the exceptions. In order to add a site to the exceptions (its username and password will never be saved in the browser), it is enough, just when asked to remember it, click on the arrow next to the word "Remember" and select the item "Never remember the password for this site" from the drop-down menu ".

If the site falls into exceptions, then the offer to save personal data, after authorization, will no longer be displayed.

To check whether it is really in the given list and to remove it from there, perform the following steps.

We follow the path already familiar to us, click on the settings and go to the "Protection" section, find the "Logins" subsection and click on the "Exclusions" button.

We find the addresses we are looking for in the list. If you want to delete some of them, then select and click on the corresponding button:

To your accounts on web pages. Using saving the password in Mozila, you can open your account faster, since you will not need to manually enter the password every time, and the browser will automatically fill in the appropriate field and you will only have to log into your account. The password on Mozilla Firefox can be remembered, deleted and displayed. In the browser, passwords are encrypted and therefore cannot be seen via the Internet, and only the person who uses your computer directly can see them.

How to remember a password in Mozila

After that, clicking on the button To come in in the upper left part of the browser a small window will open in which you will be asked to save the login for your site. By clicking in this window on the button Save the browser will immediately save the password for this login on this site. After that, if you open this site again and click the Login button, an authorization window will open in which the login and password fields will already be filled in.
If Firefox does not save passwords, then perhaps this feature is disabled in the settings. To start it, you need to open the settings by clicking on the Tools - Settings menu on the Menu Bar.

This is why Firefox does not remember passwords

In the settings go to Protection and check the box next to Remember logins for sites... After that, the browser will remember passwords.

How to add exceptions in Mozile

If you do not want passwords to be saved on this site, then you will need to click on the button Do not save, and if you do not want that every time you open this site, a window with a suggestion to save the password does not appear, then you need to select the item from the pop-up list Never save.

How to add exceptions in Mozile

If after that you want to save the password, and the window for saving the password does not open, then you need to open the browser settings by clicking on the Tools - Settings menu bar. In the settings go to Protection and opposite the item Remember logins for sites, press the button Exceptions.

How to clear passwords in Mozile in exceptions

A window will open in which you will need to select this site, and then press the buttons in turn Delete site and Save changes... After that, the passwords for this site can be saved.

How to view saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox

To see the saved passwords in Firefox for this site, you need to hover the cursor in the field where the login is entered and press the right mouse button. A context menu will open in which you first select sequentially Enter loginView saved logins.

How to find passwords in Mozile

A window will open in which the address of this site will be displayed, and to view the passwords in Firefox you will need to click the button Show passwords.

How to remove passwords in Mozilla Firefox

If you want to see all the saved passwords in Mozile in this window, you will need to click on the cross in this window, which is located on the right side of the address bar. The specified address will disappear and all your sites and logins with passwords to them will be immediately displayed.
To remove Firefox passwords, you will need to select a site and click the Remove button, and if you click on the Remove all button, all passwords will be removed.
Also, to see passwords in Mozile, you can open this window through the browser settings. Opening the settings by clicking in the Menu Bar on Tools - Settings will need to go to Protection and at the very bottom click on the button Saved logins... A window will open in which you will see all the logins and passwords for the sites.

Where Mozila stores passwords

The browser saves the saved logins and passwords on the computer in the key3.db and logins.json files. These files where Firefox stores passwords can be found at C: \\ Users \\ Computer username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ f66co4cu.default where the last set of numbers and letters can be different for everyone.

Hello everyone If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, then you probably know that you can save passwords there. I'll show you how these passwords can be viewed, including logins. But I will also show you how to remove it, because there are situations where you need to cover your tracks, so to speak ..

But it so happens that passwords need to be deleted for the reason that you do not want someone to use your password and login later. Well, for example, if the computer is someone else's. So, this I mean that in this case it is also better to delete cookies ... For even if there are no saved passwords, but there are cookies, then when entering the site you will not even need to enter your username and password, there cookies will do it all ...

So. I'll show you how to remove passwords and cookies in Mozilla Firefox! And you will definitely succeed! So let's get started. First, open the browser and go to the settings there:

Now open the Protection section on the left, and there is such a button as Saved Logins, click it:

And then the Saved Logins window will appear, here you will have all the passwords and all the logins from all sites that are saved in the Mozilla Firefox browser. To also display passwords, then click on this button:

Then there will be such a message, then click Yes:

As a result, now you will see passwords as well:

And now the most important thing. You see, there is a search field at the top? This is where you can write a site and press enter, and then logins and passwords will be filtered only for this site! Then you can delete them, to do this, select one or more and click the Delete button at the bottom, or you can delete everything altogether, for this there is a Delete everything button, but be careful, you yourself understand that ...

Well, I hope you figured out how to remove passwords in Mozilla Firefox?

Now what else I wanted to show you. It's like deleting cookies. What are cookies? I will say so that you understand, cookies are such special site data, but if you go to the mail, then so that later you do not enter your username and password again, then cookies are used for this. Again. This is the data that the site reads from the browser, and if the user, for example, has already logged into the mail for a couple of hours, then the site does not offer to enter the login and password again, because it takes the session from the cookies. Well, something like that, I hope he explained it clearly.

So sometimes it also makes sense to clear cookies - either all or only a specific site.

To do this, on the same settings page, go to the Privacy section, where there will be a link to delete cookies, here it is:

And then a small window will also appear, where there will be folders with cookies. To delete cookies for a specific site, you also need to enter it in the top field and press enter, after which only the cookies of this site will be displayed. And then you should select them and click the Delete Selected button:

When you delete the password and cookies for sure, then you can sleep peacefully. But in general, I don't know why you need it, of course there can be many options ...

As a bonus, I'll also show you how to find out the version of your Mozilla Firefox browser. So what? Suddenly you need to find out this, everything is simple, open the browser menu and select this icon with a question mark.

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