Xml template than open. How to Open XML File in Normal Form: Simple Methods and Programs

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language, which translated into Russian literally means the following: Extensible Markup Language. It is a fairly simple language that can be used to create or manipulate documents for use on the World Wide Web. XML is somewhat similar to another popular language - HTML, but differs in that it allows you to set your own tags and use them later.

A document built in XML is a tree of elements, some of which may contain a certain value or have certain attributes. In order to work with it, it is enough to know the initial programming skills. I hope you now understand why this format is so popular on the Internet? By the way, it is most often used in site templates, to work with a web resource map, to exchange information with a server, etc.


In fact, the file can be opened with absolutely any text editor, but with some reservations. The first editor that comes to mind is the most ordinary notepad (standard Windows application). We try to open a document for them and ... We see some kind of krakozyaber. In fact, if you look closely, you can find out that the text encoding is absolutely correct, just all the records were combined into one, so it is extremely problematic to understand them.

Microsoft Word

Next on our list will be from Microsoft. I opened a file in it and the entire list of data was instantly converted into a table. True, as far as I know, older versions of the program do not support the ability to transform XML, that is, they show it exactly in the same form as a regular notepad.

Microsoft Excel

Excel seemed more interesting, because it "decomposes" the file into a very convenient table, which is a pleasure to work with. The only drawback that I noticed is the long loading of the program along with the file. Apparently it also depends on the size of the latter.

Notepad ++

The most convenient program in my opinion is Notepad ++. This text editor is one of the fastest in the world at the moment and is able to open even large documents in a matter of seconds. It instantly transforms XML content into a table, which becomes very convenient and easy to work with. Notepad ++ is written in C ++ and is open source. Its functionality is truly huge, and if it suddenly becomes not enough, then additional modules and plugins will come to the rescue. By the way, the program is distributed free of charge.

Online service

On the Internet, I managed to find a service for working with this format, and on it you can not only view the document, but even edit it. The service is located at the following address: xmlgrid.net.

Today there are just a huge number of XML editors for every taste. Most of them are free, but some developers ask for a fee for their work. I believe that if you are an inexperienced user, then a simple editor like the aforementioned Notepad ++ is quite enough for you. However, if the functionality of the program is not enough, you should pay attention to paid applications.

Microsoft Excel is a handy tool for organizing and structuring a wide variety of data. It allows you to process information by different methods, edit data arrays.

Let's consider the possibilities of using it to generate and process web application files. Let's take a concrete example to learn the basics of working with XML in Excel.

How to create XML file from Excel

XML is a file standard for transferring data on the Web. Excel supports export and import of it.

Let's look at creating an XML file using the example of a production calendar.

  1. Let's make a table for creating an XML file in Excel and fill it with data.
  2. Let's create and insert an XML map with the required document structure.
  3. Export the table data to XML format.

Save to XML file.

Other ways to get XML data (schema):

  1. Download from the database, a specialized business application. Schemes can be provided by commercial sites, services. Simple options are publicly available.
  2. Use pre-built templates to validate XML maps. Samples - basic elements, XML structure. Copy - paste into Notepad - save with the desired extension.

How to save an Excel file as XML

One of the options:

  1. Click the Office button. Choose "Save As" - "Other Formats".
  2. We assign a name. Select the save location and file type - XML.

More options:

  1. Download XLC to XML Converter. Or find a service with which you can export the file online.
  2. Download XML Tools Add-in from the official Microsoft website. It is available free of charge.
  3. We open a new book. Office Button - Open.

How to open XML file in Excel

Click OK. You can work with the resulting table as with any Excel file.

How to convert XML file to Excel

We edit the created table and save it in Excel format.

How to collect data from XML files in Excel

The principle of collecting information from multiple XML files is the same as the principle of transformation. When we import the data into Excel, the XML map is transferred at the same time. Other data can be transferred to the same scheme.

Each new file will be linked to the existing map. Each element in the table structure corresponds to an element in the map. Only one data binding is allowed.

To customize anchor settings, open the Map Properties tool from the Developer menu.


  1. Each new file will be checked by Excel for compliance with the installed map (if we check the box next to this item).
  2. Data can be updated. Or, the new information will be added to the existing table (it makes sense if you need to collect data from similar files).

These are all manual ways to import and export files.

The main difficulty faced by many users of the original web language is the correct opening of its documents.

There are a number of programs that support working with it. But even they do not exclude the possibility of errors.

Figure 1. Appearance of the .xml file shortcut

In this article, we will explain how to avoid and maintain its structure.

Xml format - what is it

Extensible Markup Language, aka eXtensible Markup Language, one of the most commonly used on the Internet. Its purpose is to describe documents and partially describe the behavior of the utilities that read it.

It has a wide range of applications:

    allows you to freely expand the markup for the needs and tasks for its use;

    is the basis for creating new types - YML, OpenXML, FB2;

    common in the workflow.

How to open a hml file

Basic operations for any programmed data are changing and viewing them. Therefore, the question of how to open them in a readable form is more relevant than ever.

Figure 2: Appearance of the notepad ++ application interface with an open .xml file

A simple notepad, notepad, or installed on a PC, or one of the web browsers with a special plug-in, will help to display the content. But it will be correct to open the format in the context of the service or the program for which it was created (Figure 2).

Open xml file online

Let's dwell on the simplest method. As already noted, a separate plug-in is required for comfortable viewing in the browser. This is an XML Viewer (Figure 3).

Figure 3. An example of an open .xml file in a browser window using the XML Viewr plugin

To open a file online, launch your browser and press the key combination Ctrl + O (in English). For MacOS - Enter Command + O. Then select the required object and press Enter.

How to open xml file on a computer (Windows)

All modern text editors are suitable for these purposes.

Note: If you have windows 10 installed, the document will automatically open in the default browser window, Microsoft Edge.

This option can be easily reconfigured in the context menu using the "open with" item, or in the permanent settings - "properties" \\ "general" \\ "change" \\ "ok".

How else can you open xml on a computer?

  1. Word text editor... Newer versions easily convert the list of data into a readable structure.
  2. Notepad Notepad... Reads even heavy documents quickly. Its functionality can be increased by add-ons.

Figure 4. Working interface of Microsoft Office Excel application with open .xml file

How to open xml file in excel

This is the most common application. Let's take an example of step-by-step instructions on how to open an xml file using it.

    Use the standard command. If your version is 2007, then click the Microsoft Office Button and then Open.

    Specify the path to the desired item in the pop-up window, select it and open it for viewing.

How to open hml file on Linux

On Linux, there are two types of extensions - the familiar look and OpenXML. They are available for reading and editing in one of the office suites - LibreOffice and OpenOffice.

Note: You can view the original items in this environment in the same way as on any other operating system.

Opening a macOS xml file

One of the options for reading the object was mentioned above. This is a view in an Internet browser window.

Figure 5. An example of an open file in LibreOffice

To open directly on MacOS, there are MS Excel and text editors from packages and LibreOffice (Figure 5).

How to open xml file on Android

The format is supported by almost all modern devices.

The first of the short list of applications than to open an xml file on android is Axel (XML Editor \\ Viewer). It is used to create, edit and read data of this type.

In second place is the former Android Office, aka OfficePro.

It supports:

    MS Word - doc, docx, rtf, xml;

    MS Excel - xls, xlsx;

    MS PowerPoint - ppt, pptx;

    textuals and CSV.

What program to open the xml file

In addition to the software already listed, online editors, paid and free software systems are used to read and make changes.

    Oxygen XML Editor;

    XML Marker;


    EditiX Lite Version.

List of programs

    MS Office, XML Notepad 2007 - OS Windows;

    Universal for any distribution;

    MS Excell - MacOS.

How to check xml file for errors

The complex structure of an extensible markup language implies certain inconsistencies when it is opened as a spreadsheet. Therefore, the frequently asked question, how to check an xml file for errors, requires special attention.

They arise when it is impossible to check information for compliance with the document data card. To get their descriptions, click the "Details" button in the dialog box that opens.

Below are explanations for common inconsistencies.

    Schema validation error... When you select the option "check data for compliance with the schema during import and export" in the map properties. They were only imported, but not tested.

    Importing some data as text... To use them again for calculations, they must be converted to numbers and dates. Use the appropriate types for each value. For example, to perform the function "year", the type "date" is required.

    Format parsing error... The parser cannot read the selected object. Check the document for correctness and consistency of its construction.

    Unable to find a map matching the specified data... The problem occurs due to the simultaneous import of several objects at once. First, import the schema for the one marked in the title bar of your window, and then import it.

    Table size does not change... It is supplemented by new information only from below. There may be an element under it that prevents it from resizing. For example, a picture or another table that prevents expansion. Change their position on the sheet.

Program for opening xml files: free download

You can download a free program editor (for Windows) or (For Mac OS) to open these files on our website, or from the official resource.

With such an extension? These and other similar questions can often be found among users visiting various forums devoted to web design and programming languages. But first, you need to figure out what an XML document is, what structure it has and what it is intended for.


An XML document is a hierarchical structure that contains both the data itself and its description. Due to the fact that it is a simple text file, it is independent of the operating system used and can be created using any programming language. Its extraordinary flexibility makes it possible to describe any data you want. One of the important advantages of XML documents is that they are easy to read not only by programs - even a person can figure out what information is in the file. The use of XML is actively promoted by many serious companies such as Borland, Microsoft, Sun and others. All universal programming languages \u200b\u200bhave libraries to support this format. In new versions of various DBMS, it is possible to obtain data using standard queries in the form of an XML file. This language is supported by internet servers and all popular internet browsers. Transferring XML data to dynamic pages significantly increases the speed of applications that interact with databases.


When you open the file in XML format, you can easily see that it looks a lot like a standard HTML page. It also contains instructions (or tags) that are enclosed in angle brackets and mark up the main text of the document, as well as define its elements, their attributes, and other language constructs. Each XML file necessarily begins with an instruction, which may contain information about the language version number, code page, and other parameters that are required by the parser program to parse the document.

XML format - how to open

So, let's move on to the main question. Now you know what an XML format is, we will tell you how to open it later. The easiest way to do this is with the standard Notepad application. However, in this case, the user will need certain knowledge of the XML language (at least - what certain tags are responsible for), since opening the file in this text editor, you will see just a set of lines of code and, in fact, the text. For those users who are not good at this or want to immediately see the results of editing, we recommend using special programs. Despite their huge selection and different levels of implementation, they all work in about the same way. The difference is only in functionality, that is, in the set of available tools. We recommend using the free Serna Free editor as a working tool for editing XML files. It is quite powerful and at the same time convenient open source program. By choosing it, you can easily make an article, book, white paper, and more. Creating and editing an XML file using this editor is much like the process of word processing and does not require a deep knowledge of the markup language from the user. In addition, there are additional features of Serna Free, such as the presence of XSLT and XSL-PO-styles that provide a close-to-real display of the document, as well as the ability to consistently display XML-files composed of many parts.


So, we figured out what an XML format is, how to open and edit such files. With the help of special software, you can easily create texts of any complexity, mark them up, create your own elements, as well as their attributes in accordance with your document requirements.

When files come from rosreestr in xml and often they are opened without "design", that is, just a text in 1 line.

Today we will figure out how to make it "readable"

How to open xml file of rosregister in Internet explorer 10.11

1. Launch IE, press alt, a menu appears at the top of the window
2. In the menu that appears, select Service - Compatibility View Mode Options
3. In the window that opens, check the boxes “ Display all websites in compatibility view mode"And click" Closedb "and close IE
4. Launch IE, press alt, a menu appears at the top of the window
5. In the menu that appears, select Service - Internet options
6. In the window that opens, go to the “ Safety»
7. Select the zone " Trusted sites"And press the button" Websites»
8. In the window that opens, uncheck the “ All nodes in this zone require server verification (https)", If stood
9. We add two entries to the zone list through the button " Add to»:
https: //*.rosreestr.ru
http: //*.arcgisonline.com
10. Close the window " Reliable nodes"Via the button" Close»
11. Without closing the windows " Internet options"Switch to the" Additionally»
12. In the first section of the list “ Safety»
13. We remove the check marks from all lines of the section " Safety"That start with:" Block …», « Warn …», « Check …», « Check …»
14. Put a check mark on all lines of the section “ Safety"That start with" Permit …»
15. Also in the Security tab, uncheck the " Enable Protected Mode»And the security level is the lowest for all areas of the websites.

If this method did not help, then we do the following:
1. Launch Internet Explorer and click " Alt", A menu will appear at the top of the window
2. In the menu that appears, select “ Service» => « Browser properties»
3. In the window that opens, go to the “ Safety»
4. Press the button " Other»
5. In the long list, look for the item “ Accessing data sources outside the domain"And put it in the position" Enable«.


After doing this operation, the files from the rosregister are opened in a "readable" format with all the design. I hope this article helped you. If you have any problems or difficulties, ask questions in the comments, I will try to answer them.

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