How to install a new font. How to download and install a beautiful font

I showed the lesson how to install downloaded fonts in windows. For some reason, many people decided that such fonts can only be used in Photoshop, which of course is not so. They can be used for headings, text, and decoration.

These inscriptions are written in the downloaded font, BUT I translated them into a drawing so that they would be visible to everyone. I write ordinary text in exactly the same font. BUT ATTENTION! They will be visible only to those WHO INSTALLED SUCH FONTS INTO THEIR SYSTEM. Those who do not have these fonts installed will see plain text.

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And by popular demand I am making a more detailed one, step by step lesson with examples on how to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL such fonts on your computer. Let's go LET'S GO TO THIS SITE, where there are many original Russian fonts that are easy to download and install.
I choose the font that I want to download. I take the very first one.

The font was downloaded automatically to the DOWNLOADS folder.

Who does not know where this folder is, then in the boot window that has jumped up, we get up with the mouse on the LAST DOWNLOADED FILE, and press the RIGHT BUTTON, and select OPEN THE FOLDER WITH FILES. It will open to you immediately. (You can drag the font to the desired folder and directly from the download.)

I have created on my computer special folder with fonts, from which I usually put them into the system. It is very convenient, you do not need to write the path every time. (You can install directly from your downloads folder.)
Therefore, from the DOWNLOADS folder, I drag THIS DOWNLOADED FONT into my FONTS folder. I just open both folders next to it, take the downloaded file with the mouse and without releasing the mouse button (left) drag it into the FONTS folder.

The font is now in my folder, but it is packed into an archive, so I unpack it. To do this, I stand on the packed file with the mouse, press the RIGHT mouse button and select EXTRACT TO THE CURRENT FOLDER

The file is unpacked. And we got a font and a picture of what this font looks like. Now the archive and the picture can be deleted so that they do not interfere (what is in the blue frame)

You can immediately download several fonts you like, for example, I download two more, the next, I also transfer them to my folder, unpack. This is what the folder looks like before installation. I removed the excess installed fonts in a separate folder, and three downloaded new ones are still standing. You don't have to delete unnecessary things; it won't hurt you when installing fonts.

That's it, now the font can be installed as described in the PREVIOUS POST

Click "Start" - "Settings" - "Control Panel".

Now ATTENTION. Since we need the FONTS folder, we need to switch to the CLASSIC VIEW.

ATTENTION! Who has old system, and there is no switching to the classic view, then we do so We press the VIEW, in it we select the OVERVIEW PANELS and in them we look for the FOLDERS.

An additional panel opens on the left. Find the folder with fonts

Well, in it we install our fonts from the folder. Click - "File" - "Install fonts".

In the tab that opens, select the path to the folder with your downloaded fonts. I have it on disk "C" - folder "FONTS" - 1. Double click on the folder where your fonts are, and see how they appear in the upper window. We have three fonts in the folder, and they are all reflected. Then just click on the "Select All" button, and click "OK"

That's it, the installation is complete and the fonts are on your system. How to use them in your notes, design, and more, I will tell you in the next lesson. Good luck with your creativity.

A selection of fonts from Google. Yes, it is not very large in comparison with other libraries: there are only 888 families. But you can be sure that all fonts are distributed under a free license. That is, you can use them however you want. In addition, there is a very convenient filtration system.

The mechanism is somewhat unclear, which is strange for a Google product. First you need to select one or more font families by clicking on the +. Then - open the panel that appears at the bottom of the screen and click on the download button. All selected fonts will be downloaded from the archive.

This collection is much richer: it contains more than 36,000 free fonts... They can be sorted by category, choosing, for example, retro, futuristic or national flair.

On the page of the font it is written how it can be used: only for personal or also for commercial purposes.

Despite the name, this collection contains about 10,000 fonts. They can be sorted by style, title and novelty.

Most fonts are free to use for any purpose. For some, you will have to buy a commercial license. However, for $ 20 you can download the entire collection at once.

Most of the fonts here are free for personal and commercial use. If there are not enough of them, go to the section of discounts. Prices are very low there.

Filtering in Font Squirrel is very handy. You can sort fonts by style, language, popularity, and newness.

In addition, Font Squirrel provides a couple of handy and useful tools: a Webfont Generator for creating your own web fonts and a Font Identifier that can recognize fonts in images you upload and find identical ones in the Font Squirrel library.

FontStruct is a handy online tool for creating TrueType fonts. For this, there is a visual editor, which is easy to understand.

In addition, there is a gallery with over 47,000 fonts from users of the platform. These fonts are freely available and you can use them however you like. Including as a basis for their own.

Most of the fonts presented here are quite extravagant.

Another popular collection of 3,500 free fonts. Most of them are for personal use only.

The nice thing about DaFont is the category system. You can select fonts in the style of video games, vintage or stylized Japanese characters.

Large collection of different fonts. Choose any and you will see a page with detailed information about him.

There are many free fonts, they are highlighted in a special section. There are also enough commercial ones, and there are always discounts on them.

The sorting system on Urban Fonts is quite flexible and convenient.

Library with a simple and clean interface and about 14,000 fonts. The collection is constantly updated, so you will have a lot to choose from.

The only drawback is that it is not so easy to find fonts with Cyrillic letters in all this variety. This is because there is no language filtering.

Fontspring sells expensive fonts for commercial use. But almost every font family has 1-2 free fonts that you can use for your own personal use. In addition, there is a separate section with free fonts.

The collection is very rich. But you will have to carefully study the license information for a particular font before downloading.

A quick search on Behance for free font brings up a lot of cool authoring fonts. Most of them are free to download.

A selection of 7,500 fonts with unusual styles. As the name of the site suggests, they look acidic.

Unfortunately, the collection has not been updated for a long time. But perhaps here you will find what you need.

This site hosts about 9,000 free and over 125,000 paid fonts from 400 designers. For $ 9, you can download an archive of 5,000 fonts.

True, the interface, of course, came from the past.

A marketplace for fonts, vectors, and other designer gizmos. The fonts here are of very high quality - of course, because they are not cheap.

But every week Creative Market offers to download some of the products for free. And among them is one font.

Collected here over 1,000 free fonts. True, there are not enough Cyrillic ones among them.

Fontasy has a user-friendly interface and a fairly large selection of styles. If you would like to use the fonts posted here for commercial purposes, ask permission from their authors.

A small but beautiful collection of fonts hosted on GitHub. All fonts can be used for both personal and commercial purposes.

If you have a font on your computer that you want to use, then all you need to do is install the font in Windows. After that, it will be available in any program, be it Photoshop, Sony Vegas or any other program that uses fonts.

To install the font, you need to click "Start / Control Panel". If you entered the control panel for the first time, then the window will look like this (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Panel windows management XP.

Now in the "Control Panel" window (classic view), find the "Fonts" icon (Fig. 2) and go on it. A window will open in which all the fonts installed in Windows are located.

Figure 2. Fonts in Control Panel Windows XP Control Panel.

However, an easier way is to simply copy the required fonts to the "Fonts" folder using the explorer (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Installing a new font in Windows XP.

Installing fonts in Windows 7.

Installing fonts in Windows 7 is almost no different from installing in Windows XP, except that appearance... As in the first case, we need to click "Start / Control Panel". In the window that opens, you need to click "Category" (Fig. 4) and select "Large icons".

Figure 4. Windows 7 Control Panel.

Then find the "Fonts" icon (Fig. 5) open it, and by simply copying the fonts into this folder - install new fonts in Windows 7.

Figure 5. Installing a new font in Windows 7.

How to download Russian fonts

And so in order to install new fonts on your computer, you must first take them somewhere. There are many fonts on the Internet, but to find those that support the Russian language, the request should look like this: "Russian fonts" (you can add the word download), or "Cyrillic fonts".

While searching for fonts, you can find sites where you can see how it looks before downloading a font. I find this option the most convenient and I advise you to look for just such sites (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Font preview before downloading

But there is another option, it is to download fonts in whole collections, for example "2000 Russian fonts in one archive." It seems that this option is much more convenient since you do not need to search for fonts one by one. However, as practice shows, after downloading such a package of fonts, most users do not "bother" and install all these fonts into the system.

Thus, firstly, they create additional load on the system, which can significantly affect overall performance.

Secondly, it becomes much more difficult to search for the desired font, among so many.

And thirdly, I personally doubt that anyone will use all these fonts in their work.

Therefore, if you download so many fonts, then it is better to install only those of them that you definitely need.

To see what the font looks like before installing it, you need to open it with notepad, which takes a lot of time. That is why I once again advise you to download the fonts one at a time, carefully choosing only the ones you need.

And most importantly, do not forget that the font, first of all, must be “readable”, and then beautiful.

Font Is a graphical form of signs of the alphabetical writing system. That is, the font is not the letters themselves, but their design. It can be bold, oblique, elongated, handwritten, square, round, and whatever else it cannot be. Do not confuse with. In the latter case, it is a means of drawing letters and editing them.

By installing on your computer operating system (OS), it already has a whole arsenal of fonts. Basically, these are those that the OS itself uses for its design, as well as a number of standard ones that have become generally accepted, such as Times New Roman and Arial. If you have used any product from Adobe, then a large set of fonts from that company will be automatically installed. Any other computer applications can also add to your font library.

In the end, what the OS offered is not enough, especially when dealing with design and graphics. Here you are, if you have installed Photoshop, this already means that you need to search and install new fonts. And now I will teach you how to do it.

When looking for new fonts, it is important to pay attention to the fact that they support cyrillic, i.e. Russian language. Difficulties and disappointments will arise here, because the situation has developed in such a way that the number of Russian speakers is ten times less. And among the English ones there are such cool ones that they just drool, but they cannot be used for a Russian-language text.

Installation instructions for fonts

In general, they are not installed in a specific program. For example, Photoshop has access to a shared font library. This means that those that are installed in the OS itself, they will also be displayed in Photoshop. Therefore, the main task is to be able to open the library and add your favorite fonts there..

Let's assume you've found a suitable one. It must be in otf or ttf format and has the following design:

Please note, if it supports Cyrillic, then the preview will show three Russian letters "Abf". Also, by letters you can understand how its style looks.

So, here's how to install:


Click on right click by file and select Copy from the drop-down menu.


Open the font library. It is in the folder Windows - Fonts... Typically, the address bar looks like this: C: \\ Windows \\ Fonts.


Click on any free space within open window right-click and select Paste from the drop-down list. A short installation will start.


Everything is installed. Open any program, be it photoshop, or, for example, text editor... Most importantly, remember the name of the font in order to find it from the list.

If you spot an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thanks!

Lesson topic: how to install fonts in Photoshop... The lesson is based on the example of the CS6 version, but it can be applied to CS5 and other versions.

To add fonts to the editor, you need to have them on your computer. Just download them from any site that provides such an opportunity. But be careful when choosing - not all fonts support the Cyrillic alphabet, that is, the Russian alphabet.

For fonts to display correctly in Adobe Photoshop, you should choose them with the extension .ttf (TrueType) or .otf (OpenType). Of these, the first is the most common.

Methods for installing fonts

Installs fonts in system folder computer, sometimes into the program itself. There is conflicting information about where it is better to add them. Some argue that you should not add to the system folder as it will overflow and all text-enabled editors will become slow. Others feel that you shouldn't overload Photoshop with new presets to make it run faster. Both are right - both the editor and the OS become heavier with a large volume of files. To prevent this from happening, you can use special programs... Let everyone choose the best option for themselves.

In any case, the archive downloaded from the Internet must first be unzipped.

Custom font installer

The method works flawlessly in windows systems and Vista.

Option 1... Open the font file - there is an Install button at the top. We press it - the font goes into the system folder and becomes available for all text editors.

If the button is inactive, then this font is already in the folder.

Option 2. Without opening the file, select it, and with the right mouse button call the context menu. In it, select the Install command. It will download to the system folder.

These methods are great when you need to insert 1 - 3 fonts. With more of them, it is better to use other methods.

To the OS system folder

In the XP system, go to Start → Control Panel → Fonts. In the window that opens: Menu → File → Install Font. It becomes possible to find the required file on the computer. We find and make the installation.

In OS Windows library Fonts is located in the Fonts folder, which can be accessed in two ways. Along the way:

  1. Start → Control Panel → Appearance and Personalization → Fonts.
  2. My Computer → C Drive → Windows → Fonts.

If your computer is running MAC OS, look for the Fonts folder in the Library directory.

On Linux systems, the folder with the same name is one level down - in the share directory in the usr folder. The path will be like this: / usr / share / fonts.

The folder was found. Open it up and paste in the fonts.

Drag and drop. Next to the Fonts folder, open the fonts folder. Select the desired file or several, hold down with the mouse and drag to Fonts.

By copying... Highlight required files, copy them with the keys Ctrl + C or click on the selection with the right mouse and in context menu choose Copy. You can also select the Cut command if you do not intend to leave these fonts in this folder.

Then go to the Fonts folder, right-click on the white field between the files (not on the file!), Select the Paste command.

How to install fonts in Photoshop editor

You can insert files of other formats into Photoshop itself, not only TrueType.

You can use the copy method described above, with the difference that you need to paste them into the system folder of the editor itself. It is located along the path: drive C → Program Files → Common Files → Adobe → Fonts. They will work in Photoshop, but will not be available for other programs.

Tip: after installation, the fonts in Photoshop will appear immediately. If it doesn't, restart the editor.

Using manager programs

There are various programs that make it easy to activate a large number of fonts of different, even non-standard formats, and deactivate them when they are no longer needed.

The main advantage is that they do not put a load on either the operating system or Photoshop. Some of them are named:

  • Adobe Type Manager;
  • Hpfonts;
  • Adobe Type Manager Deluxe
  • Fonts Expert.
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