All 1 beeline how to connect roaming. Roaming beeline in russia. How to enable and disable international roaming

Since in recent times more and more people travel the world, work and study in the CIS and Europe, it is important to keep in touch with their relatives. Services like these are available to almost everyone mobile operatorAnd Beeline is no exception. Below we will talk about enabling, switching, exiting the tariff, turning off roaming, how to exit the tariff and switch the international package to another. Therefore, after that you do not have to contact a consultant with the question of how to activate and deactivate roaming on Beeline.

Service connection

Before enabling or disabling Beeline in roaming in Russia, it is important to decide which package you are using at the moment.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Call 0611 and follow the operator's prompts;
  • Go to your personal account on the official website. The name will be written in your profile or settings.
You can also find out through the MyBeline application

You need to find out the following information:

  1. Roaming availability;
  2. Conditions for its provision;
  3. The required minimum amount;
  4. Calculation system;
  5. The use in which countries is allowed.

This information can be obtained from the operator, in the SIM card management menu or in the salon mobile communication... If your package has roaming, then you can configure and activate it. And there are several ways to do this.

National calls

To switch to the national roaming package in Russia, you should configure the existing settings or find out if this service is activated. Then the subscriber can count on the following benefits:

To connect to roaming, you will have to pay about 25 rubles, and this amount is charged immediately. You do not need to withdraw or switch to roaming, because the service is activated automatically when you leave the country.

To find out what intranet roaming is, you should enable it:

  • Dial * 110 * 0021 # and call. There you will have to follow voice prompts and confirm activation.
  • To disconnect, dial * 110 * 0020 # and call, where voice prompts are also given.

But for a prepaid package, when roaming within Russia and with a monthly fee, you do not need to activate roaming, it happens automatically.

Connection for tariff with prepaid billing system
Connection for a tariff with a postpaid system

International roaming

To transfer roaming to international, you can use such tariffs from Beeline - My Planet and Planet Zero. Before transferring roaming to one of these packages, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the news, features and terms of use.

In the tariff calculator, you need to enter the name of the city you are going to visit and click on the "Calculate cost"

In each package, the "Most Profitable Roaming" (international) service is activated instantly, it allows you to communicate with 120 countries, if you have a sufficient amount on your account.

How can you cut costs?

If you use prepaid, then you don't need to activate roaming, and you can call whenever you want. If you want to pay bills after calls, then you need to connect international communication. To do this, you will have to immediately give 600 rubles to the account and come to the Beeline office.

It will be helpful to review:

In other cases, the connection takes place on its own through a call or SMS, but the item with savings will have to be configured separately.

My planet

To connect and set the My Planet tariff, dial * 110 * 0071 # and the call button. You can also go to your personal account on the official website of Beeline, contact a team member to connect the service. But after returning from Europe, America to Russia, you should leave the My Planet tariff, and then the extra money will not be withdrawn from your account.

Activation can be reversed by dialing * 110 * 0070 # and the call button... Also, an online ban is placed through your personal account. For hints, call 0611.

Planet zero

Planet zero is connected by the number * 110 * 331 #, manual setting in your personal account.

And to disconnect, dial * 110 * 330 #.

It is better to turn off the tariff upon returning to Russia, because the monthly fee will continue to come or be charged automatically.

The most profitable roaming

Features of the most profitable roaming:

  1. Works with 120 countries;
  2. For communication, it is important to top up your account with at least 600 rubles;
  3. For Crimea, special conditions apply, which should be clarified with the operator;
  4. There are countries where the tariff does not work.

Features of packages in roaming:

  • Works abroad;
  • SMS costs 3 rubles;
  • Calls within Russia for three rubles;
  • The first minute is 3 rubles, the rest are free.

To enter the international roaming and activate it on the account must be at least 600 rubles. But if there is less than 300 rubles on the account, the service is completely blocked. Also note that tariffs are valid in 120 countries. Therefore, it is better to clarify their list in advance.

So in a number of states, communication from Beeline will not be available:

  1. Algeria;
  2. Argentina;
  3. Lebanon;
  4. Maldives;
  5. Nepal;
  6. Jamaica;
  7. Sudan;
  8. Ethiopia;
  9. Kosovo;
  10. Tunisia;
  11. Guadeloupe;
  12. Dominican Republic.

If you did not manage to set up the service yourself, then in the mobile phone store or through the prompts at 0611, they will explain to you how to use abroad, what amount should be on the account, how to enter or exit the tariff.

It remains only to decide on the package, and then communication with loved ones will not cause difficulties and large financial costs, even while staying in New Zealand or Australia.

Many are interested in how to connect roaming on Beeline. This is done automatically when you move to another region. The "Light Roaming" and "My Country" options allow you to reduce the cost of calls while traveling. You can connect them through your personal account and using the USSD command.

For those who often travel on business trips or prefer to relax abroad without changing their Beeline number, the question of how to activate roaming is relevant. The operator offers appropriate options to reduce the cost of communication outside home region.

The option from Beeline is called "My Country". This is an improved version of the previously offered Light Roaming service. "My Country" is included in the package of some tariff plans. For users of the postpaid system, Beeline roaming in Russia is provided on separate terms.

Connection rules

Intranet roaming Beeline in Russia (communication is carried out within the coverage map) is provided to all subscribers of the operator in automatic mode... To reduce communication costs, prepaid users can use the “My Country” function.

For users of the prepaid national roaming system Beeline in Russia (communication in areas where the operator's network is absent) is connected automatically with a balance of 600 rubles or more. When it is reduced to 300 rubles, the option is disabled. For users of the postpaid system, national roaming Beeline in Russia is included in the service package.

International roaming (free Beeline roaming abroad) is available to users with a positive balance. If online roaming is not activated in the network, the account must have at least 600 rubles for activation. Upon reaching 300 rubles, it will be disabled.

Postpaid subscribers use the service on different terms. In order to go abroad without changing the number, they need to connect “ International communication". To do this, you need to make a guarantee payment of 600 rubles to your personal account. Then activate the service in your personal account or in the nearest office. In the second case, you need to take your passport with you. After paying three communication bills, the amount of the guarantee payment will be returned to the user's account.

More about the service "My Country"

Unlike the “Light Roaming” option, the subscription fee is not charged when the “My Country” service is connected. After sending the application, so that when switching to free roaming Beeline this option is activated, 25 rubles are transferred from the account once.

There are two options for activating the service. You can send a USSD command of the form * 110 * 0021 # "Call" key. The second option is to call service phone 0683 (as when ordering "Like at home everywhere" from MTS). The autoinformer will announce the menu, from the items you can choose to listen to information about the service, how to activate or deactivate it.

Subsequently, the user makes calls and sends messages at the following rates:

  • an incoming call, regardless of the duration - 3 rubles (in fact, only the first minute of the call is paid);
  • outgoing call - 3 rubles per minute of conversation (to all numbers of Russian operators);
  • outgoing message - 3 rubles;
  • incoming message - 0 rubles.

Roaming Beeline in Russia will become less expensive with the activation of the "My Country" service. You can use it for an unlimited time. The call is charged per minute, from the first second. Another advantage of the service is that it is available for both prepaid and postpaid tariffs. The only exceptions are those tariff plansthat involve internet traffic.

Important: the option "My country" does not work on the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as the home region of the subscriber.

How to disable the "My Country" option

Disabling the "My Country" option occurs automatically when the subscriber returns to his home region and Beeline free roaming stops working.

If the service is activated on the number, subsequently its activation will occur automatically when leaving to another city. It will be disabled in the same way.

To refuse the option, you can dial the USSD command * 110 * 0020 # "Call" key. Disconnection is free. The second option is to use the service management in your personal account. To do this, you need to go online and register on the operator's website.

For comparison: conditions of "Roaming light"

The "Light Roaming" service now belongs to the archive options, so its activation is now impossible. However, it works for many postpaid subscribers. The option allows you to reduce communication costs when leaving your city.

  1. Connection is free.
  2. Incoming calls are free.
  3. The subscription fee is 150 rubles per month.
  4. Outgoing calls: to subscribers of your operator - 1.95 rubles, to subscribers of others russian networks - 4.95 rubles per minute of conversation.

Sending messages is carried out everywhere at home, at regular rates. The same applies to mobile Internet... In order for those who like to correspond or search for something on the network to reduce their costs, it is worth choosing the appropriate service.

A subscription fee of 150 rubles is more profitable than paying for calls made without activating the option. You can use the offer for an unlimited time. Works in all Russian regions, except for the connection point, Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol.

If you need to disable "Roaming light", you need to dial the USSD-command * 110 * 9990 # and "Call". You will have to transfer the subscription fee every month, regardless of the user's location. Therefore, if you do not plan to travel outside your region in the near future and Beeline free roaming is not activated, the option should be disabled.

So, today we will talk with you about how to turn off roaming on Beeline. In general, to be honest, this issue can be approached with different sides... That is, clients have a lot of alternative actions. Of course, each has its own characteristics and distinctive features... Let's try to figure out what's what with you as soon as possible.

Disable automatic machine

Roaming "Beeline" is automatic. That is, it does not need to be turned on every time you travel. This is actually very convenient. But not when it comes to refusing a service. After all, getting rid of it is sometimes very difficult. True, all this is justified by a banal ignorance of the plan of the right action.

If you are thinking how to turn off roaming on Beeline, you can try to use a special combination. Dial it and wait. From your mobile you need to "call" by the command * 110 * 9990 #. Now that the deed is done, you can wait for an SMS notification about the processing of the request. That's all. Nothing difficult, right? The main difficulty, as already mentioned, is the correct command set. Now you know how to remove roaming on Beeline (automatic).

However, you cannot limit yourself to just one approach. Quite often, users choose other options for the development of events. Which ones? Let's try to figure it out with you what's what.

Short number

Well, in addition to combinations, you can use the so-called short numberto call support. And with the help of it already disconnect / connect Beeline roaming. This is a very common move. Although it is not as fast as it might seem at first glance.

From his mobile phone dial the short number 0611 and click on "call". Now you have to wait a while for the operator to answer you. After that, inform about your intention to disable roaming. You will have to give your passport details and (sometimes) your registration address. Plus, especially cautious operators may ask you for the contract number that you entered into when buying a SIM card.

In general, after establishing your identity and confirming the ownership of the SIM card, you will be disconnected from roaming. In response, you will receive a special SMS notification. That's all, problems are solved. Now you don't have to think about how to remove roaming on Beeline. Although we still have a couple of very suitable and more popular approaches to solving today's problem. Which ones? Let's get to know them as soon as possible.

Special menu

If you are thinking about the topic: "Beeline - how to turn off roaming?", But you did not like a special combination or calls to short numbers, then you can resort to another rather interesting trick. It's about using a special menu on your phone. It appears in applications after connecting a SIM card.

In order to figure out how to turn off roaming on Beeline, you just need to go to this utility on your phone. Next, find "My Beeline", then visit the "Other services" section. Find "roaming" there and click on it. Further some commands will become available to you. In particular, connecting / disconnecting and receiving information about the tariff. Select "disable" and wait for a while.

That's all. Now we can say for sure that you know the most common and time-tested scenarios. After receiving the notification message, you can be sure that roaming is disabled. But this is far from all the options for the development of events. Modern technologies do not stand still, which means great prospects for cellular operators... In particular, regarding the use of additional services.

Personal Area

Well, here's another rather interesting, fast and reliable scenario for you. This is nothing more than the use of a personal account on the Beeline website. Here you can control your phone, as well as connect and refuse many services.

Are you wondering how to turn off roaming on Beeline? Then visit the official website of the company and go through authorization on it. Next you will have to find "Service Management". All additional functions connected to the SIM card are displayed there. Find "Roaming" in the list. There you will also find a button to disable the service. Click on it and wait a little - until you receive a notification about the processing of the operation. After that, you can log out and enjoy the results. Now you know how to turn off international roaming "Beeline". But there are also a couple of approaches to solving the task set before us. And now we will get to know them.

Own visit

So, now let's move on to the most unloved, but very high-quality means of dealing with our problem. This is a visit to the salon cellular communication Beeline. Only there they will help you quickly, efficiently and reliably refuse any service.

Take your phone and passport with you. After that, go to any nearest Beeline office and wait for your turn. Next, talk to your operator about how you can opt out of roaming services on your phone. Better yet, ask a worker to perform this operation. After all, it is the operator who can help you solve the problem better than anyone else.

As a rule, no rejections are received. The employee makes sure that you are the true owner of the SIM card, and then quickly conducts the process of disconnecting any service or connection, depending on your desires. And you don't have to puzzle yourself over how to turn off roaming or any other features. In truth, there is another very interesting approach. Only it is already relevant in the event that you have certain services connected. But let's get to know him anyway.

Special combinations

Of course, special commands will help us with you, which serve to refuse certain connected functions. True, each has its own "number". And now we will find out with you what's what.

"My Intercity" is disconnected after you call 06740. This process, like all subsequent ones, happens automatically. You just receive a notification about the successful completion of the operation.

"My Planet" and "My Country" are disabled using * 110 * 0070 # and * 110 * 0020 # respectively. As you can see, nothing difficult. You can implement the opt-out process at any time of the day or night.


So, today we talked with you about how to turn off roaming on Beeline. If you think about it, this is a very simple exercise that gives us many alternative solutions.

Most clients, in truth, prefer to use a short number hotline "Beeline", as well as ready-made combinations for the set. Personal visits to offices are not the most frequent approach. True, sometimes he can provide you with significant help. Thus, choose the option that seems most attractive to you, and get down to action.

More recently, using Beeline services in roaming was quite costly from a financial point of view. There were frequent situations with the acquisition of a separate SIM card specifically for trips outside the base region. But all this is in the past. Today it is enough to connect profitable roaming from the operator and forget about unnecessary expenses forever. Moreover, this can be done without replacing the SIM card and setting a new number.

You should first familiarize yourself with all the features of the current tariff. Obtaining all the data of interest on it is possible through one of the following methods:

  • Call 0611;
  • Operator SIM card management menu in the phone;
  • Visit to the user's personal account.

You need to make sure that the possibility of starting roaming on your device is available. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the conditions on which it is provided. It is important to know the minimum balance for which roaming activation will be available, as well as the specifics of the service functioning in a particular country. It is necessary to decide on the current settlement system. They can be prepaid or postpaid.

If you can enable roaming on your device, you can go directly to the procedure for connecting it. This can be done in several ways. It all depends on the direction in which the trip is planned and what communication requirements are imposed.

How to activate and deactivate roaming on Beeline in Russia

The “My Country” offer, which the operator implements for all of its customers, makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs that are spent on calls outside the base region. Basic services are charged for the following:

Roaming activation within this offer will be 25 rubles. The withdrawal of the amount takes place at the time of connection. There is no subscription fee here, disconnection is also not a prerequisite.

To activate the service, dial the command in the format * 110 * 0021 #. To disable, you will need a request in the format * 110 * 0020 #.

How to activate and deactivate international roaming on Beeline

If there is a connected roaming offer, the user of the operator's services will be able to make calls outside the country with the greatest benefit for himself. Everyone can choose the most acceptable and relevant offer for themselves. We are talking about the "Planet Zero" and "My Planet" options. Detailed data on each of them are presented on the operator's office.

To activate the service at the first sentence, you need to enter a command in the format * 110 * 331 #. To activate the second offer, use the request format * 110 * 0071 # call. It is also possible to connect through the services of a personal account. You can also use the help of specialists in the operator's office or call the technical support service.

To avoid unnecessary and unplanned expenses, you should deactivate the service when you return to your base region. This process does not cause the least difficulties and takes very little time. Deactivating roaming is relevant when returning to your home region. It is not advisable to deactivate the “My Country” offer within the framework of national roaming.

Disabling the "My Planet" service is possible by dialing a command in the format * 110 * 0070 #. For the proposal "Planet Zero" you will need to enter the request * 110 * 330 #.

An auto assistant will be able to assist the user in determining the sentence he is using. To access it, make a call to 0611. Here you should exactly follow the prompts that the system will provide. To obtain the required information, you can use the control menu for the SIM card in the phone or provided personal account capabilities.

As you know, in order to stay connected even when traveling within the country or abroad, mobile operators offer their subscribers roaming services and separate roaming tariffs. Most of them today already have very tolerable conditions, which can often even be called favorable.

Each of the users has the opportunity to choose the most suitable roaming option for themselves, which can be activated depending on their communication needs. However, the problem is that upon returning home, not all subscribers remember how to turn off roaming on the Beeline, and not everyone remembers that it generally needs to be turned into a deactivated state.

That is why today we propose to understand how the disconnection of all currently relevant roaming services on the Beeline is carried out.

How to disable the service "The most advantageous roaming" on Beeline

This option attracts a huge number of operator subscribers, if only because of its name. However, the truth is not far from the name. Indeed, in this package subscribers have the opportunity for a completely democratic 200 rubles per day to be able to both call and send text messages.

One of the main advantages of this option is also the fact that there is no need to additionally connect it - it is available for use by all Beeline subscribers who have gone abroad. Making any call during the day will automatically activate the subscriber a package of minutes, and sending a message - a package of messages.

However, the absence of an activation procedure does not deprive users of questions regarding the deactivation of the service. After all, the majority of subscribers are worried that upon returning home, the payment for using communication services will be charged according to roaming tariffs.

We hasten to assure you that this assumption is incorrect. There is no need to turn off the "Most Profitable Roaming" service, it stops working as soon as the subscriber returns to the borders of the Russian Federation.

How to disable the roaming service "My Country" from Beeline

If you used national roaming while traveling around the country within the framework of the “My Country” service, and upon returning home want to return to the standard conditions for using cellular communications, then for this purpose you need to remember a short and simple number 0683 ... By calling the specified number, the service is instantly deactivated.

How to turn off the Internet in roaming for traveling in Russia

The service providing Internet access for subscribers staying in national roaming is offered for use in two variations: for 7 days and for 30 days. Services, of course, have different conditions use as well financial aspects... But we are not talking about this, but about how to successfully deactivate them, therefore, to suspend the charging of the user fee when the subscriber returns to the home region.

And here, as in the case of "The Most advantageous roaming", Don't worry once again. After all, both the younger and the older variations of the service have no function automatic renewal, and after 7/30 days from the moment of connection, the options are automatically deactivated.

How to disable roaming "Our country +" on Beeline

This option is in demand among subscribers who go on a trip to the territory of the Crimea peninsula. When the service is activated, both incoming and outgoing calls are charged at very favorable terms.

This service, unlike the previous one, has a need to be disabled. And you can deactivate it by entering a USSD request *110*0050# .

How to disable "Unlimited Internet" in roaming on Beeline

Within the framework of this offer for 350 rubles per day is provided unlimited access to the Internet in roaming. However, without limiting the speed per day, you can use only 100 megabytes, and those can be regulated by Beeline partners in the host country. All traffic over 100 megabytes is provided in unlimited mode, but the speed is cut down to 128 kilobits per second, which is 16 kilobytes per second - which is quite a bit. For example, it will take you about 10 minutes to download one MP3 melody.

It should be understood that this option works until the moment it is disabled by the user. Therefore, upon returning home, it must be deactivated in order to avoid unnecessary communication costs. However, given the speed at which the Internet operates after using 100 megabytes of traffic per day, you may think about deactivating the service before returning home.

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