How to turn off voice prompts on iphone. How to unlock iPhone with VoiceOver


Learn how to turn off VoiceOver, which reads the information on the screen aloud. VoiceOver can be turned off via Siri by pressing the Home button three times, via phone settings, or by changing an option in iTunes.


1 With Siri

  1. 1 Tap once on "Swipe to Unlock" on the lock screen. If the screen is locked with VoiceOver turned on, you can unlock it with a single tap on the slider. You will hear VoiceOver say “Slide to Unlock”.
    • For this method to work, on your device.
  2. 2 Double tap the slider to unlock the screen.
    • If you need to enter a passcode, press once on the first digit to highlight it and then press again to select it. Repeat this for each digit in the access code.
  3. 3 Hold the Home button to activate Siri. It's a big round button in the middle, at the bottom of the screen.
    • If you have an iPhone 6s or earlier, you won't hear the ringing when you launch Siri. It will only be heard if you have connected headphones or a Bluetooth device to the phone.
  4. 4 Say “Turn off VoiceOver”. Wait a second for Siri to process your command.
    • When you hear “OK, I turned off VoiceOver”, it means that the feature is turned off.
    • To turn VoiceOver back on, activate Siri and say “Turn on VoiceOver”.

2 Using the Home button

  1. 1 Tap the Unlock slider once on the lock screen.
  2. 2
    • If your phone is not protected by a passcode, you will be taken to your desktop.
    • If you need to enter a passcode, press once on the first digit to highlight it, and then again to select it. Repeat this for each digit in the access code.
  3. 3 Quickly press the Home button three times.
    • When you hear “VoiceOver off,” it means that the feature is disabled.
    • To turn VoiceOver back on, press the Home button three times. You hear “VoiceOver is on”.
    • If a this method does not disable VoiceOver, so you have not configured fast access Accessibility VoiceOver. Try another method.

3 Through the application "Settings"

  1. 1 Tap the Swipe to Unlock slider once on the lock screen. If the screen is locked with VoiceOver turned on, you can unlock it with a single tap on the slider. You will hear VoiceOver say “Slide to Unlock”.
  2. 2 Double tap the slider to unlock your phone.
    • If your phone is not secured with a passcode, you will be transferred to your desktop.
    • If you need to enter a passcode, press once on the first digit to highlight it, and then again to select it. Repeat this for each digit in the access code.
  3. 3 Find the Settings app. The Settings app can be found on one of the desktops. The app icon looks like a gray gear.
    • If this app is nowhere to be found, click once on the Utilities folder to look into it, and then click on it twice more to display the contents.
  4. 4 Tap the Settings app once to highlight it.
  5. 5 Double tap on the Settings app.
  6. 6 Use two fingers to swipe from top to bottom. This will scroll through the settings menu. Scroll through the various options until you find the "General" option.
  7. 7 Tap the General option once to select it and then two more times to open it.
  8. 8 Tap once on the Accessibility option to select it, then tap twice more to open it.
  9. 9 Tap VoiceOver once to select it, then tap twice to open it.
  10. 10 Press the VoiceOver switch once to select it, then press twice to open it. You hear “VoiceOver off” and your phone returns to the usual exercise mode.

4 Via iTunes

  1. 1 Connect iPhone to computer via USB cable. In this case, the computer must have iTunes.
  2. 2 Click on the iTunes icon on your computer to launch the application. You only need to do this if iTunes doesn't start automatically.
  3. 3 Click on the device button icon in the upper left corner of the application. It's a small button that looks like an iPhone.
    • If you have multiple devices connected to your computer, you will see a pop-up window asking you to select a device. Choose your iPhone.
  4. 4 Click on Browse. This item is on the left side of the screen, just below the picture of your phone.
  5. 5 Scroll down and tap on the Configure Accessibility option. It's near the bottom of the main iTunes panel, under Options.
  6. 6 Click on the checkbox next to the "Enable Voiceover" option. The checkmark disappears from the box, which means VoiceOver is turned off.
  7. 7 Click on the Finish button.
  8. 8 Click on the Synchronize button. This button is located at the bottom of the Browse window. When syncing is complete, VoiceOver will no longer work on your phone.
  • When VoiceOver is on, no matter where you tap on the screen, the phone still won't recognize which buttons you press. It tracks the movements you make. Swipe left or right to scroll through menu options, and then double-tap the screen to select the current option.

Developers software Apple brand devices strive to meet the needs of all people. This introduced the useful VoiceOver feature. It is intended for people with severe visual impairments. It's very easy to enable this option. Inexperienced users are often confused about how to turn off VoiceOver. This mode is a voice prompts that accompany any action performed on the Apple device. The program is available on iOS operating systems installed on all iPhones and iPads. It is possible to use this function on Mac OS. Sometimes users are accidental and unnecessary. It should be noted that there are two ways to disable VoiceOver that every Apple-branded mobile device owner should be aware of.

How VoiceOver works

VoiceOver mode lets you control mobile device with the help of gestures, while all actions are accompanied by voice prompts. It should be noted that this option allows you to use most of the capabilities of the iPhone or iPad without looking at the screen. It is enough to swipe across the screen for the program to announce which components are located. A single press allows you to find out information about the object. Double tapping will provide a button press. Swiping allows you to use scroll mode.

There is a special mobile device management system designed in the form of a scroll wheel. It allows you to choose between page flipping modes. If a page of the Internet site is open, scrolling the disk will allow you to view the names of objects, links, images, subtitles, etc. You can specify a list of objects that will be controlled using the scroll wheel.

Apple moves towards people with disabilities

Occurs when a button is pressed three times. There are two modes of operation with VoiceOver. In one of them, a frame is displayed on the screen, thanks to which others can see what is happening on the mobile device. Confidential mode allows you to hide the image from prying eyes... When using this option, the volume of playback of audio and video materials, standard sounds of a mobile device is reduced. This setting allows you to hear well sound signals VoiceOver. The program is compatible with the 30 most common languages, including Russian.

VoiceOver lets you use apps. The function interacts correctly with all pre-installed iOS applications... Among them are the programs known to every user for a long time:

  • Music.
  • Notes.
  • Reminders.
  • The calendar.
  • Safari.

Users have the opportunity to create convenient buttons and assign them the functions of applications. It should be noted that every day more and more programs support the VoiceOver option, since it makes it much easier for a person with disabilities to manage a mobile device. Apple continually works with third-party software developers to implement VoiceOver capabilities.

How do I deactivate a setting?

Situations often arise when users turn on the mode by accident. Disabling the feature is easy. Try to run triple tap Home buttons. The mobile device has returned to normal mode with the text “VoiceOver off”. If the option is still active, this indicates that the settings have been changed. In this case, disconnecting voice assistant can be done through the Menu.

The tricky part is that users cannot use their mobile device controls while VoiceOver is active. You need to follow voice prompts and flip through tabs instead of standard touches. Try swiping to find the section you want. Listen carefully to the voice prompts, thanks to which you can determine which section you are logged into. Voice Description called with one click. The selection can be made by double pressing the button. Scrolling is performed using circular motions with three fingers. The slider is used to adjust the parameter.

Through simple actions you must run the command Settings - General - Accessibility - VoiceOver. Double tap will turn off the parameter. Such actions will not only be able to turn off the option, but also configure other parameters that are intended for people with disabilities. Among them are a contrasting color scheme, an increase in the displayed objects, and guide access.

VoiceOver is a feature that allows people with severe visual impairments to use the modern capabilities of Apple technology. Thanks to this parameter, you can work with applications, read text information without being able to look at the screen. Users who do not experience problems using gadgets can turn on the mode for informational purposes only, after which it must be deactivated.

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iPad is used not only by ordinary people, but also by people with disabilities. With VoiceOver, even visually impaired and blind people can use their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch... Once we even interviewed Sergei Usoltsev, who talked about it.

VoiceOver is a voice guidance function of the interface. Designed just for visually impaired or blind users. The function can be enabled and configured at: Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Accessibility -\u003e VoiceOver.

Let's take a closer look at what this function gives the user.

VoiceOver - when this option is enabled, the user interaction with the interfaces in iOS changes: when you click on the interface elements, they are highlighted with a black frame and also voiced. That is, iOS will start using the voice assistant (not Siri!) To voice almost all your actions.

Practice VoiceOver Gestures - the button appears after VoiceOver is turned on. The button opens a special screen where the user can practice gestures without affecting the system settings. After finishing the workout, you need to select Done.

Below I list the main VoiceOver Gestures:

  • single touch - selection of an object and its voice acting
  • double tap - select an object
  • three-finger tap - say the displayed page or line numbers
  • touch with four fingers - if at the bottom of the screen, then go to the last element, if at the top, then vice versa to the first
  • swipe up with two fingers - read all screen content
  • two-finger swipe down - read the page from the selected item
  • 3-finger swipe down - scroll up one page
  • two-finger zigzag - dismiss notifications or go to the previous screen

Speech rate - changes the speed of speaking with VoiceOver.

Hints - When this feature is enabled, VoiceOver can speak the name of the item and instructions to the user. For example, "double tap to open".

Changing the pitch - When VoiceOver is on, the first on-screen item speaks in a higher pitch and the last in a lower pitch.

Incl. sound effects - the option enables / disables sound effects from VoiceOver. For example, quiet clicks when switching to interface elements.

Speech - here you can select other languages \u200b\u200bfor pronunciation (Add new language) or select an enhanced voice (Voice). For people with disabilities who use VoiceOver, I recommend downloading an improved voice, for everyone else it is an extra 150-200 megabytes.

Braille - Text spoken by VoiceOver can be displayed on the braille display. When VoiceOver is on, you can also control your iPad from a braille display that has enter keys and other controls.

Braille display (or Braille display) - an output device designed to display text information in the form of six-dot braille characters. Braille displays do possible use modern computers blind and visually impaired people.

iOS supports over 40 models: See Apple for a list of supported models. The braille display does not require any additional applications: the connection is made via Bluetooth in the settings.

I will not go into the settings of the Braille Display, since I do not know much about the topic and I am afraid to misinterpret it, and the device itself is not at hand.

Rotor (Scroll dial) - When you rotate the dial on the screen with two fingers, VoiceOver changes the way you navigate through the Web page or document, depending on the settings you choose. While on a web page, turn the scroll wheel and it will list the names of key objects such as titles, links, and images. Then slide your finger across the screen to choose how you want to navigate the page. For example, you can jump from one title to another. Documents can be flipped just as easily. Using the scroll wheel, you can choose between word-by-word or character-by-character navigation through the text - this is especially convenient when you need to check spelling. And you can also customize the types of objects with which the scroll wheel should work, including languages.

Hint: Control the rotor - place your finger on the screen, and with the second finger try to trace a circle.

Dial style - how the user will interact with the keyboard when typing.

  • Normal dialing - a single touch sounds the button, a double touch means pressing and entering a character.
  • One-touch dial - a single press speaks the button, releasing your finger from the keyboard means pressing that button and entering a character.
  • Direct Touch Dial - single touch enters a character, the character is read.

Pronunciation - how letters and words are pronounced when typing.

  • Off - not pronounced in any way.
  • Symbol and pronunciation - for letters on the keyboard, the letter itself will be named, and then words that begin with this letter. For example, for P: "Peh, Pavel".
  • Pronunciation only - for letters on the keyboard, only words that begin with this letter will be named. For example, for B: "Vasily".

What is voiced when printed: "Nothing", "Signs", "Words" or "Signs, words". That is, if the "Signs, words" parameter is set, then when typing, the voice will voice them, and then, after the space character, the voice will voice the entire typed word entirely. You can set the parameters for the virtual and physical keyboard separately.

Modification keys - hotkeys for the physical keyboard, when pressed, will activate VoiceOver.

Always notifications aloud - pronunciation of notifications from various applications aloud.

Skipping images when navigating. You can set to skip all images or only images without descriptions. How the setting works and why during the tests I did not understand. But I learned an interesting thing: when VoiceOver is on, the iPad displays short description images in the photo (for example, " Landscape orientation, good lighting, three faces ").

Large cursor - interface elements are highlighted with bold rectangles. I don't know why the setting was translated this way, because there can be no question of any cursor on iPad, iPhone.

Wait period for second touch - here you can decrease / increase the interval between two touches, at which these touches will be considered a double click. Relevant for those whose hand motility is slowed down.

Conclusion: perfectly implemented specific functionality for visually impaired and blind users allows us to recommend mobile iDevices even to these categories of citizens. The only thing is that during testing some bugs and incomprehensibility came to light. For example, notifications were spoken aloud regardless of the settings, or when the letters were pronounced from the keyboard, Y was pronounced as "Yigrek", and F is generally something inarticulate.

The main purpose of the program is to accompany the user's actions with a voice when navigating a tablet or smartphone. To know what is happening, you no longer need to see the image on the display. If the program is running, then to enable voice prompts, you need to press the "Home" button 3 times. Now every action on the screen will be announced: the size of the battery charge, the name of the caller, the name of the opened program. To voice messages not annoying, the developers provided the user with flexible settings for synthesized speech.


VoiceOver is supportive but highly useful. Convenience of controlling Apple devices is increased by using simple gestures. Just touch or slide your finger across the screen to smart program will prompt the action to be performed. When you touch any button, you can hear its purpose. To perform a function, you need to click on it twice. The sliders are controlled by light vertical movements. Swiping your finger horizontally will change the app on the screen.

The active element on the display is highlighted with a black frame. This is done for the convenience of sighted people around. They will be aware of what is happening on the display and will be able to help at any time. If you want to hide information from prying eyes, then a dimming option is at the ready. Confidentiality will be ensured.

Text input

During text set VoiceOver reads each character when touched. Then, when pressed again, the message is duplicated. In the settings of the utility, you can select the pronunciation of the text by words. The cursor is moved for editing by vertical movements along the message field.

Apple devices have a wide range of test input capabilities. Among them is handwritten. The system itself corrects errors and helps to quickly get ready text... The enabled option "Autopronounce" after the signal will sound the proposed option. If the option is not suitable, then you can not stop and continue entering characters. After pressing the spacebar, the device will understand that the proposed option is suitable and will leave it. The option is convenient not only when entering from the display, but also when an external keyboard is connected.

VoiceOver also checks the spelling when the user is using Messages.

Braille keyboard

The program includes, in addition to the sound package, comfortable keyboard with braille. The user can enter point characters directly from the display. No need for external devices... Using the scroll wheel, the Braille keyboard will allow you to type text, launch an application, unlock a gadget, and find suitable content.

Scroll disc

To control the functions of the device, the developers of the program created virtual disk scrolling. Rotating two fingers, reminiscent of working with old rotary dial phones, changes the way you navigate through pages in a document or browser. The method is preset in the settings. Stands on open page rotate the disc as it reads headlines aloud, reports links and pictures. The user independently chooses the navigation method, for example, moving in a row by headings. The change in method occurs after you slide your finger across the display.

The scroll wheel allows you to choose between character or word navigation when reading documents. Different ways movement through text helps speed up editing and spell checking. In the option settings, you can select various objects to be applied, for example, changing languages.

Alex's voice

The synthesized voice was developed within the walls of Apple and is by far the most successful English-speaking version (American dialect). Now it has become available for Apple devices. To make speech natural, the most advanced algorithms are used. This takes into account the peculiarity of exhaling air during pronunciation and the context of words. As a result, speech is clear and lively.


VoiceOver Utility is embedded in iOS system and supports embedded applications: App Store, iTunes, Safari, Mail, Notes, Reminders, Messages, Calendar, Music. You can create your own buttons and place them in any application, including third-party ones. Shortcuts improve the usability of gadgets. With their help, you can quickly jump to news, applications and games. Apple pays great attention to application support and constantly works with software developers.

Braille displays

Apple devices have broad support for refreshable braille displays. Through wireless technology the user is able to connect external displays. They will help the blind to read texts using Braille. Reverse work is also possible. A braille display with input keys allows you to control the device.


The program currently supports 30 popular and widespread world languages. In addition to dialects of English, you can use German, Chinese, Italian, French, Japanese, Arabic and others. The developers have not forgotten about Russian-speaking users.

Mobile phones today are universal devices. With their help, you can not only talk, but also take pictures, download and listen to audio recordings, and so on. Of course, these gadgets have several control methods. For example, by voice. This option allows you to activate certain functions of the mobile phone by speaking commands. Very comfortably! But today we have to understand how to control the voice. Sometimes this option is superfluous. How can you stop using it?


It should be noted that the owners of "apple" phones can use a variety of voice dialing functions. Each of them is disabled by separate operations. We have to get acquainted with all the options for the development of events.

  1. Download the gadget. Go to the main menu of the device.
  2. Select the "Settings" item.
  3. Visit the "General" section -Siri.
  4. Turn the switch for this option to the "Off" position. In this case, the red indicator should light up.

You can close the mobile phone settings. Now it is clear how to disable voice control on iPhone. But this is only one of the options. Sometimes you have to disconnect differently.


In some cases, Apple device owners find that they have VoiceOver enabled. It also indirectly refers to voice control. This application names the controls after clicking on them, rather than executing the requested command.

To opt out of VoiceOver, you must:

  1. Open "Settings" in your mobile phone.
  2. Go to "Basic". Find the line "Universal Access" there and click on it.
  3. Open VoiceOver.
  4. Move the switch responsible for the operation of the application to the inactive position.

Now it is clear how to disable voice control on an iPhone. It is important to note that in order to successfully cancel VoiceOver, you need to press all buttons 2 times. Otherwise, the operating system will simply name certain controls.

Voice dialing

But that's not all. How to abandon voice dialing for Apple smartphones? It all depends on the selected operating system. How to disable voice control on an iPhone when it comes to iOS7 or 8? To do this, you will have to use the previously proposed algorithm with some changes. Namely, turn on Siri. To do this, in the corresponding menu item, turn the switch to the "On" position.

What if the subscriber has installed iOS 9 for himself? In this version of the software, you will not be able to refuse voice dialing. Such changes were invented by Apple.


There is another rather interesting trick. IPhone functions cannot be activated by voice using Siri after using it. To finally give up of this application, you need to set access restrictions.

To do this, the owner of "apple" products must:

  1. Open "Settings" and go to the "General" section in the menu that appears.
  2. Study the proposed operations carefully. Find and enter "Restrictions".
  3. Enter a password to enter restrictions. If the subscriber uses this option for the first time, it is necessary to come up with a combination for access. It will be the password.
  4. Find the line "Siri and Dictation". There will be a switch opposite it. It needs to be switched to the "Off" position.

After the actions taken, Siri will turn off, and the menu item with application settings will disappear from the operating system.


Often, the proposed algorithm of actions leads to the fact that VoiceControl is activated on the smartphone when the "Home" button is held for a long time. How can I disable voice control on an iPhone in this case? Please note that this scenario is only found on iOS 10 and newer software.

Disabling VoiceControl is done like this:

  1. Enable mobile phone... Open its settings.
  2. Go to the menu item "Basic" - "Universal Access".
  3. Select "Home".
  4. Check the box next to the "Disable" label.
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