Disable voice mail mts command. MTS voicemail: description and connection. Listening to a voice message on MTS

Hello dear readers! In this article, you will learn how to disable voice mail on the MTS and why. Why is the service better than voicemail. In the last article about the service, they called you on MTS. As one of the options, I offered to activate the Voice Mail service. This option is working, but it has a lot of drawbacks and choosing from two evils I would not choose the option with voicemail. And now I will explain why.

I think for a long time to explain what kind of service it is, it makes no sense: when your phone is unavailable the caller can leave a voice message that you can listen to when you appear on the network. You will find out that they called you via SMS message. The MTS service Voice Mail has three versions: basic, just “Voice Mail” and version +. The basic version differs from the rest in that it is free. On paid versions, additional functionality is available: increased duration of storage of voice messages and recording duration, increased maximum number of voice messages, you can also receive message recording by e-mail or in the form of MMS, as well as listen to messages through a browser or a special program, plus the ability to record individual greeting. Essentially, Voicemail is similar to Answering Machine.

To be honest, I do not know a single person who prefers the Voicemail service to the Who called service. Most people prefer to call back than to listen to a voice message. And what do you think, what service is better? Therefore, I consider the basic version of the Voicemail service only as a shareware alternative to the service they called you.

Why shareware? The fact is that you will have to pay for the call to voicemail according to the tariff plan for you and the one who is calling you. MTS receives money for both calls: from you, of course, as from a MTS subscriber, and from a caller either from a MTS subscriber or via an interconnect ( what is it i).

How to activate and deactivate the MTS Voice Mail service?

On this post I will end. How do you like the article? Subscribe to blog updates in order not to miss new materials on this topic.

Best regards, Alexander Bolshakov.

Mobile communication for a modern person is a great blessing. To be in touch anywhere and anytime, to know exactly where a loved one is, to be able to use the World Wide Web around the clock - all this greatly simplifies our life. But sometimes situations arise when the phone runs out at the most inopportune moment, or the person does not have the physical ability to answer. In this case, the operator offers the service of an answering machine analogue. The caller calling you has the opportunity to dictate your voice message, and you can listen to it at any time convenient for you. MTS voicemail, how to disable and activate the service, we will consider below, an indispensable function also if your relatives or close people do not like to write SMS, for example.

MTS Voicemail

The main package “Voicemail” has several advanced features. It is possible not only to listen to voice messages, but also to protect them with the original code from unwanted listening, to store all messages for one week.

How to activate the voice mail service from MTS

  • The basic version can be activated using the USSD command - * 111 * 2919 # - call, you can also send a text message 2919 to number 111;
  • the main package of the function can be installed using the request - * 111 * 90№ # - call, or SMS - 90 space 1 to number 111;
  • voice mail + is connected using a USSD request - * 111 * 900 # - call, as well as SMS - 90 space 9 to number 111;
  • in addition, you can connect this option, like any other, on the official page with MTS in your account;
  • call the contact center of Mobile telesystems, the responding employee of the company activates the function in a couple of minutes;
  • go to any sales office, get all the information you are interested in and connect the necessary option.

How to listen to a voice message on MTS?

Listening to the message left for you in the home region will be free, while roaming - according to your tariff package. The monthly fee for the package Voicemail basic is not provided. Voicemail is the main option - 2.3 rubles per day, Voice mail plus - 3.3 rubles per day.

How to disable voicemail on MTS

If you are interested in how to disable the voice mail service on MTS, you need to clarify which package you used - the basic version, the basic or advanced. Everyone has their own rejection options.

MTS Voice Mail Number:

To disable the basic version of voice messages, you need to dial the MTS voice mail number command * 111 * 2919 * 2 # from your phone, then activate the call. You can also send a text message to the number 111, in the field of which specify 29190.

Mobile communication is a curse and, at the same time, a great blessing for modern mankind. To be at all times accessible for workers and personal calls, to know exactly where relatives and employees are located now, to be able to access the Internet here and now - at the same time simplifies life and speeds up its rhythm to indecentness. However, it happens that it is impossible to pick up the phone at the moment, but it is impossible not to answer the person. In such cases, the real salvation is the ability to install an analogue of an answering machine - when the caller can leave a short message that you listen to, as soon as the opportunity arises. It also helps a lot if you have relatives or friends who do not know how or who do not like to use text messages. Nevertheless, with all the pros, it happens that the function has lost its relevance and is no longer needed. MTS voicemail - how to disable it?

There are several types of such services, each has its own disconnection methods.

Basic function.

This is the easiest option that does not require a monthly fee, with a free connection and the maximum possible message of 60 seconds. You can refuse it in the following ways:

  • Dial USSD code from your mobile * 111 * 2919 * 2 # Call button.
  • Send a text message with numbers 29190 to service number 111.
  • Via the Internet Assistant.

The main function.

Connection is free, the duration of a possible message is 90 seconds, the monthly fee is 2.3 rubles per day. You can deactivate it like this:

  • By USSD Code * 111 * 90 # Call button
  • From a mobile, type the text message “90 space character 2” to the short number 111
  • Using Online Assistant

Extended function.

For convenience, released along with the application for owners of smartphones. The connection does not require payment, 120 seconds are allocated for one message, the monthly fee is 3.3 rubles per day. Refuse:

  • Via USSD code * 111 * 900 * 2 # Call button.
  • SMS with the numbers "90 space character 10".
  • Online Assistant.

You do not know this, but you can spend family money on voicemail, even if you do not use it.

For MTS and velcom subscribers, by default (that is, for almost everyone), operators from a certain time activated the Voice Mail service. If you are called and you are not taking pictures, the operator offers to leave you a message on voicemail. And the one who heard the voicemail answering machine, the money is withdrawn as a minute of conversation with you. Even if he didn’t give you anything, he didn’t record!

Is this not necessary? Just dial 002 # and press “Call” if you are a MTS subscriber, or * 441 * 1 # and “Call” if you are a velcom subscriber. This will turn off voicemail.

It is easier for life :) subscribers - the operator does not automatically connect voice mail to them; the subscriber himself must consciously connect it.

2. Select the correct rate

A tariff that was ideally suited to you a year ago can now be terribly expensive compared to the new tariffs of the operator or the tariffs of its competitors. Operators report tariff changes on their sites, but how often do they read it?

There is no reliable tool for automatically checking the tariff for economy, and online tariff calculators do not work reliably enough (for example, they underestimate additional minutes or traffic packages). From time to time, you’ll have to independently review the cost details for the past few months, calculate the average consumption of minutes and megabytes, and then study the sites of the operators.

True, running away from the operator because of a couple of thousand a month may not be worth it: do not forget about the different coverage of the territory and the different network load of different operators, as well as your own need for calls within the network.

But also remember that you can escape from one operator to another by saving the number.

3. "Beat" the minutes

In Android and some older phones there is an option that some will be terribly annoying, while others will save from waste.

In the settings, find “Call settings”, then “Signals for calls” (again, the names of the menu items may differ), and then turn on the minute minute (minute minder).

Now, during a conversation, you will hear a mumble every minute: it reminds you of the duration of the conversation.

On iOS, there is such a function, for example, in Call + Data Time Monitor, and on Windows Phone - in Call Timer.

4. Save traffic on pictures

You may not believe it, but you are able to consume half as much megabytes on the mobile Internet. At the same time, there is no need to deny yourself anything.

Enable image compression in Chrome (called “Traffic Reduction”), Opera (“Off-road” or “Opera Turbo” features) or UC Browser (“data compression”). You will hardly notice any reduction in image quality.

This will not help if you watch video from the mobile Internet, but in another case it will save from 20% to 80% of the traffic.

By the way, in Windows Phone this function is “wired” into the system itself and the standard browser: in the “Data Control” program, find the item “Saving information in the browser”.

5. Do not call

If you have unlimited Internet via Wi-Fi, it will be more profitable for both parties to call through special programs such as Skype or Viber.

True, when using one of the interlocutors, mobile Internet is in doubt.

Nevertheless, it is better to conduct long conversations via the Internet, if both interlocutors have already paid unlimited Internet.

What is true is that through the mentioned programs it is cheaper to call abroad to many countries of the world. For example, Viber allows you to call the United States for 200 rubles per minute, with mobile operators a minute in the United States costs about 10 thousand.

6. Write SMS via the Internet

Interestingly, Belarusian operators allow you to exchange SMS for free through their sites.

Conveniently, SMS will reach the subscriber, even if he does not have Internet.

It is inconvenient that the service of receiving SMS from the Internet still needs to be connected. And the number of such SMS per day is limited.

See details and send SMS on the websites of operators: MTS, velcom, life :).

7. Control traffic and free minutes

A separate item is the services included in the tariff plan: free minutes, megabytes and SMS. A handy thing, if any. But to notice that they are over is not so simple.

You can find out how much free is left with the same USSD codes: the same * 100 # in MTS, * 100 * 1 # in velcom, * 105 # in life :). It is possible with the help of the programs mentioned above.

Well, the most difficult to track, Internet traffic can be perfectly controlled on any smartphone.

On Android, go to the settings, and there find the item "Mobile traffic", "Cellular data" or "Data usage" (it is called differently in different phones) and set a limit and a warning about approaching the limit.

On iOS, in the settings there is a submenu “Cellular Data”, where you can see how much traffic is used, but you can set a limit only with third-party programs.

And on Windows Phone in the standard program "Information Control" you can set a traffic limit and prohibit background data transfer when approaching the limit.

And one more thing: if you connect or disconnect which service (for example, an additional package of minutes), wait for the confirmation of the operator so as not to start consuming services at the old price.

8. Do not be fooled

This is not even advice, but a universal rule for life, not just mobile.

“Send an SMS to a short number and win a million,” “your computer was blocked for watching porn, transfer a fine to such and such a account,” “download Opera Mini for free from our website” ... There are many fraud routes, many fraudsters.

Before any action that can cost money, ask yourself if you know how much it costs.

For example, you can check the prices of services for short numbers on the websites of operators: MTS, velcom, life :).

9. Keep track of the balance

Even if you are sure that you did not fall for fraud, you could spend extra money on calls or the Internet. Particularly attentive (and concise) you need to be during international calls.

To check how much you have already spent, you can dial the well-known USSD-code * 100 #.

You can also find out how much and what you spent on last month - it’s easier to do this through the online assistants of the operators: MTS, velcom, life :).

Smartphones allow you to quickly get all the information about the balance through special programs, for example, BalanceBY for Android, ByBalance for iOS or My Balance for Windows Phone.

Have you tested in practice another good way to save on your phone? Share it in the comments!

Alexander Arsenov

Voice mail is included in the basic package of services of the mobile operator MTS. For customers who constantly use this option, advanced options with a monthly fee are provided. You can disable or pause any type of voicemail. Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the subscriber, there are various ways to disconnect.

Ways to disable the service

USSD team

Using a combination of numbers, a USSD command is created to disable the option:

  • Basic - *111*2919*2# ;
  • Normal - *111*90*2# ;
  • A plus - *111*900*2# .

After dialing the USSD command in the dialing section of the phone, you must press the call button.

SMS message

As in the previous case with team requests to the operator, there are different SMS messages for different types of voicemail. To number 111 you need to send a message:

  • Basic - 29190 ;
  • Normal - 90 (space) 2;
  • A plus - 90 (space) 10.

SMS is sent free of charge. The response will be a notification about the successful disconnection of the service.

In your account on the official MTS website

On the operator’s official website there is a special section for remote management of subscribers - a personal account. As part of your personal account, options are connected and disabled, as well as settings and tariff changes. You can disconnect from voicemail as follows:

  1. Go to your personal account;
  2. Log in (login - subscriber's phone number, password is requested by SMS);
  3. Select the section "Services";
  4. Find mail in the list of connected options;
  5. Click on the “Disable” button.

A text message will be sent to the client’s phone with a notification that voice mail has been deactivated.

In the application "My MTS" on the phone

Official MTS software is provided to users for free. You can download the application in the App Store, GooglePlay, there is a version for owners of Windows-based smartphones - the Windows Store. After downloading:

  1. Pass authorization in the application;
  2. Go to the services section;
  3. Find the option you need in the list;
  4. Click the “Disable” button.

Management takes place according to a system similar to the personal account on the official website.

Call operator

One call to the MTS technical support hotline with a request to turn off voicemail will help to solve the problem quickly. Depending on the location of the client and the device from which the call is being made, different numbers will work:

  • 8-800-250-0890   for subscribers calling from Russian city numbers and mobile devices;
  • 0890   for calls from mobile phones and smartphones;
  • +7-495-766-01-66   - number for customers located abroad at the time of the call.

Calls to any of these phones are free of charge.

Ways to suspend a service

You can temporarily freeze voicemail by calling the operator or visiting the nearest MTS office. Command combinations and messages for this is not provided. Suspension is available to subscribers connected to regular and extended (plus) voicemail. The basic option can only be disabled permanently and reconnected as necessary.

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