Microsoft Word training program. Typing in the Word text editor Getting Started with Microsoft Office Word 2007

Word 2007 is the most popular application program. This program is designed for creating and processing text documents. User interface Word 2007 differs from the interfaces Word 97 - 2003. The Word 2007 environment can be found on the page.

The basis of the Word 2007 environment is made up of visual tools (commands in the form of buttons, fields for entering information or menus) located on Ribbon... These tools are designed to manage the content of the document during its creation and processing. Environment Word 2007 is designed taking into account all stages of the document creation process: text input, editing, formatting, and so on, which ensures efficient work with the application. The ribbon consists of tabs that contain user interface controls such as groups and commands.

It should be noted that the Ribbon consists of 9 standard built-in tabs. The spines of these tabs are displayed in the Word 2007 application window: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Links, Mailings, Review, View, Developer, and Add-in. By default, only 7 inline tabs open. Additionally, you can activate the built-in "Developer" tab. To do this, click on the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" button located to the right of the toolbar.

In the menu that opens, select "Other commands", the "Default for template" window will open, in which, by clicking on the General command, you can check the box: Show the "Developer" tab on the ribbon. Another Add-in tab does not appear on the ribbon until the legacy Word add-in has loaded.

In addition, Word 2007 uses contextual tab groups that are displayed on the Ribbon when working with a specific object in a document, for example, when working with pictures, tables, etc.

You can also add your own (custom) tab with a group of commands to the ribbon, or create your own tabbed ribbon. This requires knowledge of the basics of the VBA programming language and XML markup.

You can start the Word 2007 application in one of the following ways:

  • click on the Start button and select the Microsoft Office Word 2007 command in the main menu;
  • click on the Microsoft Office Word 2007 icon located on the Quick Launch;
  • double-click the shortcut for Microsoft Office Word 2007 on the desktop.

In addition, you can start Word 2007 by opening one of the Word 2007 documents (files).

When you start Word 2007, an application window opens (Fig., in the document window (in the editing window) of which a blank Document 1 is displayed. By default, the application opens on the Home tab, which displays all the required means for entering text or pasting text from the clipboard, editing and formatting it.

If you open multiple documents in Word 2007, each document opens in its own window. Switching between windows is carried out using the soft buttons on the taskbar or using the "Switch to another window" command on the View tab.


Blank Document 1 (Fig. is based on the global (common) template Normal (Normal.dotm), a template with no content, i.e. on an empty template. A template is a model or template for creating a new document. In Word, templates are used to store formatting information for documents.

By default, all documents in Word are created from the Normal template (Normal.dotm). Styles are part of the templates. Style as a template element is intended for the external design of the document and its paragraphs.

The Normal.dotm template defines the basic structure of the document and contains document settings, and the text is entered in the Normal (Express style) style, in which the main parameters of paragraph formatting are set: font - (Calibri - by default) + Body text, character alignment - Left edge, line spacing - a multiplier of 1.15 in., spacing After a paragraph - 10 pt., Prohibition of orphans.

Quick Styles are collections of different formatting options that appear as thumbnails in the Quick Styles gallery. When you hover over a Quick Style thumbnail, you can see how the selected text or paragraph where the cursor is positioned will take on the selected formatting.

The following types of templates can be used to create a document:

  • Empty and last;
  • Installed templates;
  • My templates;
  • From an existing document;
  • Microsoft Office Online (templates from the Internet).

To create a document based on a template, click on the "Office" button and select New. A dialog window will open (Fig., in which you need to select the required template and click on the Create button.


In Word 2007, you can create custom templates that are displayed in the "New" dialog box on the "My Templates" tab.

Probably, this article should have been written at the beginning of the creation of this site. But only now the hands and the head came to this matter. So, let's talk a little about how to work in word 2010. On the Internet, of course, you can find a lot of information about how to work with this editor, but reading them, already in the first paragraphs of the article, you want to close the page, leaving the site, never having learned anything useful for myself. The thing is that the articles are written in a complex scientific language, using "abstruse" terminology.

For example, I am used to being told information in an understandable, simple language. Well, so to speak, they chewed. So I set a goal for myself, to provide you with clear information on how to work in a Word. Moreover, in order to work as a freelancer, you must be familiar with the basic basics of using a text editor.

So, it's not a secret for anyone that it is the most famous text editor, which is used in all areas of activity and is designed to perform various types of operations related to the processing of material. Why do I say "processing", but because word is used not only for writing text, but also for:

  • correcting grammar errors in the text,
  • spelling errors,
  • when drawing up the appearance of documents,
  • creating tables,
  • images and drawings,
  • for processing business letters,
  • business cards,
  • using worda, you can calculate mathematical formulas,

i'm not even talking about the combined work with several Word documents. But I will not go deep into all the nuances that this editor provides us, we will focus on the simplest functions.

To get started, open the document. Immediately, by default, we have before us a blank "conditionally" sheet of paper, on which you can already type text. But let's first look around and analyze what is shown in its upper part. What we see:

  1. File.
  2. Home.
  3. Insert.
  4. Layout of pages.
  5. Links.
  6. Mailings.
  7. Reviewing.

What you need to know before you start working in word 2010

  • Save - a function that allows you to save a printed document.
  • save as , performs the same role as the previous one, only before saving allows us to give the document a name.
  • Open - the name itself indicates what the given key does, opens the current document.
  • Close - this command closes the current document. When you click on it, you will also be prompted to save the document.
  • Intelligence - information about the general meaning of the Word program.
  • Last thing - displays the last created documents.
  • Create a - by pressing this key, you will form a new text document Word.
  • Printing , here I think everything is clear to you, let's go further.
  • Save and send , I think these functions will be clear too.
  • reference , has the same character as the downmix function.
  • options , before working in word 2010, I would recommend visiting this function, which will allow you to customize your word to your liking.
  • Exit , terminates the program.

Home - this can be said to be the main menu when working in word 2010. All the necessary and priority functions are located here. Let's see what we see here. We read from left to right. The first menu is clipboard, in which you can insert a new document or a proposal from a new document into the current one. You just need to press the insert key, and a column will open in front of you on the left side, in which there will be text or what is in another Word document, which is open in parallel with your current document. In simple words, if you have two Word documents open, then this column allows you to transfer the contents of one document to another.

Change the font in the text

If this is a little clear, then go further to the column FONT ... This graph is responsible for highlighting our text with different " zagulins". Under this interesting word I have, I will introduce the selection of words and the whole text. In this menu, you can change the font, making it bold or underlined. In addition, there is a possibility highlight text in a different color when you click on the corresponding icon, see the screenshots. Next to the button that changes the color of the text, there is an icon for changing the background. With its help, you can select any part of the background of the text with a different color. The color of the text remains unchanged. (Example in the screenshot). You probably noticed the letters, ( F, K, H).

  • Bukovka F"Means bold text.
  • The letter " TO»Tilts the text to the right.
  • The letter " H»Underlines the text.

REMEMBER that in order to perform these operations in the text, you must select the part to which you want to apply these actions.

Further, referring to the panel ( FONT ) we will see a small inscription and numbers next to it. This function is responsible for changing the font of the text and its size. By clicking on the arrows, we will be offered a wide range of fonts, as well as their sizes. Starting from 8 and ending with 72.

This completes the font with the column and move on to the next one ( PARAGRAPH ). Those commands that are located in this column are responsible for the layout of the text. With their help, you can place text in the middle, align to the left, or to the right.

In addition, if you plan to split articles or documents into subparagraphs, then this can be done using the top line with the numbers located vertically. I draw your attention to the screenshot where I tried to describe in as much detail as possible what I just wrote. Actually, working in word 2010 is not so hard, the main thing is to read the hints that pop up when you hover over this or that icon.

Digressing a little from the topic, I would like to tell you that before working in word 2010, I was dealing with the 2003 version. As for me, the programmers from the campaign of the same name did a good job and everything is for our good. The functionality of these versions is simply not comparable. It has become so much more convenient to use the program. Well, okay, what am I talking about?

STYLES, I will not dwell on them much, there is essentially nothing to tell. It is clear that changing the style will change the spelling of the text.

And the last column of the main heading - EDITING. It contains three functions:

  1. To find. With its help, you can find any content in our document, for example, if you received a letter with a large list of something, and you need to find something specific in it, then in order to do this, just press the (find) key and insert in the menu that opens, search for what we need.
  2. Replace. This command allows you to replace the selected item with another.
  3. Highlight. Well, to be honest, I don’t use this function, it’s easier for me to select text or a fragment of it with the right mouse button. So, in my opinion, it is more convenient.

Well, that's what concerns the main heading. You will need this heading most often when writing text documents. If you are dealing with tables or images, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the next column, which is called INSERT. Everything is simple here. In the first column, we are offered the following:

  • Front page... This function in word 2010 will allow you to design the first page of your document with a beautiful title page, which you can choose from the proposed templates.
  • Blank page, a function to add the next sheet.
  • Page Break - makes a gap between your text pages.

Create tables in Word

Next in the text is the graph table , with which you can create any kind of tables, starting with the simplest. You just need to move the mouse and select the number of columns and columns you need. Alternatively, insert a table with Exel.

How to work with the Exel editor, I will try to tell you in my next post to this section, since this topic cannot be covered in one paragraph.

As for the column ILLUSTRATIONS , then in it we can attach graphic materials to our text: photos, pictures, various shapes. You can add drawings from your computer. If you click on the pictures, then a column with a list of ready-made pictures will open on the right side, from which we will have to choose the one that we like.

The next column is LINKS ... If you are already quite familiar with how to work in word 2010, then this column will be within your power. With its help, you can insert a link into the text to any external source. It is convenient to use this function if you are writing your resume or a questionnaire, in which you can insert a link to your site, where examples of work are located. Well, this is such a hint to you how you can use this function.

Another column that I would like to pay attention to is SYMBOLS ... If you click on the icon with the name of the formula, then you will see different symbols that you can substitute and display your formula, or you can use the formulated templates that are most often used in documentation.

In general, in word 2010, there are many functions that I still have to figure out. But what I know how to use, I told you. There is nothing complicated about it. My advice to you is to read the tips that the program gives you when you hover over any object.

As for the remaining columns:

  1. Page layout,
  2. Links,
  3. Mailings,
  4. Reviewing,

Then all these functions are presented in the first three headings. Here, their capabilities are revealed wider. If you are a confident PC user and know how to work in word 2010, then you yourself understand their purpose.

Well, as for the main work of the Word program, I briefly told you the main opportunities that it offers us. If you have any questions, and I think there are, then please ask them in the comments to this post. Thank you again for your precious time.

Alexander Ivanov.

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The popular test editor Microsoft Word is very popular among users around the world. It is the most powerful and easy-to-use professional word processing application.

Microsoft Word is part of the Microsoft Office suite. Many books and manuals have been published on working in the Word program. Many users have learned to use the program on their own, so some of the settings and functionality of the program may not be known to them.

In this article, I have written some simple Word tips that will help a novice user. These 15 useful Word tips work in versions of Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Word 2016. Perhaps, almost everything works in the version of Microsoft Word 2003 (I have no way to check).

How to select an entire document

In the window of an open Word document, press the key combination "Ctrl" + "A".

How to highlight an offer

Press the "Ctrl" button, and then click with the mouse cursor on any word from the sentence.

How to highlight a paragraph

To select a paragraph, three times click on any word of the paragraph.

How to select fragments of text in different places in the document

Select the first required text fragment in a Word document in any convenient way, and then, by pressing the "Ctrl" key, select the other required text fragments.

How to select a large piece of text

Place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the fragment, and then, by pressing the "Shift" key, click the mouse cursor at the end of the fragment.

How to change case

If you accidentally typed the text in capital letters, then you can return the case of letters to the usual form by first selecting the text, and then pressing the keys "Shift" + "F3".

Easy text wrapping

Wrapping text in a document without using copy / paste functions. Select part of the text, and then press "F2", move the cursor to the desired place in the document, and then press the "Enter" key.

The text will be transferred to a new location in the document.

Underline text, skipping spaces

By default, the standard order works in Word: when text is underlined, words and spaces (solid underline) are affected. What if you need to underline only words in the text, skipping spaces? To do this, select the text, and then press the "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "W" keys.

As a result, only words will be underlined in the text of the document, and spaces will be skipped. Pressing these keys again cancels the underline.

Move to the beginning or end of the document

In the open Word document window, press the keyboard shortcuts:

  • "Ctrl" + "Home" - go to the beginning of the document
  • "Ctrl" + "End" - go to the end of the document

Fast navigation on hyperlinks

By default, in Word to follow a link (hyperlink), you must first press the "Ctrl" key, and then click on the link. Hyperlinks can go to sites on the Internet, to other files, or within the document itself, to a specific place in the text of the document. Now I will tell you how to follow a link with one click.

Go into Word Preferences, select Options and then Advanced. In the section "Editing options" uncheck the box next to the item "CTRL + click to select a hyperlink".

Taking a screenshot in Word

Starting with the version of Word 2010, the program has the ability to create screenshots (screenshots). The screenshot is inserted directly into the Word document.

Go to the "Insert" tab, in the "Images" group, click on the "Snapshot" button. Next, select a window thumbnail from the list of open windows, or click on "Screen Clipping", and then select the desired fragment of the monitor screen with a frame.

Next, Word will automatically insert the screenshot into the open document. This image can be moved or modified like any other image in a Word document. Screenshot function works in Word 2010, Word 2013, Word 2016.

Combining documents

In Word, you can quickly combine documents so that you do not have to select, copy, and paste documents one at a time.

First open a new Word document, then go to the "Insert" tab, click on the arrow next to the "Object" button, in the menu that opens, select "Text from file ...".

After that, the contents of the selected documents will be sequentially copied into a new Word document.

Compare documents

Suppose that you need to compare two versions of the same document. Select a document, open the "Review" tab, click on the "Compare" button. The menu will open two options: "Compare ..." and "Combine ...". Click on the "Compare ..." option.

In the window that opens, you will see the differences between the versions of the document, highlighted in red.

Password protection

For confidentiality, encrypt the Word document with a password. Access to the encrypted document will be opened only after entering the password. You can read more about this.

How to repeat your actions several times in a row

In order not to repeat your actions several times in a row (entering text, inserting, deleting, etc.), use the redo command. After the action you want to repeat, press the "F4" keyboard button.

Conclusions of the article

With the help of 15 useful tips, the user can more productively and quickly work in Microsoft Word.

A user who wants to learn something new for himself, in particular, Word, first of all wants to learn how to work in Word. It is good if there is a teacher who can and has the desire to suggest, give lessons in computer literacy. And if it is not? You can still rely on the self-instruction manual, of which there are many today, and learn from there. However, your best bet is to learn Word on your own.

How they work in Word

So, when working with the Word program, an ordinary user without special skills performs the following operations:

  • creates a document;
  • prints letters and numbers;
  • deals with its editing or formatting, depending on the need;
  • saves the document;
  • prints it out.

Mastering an office application begins with creating a document. Every inexperienced user wants to learn how to make a document in a program. There is nothing complicated. To do this, click on the corresponding icon in the desktop panel. Typically, it looks like the letter W on a white background. You can assume that the document has been created. Now you need to start filling it.

The most time-consuming thing is typing. An inexperienced user, or user, immediately wonders how to type. There are many techniques, as well as lessons that are ready to help you master the basics of typing letters. Again, the tutorial is ready to help. But the best method is still recognized as a practical one. That is, you need to open a new Word document using the corresponding icon on the toolbar and start typing. This is not easy at first if you have never typed before. However, it will get easier over time, the typing speed will increase, your fingers will remember the location of the keys on the keyboard. And you will not think about how to make this or that operation faster. Only you cannot stop training, since a systematic approach is important in mastering any application.

Have you learned to type? It's time to start formatting your document. True, this can be done in the process of how to print, but better after. To help the user, various tools of the program: increasing or decreasing the size of letters, colors, centering of the typed. If desired, you can add a table, a picture and any shape to the text of the user's choice, day by day striving to become a confident user of a personal computer.

The resulting can be saved anywhere on a computer or external media. To do this, open "File", then "Save As", and then select a location for your first Word document. For example, it could be "Desktop". If there is a need for a printer, then the finished document can be printed using the "File" command, then "Print". So the tutorial recommends.

Here are the basics of working with a Word text document. Thus, in order to learn something, including mastering a text application, you need to practice, you can read a tutorial.

I will tell you how to work in the Word program included in the Microsoft Office package. This office suite includes:

  • text editor Microsoft Word. Program for typing and editing text documents;
  • microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Program for calculations, including using complex mathematical formulas, output of results in the form of diagrams;
  • Microsoft PowerPoint. Program for creating presentations;
  • Microsoft Outlook. The mail program, and several other programs.

The most commonly used are text editor and spreadsheets. In this lesson, we will learn how to create, beautifully design documents in the Microsoft Word editor.

Before we start, a few words about text document formats. On, in the section "File types" we examined what the file extension is, what it is for. Text documents have the extensions txt, rtf, doc, docx.

  • .txt - simple text documents, no formatting elements. To create a document in this format, there is a standard Notepad program, in which you can change the size or type of font, but the font of the entire document is changed. You cannot change the font or the size of an individual word.
  • .rtf - from English Rich Text Format, translated as "rich text format". The main feature of this format is the transfer of text documents between different operating systems. You can open text typed on a Windows computer on a Mac computer. In the rtf file, you can use various fonts, apply formatting, insert pictures, tables, diagrams into the text of the document. In OS "Windows" for opening, creating or editing documents in rtf format, there is a standard program "WordPad".
  • .doc (from English document - document) - a format that has become the de facto standard for text documents, Microsoft Word (read by Microsoft Word) included in the Microsoft Office package (Microsoft Office). Rich possibilities for formatting text, the ability to use many fonts, indents, paragraphs, bulleted and numbered lists, the use of multi-column text, insert images, tables, charts. In 2007, with the advent of Microsoft Office 2007, the .docx format appeared, which is a further development of the .doc format.

Microsoft Office is a paid program. If you have Microsoft Office installed on your computer, it will be easier for you. If not, there are some pretty good alternative free packages. In terms of functionality, they are very close to the Microsoft Office package, and often even in appearance, it is difficult to distinguish the interface of these programs. These are Apache OpenOffice and WPS Office packages. At the end of this tutorial, I'll show you how to download and install one of these packages.

Starting Microsoft Word

To start the Microsoft Word program, click the "Start" button, then "All Programs", "Microsoft Office", "Microsoft Word".

A blank page of a new document opens. Depending on the version of the package, there will be a difference in the interface, but the main points that we will consider will be present everywhere. I will use the example of Microsoft Office 10.

At the top we see a tabbed menu with many items. Simply describing them will do little. Therefore, we will type text and get acquainted with them in the process. For example, we want to type a statement. Some points will be artificial, but this is solely in order to show the capabilities of the package.

Fig. 1 To enlarge - left-click, return back - click again

First, let's choose a font. When we move the cursor over the icon on the menu ribbon and hold it, a hint about the purpose of the icon appears. The frame in Fig. 1, number 1, shows the area where the font is selected. Where is the number 2, click on the triangle, the font selection menu opens. Number 3 - font - "Times New Roman".

Let's choose the font size. The frame in Fig. 2, number 1, shows the area where the font size is selected. Also, where the number 2, click on the triangle, the font size menu opens. Number 3 - size 14.

The frame in Fig. 3 marks the text alignment area. It has 4 options.

  1. Align text to the left;
  2. Align Center;
  3. Align text to the right;
  4. Align Width.

Click item 3 - "Align text to the right".

We start to recruit. After typing "Head of office" press "Enter". The cursor moves to the next line, we continue to type. After we have typed "To" and "From whom" press "Enter" and in the text alignment area click on the 2 icon - "Align Center". We type "Statement" - again "Enter", in the alignment area - item 4 "Align to width" - "Enter".

We start to write a paragraph, press the "Tab" key to indent. We begin to write the text. Do not press the "Enter" key within the paragraph; as you type the text, it is evenly distributed across the width, aligning both on the left and right edges, adding additional spacing between words.

Press "Enter" for the next paragraph, or as in our example to insert a table.

To insert a table in Fig. 4 - click on the "Insert" tab, select the "Table" item, click the arrow below, the table template opens. With the mouse, move from the upper left corner to the right, thereby choosing the number of columns, lower it down, select the number of rows, in our case 4. A table appears on the sheet. The number of selected rows is not critical, if we did not have enough of them, we can easily add in the process of filling the table. Just standing in the lower right cell of the table, press the "Tab" key and we will add a new row.

When we created the table, all columns are the same width. In order to change the width of the column, move the cursor to the dividing line in Fig. 5, when it takes the form of two dashes with arrows to the right and to the left, press the left mouse button and move the line in the desired direction, bring it to the desired place and release the button.

To align the text in the columns, select them - with the left mouse button in Fig. 6, on the "Home" tab in the alignment section of columns 1 and 3 of our table, align them in the center, the 2nd to the left. We fill in the table. After filling, to exit the table, left-click under the table and continue writing.

Our application is ready. Let's check the spelling for errors. Click the tab

"Reviewing", "Spelling". If there is an error, a window opens in Fig. 9, where the error is described,

a variant of its correction is proposed. On the right in the window, you can select the button "Change", "Skip", "Skip all", "Next". When the check is complete, the Spell Check Completed window appears.

If we need to print a typed document (it is assumed that we have a printer, and it is connected and configured), click on the "File", "Print" tab.

In Figure 11, number 3 shows the layout of what the page will look like. If we have typed several sheets, number 4 shows which sheet, we look and the arrows can be used to look at other sheets. Use the number 5 to select the number of copies to print. In order to send a document to the printer, press the button with the printer, figure 6 in the figure.

In order to save the selected document to a file, click on the floppy disk in the upper left corner in Fig. 12, number 1. By the way, on the tip, number 2, you can see that by pressing the key combination +, the file save dialog window also opens, Fig. 13.

The frame with the number 1 shows where the file will be saved. The arrow in frame 2 will help you select a different folder. Box 3 is the file name suggested by the system. We can change it by naming it as it is convenient for us, and then press the button 4 - "Save". Close the Microsoft Word program.

If we forgot to add something, we start Word again,

and no matter what it takes to look for our document for a long time, click the "File" tab, select the "Recent" item, in the "Recent Documents" list we find the necessary one, click on it, and it opens.

Greeting card.

When creating a business document, we used a very small part of the capabilities that Microsoft Word gives us.

Let's try to create a greeting card in Word.

Open Microsoft Word. We select fig. 15

font "Times New Roman" - (1), font size - 28 (2), bold (3), italic (4), text color (5) - press the arrow next to it - select red (6), alignment - "Align to center "(7). We write "Congratulations", press "Enter".

Click on the "Insert" tab (1) Fig. 16,

select the item "Picture" (2) and click on it. A standard file selection window opens, where we find the folder in which we have previously saved a beautiful picture (3). Click on it to select it and press the "Insert" key (4).

The result is in Figure 17.

Push +(to be at the end of the picture), and press .

We write "Happy birthday" ... Next is the text of the wish. If you need to change the font of any word, or change the color, select this word (how to select) and change the font or size or color, what we want. Print and save, we already know how.

As a result, we have such a postcard.

greeting card

As I promised, I will tell you how to download and install a free analog of Microsoft Office, WPS Office, on your computer. We follow this link. We get to the WPS Office website Fig. 18.

There are two options for downloading - paid for $ 29.99 and free "Free Download", click on this button and download the installation file. After downloading, go to the "Downloads" folder and run the file we downloaded.

The installer window (Fig. 19) opens.

Press the button "Install".

The package is being installed Fig. 20.

At the end of the installation, WPS Writer is launched, an analogue of Microsoft Word. Fig. 21.

then "Parameters (D)" (2). In the opened window Fig. 23

parameters, select the item "General and save" (1), click in the circle "New document" (2) and click "OK" (3).

Next window fig. 24

offers us three options "New blank document" (1), "Create on another template" (2), "Open" (3). Click the first item in Fig. 25 - the WPS Writer text editor window opens.

As we can see, the interface is very similar to that of Microsoft Word. All those menu items and tabs with which we worked in Word are here. We can use a free alternative to Word.

We now have three new icons on our desktop in Figure 26.

WPS Writer is analogue of Microsoft Word, WPS Presentation is analogue of Microsoft PowerPoint, WPS Spreadsheets is analogue of Microsoft Excel.

Since the programs are free, the advertisement window for the paid version (Fig. 27) opens upon launch.

The text highlighted in red (1) “You can skip ad in 5s” is translated as “You can skip the ad in 5 seconds” and the stopwatch is running. When the stopwatch has passed, Fig. 28,

the inscription "Skip ad" (1) - "Skip" remains - click on it, the ad disappears, we can work.

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