Word make the page landscape view. Page orientation in MS Word (how to change the orientation of one or all pages in a document)

Typically, when creating a text file, the page will be in portrait or portrait orientation. Sometimes, working with a document, you may encounter a problem when the information you need in the form of a table or diagram is stretched and simply does not fit. The ideal solution to this problem is to convert the format of a single page.

The user has the opportunity to choose between portrait and landscape spread

The most obvious action might be to change the rotation of the sheet when setting print options. However, if you need to save the document and send it to another person, this option is not suitable, since the formatting will have to be done over again.

Adjusting position throughout the document

It is not difficult to guess that the least time consuming process will be to turn over all the sheets in the document. To do this, you need to find the "Page Layout" area and select the desired format there from the drop-down menu, which contains 2 options - "Landscape" and "Portrait". It is worth noting that the once adopted provision will be applied to the subsequent pages of the document, which indicates their strong relationship with each other.

Changing the position of one sheet

Obviously, a variety of tables or informative pictures of high resolution can take up a lot of space. Moreover, they need to be organically inserted into the text.

To achieve this, select all the text on the page that you want to reposition. It is worth noting that if you do not select all the information, then the rest will be moved to the next or previous page. You can also designate the orientation transition by placing the cursor in front of the text you want to leave unchanged. Thus, the sheet will be torn, and the necessary information will be on the next one.

Then go to the "Page Layout" tab and select the "Fields" option, the "Custom Fields" item. In the menu that opens, we find the desired position and below we determine to which part of the document the selected parameters will be applied. In our case, select the item "To the selected text".

If you preferred the method of breaking the sheet, you must also go to the "Page Layout" tab in the same way, but there select the "Breaks" item, and in it - "Next Page". After that, you need to assign the end point of the formatted sheet by placing the cursor on the position after the last word, and follow the above procedure, specifying a different type of orientation.

Change spread in Word 2003

If in relatively modern versions of Word, released from 2007 to 2016, the setting of the parameters in question is not very different, then in earlier versions, for example, 2003, there are some nuances. The bottom line is that there are no areas familiar in the latest versions of the program, which may cause you some misunderstanding. In fact, everything is simple. It is necessary to select the "File" option and mark the preferred spread in the appeared list. If you need to change the orientation of only one sheet, you should select all of its contents before performing the above steps.

Given that many materials can be quite wide or long, applying the methods listed above and changing the text or picture in this way can greatly facilitate the work and organize your document. Now you know exactly how to do this.

For various reasons, the user may need the landscape orientation of the sheet in the "Word" program, but the main problem is that not everyone knows how to do it. It is more difficult to do this in the 2003 version of the program, because the graphical interface has become more complex.

This article will tell you how to make an album sheet in 2003 "Word". Three different methods will be demonstrated: changing the orientation of one sheet, all sheets, and changing the orientation by creating new sections. As a result, you can independently determine for yourself which method is more convenient to use.

Change the orientation of one sheet

The first way, as in 2003 "Word" to make a landscape sheet, will deal with the case when you need to change only one page, and not all. The fact is that these, at first glance, the same actions are performed in different ways.

So, you have opened a document in which you need to change the orientation of one sheet. What needs to be done for this?

    While holding down the left mouse button, select a block of text on the page that you want to change.

    Click on the "File" button located in the upper left part of the program window.

    In the drop-down menu, place the cursor on the "Page settings" item and press the left mouse button.

    In the window that appears, go to the "Fields" tab.

    In the "Orientation" area, click on the "Landscape" item.

    In the "Sample" area, from the "Apply" drop-down list, select the "To selected text" item.

    Click the "OK" button.

After that, you will notice that all the text that you selected has been moved to the landscape page. Now you know the way how to make an album sheet in 2003 "Word". But what if you need to change the orientation of the entire document? Of course, turning each sheet this way will take a lot of time. There is a way that will allow you to do this with a few mouse clicks. Now we will analyze it.

Change the orientation of the entire document

If you already know how to make a one-page album sheet in 2003 "Word", then you can easily do this with the entire document. The point is that these methods are quite similar. And the differences lie in the choice of one option. To avoid any difficulties in the process of completing the task, use the detailed instructions.

    Open the document in which you want to turn all the pages.

    Click the "File" button, which, as you already know, is located in the upper left corner of the program.

    Click in the drop-down menu on the "Page settings" item.

    Go to the "Fields" tab in the window that appears.

    In the "Orientation" area, change it to "Landscape".

    From the drop-down list located in the "Sample" area, select the item "To whole document".

    Click OK.

As soon as you finish performing all these steps, all sheets in the document will be flipped, that is, they will have a landscape orientation. As you can see, all the points are almost the same. The only differences are that you do not need to preselect the text that you want to flip, and that from the "Apply" list you need to select "To the entire document".

So you have learned the second method, how to make an album sheet in Word 2003. In the meantime, we are moving on to the third method.

Changing the orientation of a new section

Another way, how you can insert a landscape sheet in the "Word" 2003, create new sections and change them. Here the instruction is almost the same, but there is a fundamental difference. First you need to create sections.

    Place the cursor where you want the new section to start.

    Click the "Insert" button.

    Select Break.

    In the window that appears, select "From Next Page".

    Click OK.

Then follow the instructions from the previous subheading. Now you can pre-select the area where you want to change the orientation, and when you print the document, the formatting will never change.


As a result, you learned three ways how you can simply change the orientation of one or more sheets. Decide for yourself which method you like and use it.

It is well known that a Word can contain both book and album sheets. That is, there is a portrait or landscape orientation of the document pages. Portrait orientation is usually A4 size. But what if this size is not enough. This can happen when you need to insert a long table, long graph, or large image. In this case, the knowledge of that will come in handy, since the album sheet is much wider than the usual format. In order to select or change the orientation of the sheet on the toolbar, go to the "page layout" tab. Further, right there in the page settings section, we find "orientation". We choose book or landscape. That's it, the sheets of the entire document will take the desired orientation.

Select landscape orientation

But sometimes the question arises, how to make only one album sheet? Or maybe you need to make part of the album sheets, and part of the book. How to be?

Lesson - how to make only one album sheet.

First, we put the cursor at the beginning of the page that will be landscape, click it. Then we follow the same path: the “page layout”, “orientation” tab. But now let's pay attention in the same section "page settings" to the small button at the bottom right. Moving the cursor over it, we will see the "page settings" dialog box, go into it. There are three tabs here, we need the first "fields", we stay in it. We select landscape orientation and this will be reflected on the sample, then we select “apply to the end of the document”. If you check "apply to the whole document", then again all sheets will become landscape. If you need only one album sheet, you must select "to the end of the document".

How to make landscape orientation - button at the bottom "page options"

We see that starting from this sheet, all sheets have become landscape. Next, let's leave this sheet in landscape orientation. The next sheet, from which the portrait orientation should again go, click the cursor at the beginning of the sheet. Again we go along the same path, only now we change the landscape orientation to portrait. We are left with one album sheet in the middle of the document.

Here in the "page parameters" you can select the fields for the landscape page.

In principle, this is all that concerns how to make a landscape sheet in Word.

How often do you create ads? - Sooner or later, every Word user is faced with some nuances of working with the program. For example, how to make a landscape page in Word? It would seem - what could be easier ?! However, as with the case with, there are many tricks and tricks that will allow you to do whatever you want with the page orientation!

Let's look at Microsoft Office Word 2016 as an example, but the instruction is applicable to any version of Word starting from 2007 with minimal changes (for example, in 2016 the tab is called "Layout" and in 2007 - Page markup, the meaning does not change from this)

Recently I was preparing a Word document and faced an interesting situation! I typed about 30 pages in the Word and now I needed to make one of them landscape ...

Here's the truth - I have been using Word for over 15 years and have never encountered such a problem before. For about 20 minutes I experimented with sections and page breaks and finally realized how it works (fundamentally did not look in the internet)

Creating one album page in Word is not entirely intuitive task. If you have never encountered sections and page breaks before, then most likely you will not be able to understand how it works at all ... but you are here and explain this process my task

How to make a landscape sheet in Word (for the entire document)

Switching from portrait to landscape orientation for the entire document in Word is as easy as shelling pears - we need the Layout tab (or "Page Layout" depending on the version of the office suite)... We are looking for the "Orientation" button and select "Landscape" in the pop-up menu.

All pages of the document will change orientation to landscape ... and if you had data there, it will surely break your entire layout. In general, nothing complicated until it comes to changing one specific page to the landscape one!

Landscape orientation one page Word 2007-2016

We have two ways to landscape one sheet of a Word document. The first is simple and the second is correct (in my opinion)... I recommend using the option with sections and breaks (the second one) since it gives a complete picture of the layout of documents and editing it in the future is much easier.

Method 1

Microsoft Word has the ability to apply page rotation only to the selected text fragment. It works and is very easy to do, but this method is unpredictable. First, you should already have typed the text, and secondly, no one knows exactly how many album pages it will take from you.

Why am I? - For example, I selected a part of the note and decided to make it in landscape format ... the fragment did not fit and now I have two album sheets in the document. You can use it, but not very convenient. However, you still need to talk about it, for express editing it will do quite well.

Select the text that needs to be placed on the sheet with landscape orientation. Looking for the "Layout" tab (or "Page Layout" - have I bothered you with this clarification yet?) and click on the "Page settings" settings.

In the window with formatting parameters, mark the "Landscape" item in the "Orientation" category and mark in the drop-down list that apply only "to the selected text".

Click "OK" and make sure that the selected text fragment is now located on the MS Word album page - absolutely nothing complicated.

The problem is not only that the text must first be typed and it is not clear how it will be located on the page - this option of changing the portrait to landscape will add problems to future users, in whose hands your document will fall

Method 2

So we got to the correct implementation of the task - we deal with the sections. Open the required Word document and go to the bottom of the page after which you want to place the landscape sheet.

What do we have? - There is a document where you only need to make the second page landscape. To do this, go to the end of the first page and on the "Layout" tab (or "Page Layout") click Breaks. In the drop-down menu under the Section Breaks category, select Next Page.

Now the most important thing is that we need to see where our partition boundaries are. The Home tab has a Show All Characters button (¶) and the sections are now easily discovered (highlighted in yellow in the picture below)

Now we go directly to the second page, a new section begins from it and therefore the orientation change will occur only for this section (the first page will remain untouched)... Just go to the Layout tab and choose landscape orientation.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the second and all your subsequent pages are a single section and all sheets will be landscape. So that after the second page the books go again, you just need to add a section break and set your parameters in the new section

As a result, we get as many as three sections:

  1. First bookstore - first section
  2. Second album - second section
  3. The third album and all subsequent ones - the third section

I hope you understand how it works and you will be happy to apply this method in practice.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult to make an album page in Word. We have figured out the option of how to quickly make all pages of a document landscape or selectively a couple of sheets. If you have problems creating such pages - be sure to write in the comments, I will try to help you!

The orientation of pages in a MS Word document can be portrait or landscape. Most often, when formatting text, they use portrait orientation for pages. But it also happens that a picture, graph or inscription in large print does not fit on the page width. In this case, you can make one or more album pages in Word. This is what I will tell you about in this article.

How to make landscape orientation of all pages in Word

This is the simplest question. Open the document you want, then go to the tab "Page layout"... In chapter "Page settings" click on the "Orientation" button and select the appropriate item from the menu. After that, all pages of the document will become landscape orientation.

How to make landscape orientation for multiple pages in Word

Now let's imagine that you have several pages in a Word document for which you need to make landscape orientation. All other pages should remain in portrait orientation.

To do this, select all the text on the desired pages, go to the tab "Page layout" and in section "Page settings" click on the small arrow in the lower right corner.

A dialog box will open. In it, in the "Orientation" section, set "Landscape". Then in the Apply field select "To selected text" and click OK.

The selected pages have become landscape orientation, and all the others have remained portrait.

There is another way to make several landscape pages in MS Word. To do this, put italics at the beginning of the text, on the page from which the landscape will begin, go to the tab "Page layout", click on the "Breaks" button and select from the drop-down list "Next page".

Now put italics at the beginning of the page where the portrait sheets will start again, and repeat all the steps. When non-printable characters are enabled, the inscription will be displayed Section Break (from next page).

Put italics on one of the pages, which will be landscape, go to the tab "Page Layout" and in section "Page settings" click on the arrow. In the next window, select landscape orientation, and in the "Apply" field, select "To the current section"... Click OK.

All pages that were in the current section have become landscape orientation.

How to make one album sheet in Word

If you need to make one landscape page in the Word, then you can use the methods described in the previous paragraph. Just apply them to one page.

Now you can easily create portrait or landscape pages in your document. Moreover, you can change the orientation both for several and for one page.

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