How to disable international roaming in a megaphone. Megaphone: how to disable or enable international roaming

This news will tell you about an event that the MTS operator clearly wanted to leave unnoticed for most of its subscribers. Including for those who have already connected the service. This is about entering a subscription fee for the service "Prohibition of GPRS roaming", which blocks data transmission when the subscriber is in international roaming.

So, in the midst of the New Year holidays, January 4, 2013, when the vast majority of subscribers were very far from questions mobile communication, a news appeared on the MTS website describing, at first glance, the well-known possibilities (various options) of saving on communication services in foreign trips. At first it might seem that this is just a belated reminder to subscribers traveling abroad on holidays. In fact, it turned out that this information there is a conscious step by MTS, the purpose of which is - hide deeper news about the introduction of a subscription fee for the "Prohibition of GPRS-roaming" service, information about which is at the very bottom of the text under the heading "Hit Parade of Useful MTS Services for Vacation", which is completely unrelated to its content:

"five. GPRS roaming prohibition is a service that allows you to disable the reception and transmission of data in your phone while traveling abroad. With it, you do not have to worry about the costs of mobile Internet in roaming, since from your phone number access to The world wide web through mobile networks will be temporarily limited for the entire period of your trip abroad, while you will still be able to access the Internet through local WI-Fi networks.

From January 15, 2013, you can enable or disable the option in the Internet Assistant menu or by dialing * 111 * 496 # [handset] on your phone.

The service is provided free of charge within 15 days from the moment of activation. Further, the daily fee for its use will be 1 ruble. These opportunities will also apply to subscribers who subscribed to the service earlier than the specified date. "

Of course, the operator got what he wanted, since on holidays this kind of news was read (or read to the end!) by not every subscriber.

Further, as it turned out, MTS sent out to a number of subscribers who have activated this service, warning them about entering an SMS subscriber. However, as usual, apparently, something went wrong with the operator, and not all of the company's customers received SMS data. For example, in my family of 3 numbers with activated service "Prohibition of GPRS-roaming" informing about the introduction of the monthly fee SMS came just one... Initially, I found out about such a mailing list (and about the upcoming paid service itself) on the Cell forum:

“Thank you for the warning and for sending a free SMS. From 01/15/2013 after 15 days and free connection further 1 rub / day. Those who are already connected will be charged from 02/01/2013. Disable * 111 * 496 # ".

So, as you can see above, the operator warned that those who had activated the "Prohibition of GPRS-roaming" earlier, the subscription fee for the service will be debited from February 1, 2013... However, in reality, another unpleasant surprise awaited me (and a number of other subscribers of the company)!

On the morning of January 17, 2013, the MobileBalance program showed extra write-offs on one of my rooms. Write-offs amounted to total 1 ruble, however, services with a monthly fee for this issue (tariff "Your Country") was not connected. The ordering of detailing via the Internet-assistant revealed a write-off of a daily subscription fee of 1 ruble just for the "Prohibition of GPRS-roaming" service:

Of course, according to the terms of the MTS operator itself, there should be no write-offs until February 1. The option "Prohibit GPRS-roaming" was activated on the number several years ago. Moreover, MTS did not receive any SMS-informing about upcoming levies to this number!

Of course, I immediately turned off the service on all my numbers through the Internet Assistant, but as of February 17, in the column “Cost per month (rubles)” of the “Prohibition of GPRS-roaming” service there was a figure of 0 rubles.

Another jamb of MTS or a desire to "earn" a millionaire or two on their ignorant subscribers, the overwhelming majority of whom will not complain to the operator about one ruble that has disappeared there? Or even won't notice it. Draw your own conclusions.

On the face of the operator stimulate subscribers do not use the ban of mobile Internet while traveling abroad, i.e. increase the risk of their unforeseen expensesthat can become very, very significant.

Fortunately, modern Android smartphones and iPhones are able to turn off data transfer in roaming by themselves, however, just in case, you need to check this in the device's settings before traveling.

The only thing that I would like to additionally note is that Beeline does not have such an option at all, while MegaFon has it much later than MTS and (so far!) Does not have a monthly fee.

Mobile Internet is one of the most popular services among subscribers of various cellular operators... This is due to the fact that modern man it is difficult to do without the Internet: communication with friends and loved ones through instant messengers, social networks, data transfer - personal files, documents and presentations on work, etc. Thus, in order to always stay in touch and keep abreast of news and the latest events, subscribers configure their gadgets (tablet PCs, mobile phones) to connect to the global network ...

Also for the mobile Internet service, cellular operators offer a whole line of specialized options. In this article, we will tell you how to perform GPRS settings on the Megafon number, what tariffs apply to the Internet service, how they can be reduced by connecting advantageous options.

general description

Before talking about how it is carried out on mobile gadgets, you should give general description Moreover, GPRS settings - what is it. This term means an add-on in gSM networksrequired to connect to the Internet. Initially, on earlier models of cell phones, Internet speeds could theoretically reach 171.2 Kbps. Nowadays, such indicators may seem ridiculous to Internet users. After all, many telecom operators allow you to use 4G Internet, which is not much different in speed from the wired one. GPRS settings (what it is, it was indicated earlier) means the standard setting of parameters for the mobile Internet.

Internet service connection

On the SIM card of the Megafon operator, as well as on the number of any other telecom operator, the Internet service is connected by default and is included in the basic services. Therefore, the question of how to connect GPRS on Megafon is not entirely correct, because this setting GSM network is already part of the operator's services. All the subscriber needs to do is configure the device. Moreover, if not planned with mobile device carry out Internet sessions, then the Internet service can be turned off altogether in order to avoid unplanned expenses. In addition, you can refuse to use it by deactivating mobile data on the device itself. Modern gadgets allow you to easily manage its condition.

How can I get GPRS settings to the Megafon number?

Most modern cellular operators allow you to protect the client from unnecessary manipulations: after installing a SIM card in the slot of the device, configuration is performed automatically after registering in the network. In some situations, human intervention may be required if the machine cannot be set up automatically. What can a client do? First, you can always request via automatic system Megafon settings. They will come in the form text message and all the subscriber needs to do is save them in his phone. An alternative this way will become manual on the device.

Setting internet parameters

You can request GPRS settings for the Megafon operator's number by sending a 1 in the message text to 5049. If after a while the message with the parameters does not arrive, it makes sense to contact the operator (by free phone 0500). So, if, nevertheless, the parameters were received in the message, then they need to be saved (or applied) in the phone (tablet). Then you should reboot the device and you can start using the Internet.

GPRS ("Megafon" is considered as an operator) can be done manually. To do this, go to general settings operating system gadget, select the "Cellular" section and go to the "Access points (APN)" item (the names of the sections may differ). Then, in the form that opens, you need to create a new access point by assigning an arbitrary name to it. Next, you must specify the APN - in the case of Megafon, this is Internet. The rest of the parameters can be left blank, as well as the login and password. If your gadget does not accept empty fields and requires you to specify a username and password, then you should write - gdata in both fields. You do not need to perform any more actions. The setting must be saved.

Contacting the communication salon

As a rule, the measures described earlier make it possible to quite simply deal with the issue of setting up the Internet on the Megafon operator's card. GPRS settings can be saved from a message that is sent automatically by the operator's service, or manually registered by the client. But what if all these actions did not lead to success, and you still cannot use the Internet? Office staff can help solve this problem. It is enough to contact the Megafon branch with your gadget and explain exactly what the difficulty arises. Owners chinese models phones may be denied assistance.

Internet cost

Mobile internet GPRS ("Megafon" - the operator) has a fixed fee - 9.90 rubles per one megabyte of data. For active Internet use, it is recommended to connect unlimited internet or use tariff plans that already include certain traffic. Among additional optionsthat can connect over tariff plan, it is possible to single out the package with the minimum cost and volume of traffic - XS (70 megabytes is provided to the client per day for a subscription fee of 7 rubles). The maximum is the L package - every month 36 gigabytes of traffic are allocated per subscriber. payment of 890 rubles per month.

The subscriber can choose any package that, in his opinion, is the most suitable for his needs. In this case, it will be possible to reconnect the option if, for example, the volume of traffic for it turned out to be insufficient for you, or, conversely, you cannot use the limit, which is calculated for one month. Please note that the rest of the traffic is not carried over to the new billing period. Thus, there is no need to save on traffic, all the more it is possible to extend it if it has been completely consumed. You can find out more about the conditions for connecting options and their cost relative to your region on the operator's website, indicating the area in advance.

GPRS-roaming "Megafon"

It is quite unprofitable to use the Internet while roaming, especially internationally. When traveling abroad, in order to save money, it is recommended to purchase local SIM cards or use wireless internet... For trips in Russia, you can use any of the options (except XS) - S / M / L - the set amount of traffic can be spent while in any region of the country. Also, to optimize the cost of Internet services in roaming, the services "Internet abroad" and "Internet in Russia" can be used. You can find out the terms of provision regarding your region on the official website of the operator.

For those who want to protect themselves and exclude the possibility of connecting to the Internet abroad, you can prohibit the use of Internet roaming. This can be done as follows:

  • By dialing the ban * 105 * 746 # (in the future it can be removed so that you can use the Internet again).
  • By calling the operator at the number free line support - 0500 (the specialist will send to your phone, having previously specified the model of the device, automatic settings in the SMS message).
  • By contacting the Megafon salon (employees will help you to correctly configure the service on a smartphone or tablet).
  • Using the functionality of your personal account.


In this article, we talked about how you can configure the Internet different ways, under what financial conditions is data transmission via GPRS "Megafon" channels made, what options can be used to optimize costs, subject to active use, etc. Please note that the cost of communication services is given for the Moscow region, you can clarify tariffs for your region at the operator's website or by contacting the contact center.

Not all megaphone subscribers know that the cost of communication and Internet traffic in roaming increases dramatically. In some cases, invoices issued for payment may exceed 100 thousand rubles or more. Therefore, when traveling outside home region or abroad, it is advisable to disable the reception / transmission of data in the GPRS / EDGE / 3G format.

If the subscriber plans to use the Internet and communication abroad, then he will need to connect or additional options.

When you are outside your region, your number is automatically registered in the network. Only in some countries of the world you have to manually activate roaming.

You can simply deactivate the SIM card while traveling abroad, but in this case, relatives will not be able to contact you even in emergency cases... But in order not to disconnect the connection completely, a ban on calls or the Internet is established. In this case, the smartphone will be able to automatically connect to wi-Fi networks while on the territory of hotels, train stations, airports.

How to set a ban on the Internet in roaming

Corporate clients can activate a special option that will help to avoid accidental activation of roaming while traveling in the Russian Federation and abroad. Moreover, access to mobile Internet will be carried out under normal conditions.

The option is connected and disconnected:

In other ways, for example, in your Personal Account or by sending a command, you cannot enable or disable the option.

Conditions for activating the prohibition of intranet roaming:

  • The service is available exclusively for users of corporate rates;
  • The balance state does not affect the ability to connect the service;
  • Validity period - unlimited (as long as the subscriber does not turn off the service himself);
  • The option cannot be deactivated while the number is being blocked.

Subscribers should remember that roaming prohibition is automatically activated only when crossing the border of a region or state. Within the region, there are megaphone tariffs that are currently connected to the user.

Service cost

Service activation is free for all subscribers. The subscription fee is 0 rubles. That is, neither corporate nor other clients should pay anything for the service. Therefore, connection is available even with a negative balance.

This option is useful for people who travel a lot and often in Russia and other countries, or go on a long business trip abroad. If a user rarely travels outside the region, for example, only on vacation once a year, then it will be easier for him to turn off roaming directly in his phone, and not with the operator, during the trip.

Users mobile operator Megafon connections can be connected outside their home region if they have access to roaming. Initially, there is no need to connect to it separately, since it turns on automatically immediately after you leave your region, allowing you to make roaming operations. The question is how to disable international roaming Megaphone, we will analyze in this article.

Disabling megaphone roaming is a simple process, if you want, you can find suitable ways to disable megaphone roaming with just a little effort.

Basic tariffs for international roaming megaphone.

  • "The whole world"
  • "Around the world"
  • "At home everywhere"
  • "All Russia"

This function also has negative sides, one of the main ones being a significant increase in costs. So if you are not one of those people who want to be constantly in touch while traveling, or do not travel at all, it will be useful to learn how to turn off roaming on a megaphone in order to avoid unnecessary expenses. Next, we'll talk about how to lose unnecessary services and make your life with an operator easier.

Setting a ban

The exclusion of this service will lead to the fact that outside of your network you will not be able to use a cell phone using your SIM card. Therefore, you can only turn off the Internet while roaming, this is also provided.

But if you nevertheless come to the conclusion that it is worth completely depriving yourself of such roaming advantages, then you can refuse this in various ways, since the company has taken care of the comfort of subscribers and has created many services for working with your SIM card.

So, how to turn off roaming megaphone:

  • Using your personal account. You can carry out most of the actions with your SIM card, control the functions that are connected to it through the "Service Guide". To do this, you will first need to register there, if you have not already done so. After you have entered - select the "Service and Tariff Management" tab and follow it. The next step is to uncheck those related to roaming in the list of services that are connected.
  • Contacting the customer support center. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to work with your SIM card. To contact the support center, dial 0500. Or + 7-926-111-05-00.
  • Visit to a communication salon. An extremely inconvenient choice if there is no salon near you. Despite this, it is very effective, you will have the opportunity to talk directly with a specialist, explain to him.

You can turn off roaming on a megaphone from your phone using the USSD command. There is also a code feedback with service technical support for the provision of roaming services, thanks to which you can unsubscribe from this service directly from your phone. To use it, you need to dial the following set of numbers: * 105 * 00 # and press the call. The method is not very convenient, so if you are not an experienced user, it would be better to choose another.

Many subscribers are interested in how to turn off roaming in Russia on a megaphone. The rules here are almost the same, apart from some details, but in it is turned off in the same way as international.

All Russia program

The All Russia program is one of the most popular, it allows you to have a normal connection outside your region throughout the country. But it also consumes a lot of money from a mobile account, so customers often wonder how to turn off roaming megaphone "All Russia". To do this, you need to contact a support agent, visit the operator's salon, or send empty message to number 0500975.

If you still need a stable connection, but you want to exclude the Internet from the list, then this situation is also provided. By doing this, you will refuse services related to the Internet connection, but keep all the rest. There are such means of turning off the roaming Internet:

  • Using a USSD request. To do this, you need to call using the following combination of numbers: * 105 * 747 * 0 #.
  • Exclusion of the GPRS roaming option. A certain set of numbers is also produced here, namely - * 105 * 746 #.
  • Disconnect with by sending SMS. It is required to send an empty SMS to the number 000105746.
  • By using your personal account. Here everything is the same as with the refusal of roaming in general. Only now, instead of excluding all items associated with it, only the Internet is selected.


As a result, I would like to say that roaming is very convenient, although it has its drawbacks. Thanks to this, you can simplify your life when traveling or on business trips. Unfortunately, it significantly reduces the balance on the account, which makes it not a very universal choice. That is why, before proceeding to abandon it, it would be better to think well and weigh everything, and only then decide whether to use the paths described above, or leave everything as it is.

Cost of use mobile phone in roaming is much higher than in the region of presence. You can turn off roaming on a megaphone using different ways: set a ban on calls, SMS and the Internet through your personal account, USSD request, call to the operator or contact the company's sales office.


You can set a ban by sending SMS.

  1. leave the message field empty;
  2. we send SMS to the number 0500978 .

The service is considered connected if a message with information about successful activation is received in response.

USSD command

This is the easiest method to disable roaming. To use it, you should:

  • dial with cell phone request - *105*00# - challenge.
  • the system automatically activates the service.

The request is immediately processed and the option is enabled. The notification about the connection of the service comes in an SMS message.

Personal Area

"Service Guide" will help to establish a ban on calls and SMS. The service is available only to users who have registered in personal account (LC) on the operator's website.

The personal computer is accessible both from a computer and from a mobile phone.

Registration procedure:

  1. We go to the site -

  1. In a new window, you must specify a valid mobile number ( detailed instructions shown in the right corner of the form).
  2. The password can be obtained by dialing a request on the phone - *105*00# , or by sending an SMS with numbers “ 00 "To the number - 000110 .
  3. An SMS with a password will be sent to the cell phone number, which should be entered in the appropriate field.
  4. Press the button "Enter".

After logging in, we proceed to setting a ban on communication services. For this:

  • find the section "Service and Tariff Management" and click on it;

  • in the list of active options, we find those that are directly related to roaming. Here you can disable the use of communication services, as well as add. options. For example, if the list contains the services "All Russia" or "Whole World", they can be deactivated.

Call to operator

If it is not possible to use the listed methods, you should contact the support service. To call the operator, dial the number 0500 - challenge.

Number for communication in roaming - 8 926 111 05 00 ... In the voice menu, select the item - Communication with the operator, follow the instructions.

Salon Megafon

Contacting a sales salon is inconvenient, but effective method... Experienced employees will promptly help in resolving any issues. To deactivate the service, a passport is required.

Only the owner of the phone number should contact the salon, so if he is registered with a relative or friend, then he should visit the sales office.

Disconnect the Internet while roaming

The cost of using the Internet in foreign countries is much higher than in the region of presence. It is recommended to reduce costs by connecting the option "Internet in Russia" (for long-distance roaming) or "Internet abroad" (for international roaming).

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