How to find out your graphics driver. How to find out the version of the video card driver.

If the Batch Photo Editor failed to start, or you saw a message asking you to update the video card driver, you will need to download and install new version  drivers from the site of your video card manufacturer. Regular updating of the video card driver and other components will allow you to always be confident in stable work  your computer and installed programs. Some manufacturers provide special programs to automatically search for and / or install the driver you need to help you make the process of updating the driver easier.

Step 1: Determine the model and manufacturer of the video card

1.   Right-click on the desktop and select Screen resolution  from the menu that appears.

2 . In the window Screen resolutionclick Additional settings.

3.   The properties of your video card will open. You can find the model of your video card in the upper part of the window, in the section Adapter type. You will need the video card model later when searching for the driver you need.

Step 2: Download the new driver version

Now that you have the name of a video card model, go to the manufacturer’s website (as a rule, the first part of the name of a video card model is the name of the manufacturer’s company) and look for the support and driver download section. You will need to specify your operating system  and the video card model you found earlier. Also, many manufacturers provide useful utilities that allow you to automatically find and install the correct driver.

Step 3: Install the driver

When the driver has finished loading, run installation file  and follow the installation instructions. To install the driver will need administrator rights. During installation, the display may blink or distort the image. After the driver is installed, you need to restart the computer.

NVIDIA video card driver update ®

As you know, a particular component in system block  requires its own driver. Video card is no exception. In this case, it is the video card that is the component for which drivers need to be updated most often, as manufacturers constantly optimize the settings, due to which, among other things, improves the performance of the device itself.

Today we will talk about how to find out the version of the driver for your video card. I will say right away that it is very simple to do this, and we will not even resort to third-party software, and we will do everything with the help of the operating system’s built-in windows system  utilities.

First way

Click on the “Computer” icon with the right mouse button and select “Properties”. If you can not find the icon on the desktop, it is in the menu that appears when you click on the "Start" button.

The “System” window will open. In its left part there is a menu, in it click on the item "Device Manager".

After that, the device manager will open. Find in it the subsection “Video adapters” and click on it. You will see a list of video cards or one, as in my case. Click on it with the right mouse button and select “Properties” in the menu.

The video card properties window will open. Select the "Driver" tab and see the driver version.

Second way

The second method is no more complicated, but it will seem easier to someone at all. Click on the key combination WIN + R, so that the Run window appears. In it we write the word dxdiag  and click OK.

So we launched the diagnostic tool. You will need to go to the "Screen" tab. In the right part of the tab called “Drivers” you will see the driver version of your video card.

I hope these two ways will be enough for you.

New games require more from iron. Bare iron power is not always enough. Launching a new game on a computer, even with a top iron, it can blunt, and the blame for everything graphics driverwhich you have not updated. But in order to download the current video card driver, you need to know which video card driver is installed now. The article below will show you several ways to help you find out what your graphics card is, what a graphics driver is, and of course, tell you where you can download. new driver.
Let's start with the fact that there are many drivers for specific video cards. More recently, drivers for NVIDIA graphics cards and for Linux systems have become relevant. There are many graphics processors and video drivers, respectively. Get lost in this, like two fingers ... well, let's get to the answer to the question: "How do I know which video card driver I have now?" The answer is divided into two directions how to find out the current video card driver on Windows and Linux systems.

How to find out the video card driver on Windows?

Let's start with Windows! Here I want to highlight two main ways by which you can find out the video card driver. Both options are simple and will not require any special knowledge from you.
The first way to find out the video card driver is  use the Windows control panel. Go to the tab "Device Manager", select your video card. In the settings of the video card, go to the tab "Driver" and look at the driver version in the selected area.

The second way to find out the video card driver isuse the DirectX diagnostic tools. In order to find out the video card driver, first press the combination.

  Win + R

Then the following window will appear in which you need to enter "dxdiag". In the "DirectX Diagnostic Tools" window that appears, click on the "Screen" tab. There is a comprehensive information about the parameters of the video card, including the driver, monitor settings, and so on. In the circled area, you will recognize your video card driver.

Windows is, of course, very good, but more and more people are starting to use Linux systems, so the question of how to recognize a video card driver is also relevant for them. Therefore, consider how here to find out the video card driver.

How to find out the video card driver on Linux?

One of the indisputable advantages of Linux is their diversity, where for everyone there is a distribution kit to taste, but at the same time and similarity, therefore this method  to determine the video card driver is suitable regardless of which Linux system you use.

I will show you two ways to help you know your video card driver. Use the second method if you do not have a mesa.

The standard way to find out a video card driver is:

In the standard way, you will see something like this:

Where to download the new driver for my video card?

Now, having learned the video card driver, we need to find out about its relevance and in case of need download a new video card driver! We consider three manufacturers of video cards: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel.

So we have analyzed the main ways how to find out the video card driver. If you know more methods, write them in the comments. I will definitely add an article to them if it is interesting and simple.

April 11, 2016 17593

Of course, this is said very superficially. But no matter how it was there, each component is necessary to maintain the proper operation of your computer. We wrote several times what the drivers are and therefore we will not focus on them. Today we talk about the video card of the computer. And to be more precise, we will tell you how to find out the exact model of the video card and update the driver for it.

This can be done with the help of special programs. There are programs that regularly and completely scan the computer, and also offer the latest drivers for each component of the system. But look at this question from the other side. We analyze online services for this purpose.

Trying to find on the Internet some kind of online resource that would do it all in one action. just failed. Therefore, we will tell you how to find out the model of your video card and, accordingly, update it. To start, just right-click on the icon " My computer"and choose the item" Properties".

The "System" window will open. In it, you simply search and click on the item " device Manager".

Knowing the name, you can proceed to update the drivers. And for this you just need to go to the official website of manufacturers. The most popular companies that produce video cards are Advanced Micro Devices (Radeon video cards) and Nvidia (Gefors video cards).

If you have a video card nvidia companythen to update it just follow the link What if radeon graphics cardthen by reference And there, and there the principle of operation is extremely simple. After completing the installation of the drivers, be sure to follow.

If you need to update your video card drivers online, you can do this on the official manufacturers websites. But before you need to know the exact model of your video card.

Reinstalling Windows often entails a selection of hardware drivers. If the system for some reason did not do this automatically, then you need to find the time to pick and install drivers manually.

   Any equipment has its own unique identifier. Determine the model of your equipment by typing in the search window of the Device Manager system. Click on the device and see its name. For more information - right-click on the name and go down to the properties (information tab). Find the necessary software on the official website of the manufacturer. For example, your video adapter is called “ ATI Radeon"- write in search string  Google or Yandex "Radeon official website". Go to the resource, find the drivers for your video card and download them.

   Use other third-party services to download the necessary drivers, which can also be found through Yandex and Google. For example, through search query  "Drivers for every taste" you will open "DevID" - an excellent site with drivers. Feel free to click on the link.

   If there is no desire to look for drivers on your own in manual mode - the most popular program “Driverpack” will help you. Full version « Driverpack solution"Perfectly copes with his work, but it will have to download. We recommend using the proven torrent tracker ""

   A prerequisite for downloading torrent files from this site is registration - this moment indicates that the probability of catching malicious software with the software is almost nil. Register, download the program image and immediately launch it on your PC using. DriverPack will diagnose PC, find driver needed, and you will only agree to update them.

Important! You should not neglect the warning icons in the device manager, even if there are no visible driver problems, only the necessary driver package can provide system stability.

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