VC application for Windows. How to activate VC stealth for windows phone

Sometimes there is a need to use the functions of some pages of social networks, such as listening to music, watching videos. But in order to communicate with other users there is no time or desire. In this case, the optimal solution is to enable stealth mode on the device. To do this, there are several ways using the social network itself, browser settings, or installing a separate client for VC.

How to enable offline mode

Mode invisibility in VK for Windows Phone   can be configured in various ways, one of which is the termination of page activity. In this case, the profile will be displayed for other social network users in the Offline status, with some functionality available. Namely:

  • - view the news feed;
  • - access to media files (video, audio);

To activate the stealth mode, it is enough to terminate the profile activity for 20 minutes. Offline status will turn on automatically. However, this method has a significant drawback - a restriction in access to some pages. That is, when you go to your profile or personal page of another user of the social network VKontakte, the stealth mode will be turned off and the user will again be displayed as online.

In order to avoid this kind of inconvenience, it is better to use invisible application for Windows Phoneor use browser settings.

Utilities for stealth mode on Windows Phone

Special applications that allow to activate on devices from Microsoft invisibility VK for Windows Phone   not so much. The most popular ones are the following.

  1. VK Go !.
  2. Invisible man VK
  3. Customer

All these utilities are unofficial clients for the social network VKontakte. They support the main functions of the social network, as well as a number of additional. Applications allow you to enable invisible VC for Windows Phone 10   versions, as well as earlier ones: 8 and 8.1.

Each of these utilities supports approximately the same set of functions. But at the same time there are some differences in their functionality.

VK Go!

The Store has a large number of unofficial clients for social networks with various functional sets. Supports mode invisible for VK for Windows Phone application VK Go !. Its key feature is the ability not only to remain offline, but also to access the download of media files from the VC. This feature also allows you to use video and audio recordings without going online.

Invisible man VK

One more vKontakte invisibility app for Windows Phone. It also provides the ability to read messages anonymously. This utility is different in that it can simultaneously support multiple accounts, which makes its use even more convenient.


Perhaps the most famous client to keep stealth mode. As well as the others, it allows you to anonymously read incoming messages, use social networking pages, without detecting user activity. An additional advantage of this utility is the encryption of conversations and messages when using it. This makes communication safer.

If for some reason the use of third-party clients is unavailable or inconvenient, you can save stealth mode when using the social network VKontakte in standard browsers.

Enable stealth mode using Google Chrome, Opera and FireFox settings

For Google Chrome and FireFox, you will need to install a separate extension from the official developer site. You can find it in a separate section “Plugins.” After installing on the device, you will need to uncheck the box “Be always online”. This activates the stealth mode on Windows Phone.

With regard to the Opera browser, no additional downloads are required. All you need to do is enter the tab “Advanced settings” of the browser menu and go to the network settings section. Here you need to remove the checkmark from the “Enable automatic redirection” field. After making corrections when accessing the profile page, an access error will appear. You need to refresh the page - it will be displayed correctly in stealth mode.

Very often, users of social networks have the need to remain invisible while being present on the network. Many are interested in how invisibility is activated in the VC for Windows Phone. After all, you can visit your profile, for example, to listen to your favorite music tracks, when there is simply no time or desire to communicate with friends.

At such a moment, not responding to messages or writing curt sentences is not the best solution. Friends may be corny offended, but I don’t want to stay without music. The way out is to create the appearance that the user is offline. This will allow you to fully use your account, while remaining invisible to others.

Start stealth mode

This method is the most acceptable and does not require downloading any add-ons on the smartphone. To activate the invisible will need to log in to your account, go to the messages section and pause for 15-20 minutes. It is quite enough to become invisible.

This method has certain restrictions on navigating through VK pages. Invisible works until you go to the main page of your account or to the page of your friends or other users. It is allowed to watch various videos, as well as listen to music. All other actions will immediately display your status online. If this method does not suit you with certain restrictions, then try alternative methods.

By the way, the option of invisible activation can be significantly simplified. To do this, bookmark your profile, or rather the page audio.

So, you do not need to wait 20 minutes to activate the invisible. You can immediately go to your profile, listen to music and view and remain invisible.

Application of special applications

Official applications to activate the VC stealth for Windows Phone, while not represented. There are applications from third-party developers. They assure that their applications provide complete stealth on VKontakte. In fact, the Windows operating system for smartphones has a certain specificity; therefore, no application can provide complete invisibility. Shaking any third-party application, remember that you can get a virus or malicious software that could harm your device.

application   VK Offline   for Google Chrome, this is a list of contacts, your correspondence and notifications about new messages even with a closed browser or the absence of the Internet.

When creating VKontakte Offline, I had the idea that the development of our most famous social network is not exactly the right way. If at the very beginning the concept of “staying in contact” was actively used and meant “having access to your friends list”, now it means “staying on the site itself”, spending your time to find out what happened with friends, follow for new messages, etc.

Then I had an idea to make a small stop and imagine how I would like to use my contact data, provided that most of my acquaintances sit there, and important correspondence periodically occurs in personal messages. The solution was to create an application that should notify about new messages even when the contact tab is closed, and (ideally) with the browser closed. The application must provide access to the correspondence always, even when there is no connection to the Internet.


The main idea of ​​using the application is precisely its invisibility. You do not need to keep it open and watch what is happening - you can close it and it will still notify you of new messages as soon as they come. If you need to find something in the correspondence, or to find the contact phone number of the person you want, then in the application it is done in 2 clicks. In the absence of an Internet connection, all correspondence and contacts are also available for viewing and searching. Application is focused on those people who value their time, but want to stay in contact with their friends and acquaintances. And also for those who have problems with the Internet channel.

View letters

Last week, I decided that it would be best to talk about the application just in words. After that, my friends and I recorded a full-fledged video story about the essence of the application from the very center of St. Petersburg:

And screencast for Chrome Web Store:

The basis of the application interface was created on Google Hackathon in St. Petersburg on August 27 and 28. At the same time was his first presentation. The application is actively developing and now it implements a search for contacts and messages, which I am talking about on video. It is also possible to work with contacts and correspondence in the absence of the Internet, as well as notifications of new messages even with the browser closed. Contact sorting is set on the application settings page.


Not without errors. As soon as the application got its first users, the offensive bug appeared in Chromium (, when on Windows-based computers with Russian user names it is impossible to work with the file by the system. The application was installed, but could not reach the background page. As a result, quite a large number of users were lost, and the overall impression of the application was probably spoiled. Nevertheless, the error was discovered in the evening of the same day and corrected the next morning.

VKontakte Offline app in the Chrome Web Store:

Official VK page:

As always, I wait for ratings and suggestions. If you have questions and tips on the technical part of the application, write comments, I will answer and listen with pleasure.

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