How to fix a broken iPhone. The device does not turn on. Speaker or microphone not working

Everyone knows: the technology from the Apple brand is highly reliable and durable. The most popular and sincerely trusted by consumers all over the world are, of course, the IPhone. Every year, loyal fans of the brand are waiting for a fresh novelty of the updated famous smartphone. However, any technique is not immune to breakdowns. Fortunately, a lot of problems can be fixed if you entrust your iPhone to a professional on time. Depending on the complexity of the problem, diagnostics and repair of the breakdown are possible in the service center, but often the iPhone is repaired at home quickly - for example, AppleLab has been offering such services for several years. Today we will look at the most iPhone malfunctions, find out why they occur, and how you can fix them.

Perhaps this is one of the most common and annoying breakdowns. Without a properly functioning touchscreen, we cannot fully use the phone. Even if the sensor is still sensitive to pressure, but the glass is broken or badly cracked, it makes it much more difficult to work with the smartphone. For example, specks, display ripples, flickering, colored dots and broken pixels appear.


  • severe mechanical damage;
  • hitting a hard surface;
  • liquid on the screen.

Decision: most often a failed touchscreen needs a complete replacement. However, it is likely that the problem lies with the module itself. There is also a chance that there is contamination in the contacts or on the surface of the display, so the sensor may malfunction. Then it is enough just to clean the screen and the space under it - the main thing is to entrust this matter to specialists.

By the way, if the experts consider a factory defect as the reason for the sensor breakdown, then the repair will be made under warranty. In other cases, the replacement will be carried out at the expense of the owner of the phone.

To reduce the risk of this situation, we advise you to purchase in advance for the touch iPhone screen protective glass or film from the manufacturer.

Protective glass

Damaged housing cover or home button

Cracks and scratches on the case spoil appearance smartphone - it no longer looks new. And the problem with the Home button will not allow you to fully use the entire functionality of the device: it will jam and not immediately respond to control. Fortunately from mechanical stress the "body" of the phone is saved by covers, protective back panels and simply neat handling.

Home button

Causes: a problem with the case and buttons may arise due to careless operation of equipment, falling, strong impact, moisture ingress into the structure.

Decision: in the event of damage, chips and scratches on iPhone case it is highly recommended to replace the rear cover immediately. If, for example, liquid gets on your device and fails home button, it is best to also contact directly service center.

The mechanism of the button operation can be restored by professional cleaning of the device - perhaps it will be enough to remove the formed oxidation products on the contacts.

If the damage to the button is purely mechanical, then, most likely, the IPhone will have to completely solder or replace the faulty button module with a loop (the same goes for the volume keys). If the device did not come into contact with water, was not subjected to mechanical damage, and the buttons still do not work, perhaps the main problem lies in a serious breakdown of the processor or motherboard. In this case, to clarify the problem, a professional diagnosis by a specialist will be required.

Battery problems

Any technology, be it tablets or smartphones, the battery over time begins to discharge faster: on average, the battery life is designed for a couple of years stable work... IPhone owners can also face this nuisance. Daily intensive use of the smartphone leads to a gradual deterioration in battery retention. Often there is another, much more serious problem - the battery does not charge at all, no matter how hard you try.


  • failure of the original charger;
  • operation of an unsuitable "charger";
  • damaged connector or cable from Apple;
  • failure of the power controller.

Decision: check if it functions normally charger... It is possible that the battery will continue to charge while using another. True, there is a nuance here: when using a cheap, not certified and unsuitable charger for your model, there is a risk of degrading battery performance. Low-quality "chargers" do not regulate voltage fluctuations in the network in any way, which can ultimately disable battery device. If you are convinced that the matter is not in the "charger", check if the Lighting connector is broken - what if it does not hold the charger cable tightly? Press down on the connectors firmly and see if the charging process is in progress. If a failure occurs in the connector, you need to contact the service for help.

Speaker or microphone not working

Prolonged wear of the device, ingress of dust, dirt or liquid - and the speaker with the microphone no longer work with the same power. The sound weakens, the volume control does not help, the interlocutor cannot hear you, and you cannot hear him. What to do? The most important thing at the initial stage is to find out possible reason malfunction.

Causes: If the earpiece fails, the loop may be the problem. This is the contact that connects the speaker to the IPhone motherboard. Microphone breakdown often occurs due to a manufacturer's software malfunction, as well as moisture ingress on the loop or inside the microphone itself.

Decision: If the speaker stops working or plays sound at full strength, it is better not to disassemble the phone yourself, but contact a qualified technician. A careful examination of the loops, contact points and other details will help identify the cause of the malfunction. Both the speaker and microphone can be replaced at an affordable cost if necessary.

Wi-Fi module malfunction

Statistics show that the majority of users buy a smartphone to access the Internet at any time. But what if wireless connection does not work and access to the network is not possible? The WI-Fi module may be damaged.

Wi-Fi module

Causes: as a result of physical impact, the chip (module) may come off printed circuit board, there may also be malfunctions in the software or in the binding of the wi-fi circuit.

Decision: repairing a failed module is an almost meaningless procedure, it will be much cheaper and more reliable to completely replace this element.

Damage to the system board

The motherboard is the heart of any technology. It has a lot of contacts, electronic elements, controllers. The motherboard contains the processor that powers the functionality, optimization, and performance of the iPhone. If a serious malfunction occurs in the "motherboard", this can lead to a complete and sudden termination of the smartphone.

IPhone 6 motherboard


  • dropping the phone from a great height, strong impact on a hard surface;
  • penetration of a large amount of moisture into the device and the resulting corrosion on the internal electronic components.

Decision: if you suspect that the problem lies with the motherboard, do not try to do something yourself, otherwise you risk completely ruining the device. It is best to contact a service center, where a comprehensive examination and accurate diagnostics of the "insides" of your smartphone will be carried out.

Something is wrong with the photo: the camera does not work

The iPhone camera is one of the most important elements of a smartphone. Due to its complex design and high sensitivity to minimal damage, we recommend handling the camera carefully: do not drop the device and, just as important, do not let water get on or inside the case.

Causes: the most common reason why the main one may not work iPhone camera, is mechanical damage. The camera may fail if the phone is dropped or the lens is severely cracked. The ingress of water inside the device can provoke a short circuit and the formation of oxidation products on the contacts. In addition, the camera may not work due to a problem with the software, installation of programs and applications containing an error.

Decision: you can try to uninstall the suspicious camera application. If it’s not him at all, but a deeper failure software, it is best to reflash the phone (doing it yourself is risky, it is advisable to entrust this task specialists). Mechanical damage cameras are also successfully "treated": the service center will be able to replace the camera completely, or a separate loop, which will cost even less.

The iPhone does not want to see the network

Sometimes iPhone owners notice that the device is looking for a network for a long time or the network indicator does not appear on the display at all. The problem of finding a network is a serious one, because in this case you will not be able to make voice calls and send messages.


  • damage to the modem;
  • failure of the modem controller;
  • failure of the sensor for receiving and transmitting data;
  • the problem is in the coaxial cable.

Decision: Correction of this problem is possible only in a service center or when examining the device by a specialist at home.

The device does not turn on

And, finally, one of the private and complex malfunctions: the power button does not work or the iPhone simply does not turn on when pressed.

Causes: physical impact, ingress of a small amount of liquid inside the device, oxidation of contacts has occurred. It is also possible that the iPhone does not turn on due to severe overheating of the case or increased load.

Decision: It is likely that a full diagnostics of the device will be required, followed by an analysis of the elements. If the iPhone does not turn on due to problems with the button, it will be enough just to replace the cable or additionally solder the contacts.


Of course, in any technique, malfunctions may occur from time to time for various reasons, but the user always has the opportunity to prevent risks. For example, take care of the device, do not use it near water, try not to drop it on the floor, etc. To further protect your iPhone, purchase covers in advance and protective glass or film. Well, if the breakdown still could not be avoided, we recommend not to waste time and not engage in self-diagnostics of the device. It is best to seek qualified help and get quality advice about your iPhone.

Many of us have already experienced first-hand the quality of Apple technology, as well as its many advantages. Unfortunately, this does not include strength, and the owners of MacBooks and iPhones regularly visit service centers to find out the cause of the next breakdown, and fix it, and the iPhone 5s is no exception. From the moment it went on sale with us, the Internet was flooded with the same type of complaints. At the beginning of use, people mostly complained that some parts of the device were poorly painted over, and the metal paint would peel off, exposing the plastic case. But over time, the complaints became much more serious.
One fine (not for the owner, of course) day, the iPhone simply "dies". It looks like the iPhone 5s won't turn on or charge No attempts on the part of the user to "resurrect" the capricious technique are unsuccessful, and he runs in search of an answer on the Internet or the nearest service center.
What could be the reason for such a breakdown? First of all, the serviceability of the electronic filling itself should be questioned. The more complex operations a technician can perform, the more often software failures occur. Most often, software failures are associated with a flaw random access memory... In this case, may help hard reboot a gadget with a factory reset.
It also does not hurt to remember if you dropped the device, and if you ever hit your iPhone 5 on any objects. This damage could cause the battery to come off the case. Perhaps, during use, you heard the characteristic sound of it dangling somewhere inside. In such a situation, you can safely use the gadget for more long timeuntil the loop is frayed or broken. It is then that the iPhone will fail. The service center will help you fix such a breakdown. What you need is to replace the battery.
There may be other reasons for a battery breakdown: a poor-quality charger, clearly not having a certificate apple products, power surges during charging, ingress of moisture and liquids into the case.
What should be firmly learned is that everyone’s technique breaks, but not everyone is able to fix it. If your iPhone is out of order, and resetting the settings did not help you, contact the service center: they will help you to repair the gadget and not cause additional harm to it.

the iPhone is one of the most popular smartphones in the world. Not surprisingly, Apple has created an almost perfect phone. Wherever you are, in a cafe or restaurant, in transport, at an airport or train station, in a resort, with a hundred percent chance you can see a person with an iPhone. So why do people choose the iPhone?

Its main advantages are a nice and stylish design, a well-optimized OS, excellent materials and high-quality assembly... It is thanks to these advantages that it is very popular with people all over the world. But like any high-tech gadget, an iPhone can break. There are many ways that your smartphone can become unusable. Let's take a look at how you can break your apple device.

There are 3 main reasons iPhone stops working. This is moisture ingress, mechanical and electrical damage. Next, we will analyze each of them in more detail in order to prevent those mistakes due to which people break their precious gadgets.

A unique way to break your iPhone

iPhone and moisture

Per recent times people are very accustomed to their smartphones and practically cannot live without them. They take them everywhere with them: taking a bath, having lunch, doing various household chores. Even going to the restroom happens with an iPhone, because listening to music or chatting in social networks I don't want to interrupt. We take our smartphone with us everywhere so as not to miss an urgent notification, message or important call. It is because of this that devices suffer in the first place. Careless movement of the hand and the phone is already flying into the bathtub, toilet or washbasin.

For a high-tech gadget, an encounter with water can be fatal, since the iPhone does not have moisture protection and it can break. Even a short contact with water will disable the device. You need to get your iPhone out and dry it as quickly as possible. Sometimes you can get lucky and nothing bad will happen, but it also happens that even the service center cannot revive your friend. That is why when you go to the bathroom or toilet, it is best to leave your iPhone on the table or shelf to keep it intact.

iPhone and mechanical damage

The iPhone, like any other technology, loves to be treated with care, so any falls or bumps can break it. Very often, the phone can fall off the table, out of your pocket or while talking on the phone (some people manage to pinch it between the ear and shoulder). A person may become thoughtful or distracted, any movement of the hand on the table or a push can cause the iPhone to fall out of hand and fall to the floor.

The height does not have to be great for the gadget to break. It is important which surface the smartphone falls on. Falling onto ceramic tiles, concrete or asphalt, even from low heights, can permanently damage it. The display is particularly affected and motherboard... Even if the machine falls on its edge, it deforms, thereby compromising internal components. In order to make your smartphone more robust, it is better to get good bumpers or a case. There are special covers and bumpers for extreme recreation, with maximum protection.

iPhone and electricity

You can break your iPhone using non-certified chargers and USB cables. An iPhone and any accessories to it are not cheap entertainment. Therefore, some, purchasing an apple device, save on the rest. When our own cable or charger becomes unusable, we often buy cheap Chinese accessories.

This is a big mistake. After all, no one knows how high quality they are and whether they meet elementary safety standards. Starting to charge your iPhone with cheap chargers USB cables, we run the risk of burning our device. Very often, due to cheap faulty chargers, iPhones ignite and cannot be saved in any way. Worse, they can cause a fire.

The more technology develops, the more we trust it. Owners of iPhones, in particular, show this trust even more often: it is too convenient, brute, and status. Compared to other smartphones, it inspires more trust among users, because there is an elephantine heap of applications on it, which makes it unnecessary to own various other gadgets. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because it saves us from the abundance of things. On the other hand, what should you do if something happens to your iPhone? If it breaks or gets lost?

If suddenly you find yourself in a situation where you need to restore your iPhone, you do not need to panic right away. Instead, you better press your butt and, as they say, just fucking google! By the way, we did just that and put together a good bunch of tips for you on various cases of your iPhone's disability.

Of course, there is no guarantee that these tips will turn out to be miraculous and will revive your favorite device, but you should still try to apply them - in any case, it is better than throwing yourself on your bed and crying in inconsolable grief.

Dry iPhone

More often than not, iPhones turn into nothing precisely because of contact with water. To our deepest (to the center of the Earth) regret, this damage will not be covered by the guarantee, and iPhones are also equipped with built-in water sensors, so you cannot deceive the masters and come up with another reason for the breakdown - so you will not be replaced, the money will not be reimbursed for it ... If you managed (unfortunate!) To soak your iPhone, do not give up and come to terms with the fact that everything is lost. The main thing is not to try to turn it back on immediately after getting wet, because this way the microcircuits will most likely deteriorate, and it will be almost impossible to restore a friend.

Rebuilding your iPhone starts by drying it off with a towel, then placing it in a bowl of dry rice in a warm, dry place to prevent moisture from spreading inside the phone. Then it would be nice to get hold of bags of moisture absorbers - these are often found in shoe boxes and everything, usually there is also a frightening "DO NOT EAT" mark. These are usually such silicone balls: shake them out of the bags and put them in the zip-lock, and next to them place the same iPhone, seal and leave it there for a few days. This should suck the remaining moisture out of the phone, and if you're lucky, your iPhone will come back to life.

Bad luck? The last way - this is to wrap the iPhone in a towel and turn on the oven at 60 degrees, if there is such an option. Place your iPhone in a towel on the very edge of the oven and leave the door open for two hours. This is a very risky step, but it helped some - and in the end, does it really matter if the broken iPhone goes to the landfill anyway?

How to find a lost phone and protect your personal data from a distance

MobileMe is a handy tool in case you lose your iPhone. For the “Find my iPhone” option to work, you need to enable it in the MobileMe settings on your phone - of course, in advance. And then every time the iPhone is lost, just log in to and you will see the location of your phone on the map. To further help the iPhone recovery process, users can also give it (remotely!) A command to give sound signal and so notified them of its location - if only they are nearby. If you are physically unable to hear your signal lost phone, some good Samaritan can find him, and the iPhone will show him a message from you so that he can return the phone to your kind, shaking hands. Someone returns found iPhones? I would like to meet this lovely person ...

Another useful feature available thanks to MobileMe is the ability to remotely set a password to lock your machine. This setting is activated on in your account immediately following the Find My Phone setting. Also available is such a reliable thing as remote wipe: MobileMe can erase any personal data stored on the device, as well as restore the settings to factory defaults. If you want to restore your iPhone after erasing your personal information, all your data can be transferred to your phone using the backup stored on your computer. Only for this you need to have a backup. Have a backup, dude!

Broken or Broken Screen

If you break the screen of your iPhone, the first step is to check if it reacts to touch. If the screen works, you now have only one concern - whether the glass has stuck in your fingers. To prevent this from happening, you can buy a special protector, and the broken glass can be temporarily covered with a transparent film - not very elegant, but new phone no need to buy.

If the screen is damaged so that it became impossible to use the phone, we have bad news: it will cost you 3-3.5 thousand rubles to replace the glass. Be careful next time, dude!


Gizmos have also been designed to fix scratches on iPhones, such as the Ice Creme Advanced Scratch Remover, which removes damage from acrylic, polycarbonate and metal surfaces. I googled, it costs 23 bucks, the set includes two bottles and some other applicators, rags and a special thing for metal.

Another solution to the problem is iDrops. A more common trick used by iPhone owners is a woolen cloth or other abrasive that can defeat the slight roughness of metal parts. But this is so-so, not very effective. Who cares about scratches, for those there are many different cases and a special plastic film for iPhones.

The speaker is silent

Often the owner of the iPhone does not hear what the other end of the conversation is saying to him ... uh ... the wire, not because the speaker is broken. For example, the reason for this may be a problem with the audio output: the phone may feel as if headphones are connected to it, because dirt is clogged into the connector - it also happens. The iPhone thinks you are wearing headphones and continues to send sound to the headphone jack. So you can first clean there - for example, with a cotton swab.

Apple's official decision is to insert and remove the headphones five times in a row with maximum speed... This will switch the sound back to normal and the phone will speak again. At least it should.

If you purchased smartphone Iphone, and during the warranty period, he became unusable - do not give up and get upset. In this case, the law is on the buyer's side, and further actions should be taken guided by Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Seller choice

The choice of the seller should be approached responsibly, despite the fact that the domestic market is full of modern phones. One of the most popular smartphones is the iPhone of the fifth model, it is on sale in almost all specialized stores, but if you do not want to find yourself in a situation where you are left alone with a broken phone, you should buy products from official Iphone dealers, replacement under warranty for which is normal.

But if you bought a phone in a dubious online store, then expect surprises, up to the fact that the distributor is a non-existent company, and it turns out that there is no one to make claims to.

Method of calculating the warranty period

If, nevertheless, your iPhone is broken, then the first thing to do is decide if the warranty period has expiredso as not to miss the period during which you can present. The warranty period starts from the moment the goods are handed over to the buyer. Thus, if your phone has a 1-year warranty and you received an Iphone from your seller on January 1, 2014, a warranty replacement can be made up to January 1, 2015. Therefore, you should not delay the date of contacting the manufacturer or seller.

Buyer's Rights for Warranty Replacement

The buyer, in case of detection of flaws in, which, including the smartphone is, has certain the rights:

  • demand to replace the goods of the same brand;
  • put forward requirements for the gratuitous elimination of the identified deficiencies by means of repairs;
  • if it is impossible to fulfill the above requirements, the seller must return the amount paid for the goods, since the sales contract is terminated.

Warranty Extension for Components

The law additionally notes the fact that if the contract does not provide otherwise, the guarantee applies to all component parts and component parts of goods... Therefore, you can change not only the iphone, the replacement under warranty can also apply to the charger. If repairs on your request take more than 30 days, then the law obliges the seller to give you a similar product for replacement.

Algorithm of actions when replacing goods

Thus, having a product requiring replacement under warranty, you perform the following actions: collect documents (check, box, warranty card), for persuasiveness, make a claim, or a cover letter in which you describe your requirements, take it all to the store, defending your point of view.

Legal subtleties

In addition to the above, there are a number of legal subtleties that seem insignificant at first glance. Be sure to ask your copy of the claim to be signed and date of receipt. Ask for a list of documents and inventory items accepted from you so that the seller does not lose anything. But the surest way to convince the implementer to fulfill all your requirements is hire a lawyer, specializing in the field, and come to the store with him.

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