Should I take the iphone 7 jet black. How to remove scratches from an iPhone case. Changes and features

Next week we expect the presentation of new iPhones. This means that a year has passed since the release of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Last year, Apple introduced smartphones in Jet Black. Glossy black seemed attractive to many, but it immediately became clear that the body of such a smartphone is easily covered with fingerprints and minor scratches. For such devices, purchase a cover. And what happened to the iPhone, which spent all this year without a case?

Our colleague at 9to5Mac admitted that he treated his Jet Black very carefully for the first few days. He even put it face down to prevent the glossy back from touching hard surfaces. Nevertheless, small scratches began to appear on the edges after a few days, which made the owner a little more relaxed about the safety of the device's appearance.

After a year of use, the body of the smartphone is covered with scratches that are hard to miss. In addition, they can be easily found. Fingerprints are now less annoying, because they hide the scratches on the case. But overall, the smartphone still doesn't look attractive. The owner of the device admitted that the second time he was not ready to go for such an experiment, and instead of Jet Black, he would have chosen matte black.

Fans of iPhones can be satisfied, as now their company's flagship smartphone has five colors at once: black, gold, "black onyx", bright red, "rose gold" and silver.

The design of the new iPhones has become more solid, Apple called it unibody.

The glossy onyx black color was developed by Apple using a completely new technology. The cases have undergone a high-precision nine-step process of anodizing and polishing, resulting in a clean mirror finish. Apple noted that the surface strength of such a case is not inferior to other anodized products of the company, but with use, it may appear small scratches.

Their degree of protection against splashes, water and dust corresponds to the IP67 index. This means that resistance against harmful factors is not constant and over time it can (and will) decrease. Throwing your iPhone in water and humbly watching it float is still not recommended.

How many cries about the impracticality of this body, but in fact ...

After the presentation of the iPhone 7, only the lazy one did not write about how bad Apple is and tries to deceive a naive user by slipping the most scratchy case in the history of smartphones.

Remember? iPhone Jet Black could only buy stupid man.

Well, I bought it.

He conquered me

In March 2017, I went to the re: Store on Prospekt Mira with a strong desire to buy Semplus in matte black. But he left the store, clutching in his hands a bluish-black, shiny smartphone with the poetic name "Black Onyx".

It was beautiful: its back panel flickered, catching light and throwing sunbeams; it reflected the bewildered faces of others who thought: “the guy is a fool. Or a major - bought the most impractical model in the iPhone line! "

I admit that I myself was a little afraid: it hurts to watch your smartphone covered with scratches, and if every scratch on the polished case is clearly visible, it is doubly painful.

I watched with horror how many colleagues - journalists, their iPhones were covered with kotskok and scratches. He looked anxiously at his beloved smartphone, which he even bought an original leather case, in a passionate impulse to delay the inevitable.

Today was the moment of truth

This day came. I removed the case from my iPhone 7 Jet Black and with a sinking heart I slowly turned the smartphone over, expecting to see deep grooves and other marks.

And none of this happened!

No, really, after more than 3 months of use, drops and not very careful handling, my Jet Black remained pristinely smooth and beautiful.

So I responsibly declare: all spiteful critics and other personalities who tried to instill the idea of \u200b\u200bthe impracticality of the most beautiful creation of Apple to date, are simply liars.

I'm glad I didn't get carried away and bought just such an iPhone. It is still as beautiful as it was in the first moments after the purchase.

Who else did not believe the magazines and bought Jet Black? How does it look like today? Are you satisfied, or did you have to take a boring matte finish?

Show off, it's your turn.

It's a shame, but you can't live with him.

This is the rarest version of the iPhone 7. It is very difficult to get it. At the start of sales in Russia, there will be units of such devices, and in the next 2-3 weeks a severe shortage is expected for them.

All this for a reason. Apple has focused all its efforts on promoting the glossy iPhone 7. And that's why everyone wants them, despite the obvious disadvantages.

We entered the battle with Gorbushka, stole one such iPhone from them and, running away, took several photos. Then they caught us and had to return everything. But a couple of hours was enough to understand what pros and cons of this building.

Do not be offended, but my personal opinion: cons morethan pluses. Let's start with the good.

Plus 1. It looks great right out of the box

In just 2 hours of testing, 4 people approached us and asked if this was the seventh iPhone. Everyone wants to hold, try, create their own impression. It is very different from everything that Apple has produced for the past 5 years.

Rest assured: the glossy iPhone 7 will not help to hook the chick and raise respect among the boys. But for another couple of months, he will be a topic of conversation at meetings and lead to acquaintances in lines and restaurants.

In principle, you can buy it for this. The very first iPhone used to have a similar reaction.

p..ff 3. That's it, there are no more pluses.

Go minuses.

Minus 1. It scratches just incredibly easily

Immediately warning: deliberately did not scratch. Used in ideal conditions. In 2 hours we managed to leave no traces.

But there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of evidence to the contrary. Buyers put it on the table and pick it up with dots and small scratches.

iPhone 7 in Onyx Black is the first phone ever to be safer to put on a display.

It is an incredibly scratch-resistant phone that is completely unfit for real life... The same was the old iPod with the steel back panel: it turned into fear and horror at a glance.

When buying an iPhone 7 in onyx black, you don't have to buy a case to protect your phone. You will need a cover to hide already appeared scratches. As a result, in a month, instead of a fashionable and beautiful smartphone, you will have a broken freak, even if you use it in terry gloves. It's a shame.

Minus 2. He gets very dirty from everything in the world

Like any glossy surface, the Onyx Black iPhone 7 picks up prints even from surgicallyclean hands. They don't disappear anywhere. You can't take it without getting dirty or leaving at least an imperceptible mark.

After 2 minutes of use, the back panel looks many times worse than the matte model. A harsh and shameful truth.

The cover can solve this problem again. But personally, we then do not understand the meaning of buying a glossy iPhone, not to mention the difficulties with finding it in stores. You take one to hide it in a case, where it will still be scratched by microscopic dust. At the very least, the corners will be erased. What is the logic then?

Well, the last, the most offensive.

Minus 3. You can't even wipe it normally

The glossy surface of the iPhone 7 Jet Black has collected spots and dust that can be seen from a kilometer away. Do you think that you will erase them now and everything will be fine?

Nothing like this.

Any particulate matter that gets between the microfiber and the back panel will leave a mark on the case during cleaning. Every time you wipe such an iPhone, you risk leaving not a stain, but a scratch. That you can't erase

If you overdo it with friction, you can leave a bunch of small abrasions. This is some kind of horror, if you think about it.

The circle of hell: stained, rubbed, left a scratch, freaked out, stained, rubbed, scratched again.

Agree, this is not what the buyer of a phone for 85 thousand rubles dreams of. The argument “I don't care” works poorly: your pipe will become unsightly very quickly and will look many times worse than the matte version, which is much easier to buy now.

In short, tin.

This is a natural question. Why did Apple make it?

You can easily remove scratches from your iPhone by using abrasive polish or fine sandpaper. Scratches on the back of an iPhone are relatively quick and can be repaired quickly and easily. It doesn't matter if you use toothpaste or sandpaper to remove scratches from your iPhone, you must be extremely careful not to rub off the protective coating on your device.

Warning: Use the techniques below at your own risk. MacDigger is not responsible for your iPhone experiments.

Method 1: Remove Scratches from iPhone with Toothpaste

Sounds crazy, but toothpaste is a mild abrasive polish that helps get rid of minor scratches on your iPhone.

  • Squeeze a drop of toothpaste onto your iPhone.
  • Using a soft cloth, rub the iPhone with a rotating motion.
  • Leave the toothpaste on for a minute or two and dry it.
  • Wash the paste off the case with soap or mild detergent.

For best results, take some time to rub in the paste. With this method, you can easily remove minor scratches from the iPhone case. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVDs or CDs.

When using this technique, make sure that no toothpaste gets into any connectors or access holes on the iPhone! Inaccurate use of this method may turn on the iPhone's liquid spill indicator and void warranty repairs.

Method 2: Remove Scratches from iPhone with Sandpaper

You can also get rid of small scratches on the iPhone case with fine sandpaper. The effect will be the same as using toothpaste, but you must choose the correct grain size. Judging by various recommendations on the web, the appropriate grit size is from 1200. On the MacRumors forum, they wrote that it takes about half an hour or more to remove all small scratches on the case.

When rubbing the iPhone case, do not use too much force! Remember that you have to buff away any scratches on the surface of your device. If you remove the protective coating from the case, you will have to resort to a third, more intense method.

Method 3: remove deep scratches from iPhone

If you decide to completely clean any scratches on your iPhone, including the deepest, you can use wet sanding and fully polish the device to its original shine. This is not the fastest or easiest way, and I would advise you to resort to it only if absolutely necessary. After applying this method, you will have to say goodbye to the Apple logo and the text on the back of the iPhone.

On the MacRumors forum you can find with iPhone (including disassembly of the device). This is the most intense yet reliable method and involves removing the protective layer from the iPhone completely, which can be avoided by turning to the first two methods.

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