Download software processing programs online. Digital art of a new generation

Want to learn how to create stunning images or virtuoso retouch photos? All you need for a fascinating travel to the world of art is a computer and a suitable graphics editor.

Where they use graphic editors

Processing and retouching photos. Today almost everyone has digital camerawhose pictures are very convenient to store, view, as well as edit in special programs. With the help of graphic editors and talent droplets, stunning personnel are created, which can be proud to insert into the family album or download to your page on the social network.

Photo editing is not a difficult thing and even newcomer can cope with it. But that's what happens if a person with experience is taken for business. Digital painting. In the development of electronic technology, artists need to buy tons of paints, kilometers of canvases and allocate a separate place for their creativity. Graphic editors were replaced by a whole art workshop, making the drawing process easier and even more efficiently.

There is no longer anywhere with paints and artistic instruments. Only a clean shirt, a cup of tea and an insurmountable thrust for art.

Creating advertising. Thanks to wide opportunities, graphic editors firmly entrenched in the advertising business. Experienced designers create tempting pictures for posters, magazines, labels and other ads.
To create large-sized advertising, vector graphics are used, which does not lose quality with an increase.

Choose the perfect graphic editor

Before choosing a tool, determine for what purposes you need a graphic editor. Do you want to do digital painting and draw pictures on your computer? Or do you need a photo processing program? Or maybe you want to create a three-dimensional model for a virtual game?
Resolved by main questionYou will quickly choose a suitable program and in a couple of minutes begin your creative activity.

We appreciate the time of our guests, so we collected the best graphics editors in a single archive. For each program, we wrote a clear description, added screenshots and video tutorials so that your creative activity began as early as possible. Choose programs based on user ratings and reviews. Download graphic editors via torrent or file sharing services (Yandex.Disk and Mega).

Wake up the thrust to the beautiful and learn how to create stunning compositions. Art has never been so affordable.

Every day, people face many different images: picture, photo or scanned pattern, which was used in advertising or on a product label. All these images are created from scratch by a person who used for this graphic program (editors):

What is a graphic editor?

Program " graphics editor"This software that provides the user with three basic functions:

Digital images are divided into three types:

  • raster;
  • vector;
  • three-dimensional.

Editors are also divided into groups depending on how the graphics process is developed:

  • raster graphics editors;
  • vector graphic editors;
  • hybrid graphic editors.

Hybrid graphic editors, as easy to guess, allow working with raster and vector images.

The difference between raster graphics from the vector is that the raster image is a plurality of pixels of various colors and shades, which forms a graphic image. The vector image is a set of objects having the characteristics of the appearance: shape, size, color, line thickness, fill color.

Popular graphic editors

There are a large number of programs for working with images, two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics, drawings, both for professionals and for ordinary users. Below are the most popular of them.

The main disadvantages of this editor is the lack of layers and support for transparency; You can not set the size, creating an image; There is no fill with a gradient. This software product is not intended to solve complex tasks in graphics processing.

It is suitable in cases where you need to quickly cut the image or combine one of several, or draw a simple drawing.

  • The GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). This package is more functional than the standard Paint, and is an alternative. Adobe Photoshop. :

The program has many features that help solve problems from processing photos and create collages before designing design for web pages. But, of course, there are more powerful and specialized programs for graphic design.

  • Adobe Photoshop is the most popular raster graphic editor with several tools for working with vector images:

Most users use the program as a photo editor, without suspecting its "three-dimensional" capabilities. On the this moment Expanded version Photoshop. Can be used to develop a web design, creating a video.

  • Autodesk 3DS MAX is professional programwhich is focused on working with three-dimensional graphics, namely the creation of 3D objects of various shapes and complexity, and giving them a realistic species. Well mastered the instruments of this editor, you can create images that are difficult to distinguish from the photo. Also in the package you can work with animation, create characters of games and cartoons, model movements. This program is an excellent tool for interior designers. The following is an interior designed with 3DS MAX:

  • MyPaint is a program for artists who begin to get acquainted with the craft of painting paintings and create any other graphics on the computer. This package has a simple and convenient interface that is not cluttered with the functionality of this type as: selection, filters, scaling. That is, there is a set only for drawing:

A big plus is unlimited canvas size and a huge set of brushes, with the possibility of their setting. MyPaint supports working with graphic tablet.

  • Corel Painter is very popular among artists. Of course, this program can work with a graphical tablet, as it is intended to create digital painting and has over 200 different tools. Also in the editor implemented functionality for working with layers and masks. A huge plus of this product is the ability to create your own tools.

Programs for drawing

Revealing the topic of graphic editors, it is impossible not to mention the programs for the drawing.

  • Autodesk AutoCAD is a popular graphic program for drawings. This editor supports two and three-dimensional design, has a large number of professional tools, supports work with cloud storage, excel TablesThere is a possibility of collective design. The program is suitable for a large range of users, as it has many add-ons and a convenient interface required to solve the tasks. A large drawback of this product is a high cost, which is justified by the quality. Therefore, AutoCAD is an indispensable tool in the design area:

  • Compass - another one famous program To create drawings using a three-dimensional model of an object as the basis, when the two-dimensional drawing is dynamically changing. The editor is an excellent competitor in terms of quality and set tools for AutoCAD, but has the same drawback - a high price. Also, both of these packages can "arrange stress" for a computer due to high performance requirements.

Graphic programs for Mac OS

All editors listed above, with the exception of Paint, 3DS MAX and compass, have version-compatible versions. mAC system OS. This is not a problem, as to find similar graphic programs for Mac, which are not inferior to the functionality of Windows versions, will not take much time.

  • Paint pad. Many users who have decided to get acquainted with Mac OS face that after installing the operating system, they do not find any graphic editor in its composition. There is a solution, and it is called Paint Pad - this is the same raster editor, like Paint.
  • Cinema 4D is a program, according to its functionality looks like 3DS MAX. It is worth clarifying that Cinema 4D has a version for both Windows. The program works with three-dimensional graphics and animation:

Connected modules provide the ability to simulate the dynamics of the bodies of various rigidity, creating such effects as dust and smoke, a module for drawing hair. The obvious plus of this editor is a simple and understandable interface.

  • Librecad. This program will create construction, engineering drawings, as well as plans and schemes of objects. The editor is suitable for both beginner designers and professionals:

One of the indisputable advantages of this software To work with two-dimensional graphics and drawings is that it applies for free.

Download graphic photo editors to computer for free.
Programs for editing photos and images in Russian.
Download free Graphic editors for drawing on Windows XP, 7, 8.10.

Version: 4.1.7 of December 15, 2018

The program for drawing on the virtual canvas "with pure sheet" The application contains tools for processing ready-made images, including photos.
The Krita graphics editor was created as a cross-platform application for drawing on a computer "from scratch", then its functionality was supplemented with tools for editing ready-made images.

Version: 4.1.5 from 05 December 2018

Free editor Images with multiple embedded tools and effects. The application supports working with layers, import photographs from the scanner and add plug-ins to enhance functionality.

Here is a convenient graphic editor created by Microsoft employees. In its characteristics and appearance PEATINET is very similar to Photoshop and is his "lightweight" and free copy. Here you can work with layers, change the size of photos, impose effects and produce a photo correction. Standard features It can be increased by integrating additional plugins. By downloading free, you can import pictures from the scanner and digigree.

Version: 2.10.8 from 12 November 2018

Advanced graphic gimp Editor Allows you to process and retouch photos, work with multiple layers, use drawing tools, and reduce file size.

Many designers and vestovels prefer to download Gimp as a free alternative to Photoshop. Its functional is 70% capable of replacing the tools of the popular photo editor. The application is recommended to use both to improve the photo before publishing in the social network and for professional tasks.

Version: 0.92.3 from 09 October 2018

Free graphic editor for vector Images, allowing both editing existing and create your own. At the same time, the program provides the ability to maintain your creation in a large list of formats.

Inkscape is a graphics editor that is used when creating high-quality images for logos, posters or business cards. Until 2004, the developers produced the Sodipodi program, which, in fact, is the prototype of Incissype.

Version: 0.9.23 of 03 September 2018

Tux Paint is a simple graphic editor with a non-standard drawing method, oriented towards children. Is different simple interface and unusual sound accompaniment actions.

Drawing Tux Paint is ideal for the role of application number 1 for the smallest users. With this graphic editor, it is very easy to draw various pictures, so parents often download it for children.

Version: 3.0.15 from April 23, 2018

Joxy screenshoter is a fairly popular application to create screen shots and instant editing. Allows you to make a screenshot of the selected area, add text, arrows, lines to it, apply the blur effect and much more.

A small startup project from Russian developers was able to paint into a useful and convenient service. In addition to the JOXI version for Windows 7, 8 and XP, which we will look at, the authors also offer JOXI versions for Mac and Linux, and also - Chromium-based browsers plugin.

Version: 4.2.8 from 20 November 2017

Picpick is a program for capturing pictures from the screen and edit them. Allows you to quickly process pictures and send them to another program, by e-mail or in the social network.

Why do you need a program to create screenshots, if there is a wonderful key "PRTSCR", you ask? But what if the button does not work? And what if you need to capture not the whole screen, but only part of it? Yes, and, as a rule, before saving a snapshot from the screen needs processing.

Version: 3.7 of September 11, 2014

PhotoScape is a photoshop clone that has the same functionality and tool kit. But, unlike the famous older brother, you can download photoscape for free.

The possibilities of this graphic editor make it possible to fully process photos and pictures. In particular, you can trim drawings, change the background, do two layers, apply various filters and retouching, as well as use a rather big tool kit.

The graphic editor is a necessary working tool not only for photographers, designers and artists. To date, absolutely all without exception, computer users and the Internet network are resorted to the help of graphic programs. Changing the size or quality of images, editing graphic objects Or a complete drawing of any graphic elements is the main set of tasks with which even the easiest graphic editor can cope.

If you need to add several decorative elements to a photo or any image, make a photo of black and white, trim it or simply make some adjustments - it is not necessary to search and download a professional graphic editor of photos, which is characterized by a huge number of features and features. First, access to work in professional editors is far free. It is not enough just to download, for use will have to pay. Secondly, you will spend a bunch of time to study the internal interface of such a graphic program before proceeding to perform the task. It is for these reasons that most users travel through the world wide web in search of the opportunity to download a graphic editor and, desirable to download it in Russian.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than download a graphic editor with an intuitive interface, because today the Internet is literally oversaturated with various sites specializing in computer programs And gives you the opportunity to download them for free. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. If all specialized resources take 100%, then you can see such a picture: 30% of them give you the opportunity to download a free graphic editor only after registering. On the one hand, register and download is not so difficult, however, few people want to spend time and score mailbox unnecessary mailinglines. In addition, registered in order to download only one graphic editor is not appropriate. The following 30% of such resources opens access to their archives to download a graphic editor, only after you send SMS. Few people trust this, since no one knows how much this access will actually cost and what the price of a free graphics editor will turn out. In addition, why pay money if the graphic editor in Russian can be downloaded on another site where you do not need to pay anything. 10% occupy the resources that provide too small selection of graphic editors. For example, in the appropriate section where you can download them, only a few graphic editors are located, which for some reason you are not suitable. Also, the same part includes those sites that have all the graphic editors in Russian, but have too little popularity, and when searching for the ability to download the necessary in search engine, Link to such a resource with graphic editors is, let's say on the tenth page, which comes to one of the millions of users.

20% are blocked antivirus programsSince they have in their archives with free graphics editors any malicious files. Few, who risks download even free after the warning of the antivirus is a free graphic editor, because the good performance of the computer is always more important. After a simple mathematical count, it can be noted that only 10% of sites that do not require registration that do not require pay and completely quietly give the opportunity to free download everything that is available in the database, including free graphics editors.

Since you are reading this article, it means you can congratulate you. Our resource site is one of those resources that are included in the past ten percent. In a special section, you can find for yourself the most appropriate free graphics editor in Russian and download it. You do not need to be registered and pay for downloading a graphic editor. Also, you can not worry about the safety of your computer. Absolutely all software located on the pages of this site is tested and approved by our high-class specialists.

Hello everyone, in touch Max. Today it will be about graphic editors, more precisely, I will present you a small list of these programs. Creative people, designers, artists, illustrators and of course webmasters do not cost without these programs in their daily practice (work).

What is a graphic editor is a program for editing and improving any digital images. Many users to edit images use everyone known Adobe Photoshop, you can familiarize yourself with it, the price of which is about 700-800 dollars, linkAnd also it requires certain Iron resources.

In principle, this is quite normal, since this product is today, it is a powerful graphic editor created for designers professionals. Simple users ( let's call them "not designers") Using only the small functionality of this program. This article will be discussed not about, but a little about other free graphics editors. And so, let's go.


GIMP ( GNU Image Manipulation Program) - Image manipulation program. Free program Created for drawing, editing pictures, photos, as well as other raster images and the other vector graphic. It has a powerful retouching photo. It is possible to convert photo format.

The program supports thirty different languages, including Russian, is absolutely free. The developers have created a lot of various topics for the GIMP program, and a huge number of lessons is written. Here are sites from which you can download this graphic editor: Progimp., Gimpinfo..

Gimp features:

  • converting images to formats such as: GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, SVG, TIFF and others;
  • individual setting User programs, it is possible to open an item in a separate tab or in a separate window;
  • setting up contrast, brightness, transparency, setting up the color of the style of brushes, pencils and much more;
  • work separately with layers of one image;
  • change and configure RGB - channels;
  • animation of graphics in MNG format;

This graphic editor will suit not only for designers professionals, but also for ordinary users. Here reference on the official website of the program.


Free Paint.NET program will most likely come true for qualified photographers, which makes this program universal assistant and promotes convenient work with camera and scanner. Designed to adjust raster and vector images.

The program supports many different plug-ins, powerful tools, support for layers, specials. effects, the small weight of the program makes it faster in working with images, is not demanding of the flow rate software resources Computer. Here is a couple of sites dedicated to this program, Pen 2000., forum for communication. features:

  • support and editing of such formats as: PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, TGA, DDS, PDN;
  • setting the location of the interface elements: tools, magazine, palette layers;
  • change the size of the image, turn horizontally and vertical, cropping;
  • with a large scale scaling, there is the possibility of activating the "grid" and "ruler";
  • effects are built: blur, eliminating the effect of red eyes, imitating images, patterns;

The program was created under the guidance of Microsoft. Site program here.


This free program is most likely for beginners, in the field of processing graphic drawings. A set of packages of tools and editors will fulfill a specific role for a particular photo. View the image is carried out by the "viewer" ( from English. Viewer - Viewer).

And if you want to edit or impose some effects, blur, filters, trim photos, glue the image This can be done in the program editor. And also in Photoscape there is a tool for creating a gif animation.

Possibilities Photoscape:

  • "Glue" images to one whole, then-there is a tile;
  • creation of GIF animation from multiple images;
  • you can view the photo separately using the "Vewor";
  • the ability to divide images by one, or several parts;
  • screen capture;
  • the ability to print ready-made works as well as other photos;
  • conversion RAW files;
  • simultaneous work with multiple images;

The program has been translated into Russian, has an intuitive interface with "Tul Bar", tabs and a built-in conductor.

Most likely for designers and professional photographers this editor Little is interesting than for ordinary users who edit images, something is removed in them, or create something new. Download PhotoScape with official Site programs .


Free, but at the same time powerful digital image editor. The program has a built-in powerful tools and effects that are acceptable for expensive retouching systems. The program has a clear and convenient interface for beginner photos of designers, which is equipped with large menu icons, when you have a hinting prompts.

Possibilities PhotoInstrument:

  • restoring certain sections of the image, for example, you can remove unnecessary inscriptions in the photo or image;
  • remove the effect of red eye;
  • drawing with a pencil, brushes, spray and so on ...;
  • retouch photos, "skin cleaner", "glamorous skin", "plastic";
  • change brightness, contrast, clarification, dimming;
  • cut objects from images, as well as transform them to copy, move;
  • establish text in the photo;
  • installation of additional plugins;
  • playing files such as PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA and others, attack them convert and edit;
  • create gif animation;

The language of the interface is also the program also supports more than thirty additional languages. You can download the program with official Site. A large selection of tools and various effects will help you change the images to the measure of your fantasies and desires.

PixBuilder Studio:

Free graphic editor for species color Gamma. Photos and other images, or cut a certain object, or blur the desired place in the photo, image. According to the functionality, the program will suit more professional to perform more complex tasks.


  • work with layers;
  • changing color channels;
  • multi-level channel, it is possible to return the picture in the original form;
  • support for popular image formats;
  • image size changes;
  • changes in contrast, brightness;
  • transformation of certain image areas;
  • work with the color Canal;

Russian interface language. You can download the program with official Site developer as well as this link. I hope that from these editors everyone will find something for themselves, but of course if you are a professional designer you can not do without.

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