Download raster graphics editor gimp. GIMP - multifunctional graphics editor

GIMP is an open source photo editor. The utility allows you to perform the correction of simple images and digital painting. Unlike the Adobe Photoshop photo editor, GIMP takes up little space on your hard drive and is distributed completely free. As soon as the user gets used to the unusual interface of the application, it will become easy and pleasant to work. This article talks about how to use GIMP.

Application installation

First you need to download the utility and run the installer. GIMP was created for the Windows and MacOS operating systems. The authors suggest users to download installers from the official site. To install the application on an Ubuntu system, run the following command: $ sudo apt install gimp. The program is launched from the main menu of the operating system.

Window arrangement

The user may notice that the utility is different from most similar editors. GIMP interface in Russian. The program window consists of several parts. In the side columns are toolbars and layers.

In the center is a working window. The panels can be moved if necessary. To return to the usual screen, select "Single window mode" in the menu.

Color correction

After installing and configuring the utility, you should return to the question of how to use the GIMP photo editor. The program is used to create digital pictures from scratch. The application has a large set of tools that allows you to draw original works. Ordinary users can edit photos, perform color correction and optimize other settings.

To get started, open the image. In the “Colors” menu section, automated tools cannot be found. The user can manually adjust the saturation, contrast, balancing and other parameters.

Applying filters

GIMP allows you to enhance the appearance of images with one click of a computer mouse. By opening the "Filters" menu, you can add a lens or flash effect, blur the picture and make corrections. To return the image to its original state after an unsuccessful experiment, you need to click on the cancel button.

GIMP 2 application supports batch. The selected filter can be applied to several photos at once.

Red Eye Removal

In order to remove a defect, you need to select an object using the Magic Wand or Lasso tool. Then you should find in the “Filter” section the item “Improvement”. Next, click on the link “Red-Eye Removal”.

Using the slider, you can change the color. All corrections are displayed in a special window. The slider should be moved until the eyes take a natural look.

Bug fixes

Editing pictures in the free GIMP is one of the key points of the work of photographers. When removing dark spots, glare on faces, small leaves and other unwanted objects from images, a healing brush is used. How to work with this tool?

To eliminate the shortcomings, you need to click on the icon in the form of a patch piece and indicate the size of the area to be fixed. The area to be painted over can be selected using the Ctrl button. Then, left-click the optical mouse on an unnecessary item. Unwanted object will disappear.

Return to previous state

If the computer owner does a lot of experimenting with his photos, he will soon notice that he lacks the number of cancellation levels in GIMP. How to use the option to increase the amount of used memory? First, go to the "Edit" menu, select the "Options" section and switch to the "Environment" tab. Next, you need to set the values \u200b\u200bat your discretion.

Image transformation

This is one of the main features of the GIMP program. How to use the Transformation tool? First you need to go to the "Transformation" section. Here you can find all the possible options for transforming photos. The application allows you to rotate the picture, distort the picture, change perspective and perform other actions.

Layer editing

If the reader previously used other complex programs for creating and processing images, then he already faced a similar problem.

Work with a picture is performed only on a certain layer. This is one of the most important processes in GIMP 2. Each layer contains its own part of the image. If you combine all the elements, you can get the whole image. To make changes, you need to make the layer active.

If this action is not possible, then part of the image cannot be edited. Switch active layers using the Page UP and Page Down keys. The program allows you to finish the details. If the user changes his mind about adding new elements, he can make the layers invisible or delete them.

Work with other tools

The developers offered users a set consisting of classic and custom brushes. They also provided the opportunity to create new brush options. To add a tool, you need to open the Brush section in the left panel. Using a special slider, you can change the geometric shape of the brush. The result is saved in the same section.

Advanced users can with shades of gray. Results are saved in GBR format. Users also have the option of creating wireframe brushes and multi-colored pictures with several levels.

Adding a watermark

To complete the task, you need to select any graphic image and activate the "Text" tool. The area indicated by the dashed line will be used as the base layer. Next, you need to write the text. It is recommended that you first specify the color, size and style of the font.

After setting all the parameters, click on the text layer in the right panel. Using the slider, you can select the desired level of opacity. To set the logo, go to the “File” section, click on the “Open as Layers” link and specify the image location. Next, you need to select the “Opacity” parameter.

Adding plugins

Free add-ons allow you to expand the functionality of the program. How to use Photoshop filters in GIMP? To do this, install the PSPI plugin. With the free Focus Blur extension, you can improve background image processing.

The Save For Web plugin is used when saving small pictures in good quality. In order to add additional fonts and text settings, you can install the Free Type Text extension.

Export Photos

After you finish working with the image, you need to save the result. The user can select the XCF format for exporting the picture. The file stores all information about the layers. Photos exported in XCF format cannot be viewed in other applications.

In order to be able to open saved images in other programs, you need to go to the “File” section. Then you need to select "Export". Next, save the edited version of the photo in or PNG.


This article discusses the key points of working with the application. The program has all the necessary tools. The level of complexity of the work performed depends only on the user's skills.

GIMP 2.8.22 (new version of gimp)   Download a free freeware program for creating, assembling and editing images (drawings and photos). GIMP supports bitmap graphics and partially vectorial.

Graphic editor Gimp - has almost all the functions needed by a modern graphic editor. It can be used to create and process digital graphics and photographs, for example, to create drawings and logos, resize photographs, manipulate image colors, combine images using layers, and convert between different types of graphic files.

Key Features of GIMP:

Painting. A complete set of tools, including a brush, pencil, spray gun, clone (stamp) ... All drawing tools are flexibly adjustable (line thickness, shape, transparency, etc.).
System.   Image sizes are limited only by free disk space. Unlimited number of simultaneously open images.
Powerful tools.   Full alpha channel support. Layers Editable text layers. Transformation tools (rotation, scale, reflection, tilt ...). Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free and smart. Work with the scanner and tablet. Filters Batch processing. Work with exposure.
Rollback.   Full history of working with the image.
   Animation. Ability to work with individual frames as with layers of one image. Support for MNG format.
File processing.   Among the supported formats are bmp, gif, jpeg, mng, pcx, pdf, png, ps, psd, svg, tiff, tga, xpm and many others. Convert image formats.
   Full support for Ukrainian and Russian languages

Almost every ordinary Internet user had to deal with. These programs are designed to processing   and view digital images, and the raster type of such editors is the most convenient and popular.

Gimp Graphics Editor   - a vivid example of good raster graphic editor. The use of this program, its features, pros and cons will be discussed in this article.

What can gimp do?

This editor has a fairly large number of functions, which by purpose can be divided into 2 types:

  • For drawing;
  • For working with photos.

For the first in this program there are: many drawing tools, freely scalable brushes, as well as support for hand dynamics. It should be noted that Gimp also supports graphic tablets, which can greatly facilitate the whole process of work for you.

For photo correction, there are the following tools: a set for color correction, filters, masks and layers with different types of overlays.

Work with the program

Features of the Gimp graphics editor

The main feature of Gimp is its distribution on conditions GNU General Public License. That is, the developers of the program, giving up their rights to it, gave Gimp public property.

This means that anyone can use and distribute Gimp in any country and in any language, without violating the law. By the way, this editor has been translated into several languages \u200b\u200bfor its convenient use, including Gimp in Russian.

Advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, the graphics editor in question is located in free access   and anyone can download Gimp for free. This, perhaps, is the main plus and one cannot fail to note the very active development of Gimp, the editor is constantly being improved. Thanks to the raster type, it can reproduce an image of any quality and size.

Talking about cons, you need to remember the fact that if you prefer to download Gimp for free, and not pay money for Photoshop, you will have to put up with loss of CMYK color model   (Gimp does not support it). This raster graphic editor is also behind the photoshop in its functionality.

What devices does Gimp support?

Free download of Gimp is available on a computer, the tablet   and phone. It works on many popular operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux   and Android. All of the listed devices and OS have the opportunity download Gimp in Russian.

Where to download Gimp?

On our website at the link below you can download Gimp from the official siteHowever, downloading Gimp in Russian will not work. To install the Russian interface, you need to additionally download and install the crack, which is on the official website.


Gimp is to some extent a unique editor. If you are not a professional photographer or retoucher and need such a program only for amateur purposes, Gimp is perfect for you. With a sufficiently large range of functions and constantly evolving, the editor is absolutely free.

GIMP / GIMP   - A free graphic editor for working with photos or drawings. Using the GIMP Russian version, you can create new or edit images that are already at your disposal. You can process a digital photo, develop a logo, create a picture, vary the size of the picture, change colors, working with layers, combine images, delete individual elements from the photo and much more.

The editor supports bitmap graphics and a bit vectorial. In addition, you can convert files with various types of graphics. GIMP for Windows 7, 8, 10 has a multi-window interface, which may seem too complicated and incomprehensible, but over time, working in the editor, you will adapt. The new version of GIMP offers a large set of drawing tools - brushes, pencils, stamps and much more. Each tool has many variations - you can choose the line thickness, shape, and select transparency. In the program you can open an infinite number of images. Using this feature and the ability to work with layers, you can create images of any complexity. You can transform the picture - rotate, flip, tilt, zoom.

AT GIMP in Russian   You can view the full history of work with a particular image. You can work with Animation. Each individual frame is like a separate image layer. GIMP supports many formats, for example, mng, bmp, gif, jpeg and many others. GIMP is translated into many languages, including both Russian and Ukrainian. This graphic editor is the best free alternative to the program Adobe Photoshop. You can download the latest version of GIMP / GIMP for free in Russian by direct link from the official website without registration and SMS on our website.

Key features of GIMP for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • Free and free graphic editor;
  • Multi-window interface;
  • Work with layers;
  • Convert files with different types of graphics;
  • A wide selection of drawing tools;
  • The ability to process animated images;
  • Support for a wide range of formats.

It all started with the graduation project of American students Spencer and Peter back in 1995. The guys decided to create a program that could perform all the basic functions with bitmap images, draw logos and simple pictures. Now a whole team of programmers is already working on the project, the functionality allows you to process not only raster graphics, but also vector graphics, and the popularity of software has grown to the level that it is called a free analogue of Adobe Photoshop.

By the way, before the promotion of the project, the founders conducted a strong marketing research and determined the main characteristics of the program based on the wishes of the users. Here they are: free software, the ability to create screen and web graphics, professional graphics processing for designers, engineers and scientists, high-quality retouching for photos, automation of repetitive operations, installation of extensions. And, it should be noted that all this is fully implemented in GIMP. Download the program for free, so that every user of Windows 7, 8 or XP can verify this.


  • support for all popular image formats (jpeg, bmp, gif, mng, pdf, png, psd, tiff, xpm);
  • a set of tools for drawing;
  • dozens of different effects;
  • impressive retouching functionality;
  • simultaneous opening of an unlimited number of images;
  • batch processing;
  • work with layers (including editable text layers);
  • rotations, scaling, reflection, tilt;
  • selection by rectangle, ellipse, free and “smart” line;
  • compatible with scanner and tablet;
  • work with animation and its individual frames;
  • saving the history of operations;
  • format conversion;
  • color correction;
  • removal of defects and unnecessary parts;
  • screen filters.

Principle of operation:

the user will have to deal with a non-trivial multi-window interface for such programs. However, after the first half hour of work you get used to it and understand all the advantages of such a solution. It makes no sense to describe the functions and how each of them works, it is better to try everything yourself in practice. Let's just say that there are plenty of tools for creating graphics for the coolest sites, as well as for processing photos that depict Playboy models. In addition, the software will restore old photographs, giving them brightness and novelty.


  • large selection of image processing tools;
  • support for PDF and PSD;
  • customizable user interface;
  • high speed of work;
  • GIMP can be downloaded in Russian.


  • does not support HDRi, as well as tone mapping operators;
  • complicated for inexperienced users.
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