Windows 10 does not allow to make a new user

Today we will touch on the topic - how to add an accounting windows entry 10 different ways. In Windows 10 there are two types of accounts. The first ones are tied to the Microsoft account and require a password from this email, the latter are local, similar to those that were in earlier versions operating systems. In the future, any type of account can be converted to the opposite or. We proceed.

In the new OS from Microsoft, new settings have appeared, it is with their help that we will now create the user. A little lower and throughout the article the material is presented in the form step-by-step instructions, each stage of which is accompanied by screenshots.

  1. First open the Windows settings To do this, go to the Start menu and click on the gear icon, which can be found in the lower left side of the window.

  1. In the opened window click on the tile, which we marked in the picture with a red border.

  1. Another window will open, in its left part there are sections, select "Family and other people". In the right half you will see the inscription of adding a family member, we marked it with the number "2". This mode is used, for example, when you need to use one PC by several family members and in order not to be confused, each of them creates its own account. Click on the marked button.

  1. After the button is pressed, you will be taken to the next screen. Here you can choose who owns the account you are creating, a child or an adult. Also, you need to enter the email address for password recovery. We do this and press "Next".

  1. We are asked to confirm the intention of creating an account, we do it by clicking on the corresponding button.

After that, the invitation will be sent to the specified email and the user will be able to become a member of your virtual family.

Below, you can create a new user who will not be a member of the family and monitored by Windows 10. Consider how this is done.

  1. In the left side of the window, which we opened a step earlier, we click on the inscription: "Family and other people", and in the right click the item indicated in the screenshot with the number "2".

  1. Next, we will be offered to enter the e-mail of the new user, but if you want to create an account without binding to Microsoft, click on the item indicated in the screenshot with the number "3".

  1. We will create the local user, so in the newly opened window click on the inscription, circled with a red rectangle.

  1. Now you need to specify the name of the new user, the password to his account and the hint that will be needed in case the password is lost to restore it. After completing the data entry, click "Next".

After that new account   appears in the system.

The user we created does not have administrator rights. Consider how to give it to them, remember, in order to do this, you yourself must have such authority.

  1. We move along the same path that was used to create a new user. We find there an account, which we will edit and click on it with the left mouse button. The "Change account type" button appears, which is what we need.

  1. In the next box, select the desired item from the drop-down list and apply the changes made.

As you can see, the user became the administrator. That's all, now with the new account you can work by completing the current session and selecting the user on the start screen.

How to add a user on the Windows 10 command line

In order to make another user using the OS command line, you must start it with administrator rights. This is done as follows:

  1. Click on the icon of the magnifying glass on the taskbar and enter into the opened line the command cmd, then press Enter. When the desired result appears, right click on it and select the start point for the utility with administrator rights.

  1. When command line   open, enter the operator in it: net user username password / add (replace with the desired nickname of the future account and specify the password for it), then press Enter.

  1. After a couple of seconds of waiting, the system notifies us of the successful completion of the operation, and the user will be added to the system. If you want to make it an administrator, write one more statement (if the command does not work, try to specify the English administrators instead of the Russian word "Administrators"):
net localgroup Administrators username / add

Now the user created by us will appear in the system and will not just appear, but will receive administrator privileges.

Create a new account   across " Local Users and Groups »

There is another option for specifying a new user in Windows 10, let's look at it in more detail.

Important: the method is applicable only to Windows 10 Pro and above, there is no homegroup editor of Group Policy.

  1. Initially we run the utility itself, we will do it through the "Run" program, in order to start it, use the combination of Win + R hot keys. When the window opens, enter the command in it msc and press Enter.

  1. When local users and groups open, highlight the "Users" folder in the left part of them, then right-click on the empty space and select "New User".

  1. Specify the name of the new user, his password and repeat the password, and then click on "Create".

As a result, the user will be created, you can see it right here.

  1. If we want to grant the administrator privileges to the account, we right click on its name and select the "Properties" item.

  1. We go to the tab "Membership in groups", select the user whom we want to make the administrator and click the "Add" button (it is indicated in the screenshot with the number "3").

  1. In the opened window, in the empty field marked with the number "1" we enter the word Administrators   and click "OK".

Done. The user now has administrator privileges.

Use control userpasswords2 to add a new user to Windows 10

For completeness, let's look at another method of creating a local account for windows 10. We do the following:

  1. As in the previous case, run the "Run" utility with the Win + R keyboard shortcut, enter the words in the opened window: control userpasswords2   and press Enter.

  1. In the next window click on the button with the inscription: "Add", its name speaks for itself.

  1. Here you can select the type of account to create. We, similarly to the previous versions, will make a local academic record, you can optionally bind it to Microsoft. When the choice is made, click on "Next".

  1. In the next windows screen   10 compliments accounts from Microsoft and scolds local accounts, you still have a chance to change your mind. In our case, the answer is negative, we select a local account.

  1. Enter the name of the account, its password and a hint to it, and then click on "Next".

  1. The user is created, we just need to click on "Done".

  1. By tradition, we'll tell you how to grant the new account administrator rights, to do this, select it and click on the "Properties" button.

  1. We go to the tab "Membership in groups" and switch the trigger to the position marked in the screenshot with the button "2". In the end we press on "OK".

As we see, new user   now the administrator of the computer or laptop.

In the article, we considered how to add a user in Windows 10 in different ways, but if you have any questions about the topic, put them in the comments, we will give an exhaustive answer in the shortest possible time.

Video about how, how to add an account toWindows 10

Quite often, two or more users work at one computer. Typically, these users work with different files and programs, which makes it harder to work. To solve this problem, you need to create a separate account for each user who is running on this computer. In one of the last articles, we talked about how this is done in. Here you will learn how to create an account in Windows 10.

So, in order to create an account in you need to open the Options window. This can be done using the "Start" menu. Open it, and select "Options."

After that, the "Options" window opens before you. Here you need to go to the "Account" section.

After that, you will see the settings page of your account. Here you can manage your account a Microsoft record, set avatars, etc. Then you should go to the "Family & other users" section. The link to this section of settings is in the left side menu.

After that, you will see a window for creating a Windows 10 account. If you want to add a user who has an account with Microsoft, simply enter his email address in the Microsoft service and click on the "Next" button. Then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

If the user you added does not have a Microsoft account, but you want to create one, just click on the "Register a new email address" link, then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

If you want to create a Windows 10 account that is not associated with a Microsoft account, you need to click on the "Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)" link.

After that, a window appears in which you need to click on the "Local account" button.

After that, a full inoculation window will appear to create an account in Windows. Here you need to enter a user name and, if necessary, a password with a prompt. After entering these data, click on the "Next" button.

After that, the Windows 10 account will be created and you will only have to click the "Done" button.

Accounts. General information

By type of authentication, all accounts can be divided into local   and deleted   (they are Live ID, they are microsoft accounts). Authentication local users   passes locally. In other words, the account password is checked by your computer. Authentication of remote accounts is performed by the Microsoft server. The advantage of a remote account is that using this type of account synchronizes your data. Quite convenient - you can go in with different computers, and personalization settings will remain the same.

Previously, this was possible only on a corporate network where all computers are members of a domain, and authentication is performed on a domain controller. Now such an option is available to all comers, and the role of "domain controller" is the Microsoft server. Your settings are stored on the remote server and synchronized with it when you change them.

By "importance" user accounts are divided into two groups: ordinary users   and administrators. There must be at least one administrator in the system, otherwise who will manage it? But there can be as many ordinary accounts as possible - at least not one, though a hundred.

The administrator can manage the computer, change the parameters affecting the entire system, to all users, can install and uninstall programs, can create and delete other users. He can create ordinary user   and include for him the so-called "family security", which will monitor which sites the user visits, what programs it launches, how much time it takes to get to the computer. As a rule, family security is activated for accounts of under-age members of the family.

AT previous versions   Windows account management, including their creation, was carried out using the control panel. In Windows 8, you can not create an account in the classic control panel. To create a user account, you should now use the Computer Settings.

Creating a local account

To create a user account:

Options   Click

The window opens. Computer Settings, choose Accounts

In the window Accounts   push Other accounts

The window shown below will appear, since we are creating a local account, then we select Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)

In the next window click Local account

In the window that opens, you will need to fill in a simple registration form: specify the user name, password and password hint, then click the button Further

In the next window, check the box if this is your child's account and click the button Done

The account has been created.

Create a Microsoft account

If you do not already have your own Live ID, then you need to register the Microsoft account.
   To create a Microsoft account, the computer must be connected to the Internet, and you need to do the following:

Press the + I key combination, in the opened panel Options   Click Changing Computer Settings

The window opens. Computer Settings, choose Accounts

In the window Accounts   push Other accounts

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