Disable automatic updates of windows 8. How to remove automatic updates of Windows

The operating system is constantly being refined and improved, therefore, in order to maintain its performance in perfect condition, it is necessary to make constant updates. This is far from always convenient, so sometimes you need to disable the update system either temporarily or completely by stopping the service.

Disable automatic updates for Windows 8 (8.1):

Using the Control Panel settings

To disable the update system, you need to perform a number of actions:

Disable receiving updates for Windows 8 (8.1):

By stopping the update service

In order to completely disable the ability automatic installation updates, you need to stop and start the service responsible for checking and installing updates on the computer. To do this, you need:

With this configuration of the update service, you guarantee yourself that it will definitely not start. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when installing many Microsoft products (especially when installing via the automatic web installer), this service is automatically enabled, that is, all your settings are lost.

Instead of an afterword

Here are two methods to exclude automatic start operating room updates windows systems latest versions... This is sometimes useful as frequent updates lead to some problems.

Automatic windows update 8 is a required option and is therefore enabled by default. Eliminates previously found bugs and vulnerabilities, improves the overall performance of your PC or laptop. It starts automatically - but not always at a convenient time. Due to this, some users want to disable automatic update Windows 8.

As you know, such a procedure can heavily load a computer (especially an old one). And if you are working on a project or playing a game, it will interfere.

Another disadvantage is the inability to turn off the PC before the procedure is completed. What if you need to leave urgently? Do not leave the computer on. Similar reasons there are many. But solving this problem is very simple.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 8?

Due to the changed interface, the usual operations in Windows 8 are performed a little differently. In particular, the control panel is not located in Start, as in the "seven", but in the side menu of Hot Corners. However, there is still nothing complicated here - just the order of actions has changed a little.

A new window will open in which you can turn off the automatic update of Windows 8. To do this, select the "Do not check for ..." item. Click OK to save your settings.

Keep in mind that if you decide to disable Windows 8 Update, this will also affect the built-in antivirus. It will stop updating, which will reduce the security level of your PC or laptop. But the problem will not be relevant after installing any other antivirus.

The above method is suitable in cases where you need to disable updates on Windows 8 temporarily. That is, then to start them manually - at a convenient time. If you want to disable updates in Windows 8 permanently, then it is better to use another method here.

To completely stop searching for updates, you must disable the service responsible for this task

So, if you want to disable windows updates 8 on a laptop for good, then do the following:

This method completely disables the search for updates on a computer or laptop under windows management 8, so they won't start anymore.

But there is one small caveat: when installing programs from Microsoft, this service may turn on again. That is, all settings are reset to the previous ones. Consider this.

Are Windows 8 Updates Needed?

Microsoft developers will definitely answer you - "Yes". Like many PC users. It's not for nothing that this option is enabled by default.

On the other hand, it always starts at the wrong time and constantly interferes. In this regard, there is a desire to go to Windows 8 Update and turn it off.

Stop for a while or forever is the second question. And there is no definite answer to it. The first solution is supported by the fact that patches increase windows security and improve the performance of your laptop or computer. And in favor of the second - disabling this service does not affect the work of the PC in any way. This will be proven by thousands of users who completely blocked it and forgot about it.

Yes, for the first time, while the OS is raw, it is advisable to leave this service enabled. But since Windows 8 came out a long time ago, today it is already working stably. Therefore, the decision to disable the search for updates in Windows 8 will not affect the security of the laptop or PC in any way.

Microsoft regularly develops and releases updates for Windows operating systems. Such innovations are intended to correct the detected errors, add new functions and eliminate the found vulnerabilities. In addition, the latest versions of device drivers are installed simultaneously with the update, which positively affects the operation of the OS.

There is only one "but" - automatic updates can have a rather strong negative impact on computer performance. In addition to this, during its installation, the user cannot turn off the machine, and it will not work to remove the installed update. In this regard, many people sooner or later wonder how to disable Windows 8 update.

There are only four ways. Let's take a look at each of them in turn.

The first option in this situation is to directly change the settings for Windows Update 8.

To do this, repeat the following sequence of actions:

  1. Right-click on the "Start" menu icon and select the "Control Panel" line from the list provided. It is through it that the OS parameters are controlled.

  1. In the upper right corner of the window that opens, select the "Large icons" viewing style. In the generated list, look for and open the "Update Center" item.

  1. Click on "Parameter settings" in the left menu.

  1. In the "Important" section, open the list, where we select the "Do not check for availability" item to completely disable the procedure for searching and downloading new updates. Other parameters suggested by the OS can be set depending on the needs of a particular user.

Automatic updates disabled. Windows will not search and download updates and fixes.

You can carry out this operation in another way. Let's consider it in detail.

Through side panel

Windows 8 has a built-in sidebar, through which you can go to system settings in one click. Let's figure out how to disable the download of updates using this panel.

The sequence of actions will look like this:

  1. Move the mouse cursor along the right edge of the desktop (from right to left on the laptop touchpad) in order to bring up a menu. In the menu that opens, click on the "Parameters" button.

  1. Click on "Change computer settings".

  1. Let's move on to the "Update and Recovery" section.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the line "Select the type of update installation".

  1. We open the only list and select the last item, after which we click on the "Apply" button. You can also uncheck the box in the "Recommended Updates" section.

Automatic installation will be disabled.

It is possible that the actions described above did not bring results and the OS continues to background search for updates, taking up a huge amount of valuable system resources. In this case, it is necessary to resort to another method.

Disable service

Disabling the service responsible for the operation of the update center will definitely lead to its deactivation and will not allow the system to install updates.

Use this method it is necessary according to the following instructions:

  1. As in the previous way, open the "Control Panel" through the "Start" menu, then go to the "Administrative Tools" item.

  1. Find the "Services" shortcut in the constructed list and open it.

  1. Going down to the end of the list system services, find the line "Update Center" and double-click on it.

  1. Open the drop-down list in the "Startup type" column and activate the "Disabled" item. Having done this, be sure to click on the "Stop" button, and then click on "OK".

Disabling the service with 100% probability will permanently stop the functioning of the update download tool and prevent it from starting automatically the next time the OS starts.

Let's move on to the last method of disabling updates.

Win Updates Disabler

Win Updates Disabler is a very simple utility with which you can easily disable or enable automatic Windows updates.

Download and install the program. There is nothing difficult in using it - just launch it, open the "Disable" tab, activate the necessary items and click on the "Apply now" button.

Thanks to this utility, you can disable not only updates, but also Security Center, Defender and Firewall operating system.

Let's consider the solution to one more problem related to the system update.

Disable Windows 8.1 upgrade

Many users are faced with a situation when installed on their windows computer 8 is starting to continually suggest upgrading to Windows 8.1.

To remove this function, you must repeat the following sequence of actions:

  1. We type the key combination Win + R on the keyboard in order to bring up the "Run" dialog box. AT open window prescribe the command "gpedit.msc" and click on "OK" or Enter.

  1. The system will open the local group policy editor, in the left menu of which you need to follow the path shown in the screenshot. After completing the required actions, double-click on the third line in the list.

  1. We set the switch to the "On" position. Click on "Apply" and then on "OK".

The request will be disabled. The operating system will no longer prompt the user to auto-update to Windows 8.1.

This concludes the review of ways to disable all types of automatic operating system updates on a computer or laptop. As you can see, the user doesn't even have to use command line... Let's move on to some conclusions.


The importance of keeping the system up to date has been debated for a long time. In this issue, everything is not as straightforward as it might seem at first glance - innovations that take up a large amount of resources during their installation increase the security of using the OS and increase the degree of its stability.

On this issue, a specific conclusion can be drawn - it is worth disabling updates only on those versions of the system for which they are no longer officially released. In the "raw", new versions, innovations are vital, since they are able to fix all critical errors and save the user from possible problems in future.

Video instruction

We attach detailed video instructions, in which all the above actions are carried out in stages.

Microsoft regularly releases updates to its operating systems. They are designed to eliminate the causes of any errors, introduce new useful functions, remove dangerous vulnerabilities through which viruses can damage your computer. However, many users are wondering how you can turn off Windows 8 system update.

Updates are often helpful. They install the latest drivers on your PC, protect against damage and extend system life. But sometimes they cause crashes. This happens because users were unable to configure Windows updates.

Why is it needed

If for some reason you did not buy a licensed version of the OS and are using a jailbroken, updates may cancel your activation. Developers protect their copyright, so they regularly release updates to protect against piracy. If you have activated your Windows using the program, it is recommended to disable auto-update.

Secondly, the system needs to download patches from microsoft servers... And this is the traffic load. If you don't have enough internet speed, or you pay for each megabyte, disconnecting is a great solution.

Third, updates must be installed. From time to time your personal Computer will slow down and turn off for a very long time. Sometimes users need to quickly turn off their PC, change something (for example, install new disc or a bar random access memory) and then turn it back on. At such moments it is very unpleasant to wait 10-15 minutes until the accumulated updates are installed.

Control Panel

If you do not know how to disable automatic updates in Windows 8, follow the provided step-by-step instructions:

Disable service

If you were unable to customize Windows updates in the above way, you can take a more radical approach. A special service of the operating system is responsible for the updates. You can turn it off, completely protecting yourself from intrusive patches.

Upgrade to 8.1

Also, the OS periodically offers to install new version Windows - 8.1. If it does not suit you, and you want to leave the classic "eight", this function must be turned off. If you were unable to configure Windows updates to 8.1, follow these instructions:

Hello! As you know, Microsoft provides Windows updates that can automatically introduce innovations to the operating system. It would seem, what's wrong here? On the contrary, it's good that the developers are trying to improve their product. However, in reality it turns out not always so rosy and beautifully. If you notice that the amount of memory hard disk for no reason and without a trace disappears, PC settings fly off, programs slow down or crash, then, probably, the same "updates" are to blame. To prevent these kinds of surprises, read our article in which we will tell you in detail about disabling windows update.

I would like to make a small digression and tell a story from personal experience... The fact is that the year before last I had the opportunity to purchase a tablet for windows based 8. The tablet itself does not differ in special performance, we can say that, apart from surfing the Internet, reading books and working in Office, it is unrealistic to do something on it without brakes. In addition, the built-in memory is only 16 GB. Bribed only by the price, docking station and convenience to carry. At the beginning of the joy there was no limit, but then the memory, which "the cat cried" anyway, began to simply evaporate. What could be done with this would-be gadget? That's right, disable automatic Windows updates. More or less, this method saved him. However, I must say right away that it was not possible to download applications from the Store later. That's it.

Actually, let's go directly to the question of how to disable the Windows Ad Center. Specifically in this article we will talk about Windows 8 (8.1).

Disabling Windows 8 update. Method # 1

Disable automatic Windows 8 updates permanently

If you want to disable Windows Update permanently so that no notifications will definitely bother you, then follow this order:

By the way, this method is suitable to disable updates on Windows 10.

Should I turn off automatic Windows updates?

In general, of course, you shouldn't turn off the update center. After all, it is aimed only at improving the quality of the OS. It also makes it possible to update old version Windows to a newer one for free. However, it is worth noting that problems due to updates often occur if you are using pirated Windows. In the best case, some programs will slow down, in the worst case, you will have to reinstall the OS.

For example, in my situation, which was described at the beginning of the article, there was no other choice but to disable Windows updates. But, if the tablet could carry these updates, then, of course, their download and installation would be activated.

By the way, interesting fact: Microsoft developers themselves are strongly against disabling updates. Moreover, when installing the OS, you agree to the terms and agree that this very update center is always activated. Otherwise, Microsoft has the right to take legal action against you. Once on the official forum, a man asked about disabling updates and received such an answer.

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