RePack, advantages, disadvantages, interesting facts. What is Repack and what is it for

Novice users may wonder how to install the downloaded game? It is extremely easy if you have a stable internet connection and a set of necessary programs.

Downloading "pirated" games has long been a popular alternative to spending a lot of money on licensed versions. If you want to test a novelty, many of which have come out lately so raw that you don't always want to buy them, then piracy is for you.

In order to install a game on your computer, you must first download it from the Internet. The installation process itself depends on the download method.

  1. Through torrents.

Torrent files are a proven and convenient method for sharing files on the Internet. The bottom line is that the necessary files are stored on computers of different users who, using a torrent file and a special program, "distribute" these files to others. Torrent files can be found on many torrent trackers, the most popular of which are RuTracker and RuTor.

In order to download the game via torrent, you need:

  • download and install a torrent client (uTorrent, BitTorrent, etc.);
  • open a file downloaded from the tracker with the * .torrent extension using it;
  • indicate the path where the game will be downloaded. Make sure there is enough space on the specified drive!
  • wait for the download to complete and open the folder with the downloaded files.
  1. Through file sharing

Games can also be downloaded from the Internet using various file sharing services, but the download speed on them is often limited, and first you need to follow the links with ads, which often contain viruses.

Additional programs for downloading through a file hosting service are not needed. You just need to point your browser to the location where the files will be downloaded (again, make sure you have enough disk space!) And then wait for the download to complete.

How to install a downloaded game

So, you've downloaded the necessary files, but don't know how to install the downloaded game? The method will differ depending on what kind of files you downloaded to your computer. Games can be distributed in the form of files with the ISO extension - these are disk images that will require additional programs to work with operating systems lower than Windows 8; in the form of archives with ZIP or RAR extensions, which must be unpacked before working with their contents; and also, as so-called "repacks" - ready-to-install EXE files, which are installation programs.

How to install a game from an ISO file

  1. After that, the autorun window may open, or you will need to open the disk in "My Computer" and find the file with the EXE extension yourself.
  2. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard. Remember to make sure that there is sufficient space on the hard drive where you are installing the game.

How to install the game from the archive

There are several types of archives, but most of the archiving programs needed to extract them work with all of them.

  1. Download and install one of the archive programs. For example, 7-zip, WinRAR or WinZIP.
  2. Open the archive in the program and select "Extract", specify the drive and folder where you will need to unpack the files. Make sure that there is enough space.
  3. When unpacking is complete, open the folder and find the file with the EXE extension in it. Start it up.
  4. Follow the instructions of the installer.

How to install the repack

The most popular form of distribution of pirated games today are repacks (assemblies). This is a set of files that are ready for installation and do not require downloading additional hacking programs and installing them separately from the game. On torrent trackers, repacks are distributed with the corresponding “RePack” mark.

In order to install the repack on your computer, you just need to open the folder containing the downloaded files, find the “setup.exe” file there and run it, and then follow the instructions of the installation program.

Many people download programs and games with the word repack at the end, but not everyone knows its meaning. Today we will look at what a repack is, why is it needed, what it gives and how it differs from a license for the example of games.

Where did it come from

Repack (repack) translates as repacking: re - short for Russian re (repeat), pack - to pack, or in computer terminology - to compress. The need for clamping appeared in the early 2000s, when games began to be released, whose distribution took more than 4.5 gigabytes and did not fit on a DVD disc.

Firstly, it was so inconvenient to distribute content from gamer to gamer who did not buy it on DVD (there was no high-speed Internet everywhere yet, people changed blanks and put games to download at night), and secondly, the compressed installer took less places, making it easier to distribute games over the Internet. And later, a third appeared: when a simple mounting of an image to bypass protection was not enough, they began to put nodvd in repacks - hacked executable files and dynamic libraries. They allowed you to run games without unnecessary problems.

What means

The compression is as follows: install the game, remove from it all unnecessary things that need to be added (patches), replace (picture in the menu, textures), save all registry paths and compress with more efficient compressors (in other words, archivers). Let's take a look at how repacks from Engineers and Khattabs are usually manipulated.

  1. Own installer.
  2. Textures, sounds, videos and other resources - each can be compressed with a separate archiver.

Textures, for example, are better compressed with FreeArc, and models with 7zip.

    1. Music and all audio files are often recoded (most often in OGG). The quality suffers slightly and the final size is reduced noticeably.

Here you can recall the time-stretched installation of Gothic 2: Night of Raven (or the Raven in some translations), when after unpacking you had to wait at least an hour until all sounds and compositions are decoded from ogg into mp3, understandable for playing.

  1. The most recent patches are added.
  2. Videos with voice acting in all languages \u200b\u200bexcept Russian and / or English are deleted.
  3. Video resolution and quality is often reduced by converting with lower resolution and bit rate.
  4. DLC integration, replacement of textures with better ones and other resources that do not affect gameplay.
  5. Often, files are split into parts equal to the size of a DVD for easy distribution (less relevant with the development of the Internet).
  6. All unnecessary resources are removed: translations into other languages.
  7. The most basic thing is that a tablet is added - the original executable file is replaced with the cracked one.

Most repack authors set different goals when creating them. As a rule, this is the development of their own torrent trackers and advertising sites. To do this, of course, a watermark with a logo and a link to the advertised resource is embedded in the installer, sometimes in the game menu or introductory video. Calls to visit the site can also be created in other ways, for example, a shortcut to a resource in Start or opening a resource in a browser upon completion of unpacking.

The official website of Mechanics provides data that their releases sometimes come out in two versions:

  • original media quality (video and audio are not affected);
  • with compressed audio and video (videos are most often compressed).

There is another less common type of repack from Mechanics. A separate group of people called Mechanics VoiceOver translates games into Russian and gives voice to them.

We will consider how to make a repack in the next article, but now we will touch on the features of this phenomenon.

What a good repack should be

The main signs that the game is repackaged with high quality are:

  • individually designed installer;
  • integrated all patches at the time of compression;
  • the presence of a working tablet;
  • the size of the distribution must be noticeably different from the original (at least one third less);
  • no errors during decompression;
  • all registry paths are saved;
  • presence of official add-ons, DLC, other add-ons and bonuses;
  • additionally, there may be an option to select the language of subtitles and translation, for example, between Russian and original, if the original is not deleted;
  • opening of game archives is not performed.


As a conclusion, let us single out the positive and negative aspects of the phenomenon.


  • Allows you to get the game for free by downloading it via torrent.
  • Application size and loading times are significantly reduced.
  • The ability to burn the game to multiple DVD discs.
  • Availability of DLC and the latest patches.


  • Unpacking files with a higher compression ratio takes longer than a license, and transcoding files still takes a lot of time.
  • Requires significantly more RAM and processor power than the original installation.
  • Many distributions are distributed with errors.
  • Poor quality video inserts.

Now you know what a repack is, why it is needed now and was used before the era of the ubiquitous appearance of the Internet, and you also have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe advantages and disadvantages of downloading compressed games.

Many users on the Internet ask - what is RePack, Portable (portable), Silent installation (silent). Let's try to explain what is the difference between these programs.

Silent installation

Silent Installation - this is if the program is installed automatically without user intervention. In other words, you do not need to enter serial numbers, keys and apply other methods of registering the program: patches, cracks, etc. In addition to this, during the installation of the program you will not have to press "next" many times, repack program she will do everything for you. And after installation, soft will be completely ready to work.

Why is this needed? Imagine a situation, for example: you are a system administrator and you have a task for a huge number of computers and. If you apply silent installation programs, then you have the opportunity to save time several times and simplify this procedure.

The duration of the installation depends on the size of the program and lasts from 1–2 seconds to an hour. Such programs are installed by double-clicking the right mouse button on the executable file. These files are usually prepared for automatic installation of programs immediately after installing the Windows operating system, and are often included in some kind of assembly, such as Zver DVD, etc. As a matter of fact, everything is very simple: we click on the file 2 times, and the installation is finished.

Typically silent install is used for post-install programs such as Windows Post-Installer, BS POST-INSTALLER... Also silent installation programs perfectly installed on "live", has long been working operating system.

Such software, among other things, can be useful for those inhabitants of our planet who do not like to tinker with little things to install the program, or do not want to strain themselves. And of course it will produce for those people who are faced with installation problems (installation) applications. Silent Installation Assembly She will do everything herself and will not need your intervention at all. Just run and when the installation is complete, the program is ready to use with all built-in additions and add-ons.

What is Repack and what is it for?

You have probably already met the word "Repack" in the titles of games or programs more than once, but what can you conclude from this?

Repack - this is a repackaged licensed program or game. Why is this necessary? Most often, Repack is done to reduce the size of the installer, or so that, for example, the crack and translation are already in the newly installed program or game.

RePack is a light version of a game program from which unnecessary files are cut, including foreign languages, foreign software, various demos, video clips are often compressed in RePack, sometimes with a loss of quality. The purchased cut-down version of the game, in most cases, is collected in 1–2.iso, .mdf ... and other disk images. As a result, RePack weighs less and is more likely to be downloaded from the Internet. In RePack, they add all sorts of cracks, keygens, no-dvd, etc. In most cases, trackers first find a license, then a lot of repacks to it, 1 / 4-1 / 3 less in volume. Although RePacks have been installed on the computer for a long time. Until 1–2 hours ... (byeaaa, all this compressed will be established). Often, repackers do the translation of the license themselves, practically "prompt", and also invest in RePack.

So what is a Portable program?

Arriving on a visit or at work, we use other people's PCs. And often we will need programs in the form they are configured in our home. With the documentation, everything is usually simple - copy it to a USB flash drive and reproduce it on an outside computer, then what about the program options? Or there may not be a necessary program at all ... For this all, there are portable programs (in other words - Portable versions of programs), in other words, programs that do not need anything to work, apart from personally themselves. These programs save all options not in the registry, but in their own files.

Portable programs can work with all this being in any folder. If the program does not have its own installer, this does not mean that it is actually portable. In addition to all this, it should not access the registry and other places on the hard drive. Portable versions of programs are usually distributed in archives. For the program to work, it is enough to extract the files from the archive into one or another folder.

Portable programs are made by enthusiasts. They do this so that the program does not go beyond the boundaries of its own folder. For example, a simple program will adopt the registry - professionals make it so that the program writes its options not to the registry, but to a file. Although if the registry is really needed, then a special code at startup writes the settings to the registry, and after closing it pours back into the file.

Portable Soft types

In general, Portable soft (PS) should include those programs that are "installed" by ordinary unpacking of the archive, or are ready to be transferred from machine to machine by ordinary copying, without requiring installers making the required prescriptions in the registry. This is where the differences in Portable applications come in.

ru - the applications contain the Russian language

portable - portable - moving with ease, just copy the application files.

apps - English abbreviation for the word application, which means the addition - a computer program, for example, a web browser or a word processor.

A portable application is a computer program that you can carry with you on a portable device such as USB and use on any PC. When your USB flash drive, portable hard drive or other portable device is connected, you have access to your programs and personal data as if you were present at your own computer. And when you turn off the device, none of your individual data remains on someone else's computer.

No special equipment needed: use at least USB Flash, miniature hard disk, iPod / MP3 player, etc. Practically no additional software - just download, install and run portable applications.

To make it clear how this works, I will describe an example algorithm:

  1. A backup copy of the registry branches (or configuration files) and files outside the installed folder, on which the application depends, is created.
  2. Importing the data necessary for the application to work in the registry, similarly copying those files that should be present outside the portable folder (for example, in ... / System32).
  3. Launching the main program and waiting for it to close.
  4. Upon completion, export options from the registry (or configuration files) to portable.
  5. Cleaning traces of the program (more precisely, deleting temporary files).
  6. Restoring the registry keys and files to the system that were backed up in the 1st step of the algorithm.

Portable program (in English "portable application") - portable software that does not have to be installed on the hard drive of the PC to run and use. This group includes programs that are easily installed on a USB flash drive, external HDD, CDs, DVDs, Bly-ray discs in the usual way, and even those that operate without installation. This is convenient in view of many reasons: it is not at all necessary to install the same programs on several PCs, at work it is possible to use your beloved browser, email client, ICQ without claims from the system administrator and bosses, all data is saved on removable media and is extremely easy to copy and so on. Another indisputable plus of Portable programs is that they are free, at least for private (non-commercial) use. Although it is possible to find on the Internet portable versions and commercial programs, for example Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop.

What is the secret of Portable programs?

Everything is painfully simple. When you install a simple application on a computer, it has the peculiarity of storing its own files in various folders on the PC's hard drive. In addition to the familiar Program Files directory, parts of the programs can be found in user folders, temporary directories, etc. Therefore, when we want to copy a program by simply transferring its folder from Program Files to another computer, nothing comes out. The software does not have the ability to find the necessary configuration files and simply does not want to work.

This is not the case with portable applications. The program is installed in the folder assigned to it on removable media without affecting the PC hard drive and registry, and will work fine regardless of which PC you connect the USB flash drive to. In order to copy the program, you just need to transfer its directory to another removable media. Almost all applications do not require installation, they can be copied and run from anywhere. But keep in mind that Portable programs created for one operating system will not work on another. In other words, if you adopt a portable version of the Firefox browser for Linux, it will not work on a computer with Mac OS or Windows.

  • A part of a similar PS available on the Web saves all the options in its directory and, of course, stores all the options in a similar transfer. All this stuff could be called True PS (True Portable Soft).
  • The other part stubbornly continues to save the settings in the "Documents and Settings" and during the transfer you have to restore all the options manually. It is, of course, the program is workable right away, but for now you will bring it up to condition ... Such things would be much better called Conditional PS - (Relative Portable Soft).
  • Among other things, there are subspecies created for wearing on flash drives and starting from them, differing in the place of recording numerous temporary files that are formed during the period of work. Specifically, in order to preserve the working capacity of a flash drive, which, generally speaking, has a limitation on the number of write cycles on each "sector", all temporary files are written to the screw, in a temporary folder created for the duration of the application. Accordingly, the subcategories "True Portable USB Soft" and "Relative Portable USB Soft" arise.
  • Of particular interest is some, we call it "single-file" version of "True Portable USB Soft'а". Then the application is 1 packed executable file, when launched, the settings are transferred to the screw, during operation, only the hard drive is accessed, and when the program is closed, all options (probably modified) are again packed into an executable file on a USB flash drive with simultaneous removal from screw folder made.

Added: 09/30/2010


Repack / RePack (rus. Repacking, Repack) is an archive-installer that contains any computer game for a PC (PC Game) or consoles (Console Game). The term came into being when they began to produce toys with a volume of more than 4-5 GB (or even more). The essence of the Repack version is to significantly reduce the size of the game in the installation form (installation distribution), without thereby losing its content (composition). Mostly 7-Zip and FreeArc compression is used, but there are other methods of compressing and packing files. Thus, a game with a volume of, for example, 8 GB can be compressed up to 4 GB (there have been cases of compressing 20 gigabytes into 3 gigabytes) and fit on one single-layer DVD disc (DVD5).
The installation unpacks archives with game content: textures, music, videos, sounds, models and other files to your computer (usually to a temporary folder or a shared .tmp file). Then each archive is unpacked in turn into the directory with the game.
Repack is often confused with Rip
stripped down version), although this is wrong, since videos and music are not cut out in Repack. By the way, very few people use the Rip wording now, the word “repack” is more popular. Depending on the situation, the video may be recoded in the repack (say , the distribution weighs 4.50gB, but I would like 4.37 GB, in order to burn to a DVD disc), removed other localizations (for example, if the version is Multi9 / Multi8, etc.), multiplayer. Some release groups cut out logos, credits, or do several repack variations.
If the audio files are in wav format, then at the time of installation they are often encoded in ogg to reduce weight. The savings in this case are quite significant.

Repack advantages:
Faster downloading of the game from the Internet.
Ability to burn repack to 4.7G DVD-R / RWB... (if the game is split into 2 DVD5, you can burn it into two discs and so on).
Very often, new (updated) versions of repacks integrate new patches as they are released, as well as DLCs (add-ons / downloadable content).
Often 2 localizations are sewn in at once for example Russian and English. That is, the user (gamer) during installation can combine a combination of text and voice acting. For example, the text is Russian, and the voice acting is English (original) and vice versa. If there are many good fan-made translations for the game, they are also integrated into the package.
There are also repacks with original manuals in electronic format, unofficial modifications, soundtracks from the game (OST), artbooks, walkthroughs, etc.
Repacks, as a rule, immediately include NoDVD (weaning from a disk / cracked exe) or integrated a mini-image taken with a special program for copying protected disks (for example, CloneCD, BlindWrite, Alcohol 120%) from a licensed copy of the game (to run).

More information about Repack "ah:
The duration of the installation of games can be from several minutes to several hours (depending on the compression ratio, the method of packing the files and your hardware).
To manage images of repacks of some formats (for example, ISO), special emulator programs are required: DAEMON Tools (daemon / demon tools), the already mentioned Alcohol 120% (alcohol one hundred twenty percent), UltraISO (UltraISO).
Installing (unpacking) Repack-versions of games may require more RAM (at high compression ratios) than installing a licensed game. Therefore, when installing the game, it is recommended to free up as much RAM as possible, unload the processor, close unused applications, etc.

Of course, Repack "and games are created on the basis of Russian localizations (licenses), which means that a game with official Russian voice acting and text. If a localizer limited itself to translating subtitles, then the voice acting remains original. It is worth noting that if the game was released at a time when There were no official localizations yet, or the game was not published in Russia at all, or was published, but only in English, then a high-quality Russian translation from well-known release groups is sewn into the toy, including voice acting (if any).

On the page with the description of the game there is always a description of Repack "a. You do not need to download NoCD / NoDVD and other tablets, everything is alreadysewn into the game itself orbuilt into the installer, so the game runs without a disc. And for gamers this is more than critical. You just have to start the game from the shortcut on the desktop and that's it. If the security code is not subject to "injection" cracking, a mini-image is created based on the original copy. It is automatically mounted in Daemon Tools when starting the game from the desktop. Before uninstalling the game, do not forget to unmount the image so that it does not remain uninstalled, although in most cases this happens automatically. But, on a note: in the bottom right tray, left-click on the lightning icon (Daemon Tools), and select the "Unmount all drives" option or the virtual drive you need (if you have several).

Many users on the Internet ask - what is RePack, Portable (portable), Silent installation (silent).

Let's try to explain the difference between these programs.

Silent installation

Silent Installation - this is if the program is installed automatically without user intervention. In other words, you do not need to enter serial numbers, keys and apply other methods of program registration: patches (patches), cracks (cracks), etc. In addition to this, during the installation of the program you do not have to press "next" many times, the program repack will do everything for you. And after installation, soft will be completely ready to work.

Why is this needed? Imagine a situation, for example: you are a system administrator and you have a task to install the Windows operating system on a huge number of computers and install a set of programs. If you use programs for silent installation, then you have the opportunity to save time several times and simplify this procedure.

Installation duration depends on the size of the program and lasts from 1-2 seconds to an hour. Such programs are installed by double-clicking the right mouse button on the executable file. These files are usually prepared for automatic installation of programs immediately after installing the Windows operating system, and are often included in some kind of assembly, such as Zver DVD, etc. As a matter of fact, everything is very simple: we click on the file 2 times and wait for the installation to finish.

Usually a quiet installation is used for post-installation programse.g. Windows Post-Installer, BS POST-INSTALLER. Also, silent installation programs are perfectly installed on a "live" operating system that has been working for a long time.

Such software, among other things, can be useful for those inhabitants of our planet who do not like to tinker with little things to install the program, or do not want to strain themselves. And of course it will produce for those people who are faced with installation problems (installation) applications. Assembly "Silent Installation" will do everything by itself and will not need your intervention. Just run and when the installation is complete, the program is ready to use with all built-in additions and add-ons.

What is Repack and what is it for?

You have probably already met the word "Repack" in the titles of games or programs more than once, but what can you conclude from this?

Repack - this is a repackaged licensed program or game. Why is this necessary? Most often, Repack is done to reduce the size of the installer, or so that, for example, the crack and translation are already in the newly installed program or game.

RePack is a light version of the game program from which unnecessary files are cut, including foreign languages, foreign software, various demos, video clips are often compressed in RePack "ah, sometimes with a loss of quality. The purchased cut-down version of the game, in most cases, is collected in 1-2.iso, .mdf ... and other disk images As a result, RePack weighs less and is more likely to be downloaded from the Internet.
In RePack "they add all sorts of cracks, keygens, no-dvd, etc. In most cases, trackers first find a license, then a lot of repacks to it, 1 / 4-1 / 3 less in volume.
Although RePack "is installed on the computer for a long time. Up to 1-2 hours ... (byeaaa, all this compressed will be installed).
Often, repackers do the translation of the license themselves, practically "prompt", and also invest in RePack.

What is a Portable program?

Arriving on a visit or at work, we use other people's PCs. And often we need programs in the form they are configured in our home. With the documentation, everything is usually simple - copy it to a USB flash drive and reproduce it on an outside computer, then what about the program options? Or there may not be a necessary program at all ... For this all, there are portable programs (in other words - Portable versions of programs), in other words, programs that do not need anything to work, apart from personally themselves. These programs save all options not in the registry, but in their own files.

Portable programs can work with all this being in any folder. If the program does not have its own installer, this does not mean that it is actually portable. In addition to all this, it should not access the registry and other places on the hard drive.
Portable versions of programs are usually distributed in archives. For the program to work, it is enough to extract the files from the archive into one or another folder.

Portable programs are made by enthusiasts. They do this so that the program does not go beyond the boundaries of its own folder. For example, a simple program will adopt the registry - professionals make it so that the program writes its options not to the registry, but to a file. Although if the registry is really needed, then a special code at startup writes the settings to the registry, and after closing it pours back into the file. Kinds

Portable Soft

In general, Portable soft (PS) should include those programs that are "installed" by ordinary unpacking of the archive, or are ready to be transferred from machine to machine by ordinary copying, without requiring installers making the required prescriptions in the registry. This is where the differences in Portable applications come in.

  • ru - Russian language is in applications
  • portable - portable - moving with ease, just copy the application files.
  • apps - an English abbreviation for the word application, which means the addition - a computer program, for example, a web browser or a word processor.

A portable application is a computer program that you can carry with you on a portable device such as USB and use on any PC. When your USB flash drive, portable hard drive or other portable device is connected, you have access to your programs and personal data as if you were present at your own computer. And when you turn off the device, none of your individual data remains on someone else's computer.

No special hardware needed: use at least a USB Flash, miniature hard disk, iPod / MP3 player, etc. Virtually no additional software - just download, install and run portable applications.

To make it clear how this works, I will describe an example algorithm:

  1. A backup copy of the registry branches (or configuration files) and files outside the installed folder, on which the application depends, is created.
  2. Importing the data necessary for the application to work in the registry, similarly copying those files that should be present outside the portable folder (for example, in ... / System32).
  3. Launching the main program and waiting for it to close.
  4. Upon completion, export options from the registry (or configuration files) to portable.
  5. Cleaning traces of the program (more precisely, deleting temporary files).
  6. Restoring the registry keys and files to the system that were backed up in the 1st step of the algorithm.

Portable program (in English "portable application") - portable software that does not have to be installed on the hard drive of the PC to run and use. This group includes programs that can be easily installed on a USB flash drive, external HDD, CDs, DVDs, Bly-ray discs in the usual way, and even those that operate without installation. This is convenient in view of many reasons: it is not at all necessary to install the same programs on several PCs, at work it is possible to use your beloved browser, email client, ICQ without claims from the system administrator and bosses, all data is saved on removable media and is extremely easy to copy and so on
Another indisputable plus of Portable programs is that they are free, at least for private (non-commercial) use. Although on the Internet it is possible to find portable versions of commercial programs, for example Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop.

What is the secret of Portable programs?

Everything is painfully simple. When you install a simple application on a computer, it has the peculiarity of storing its own files in various folders on the PC's hard drive. In addition to the familiar Program Files directory, parts of the programs can be found in user folders, temporary directories, etc. Therefore, when we want to copy a program by simply transferring its folder from Program Files to another computer, nothing comes out. The software does not have the ability to find the necessary configuration files and simply does not want to work.

This is not the case with portable applications. The program is installed in the folder assigned to it on removable media without affecting the PC hard drive and registry, and will work fine regardless of which PC you connect the USB flash drive to.
In order to copy the program, you just need to transfer its directory to another removable media.

Almost all applications do not require installation, they can be copied and run from anywhere. But keep in mind that Portable programs created for one operating system will not work on another. In other words, if you adopt a portable version of the Firefox browser for Linux, it will not work on a computer with Mac OS or Windows.

  • A part of a similar PS available on the Web saves all the options in its directory and, of course, stores all the options in a similar transfer. All this stuff could be called True PS (True Portable Soft).
  • The other part stubbornly continues to save the settings in "Documents and Settings" and during the transfer all options have to be restored manually. It is something of course, the program is workable right away, but for now you will bring it up to condition ... Such things would be much better called Conditional PS - (Relative Portable Soft).
  • Among other things, there are subspecies created for carrying on flash drives and starting from them, differing in the place of recording numerous temporary files that are formed during the period of work. Specifically, in order to preserve the working capacity of the flash drive, which, generally speaking, has a limitation on the number of write cycles on each "sector", all temporary files are written to the screw, in a temporary folder created for the duration of the application. Accordingly, the subcategories "True Portable USB Soft" and "Relative Portable USB Soft" arise.
  • Of particular interest is some, we call it a "single-file" version of "True Portable USB Soft". Then the application is 1 packed executable file, when launched, the settings are transferred to the screw, during operation, only the hard drive is accessed, and when closed programs, all options (probably modified) are re-packed into an executable file on a USB flash drive with the simultaneous removal of the folder made from the screw.
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