How to find out the password from a contact knowing the mail. How do I see my credentials in my profile? How to see your password in VK

A frequent occurrence on the Internet. It is carried out for different purposes. The most common goal is to send spam and intrusive advertising... Sometimes burglars carry out theft money from social media accounts. Hacking of payment systems is dangerous. Cracking password email, except for sending spam, carries the danger that all other account data can also be recognized. Sometimes carried out to steal game content.

To protect your data, use complex passwords

Password cracking techniques

Even best passwords for mail can be hacked. The ways hackers operate are improving every day. These are special programs for the selection of combinations, methods of tracking actions on the Internet, etc.


This way to find out the password from VK or another social network is popular with hackers. The user is sent a message suggesting they go to a site that looks like the one the hacker is trying to hack. Usually, it is completely copied from it.

By clicking on the link, the user enters other data, thinking that he is trying to log into his usual account. You can get to such a site and trying to find out the password, having a login, that is, using the function "Restore account».

The user clicks the "Login" button and the data instantly gets to the attackers. The user himself is redirected to the page of a real social network, without even noticing what happened. Advanced social engineering allows hackers to find out the password from another person's contact.

After all, in order for a user to follow a fake link, it is necessary to "rub" into his trust. The method is not very effective, but easy to implement. However, the owner of the account may suspect the real one, compare the addresses (which, often, differ little) and refuse to go. The attacker can be easily found.

When entering a password, pay attention to the site address: often attackers make the address of a fake site look like the original site


The main technology by which hackers try to find out the mail password by brute force is BrutFors. It is a method of automated substitution generation and substitution of combinations for an account. To start such a selection, you need a special program, the password cracking of which will be fast. Such a program operates according to the mathematical principle, where the correct solution is recognized by the selection method.

Thus, the program endlessly generates combinations of numbers and letters and checks them for correctness. Due to their high performance, such programs run fairly quickly.

A hacking service for hacking can be either universal or for a specific site. During its operation, a fake proxy is created, thanks to which attackers can hide their IP. In addition, by regularly changing it, it is possible to avoid blocking the computer from which the hack is made. After hacking it, you will see a message stating that your password has been compromised by entering your account. It is urgent to do the following:

  1. Change account details;
  2. Change security question;
  3. Write to the Administration that the password in the Contact (or on another resource) has been compromised.

Although previously used programs operating on, now there are more advanced ones. Now, substitution of a digit to the word will not make your account secure. New programs pick up completely arbitrary alphanumeric combinations, they can crack a very complex combination of characters.

Hacking the password of the social network VKontakte by brute force

Hashes and hacking sites

An effective but difficult hacking method. To find out the password, hackers break into a site that stores hashes of user code combinations. The hash is obtained after the combination of letters has undergone an irreversible complex procedure. When, logging into your account, you enter a combination of characters, the hash is calculated again and if it matches the saved one, then you entered a codeword right. This data is stolen by cybercriminals by hacking the site. It's even easier with old resources that store not hashes, but the letter combinations themselves.

Hash is not that difficult to decipher. Hackers have many programs and services that allow them to learn and use them. They can see the password in Yandex Mail, having previously hacked the service itself, as follows:

  • Computing hashing algorithms and decrypting data;
  • Having a base of BrutFors code combinations, a hacker also has hashes of these words, encoded by one or another algorithm. The program only needs to compare the existing ones with the new ones;
  • There are not many algorithms, and they are common.

Hashing on websites is a process similar to how cookies work on a PC. Decrypting it is as easy as finding out the password from cookies. Therefore, it is obvious that such storage is not reliable protection account even with a very complex combination.

Cracking a password by guessing from a dictionary


Spyware - The software installed on the PC is hidden. So that the user is not aware of its existence. It is essentially a virus. Designed to collect information about the user, logins, browser request history, code words, etc. Needed for hacking and targeted advertising. With the help of such programs, information is transmitted directly to the attacker.

Such programs are disguised as software that offers to copy the password in the form of asterisks or recover from cookies. You need to be careful when using such programs. Better to use a browser to restore the ability to log in to your account. With the help of spyware, you can find out a friend's password by installing malware on his phone or computer. In this case, the data will be transferred to you.

The spyware program does not crack the password, it just steals it and sends it to the attacker

Have the password been cracked?

Some resources show jailbreak notifications themselves. The VKontakte social network issues a notification that the password has been compromised when entering the account. If you change the code word to the old one, such a notification may appear, since the site keeps a black list of passwords from which spam was sent, etc.

A message box warning the user that his account has been hacked

In addition, there is a number online servicescontaining accounts that fell into the hands of attackers in recent times... If there are reasons to believe that you tried to hack your email password, then enter the email address (or login, if we are not talking about mailboxes) in the field and you will see if your account was hacked.

You can find out if your account has been hacked in other ways. The main one is the analysis of activity in your account during your absence from the site.


If friends received messages with advertising content or inviting to third-party sites, you see messages and notifications for the first time, although the site shows that they have been viewed, etc. then your page was used in absence. However, she might not have been visible online. There are programs to hide the presence of users on the network.

The first way to find out someone else's password in VK

  • Most often, users save their username-password on their device. If you have access to the computer of the person whose password you want to find out, then finding out the coveted combination of characters is quite simple. Move the cursor over the "Password" field and click on right button mouse.
  • In the list that appears, select "View item code".
  • On the left side of the screen, the page code will open and in the “input type” line, replace the word password with text. After all these manipulations, instead of dots, symbols will appear in the "password" field.

The second way to find out someone else's password in VK

If you know the phone number or email address, you can try to guess the password logically. Mostly people use the same combinations that are hard to forget, for example:

  • 123456;
  • qwerty;
  • your date of birth or someone close to you;
  • first Name Last Name.

If you have access to a phone that is tied to a page in VK, then you can simply restore the password. This procedure is very quick, but after the changes, the person, of course, will not be able to go to his page.

The third way to find out someone else's password in VK

If you have knowledge of web programming, you can try to create a twin site where an unsuspecting person will enter the username and password himself. This method is called phishing and is usually used by scammers. The login form and the main page of such a site are no different from the real Vkontakte, except for the address. For example, the VK address is, and the address of the fake page can be But how much does a person pay attention to the address bar when entering social networks?

The fourth way to find out someone else's password in VK

There are many programs on the Internet that promise to get any password for free and quickly. In fact, these are either viruses or extortionists. Of course, there are programs for reading passwords, but they are paid and very difficult to find in the public domain. They work only on the computer of the person whose password you want to find out. After installation, the utility copies all saved passwords and transfers them to its owner.

Do not forget that everyone has the right to personal space. And if it turns out that you hacked someone else's page, then the relationship with the person will definitely deteriorate. Consider whether the momentary curiosity is worth future problems, scandals and a showdown.

Social networks have become an integral part of life today. By posts and photos, you can not only find out events from people's personal lives, but also find out about their whereabouts. Therefore, situations when the user has forgotten the username and password for the account cause panic. In fact, there is no cause for concern. You can recover your VK password in several ways.

Login is the username. It could be like a person's real name written with Latin letters, nickname (fictitious name) or a combination of numbers and letters.

Password is a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Its length and structure are adjusted by the site administration. Passwords that are at least 6 characters long and include special characters are considered secure (i.e., those that are difficult to crack). Login and password are used for authorization on the site. If one of these elements is missing, then you will not be able to open an account on the social network. Examples of a pair of login and password: Olya (qH3! BjrHhj), Roxana (gfhjk6).

Therefore, user registration is carried out with reference to mail or mobile number. In this case, the user receives his login and password in the form of an SMS or letter. It is also advisable to store this data on a piece of paper or in your phone so that you can restore the information at any time. Users who register via mail usually create a "logins" folder, which stores all letters with registration data.

How to find out your password from VK through a browser

The first time you visit the site, your browser asks for permission to save the data. If the user agrees, the browser stores the login and password in the buffer. You can view this information in the settings of each browser.

To recover your VK password in Yandex browser, you need:

    in the right corner, click three dots and in the list of the drop-down menu go to the item " Settings"; Scroll down the new page to the point" Show advanced settings"; Find the button" Password management»;

    in search bar drive in the VK site and press the "" button in the timeline with the password.

To find out the password from VK in Google chrome, it is necessary:

    in the right corner of the window, press the button in the form of three dots and select the item " Settings»;

    scroll the new window to the item "";
    in the new window select "" - the button " Tune"- a window with saved passwords will open, in the search line you should specify the name of the site and select the item show opposite the line with the password.


To find out the password for VK in Opera, you must:

    in the left corner of the window, click the " Menu"And go to the item" Settings"; In the left part of the window select" Safety» - «»;

    a window with saved passwords will open; in the search bar, specify the name of the site and select the Show item opposite the line with the password.

Mozilla Firefox

To find out the password from VK in Mozilla Firefox, it is necessary:

    in the right corner of the window, click the " Menu"And go to the item" Settings"; Go to the section" "- press the button" ";

    in the new window, specify the site URL to display the password from the social network.

If the user used a browser and then installed the application, but does not remember the password from the social network, it can be restored using the method described earlier, but through the phone. For example, when working with Google Chrome, you should open a browser on your smartphone and specify a link in the search bar. In the window " Saved passwords»Find the site you want. The first line contains the login (email address), and the second contains the password, hidden by asterisks. To see it, you need to click on the eye icon:

How to hack someone else's password from the VK page

A large amount of information is stored in social networks today: from the history of visits to sites, to personal correspondence and even banking data. Therefore, there are a lot of other third-party users who want to find out the login and password from VK.

Hacking a page means the ability to obtain the login and password of someone else's user. If the user's nickname is known, then half of the work is done. Full success will require access to the victim's email and his phone at hand. It is enough for an attacker to click on the VK page on the page " Forgot password?»And follow the instructions on the email to recover it. The phone will be required to confirm the new password. This method will be described in detail below.

You might also consider stealing cookies from a third-party PC. This method will work if the user logs into the social network only through the browser. Any antivirus program quickly detects spyware by stealing passwords.

Hacking services

Any popular site has phishing counterparts. They are a copy of the main page, but with a changed address, for example,,, and so on. As soon as the user enters his username and password to enter the site, attackers automatically receive this data and can use it for their own purposes. The main task of hackers is to lure users to a phishing site. Most often, a virus is used for this. He writes the changes to hosts file on Windows, as a result of which the user is transferred to a phishing site. The second way is to follow the calling banner or hyperlink. In order not to fall into the trap of scammers, you need to install a good antivirus on your PC.

How can I recover my password in VK

Let's consider the most popular ways to get data.

To recover your VK password, you need to home page site click the link " Can't login?»:

Specify login (e-mail or phone) of the user and press "":

If the data is correct, then VK will display a page with an avatar, full name. You need to press the "" button.

A code will be sent to the linked phone number. You need to enter it into the form and click "".

All that remains is to come up with a new password for the social network.

By binding to mobile or mail

The easiest way to find out the password from VK is by e-mail. To do this, click on the link “ I don't remember login". In the next window you need to specify a link to the page, that is ID:

The VK password recovery page will open.

After filling out the form to the specified Email a letter with further instructions will be sent.

Selection method

If the user knows the login of the social network, then you can find out the password to VK by the selection method. Usually the password includes:
    date of birth; home or mobile phone his (parents or children); user surname; gamer nickname; animal name; popular combinations, for example, 123456; the word " Password».
You need to try each option in turn. In order for the user to always remember the password, these must be numbers, letters or symbols that are meaningful to him.

Video instruction


Probably, the most common question on the Internet is how to find out someone else's VKontakte password. Someone wants to test their girlfriend or boyfriend for loyalty, someone wants to expand their field of activity, in this dishonest way they send

advertising potential clients, and some - just out of curiosity. However, today it is not as easy to hack a VK account as it could have been done several years ago - constant updates help improve the structure of this social network and increase its security. Below will be described several ways with which you can try to get to someone else's page.

Method number 1: how to find out the VKontakte password using the browser settings

The easiest way, probably familiar, even to a student. Its implementation does not require special knowledge and virtuoso language handling
programming. All you need is a computer connected to the network and a Mozilla browser with preset parameters. To the right way configure your browser to top panel open the tab "Tools" / "Options" / "Protection", where opposite the item "Save passwords" put a tick. Now all that remains is to invite the potential victim home and kindly provide her

the opportunity to sit in "VK" from your computer.

Method number 2: how to find out the password "VKontakte" through the password recovery form

Another fairly well-known way to hack pages. Now, to the question of how to find out the VKontakte password, knowing the login, you can answer that this is impossible. If earlier the recovery of a lost password was available through mailbox, which could have been hacked by answering a simple security question, now you will definitely need to send a digital code from the phone number linked to the page. But if you have access to it, then it will not be difficult for you to change the password.

Method number 3: how to find out the password "VKontakte" using special programs

There are thousands different programs, supposedly "one hundred percent working and absolutely free", with which you can do this. For no one already

it has long been no secret that most of them are viruses, the main purpose of which is to extort money from gullible users. Working programs, of course, exist, but they work only after they are installed on the computer from which it is necessary to read the information. The principle of their operation is as follows: by scanning the system, they copy all saved and temporary passwords, passing them on to the owner.

How to find out the VKontakte password in other ways

There are many different ways hacking other people's VKontakte accounts. Among them, we can mention the following: sending messages on behalf of the administrator with a request (of course, under some serious pretext) to send the login and password from the page (but you need to try very hard to find a person who agrees to voluntarily "merge" your page); creation of a twin site with a similar address, when a person, without feeling the substitution, leaves his data to the attacker himself (but in order to implement such a project, at least some knowledge of web programming is needed).

Home ›Ways to find out another person's Vkontakte password

The website is informational! The site has no malware, viruses or hacking methods.

There are a number of ways to help find out the password from someone else's page on Vkontakte. Their complexity depends on how close the user is to the person who selects the password, what data is available about him, whether there is access to his computer, etc. You can find out the secret code yourself, showing ingenuity and cunning, or you can use special programswhich are both paid and free.

The easiest way to become the owner of a password is to look at it on the user's PC. To do this, you need to go to the object's page from its computer, which will automatically open after entering the site and click the "Exit" button. In the "Password" column, a combination will appear, encrypted with black characters, which should be hovered over. Then you need to press the right mouse button and select the item "view element code". In the window that appears on the screen, select the "input type" section and replace the word "password" with "text". Now in the password line, instead of encrypted dots, the desired combination will appear, which opens access to the page.

Options for how to find a password in Contact without access to someone else's computer

You can find a password for a user account by trying to use the simplest combinations that people most often use as secret code... These can be consecutive numbers - "1,2,3,4 ...", "9,8,7,6 ...", the letters "qwerty ..." or "ytsken", etc. You should also try to specify as password surname, first name, date of birth, phone number and other data that relate to the user's personal information. If this method does not work, you can try to introduce these combinations in Russian and english layout or reverse them.

If you can't figure out the password yourself, you can turn to hackers for help, some of whom will open any combination for a fee, regardless of its complexity.

Ways of how to find out someone else's password in Contact using programs

In order to find out a person's password, you can use special hacking programs or write it yourself. In the first case, you will need to find a suitable utility on the Internet, download it and install it on your computer. To select the desired code in the appropriate line, you need to specify the page number of the user ID and start the process. The program will automatically select a password based on the combinations of letters and numbers included in it. Such utilities can be paid or free.

With some knowledge in the field of programming, you can write the program yourself. Effective method is phishing, that is, the creation of a site - a twin of VK, which outwardly looks the same as an official resource, but has a different address. Having entered his page, the user himself will indicate the login and password, which the person who wrote the utility will immediately receive.

How to find out the VKontakte password knowing the login of another person

How to find out the password in Odnoklassniki, knowing the login ... How to find out passwords and personal information of strangers through VKontakte. February 9, 2009 help pliz, how to find out the password from the contact knowing the login? … And much more. Hacking VKontakte tricky way find out the password. To find out someone else's VKontakte password is, in other words, to hack another user's page.

Very often, for one reason or another, we want to read the personal correspondence of another Vkontakte user. Whatever the reason for this did not precede, this means hacking the VKontakte page.

One of the main tasks of Vkontakte developers is to provide maximum protection against hacking and properly exercise the right to privacy of correspondence. Hacking a personal page will be the simplest if attackers try to hack a Vkontakte page using a program.

How to hack a Vkontakte page

Today, the protection against hacking Vkontakte is so high that it is almost impossible to do it. But there are some methods that will help you hack someone else's Vkontakte page. 2. The most popular method of hacking a Vkontakte page is phishing. Phishing is the disguise of a malicious website as Vkontakte design. When entering such a site, you will need to log in using your username and password.

How to read other people's messages in VKontakte

Outwardly, you hardly distinguish a malicious site from a real Vkontakte. Site address - always look at the Vkontakte address. Brutus is a hacking method by selecting a login and password using the program. In order to fully protect the Vkontakte page, you should know ... And even better, forget this and find out how to make money in VKontakte on groups and on the page. I know the login of the person. But of course, you should not forget that the personal life of another person is his right, you should not violate it without good reason.

The idea is that when a person logs into a contact on his computer, data is written to a cookie file to support the user's session (including login and hashed password). Do you want to know the username and password of the Contact user in order to read his or her messages and find out with whom the correspondence was and on what topic? Maybe you will learn something new!

Contact us and within 60 minutes you will have data for full access for any service. 1000 votes. Can't wait to find out who he or she is texting with on Vkontakte? To do this, you need a password. If you want to contact someone on Skype, that person must know your username. ... How to find out your VKontakte login? To register an account, the social network VKontakte, as well as ... I know the victim's login password from the mail, the victim sits on VKontakte, notifications of messages come to the mail.

How to steal a login and password from the site However, not all people are so reckless and gullible, so hackers ... The pinch Trojan and many others are considered the most active in their use. malware... Answer: do you want to break the guy's VKontakte? 28). How to find out the owner by number cell phone is free? You need to unlock the young man, change, I know the login from the contact, you need a password.

In order to try to recover your password, on the VKontakte main page, select Forgot your password ?. Vkontakte I go to the page of one person.

How to find out the e-mail of a user in a contact, knowing his id?

Download all the music from Vkontakte at once. Whatever it was, you, of course, know that the integral elements of registration on VKontakte are filled fields - a password. It can be very difficult for you to come up with a password for your page, if, of course, you are serious about such registration.

We do not take ordinary cases when someone wants to find out the password of another person's Vkontakte account, this is ... ... the VK page ( So, from all of the above, you can conclude that you can find out someone else's VKontakte password absolutely without problems. Free passwords and logins for VK ID, find out VKontakte soap. Question: How to find out the password and login of another person without knowing either one or the other. The thing is that most users of the VKontakte social network come up with their passwords at random.

How to find out the password in a contact?

Many users of a social network such as VKontakte often have to somehow recognize a lost or forgotten password from your account. But sometimes they want to know, for example, the password from their friend's page. Our article will tell you how to find out the VKontakte password.

Using the program

To do this, you can use the program Multi Password recovery Portable, which does not need to be installed, because it can be launched directly from a flash drive by selecting any computer on which you want to find out someone else's password in a contact. This program not only shows hidden passwords (passwords that are under the asterisks), but also scans the system in automatic modeby finding and decrypting the passwords of more than 80 programs popular today. This, for example, is all popular browsers and Internet pagers. As a result, you also get access to passwords from social networks that are stored in browsers. Also, this program has a Russian-language interface on board for your convenience. You can change the language in the "Settings" menu. This program for passwords in contact the most effective today.

Using a cookie

If you are visiting someone or someone was at your place and went to social network VKontakte, then you can find out both the e-mail and the password of this person. Even an unprepared user can find out the password for a page in a contact in this way.

You need to know that if you go into contact, and some user is already authorized there, then you can simply find out the hashed password. The fact is that if a person is authorized in a contact, data, that is, a login and password, is written to his computer in a cookie file to support the session. In order to see them, you need in the address bar this browser write a simple script code: "javascript: document.write (document.cookie)" and press the "enter" key. In this case, your browser will display approximately the following information:

remixchk \u003d 5; remixlang \u003d 0; remixautobookmark \u003d 26; lang \u003d 0; remixclosed_tabs \u003d 0; remixemail \u003d example%; remixmid \u003d 1234567; remixpass \u003d "many numbers and letters"; remixsid \u003d "many numbers and letters"; remixgroup_closed_tabs \u003d 0.

Let's see what this means:

  1. - remixemail \u003d example% - this is an e-mail account for [email protected];
  2. - remixpass \u003d "many numbers and letters" - this is the password "many numbers and letters" to the account, which is hashed using the md5 algorithm.

To decrypt such a password, you can go to the address, but there is no full guarantee. If you were unable to decrypt the password using this link, proceed to the steps below.

Opera will help us

Once we have read the data from the cookie, we can write it there. For this we will need opera browser one of the later versions. So, the process itself:

  1. Open Opera browser and log in with any "real" e-mail and password;
  2. Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Settings";
  3. In the new window, select the "Advanced" tab and find the "Cookies" section there;
  4. Press the button titled " Cookie management»;
  5. Now find the VKontakte entry, where all the cookies that we need are stored.
  6. It remains to insert new, for example, your friend's value into the remixemail, remixmid, remixsid, remixpass fields;
  7. Select the required field with the "Change" button;
  8. When you have done everything without errors, you can go to someone else's VKontakte page. Logging in, of course, is necessary through the same Opera.

View hidden password

You can also see the password saved in a browser, for example, Mozilla, like this:

  1. While on the VKontakte page, go to "Tools" and select the item "Page Information" there;
  2. Go to the "Security" tab and click on the "View saved passwords" button there;
  3. In the new window, click on the "Show passwords" button and click "Yes" to confirm this action.

Now you know how to find out the password in a contact!

How to find out the password from VKontakte, knowing the login or e-mail?

In fact, it is not so difficult to find out the login from the VK page of a certain person. For example, you know his cell phone number and email address. The probability that the page is linked to this particular number is very high. This is due, among other things, to the fact that for some time now the page is bound to a phone number without fail (although it can then be unlinked). Suppose that you have guessed right with the login (phone number or e-mail). What's next?

Actually, nothing. Why? The fact is that the presence of a login, which, as we found out above, does not give you anything. Well, did you find out your login and what's next? You don't have a password. Do you have access to the user's mail? No. What about his phone number? Moreover, no!

You can often find messages from the series "I will help you to enter the VKontakte page for money, you only need a login", etc. If you want to lose your money, you can try this offer. As a rule, after the prepayment is transferred, the “hacker” disappears forever. But there are also more curious cases when the same "hacker" contacts a potential victim whose page you need, writes to her that you wanted to get access to her page, and agrees to add changes to the victim's page - for evidence that the page was opened. And all for what? In order to get your money.

The second serious argument is criminal punishment. The fact is that opening a user's page is punishable by law. Want an example? A certain user was able to open one of the communities and deleted all the data in it. The owner of the community contacted the police, and the latter had no difficulty in finding the hapless "hacker". He was charged under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - illegal access to computer information. The maximum punishment is imprisonment.

Finally, it is impossible to open the VK page, unless the victim herself will tell her login and password.

In general, dear users, answering the question in the topic title, let's say the following - having the login from the page in your hands, you will not know the password. And even if you can get a password in some way known only to you, remember - the user's page is protected by law, the punishment for violation of which can be very serious.

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