How to clear cache and cookies in mozilla. Cookie management in Firefox

Cookies are special files that are stored on your computer. These files contain all the information from the Internet pages that you have previously visited. Thus, if you re-enter a site, the system will automatically accept you not as a new visitor, but as a user who has already visited this site. In this article, today we will take a closer look at how to quickly clear cookies in the browser.

Consider 2 ways to clear cookies:

1 way. Through the Firefox settings.

1. You must click on the rightmost icon. A small window will pop up in which you need to open "Settings".

2. In the settings, go to the "Privacy" tab. There you will see the following suggestion: You may want to delete your recent history or delete individual cookies. Click on "Delete your recent history".

3. A small window will open, in which opposite "Delete" you need to put "All" and uncheck other items, leaving a checkmark only for "cookies". Now you can click Remove All.

2 way. More fast way, which uses the keyboard .

You must type the hot key combination Ctrl + Shift + Delete. By pressing these keys, exactly the same window will open as in the third paragraph of the 1st method. In the same way, delete all cookies from your computer.

In addition, you can delete individual cookies from your computer, that is, the cookies of each site individually. To do this, go to your browser settings, open the "Privacy" tab and click on "Delete individual cookies". The following window will open:

Here you can delete cookies for specific sites or delete all cookies at once.

You have now cleared the cookies in your browser. Happy using!

The correct approach to managing cookies in Firefox is to ensure privacy and security on the web. Cookies are necessary to support the functions of the site, to save authorization data. However, in some cases, they can leak user data, a tool for third parties to exploit the browser. How to enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox and turn off how to clear cookies in Mazila Firefox, you can learn from this article.

Cookie settings

To go to the cookie control panel in your browser, do the following:

1. Click the three stripes button (the three stripes icon at the top right).

2. Click in the drop-down menu "Settings".

3. In the side list, click the "Privacy" section.

In the "History" block, in the line to enable or disable cookies in Mozilla Firefox, set the appropriate value:

"Will remember history" - enable cookies (automatic saving);

"Will not remember history" - turn off saving cookies in the browser; after activating this mode, restart FF;

"... will use your history storage settings" - saving and blocking cookies, according to the settings and rules created by the user.

As soon as this parameter is set, additional settings appear in the web browser:

"Exceptions" - a panel for entering a domain and assigning actions for it (allow saving session data or blocking);

"Accept cookies ..." - setting for accepting cookies from third-party sites. The following options are available:

"Always" - allow all data from third-party web resources;

"Never" - complete shutdown (this way you can partially limit FF from harmful resources);

"From visited" - inclusion of files only from open pages.

  1. "Before they expire": FF will automatically clear cookies after their set retention period has elapsed.
  2. "Before I close Firefox" - delete cookies before exiting the browser.


There are several ways to clear cookies in Firefox:

Method number 1: selectively

Note. The function is available in the control panel on the "Privacy" tab (with the "... use your settings ..." option enabled). At the same time, to launch and debug it, download additional programs no need.

1. Click the "Show cookies ..." button.

2. A panel will open where all cookies placed in the FF directory are stored. In it you can see all the data on any early open website. To delete cookies for a specific web resource, click to select its folder, click the "Delete selected" button.

Here you can also use the option that deletes all session data by clicking "Delete everything".

Method number 2: automatic cleaning

1. In the cookie control panel (in the mode own settings) click on the checkbox in the "Clear history when Firefox closes" option.

2. Click the Options button.

3. In the new window, make sure that the "Cookies" element is included in the cleaning (there should be a "tick" next to it).

4. Click OK.

Method #3: Quick Global Cleanup

Note. This method allows you to delete not only cookies, but also the cache, browsing history.

1. From the FF menu, click: History → Delete recent history. Or press the keyboard shortcut - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

2. Specify the value "All" in the "Delete" line.

3. Click Details. Mark cookies in the list of elements.

4. Click Remove Now.

Method number 4: CCleaner program

First you need to download from offsite and install the CCleaner cleaner program on your computer.
1. In the utility window, click on the "Cleanup" section.

2. Click the Applications tab.

3. In the "Firefox" block, check "Cookies".

4. Click "Analyze", then "Purify".

Don't forget to clear cookies in Firefox in a timely manner. Temporary files litter the system partition, reduce free disk space may slow down the system.

Attention! Deleting cookies may result in you leaving the sites where you were logged in

1 . Click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select Settings .

2 . In the settings menu on the left, select Privacy and Security

3 . To clear cookies and cache only sites we click Delete data

4 . In the opened window Deleting data set the desired checkboxes and click Delete

5 . If you want to clear all temporary files Mozilla Firefox browser, including history, autofill data, etc., select Delete history...

6 . In the window Delete recent history select the period for which we want to delete temporary files: for the last hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, today or All. I will choose Everything .

Note. Out the window Delete recent history can be accessed using a combination of hot keys: Ctrl+Shift+Del .

In this way, you can completely delete cookies, the cache of the Mozilla Firefox browser, as well as browsing history logs, downloads, auto-complete data and other temporary files.

How to clear the cache and cookies of individual sites in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Consider, how to delete the cache and cookies of one or more specific sites without affecting the settings of other sites.

Few users clean cookies in the browser in a timely manner. However, it is the accumulating cookies that can cause Mozilla Firefox to freeze and slow down, and can also help hackers steal your personal data. We'll show you how to quickly clear cookies in Firefox!

Cookies (from English cookie) are small service files that are automatically stored on your computer when you surf the web. These files store information about all the sites visited by the user (for example, the choice of language, user registration data, session identifiers, etc.), so from time to time, for security reasons, it is advisable to clear cookies. How to clear cookies in mozilla? It is very easy to make and takes only a few minutes to remove and clean.

Start your browser first Firefox and go to the settings window:

Click on the "Settings" menu. The settings window will open:

Next, go to the "Privacy" tab. In this tab, we are interested in the "History" item, where we can clear cookies. Browser Default Mozilla the “remember history” option is set, so let’s consider this option first and answer the question of whether how to clean mozilla from unnecessary cookies. Please note that at the bottom of the menu there is an inscription-link "delete individual cookies". Click on this link and a new menu will open:

If you want to find something specific, you can use the search engine located at the top of the window. Below you can view a list of sites and the cookies themselves, as well as detailed information about them. Here you can select specific cookies and delete them by clicking on the "Delete selected" button, or clear all cookies by clicking on the "Delete all" button. If you do not want to clear cookies or there is no such need, then click on the "Close" button or on the cross located in the upper right corner of the window. After deleting, you also need to click on the "Close" button or on the cross. That's all, the cookies have been successfully deleted, and you received an answer to the question of whether how to clear cookies in mozilla.

As we remember, in the "History" menu in the browser, the option "will remember history" is set by default. But if you click on the triangle to the right of it, a drop-down list will appear with two more options for storing history:

If you select "will not remember history", the browser firefox will use the same settings as in private browsing, and the user's browsing history will not be saved. To activate this option, you will need to restart your browser. If you select the 3rd item, a new menu will appear:

I would like to note right away that this option is only suitable for experienced users who, using this option, will be able to configure the browser with cookies at their discretion. You can also delete cookies here. To do this, click on the "Show cookies ..." button, the familiar window for working with cookies will open, where you can delete them all or only those selected by the user. Now you know, how to clear cookies in mozilla quick and easy.

Hello People I hope that you are in a good mood, and everything is fine with you, and for complete happiness it remains only to learn how to clear the cache and cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Now, well, in 2016, Mozilla still holds a decent share of users. Although Google Chrome has now somehow lured most of the users to itself ... Although, in fact, it seems to me that Mozilla loads pages much faster than Chrome ..

Chrome has a decent joint, which is also a decent plus. This is that he creates his own process for each tab, as a result, how many tabs you have, so many processes in the manager. This can lead to decent brakes and even freezing if you have little RAM. Here Mozilla certainly rules, because she has only one process, for which the truth is sometimes criticized that she is not able to cope with a large number of tabs, unlike the same Chrome. But I didn’t notice this, however, everyone has a different concept of a large number of open tabs ...

So far, I'm FOR Mozilla: the computer does not load, it works quickly, there is only one process (if other processes from Mozilla can be cut down).

So how to clear the cache in Mozilla Firefox and delete cookies at the same time? About everything in order.

First, I'll show you how to clear the cache in Mozilla. So open the browser and select Settings from its menu:

Although I forgot that the settings tab can also be opened using this address:


So, let's go to the settings, great! Now select the Advanced tab there:

Then select the Network tab, on which there are cache settings, including clearing it:

What do I recommend here? If you have fast internet, then you can specify to use 0 MB of disk space, this way you disable the cache. If the Internet is slow, then it is better to put 1024 MB. If there is not enough space on the disk (the cache is stored there), then put 128 MB. This is what I recommend, but you can put any amount in general ..

In general, you can leave the checkbox unchecked and let Mozilla herself command there about the cache ...

Well, it seems that they figured out the cache.

Now about how to delete cookies. To delete cookies, in the same settings, go to the Privacy tab:

Now look, you will get such a window to delete ALL cookies, then click Delete all:

After deleting, you should have everything empty in the window:

But keep in mind that after that, all the sites where you were authorized, then on all of them you will need to enter your login and password again. As you can see, you can delete certain cookies. For example, write some site there, press enter and you will be shown cookies of only the specified site. Then you can select all of them and click the Delete selected button, this is to clear the cookies of a specific site.

Well, since I wrote how to clear cookies, I will also write about how to clear history in Mozilla Firefox. On the same Privacy tab, next to that link to delete cookies, there is also a link to delete recent history.

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