How to make another user on the computer. Creating a new user on Windows

Operating windows system XP is built to allow multiple people to work with one computer.

In this case, each person is registered as a user in the Windows XP system. Each user has their own ID and password used to verify the user's identity. In addition, each user has their own own settings desktop, list installed programs and so on.

For example, if your computer is located at home, then you can register each family member as a unique user, and everyone will work on the computer independently of each other. Since you can create users of various categories, for example, you can prevent children from changing the system settings so that they do not spoil the computer due to inexperience.


To create, delete and modify user properties, you must have system administrator rights.

To switch to the mode of working with users, open the control panel from the main windows menuand then select the item user accounts (User Accounts). After that you will go to the folder for working with users (Fig. 11.10).

Figure 11.10.

By default, two users are automatically created after system installation. This is the administrator who has all the rights to change the system settings, as well as the guest who has the minimum rights. A list of tasks in the corresponding folder is intended for working with users. You can change the characteristics of users, as well as delete and add user accounts. -Account stores information about the user and contains his name, password, access rights and other service information. Let's take a look at working with user accounts in Windows XP.

If you want to register a new user, such as one of your family members, select the task Create new account (Create a new account) to launch the account creation wizard and open its first dialog (Fig. 11.11).

Figure 11.11.

In this dialog you are asked to enter the name of the new account... This name will be used to log in, appear on the invitation screen, and also at the top of the menu Start (Start). You can enter any name in this dialog, but it is better to consult with the person who will work with Windows XP under this name. After entering the name, press the Further (Next) to continue creating a new account.

The next wizard dialog will appear, in which the type of the new account is determined (Fig. 11.11). The system supports several types of accounts: administrator, regular user and limited user. The administrator has all the rights and can register other users, install new programs on the computer, change the system settings. Regular user can install and run programs, but cannot change system settings or create accounts for other users. Limited user can only run programs installed on the computer.

The choice of the type of account is carried out using the switch. When you select a switch position, a short list of options is displayed below of this type users. For more information about the types of users and their capabilities, you can find out if you choose the link Learn about (Learn more) located on the left side of the account type selection dialog. Set the switch to the desired position and press the button Create an account (Create Account).

The following wizard dialog will appear (Fig. 11.12). By default, entries are created without a password, and you can enter nothing in this dialog, but simply click Cancellation (Cancel) to close the dialog. But for the safety of storing information on your computer, it is recommended to set passwords for all users.

Figure 11.12.

You are prompted to enter new Password for the user, and also re-enter it for verification. Please note that the case is important when entering passwords, and passwords Sergey and Sergey are different. If you forget your password, you will not be able to work with Windows XP. The administrator can change the password of any user, however, if the administrator has forgotten the password, then it will become almost impossible to work in the system.

To make it easier for you to log in if you have forgotten your password, a password hint system is used in many areas. The bottom line is that when you change the password, you, in addition to the new password, enter keyword or a phrase called a hint. Usually, well-remembered words are used as such a phrase, for example, the mother's maiden name. If you forget your password, then with the help of this hint, the system will help you remember it. After entering the password and hint, click the button Create a password (Create Password) for the changes to take effect. The next time the system boots, you will have to enter a new password.

After creating the password, the following wizard dialog will appear, offering to select the mode of connecting and disconnecting users (Fig. 11.12). The Windows XP system allows two modes of user connection. If you uncheck the top checkbox of this dialog, then at system startup or at user shutdown, a dialog will appear prompting you to enter a username and password. This Windows login is called classic.

If you select the top check box, a prompt screen appears with a list of users when the system starts up or after a user logs off. You are prompted to select the desired user from the list. If a password is required, an input field will appear for setting it.

The second checkbox is responsible for using windows tools XP, which is called fast switching between users. In the classic change of user, the first user must complete his work, and the second user, in response to the system prompt, must enter a name and password, after which he can start working. The idea behind fast switching is that the first user can log on to the system using a different account without terminating their work. Not only did the first user not complete the work, but all the programs that he launched continue to work.

So, if the bottom checkbox in the settings dialog is cleared, then the user cannot use fast switching to another account. To given user had the ability to quickly switch, you should set the lower checkbox in the settings dialog. After choosing a connection method and switching users, click the OK, to close the dialog. A new account has been created and you will be returned to the Control Panel window to work with users.

You can log in as any user with windows startup, or you can switch while the system is running. Fast switching can be especially convenient. To quickly switch, open the Windows main menu and press the button , located at the bottom of the menu. The dialog for selecting the option to end the session will appear (Fig. 11.13).

Figure 11.13.

Click the button to open the list of users. Select the desired user and enter a password if required. This will log you in with your new account. You can switch back at any time by executing similar actions... Using fast switching is useful, for example, when you need to make changes to system settings. At the same time, you quickly switch to a user with system administrator rights, make changes windows settingsand then go back to your work.

If you want to give up the seat at the computer to another user, then in the session end dialog, press the button . Further actions do not differ from actions for fast switchinghowever, your work with Windows will be terminated, all programs terminated, and system memory is freed. After this digression, let's return to the description of the new user registration procedure.

Sometimes it is necessary to change accounting information. Select a task Change account (Change an account) in the Accounts folder to open a new window for selecting a user. Click on the icon representing the required user to go to setting the user parameters (Fig. 11.14).

Figure 11.14.

Let's take a closer look at the options for customizing user parameters. Select a task Change Image (Change Picture) to go to changing the picture (Fig. 11.14). To each; the user corresponds to his image, which is displayed in the window bootstrap Windows systems. You can select one of the images offered to you in the list by clicking on it. In addition to the suggested images, you can use any image, for example, your photo. To select an arbitrary image, press the button Image overview (Browse Pictures) and in the dialog that appears, select the folder and file with the image. After selection, the image will appear in the main list and you can select it. After selecting an image, press the Change Image (Change picture) for the changes to take effect.

Back to Change Password (Change password). Changing the password is the same as setting the password discussed above. You are prompted to enter the changed password for the user and re-enter it for verification. After entering the password and hint, click the button Change Password (Change Password) for the changes to take effect. The next time you boot the system, you will have to enter a new password.

To return to the list of tasks, click Back to (Back). Select a task from the task list Disable account (Turn off account) to deny the user's connection (Fig. 11.15).

Figure 11.15.

You can temporarily disable a user so that they cannot log on to Windows. To do this, click the button Disable recording (Turn off Account). In what follows, this task will be called Enable account (Turn on account) and you can turn on the disabled account at any time.

After configuring account settings, click To the begining (Note) to display the master account task list. You can add the user again, change the parameters of another user, or change the connection and disconnection procedure for the selected user.

Hello everyone from! I have not written about Windows for a long time and therefore decided to change the situation. I decided to write a short tutorial for beginners on how to add a new user to Windows 7. That is, how to add a new account to the system. Let's get started.

Create a new account

Open the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel".

A window with existing accounts will open. And below them there will be a link "Create an account". Click on it.

A window for creating a new account will open. In it you need to specify its name and type of access. For security reasons, it is recommended to select “ General access”(Unless you really need an administrator).

After you have filled in the name and selected the type, click on "Create an account".

Everything, new user created. You can now log out of your session and log in as a new user.

Adding a password to an account

But in this case, the new user will be available to everyone. If you need protection, you need to add a password for the new account. To do this, in the account settings, you need to select the newly created one and in its settings select "Create password".

A window with fields for creating a password will open. We enter and confirm it, below we write a hint for the password and click "Create password".

During installation on a computer operating system « Microsoft Windows 7 "the user is given the opportunity to define the computer name. The name specified is the name of the first profile, that is, a user account with administrator rights. It is possible to create additional user profiles. Such accounts will have all the functionality, but they will not have administrator rights.

The command line console is a multifunctional interpreter that allows you to customize your system. It looks like this:

In order to create a new user profile using it, you must:

Step 1. Sign in to the main account that has full rights administrator. With the mouse, click on "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen.

Step 2. In the appeared "Search" enter the phrase "Command line". After that, right-click on the icon that appears to call the pop-up context menu.

Step 3. In the menu, click on the "Run as Administrator" icon.

Important!Open command line without administrator rights will not be able to create new profile.

Step 4. After that, a pop-up window will appear on the screen, where you will need to click on the "Yes" button. This will open the console with administrator rights.

Step 5. Now you need to make the cursor active inside the console itself, for which you need to click on the area that appears.

Step 6. To create a completely new profile, enter: "net user" new username and "password" / add ". Then press "Enter" on the keyboard.

Reference! To delete a profile, use the command "net user" new username and "password" / delete ". Remote profile recovery will not work.

Create an additional user profile using "Local Users and Groups"

« Local users and groups "are special administration tools that allow you to comfortably manage not only personal computer, but also remote or local profiles... Similar standard programs successfully restrict the actions of certain users by assigning them certain permissions and rights. In addition, the access rights of the entire group can be managed and controlled in this way.

How to create a new account profile:

  1. Click "Start", start "Control Panel".

  2. Find and run "Administration" among the components that have appeared.

  3. In it, you need to click on the "Computer Management" icon, in the corresponding tab, click on "Local Users and Groups".

    Reference! There is another starting method. The user needs to combine pressing the "WIN" + "R" buttons. This will launch a special Run process. In the free field of which you will need to enter "lusrmgr.msc", click "OK".

  4. In the left area you need to click on the "Users" icon right click mice. In the menu that appears, you need to click on "New user".

  5. In the window that appears, enter the necessary user data. It is possible to prohibit, limit its validity or conduct a complete deactivation of the account.

Creating a new user profile using the "Control Panel"

To create a completely new user record for any PC, you need:

  1. Click on the "Start" icon in the lower left corner of the monitor, find the "Control Panel" tab.

  2. IN running process you will need to click on "User Accounts".

  3. In "User accounts", left-click the option "Manage another account".

  4. Left-click on the link "Create account".

  5. In the fields that appear, enter all the necessary data and information about the user, click "Create an account".

Additional user entry through the command "control userpasswords2"

To create using this method, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. In the "Start" find and launch the "Run" window.

    Reference! In addition to this launch method, you can use a special combination of two keys "Win" + "R" at once.

  2. In the appeared area, write the command "control userpasswords2", then click "OK".

  3. After completing all the actions, the "User accounts" window will appear, in which you need to click on the "Add ..." button, after which "Add a new user" should appear.

    Click on the button "Add ..."

  4. Now you should enter all the necessary data and click "Next".

  5. In the next pop-up window, write the password. Then "Next".

  6. We select the access level for the created user. If the algorithm is followed correctly, a new profile will be displayed in the "User Accounts".

    We mark the access level for the created user, click "Finish"

Video - How to Create a New User in Windows 7

How to quickly hide absolutely any folder in Windows 7

To successfully hide one of the folders, you must:

  1. Launch "Control Panel" and select "Folder Options".

  2. Select "View" and disable "Do not show hidden files, folders and disks ”, click“ OK ”.

  3. To completely hide a specific folder, you will need to click on it with the right mouse button, call the "Properties" menu.

  4. In the "Properties" you need to activate the "Hidden" requirement. Click on "Others".

  5. Deactivate "Allow indexing of contents of files in this folder".

Not always only one person uses one computer. Quite often, different people or family members can work on the same PC. In such cases, it is very convenient when each user has his own account. This way, no one else can mess with your files, view them, or delete them. This feature was originally present in all versions of the Windows operating system, starting with the very first, and the latest Windows 10 was no exception. This article will take a closer look at how to create a new Windows user. Let's figure it out. Go!

Account in Windows 10

There are two types of accounts in the top ten:

  1. A Microsoft account that requires an email address to sync files across devices.
  2. Local - an ordinary user account in its usual form.

It is very easy to create a new account. In Windows 10, this is done through the "Options" section of the "Start" menu. There is an item "Accounts".

Once open, select "Family and other users."

Section "Family and other users"

You can add family members here if you have a Microsoft account. All their data will also be synchronized, in addition, it is very convenient to configure parental control... For all other cases, use the item "Other users". Next, you will need to enter an email address or phone number... You can skip this step by clicking on the item "I do not have login details for this person." In the next step, you are prompted to create a Microsoft account. Enter all the required data or click on the item below to proceed to the next step without filling in the fields. Further, filling in the fields is already mandatory. After you have entered the username and password for created user, Click "Next". If you want to choose to grant administrator rights, go to the "Other Users" section and click "Change ...". In the window that opens, set the appropriate type.

There is another way. To use it, press the key combination Win + R, and after the Run window opens, enter lusrmgr.msc. Click on the "OK" button. In the window that appears, right-click on the "Users" folder and select "New ...". Then you need to fill in all the required fields. Pay attention to the item "Require password change at next login". Check or uncheck it based on what you need. Once created, go to the Properties section to give administrator rights if needed.

The Windows 7 operating system provides an excellent opportunity to work with one device for several users. All you need to do is switch to your account using the standard interface and get into a custom workspace. The most common windows edition keep enough users on board for the whole family to use the computer.

You can start creating accounts immediately after installing a fresh operating system. This action is available immediately and is very simple if you follow the instructions in this article. Different working environments will separate the separately configured system interface and the parameters of some programs for the most convenient use of the computer.

You can create a local account on Windows 7 using the built-in tools, using additional programs not required. The only requirement is that the user must have sufficient access rights to make such changes to the system. Usually, there is no problem with this if you create new accounts using the user who appeared first after installing a fresh operating system.

Method 1: Control Panel

  1. On the label "My computer", which is on the desktop, double-click the left mouse button. At the top of the window that opens, find the button "Open Control Panel", click on it once.
  2. In the header of the window that opens, enable a convenient view of displaying elements using the drop-down menu. Choosing a setting "Small icons"... After that, just below we find the item "User accounts", click on it once.
  3. This window contains items that are responsible for setting up the current account. But you need to go to the parameters of other accounts, for which we click on the button "Manage another account"... We confirm the existing level of access to the system parameters.
  4. Now the screen will display all the accounts that currently exist on the computer. Immediately below the list, click on the button "Create an account".
  5. Now the initial parameters of the created account are opened. First you need to provide a name. It can be either its purpose or the name of the person who will use it. You can set absolutely any name, using both Latin and Cyrillic.

    Next, specify the type of account. By default, it is proposed to set the usual access rights, as a result of which any fundamental change in the system will be accompanied by a request administrator password (if it is installed in the system), or wait for the necessary permissions from the account with a higher rank. If this account will be used by an inexperienced user, then in order to ensure the security of data and the system as a whole, it is still advisable to leave him with ordinary rights, and issue increased rights if necessary.

  6. Confirm the entered data. After that, a new item will appear in the list of users, which we have already seen at the very beginning of our journey.
  7. So far, this user does not have his own data as such. To complete the creation of an account, you must go to it. A folder will be formed on the system partition, as well as certain windows options and personalization. To do this using "Start"run the command "Change user"... In the list that appears, point with the left mouse button to new entry and wait until all the necessary files are created.

Method 2: start menu

Please note that multiple concurrent accounts on a computer can take up a significant amount random access memory and heavily load the device. Try to keep active only the user for whom you are currently working.

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