How to add a vkontakte entry to a friend's wall. How to add a new entry on the wall in Vkontakte: an overview of options

how to add a VKontakte entry to your wall? tell me

  1. In short, this Higher mind is correct. But read for a long time ...
    In short: on the page there is a line "Records" and a line "What's new with you" (Under "Records"), and there you need to write something new.
  2. How to add posts to the Vkontakte wall?
    Each user of this network has a wall to which his friends, subscribers and even strangers can add their posts, pictures, videos, graffiti and more. Vkontakte is improving every day and the possibilities for wall decoration are becoming more and more.
    If a user adds a status that he wants to tell friends about, then he can click on the checkmark to tell friends and the entry will appear on the wall where other users can rate it.
    It is possible to add a picture, or a video, and users who visit your Vkontakte page will be able to rate this entry and leave a comment about it.
    Now, the entry you like from the wall of another person can be easily transferred to your page, with a link to this person or group. One has only to click I like and check the box to tell my friends. The required entry will appear on your page.
    The posts on the wall allow you to cheer up your friends every day, on a holiday, on a birthday. Your imagination is limitless and you can add whatever you want to the wall. The main thing, probably, is to please the one who owns this wall.
    Due to the fact that so many people play online applications, there is a problem with wall clogging. When game friends send the so-called beggars for help in completing certain tasks, etc.

    How to remove unnecessary notes from the wall?
    1. Method one and the simplest deletion with a cross, which is highlighted when you move the mouse cursor over the record. Just press the cross and the entry will be deleted.
    2. There is one more scripting method. For this method to work, you need the Greasemonkey program, which, being embedded in the browser, allows you to select the necessary scripts for the tasks you need. But it is worth considering that this program designed only for Mozilla Firefox.
    In order to start working in this way, you need to go to the official website of Mozilla Firefox, item Addons, using the search you will find and download Greasemonkey. After downloading the add-on, you need to click on Install now, thus adding the add-on to the browser. After that, we restart the browser. (close and reopen).
    Now, using search engines You will need to find a script to clean up the wall. With Mozilla Firefox open, go to the Greazemonkey Toolbar under Manage Plugins. A separate window will open with a search bar. Using the search, find the script you need and add it to yourself.

How to add interesting things to the wall

A person also wants to quickly get used to a new environment, so he is looking for answers to his questions, and we are actively helping him in this. For example, now we will tell you how to add an interesting event, note or survey to the contact wall.

Add a poll

Most quick way strike up a conversation with interesting people - create a survey on your page. Let's see how to do this. Since the possibility of placing polls in a contact appeared relatively recently, not every user will do everything right the first time.

  1. We open our page in contact.
  2. We find the line "What's new with you?" Below it is the "Attach" button. We press it.
  3. A drop-down list of what can be selected for the attachment. Lower the cursor to the "Poll" line. Click it.
  4. In the drop-down table, fill in the survey fields. We write down the topic of the survey, in which you clearly formulate your question. Then we arrange the answer options.
  5. If there are more than two options, then click on the "Add" button under the last line of the survey.
  6. After finishing the design, click on "Add poll".

You can set parameters by making the results available to all users of the contact. Or make it private only for yourself.

The added poll appears on your wall, all friends see it, vote, thereby spreading it among other users. After a certain time, the survey will be closed, you will receive its results.

Add a picture to the wall

  1. To add a picture to the wall, click the same "Attach" line.
  2. From the drop-down list, select "Attach a picture". Follow the instructions and post the picture from the app.
  3. If you need to add a picture from your computer to the wall, select the button “photo” from the “attach” menu. In the interface that opens, click "Add Image". Upload photos to the site, or use pictures already placed in your folders.

Add a picture with animation to a friend's wall

You can post interesting news, pictures and video files not only on your wall. You can also download pictures on the walls of your friends. Here's how to add animation to your friend's wall.

  1. Copy the link to the animated picture in the address bar of your browser.
  2. Open the message box on your friend's wall.
  3. Paste the copied link there. An animation appears in the message box. The link can now be removed.
  4. Press the "send" button and the animation successfully takes place on your friend's wall.

This is how easily and naturally you can add pictures, polls and even animations to the wall in contact. Study with us and soon you will become a successful user social network "In contact with".

Hello! Vkontakte has rich functionality for adding texts, pictures and videos. Despite this, not everyone uses them. In many cases, the reason for this is not knowledge, lack of need, or lack of time to study the functionality.

As a consequence, I often hear one question - how did you do it? It's about publishing maps, polls, graffiti and other information.

Today we will see how to add an entry on the Vkontakte wall using the standard functionality. Due to its convenience and high usefulness, many users have already appreciated it. High-quality design of materials is especially important in the field of competent business development.

Let's start looking at everything in order. I will ask you one question right away due to the high relevance of financial prospects.

Where to begin?

First you need to go to your page or community and find a special block. For clarity, I will show on the example of the group of this blog.

This is where new materials need to be added. If you want to add them to the page or communities of other people, then this will work if they did not set restrictions on these actions.

Adding new text entries

There are three main types of text posts on Vkontakte:

  1. classic text;
  2. formatted text;
  3. attached document.

The first option is simple - we write and send a message.

In the next case, there will be more visual possibilities. To do this, select "attach" and "note".

The note has a peculiarity - its content is not visible on the wall. Therefore, you need to open it.

Additionally, it is possible to attach files. For example, they can be pictures or documents.

Once sent, it will appear on the wall.

Adding graphic, audio and mixed recordings

You can add the following elements to a post on Vkontakte:

  • video recordings;
  • photographs and pictures;
  • audio;
  • cards;
  • graffiti.

Check out the screenshot below for yourself.

I do not consider each point in detail, since there is nothing complicated there. The system interface is quite user-friendly and straightforward.

By the way, do you know what is meant by mixed publications? For example, these include adding a map with a text description.

You can add text to other post elements as well.

Assigning deferred publications

A very convenient opportunity when a Vkontakte entry needs to be published not immediately, but in advance set time.

To make a deferred publication, you need to select "timer" from the "attach" menu. You can also add available text and graphic information.

Conducting polls

Need to know the opinions of friends on Vkontakte? The challenge is simple. There are polls for this.

You will need to indicate the topic of the survey, answer options, you can add additional information in the form of text, graphics, and send new entry for publication.

Restrictions on new entries

It is not always possible to add new materials to other people's pages or communities. This is due to restrictions that their administrators can set.

For example, I'll show you what you can do in your page settings in the "privacy" section.

Communities can also have different types restrictions.

On the pages, instead of the form for adding a post, you may also find an information line. See how she looks.

If you click on "suggest news", you can add new materials. There is one peculiarity - they will not be published until approved by the administrator.

Finally, I will briefly talk about the financial potential that opens up thanks to the existence of social networks.

Have you tried to make money?

Many people fail to achieve good results. A common reason for this is the wrong approach to business.

Earnings in social networks

Stable, easy and fast to make decent money on the Internet is a myth. I don't understand why some people still believe in this and hope for good luck.

Good earnings - the result of labors where specialized knowledge and skills are needed. You can learn from scratch and for this it is not necessary to spend 5-10 years purely on theoretical education.

There are good training courses on the topic of making money on social networks and other professions in demand on the Internet. To begin with, you can achieve success in one direction, and then think about expanding financial achievements.

You can spend just a few months, or even less, on getting really cool knowledge or trying to learn on your own. I almost wasted 2 years earlier. Although he could sign up for normal training in his field of activity and already enjoy good results. I realized that it was better to do it differently, and now I act differently. As they say, what to do in the end - everyone decides independently.

I have already talked a lot about ways to earn extra money and earn decent sums on the net on this blog. I am preparing new articles. The blog is updated regularly. You can track the announcements of new articles on social networks. There is also a subscription to email... Until next time.

The social network "Vkontakte" is one of the most popular in the CIS countries. Every day, millions of users are actively chatting here, but many of them are not aware of the hidden capabilities of the network. For example, how to fix a post on a wall. This function considered very useful, but rarely used. Its essence lies in the location of the pinned post at the very top of the page. And even if a new entry is uploaded to the wall, the pinned post will remain in place.

How do I pin a post?

We will analyze this issue in more detail in the instructions below:

First you need to post a post on your personal wall. It is required to write specific text in a special area and, if desired, add an image, video or audio, and then send the content to the wall.

As soon as the post appeared on your wall, then you should click on the date of its posting. If the information was published within a minute, then the date and time will be marked "just now".

In the window that opens, you need to go from the sections below to the "Pin" section. In the picture below, the required item is outlined in an orange frame.

How to unpin a post back?

Once you have pinned a specific post, all posts added to the wall later will be located just below. Only one record is fixed, this operation simultaneously with several posts is impossible. If you decide to change the assigned information to another, then you should carry out all the above steps for a new record. The old pin will be automatically unpinned.

In order to completely get rid of pinned posts, follow these steps. Click again on the date of posting the news, as a result of which the already familiar window will open, where at the bottom, together with the item "Pin", there will be another "Unpin". Click on it and you're done. In the figure below, this item is highlighted in a box.

We fix someone else's record.

The page in the social network "Vkontakte" also has the ability to fix other people's records on a personal wall. To do this, follow all the steps of the instructions below:

- To begin with, we find any post on the wall of another person or community. At the bottom of the record, there will be an icon in the form of a horn, when you hover over which the inscription "Repost" will appear. Click on the icon.

Posting on the community wall.

To place a specific post in your group, you will need to perform the above steps to call the "Submit Entry" menu. Click on the icon with a horn, after which, instead of the first option, select the second "Community Subscribers" (shown in green in the figure below).

The third item of the "Send Post" window allows you to send the selected post as a private message to one of your friends. After choosing this option, a list with friends to whom you can send news will open. We type the necessary comments and add desired file... Next, you should click on the "Share Record" button.

Many users In contact with new posts often appear on the wall: these can be both text notes and reposts from various public pages and groups, photographs, audio materials. This means that older records gradually "go down" and you have to scroll the page to find them again.

What if you don't want to lose some important record behind dozens of others? How to fix a post on a VK wall so that it is always the first from the top, by doing it through a computer or with mobile device? For this there is convenient function post attachment, allowing him to always remain the first on the wall. The first entry will always be clearly visible to you and your friends.

How to fix a post in VK on the wall?

This is incredibly easy to do. Before you make a post pinned, you should post the post on your wall, for example, from your computer. If the post consists of text, then after clicking directly on it, a window will appear where it will be necessary to select the “Pin” function on the VKontakte wall and click on it.

If the post is not text, but consists of audio recordings or photographs, then you need to follow the same procedure, with one exception: first of all, you need to click on the post publication date, and only after that select the “Pin” line and close the no longer needed pop-up window.

Now the selected post will always stay above the rest, even the newest posts.

As soon as a new post is selected as a pinned post, the previous one will automatically go to the unpinned status. If there is no need to attach a new post, and the old one is no longer needed as a fixed one, then there is another option - you need to do everything according to the same instructions as when you attach it, but select the "Unpin" function in the pop-up window. Here are, perhaps, all the secrets and aspects of how you can pin a VK record to a user.

How to pin a record in a VK group?

An important point: you can do this only if you have administrator rights for this group. Light click on the date of the recording and it turns ... turns into ... fixed! But for regular user this function is not available: the button "Pin" in the community, he will not even appear from a computer or a smartphone.

Pinning the post in the mobile version

If there is a need to fix a record from the phone, you should click on three dots near the post.

Depending on the used mobile application (official or third-party), these points can be located vertically or horizontally, but the essence is the same: the VK wall, when you click on them, will display a small menu offering to make the post pinned or delete it. All that remains is to select the desired function.

Now that the article has been read, it will not be difficult for the user to fix the VKontakte post. You just need to follow the principle described in the article and everything will be done as it should. If the record for some reason is not fixed, then you should contact the VK technical support service, where they will find the cause of the problem and help you figure it out. The VKontakte wall is a convenient and rather flexible tool that allows you to conveniently post information on it! Share this information on the page Hide-Info with friends and write a review, please. Thanks!

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