The explorer does not load windows 7. Restore the desktop from startup. Download the desktop

If the system does not automatically start up just one explorer.exe file when you turn on the system, then instead of the usual screen image you will see a black screen with a mouse arrow. All because explorer.exe is one of the main Windows processes. For more information about the file, errors and solutions, see the article.

What is explorer.exe and what is it for?

Explorer.exe is an executable file that launches the Windows GUI. In other words, this is the entire main interface of the system. If the system explorer.exe does not automatically boot when you turn on the system, then you will not see the desktop, startup and file manager.

Easy installation, automatic use

You just need to enter the appropriate password. Conversely, without any complicated setup, you can automatically send e-mails in encrypted form that do not receive any smoke. However, encryption does not protect you from monitoring your communication with other Internet users. Although the content is not accessible to anyone, you can not avoid the ability to track who you are and how often you write. For one simple reason - every email should contain an address.

What problems and errors can be associated with starting the process

There are many errors associated with this system file:

  • "Application Explorer.exe error."
  • "Explorer.exe is not a Win32 application."
  • "An error occurred in the Explorer.exe application. The application will be closed. We apologize for the inconvenience. "
  • "The file explorer.exe was not found."
  • "Explorer.exe was not found."
  • "Error launching the program: explorer.exe."
  • "The Explorer.exe file is not running."
  • "Failure Explorer.exe."
  • "Invalid application path: explorer.exe."

This can happen while the computer is turned on and off, when you reinstall the OS, install or run the program that is associated with explorer.exe.

In the installer there is no need to install anything, all necessary accessories are automatically installed. As for security, this is not a problem, since the public key is used only for encryption. When you receive the encrypted email, you will be asked to enter the password.

Solve the problem with a broken keyboard

How to optimally use your devices and devices. The keyboard is one of the most reliable components that can boast of personal Computer. Each standard key of the keyboard must withstand at least one hundred thousand strokes without damaging it. However, you can often see that the keyboard does not work properly. All this can damage the drive or cause problems with the contacts. If you are having trouble with the keyboard, first check that the battery is sufficiently charged so that the cable is not damaged or that the keyboard has a visible defect.

There are 3 reasons for the error in this system file.

  1. Viral software. Viruses delete files, change them, translations to a system crash. In the case of the file explorer.exe it is still more interesting. Viruses to remain undetected in the system use names system files, which do not arouse suspicion. Because explorer.exe is definitely located in Windows, this is an excellent option.
  2. A program with errors was installed on the computer or it was not installed correctly. Or there is a program that conflicts with the file, which by mistake could delete the data necessary for the correct operation of explorer.exe.
  3. An error may occur in the file itself.

What to do if the process does not start automatically

How to check in Windows Safe Mode, why does not explorer.exe start

First of all, you should check whether the automatic virus download failed. To do this, start Windows in safe mode. Safe mode is a system boot with a minimum set of components. Therefore, nothing will prevent accurate verification. There are two ways to enter safe mode. First:

Then turn off the computer, disconnect the keyboard, flip it over and gently press it so that loose particles can fall out of it. In the next step you can use a vacuum cleaner with a cleaning cloth. Any dirt on the surface of the keys can be removed with a usual damp cloth.

General tips for refilling ink cartridges

You want to save money to add your own ink cartridges. However, you must be well prepared and follow certain basic rules. First of all, prepare everything you need during the replenishment - no more uncomfortable than when you need to open the drawers with something on your fingers and look for something.

The second way:

In safe mode, we check how the system works. If the download is normal, then autorun is blocked by the newly installed program or virus.

As soon as light stripes appear on the printout, you must take action. An empty cartridge can dry very quickly so that you can no longer use it. In addition, the nozzles of the printer are simply cooled with ink, so if they are missing, the print head may overheat and become damaged. Air plays an important role in the replenishment. You need to get out of a clean, empty cartridge and take the ink. When replenishing, be careful not to fill the cartridge to the edge and do not get air bubbles from the syringe.

How to scan and restore the interface load using the command line

You can prevent ink from entering the nozzle. The cartridge has too much or too low a pressure. Depending on the model of the printer and the cartridge, you may encounter other problems, such as security chips or codes that prevent refilling. In addition, you should expect that the supplied ink may not have the same color, saturation, or abrasion resistance. First, find out on the Internet what content is right for your printer, how users use it and what problems you can expect.

Run a full antivirus system scan without leaving safe mode. Remove all detected threats.

Restoring the system as a way to restart the process

The operating system itself creates recovery control points. This happens either on schedule, with a certain periodicity, or after serious changes. If the job fails, it allows you to "roll back" the system to this point and restore the correct operation. There are several ways to roll back the system by using the System Restore Wizard.

You can train the battery longer and do not charge so much

As a rule, we do not recommend refilling cartridges, because they are basically holes in several places and quickly dry up. If you get dirty from ink, you can easily get it from your hands with soapy soap, which you will get to the pharmacy. Do you feel that the battery of your smartphone or camera will not last as long as before, and should I charge the battery more often? This is likely, because the battery loses its capacity over time. With this phenomenon, you can fight, for example, by creating additional security mechanisms on your phone.

System recovery does not delete and does not affect personal files in any way. But it removes all programs and drivers installed after the selected control point, and changes in them (activation, updates, etc.).

Where is and how to start - step-by-step actions

How to scan and restore the interface load using the command line

This method corrects errors in the file itself. For this we need administrator rights.

This will partially solve your problem. But you can try other tricks. To keep your batteries in better shape, you can train them a bit: just charge it several times and release it as soon as possible. Discharge it as much as possible, but not 100%, because it does not show a modern battery and can be completely destroyed.

Troubleshoot installation and installation of a video card

This tip is particularly suitable for devices whose batteries are not compatible with conventional batteries, has already lost a significant portion of its capacity and often needs to be recharged. Several quick discharges and charges are not a problem for them. Affectionate players need to exchange their graphics card  on a more powerful model that can run modern games in full resolution and with all the details. Before you start buying a new card, check your computer for a new card.

If it's a virus - how to remove it through Registry Editor

Despite the fact that this file provides the ability to communicate with the computer, often there are tips to stop or restart explorer.exe. Do this in any case impossible. To resolve the problem, use one of the methods described above.

The computer must be large enough that the card is inserted mechanically, and on its motherboard  there must be a slot on which the card is installed. Make sure the card does not close the processor heat sink or mounted disks  and disks. Therefore, check the documentation on your motherboard to make sure that your card will run at full capacity and take full advantage of it. In addition, please note that the card may require additional power. Look at your power supply, regardless of whether it is equipped with the power suitable for video cards.

When you start your computer, you may sometimes experience a problem with your desktop.

In most cases, this is due to the presence of a virus program in the system that changed the explorer.exe registry or completely replaced it with your own.

To solve the problem arises, some effort will have to be made.

The user action algorithm will be as follows:

If you are sure that the installation will not be a problem, continue. However, after assembly, you still have to work - you need to get rid of the old drivers of the previous video card and install new drivers - the best current from the site of the manufacturer of the video card. If you want to increase the overall performance of your computer, you can proceed to a full reinstallation of your computer. operating system, which also eliminates the problem with older drivers.

Find the maximum resolution of the docking station or switch

The computer does not have the exact time, but it detects it from the Internet when it starts up. Do not replace the backup battery. You will find it on the motherboard, and this is a "button" battery that you buy in the electronics store. You bought a new monitor, but it looks strange and blurry. This may be due to the setting to it different from the main resolution, or this parameter is automatically selected. You will have to omit this device if you need to get a newer switch that will support a higher resolution.

It starts with an attempt to load through the Task Manager, in which you need to click on the "File" item and select "Launch a new task". In the line, register explorer.exe and click OK. The following user actions will depend on whether the desktop has finally opened.

If this does not happen, then the explorer.exe file has most likely been replaced.

If you do not find it easy on board, you need to download the manual. Due to the jumper, the memory is disconnected from the power source. How to reset, you learn in the manual. If there are problems with your machine, it is often too late to look for programs and tools to get them back to work.

The biggest problem with a computer is usually caused by the user. You can use your computer again endlessly. And what other common complications are the undesirable removal of important data? Even here, a useful set of tools does not allow you to leave. This will help you look for broken or reformatted disks and find the most useful files - whether it's important documents or irreplaceable photos.

Therefore, it must be restored. You can try using the sfc utility. The procedure for doing this is not difficult to find on the Internet. For start command line in this case you will have to open the Task Manager, click on the "File" tab, write in the cmd.exe line, and also check the task creation point with administrator rights. Next, you need to use the command to check the files and wait for the process to finish.

What to do if the process does not start automatically

Wrinkles on the front panel often make users an operating system, without which the computer will not even work. Use its tools to restore the disk boot sector, restore the contents of the registry or restore data from a backup.

With such a backup, including the operating system, drivers, installed programs  and user data and settings, you will return your computer back to working mode without additional time. When installing a new disk, you will certainly appreciate the tools to manage its partitions, and vice versa, by repeating the removal of unused equipment or selling a computer, it will be useful to safely destroy the data.

After that, repeat the first paragraph and check if the problem has disappeared. If this does not happen, then you will need to extract explorer.exe from installation file  operating system. But for this you will need to download one additional utility. Therefore, the most simple way  will reset to the flash drive the desired file from someone from their friends. The only nuance is that their operating system should be exactly the same as the user's. This file is located on the C drive in the Windows folder.

In the "Recovery Center" menu you will find a description of typical operating system problems. Then the "Recovery utility" menu contains special tools for solving these problems. This will help with the "Data Recovery" tool. It does not matter if you deleted data from the disk or accidentally formatted the disk.

Such a copy can serve as a beautiful backupfrom which you can at any time restore your complete computer content, including your operating system, programs, user settings and data, to the initial state. This will be fine for you when you need to reinstall the computer, and somewhere you will install boxes with the original operating system disks and office packages. The best advice for a photo essay about your life.

To reset the file from the USB flash drive to the infected computer, proceed as follows: open the "Run a new task" via the "File" tab in the manager. Then click "Browse"; find the USB flash drive and copy the desired file from it; insert it in the Windows folder  . In this case, you should choose a file replacement.

You may need to open access to administrator rights. You can do this in the folder properties. section "Security". After the actions taken, the desktop should reboot and you can proceed with the next step.

When shooting portraits, use a reflective plate

When photographing people, perhaps the most important accessory is the so-called reflective plate. Allows the backlight to fully illuminate, without disturbing the mood of the camera. In addition, a large board is also suitable for creating a shadow, such as an windlass or even a screen when changing. Very important is the material of the reflective surface: silver foil gives the image a cool, gold also adds a warm tint. In a home studio, a polystyrene plate covered with a rescue film can also be used as a substitute for your medical needs.

Restore the registry.

To do this, press Win + R and register regedit. Next, you need to check the correctness of the path to the file that interests us. In order to do this, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon. Next, find the shell line and make sure that explorer.exe is next. In case of non-compliance, be sure to correct it. It is also important to remove: 1. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ iexplore.exe 2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe 4. Restart the PC. Usually, after all the manipulations done, the functionality of the file is restored. But before restarting the computer, it is important to check it for viruses, so that the next time you turn on, you do not have to repeat everything from the very beginning.

In the end, collect ideas for interesting pictures

The quality of the resulting images when shooting people depends largely on the idea and its photographic transformation. So prepare your own samples before discussing them and discuss them together with the photographer to find the right approach. Then you can prepare much better for your photo and get the necessary requisites and clothes.

Capture dynamic car lights

To grab the light of a tram, bus or car, you need to use a tripod or a replacement. You will need to set a longer exposure time - two seconds and longer. The denser the transport, the more intense the colors will be. When shooting individual cars, exposure time is very important. For the right choice  you will need to experiment. Do not forget to wear appropriate clothing - dress on the road, wear clothes with reflective elements or use a reflective vest from the car.

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What if nothing helped?

You need to do some work on your system. We suggest you do this in two stages.

1. Update drivers with Driver Booster 3. It's really cool software that often helps!  Updating old drivers to new ones is very important. Perhaps you think that Windows itself lets you know about the availability of new updates.

Yes, sometimes it shows notifications, but mostly only for availability windows Updates  or sometimes even for a video card. But other than that, there are many more drivers that need to be updated regularly.

2. Repair the PC with Reimage Repair. Run this program to analyze your system for errors (and they will be 100%). Then you will be asked to cure them, both individually and all at once.

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