How to enable hdmi output. The right approach to buying a cable. Alternative driver setting

Today, almost everyone has large LCD TVs, which have successfully supplanted the anachronism in the form of older CRT models. Their huge advantage is not only the highest image quality, but also the ability to connect to a computer. Using regular laptop, you can make a great media center with very little money.

That's just In principle, there is nothing difficult in this, but sometimes there are minor problems, for the elimination of which you have to spend a little time. Do not worry, as almost all problems are relatively easy to solve, and the price for the effort will be a great quality movie that you can enjoy on your home TV screen!

General information

So, to connect, you need a TV itself that supports this mode, as well as a computer or laptop, which can also be connected via the HDMI connector. Of course, the cable itself is also required. So how do you set up your TV over HDMI? To answer this question, you will have to conduct a small educational program on the most basic concepts.

Types of HDMI connectors and cables

By the way, what is it? This is a relatively new interface for high definition video and audio transmission. Its peculiarity is that it uses exclusively digital transmission of encoded data, which provides excellent picture and sound quality. No wonder that this interface today it is one of the most popular in the world.

There are three types at once standard connectors HDMI:

  • Type A. Standard, found in any modern technology.
  • Type C (micro HDMI) as well as Type D (mini HDMI). These connectors are familiar to all owners of modern cameras, smartphones and tablets. When scaled down, these modifications have all the advantages of their predecessors.
  • Type B. It differs in that it is capable of transmitting video with a resolution above 1080p, but so far it is rare.

Of course, among such a colorful "hotbed" of the connectors themselves, there are no less varieties of cables that can connect them:

  • Standard. Most often found, it can be used to transfer video with a resolution up to 1080p.
  • High speed. You can watch 3D and other ultra high definition formats.
  • Standard / Ethernet. Supports not only audio and video transmission, but can also be used to connect to local network... It is rare, however, as are the devices that support this possibility. In any case, connecting a computer via HDMI to a network in our country is almost impossible to see.
  • High speed / Ethernet. All the same that was said in relation to the above modification, only occurs even less often and supports all high-definition video formats.
  • Automotive. As the name implies, it is used to connect devices that support this interface in cars.

Choosing a cable

Newbies usually have difficulties not only with how to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI, but also with a question the right choice cable. What you can not hear in stores! And about oxygen-free copper, and about gold-plated contacts! Some of these stories are relatively truthful, but all should not be believed.

So, remember one simple rule: if you are not going to watch movies in 3D on your TV, and the cable length in your case does not exceed 1.5-2 meters, you can take any model, even a Chinese one. In this segment, there is no difference between a cable for six thousand and 200 rubles. If you need 3D, then you should choose a cable of specification not lower than HDMI 1.4. In the event that there is none, you will not be able to watch a three-dimensional film through HDMI, since the cable simply cannot cope with such a volume of transmitted information.

However, even then, you should not run to the store for a cable, paying 500 or more (!) Dollars for it. Any cord of the required specification will be sufficient. Forget about the myths about “better signal transmission” and all that nonsense. Specificity digital transmission that it is either there or it is not at all. Simply put, if the cable is capable of transmitting a signal, then it will transmit it in any case, and the quality of the image and sound will not be affected in any way. But when the computer stubbornly does not see the TV via HDMI, it still makes sense to replace the cable. It may turn out that it was manufactured in violation of technology.

And now a few words about where the connectors are.

If we talk about the TV, then most often they can be found on its rear panel. However, in the latest models, HDMI connectors are often located on the side wall. Computers are easier. All necessary inputs are on the video card. If we are talking about a laptop, then in the standard case the required input is located close to the USB 3.0 connector. Before connecting a laptop via HDMI, it does not hurt to look again at the instructions for it. It will also not be superfluous to visit the manufacturer's website, where you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the specifications that this device uses.


So how do you connect your computer to your TV via HDMI? Everything is very simple here. Connect the plug to the connector on the TV, and then insert the other end into the same port on the computer's video card. Attention! Both devices must be turned off at this moment, otherwise there is a possibility of their breakdown!

Here's how to connect your computer to your TV via HDMI. If only one TV is connected to the computer, then everything should work immediately after turning them on. But if you need it in tandem with a monitor, then numerous and varied problems are possible, the occurrence of which is associated with several factors at once.

Connection problems

So, at first, you may find that all the icons and controls on the TV screen are stretched or warped. This is due to wrong resolution... As a rule, modern operating systems set the appropriate value automatically, but this is not always the case.

To correct the resolution, you need to right-click on any free space on the desktop, then select in context menu See Screen Resolution. Keep in mind: it is better to set the recommended values, since otherwise no one can guarantee good quality Images. This applies to both maximum and minimum values.

In addition, it does not hurt to click on the button " Extra options"And then go to the" Monitor "tab. There you should click on the drop-down list "Screen refresh rate". You need to make sure that under this item is checked "Hide values \u200b\u200bthat may harm your hardware."

Important! All of the above applies especially to laptops, in which damage to the screen will lead to the replacement of the entire laptop assembly. Only after you make sure that all the parameters are in full compliance, you can connect the laptop to the TV via HDMI.

The minimum suitable value is 60 Hz. However, the more the better. Of course, the color quality must be set to 32 bits. If after pressing the "OK" button the system does not work in normal operation, just wait 15 seconds, then everything will return to default settings.

Configuring the connection of multiple displays

If not only a TV, but also a monitor is connected to the system unit, the system will consider all devices as displays. The specific type of equipment in this case is completely irrelevant. Windows 7/8 has two main modes for this case: duplication and cloning. You can choose between them in the same dialog box in which you set the required display resolution.

Duplicating screen

As you might guess from the name alone, you will see two of your desktops in front of you on all connected displays. Important! Alas, standard Windows tools (and Windows 8 are no exception) do not allow you to set your own value for each monitor. Imagine how the image will look on big tv and an old 4: 3 monitor!

Simply put, for comfortable use this regime you will have to use devices with the same resolution, otherwise some display can be turned off altogether. Since we are talking about connecting a TV, this option is still unlikely. However, you can simply pair a widescreen monitor with your TV. In this case, it will be possible to experimentally find the most suitable resolution, and there will be no annoying black bars on the sides of the desktop on the computer.

Here's how to connect a computer via HDMI using this mode.

Expanding the screen

This method is much more interesting. In this case, the TV can be made one work table, and the laptop or computer monitor - the second. Simply put, with the mouse, you can select the currently active monitor on which the application will be launched.

The OS will automatically number the displays, and you can familiarize yourself with their serial numbers in the same section "Screen Resolution". If you have gone too far with the number of TVs and monitors, and therefore no longer understand which one is which, just click on the "Define" button, after which the devices will be sorted in order, and the currently active monitor (or TV) will be highlighted.

Manual distribution

In the event that you do not like the order of automatic distribution of display numbers, you can simply grab them with the mouse and put them in the right place. So, it is preferable to put the TV in the front rows, since in this case it will be much more convenient to display content on it. After all this, you can click on "Apply", after which the desktop will be extended to multiple monitors. You can set the priority using the "Make Primary" button.

Roughly speaking, the monitor you choose will have a Start button, and all other connected displays will be considered slave by default. As practice shows, setting the TV as the main monitor is not very reasonable. Of course, except for those cases when it will "officially" replace your work computer monitor.

Other options

If you installed control programs for your video card (NVidia, AMD), then the connection via HDMI can be made in the ways that their developers offer. For example, in the first case, you need to click on the free space of the desktop with the right mouse button, and then select the item "Panel nVidia management". Go to the "Display" section, make the settings you are interested in. AMD programs are managed in a similar way. In general, all the configuration steps are similar to what we described above, so it will not be difficult to deal with them.

How to output audio to TV via HDMI

What about audio over HDMI? Don't forget that HDMI cable is a very functional thing. Through it, not only the image is transmitted, but also the sound. Many novice users completely forget about this, and therefore spend a lot of time trying to fix "problems" that actually do not exist. For sound to be transmitted correctly, you must have the most current versions drivers for the video card. Of course, all the same applies to drivers for sound output devices (integrated into motherboard Realtek core or discrete audio card).

Let's learn how to set up audio over HDMI. To understand whether you have installed the sound output module through it, you need to open the "Device Manager". It's easy to open it. Right-click on "My Computer", select "Properties" in the context menu, and in the dialog box that opens, on the far left of it, click on the desired item. A new one will open working window, in which you need to find the section "Sound, game and video devices". It should contain a string like High Definition Audio that indicates support for digital quality audio playback.

Next, go to the "Control Panel" (search through the "Start" button), select the "Sound" item there. It should also have something similar to "HDMI Device". If everything is in order, turn off the computer, connect the TV, and boot the system again. The device should change its status to "Ready". It is necessary to click on it with the right mouse button, and then select the "Use as default" option in the context menu that opens.


Alas, but not on all models, sound can be transmitted to the TV via HDMI in principle, since this is due to the characteristics of the connectors. As a rule, the first connector, which is specially designed for connecting computers, laptops and other reproducing equipment, should in any case have such abilities. In addition, it does not hurt to delve deeply into the TV settings. There you can often find a lot of useful things - setting the sound output, for example. However, connecting a TV via HDMI largely depends on the manufacturer and the device model. Remember this. Therefore, it does not hurt to read the instructions once again.

Everything, after that, the audio must go through HDMI. To be sure, reboot the entire system again, and then start enjoying movies in high definition, transferred from your computer or laptop. This is how audio is transmitted over HDMI.

Don't forget about the remote control!

It so happens that you have already tried all the methods, but the image stubbornly refuses to appear on the TV screen. Why is there no HDMI signal? In this case, it doesn't hurt to take a closer look at the remote control from your TV. There probably is a small Source button with which you can select the signal source.

Click on it, then in the selection menu that appears, activate the HDMI port to which you already have a computer connected. Most likely, after such a simple action, everything will work fine. Here's how to connect your TV via HDMI.

And again about the problems

Alas, Windows wouldn't be itself if it were that simple. As a rule, many users face problems associated with duplicating images from a PC monitor to a TV screen. So, very often people complain that they cannot display an image on TB if they do not make it the main monitor. As you can understand, this is not advisable in all cases.

Typically, the TV is used as a media player, and a regular monitor is used for work. If it is not active, you will not be able to fully work or watch movies normally. To the greatest regret, the creators of "Windows" have once again "lagged behind the times", and therefore there are simply no standard tools for normal configuration management with multiple monitors. We have to look for third-party alternatives.

The most powerful and flexible program of this type is the excellent Actual Multiple Monitors, which we'll talk about now. The program is paid, which is important for our region, but its capabilities are worth the stated price. Of course, there are a number of completely free utilities, but not always their capabilities can be compared with those for the program described below.

Actual Multiple Monitors - TV connection assistant

Of course, when creating this utility, the developers were unlikely to focus solely on connecting a TV via HDMI, but the program really simplifies its use when connected to an existing computer / monitor pair.

Unlike standard utilities this application can make the desktop on a computer monitor and TV absolutely identical, but at the same time, you can easily set a different resolution on each of them! This is the ideal solution for those users who are quite satisfied with the old 4: 3 monitor, but would like to use a TV as a second display.

But that's not all! You can easily determine which application windows will be displayed where. Simply put, you can only display the window of the player you are using on the TV screen. Agree that this option is extremely convenient and useful! And one more pleasant circumstance. The application allows you to use a separate desktop picture for each monitor, which will surely be appreciated by all aesthetes. The program is paid, costs around $ 40, but it works out its cost in full.

How do I connect two TVs if the video card has only one HDMI connector?

If you have the opportunity to connect two TVs to the system at once, one of which will be used for its intended purpose, and the second you will work with, then this is great ... But most modern video cards only have one HDMI connector. How to be in this case?

This problem can be solved in two ways. In the first case, you will need to find a DVI / HDMI adapter. Connect it to the analog output of the video card, and then use the cable to connect the system unit to the TV. However, if you use old monitor, which connects to the system unit only through the analog connector, you will not have such problems at all. Important! Through such an adapter, sound is not transmitted to the TV via HDMI, and therefore the issue with acoustics will have to be solved separately.

The problem is that the quality of the signal that is output to it is not too high. What if you have a high-quality monitor and TV that you would like to connect through a normal interface? In this case, you will need to buy a so-called HDMI splitter, which allows you to connect several devices at once to one output.

Important! As with cable, don't go for the most expensive of its kind. In stores you can see models for 500 dollars, but practice clearly shows that they have no significant advantages over the “Chinese” for 300 rubles. An exception should be made only for cases when you plan to watch "heavy" 3D video. If this is really the case, you will have to buy a more expensive model, since cheap modifications rarely support such a signal density.


Here's how to connect your computer to your TV via HDMI. There is nothing difficult in this, you just need to be a little more careful. We warn you again - all devices must be turned off at the time of connection! Burnout of ports is not uncommon if this instruction was ignored!

This unfortunate circumstance is connected with the fact that this cable is actually under rather high voltage. Surely everyone knows the stories about flash drives, because of which they burned uSB ports... And this despite the fact that the voltage on the ports there is negligible (in comparison with HDMI)!

HDMI-out (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is required for transmission digital signal of the highest quality. It is used for video and sound broadcasting. So HDMI, how to set it up? First, a little preface. I must say that almost everything personal computers equipped with video cards with an output such as HDMI, in addition, HDMI is quite common even on those laptop models where a standard integrated video card is used. Let's, for a start, we will try to study the capabilities of your video adapter. In the event that your video card does not have an HDMI output, you can use the DVI or VGA channel using a special adapter, which is also called a DVI-HDMI connector. A feature of such adapters is the ability to transfer sound signal.

How do I set up my TV over HDMI? For hDMI settings you will need instructions from the TV to which the connection will be made, where they will be written specifications... Be sure to make sure the HDMI input is designed to receive audio. To connect to a TV, you only need an HDMI-HDMI cable, one end of which must be inserted into the computer's video card, and the other must be inserted into the TV connector. If you require the monitor and TV to work at the same time, you will need to enable such a function as synchronous operation of these devices.

Synchronous operation of devices

To do this, you need to open the "Start" menu and go to the "Control Panel" (you can go there in any way convenient for you). Next, you will need to select "Screen" and go to the item "Screen resolution settings". In the dialog box that appears, you will need to activate such a function as "Duplicate Screen". From now on, the computer will transmit the same image to all devices connected to the video card. If you have a need for both displays to start working separately from each other, you will need to activate the "Expand screen" mode. In this case, you need to pre-assign the display to the main device of the computer.

How do I set up HDMI audio? To set up HDMI, you need to adjust the audio transmission. To perform this action, open the "Control Panel" and click on the item "Hardware and Sound". Then you need to select "Manage audio devices". A dialog box will appear on the screen, in which you will need the "Manage audio devices" tab. Well, here you need "HDMI Output". Click on its icon with the left mouse button, put "Default".

Now you need to click on the "Apply" button and close the dialog box with "sound devices". Next, as a test, you will need to run a video and make sure that the HDMI output and cable are working correctly. It is worth noting that if you unplug the hdmi cable, the standard audio port will turn on automatically. How to set up an HDMI cable? As you can see, HDMI output is quite simple to set up, and you don't need any special knowledge to do so. I almost forgot to tell you which HDMI cable is better and which one should choose for further long-term everyday use.

Types of cables

There are two types of HDMI cables: high-definition and HDTV-capable. It is also worth touching on the topic of the length of the wires and take into account in advance that the length can vary from 1 to 10 meters; but don't forget that what longer cable, the more likely there will be signal loss. In this regard, several manufacturers have formed that offer so-called "active" HDMI cables with various technologies that can be used to transfer data over very long distances. When buying a cable, be sure to pay your attention to the wire, as well as to its connectors.

I decided to prepare an article on connecting a laptop to a TV (although, it's probably correct TV to laptop)... Let's consider the connection via HDMI cable, for example laptop Asus, and LG TV with Smart TV. This article is suitable for almost any laptop: HP, Acer, Asus, DEL, etc. So for all TVs: LG, Samsung, SONY, Toshiba and others. Yes, some things may differ: location HDMI connectors, appearance settings, buttons, etc. Following these instructions, you can display the image from your laptop on the TV. Forgot to write about operating system... It doesn't matter if you have Windows 7 or Windows 10, everything will work out. Also, your TV may not have Smart TV functionality. There should only be an HDMI connector, which nowadays is on every, not very old TV.

If you want to display images from a laptop on TV for watching movies, playing games, working, etc., then HDMI is the best for this. Yes there is wireless technologies like, Intel WiDi, Samsung has its own proprietary video transmitters, and others. But, they are not universal. Let me explain now. For example, on Intel WiDi, or Miracast, there will be a delay in the display of the picture. You definitely can't play games. And DLNA technology is designed exclusively for watching videos, photos and listening to music.

It turns out that the connection by HDMI cable the most reliable and versatile. Although not the most convenient. You always want to get rid of the wires. In addition, both image and sound will be transmitted from the computer via HDMI.

Now I will show you how to connect everything, how to set required parameters on your TV and laptop. Also, consider the popular problems that very often appear when connecting devices in this way.

We need:

  • TV with HDMI input.
  • Laptop, or stationary computer with HDMI output. If there is no HDMI, but there is DVI, then you can buy a DVI-HDMI adapter.
  • HDMI cable.

We connect the laptop to the TV via HDMI cable

If you are interested, I will show it using the example of an Asus K56CM laptop, and a slightly outdated LG 32LN575U TV, which we connected to Wi-Fi in the article.

I have the most common cable:

So, we connect one end of the cable to the HDMI connector on the TV. They are signed. There may be several of them. No matter what you connect.

Plug the other end of the cable into the HDMI connector on your laptop.

Or, to the video card on system unit... If you have a stationary computer.

Most likely, the image will not appear on the TV immediately. You need to select a signal source in the settings. On LG TVs, you need to press on the remote remote control button INPUT.

And using the joystick on the remote control, select the desired HDMI to which we connected the cable. I have this HDMI2. He will be active. If your TV is not LG, then there should also be a button with which you can switch signal sources. If it doesn't work out, write in the comments, we'll figure it out.

That's it, you should be able to see the laptop image on your TV.


In the comments, Dmitry suggested that you definitely need to change the device name for the HDMI input selected on the TV. Since this changes some parameters that can affect the image quality. So I recommend doing this.

In the HDMI input selection menu (as in the photo above), press the red button on the remote control. In the menu on the TV, this is the item "Change device name". In the menu that appears, select the HDMI input to which we connected the laptop and select "Laptop" below.

With the connection finished. You can already use and enjoy the picture on the big screen. And I will also show you how you can customize the image output on a laptop, consider possible problem with the output of the picture and sound. When the sound after connection will not come from the TV, but from the laptop speakers.

Setting up HDMI image output on a laptop

I have Windows 7, therefore, I will demonstrate using this OS as an example. If, for example, Windows 10 is installed on your laptop to which you connected the TV, and something does not work out for you, then write, I will add information on the "top ten".

So, what else I wanted to add: if you connected everything correctly, the correct signal source was selected on the TV (or can't choose), but the image did not appear, now we will try to fix everything.

Click on right click mouse on a free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop, and select Screen resolution.

A window will open in which opposite the item Screen must be specified, or the name of your TV. You can choose from the list and click Ok... You can also change the resolution. But, the resolution is usually adjusted automatically. So it's better not to touch it unnecessarily.

How to turn off the laptop screen, expand, or display the image only on the TV?

Very simple. Press the keyboard shortcut Windows + P... A window will open in which you can select the way to output the picture to the TV.

If, for example, you want the image to be only on the TV, then select Projector only... Also, you can turn off the picture on TV, expand it, or duplicate it. There is one peculiarity here. If, for example, your TV has a resolution of 1920x1080, and on a laptop it is 1366x768, then in Duplicate mode, the picture on the TV will not be very beautiful, not clear. Therefore, select Projector only and Windows to adjust the resolution for your TV.

Why isn't the sound going to the TV?

We already know that audio is also transmitted via HDMI cable. And as a rule, the speakers on the TV are better than those on the laptop. But, it often happens that after connecting, the sound continues to come from the laptop, and not the TV. It can be fixed.

Right click on the sound icon in the notification bar and select Playback devices.

Your TV should be listed. You will understand this by the name. Right click on it and select Use as default... Click on Ok.

I think you have succeeded, and you are already watching a movie on the big screen, or playing games :) Share your experience!

If something did not work out: no image, sound, or something else appears, then write in the comments about your problem. I will try to help with advice.


First, explore the capabilities of the video card installed in your computer or. Make sure the adapter is designed to carry both types of signals.

If you are using an ATI (Radeon) video adapter, it may not have output HDMI. In this situation, it is recommended to use the DVI channel together with a special adapter. Make sure you are using an original DVI-HDMI connector capable of transmitting audio.

Check the specifications of your TV. Make sure its HDMI port is designed to receive audio. suitable HDMI-DHMI format cable.

Connect your computer's graphics card to the correct port on your TV. If you want to use both a monitor and a TV at the same time, set these devices to work in sync. To do this, open the "Screen Resolution" menu and select the appropriate mode.

Use the Duplicate Screen function if you want to transfer the same image to all connected devices. In the situation when you need to use both displays independently of each other, activate the "Expand screen" mode. In this situation, you must first assign the computer display to the main unit.

Start configuring the audio transmission. Open Control Panel and select the Hardware and Sound menu. Click on the link "Manage audio devices".

Go to the Playback tab and find the ADM (Nvidia) HDMI Output hardware. Select its icon with the left mouse button. Click the "Default" button.

Now click the Apply button and close the dialog menu. Run a custom video clip and make sure your HDMI is output works stably. Disconnecting the cable from the port will automatically enable the standard audio port located on the corresponding card.


  • hdmi output on TV

Incorrect setting video cards and monitor can not only affect image quality, but also negatively affect the user's vision and general well-being. Before working on the computer, it is necessary to adjust all the settings of the video system as much as possible.


Open the main menu "Start" and select "Control Panel", in the window that opens, double-click on the "Display" icon. The "Properties: Display" window will be launched, go to the "Parameters" tab. Here you can adjust, for this drag the "Screen resolution" slider to the desired position, select the value most comfortable for work, as a rule, the higher the screen diagonal, the higher the resolution is selected.

In the same tab, you can adjust the color palette of the screen (color quality), this parameter sets the number of colors and shades reproduced on the screen, usually the choice is between the values \u200b\u200b"Medium" and "Highest". For most users, "Average" is sufficient, "Highest" makes sense when working with high quality images.

Click on the "Advanced" button. In the window that opens, go to the "Monitor" tab. The most important setting of the video system - the screen - is performed here, this parameter sets the flickering rate or the number of redrawings of the image on the monitor screen. The higher this value, the less tired your eyes will be when working. Remember that too high values \u200b\u200bfor "Screen Resolution" and "Color Quality" will lower the maximum value of the "Refresh Rate", and this parameter is given priority. Set the refresh rate to 85 Hz for CRT monitor or 70 Hz for an LCD monitor and set the remaining parameters based on these values.

The drivers of the video card and monitor must be installed on, otherwise, Windows will automatically set the refresh rate to 60 Hz, this frequency is quite enough for the stable functioning of the computer, but it is not acceptable for a person during prolonged work on it.

It is a high definition multimedia interface that allows you to transfer digital information from high resolutionas well as digital audio signals that are copy protected.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - TV set;
  • - HDMI adapter;
  • - drivers.


Check the following points before HDMI. Conclusion sound this interface can be implemented only for HD2000 cards and above. Sound will be output only if you have a branded ATI adapter. If the card contains an HDMI output, then the chip is soldered. On some cards, the chip can be soldered into the card itself, and one of the DVI connectors of this card is yellow, then connect the adapter to it. If you do not have a proprietary ATI adapter corresponding to the series of the card, then output the sound with a separate cable, through the output sound card at the entrance. For many, a separate video input is made for and sound, when turned on and sound input.

Use the following types adapters for different cards to configure sound on HDMI it turned out the first time: for HD2000 series cards use a black adapter, code 6141054300G and Rev.A. For HD3000 series cards, take the gray adapter, its code is 6140063500G and the inscription Rev.B. For HD4000 cards - gray adapter, code 6140063501G and inscription Rev. A (or B).

Adjust the sound after connecting. If, after you have installed the drivers for the sound chip of the video card, there is sound, then this means that the sound chip has been installed as sound device default. Set the primary device as the default device. To distribute the output sound on different cards, for example, music and games on the main card, and movies using the HDMI output, set the output setting to HDMI Audio in the player. After that, to improve the HDMI sound, restart your computer and install the realtek 2.09 audio drivers, which can be downloaded from the website http: // Langid \u003d 1 & PNid \u003d 14 ...


  • how to set up sound via hdmi

When connecting the TV to a computer (using the latter to output the video signal on a larger screen), resolution the desktop is installed automatically. To change the resolution to more suitable settings, use standard means Windows.


Access to display settings depends on the operating system you are using. To find out what operating system is installed on your computer, right-click on the shortcut "My Computer" and select "Properties". This is where the name of the operating system and other parameters will be displayed.

For the operating room windows systems XP algorithm for setting values \u200b\u200bis as follows. Launch Control Panel from the Start Menu. Go to the "Properties" section. Then go to the "Screen" tab. Select the "Options" tab where you will see a slider for setting the screen resolution. Use the recommended values.

For operating system Windows Vista or Windows 7 you need to do the following. Right click on a free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop. Click on "Personalization" and then "Display Settings". In the Resolution section, move the slider left or right to adjust the TV screen resolution.

If your video adapter has its own utility for adjusting display settings, use its functionality. In Display Properties, click the Advanced button, and then select the Adapter tab. Click the List of all modes button. Here you can choose resolution, color setting and screen refresh rate.

If you set incorrect values \u200b\u200band the TV cannot display the system desktop, do not be alarmed. In any case, a message will appear on the screen, which, without user confirmation, will return the screen settings to their previous values. Wait 15 seconds and don't click on anything.

The TV has less stringent picture quality requirements than the monitor. therefore computer monitorthat you are no longer satisfied with can be used as a TV. To do this, you need to connect an external TV tuner to it.

You will need

  • - monitor;
  • - external TV tuner;
  • - decoder for digital television;
  • - active computer speakers;
  • - cables;
  • - extension cord with multiple sockets;
  • - TV antenna.


Check your monitor. Connect it to a computer with a suitable video card, display any video on full screen, at least from YouTube. Move away from the monitor at the distance at which you intend to watch TV programs. Make sure the image quality suits you.

Select the correct TV tuner. Its output type (VGA, DVI or HDMI) must match the input type of the monitor. The tuner must be designed to work. Please note that devices with VGA outputs can most often only accept analog. If analogue has already been discontinued in your region, or is planned to be phased out soon, you will have to add an external set-top box-decoder of the corresponding standard to such a tuner.

Connect the tuner with a cable (VGA, DVI or HDMI) to. If the tuner can receive only analogue TV broadcasts, and broadcasting in your area is only digital, use an RCA cable to connect the digital decoder to the tuner. Use yellow sockets for this. Connect the antenna to the device that will receive transmissions - a tuner or a decoder. Turn on all appliances. When linking a digital decoder with an analog tuner, switch the second one to AV (low frequency input) mode. Take the remote control from the device to which the antenna is connected and perform an automatic or manual search for TV channels according to the instructions.

You have already received the image, but most likely there is no sound yet. Sound will appear only when three conditions are combined: the connection is made via HDMI, all devices and cables support sound transmission via HDMI, the monitor has built-in speakers. If at least one of these conditions is not met, add one more component to the system - active

HDMI allows you to transfer audio and video signals from one device to another. In most cases, to connect devices, it is enough to connect them using an HDMI cable. But no one is immune to complications. Fortunately, most of them can be quickly and easily solved by yourself.

First, make sure that the connectors on your computer and TV are the same version and type. The type can be determined by the size - if it is approximately the same for the device and the cable, then there should be no problems when connecting. The version is more difficult to determine, since it is written in the technical documentation for the TV / computer, or somewhere near the connector itself. Usually, many versions after 2006 are quite compatible with each other and are capable of transmitting sound along with video.

If everything is in order, then firmly plug the cables into the connectors. For the best effect, they can be fixed with special screws, which are provided in the construction of some cable models.

List of problems that may arise when connecting:

  • An image is not displayed on the TV, while it is on the computer / laptop monitor;
  • No sound is transmitted to the TV;
  • The picture on the TV or laptop / computer screen is distorted.

Step 1: adjust the image

Unfortunately, the image and audio on the TV does not always appear immediately after you plug in the cable, since for this you need to make the appropriate settings. Here's what you might need to do to make the image appear:

Step 2: Sound setting

A common problem for many HDMI users. This standard supports the transmission of audio and video content at the same time, but not always the sound comes immediately after connection. Too old cables or connectors do not support ARC technology. Also, sound problems can occur if using cables from 2010 and earlier.

Fortunately, in most cases it is enough to make some adjustments to the operating system, update the drivers.

For correct connection computer and TV just know how to plug in the HDMI cable. There shouldn't be any difficulties in connecting. The only difficulty is that for normal workyou may need to make additional settings on your TV and / or your computer's operating system.

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