Nvidia settings do not open. How to open the NVIDIA Control Panel

For several years now, video card manufacturers have been supplying their devices with special programs to optimize their work as much as possible. For example, for nVidia video cards, this is GeForce Experience, and if you have this application installed, then you should definitely explore its capabilities. You will be able to customize the operation of your video card as flexibly as possible, as well as optimize those computer games that you play using special functions. However, all of this will not be available to you if GeForce Experience does not start - unfortunately, many users face this problem. Therefore, it is worth seeing how this issue can be resolved without using the help of technical support.

The essence of the problem

If we talk about the fact that GeForce Experience does not start, there may be several options. For some users, the program does not want to turn on at all, for others it crashes on startup. Someone can use it until a certain point or action, after which an error still appears. In general, quite a lot of various cases have been registered that lead to unpleasant consequences - up to the disconnection of the video card. Accordingly, you need to be able to cope with emerging problems in an emergency. It is not worth improvising, it is better to read the instructions and act in accordance with the recommendations - then you will have a chance to cope with the problem without outside help. So, if your GeForce Experience won't launch, what should you do first?

Antivirus check

Naturally, you can run an antivirus to check your computer for malware that is blocking startup. However, in most cases this does not work. And in this situation, the talk about antivirus came not because of a virus scan, but because it can be the reason that GeForce Experience does not start for you. The fact is that many antiviruses indiscriminately add various applications to the list of potentially dangerous ones, thereby blocking their launch on the computer. To check if your video card program is on this list, you will need to go to your antivirus settings. In the event that it got there, you will need to manually remove it from there, and then add it to the list of exclusions so that the antivirus will no longer perform similar actions with respect to this software. But this may not always be the problem, so you need to know what to do when Nvidia GeForce Experience won't launch for any other reason.

Problems with new drivers

From time to time you may have problems downloading new drivers for your video card. And then you may definitely have questions about why GeForce Experience does not start, because every person who downloaded the update wants to see improved device performance, and not what happens in this case. Or anything can happen: your software center may stop starting, it may turn off altogether, and sometimes even the video card turns off. Then you need to manually shoot this process, kill all its "tails", and then again manually start it through Windows services. The point here is that sometimes the drivers are not very smooth, and before the developers notice this, many people are already downloading them, installing them and getting themselves headaches. Therefore, use the fixes that knowledgeable people make and post on public resources so that people can wait for the official patch from the developers. Therefore, if you have GeForce Experience for a long time after installation, you better think right away that the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

Drivers tab

GeForce Experience has quite a few tabs, each with useful information and rich customization and customization options. However, in some cases (especially after installing not very smooth drivers) one of them can bring you a lot of problems. The fact is that without an official patch, the "Drivers" tab becomes a restricted area. Even if you completely repair your graphics card-related software and it starts up again, you just need to go to the driver update tab once and GeForce Experience will stop working again. Therefore, bypass it, and if possible, write in the config so that the program opens automatically on any other tab, for example, with games.

English language

Another way to solve the problem, which works for many, but absolutely no one understands why this works, is to change the language. If you change the language to English (for the US region) in the GeForce Experience program itself, the problem may disappear by itself. As already mentioned, this solution has no logical explanation, but it works in many cases, so you just need to take the opportunity to fix everything without unnecessary problems. So do not think about why everything works - it is better to use the chance when it comes.

After installing the driver on the Nvidia video card, the installation of the software product with the control panel for the video card parameters usually occurs. However, a situation may arise when the panel does not open, the panel icon is active, but nothing happens directly when pressed. Let's see how to fix it.

Often the inability to launch the panel can occur after installing large software or games with high system requirements for which the driver version does not fit. Reasons why the panel may not start:

1. A single failure in the system, which is solved by restarting the computer.

2. Incorrect installation of the Nvidia software product. It is solved by reinstalling.
3. Nvidia services are not working correctly.
4. Old versions of Visual C ++ and NetFramework services. You need to download and install the most current versions of these products.
5. The installed driver does not match the video card product. You need to check the exact name of your video card and carefully select the one you need in the list of proposed drivers.
6. The hardware acceleration utility may be disabled in Windows.
7. Viruses on the computer interfere with the correct operation of the control panel. The solution is a complete system scan using antivirus (Avast, Dr.Web and others).

Let's consider the solution to the main problems in more detail.

Also, if the problem is not resolved, you need to see if the Display Service and Display Container video card services are running. To do this, in the run line or in the search bar of the Start menu, enter services.msc from the keyboards and check for these utilities. Then set them to start automatically and restart your computer.

One of the options can also be to turn off and on the video card using the devmgmgt.msc utility, then find the name of your video card, click on the edits with the mouse button and turn it off, and then turn it on in the same way.

The solution might be to run the devmgmt utility. msc, where you can rollback the driver to an older version.

A good enough option to completely remove the previous video card drivers completely using the Display Driver Uninstaller program. It is recommended to uninstall drivers in safe mode for the best result and correct operation.

Everyone's favorite brand of graphics cards, nvidia, is rich in bugs and bugs. Every day, more and more questions appear on the Internet, from users with various kinds of problems related to these video cards or their software. One of these problems, we will consider today!

The nvidia control panel application has stopped working. This is the most common problem among Nvidia owners. Not everyone, even an experienced computer user, can solve this problem. Since exactly what causes the error that leads to the closure of the program, no one knows. But guesswork and constant experimentation have met with little success. Thanks to which, a small part of the owners of computers with this video card can breathe a sigh of relief, since the nvidia control panel no longer gives an error.

Solution to the problem

I will not assure one hundred percent that these steps will help get rid of this problem. Since not everyone can do everything exactly as it is written, this is firstly, and secondly, I repeat, no one knows why this kind of error occurs. And the manufacturer does not provide information on solving problems with Nvidia software.

And so, the first and most important step is "cleaning the operating system from programs and drivers that caused the error." To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open PC properties by right-clicking on the "my computer" icon;
  2. Enter the "device manager";
  3. Find and click on "video adapters";
  4. Select a video adapter using nvidia software; This adapter has a corresponding name, so there should be no mistake in the selection.
  5. Go to the driver tab;
  6. Click on the delete button;
  7. In the window that opens, check the box next to the inscription "remove additional programs, etc.";
  8. Remove the remaining software via Add or Remove Programs;
  9. Restart your computer.

Once the computer is restarted, you can start installing new drivers and the nvidia panel. Be careful if your device is not endowed with additional features, namely a 3D monitor, as well as an audio hd output - do not select these components during installation. Installing drivers and software must be selective and clean!

Additional Tips

If suddenly reinstalling the drivers and software for the video card did not help, and the problem continues to progress, you need to check the services. At times, due to the unstable operation of the operating system, some services are disabled. Therefore, carefully check each service, and turn on everything related to the video card.

Also a very important factor are the video cards themselves that ensure the correct operation. Make sure you are using manufacturer software that is compatible with your operating system. In addition, we advise you to go to the manufacturer's website and download and install the latest version of the drivers.

And the last step, which will probably return your video card to a stable working state, and its control panel will prevent from crashes, is "disabling automatic driver updates." How to do this, see below:

After completing the above steps, the nvidia control panel application should stop crashing. At least, these were all available methods to solve this system glitch.

The NVIDIA Control Panel is a tool that allows you to configure many settings for your graphics card that cannot be changed using normal Windows settings. In particular, with this tool you can change the screen resolution, adjust the brightness and saturation of the picture, 3D graphics and much more. However, there are times when the methods of how to open the NVidia control panel do not work. What to do in this case and how to fix the problem?

How to open NVidia Control Panel on Windows 10 PC?

There are not so many ways to open the NVidia control panel, let's take a closer look at them.

Method number 1. Via Control Panel

  • Right-click on the "Start" icon and select "Control Panel".
  • A new window will open. We select "Hardware and Sound".

  • Next, in Windows 10, you need to select "NVidia Control Panel".

This is the standard way to enter the utility.

Method number 2. Through the desktop

This method is the easiest. However, if you do not have drivers installed for your NVidia video card, the required item will not be in the list.

  • Right-click on the desktop and select "NVidia Control Panel" from the drop-down menu.

  • This will open the desired settings window.

However, if the NVidia control panel on Windows 10 does not open, there are a few simple steps to follow.

What to do if NVidia control panel won't open?

If the settings window does not start in Windows 10, and the item disappears from the list of desktop commands, we recommend checking if the original drivers for the video card are installed or rolling back the Nvidia software to the old version. If the rollback did not solve the problem, you should completely remove the drivers using the Display Driver Uninstaller. The actions will be as follows:

  • Restart your PC in safe mode. We launch the program. Choosing the type of product. In this case, NVidia.

  • Then click on the "Delete reboot" button.

After removal, you should go to the manufacturer's official website, download and install the latest drivers. The tool will work.

Also on the official website of NVidia the following recommendations are provided for this problem:

  • Check if NVIDIA Display Driver Service is enabled. To do this, press "Win + R" and enter "services.msc".

  • The services window will appear. Find "NVIDIA Display Driver Service".

  • This service should start automatically when Windows starts. If it is disabled, it is worth reactivating it.
IMPORTANT! This service is disabled when hardware acceleration is enabled. Therefore, turn off this function in the program settings.
  • Open the registry editor. Go to the branch "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ NVIDIA Corporation \\ Global \\ NVTweak". Find the parameters "NoMenus" and "NoPages" and set them to "0".

  • After rebooting the system, the missing video card control will appear back.

Direct monitor control utilities such as MagicTune or ForteManager interfere with the NVIDIA Control Panel. Therefore, they must be removed if necessary.

Also, the last piece of advice that the developers recommend in case the control panel does not want to open is to change the language settings. Set the format and system language to "US English" in the Windows Control Panel (Regional and Language Options).

For more information on how to solve this problem, see the video:

NVIDIA Panel is a hardware control application.

When the NVIDIA graphics card driver is installed on the computer, it automatically turns on with it. It provides graphics card users with an interface for setting parameters and changing the configuration of their hardware.

Many graphics card users reported it disappearing from their Windows computer. They used to find it in the desktop context menu. This usually happens when upgrading from a previous version of Windows \\ when waking the computer from sleep mode.

There are several methods to fix this problem.

Trouble reasons:

  • The panel is hidden.
  • Your drivers are out of date.
  • Your drivers are defective.

Method 1: Open NVIDIA Control Panel

The Control Panel is hidden by Windows during an upgrade from a previous version or when using software that changed the graphics settings. Open it in Windows, and then configure it to appear in the desktop context menu. For this:

  • Press WIN + R to bring up the Run dialog.
  • Type ”control” in the Run dialog box and press “Enter” on your keyboard.
  • On the Control Panel, under View By, select Large Icons.
  • Choose NVIDIA.
  • Click View or Desktop.
  • Then "Add desktop context menu".
  • Right click on the desktop and see if the problem is fixed.

Method 2. Update your graphics driver

The problem occurred because you are using the wrong graphics driver \\ it is out of date. So make sure your adapter is configured correctly and update it. If you do not know how to update manually, then use the program.

After completing the process, be sure to restart your PC and check if the problem is fixed.

Method 3. Reinstall the graphics driver.

If the update did not work, you need to reinstall it. Damaged documents cannot be fixed with a simple update. Before installing, you will have to clear all files and perform a complete installation of all components.

  • Download software from the manufacturer's website.
  • Start the installation.
  • Check the box on the agreement.
  • Follow the instructions.
  • Wait for the process to finish.

Hope the listed methods helped you fix the problem. If not, contact a specialist.

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