The processor is turned off. The computer brakes and shuts down due to software failures. Hard Drive Fault

No computer is immune from hardware problems. Many components deteriorate and become dirty over time, which then affects the entire operation of the computer as a whole. Some factors accelerate these processes, for example, work through too hot conditions, a long absence of cleaning internal components, etc. However, even if the computer (PC) is well watched, it is in any case not protected from the influence of time. After some time, the malfunctions will inevitably start to arise, and after that they will have to be eliminated, having spent for this some number of minutes and seconds. But in any case, it can then be restored.

Very often, with technical problems with a PC, the same situation arises - it starts to turn off spontaneously by itself in a few seconds / minutes after it is started. In this article we will consider why this happens, and tell you what to do in such cases, through which problems are solved, how it is repaired later in case of any trouble - sometimes it is enough the same several minutes (seconds, however, much less often).

The most simple reasons for switching off

There are a couple of the most common culprits to why the computer turns on spontaneously and immediately turns off for a few minutes / seconds. So, why can it be with a PC:

  1. Contamination of the internal space of the system unit - it can be the cause of the shutdown. No matter how trivial this may sound, this is probably the most common root cause of most problems. If the computer is not cleaned for years, the dust will settle on a huge layer on all its components: coolers, chips, boards, etc. So the first thing to do in case of problems with turning on the computer - it must then be well cleaned from the inside. It will take not a few minutes and seconds, but a little more, but it will greatly increase productivity. In general, preventive cleaning of the viscera is recommended about once every six months.
  2. Another reason for turning off the computer may be the RAM. Its slats, the slots themselves for their connection may fail. Also, if the computer was subjected to some kind of transportation or carrying, the bar random access memory could simply disconnect from the entrance. So first check if they are well connected to motherboard. If there were no violations, you can insert the RAM bar into another slot or, if you have several slats, stick out one of them and try to turn on the computer without it. Perhaps the answer to the question of why there are troubles, lies only in one RAM bar, without which the computer will start normally.
  3. Also, the computer can spontaneously turn off when it swells, and, accordingly, the failure of its capacitors. Their physical deformation can be noticed even by an inexperienced user, however, he will not be able to correct himself. If such a deformation was discovered, then it's better not to do anything by yourself. The most optimal option here is then the delivery of the computer to the service center or the appropriate master, for them to make corrections will not be difficult.

Reset BIOS settings

In some cases, you can then help restore the BIOS default settings. For example, if you yourself accidentally changed the configuration of the computer (after which the problems with the inclusion started), or it was due to some other reasons. You can do this in several ways, the first of which is much easier than the second one. But to use it will be real only if you can call the BIOS menu. Therefore, if your computer spontaneously turns off not immediately, but after a few minutes after turning it on, then during the last one press F2 or Del (most often), which will cause the BIOS to turn on. Then on the last tab "Exit" there should be a line "Load Setup Defaults" (the name may vary slightly depending on the BIOS model). We click on it, confirm the application of the command and select "Exit & Save Changes". Then we wait for the computer to turn on for verification.
  and immediately turns off when it starts, not giving you the opportunity to go to the BIOS menu, then you have to do the manual reset. Immediately it is worth noting that for inexperienced users this method can be difficult, so if you are not sure, better ask to do it one of your friends or contact a professional.

So, you can do manual resetting by means of a special jumper on the motherboard. The latter is usually located next to the CMOS battery. This battery looks like a regular round battery, and CMOS is a special microcircuit of the computer, in which there are keys to start the PC and data about its components in itself. It is CMOS memory that passes through zeroing when BIOS is returned to standard settings. The jumper is made in the form of 3 small plugs, the first two of which are worn with a special "cap". To return the factory bIOS settings, you need to remove this cap from the first two plugs and put it on the "second - third" for about 10 - 15 seconds. Then again put it on the first two. Do this very carefully, so that after this do not damage the plugs themselves, do not rush to do it in a few seconds, it's better to spend a certain amount of minutes. Also, next to the plug, there is usually a "Clear", "Clear CMOS", "CLRTC" and the like.

If you have an expensive and high-quality motherboard, then it most likely will have a special button with similar inscriptions, after clicking which settings will be automatically reset.

Faults of individual components

Another reason why the computer turns off after a few minutes / seconds may be the unstable operation of one of its components. The first under suspicion is the power unit. If he does not stand the stress through himself, then after such a constant shutdown of the computer will be quite a natural phenomenon - that's why there are troubles. You can ask friends or acquaintances to give you a power supply from your computer for a while and turn on your own car after that with it. If it starts up normally, this will only confirm the suspect's guilt, explain why the computer is in trouble.

Overheating of the CPU or video card is also a common cause of computer shutdown. Shutdown in such cases occurs not after a few seconds, but after 5 - 10 minutes after turning on. To check the temperature of the computer parts, use the AIDA64 program in the "Sensor" section. The normal temperature for a modern processor should not exceed 65 - 70 degrees (Why? Because it is already a critical maximum). If the temperature of your processor is higher, then the problem is clearly with it. For video cards, the temperature of 65 degrees is quite normal, the temperature will be 90-100 degrees or higher, indicating the overheating.

Problems with overheating

If the CPU or video card overheats, first of all you should clean them. If this does not help, then you can replace the thermal paste on the chip. Thermal grease is a special substance. You can buy it at any specialized store, usually shipped inside regular syringes. Before applying the paste on the chip, you need to carefully clean it from the previous traces in yourself and only then apply a thin layer of the new one, completing the procedure by installing the remaining elements of the component. It will not take many minutes and seconds. The logic "the more thermal grease, the better" does not work here. Too thick a layer of this substance will only complicate the thermal conductivity, so you do not need to pour it out with its liters.

If this does not fix the situation and the problem with overheating remains, then the component should be carried to the service center.

One of the most common problems when working with a PC is a sudden shutdown of the device. And often this happens unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. This behavior can cause a lot of inconvenience, even if such an unexpected trip occurs rarely.

The following are the most likely reasons why the computer turns off on its own, as well as recommendations for resolving possible problems.

1. Overheating of one of the computer's nodes

First of all, if the PC is turned off at any time, it is recommended to check the temperature of the processor and other components. The CPU is often overheated (this component emits a lot of heat due to its device). But the reason can be in other components. For monitoring, you can use a specialized program that shows the temperature of individual elements of the PC, for example, HWmonitor.

Overheating helps clean the PC, which is best done not by yourself, but by contacting a service center. The fact is that cleaning your PC with ordinary brushes, brushes, vacuum cleaner, etc., can cause additional problems. For a good cleaning of PCs, not only skills, but also suitable equipment and devices are needed.

The computer can overheat trite in the heat. Its cooling system has limited capabilities. And in the case of anomalous heat, the cooling system may not be enough. And then the PC is clicked and disconnected. Well, you have to wait until there are more acceptable conditions for work, or use fans, air conditioners and other cooling devices to create a more comfortable PC environment. Where people are able to withstand the heat or cold, the computer can be a more "frail" partner, and fail at the most inopportune moment.

2. The problem with the power supply

This is the second most frequent reason. There can be two main problems in the power supply: fault and insufficient power. The problem may arise, for example, after installing new components (for example, a more powerful video card).

For testing, you can temporarily place in the PC another, obviously working power supply. If the total capacity of new components exceeds the total capacity of the previously installed power supply, then you need to replace the power supply with a more powerful one. In any case, the power supply should be enough to power all the elements of the PC, otherwise the power supply must be repaired or replaced.

Repair or replacement of the power supply unit is also better done with the involvement of specialists or by contacting a specialized center. Since you need not only to have a suitable power supply, but you also need to make an accurate diagnosis confirming the version that the computer is shutting down because of the power supply of the PC.

3. Viruses or corrupted system files

Serious viruses can also affect the performance of the system. To scan for viruses, you must use a reliable antivirus. For one-time verification, you can use trial version paid program, for example, DrWeb or Kaspersky, - the functionality will be enough.

In case of serious damage, you may need to completely re-install the system.

Some inexperienced users like to clean the registry, optimize Windows in the hope of speeding up the computer. To do this, they use the appropriate programs such as CCleaner. As a result of inefficient use of such "simple" programs, important system files, operating system  stops working. It remains only the option of reinstalling the operating system with the simultaneous loss of the user's personal files.

In such cases, novice users are better off using the built-in tools in the operating system.

4. Interruptions of electricity in the home network

Even minor and short-term power surges in the network can also lead to the shutdown of the PC. The rest of the electronics will continue to work, as it is less sensitive to network parameters. To solve problems with electricity use the UPS (stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply).

In some cases, it is enough to have a so-called device for smoothing out the voltage surges in the network. It is much cheaper and easier to operate than the UPS, it does not have a battery, it's lighter in weight, but looks like an ordinary extension cable and a 220V splitter.

But the network filter does not help with all the problems. If the voltage surges are so strong that they lead to a short-time power failure, then no UPS can not do without.

Also, of course, at the first opportunity, efforts should be made to repair the power grid, so that there will be no power surges, a short-term power outage. The fact is that these jumps lead to so-called transient processes. They in turn can generate dangerous voltages in the network, leading not only to shutting down the PC, but also to the total failure of electrical equipment, including personal computers.

It should be remembered that thunderstorms and other weather anomalies (for example, a strong wind, a storm) contribute to the appearance of strong interference in the electrical network. This can also lead to unforeseen disconnections of the PC.

Thunderstorms and storms are better to wait out without using a PC, since interruptions with electricity can easily damage electronics and mechanics personal computer.

5. Computer overloading

The computer, of course, it's iron. And should withstand any stress. For example, it should work with powerful modern games with their graphics capabilities and other user interfaces. But not always the computer is able to withstand these loads.

Why is the computer turned off during the game?

For each software product, for each game, for each application, as a rule, game developers indicate the minimum necessary configuration of the "hardware" of the PC.

If a real PC has a weaker configuration, be it a processor, hDD, video card, sound card and other components, this PC can not withstand the load and turn off at the most inopportune moment.

You can correct the situation only by refusing to use such "heavy" programs that are beyond the power of the computer hardware. And such programs must be completely removed from the computer.

To delete in the composition of the game itself (the application itself) there may be an option to delete itself. If there is no such option in the game (in the application), then you can use the system option "Uninstalling programs", which is part of the Windows operating system. If you just delete the files of these programs, there will be no effect.

6. Problem driver or problem device

Sudden outages can start after installing a new device or after. In this case, it is enough to return the previous configuration so that the computer again starts to work stably.

This is a fairly rare fault, it really should be considered at the very last turn, after excluding all other reasons for the sudden shutdown of the PC.

The return to the previous configuration is a rollback of the system to the state on the date that precedes the installation of a new driver or a suspicious device driver update.

7. Other reasons

When the PC turns on, it starts downloading applications that are in Startup. If there are a lot of programs at startup, this can lead to the disconnection of the PC. More about this for Windows 7 wrote.

If all of the above reasons could be eliminated, and sudden disconnections did not disappear, then, perhaps, a serious hardware problem arose. Here already, if a PC user has little experience in servicing computers, it is better to contact specialists who can help in solving this difficult problem.

In any case, the PC should not be shut off automatically without user intervention. And if he does it all the same, then this is an occasion to ponder and try to correct the problem.

Sometimes, when using a personal computer, it spontaneously turns off. Strangely enough, this is one of the most frequent problems, and in combination it is extremely unpleasant. There are several reasons. Consider several reasons, ways to solve them, and methods to prevent this problem in the future.


If the computer turns off by itself during the game, there are two possible causes  connected to the power supply.

The first is the shortage of the power supplied to the video card at peak times.

The second is the deterioration of the power supply, it is losing its resources, for this reason the computer may not be included at all. Decide this problem  can be replaced by a power supply.

The next reason why the computer turns off during the game, there may be overheating of the processor, caused by several reasons.

The first is the dust that settles on the hardware components of the computer.

The second is a malfunction or a complete failure of the cooling system. This problem can be solved by cleaning the system unit from dust and replacing the defective parts of the cooling system, if any. To prevent this, it is necessary to clean the system unit regularly from dust every six months, and apply thermal paste to the processor.

If an easily bending body was used to assemble the computer, for example, from galvanizing, then during vibration or external physical interaction, the contacts between the parts can be broken. However, you should not check the integrity of all contacts without the skills available.

Why does the computer turn on and off immediately?

Just note that in this situation everything is much more serious. This problem does not differ much from the previous one. However, completely different things can serve as the causes. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

If before the appearance of such a problem, the "brakes" and hangs of the system were noticed, a long reset, then the fault of all is probably the fault of the operative memory. To determine if the memory is "guilty", it is worth changing the memory slots in places. Check separately one lath of RAM in each slot. If after these actions, the computer shuts down immediately after power-on, the RAM is OK. For prevention, it is only necessary to trite the system block from dust.

Problems in the operation of the motherboard

If the malfunction in the operation of memory is not confirmed, then it is worth getting accustomed to the motherboard. Consider three possible causes of malfunctions in the motherboard.

However sad it may sound, the motherboard will end. With such a verdict, repairs are inexpedient for economic reasons. The connectors in different motherboards are oriented to a narrow range of possible components, then the owners of outdated computers are the reason to change the computer. If parts of the computer have not yet lost popularity, you can make a replacement.

If it is possible to prove the existence of a factory defect, then everything will be replaced by a replacement. The cause of the emergence of microcracks is misuse, it will only help buy a new motherboard.

Solve this problem by replacing faulty capacitors, it's better to trust professionals.

Why does not my computer shut down after I finish?

In some cases, users are faced with the fact that the computer continues to work after the completion of work. Consider two main reasons for this problem.

If the fears with the virus are not confirmed, it is worth looking for a program that does not allow the computer to complete its work. Consider on example windows  7, in general, the common path must coincide. Open the shortcut "My Computer". On the top is the panel with the button "Open control panel". From the list that opens, select the "Support Center". Expand the Maintenance tab. click on the link "Show work stability log". In the monitoring presented, select the date, with the reported error report. The report will indicate a program that does not completely shut down the computer. After finding this program, it should be turned off, you need to perform a couple of simple actions. From the Start menu, find the Run button. In the box that appears, enter "msconfig" and press the "Enter" button. In the window that opens, select the "General" tab. Then you must tick the option "Selective startup" then "Download system services". After that, you need to visit the "Services" tab and find and forcefully complete the program presented in the report from the list. However, without searching, you can check the box "Do not display Microsoft services" and then click the "Disable all" button. After these steps, you must restart the computer. This option completes the work of all third-party programs.

Why does the computer turn off for a long time? 7

Since windows 7 is one of the most popular operating systems, it will be about one particular reason inherent in this version of windows. The reasons for the long-term shutdown of the computer running this version of a few. Let's consider each of the reasons.

Superfluous background processes

Windows 7 differs a lot of unnecessary background processes (about 140, for example, in windows XP there are about 25), running with the system. When you turn off the system, you need to save the data collected by this or that process, and this takes time. To resolve this problem, you must disable unnecessary background processes.

Software conflict

For this reason, the computer can shut down for a long time and under the control of others versions of windows. For windows 7, this problem is most common, since the program does not respond, then when shutting down, the system does not have the right to crash the program. In such cases, sometimes it is necessary to resort to disconnecting the computer from the network. To prevent this from happening, you must shut down all active programs yourself.


No other system like windows 7 has such frequent driver problems. This version  it often stores drivers with errors, then the re-installation may not yield results. Incorrectly installed drivers may reduce performance, which will affect the shutdown time. To delete incorrectly installed drivers  you can use DriveCleanup, and then reinstall the driver. If the operating system, in this case windows 7, has not completely changed on the computer for more than one year, it is not recommended to update any drivers.

This article lists the main reasons and solutions for such problems as: spontaneous shutdown and computer startup, long shutdown of the computer running the operating room system windows 7.

Often there is a situation where a simple user, after a long period of normal operation, the computer, suddenly, starts to switch off on its own. Quite often, the reason for this is quite easily eliminated on its own. Let's try to understand - from what it happens, and how to fix the problems that have arisen.

Reasons for shutting down PCs and their solutions

Disconnect the computer can because of a variety of different reasons, among which you can select both software and hardware. In general, you can roughly determine - what is the reason for the behavior. So, if the operating system does not have time to start to boot, then the probability of hardware problems is high.

Otherwise, there can be problems of any kind, including software, more often because of various kinds of malicious software. However, first of all it is necessary to find out - why this happens.


A variety of programs that create many troubles for users, and self-propagating, there are a great many. There are also those who, after downloading, turn off the PC.

We'll figure out what to do to either exclude this option or fix the problem.
First of all, it is necessary to create boot disk, or a flash drive with antivirus software. On the sites of producers antivirus software  Such images are offered free of charge, with complete instruction  on creation of bootable disks. Although this will require a "healthy" computer, with access to the Internet.

Having created such a drive, you should:

Note. A full scan can take a long time, up to several days - depends on the amount and nature of the recorded information, as well as on the overall system performance.

If, after checking, the system disconnects similarly during operation, or does not have time to load at all, then the problem is definitely hardware.

Low power or power failure

When the PC does not even have time to start the download, or the previous version unequivocally pointed to a hardware problem, it is often the source of secondary power in the computer itself that causes problems. Or, as an option, simply too low voltage in the AC 220V.

First of all, check the AC mains voltage. Help in this can either "a familiar electrician" or a universal device - a multimeter. Ideally, the mains voltage should be 220 volts, but deviations of 10% are allowed. Those. at 240 or 200 V the power supply should work normally.

In the event of a voltage deviation beyond the permissible limits, it is necessary either to solve the problem by contacting electricians, or to install a voltage regulator, of which there are sufficient quantities on sale.

In the power supply itself, if the problem is not in the outlet, there may be a malfunction of the following nature (when the computer periodically shuts down):

  • emergency shutdown, as a result of overheating - the cooling fan may be out of order, or the internal part of the power supply unit has become very dirty;
  • physical degradation of circuit components (more often capacitors) - usually after "warm-up" it starts working normally;
  • excessive load of the components of the system unit - emergency shutdown, as a result of overload;
  • alarm signal from the motherboard - malfunction of the built-in converters or others (although this is not even the BP itself).

What needs to be done to correct the situation:

By and large, if the cleaning from the dust solved the problem, it's good. In other cases (except for the case when the system does not work with a known good BP), the secondary power source is best replaced. But in the version of the system's inoperability with a known good power supply, the problem lies in other components.

CPU or video card overheating

After a long operation, or with the initial marriage of some components, it is possible that the computer turns off due to overheating of important components. For example - the cooling radiators of the central or graphic processor can "overgrow" with dust and stop performing its functions.

If the computer turns off by itself, after 5 minutes of operation, then first of all it is necessary to check the cooling system.

What to initially pay attention to, tell the nature of the behavior of the PC:

When to use, the software does not have the ability to detect elevated temperatures, and the BIOS displays quite adequate values ​​(there is no load in this mode), then you should simply perform a visual inspection and prevent cooling systems.

First of all it is necessary to make sure that the cooling systems are securely fixed in their places, and the fans on them (if any) rotate without extraneous sounds and efforts. When the fan is very noisy, or difficult to rotate, it should be replaced.

Prevention of CO is made as follows (simple enough):

However, there are cases when prevention does not help (or the computer is completely new). In this case, the cooling system simply can not cope with the task, because it lacks productivity. This can be both incorrect calculation even during production, and loss of efficiency, due to wear and tear.

Therefore, a more subtle approach is needed, which is also useful in case of one-time malfunctions, which have not yet "poured out" into a serious problem. In addition, such control will help prevent problems.

Video: The computer shuts down

The temperature is overestimated, we learn the values ​​in AIDA

All major PC systems are equipped with built-in control and self-diagnostic components. So the CPU, video card and chipset are equipped with temperature sensors. Their readings can be seen in the BIOS, or you can use special programs in the OS environment.

One of the most common programs of this kind (and also having many other useful functions) is AIDA. Therefore, we will use it. It does not require installation - it's enough to download, and you can start it right away. The program needs to download the corresponding version. If you have a 64 bit version of the OS (now there are already a majority of them), then the program is necessary for AIDA64.

The launch itself is performed by double clicking on the executable file of the program (aida64.exe or aida.exe, respectively for 64-bit and 32-bit versions). After the start, in the left part of the program window (entitled "Menu") you need to select the item "Sensors", after which the right displays the readings of all the temperature sensors available in the system. It is useful to check the temperature readings during the operation of resource-intensive applications. at a load they increase.

The temperature should not (ideally) exceed 70 degrees Celsius.  However, many powerful solutions allow crystal heating up to 100 degrees. However, the lower the temperature, the better. When it comes to the critical point - the conclusion is obvious - the cooling system of the corresponding component can not cope.

Why the computer turns off spontaneously

The above list only the main, most common problems. However, everything can be much simpler. For example, you can easily drop the power button on the system unit. Possessing little experience - you can easily define such a defect by touch, but do not put it out by more precise methods.

For example, you can simply disconnect it from the motherboard by running the PC manually by closing the corresponding contacts. If the computer has stopped turning off, the cause is determined. It only remains to fix the defect.

In many cases, it is necessary to begin testing from this position. But if the reason is not in the button, then proceed to checking other possible options, described above.

Disconnects after a while what to do ...

We will analyze the algorithm by which to determine a fault of this kind:

In order to perform all the above operations, you must have at least a minimum knowledge of the structure of the PC. If the problem is not solved (which is unlikely), then you should contact a specialist. Although you can replace the PC entirely, which is also an option.

As a result, the main part of the arising problems with spontaneous shutdown is considered, according to statistical data. In 99% of cases, problems are just such relatively simple reasons. It is also not difficult to eliminate them.
However, other types of malfunctions, with similar symptoms, are also possible, for example, unstable operation of the current converter on the motherboard (valid for a video card). In this case, you can either replace the main component, or contact the service center.

I welcome you once again, dear readers and guests of the blog! In today's article, I decided to touch on the actual topic for today: how to ensure a normal uninterrupted computer operation. It is worth noting that one of the most frequently asked questions that users drive into a string search engines  Yandex or Google, sounds like this: " ».

Users who more or less understand the computer hardware are not always able to independently identify and eliminate the cause of unauthorized shutdown of the computer. Because the reasons for such an unsatisfactory computer performance can be very diverse. Here is a prime example: let's say your . And if the computer is still brand new and not dusty, then in this case, to get to the real cause, no one will be able to. Therefore, in today's article, I suggest that you consider the main common reasons why your computer may be shut down at any time.

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So, before I start to consider the main reasons for an arbitrary shutdown of the computer, I would like to make a short introduction. Being at home, at your computer or at your workplace in the office, many of you sometimes have to deal with various kinds of malfunctions (system errors) of your computer. And you will agree that many such mistakes are not significant and will not in any way affect the safety of our information. And sometimes and vice versa, errors in the system can affect the integrity of the stored data in the computer. It should be emphasized that the occurrence of such errors (malfunctions) in the computer and violations in general of the normal uninterrupted operation of the computer in 95% of the cases are caused by the users of their computers themselves.

And all because the failure of stable operation of the computer as a whole is the lack of simple, I would even say basic knowledge and rules when dealing with a computer. So it turns out that at the time not taken seriously by the user, even if a simple system error appeared or even some trivial malfunction, in the future it will necessarily affect the functioning of the operating system.

In general, of course, it is generally accepted that even the simplest errors that appear in the form of dialog boxes, as a rule, are informational in nature. Or rather, warning or simply notifying the user that this action can not be performed for such and such a reason. Another interesting example, which I, incidentally, considered in one of the previous lessons. More details on this topic can be found in the article:

But if such errors are informational, then this does not mean that they should simply be ignored: "Well, if memory can not be read, then OK, you closed the notification and forgot it." No, of course, it is not possible, first of all it is necessary to understand, understand, find and eliminate the cause of the error notification.

Well, now it's time to consider the main reasons, as a result of which the operation of the computer is accompanied by a spontaneous shutdown. In general, of course, a sudden, spontaneous shutdown of the computer is associated, first of all, with a malfunction of a particular node, in the system unit. And the shutdown of the computer can happen, as instantly (that is, the operating system has booted and the computer has immediately shut down), and after a while, for example, after 15-25 minutes, or even more.

Therefore, your main task is not only to find and fix the malfunction, in addition, it is important for you to also identify the cause of this malfunction, namely what caused the cause. After all, if you just replace some element, then it is quite possible that this element will fail after a while.

The computer successfully booted and immediately shut down

So,   right after switching on. In order to find and fix a malfunction of this kind, I recommend that you act in the following way.

1. The first step is to check the power button of the computer, which in most cases is located on the front of the chassis of the system unit. After all, it is quite possible that the button is simply "stuck" and the computer turns off instantly during the power-up. If the computer's power-on button is in good working order, then proceed to the next step.

2. Then you need to open the cover of the system unit, having previously unplugged all the wires and visually inspect the condition of the internal components of the system unit for the absence of blown capacitors, short-circuit tracks and perform preventive work of your computer.

In general, a more complete list of ongoing preventive measures, as well as the correctness of their implementation, you can find out by reading my article:

3. If the problem continues to repeat and preventive measures can not eliminate this problem, then the next step will be to check the voltage of the network using a simple multimeter. If the mains voltage is less than the standard value (220 V), in this case your computer may not turn on at all or the computer will be switched on to a subsequent reboot.

4. If the above actions did not solve the problem of disconnecting the computer at power-on, then, apparently, the problem may be hidden in the motherboard itself. Since the shutdown of the computer can be caused by short-circuiting the printed conductors on the motherboard, so I repeat that it is a visual external inspection at the beginning of the diagnosis is very important.

If the motherboard is morally obsolete, then some components may fail. For example, the chipset on the motherboard may overheat. By the way, be sure to read the main components that are located on the motherboard by reading the article:

Check the voltage on the chipset with the same multimeter. If the real problem is hidden in the motherboard, then in this case it will be more appropriate to purchase a new card, but it is better to update the computer as a whole.

Why does the computer turn off after a certain time?

Let's look at another situation. Suppose that the inclusion of the computer is successfully accompanied by a sound signal from the speaker and after a short time, say, so after 15-25 minutes the computer turns off without any notification in the form of dialog boxes. For example, your in such a case it will be much easier to find and localize the fault. Why, you ask?

And the whole point is that during the operation of the computer it will be possible to perform testing of a specific component of the computer with the help of special programs. Therefore, the fault detection overview in this case is slightly increased. Of course, such instability of the computer, associated with its periodic shutdown, can be caused by a variety of factors. This can be a software failure, as a result of the failure of their own devices. This in turn can affect individual applications, the launch of which causes the computer to hang, reboot or shut down.

At first, troubleshooting should start with the simplest one, namely: check the reliability of the connection of all connector cables, both inside the system unit and outside. If you have an uninterruptible power supply, then it is possible that the battery is exhausted, which after a certain period of time results in shutting down the computer. Therefore, make sure that the battery is not dead.

Many cases happen when, as a result of a power surge in the network, the uninterruptible power supply as a result of the failure of some elements starts to work with periodic shutdown, despite the fact that it has a new battery installed. And in this case the problem with the periodic disconnection of the computer is just hidden not in the system unit itself, but in the uninterruptible power supply.

Secondly, You should definitely perform the prophylaxis of your computer, as I mentioned earlier. It is due to the high dust content that overheating and the failure of some components of the system. And because of overheating, as is known such components as the processor, the video card is instantly shutdown the computer. In general, I now will not tell you in detail how and what should be paid attention to when carrying out preventive works. More details you can find in the article:

Thirdly, if your computer is absolutely new, ideally clean, fans rotate freely, then the problem of overheating due to dustiness in this case is completely eliminated. Then pay attention to the computer power supply.

From my experience I can tell you that the reason for disconnecting the computer in most cases is hidden in the power supply. In order to find out whether the computer turns itself off because of the power supply, you need to change it to a known good for testing.

Individual applications or the same games are capable of exerting a heavy load on the video card, and if the power supply is weak and not designed for such a high load, then such a power supply simply can not withstand and the system turns off. Therefore, when buying a computer, you need to determine in advance with its purpose and based on their needs, choose the computer that will successfully cope with the tasks. The criteria or principles by which you should choose a computer when buying, you can find a recently published article:

Fourthly, another reason why the computer turns itself off, can be hidden in the processor itself. Here everything is simple, the CPU temperature rises above the threshold value, the sensors fix the whole thing, and then the protection is triggered, as a result of which the BIOS instructs the computer to shutdown. Such thermal sensors are installed in the processor, in a video card for temperature control. And the cause of the temperature rise of the processor can be varied, starting from the fact that the processor itself is not properly cooled (dust, cooler malfunction) and ending with an increase in the load on the processor (high workload of computational operations).

Similarly, you can say about the video card that overheats from increased load, and then the protection is triggered and the computer turns off. In such cases, it usually happens that when you turn on the computer will turn on not immediately, but only after a certain time, while the heated components do not cool down.

But how do you know the temperature of the processor?

You can check the CPU temperature using various free system utilities, or using the BIOS. If you do not know what the BIOS is, how to enter it and what it is intended for, then I strongly recommend that you read the article:

Let's look at several options, thanks to which we can find out the temperature of our processor.

1. Find the CPU temperature using the BIOS. To do this, you will need to enter the BIOS of your computer and go to the appropriate section. The only thing to emphasize is that not every BIOS version supports this function. So, you entered the BIOS of your computer, then you should go to the PC Health Status or Hardware Monitor section in the Advanced tab (depending on the BIOS version, the actions may vary).

The CPU Temperature parameter indicates the CPU temperature. This temperature should not exceed 70 ° C.

If the temperature is more than 70 ° C, the processor overheats and the computer turns off. In this case, you just need to find out the cause of its overheating. Parameter System Temperature - tells us what is the temperature inside the system unit, the temperature sensor of which is located in the chipset area. The most optimal values ​​are from 25 to 50 ° C.

If your version of BIOS does not allow you to know the temperature of the processor, then you can use the utilities. Let's look at one of these utilities.

2. The utility Everest in its arsenal contains a rich set of tools that allow you to learn many important characteristics and parameters of individual components of your computer. I'm not going to tell you in detail how to download and install this utility, since this is a separate issue.

And I will only say that you need to go to the "Computer" section and select the "Sensor" option, then in the right part of the window, as shown in the figure below, you will see the CPU temperature.

In order to fully verify that shutdown of the computer is due to overheating, you will need to perform the following procedure.

Click "Test" and select the test marked with the number 2 in the figure. Then click the update button (figure 3). Do this several times and monitor the CPU temperature.

Ideally, during the test, the temperature of the processor increases and, at the end of testing, drops sharply to 40-65 ° C. If the temperature of the central processor rises sharply to 90-100 ° C and does not fall, then in this case, the cause of computer shutdown is processor overheating. In my practice, there was a situation where the CPU temperature was 95 ° C, although in fact the CPU was cold. Later it turned out that the power supply unit disabled the CPU temperature sensor itself. As a result, the sensor showed an incorrect temperature, as a result of which the protection was activated and the computer was turned off.

Fifthly, the cause of computer shutdown can be activated "Parental Control". That is, after a set period of time, all programs are terminated, as a result of which the computer turns itself off.

So do not be surprised if the parental control is activated spontaneously. After all, the culprit of its inclusion could become a virus. Here's to you one more answer to the question: why the computer turns itself off? Therefore, you should check the computer for viruses in the system, and do not forget to check the parental control settings. The following articles will help you.

At sixth, diagnostics of operative memory. Be sure to test the RAM for errors. Since there are known situations when one memory chip fails on the memory bar, for this reason, data that falls on the faulty part can cause the computer to shutdown. You can perform testing of RAM again thanks to various programs. In one of my articles, I already talked about memory testing. More details you can find from the article:

Also, I can advise you to roll back the system to the previous state, when the computer was not shutting down. From the article below, you will learn the basic nuances of system recovery.

At the conclusion of today's article, I would like to add that taking into account all the errors that arise in your computer, you thereby improve the reliability and safety of information that is important to yourself and the whole system as a whole.

I hope that today's article "Why the computer turns itself off" was useful and interesting for you and you extracted from it a lot of usefulness. I would like to know if someone solved such problems with shutting down the computer in other ways that I did not mention in this article.

It remains to me to wish you not to meet with similar incidents connected with disconnection or reboot of the computer, but if suddenly you still had to deal with a similar problem, then eliminate it with minimal time and money.

All up to echi in the article, where I tell you =\u003e

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So, for today it's actually all that I wanted to tell you in today's issue. I can only hope that you found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, wait for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the whole site as a whole ==\u003e

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