When I turn on my computer american megatrends what to do. Internet travel guide - all the fun on the web

Welcome! This blog is about the Internet and computers, or rather it was dedicated to them.

Probably, you can immediately see that there have been no new articles on the site for many years. Yes, that's the fate of most blogs. This project was once an ambitious undertaking, and the author, like many others who wrote at the time, had ambitious plans to become one of the best Russian bloggers. Well, if you look now, then of those blogs that were created simultaneously with mine, most have already disappeared into eternity. And I just didn't have enough time to blog. So yes, it is not updated anymore. Although once we with this site won the competition "Blog of Runet 2011".

I even had an idea to delete all this, but then I reviewed the old materials, and realized that they can still be useful to readers. Yes, some articles are outdated (if I have enough strength, they will receive appropriate notes), but the site, for example, can be useful for beginners - here you can read about the basic concepts of the Internet, learn how to configure the Internet, Windows, or even decide to switch to Linux. So look at the rubrics and choose the one that's right for you.

And yet, I hope this is more than just a blog, but a real guide to the Internet. The site can be viewed in the directory mode, where all available articles are structured by category. And who knows, maybe one day new high-quality articles will start appearing here.


Picodi.ru is a discount portal from International Coupons, a Polish expert in the field of savings and cheap shopping. Poles are considered one of the most economical nations in the world, so it is not surprising that this type of project grew out of the Polish startup kodyrabatowe.pl. How can this portal be useful to an ordinary Internet user in Russia?

Modern android phones are more than phones. You get used to typing installed programs, to the history of your calls and text messages, photo collections and more. But time passes, and the device that suits you completely begins to slow down, glitch, or simply loses its presentable appearance due to chips on the case or scratches on the screen. The question arises of choosing a new phone and changing android phone... And if we now bypass the question of choice, then "moving" to new phone remains a serious problem - you absolutely do not want to start all the data from scratch. This is what we'll talk about today.

Most of the readers of this blog, most likely, have never encountered version control systems and will not come across any in the near future. It's a pity. This extremely convenient invention is widely used by programmers, but, in my opinion, it could be very useful for those who actively work with texts. But, probably, now there is not a single version control system that would be easy to start using for the "office" ( Microsoft Office) work. Nevertheless, I think that the material presented in the article may be interesting for all readers.

If you have thought about how to watch movies on the network from your TV and go online, this article is for you. No, I know that some TVs already have Smart TV functionality, but I have never seen it work properly. Apparently, therefore, recently the Google corporation demonstrated an absolutely stunning device that immediately became a sensation. We're talking about the Chromecast media streamer (Chromcast), a more advanced and affordable version of last year's disastrous Nexus Q.

Dongle Chromcast, which is less than 2 inches in size, plugs into the port HDMI TV and allows you to enjoy watching streaming web content. To control the streamer, you can use any device (tablet, PC, smartphone) based on the operating platform iOS, Windows, Android or Mac OS.

This article is about the device system memory android, problems that may arise due to its lack and ways to solve them. Not so long ago I myself was faced with the fact that my phone is on android base began to regularly issue messages about the lack of memory when trying to install an application. Which was very strange for me, given that according to the description on the market there should have been about 16GB, and I also increased this volume with an additional memory card. However, there was a problem, and I had to tinker a lot before I found the right solution, which did not require root access or a full restoration of the phone to its factory state.

Question: American megatrends crashes when the computer boots

Hello, I have such a problem that the american megatrends started to pop up when the computer was turned on after pressing F1, the computer starts to boot, changed the battery, the cooler normally turns the flash drive, help me figure out the BIOS.


Message from Maks

You go over a dozen PCs with such a malfunction before drawing such conclusions.

Why would I go through them? I do not like to do unnecessary and stupid work, but especially if I have already encountered similar faults and corrected them. And I will not offer a person to change the RAM with a CPU Fan Error.

Message from FleYeR

CPU Fan Error!

Message from Maks

Can play with RAM sticks, transfer to another slot, if one, if more than one, pull it out in turn and try.
Unplug all drives: hard, card reader, CD / DVD drive.

Yeah, you can also play the balalaika. And you can also rearrange the video, with CPU Fan Error
And so yes, I know spyalists who treat all faults with reboots, rearrange the RAM and reset the BIOS
And I assembled and set up computers quite a lot, and I have to fix them.
But I do not mind if the vehicle will rearrange the odds there. As there is in the proverb, ...... the head does not give rest to his hands.

Question: American Megatrends

When I turn on the laptop, a black screen "occurs", the title of which says:
American Megatrends
Please tell me why this is happening and how to solve it!


Message from raxp

most often a power controller malfunction, does not hold the load.

To be more precise (regarding laptop boards), one of several systems probably does not work here. pulse power supply, of course PGODD is not formed from it and the shutdown actually occurs.

The computer started to boot strangely after installing the second hdd. American megatrends started popping up and 2 peaks. This way the system works fine, but this is alarming. Previously, american megatrends did not pop up. Here is the link to the video:

Thanks a lot. Now it loads normally.

Question: After replacing from Intel Celeron D with Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 computer boot freezes after it is detected

After replacing from Intel Celeron D to Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700, the computer load hangs tight after detecting the processor.
Maternal gigabyte board GA-945GM-S2 rev. 1.0 processor supports, BIOS updated to latest version... If you put back the old Celeron, the computer starts up, which means the bridges and other equipment are working properly. Which way to dig further?


Message from mindtech

Which way to dig further?

This processor is not supported on your motherboard. Replace with another one based on

Added after 57 seconds
or immediately change to a newer slot and mother and percent and memory

Question: Version 2.15.1227 copyright from 2012 american megatrends how to install windows from USB stick?

Hello dear, how can I install Windows from a USB flash drive?
The bottom line is, I have installed different windows more than a dozen times, what is from the disk, what is from the flash drive)
P.S friend's computer.
It's just that the problem is that there is no "Secure BooT" section in the BIOS
No UEFI and Legacy OS partition
Installed Windows 7 on a USB flash drive (I already installed Ps on many computers, so that due to the fact that Windows is fired, etc., the question immediately disappears)
I go into this BIOS and where can I choose my flash drive ?????))
In the BooT Opton 1 and BooT Opton 2 tab only sees the drive and the hard one!))
I even found a disk with Windows 7, put it in the drive, put the drive on the first device F10 yes.
As a result, a black screen with a blinking line, and then loading Win 10 (non-working), which subsequently issues diagnostics.
I just broke my head off.
Asus r 510 D

Answer: maksimka5893,
in the BIOS of Hard Drive BBS Priorites, please and screen here
open the SATA Configuration BIOS and the screen is here
And then you laid out the most unnecessary screenshots

Question: Error while booting the computer

I decided to buy laptop acer Aspire E 15 E5-511-C3A5 with Linux OS, but there were plans to install Windows, XP / 7 installers did not detect at all hDD, when installing 8.1, BSOD got out on reboot, the computer stopped responding to key presses and full power the fan turned on, it was only possible to get out of this screen emergency shutdown, then I decided to see what was happening: I installed Archlinux and turned it on in recovery mode, the OS brought it out

The code:
whatever you call it, where does the name of the file?

there are no bsods with sad emoticons ... the error code interests ...
Seriously, your mother does not support the seven and xp ..... you need to sew a bios, and put it there ...
I can't say about eight, I need a bsod ...

Question: Malfunction while loading the computer

Good day. The computer did not boot with the text: "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device" I thought it was a typical problem, I can handle it myself. I entered the BIOS, swapped the disks (PATA PM. SATA SM) and vice versa. Did not help. Then I accidentally pressed the Boot Override -\u003e PATA PM button. After restarting the problem did not disappear. I decided to restart my computer and reinstall windows to 7. When trying to reinstall windows system writes "No drivers found .... click Download Driver".

Answer: ..
cured just by entering Victoria? - I pressed hdd check , he checked it, found errors. Rebooted the computer a couple of times and the OS started up.
but for a good replacement - Thank you very much for your help. I will watch the new hdd

Question: When installing the second memory strip when the computer boots up - black screen

Hello dear! Help me figure out the problem, I’m setting out the essence: I have an MSI B85M-E45 motherboard, when I assembled the computer I installed DIMM DD3 4096x2 PC12800 1600MHz Kingston RAM on it. Naturally, I did not have enough of it, and after a while I bought another of the same version. But when you install it, the computer stupidly shows a black screen and does not want to start in any way. Another feature, I began to change the location and combinations and found out that only 2 black slots work, and the blue ones do not fury. (I naturally inserted the new memory into the black slots in order to check its performance, the computer turned on without problems. In the store, when assembling, they said that the memory was defective and sent me to another store so that I could get it there and myself suffered with the installation (cunning freaks) If you have any thoughts on this, please share PS: the motherboard supports up to 32 GB of RAM.

Answer: damn, but the computer is new, I don't want to take out the processor) this gel is needed to reinstall it ...
maybe what settings should I look at? I doubt very much that the matter is precisely in the physical plan of the connection, the instinct suggests that somewhere something needs to be configured ... well, if it doesn't work out, then yes, of course I will analyze it, have any suggestions?

Added after 8 minutes
I'll add the accuracy, the computer turns on, buzzes, but then the HDMA-Analog inscription on the monica. HDMA-Analog, and then completely without inscriptions, even when turned off ... but everything is noisy, the lights are on, nothing squeaks .. something like this

Question: Computer does not boot

Hello everyone.

And I cannot make out. What is my problem.

Mother of asus m2n68-am se. I updated the BIOS the other day. And after that, after turning on the PC, AMI (American Megatrends Incorporated) with all kinds of downloads began to appear. Like F8 is a choice of what to download or a USB flash drive. F1 go to Bios. F2 load Windows.
After I worked, I turned it off. And he went to eat soup. And, then, when I ate the soup.
I went to turn on the computer and it does not turn on.

Everything works, everything is in order. But the download is not progressing. In general, there is nothing to load. Just a black monitor on standby. I can't even log into Bios. I removed the battery, changed the clrtc jumper from 1-2 to 2-3. Reactions 0.

And I climbed on the Internet like that and there are 2 options either the north bridge died or something with the Bios "a chip, maybe I installed it clumsily, I don't know, like, I did everything according to the instructions ..

And the main thing! I need to know how to test the server bridge and the Bios chip in case of failure. To be sure that it's broken.

In the SC, I do not want to carry because I do not trust them, because I already got caught a long time ago. That they drank the good and stuck in a ** o
And I always do everything myself. With the help of People who will tell me what to do ...

I will be very grateful to you for your help.
Thank you!!!

A number of PC users, when turning on their computer, may encounter the appearance on the screen of the inscription "American Megatrends", after which the computer stops booting. The system either freezes tightly, or starts loading only after pressing the F1 key, or continues to work only after switching to BIOS and loading the factory settings. In this article I will tell you what to do if American Megatrends appears when you turn on your computer, what are the reasons for this message, and how to get rid of it.

What is American Megatrends


If American Megatrends appears when you turn on your computer, I recommend that you pay close attention to the bottom lines of the screen, which usually indicates the essence of the problem. After determining the essence, it is necessary to take appropriate actions to correct the situation, ranging from a trivial pressing of the F1 key to replacing the CR2032 element and other alternatives described above. This will help you solve the American Megatrens startup problem and continue to enjoy your PC stable and reliable.

Source: lifehacki.ru

What is American Megatrends

So what is American Megatrends? The name "American Megatrends" (translated as "American Megatrends") is an American company for the production of hardware for computers and programmable equipment, founded in 1985 by P. Sarma and S. Shankar.

American Megatrends became known to a wide range of users thanks to the release of AMIBIOS - a version of BIOS for PCs, which is widely distributed among owners personal computers... "Amibios" was widely used by world motherboard manufacturers, therefore many of the readers are quite familiar with it.

Accordingly, the very inscription "American Megatrends" should not confuse you, it is just a logo (copyright mark) of the company that manufactures your BIOS version.

Why does American Megatrends appear when I turn on my PC?

In most cases, the inscription "American Megatrends" does not linger on the monitor screen, as the system passes a quick blitz test of its hardware and starts loading the operating system. If this inscription (logo) lingered on the screen of your PC, then this means that something is wrong with the hardware (less often software) stuffing of your computer.

Usually, the cause of PC dysfunction is displayed at the very bottom, on the last bottom lines (moreover, on english language). For those who know the Shakespearean language, it is not difficult to find out about the essence of the error, for other users it remains to rewrite the last lines on a piece of paper (or shoot the monitor screen on a camera mobile device), and ask competent specialists about the essence of the problem.

In particular, the reasons for the appearance of "American Megatrends" may be as follows:

  • Accidental PC crash;
  • Exhaustion of battery life motherboard (usually CR2032), responsible for storing BIOS settings;
  • Failure of the system cooler busy with cooling the central processor (Cpu Fan Error);
  • Breakdown of any of uSB devicesconnected to a PC;
  • Incorrectly specified values \u200b\u200bof the sequence of loaded disks in the BIOS (for example, instead of hard disk the first to be loaded is a flash drive that does not have an operating system);
  • The user has installed a new processor (or other system device) in the motherboard;
  • Problems in cMOS operation memory;
  • The hard disk with the operating system is not connected to the PC, etc.

How to remove the American Megatrends message that appears when you turn on your computer

As I wrote above, the specific advice for solving the problem directly depends on the type of error, which is described in the corresponding row at the bottom of the screen. Generally speaking, then I would recommend doing the following:

  1. Press the F1 key, this will allow the operating system to boot into standard mode, applying the default settings. This advice is most relevant when the failure was random;
  2. Load BIOS factory settings. Go to BIOS (when turning on the PC, quickly press the Del, F2, F10 or other keys), load the default settings (options - “Load optimized Defaults”, “Load Optimized Settings”), save the settings by clicking on “Save”, and then on "Exit";
  3. Replace the battery on the motherboard responsible for storing BIOS settings (usually a CR2032 element), battery replacement is also required if the Cmos checksum error defaults loaded error occurs. Open the lid of your PC, find given element on the motherboard, remove it, and replace it with a new item. After installing a new item, it may usually be necessary to load the BIOS factory settings and save them as described above;
  4. If you see "Cpu Fan Error" in the error description, then it is quite possible that the CPU cooler is out of order and may need to be replaced. After removing the PC cover, try disconnecting the cooler from the motherboard, and then reconnecting it, this may be the answer to the American Megatrends question. If this does not help, and the cooler does not spin when you turn on the computer, try replacing it;
  5. Go to BIOS, and set the correct boot sequence from devices connected to the PC (usually the first is the hard drive with the system installed on it). Click on "Save" and restart your computer;
  6. If you managed to boot, then it is worth checking the system for a virus, there is a small chance that the malware is to blame for the described dysfunction. In the search for the latter, Dr. Web CureIt!, Trojan Remover, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and a number of other analogues;
  7. Disconnect all YUSB devices previously connected to the PC, and then try pressing F1 and download operating system... Also try to turn off the computer, open its case (if it is a stationary PC), then disconnect the video card, memory, hard drive and other devices from the motherboard, and, connecting them in series to the motherboard, try to find the culprit of the problem;
  8. If all else fails, then contact your computer to the nearest service center, it is possible that the problem is of a complex hardware nature, which can be fixed ordinary user will not be able to.

How to turn off the displayed American Megatrends sign while connecting a personal computer

———————- ———————- ———————- ——————

The exact recommendation for resolving the trouble may directly depend on the type of error that is displayed at the bottom of the display. Generally speaking, in this case, I would advise you to do the following:

Press the F1 button, this will enable the system to boot in the usual way, using the default options. Our current advice is mostly popular as a result of when the fault was of a temporary type;

Set the factory BIOS values. We go into the BIOS (in the process of turning on the PC, briskly click on the Del, F2, F10 or others buttons), make a choice according to the factory settings (varieties - "Load optimized Defaults", "Load Optimized Settings"), write down the installation indicators by clicking on "Save ", And after and" Exit ";

Load factory options Bios photo:

Change the battery on the main (mother) board, which is responsible for saving the BIOS settings (as a rule, it is a CR2032 device), changing the micro battery is equally necessary when the Cmos checksum error defaults loaded error appears. Open the lid of your own computer, find this battery on the motherboard, exclude it, and replace it with a fresh one. Subsequently, mounting another element quite often requires downloading the BIOS factory settings and recording them as outlined above;

When we see "Cpu Fan Error" in the error display, the fan of the main cpu is probably out of order and needs to be replaced. Throwing off the PC cover, try to turn off the aircooler from the motherboard, and then turn it on again, this is the solution to the "American Megatrends" problem. If this does not work, and the cooler does not rotate when connecting a PC, try changing it;

Enter BIOS, and set the classic order of downloading from the units connected to the PC (usually the first is the hard drive with the system installed on it). Click on "Save" and restart the laptop;

If you are lucky enough to boot, in this case you need to scan the system for viruses, there is a small chance that the malware itself is to blame for this non-functionality. In finding the last one, Dr. Web CureIt !, Trojan Remover, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and many other prototypes;

Turn off all included before to PC uSB devices, and then try pressing F1 and start the operating system. In the same way, try to turn off the computer, open its case (when it is a normal PC), then turn off the video card, memory, hard disk and other modules from the motherboard, in a row including them to the motherboard, try to find the author of the difficulty;

If nothing else allows - in this case, go with your computer to a nearby service center, it is possible that the difficulty contains a complex hardware nature, which an ordinary user will not be able to repair.

American Megatrends was founded in 1985. Its founders are Pat Sarma and Samuel Shankar. The company has come a long way in its development. She is now considered one of the key BIOS developers. The second place in this market was achieved in 2002 and since then the situation has not changed. BIOS has been released on boards from other companies since 2007.

Recently the BIOS from American Megatrends has found its second wind. This is due to the fact that ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI, as well as a number of other major manufacturers began to use it.

Features of AM policy

Mandatory sale or customization is provided source code for each specific OEM project. The required business model is irrelevant. The sale of microcircuits with BIOS for consumers is not provided. Technical support and release of documentation is carried out by those who have a patent for such actions. This did not prevent the release of two books that detail the BIOS being released.

If we compare it with other BIOS versions, we can note the similarity with AWARD. For example, a lot the same names sections, as well as ways to find them. This moment is not manifested in all situations. It is impossible to say about the specific features of AMI, since a sufficiently large number of motherboard manufacturers are envisaged. Each of them takes a different approach, which provides the existing diversity.

Another point is the differences between the versions. This is clearly illustrated in the screenshots below.

Goes first BIOS versions 2.5x, and the second - 3.31. As you can see, the interface has been seriously improved and improved. The new approach made it possible to simplify the implementation of the tasks set by the user.

A number of PC users, when turning on their computer, may encounter the appearance on the screen of the inscription "American Megatrends", after which the computer stops booting. The system either freezes tightly, or starts loading only after pressing the F1 key, or continues to work only after switching to BIOS and loading the factory settings. In this article I will tell you what to do if American Megatrends appears when you turn on your computer, what are the reasons for this message, and how to get rid of it.

So what is American Megatrends? The name "American Megatrends" (translated as "American Megatrends") is an American company for the production of hardware for computers and programmable equipment, founded in 1985 by P. Sarma and S. Shankar.

American Megatrends has become known to a wide range of users thanks to the release of AMIBIOS - a version of BIOS for PCs, which is widespread among personal computer owners. "Amibios" was widely used by world motherboard manufacturers, so many of the readers are quite familiar with it.

Accordingly, the very inscription "American Megatrends" should not confuse you, it is just a logo (copyright mark) of the company that manufactures your BIOS version.

Why does American Megatrends appear when I turn on my PC?

In most cases, the inscription "American Megatrends" does not linger on the monitor screen, as the system passes a quick blitz test of its hardware and starts loading the operating system. If this inscription (logo) lingered on the screen of your PC, then this means that something is wrong with the hardware (less often software) stuffing of your computer.

Typically, the cause of PC dysfunction is displayed at the very bottom, on the last bottom lines (and in English). For those who know the Shakespearean language, it is not difficult to find out about the essence of the error, for other users, it remains to rewrite the last lines on a piece of paper (or shoot the monitor screen on a mobile device camera), and ask competent specialists about the essence of the problem.

In particular, the reasons for the appearance of "American Megatrends" may be as follows:

How to remove the American Megatrends message that appears when you turn on your computer

As I wrote above, the specific advice for solving the problem directly depends on the type of error, which is described in the corresponding row at the bottom of the screen. Generally speaking, then I would recommend doing the following:

  1. Press the F1 key, this will allow the operating system to boot into standard mode, applying the default settings. This advice is most relevant when the failure was random;
  2. Load BIOS factory settings. Go to BIOS (when turning on the PC, quickly press the Del, F2, F10 or other keys), load the default settings (options - “Load optimized Defaults”, “Load Optimized Settings”), save the settings by clicking on “Save”, and then on "Exit";

  3. Replace the battery on the motherboard responsible for storing BIOS settings (usually a CR2032 element), battery replacement is also required when an error occurs. Open the cover of your PC, locate this item on the motherboard, remove it, and replace it with a new item. After installing a new item, it may usually be necessary to load the BIOS factory settings and save them as described above;

  4. If you see "Cpu Fan Error" in the error description, then it is quite possible that the CPU cooler is out of order and may need to be replaced. After removing the PC cover, try disconnecting the cooler from the motherboard, and then reconnecting it, this may be the answer to the American Megatrends question. If this does not help, and the cooler does not spin when you turn on the computer, try replacing it;
  5. Go to BIOS, and set the correct boot sequence from the devices connected to the PC (usually the first is the hard drive with the system installed on it). Click on "Save" and restart your computer;

  6. If you managed to boot, then it is worth checking the system for a virus; there is a small chance that the malware is to blame for the described dysfunction. In the search for the latter, Dr. Web CureIt !, Trojan Remover, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and a number of other analogues;
  7. Disconnect all YUSB devices previously connected to the PC, and then try pressing F1 and load the operating system. Also try to turn off the computer, open its case (if it is a stationary PC), then disconnect the video card, memory, hard drive and other devices from the motherboard, and, connecting them in series to the motherboard, try to find the culprit of the problem;
  8. If all else fails, then contact your computer to the nearest service center, it is quite possible that the problem is of a complex hardware nature, which an ordinary user will not be able to fix.


If American Megatrends appears when you turn on your computer, I recommend that you pay close attention to the bottom lines of the screen, which usually indicates the essence of the problem. After determining the essence, it is necessary to take appropriate actions to correct the situation, ranging from a trivial pressing of the F1 key to replacing the CR2032 element and other alternatives described above. This will help you solve the American Megatrens startup problem and continue to enjoy your PC stable and reliable.

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