How to enable WiFi on laptop Acer, Asus, HP, Dell, Msi and more. The laptop does not see WiFi. Solution

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Very often, laptop users run into trouble when turning on or setting up wi-fi. The procedure itself seems to be quite simple, but difficulties and snags often arise due to which the laptop does not connect to wi-fi. What to do if the Internet suddenly stopped working? To answer this question, here are recommendations on how to deal with troubles when your laptop does not see WiFi.

To enable wifi, you need to do two simple steps. And these actions will depend on the manufacturer and model of the laptop. First, here are the inclusion options for the most popular manufacturers.

How to turn on WiFi on a laptop

  • If the laptop ASUS does not connect to wifi, you will have to press the FN + F2 key combination.
  • Same settings in laptop Packard bell and Acer can be invoked by the keyboard shortcut FN + F3.
  • Laptop HP contains a special button with a symbolic antenna. But there are models in which wi-fi is easily turned on by pressing FN + F12. There are also variants of HP laptops, where the usual button with an antenna pattern is provided.
  • Chinese manufacturer Lenovo provided an option where the connection is connected by the FN + F5 key combination. But, there may be models that have a special switch for wireless networks.
  • Depending on the model on your Samsung laptop, you can connect to the wireless network using the FN, F9, or F12 keys.

For the laptop to connect to wi-fi, each of the manufacturers came up with their own original ways. To see this procedure in detail, you should use the user manual that came with your laptop. Almost every modern laptop is equipped with an FN button. It allows you to perform a variety of functions for connecting the device with other devices. If, for some reason, such a button is absent, then instead of it there is a switch or another special button. All of them are easily recognized by the characteristic antenna pattern.

Reboot the router

Before you start troubleshooting the problem of no internet. Reboot the router by turning it off and on. in this case, all the settings of the router are saved.

Checking and configuring drivers

When making settings on a laptop, you need to check whether the drivers necessary for this and their performance are present. Such a check consists in the fact that the drivers must be present and involved at the moment. To do this, you will have to enter the "Control Panel" then select the item "Network and Internet" and here open the item "Network and Sharing Center", in the left column select "Change adapter settings"

A window will open showing two items, Wi-Fi and Ethernet. The screenshot below shows that the laptop is connected to the network via WiFi, and the network cable is not connected.

If the record is not displayed in the wi-fi adapter, then this is a clear sign of a problem with the drivers. In addition, a yellow exclamation mark icon may indicate a driver problem.

There are times when there is no record about the adapter at all. This means that the drivers are not installed and the system does not see the adapter. Drivers can be installed from the disc that comes with the laptop or found on the manufacturer's website.

If a yellow exclamation mark is displayed, click on it with the mouse and select the "Activate" item in the window that appears.

Also, the reason that wi-fi stopped working may be the power saving mode, which is currently in use. To disable it you need:

  1. enter the "Control Panel";
  2. find the item "Power supply";
  3. select the item "High performance";

Having dealt with all these simple manipulations, you can put things in order with the wi-fi drivers.

Turn on the wi-fi adapter

To connect a wi-fi adapter, we also perform a number of actions. Open the "Control Panel", then select "Network and Internet" and here open the item "Network and Sharing Center", in the left column select "Change adapter settings". There is a "Wireless Network Connection", which is a wi-fi adapter. In order to connect to wi-fi, you need to open the dialog box with the right mouse button and here use the "Enable" item.

We connect to the access point

All that's left to do is connect to the access point. But, first of all, you should make sure that it is active. In the right corner at the bottom of the screen, you need to find the wi-fi shortcut on the taskbar. If you click on it, a dialog box for managing networks will appear. To connect, you need to select a network and then click "Connect".

There are times when the system is protected by a password and asks to enter it. The system will not be able to connect to the access point until the password is entered. If there is an open access point, the system connects automatically.

The whole process of setting up wi-fi on a laptop is considered.

Once you have done all these manipulations, you do not have to do them all the time. But there were cases that for some reason wi-fi did not want to connect. Often, solving connection problems comes down to pressing a hotkey and enabling the desired option. Therefore, if the laptop has stopped connecting to the Internet, the first step is to check the inclusion.

A laptop consumes a lot of power to maintain an Internet connection. Therefore, it often happens that wi-fi stopped working due to the use of economy mode.

External obstacles

It is worth remembering that if the Internet suddenly stopped working, the reason may be present not only in the laptop. Wi-fi is dependent on external factors, as the radio signal can be weakened by the external environment. Walls, ceiling, floor, and other obstructions weaken the signal of the AP and the client device. The system always displays the signal level in the form of sticks. The stronger the signal, the more rods there are. The signal of 1-2 short dots is rather weak and often because of this it is not possible to use the Internet. It happens that the system does not see the signal at all.

If the laptop does not see WiFi - do not get upset, often the problem is very minor. By following the above guidelines, you can easily learn how to fix errors. And the laptop will always be securely connected to the Internet.

Wi-Fi network, without exaggeration, greatly facilitates the solution of many tasks in everyday life; plus you don't need to pull another wire to the computer. But at some point, you notice that your netbook does not want to connect to an already familiar network or refuses to do it with a new one in a new place - this is very unpleasant and causes a lot of problems. Today we'll talk about what to do if the laptop does not see Wi-Fi or refuses to connect to it.

What to do first

First you need to figure out which side you have a problem on - it's the router or the netbook itself. Alternatively, when loading on one of the sides, a failure in any part of the software could occur, so it is worth trying to restart both devices and try again, and then move on.

Also, do not forget to check if the Wi-Fi transmitter is turned on on the netbook - as a rule, it is activated by pressing one special key or a combination of several, although on some models this button can be removed separately. It happens that the activation button is equipped with an indicator.

If everything remains as it is, then it makes sense to take another device, and it will be fine if it is on the same operating system, and try to connect from it. If you fail here too, then read below - we will describe what to do to properly configure the router.

You can do the same with your netbook: just take it, move it to a place where you can catch some other wireless network, and see if he sees it.

It may be that the devices are too far from each other and therefore cannot connect - take this into account too, especially if you changed the router to a new one, because it may have a smaller range than the previous one. If the netbook sees the network, but the connection simply does not go, there may also be several solutions.

Now that we figured out which side of the problem is, we have a rough understanding of the reason why the laptop does not see the WiFi network; this opens before us possible options for further action.

Netbook does not see the network

Now we will talk specifically about the situation when the device does not see the router at all. It is a very realistic option, and there may be more than enough reasons. Let's start with the fact that if you have recently reinstalled the system, then most likely you might not have installed the necessary driver. The solution to this problem is quite simple - you look at the company name and model on the case or on the box, and then go to the official website of your manufacturer and in the section with drivers you get everything for free and without viruses.

If you are unable to connect using a wired connection to download the driver, you will have to do it from another computer. The installer can be dropped onto any media.

To check if the driver is installed at all, open the "Start" menu and find "My Computer" in it: here you need to right-click and select "Properties".

Now on the left we find the "Device Manager" and click on it.

Next, you need to find the "Network adapters" parameter and open the branch - if your Wi-Fi module is working correctly, then it will be displayed next to the wired one, and if the driver is not installed on it, then there will be a triangle with an exclamation mark opposite.

Another feature that is worth paying attention to is that if your device has recently been repaired, then the reason why the netbook does not find Wi-Fi may simply be an unconnected or poorly connected wireless module.

If the device has not been cleaned and opened for a long time, the reason may even be oxidation of the contacts.

Doesn't want to connect

It is also quite simple to figure out why the laptop does not see the WiFi network: either you enter the wrong password, or the automatic obtaining IP is not activated on the device, or, in extreme cases, the problem is in the settings of the distribution point. Here we will focus on the problems of the netbook.

Open "Start" and find "Control Panel" in it.

Here we need the "Network and Sharing Center" (in Windows 7).

Now on the left we are looking for "Change adapter settings" - after that a window with adapters will open in front of you, where we select your wireless one and right-click, and then select "Properties".

Next, our choice is "Internet Protocol version 4": double-click and in a new window set everything as shown in the screenshot, that is, to automatic receipt, after which we consistently click "OK" everywhere.

If the problem is in the router

There can be many problems on this side too. If none of your devices could see the network, there are few options: someone could access and change the settings, the distribution point has become unusable, or the firmware has crashed. The same, by the way, applies to some cases when the network is visible, but it is impossible to connect.

Resetting the settings to the factory settings can be a universal solution - usually the process is described in detail in the instructions and is carried out using the power button or a separate button next to it. In the end, everything should work, but you will have to configure the router again.

In the case of a failed firmware, some functions may not work, and in such a situation, only a flashing can be a real salvation - to do it, you just need to go to the manufacturer's website and find the proper instructions, after which you can download the firmware and start the process of replacing it.

This is about the reasons why the laptop does not find WiFi. Now you need to figure out how to re-configure your router.

Configuring a router

Now let's talk briefly about the basic settings of the router for correct operation. The first thing you need to do is go to the browser and write the value in the address bar; if it doesn't, replace 0 with 1. Sometimes this address is changed by the manufacturer, so if it still doesn't work, look at the address on the sticker of the distribution point or on the box in which the device was delivered.

Now, in a new window, enter admin in both fields, although there are cases when the standard values \u200b\u200bchange: however, you already know where to look for the necessary information.

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MSI laptop does not see wifi network

Modern laptops are a full-fledged replacement for stationary PCs, and in many cases surpass them in their compactness and mobility. Almost all models are equipped with the function of detecting wifi networks and the ability to connect to them, which is very convenient. However, sometimes problems arise with this function, and you need to somehow solve them.

Why can't MSI laptop see wifi network?

If your laptop is unable to connect to wifi, this means one of the following reasons:

  • Make sure you are basically within range of wifi networks. Try connecting to them using your smartphone or tablet.
  • Check if wifi is enabled on your laptop. Many models have a separate button for this. After you have turned on the button, go to the Internet connection settings and turn on the wifi option there.
  • If you are using a home router, check its functionality. All indicators should be blinking normally. You can also try connecting to it via your smartphone or tablet. If the problem is in the router, then try restarting it. If this does not help, call the wizard of your Internet provider.
  • An outdated driver can also cause the laptop to not see the network. You can check the status of the software through the device manager.

If all of the above is normal, but wifi still remains inaccessible, all that remains is to call a specialist.

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Quite a common problem, especially often after some changes: reinstalling the operating system, replacing the router, updating the firmware, etc. Sometimes, it is not easy to find the cause, even for an experienced technician.

In this short article, I would like to focus on a couple of cases due to which, most often, a laptop does not connect via Wi-Fi. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and try to restore the network on your own before contacting outside help. By the way, if you write "no Internet access" (and the yellow sign is on) - then you better take a look.

1. Reason # 1 - incorrect / missing driver

A very common reason why a laptop won't connect via Wi-Fi, most often, you will see the following picture (if you look in the lower right corner):

No connections available. The network is crossed out with a red cross.

After all, how it happens: the user downloaded a new Windows OS, burned it to disk, copied all his important data, reinstalled the OS, and installed the drivers that were previously there ...

The point is that drivers that worked in Windows XP - may not work in Windows7, those that worked in Windows 7 - may refuse to work in Windows 8.

Therefore, if you are updating the OS, and indeed, if Wi-Fi does not work, first of all check if you have the drivers, if they have been downloaded from the official website. Anyway, I recommend reinstalling them and watching the laptop's reaction.

How to check if there is a driver in the system?

Very simple. Go to "my computer", then right-click anywhere in the window and select "properties" in the pop-up window. Further, on the left, there will be a link "device manager". By the way, you can also open it from the control panel, through the built-in search.

Here we are most interested in the tab with network adapters. Look carefully if you have a wireless network adapter, as in the picture below (of course, you will have your own adapter model).

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there should not be any exclamation marks or red crosses - which indicates problems with the driver, that it may not work correctly. If everything is good, it should be displayed as in the picture above.

Where is the best place to get a driver?

It is best to download it from the manufacturer's official website. Also, usually, instead of a laptop, there are native drivers, you can use them.

Even if you have native drivers installed, and the Wi-Fi network does not work, I recommend trying to reinstall them by downloading them from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Important notes when choosing a driver for a laptop

1) Their names, most likely (99.8%), should contain the word “ wireless«.
2) Correctly determine the type of network adapter, there are several of them: Broadcom, Intel, Atheros. Usually, on the manufacturer's website, even in a specific laptop model, there may be several driver versions. To know exactly which one you need, use the utility.

The utility perfectly determined what hardware is installed in the laptop. There are no settings and no need to install it, just run it.

Several sites of popular manufacturers:




One more thing! The driver can be found and installed automatically. This is described in the article. I recommend reading it.

2. Reason # 2 - is Wi-Fi enabled?

Very often you have to watch how the user tries to look for the causes of breakdowns where they are not ...

Most laptop models have an LED indicator on the case, which signals the Wi-Fi operation. So, it should burn. To enable it, there are special function buttons, the purpose of which is indicated in the product passport.

For example, in Acer laptops, Wi-Fi is turned on by a combination of buttons "Fn + F3".

You can act differently.

Go to "Control Panel" your Windows OS, then the "Network and Internet" tab, then " network and Sharing Center", And finally -" change adapter settings«.

Here we are interested in the wireless connection icon. It shouldn't be gray and colorless like in the picture below. If the wireless network icon is colorless, then right-click on it and click "enable".

You will immediately notice that even if it does not connect to the Internet, it will become colored (see below). This signals that the laptop adapter is working and it can connect via Wi-Fi.

3. Reason number 3 - incorrect settings

It often happens that a laptop cannot connect to the network due to a changed password or router settings. This can happen through no fault of the user. For example, the settings of the router may go wrong if the power is turned off during its intensive work.

1) Checking settings in Windows

First, take a look at the tray icon. If there is no red cross on it, then there are available connections and you can try to join them.

We click on the icon and a window with all the Wi-Fi networks that the laptop has found should appear in front of us. Select your network and click "connect". We will be asked to enter the password, if it is correct, then the laptop should connect via Wi-Fi.

2) Checking router settings

If it is impossible to connect to a Wi-Fi network and Windows reports an incorrect password, go to the router settings and change the default settings.

In order to enter the router settings, go to the address ""(Without quotes). Typically, this is the default address. The default password and login, most often, " admin"(In small letters without quotes).

Next, change the settings in accordance with your provider settings and router model (if they are lost). It is difficult to give some advice in this part, a more extensive article on creating a local Wi-Fi network at home.

Important! It happens that the router does not automatically connect to the Internet. Go to its settings and check if it tries to connect, and if not, try to manually connect to the network. Such an error often occurs on TrendNet routers (at least it used to be on some models, which I personally encountered).

4. If all else fails ...

If you have tried everything and nothing helps ...

I will give two tips that help me personally.

1) From time to time, for reasons unknown to me, the Wi-Fi network turns off. The symptoms are different every time: sometimes it says no connection, sometimes the icon burns in the tray as expected, but there is still no network ...

A 2-step recipe helps to quickly restore a Wi-Fi network:

1. I disconnect the power supply of the router from the network for 10-15 seconds. Then I turn it on again.

2. I restart my computer.

After that, oddly enough, the Wi-Fi network, and with it the Internet, works as expected. Why and why this is happening - I don’t know, I don’t want to dig around either. this happens quite rarely. If you can guess why, share in the comments.

2) There was once such a thing that it was not at all clear how to turn on Wi-Fi - the laptop does not respond to the function keys (Fn + F3) - the LED is off, and the tray icon says that “there are no available connections” (moreover, it does not find Not one). What to do?

I tried a bunch of ways, I wanted to reinstall the system with all the drivers. But I tried to diagnose the wireless adapter. And what do you think - he diagnosed the problem and recommended to fix it "reset settings and turn on the network", with which I agreed. After a few seconds the network started working ... I recommend trying it.

That's all. Successful settings ...

Wifi is turned on on the msi cx500, cx620, cr650, ge70, u124dx, cx623, cr630, x370, ge620dx, cr500, cr61 laptop according to a scheme similar to all others.

You don't need a big mind. In essence, the process can be divided into two conditional stages.

The first step is to determine if your laptop has a wifi driver installed.

The second is to directly enable using a keyboard shortcut and an additional button.

Specialist. button to disable / enable wifi - not available on all msi laptops, so if one is not found, just skip this step.

Why does the manufacturer often install additional buttons. Wifi eats a lot of power, so if you do not use it, moreover, it works from the battery - it is advisable not to turn it on.

How to check the presence of a wifi driver in a msi laptop

To do this, go to the network adapters section.

We are interested in a drain with the word wireless - this is an adapter. Your name may differ from the one below in the picture.

Such modules are produced by several manufacturers - accordingly, the names will be different, for example, from Atheros or Broadcom.

Also, the adapter can be disabled, then instead of the "disable" line, as in the picture above, you will see enable.

If the adapter is not found, then you definitely need to install the driver

Please note - if there is no driver, then in the device manager there will be a line with a yellow exclamation mark - an unknown device.

How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop with msi keys and buttons

If the laptop manufacturer msi to enable wifi, provided a special. button, it is usually located near the power button.

Only since new models are constantly coming out, it can be in another place. Therefore, carefully examine the case - on the sides, in front, near the keyboard.

It is not difficult to find it - almost always an antenna is drawn on it directly or near it.

As for the keys, this is usually a combination of Fn + F11. Only if you do not succeed try other options with the F1 ……… .F12 keys, while holding the Fn key.

An antenna is also usually painted on the key. That's all. We turned on wifi - great. No - we describe the problem in the comments. Good luck.

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