Search for files with the same name. Programs for finding duplicate photos

Removing duplicate files sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort, since for this it is necessary to "cross-coat" a considerable number of individual files, folders, and sometimes even disks. But with the advent of Duplicate Cleaner Pro, this task has become much easier. The program will not only help you find duplicates with maximum speed and accuracy, but also remove them with high quality, without leaving a trace.

Such cleaning of the computer from duplicates and similar files helps it to work faster and better, because the hard drives will not be occupied by unnecessary files. As a result, not only the system performance will improve, but also the quality of its work. Duplicate Cleaner Pro helps you not only find files on hard and floppy disk drives, but also trace the path, size and date of duplicates.

Download the program for finding duplicate files

You can download the program for finding and removing duplicates from the link below for free via torrent. Duplicate Cleaner Pro is multilingual, and Russian is also available. It has many search options, such as by title, by content, or by tags in music tracks. After finding a duplicate, Duplicate Cleaner Pro will delete it to the trash or move it to a new location you defined. There is also a preview function for duplicate images.

1. Install the program, do not run.
2. Copy and replace the contents of the Crack folder to the folder with the installed program.
3. Register the program with any serial number.

"a new one has arrived -" how to figure it all out? "The capacities of modern hard drives have reached the point that a dozen DVD images can be accidentally lost on them, not to mention hundreds of photos. You may not notice unnecessary and repetitive files until then the moment when the space suddenly runs out. But before buying a new hard drive, it makes sense to clean the old one for duplicates. Perhaps, after general cleaning, the problem of free space will no longer be so acute. Searching for duplicate files manually is long and inconvenient It is much easier to use one of the special utilities that do most of the work for you.If you are ready to revise your hard drive, all that remains is to find the right tool.

Developer: Ashisoft Software
Distribution size: 1.9 MB
Distribution: shareware
Interface: English Duplicate Finder can perform two main tasks: search for files according to specified criteria and sort them. Search capabilities include byte comparison, checksum verification, search for files with the same name and zero size. Additionally, you can protect system folders, exclude hidden folders and files from the search area, and enable Fuzzy Logic mode. In this mode, files with minor differences will be shown as identical. You can include several folders in the search area at once, and for each set its own exclusion parameters. So, within each folder, you can limit the search to files of a certain type, size; there is also a date limit. The types of allowed files do not have to be entered manually - there are many profiles for file types, for example, text, video, audio, etc. Each profile is easy to edit. Folders in which you should not search are specified separately. This feature is useful if the search area is not just individual folders, but the entire hard drive. In this case, it is convenient to specify the folders that you want to skip. The same goes for file types - you can specify which extension you want to skip.

Found duplicates are displayed not during scanning, but after the search is completed. While Duplicate Finder is running, you can see the progress of the job and how many files have been checked in the status bar. The search results will be presented as a list. You can distinguish which files are duplicates by color: every second pair of identical files will be highlighted in blue. To be honest, such a selection cannot be called very visual - it would be much more convenient if a different color were used, but we did not find the possibility to change it in the program.

The list of found files shows comprehensive information about each of them: path on disk, extension, size, date of last modification. Using the commands of the context menu or buttons on the toolbar, you can quickly move a file to another folder, delete it, or copy it. In addition, you can view the properties of the file, open the folder in which it is located in Explorer, or open the file itself. It should be noted that there are quite wide options for selecting files in the list. For example, there is a command for quickly selecting all found duplicates, for selecting all files that belong to the specified folders, as well as by size and creation date.

Some graphic files can be previewed directly in Duplicate Finder, although the list of supported formats is not very large. For example, the .jpg and .bmp files opened in the built-in viewer without problems, but the .tiff files could not be viewed. For a commercial program designed to find duplicates, the standard "trial version for 30 days" scheme is not suitable, since during this time it is quite possible to have time to search for unnecessary files on all hard drives, and the application will be simply unnecessary. Therefore, the developers of Duplicate Finder took a different approach: in the evaluation mode, using the program, you can move, copy or delete up to 50 files, the total size of which cannot exceed 2 MB. However, nothing prevents you from deleting duplicates found with Duplicate Finder from the file manager, but this is not very convenient. Although, if you choose this, in general, not a very honest way, then keep in mind that the Action menu has a convenient Copy File Path To Clipboard command, which is duplicated by the CTRL + W keyboard shortcut. When this command is executed, the path to the selected file is copied to the clipboard. It remains only to paste it into the command line of the file manager, and you will quickly find yourself in the desired folder.

Developer: Alexander Roslov
Distribution size: 3.9 MB
Distribution: free
Interface: Russian Free program DupKiller may well outperform many commercial counterparts. The utility has a fairly convenient and, moreover, a Russian interface and boasts flexible duplicate search settings. In addition to the standard options for comparing files by name, size, creation date and type, here you can find an interesting comparison option by content. At the same time, the user can determine where to start comparing files - from the beginning or from the end, and also indicate at what percentage of "similarity" they can be considered the same. It is also worth paying attention to the ability to search for files with similar names. By choosing this function, you can determine how different files should differ in name so that the program perceives them as duplicates.

Exclusions are also flexibly configurable: you can specify the minimum and maximum size of files for search, specify valid attributes for files and folders, as well as file and folder extensions that should be excluded from the search. DupKiller can search for duplicates not only on hard drives, but also on virtual, RAM and CD / DVD disks. It is very convenient that for each medium its total size is displayed, as well as the amount of free space in gigabytes and percentages. After removing unnecessary files, you will be able to compare the results and evaluate how useful the program was. With its help, you can also determine which files have already been copied to DVD, and therefore can be painlessly removed from the hard drive. During scanning, the program keeps a detailed log of operations and reports what action it is currently performing. After the operation is completed, a window appears with a message about how much time was spent on the search, how many duplicate files were found, and how large they are on the hard disk.

The list of found duplicates is clear enough: files are divided into groups that are visually separated from each other. Clicking on the file opens a preview window. Viewing is available for many graphic files, as well as for all text files. And by connecting the plug-in, which is included in the DupKiller package, but is disabled by default, you can listen to audio files without leaving the program.

The possibilities of working with the list of duplicates are also at their best: there are buttons for quickly deleting the selected and marked files, automatic selection of files by a number of signs. Deletion parameters are configured separately - you can move files to the "Trash" or delete them permanently.

Developer: Reasonable Software
Distribution size: 1.8 MB
Distribution: shareware
Interface: English NoClone is perhaps the most famous duplicate finder, and its popularity is understandable. Its not very nice appearance is more than compensated by a large number of functions. The program can perform a byte-by-byte comparison of files, find identical MP3 files by ID3 tags, and also search mail for identical letters. With the help of NoClone, you can find not only duplicate files, but also make a selection according to a specific criterion, for example, display a list of all files larger than 500 MB, or all files that have changed within a specified period of time.

If you regularly back up and synchronize data between two computers, you invariably accumulate a large number of versions of the same files. Thanks to its Similar Files search function, NoClone allows you to find and remove them. In the settings of the program, you can define by what percentage the files should be similar in order for NoClone to show them in the list of duplicates. The list with found duplicates is clear enough: you can see the name, size, location and date of the file. The function of previewing images is very well thought out - if in other programs pictures are shown in a small pop-up window that appears when you select a graphic file in the list, there is a special preview panel. It can display several files at the same time.

The Smart Marker tool will help you deal with the list of duplicates. With its help, you can select found files according to criteria such as size, date, name, number of characters in the name, location. In addition, there are special check boxes "leave at least one unselected file in the group" and "select files in each group". Another feature of NoClone shows up when it comes to deleting files. In addition to the standard deletion methods - placing duplicates in the trash and completely deleting them - the program has another interesting option: replacing the file with an NTFS link. In other words, the program leaves only one file on the hard disk, and instead of all copies it creates links that lead to it. This can be very useful when duplicates found with NoClone are used by other applications, for example, when it comes to a library of virtual disks in the Alcohol program. If you delete the file, you may receive error messages when launching such applications. If an NTFS link is created, the program will "see" the file at the old address, but in fact it will not be there. Developer: Marcus Kleinehagenbrock
Distribution size: 650 Kb
Distribution: free
Interface: English CloneSpy is a compact free utility for finding duplicate files with many interesting solutions that the creators of many commercial programs may well look at. Firstly, there is a very convenient window for adding folders to the search area. In most programs, to add each new directory, you have to call a new window with a list of folders and travel to the desired item, starting with "My Computer". In CloneSpy, everything is much more convenient: there is a special window for adding folders, which is divided into two parts: on the left, you select the desired directory, then click the Add Selected Folder button, and the directory is added to the list of folders that will be scanned. You can repeat these steps as many times as you like without closing the window for adding a folder. And the list of selected folders can be saved for future use and, if necessary, loaded into the program.

The next feature is the output of search results as duplicates are found. In other programs, in order to see duplicate files, as a rule, you have to wait for the end of the scan, which, depending on how wide the search area is, can take a whole night. The results can also be viewed instantly - as the search proceeds, the program opens separate windows for each group of duplicate files. In such a window, you can immediately run the file, open the folder in which it is located in the "Explorer", mark the files manually or, according to a number of criteria (date, number of characters in the name, length of the file path), delete or skip and go to the next group of duplicates.

The work with the program is somewhat overshadowed by the lack of the possibility of previewing images - it is very inconvenient to launch the program to view graphics every time. If you are scanning a large area, then displaying the results in a separate window for each group of files is unlikely to be convenient. Therefore, in this case, before starting scanning, you should look at the Report tab of the program settings and change the parameters for outputting the results. However, by choosing the option to display the results as a single list, you will not be able to work with duplicates until the scan is complete.

The file junk accumulated in the course of computer operation usually represents not only unnecessary or temporary files for the user. A separate category is duplicate files, which are the same in their content, but are stored in different folders or on different computer disks.

This can be, for example, documents that have been saved repeatedly, duplicate or similar photographs, the same musical compositions that you downloaded from the Internet and saved in different folders or under different names. It is important to understand that duplicates are, in fact, two versions of the same photograph with different resolutions. Or one and the same song by the same artist, but recorded at different concerts. Or two versions of the same piece of music, but recorded in different audio formats.

Two versions of a movie saved with different quality or, again, in different video formats, can also be considered an example of duplicate files. Of course, it is quite difficult to manually detect such duplicates, so we will call on special programs for help that search for duplicate files. As you probably already understood from the previous paragraph, duplicate files of each type (pictures, music, videos, documents) have their own characteristics.

The algorithms for finding duplicates of all types of files differ significantly from each other, therefore, as a rule, different programs are engaged in searching for duplicates of files of different types. Let's consider some of them. In addition, it is important not only to find duplicates, but also to select the most recent version of the document or the highest quality video or audio file. We will consider each file type separately, and also provide a list of popular duplicate software.

Search for duplicate pictures

The most striking example of duplicate pictures is the same or very similar photographs. Many modern cameras allow you to shoot in burst mode, when pictures are taken at very short intervals - from a few fractions of a second to a few seconds. At the same time, the resulting images differ from each other very slightly. As practice shows, there is no real need to store similar photos, it is enough to select one or two successful images from the series, and delete the rest.

Another case when duplicate files with images may appear is creating backup copies of photos on the hard disk, fetching images for presentation, in which they are copied to another folder. In general, the user often creates copies of the images himself, and then forgets to delete them. However, the reasons for the appearance of duplicate images can be very different. Our task is to get rid of such duplicates and free up space on your hard drive. Among the most common programs designed to search for duplicate pictures on a computer are the following.

  • SWMole Clone Remover... Website address: The program is paid. Knows how to search not only for duplicate images (including similar drawings, not just exact copies), but also copies of music files. In the unregistered version, the user can delete no more than 20 files. It finds copies of images in pairs, even if there are more than two similar images on the disc. Has a Russian-language interface.
  • Image Comparer... Website: The program is shareware and has a trial period of 30 days. Multilingual user interface is supported, among the languages \u200b\u200bthere is Russian. It is possible to search for duplicate images both within one folder and between several folders. The interface of the program is somewhat complicated for a novice user, however, it is possible to use the step-by-step wizard mode, which will help you find and remove duplicate image files.
  • Picasa... Official page of the program: The program itself includes many different tools for working with photos. The program also has a function to search for duplicate pictures. To use this function, select Tools \u003e\u003e Experimental functions \u003e\u003e Show duplicate files in the main program menu. Let's pay attention to the fact that the program is looking for duplicate image files, that is, absolutely identical pictures. But it finds them regardless of location and practically without user intervention. The program is absolutely free and has a Russian-language interface. In addition, you can use Picasa to manipulate images, apply filters to them, find people's faces, mark locations, and more.
  • Similar Images Finder... Program website: The program is shareware. Within 30 days, you can use it without buying, and there is a limit on the number of duplicate files found. The program interface is in English. It is possible to adjust the depth of "similarity" of photos, as well as to set preferences for found duplicates: for example, the program can be instructed to automatically remove the older one from duplicate files, which has a lower color or smaller size. The program has a duplicate search wizard, which allows you to specify the criteria for comparing image files step by step.

Find duplicate music files

Just like images, music files can sometimes take up a lot of disk space, and in some cases finding the same or similar music tracks manually can be problematic. Specialized applications that automate this process will come to the rescue. Let's talk about some of the most popular ones.

  • Audio comparer... You can download the program on the website: The application is shareware. It can be used for 30 days without registration. The analysis of musical compositions is based on the comparison of artist names and song titles. This data is taken from the file name and internal service information, the so-called ID3 tags. It is possible to specify the similarity threshold of the names at which the compositions will be considered the same. The application allows you to compare files both within one directory on the computer disk, and between several directories. The interface of the program is somewhat complicated for a novice user, but this is compensated by the presence of a step-by-step wizard that facilitates the process of finding duplicates.
  • Music Duplicate Remover... Internet site: The key difference between this application and its analogues is the ability to search for duplicates by sound. This function allows you to find duplicates even among those files that are incorrectly named. The program is shareware and allows an unregistered user to work for 30 days. Has a simple user interface in Russian.
  • SWMole Clone Remover... As already mentioned, this application can search not only for duplicate images, but also for duplicate musical compositions. Program website address: The program interface is rather complicated, but thanks to the support of the Russian language, it is easy to figure it out on your own. The application can search for duplicate music files only by the file name and ID3 tags, not considering the sound. Using one of the listed or all programs at once, you can free up a lot of useful space on your computer's disks.

Find Duplicate Video Files

Fighting duplicate video files has its own peculiarities compared to searching for duplicate pictures or music. Because of the large size of video files, there are usually not as many of them on computer disks as there are music or pictures. In addition, the appearance of duplicate films or videos is not as common as the “cloning” of photos or songs. But deleting even one clone of a video file will help free up a significant amount of disk space. In addition, the algorithm for comparing video streams is much more complicated than pictures or even the sound of music. For this reason, there are not so many programs designed to find duplicate video files. Let's dwell on some of them.

  • Duplicate Video Search... Web address: The program is shareware - with a trial period of 30 days. It has an English-language interface, which, however, is not overloaded with unnecessary elements, and therefore is quite understandable. The user must specify in which folders to search for video duplicates. The application can compare the contents of video files in ten different formats. It is possible to specify the depth of comparison.
  • Teemoon Video Matching... Program home page: Unlike its "brothers", this application is free. Working with the program involves two stages. The first is indexing, which is done on the Indexing tab. This process creates index files for each video file in the specified folder. The process is lengthy, but it only needs to be done once, then the existing index files will be used when comparing files. The second stage is comparison, which is done on the Matching tab. The disadvantages of the program include the lack of support for the Russian language and an unobvious algorithm of work.
  • Video Comparer... Program website: The app has a paid and a free version. For home use, free is quite suitable. The program interface is pretty simple. The user is only required to specify the folders in which to search for duplicate files and press the button to start the comparison process. The user interface is in English.

If you are a movie fan and keep a large collection of different films on your computer, or do video editing and have a lot of video clips on your hard drive, then you should take an "inventory" of your video archive. Perhaps you will find the hidden reserves of your computer.

Finding other duplicates

As you probably already understood, there is no universal program that allows you to get rid of all duplicate files in one fell swoop - each type of data requires its own tool. However, if we leave aside the complex algorithms for comparing images and sounds, and confine ourselves to simply comparing the name, size and date of the file, then you can find many duplicates among those file types that we have not mentioned here yet. These can be documents, files of other formats that waste disk space. To find such duplicates, you can often do without specialized software. For example, if you use any popular file manager, you can use its tools to find and remove duplicate files. Among the file managers that have the function of finding duplicate files are:

  • FAR Manager;
  • FreeCommander;
  • Total Commander.

If you are not used to using file managers, then you should not install them on your computer just for the sake of finding duplicates. There are specialized applications for this task:

  • CloneSpy -;
  • DupKiller -;
  • Duplicate Cleaner - html;
  • Free Duplicate File Finder -;
  • NoClone 2014 Desktop -

These and many other free and paid applications will help you get rid of duplicate files on your hard drives.

Hello dear. Remember, in my green site-building childhood (a whole year ago) I already recommended and described to you program for finding and deleting identical photos? So, it was an excellent program, but paid (although the solution to this problem can be found on the Internet quite easily). And here is another program I described in order to find and remove duplicate files ... Damn, she's also paid! 😯

Today I will be corrected - I will describe to you a free and fast program for finding and deleting various copies of files on your computer, of which you have a lot. They sit quietly in the corners and giggle at you, increasing the size of the disk, slowing down the system (after all, file scanning is vital for its normal operation and goes on almost all the time), simply littering the computer with unnecessary load, complicating defragmentation process

Duplicate files need to be deleted and we will deal with it now. Naturally, I will describe everything step by step and in pictures, with all the nuances. And of course, I will give you two versions of the program - the usual one from the official site and the portable one.

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder is a free program to find and remove duplicate files

Do not even hesitate - there are duplicate files on your favorite computer. The nature of their appearance has not yet been studied by scientists. Over time, they grow like mushrooms, appearing out of nowhere ... Of course, this is a joke - we create duplicates ourselves, without even noticing it. Let's get rid of them already. First, of course, you need to download the program.

As promised, here are two versions for you - everyone has the right to choose the one he needs, but I highly recommend choosing the portable one. The fact is that in the standard version you will be inserted (or will try to) an additional toolbar in all browsers - do you need it? For example, no matter how hard I tried, I caught him all the same - I barely got rid of it. (How? And like this.)

Download Auslogics Duplicate File Finder: 7 Mb

Download Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Portable: 6 Mb

This is how I installed the regular version of the program ...

Installing Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

Yes, the installation takes place in English, but remember that we are not afraid of difficulties and we will win everything ...

And here is the price of free - be sure to uncheck the boxes and who knows, maybe you will be lucky and the toolbar will not be installed.

Create a desktop icon?

Click "Finish" and the program for finding and removing duplicate files will start. Then everything is very easy and simple. As you can see the program is completely in Russian.

Select the drive on which we will search for duplicate files or even a separate folder ...

We choose what exactly we will look for, or rather from what types of files the search will be conducted ...

If you are not very familiar with the system, I do not recommend choosing the first, top item. The fact is that the system itself uses many identical files and places them where it is more convenient and faster for it to get to them - such duplicate files are not only not recommended to be deleted, but categorically low-I-I !!!

To be on the safe side, create a restore point ...

Here are my duplicate files. That's not all - I have already found and deleted more than 300 MB when I first got acquainted with the program (I didn't just take screenshots).

Sometimes in everyday computer activities, the task arises of finding duplicate files. There can be many reasons for this: lack of hard disk space, attempts to reduce entropy in your files, deal with photographs dropped at different times from a camera, and many other necessary cases.

A large number of programs can be found on the Internet that allow you to search for duplicate files. But why look for any programs, if a gorgeous tool for such work is usually always at hand. And this tool is called Total Commander(TC).

In this article, I will show all methods based on Total Commander versions 8.5 , in this version, the search for duplicate files has become very rich in functionality.

!!! A small important digression. What should be understood as a duplicate file? Two files are IDENTICAL only when they completely match bit by bit. Those. any information in a computer is represented by a sequence of zeros and ones. So, the files coincide only when they completely match the sequence of zeros and ones that make up these files. All talk about the possibility of comparing two files for some other reason is deeply mistaken.

TC has two, inherently different, methods for finding duplicate files:

  • Synchronize directories;
  • Search for duplicates;

Their peculiarity and application are best illustrated by examples.

1. Directory Synchronization.

This method is used when you have two compared folders have an identical structure. This usually happens in many cases, here are a few of them:

  • You regularly backed up your working folder. After some time, you needed to find out which files were added or changed since the archive was created. You unpack the entire archive into a separate folder. The folder structure in it practically coincides with the working one. You compare two folders "original" and "restored from archive" and easily get a list of all changed, added or deleted files. A couple of simple manipulations - and you delete all duplicate files that are in the working folder from the restored folder.
  • You work in a folder on a network drive and regularly make a copy to your local drive. Over time, your working folder has become quite large and the time it takes for a full copy has become very large. In order not to copy the entire folder every time, you can first compare with the backup and copy only those files that have been changed or added, as well as delete files in the backup folder that were deleted from the main one.

Once you get a taste, feel the full power of this method, you yourself can think of thousands of situations where the directory synchronization method will be of great help to you in your work.

So, how does it work in practice. Let's get started.

Suppose we have a main folder "Working", which contains the files with which you work. And there is a folder "Archive", which contains the old copy of the folder "Working"... Our task is to find duplicate files in both folders and remove them from the folder "Archive".

Opening TC. Open the compared folders in the right and left panels:

Press the menu "Commands" - "Synchronize directories ..."

The compare directories window opens

Next, we need to set the comparison parameters. Putting check marks in the parameters "With subdirectories", "by content", "ignore date"

  • "With subdirectories" - files in all subdirectories of specified folders will be compared;
  • "By content" Is the key option that makes TC compare files ABOUT !!! Otherwise, files will be compared by name, size, date;
  • "Ignore date" - this option makes TC show different files, without trying to automatically determine the direction of future copying;

!!! Only files with the same names will be compared !!! If the files are identical, but they have a different name, then they will not be compared!

Push the button Compare. Depending on the size of the files, the comparison can take a very long time, don't be alarmed. In the end, the comparison will end and the result will be displayed on the bottom status bar (section 1 in the figure):

If the buttons in the "Show" section (section 2 in the figure) are pressed, then you will see the comparison result for each file.

- this button turns on the display of files that are in the left panel, but which are not in the right;

- this button enables the display of identical files;

- this button enables the display of different files;

- this button turns on the display of files that are in the right panel, but which are not in the left;

If you, initially, all display buttons are disabled, then the comparison result can be assessed only by the status bar (in the picture above, section 1), in this case we see that 11 files were compared, of which 8 files are the same, 2 files differ, and there is also a file in the left pane that is not in the right pane.

To complete our task, it is necessary to leave the display of only identical (identical) files, therefore, turn off all other display buttons

Now we have only identical files left, and we can safely delete them in the folder "Archive"... To do this, select all files. The easiest way to do this is by pressing the universal combination. CTRL + A... Or first select the first line with the mouse, then press the key on the keyboard SHIFT and without releasing it, select the last line with the mouse. As a result, you should get something like this:

In the final step, we right-click on any line and in the menu that opens, select the item "Delete left"

TC kindly asks us about our desire,

and if we press "YES"then it removes all marked files in the folder "Archive".

After that, automatically, there is a repeated comparison of the two folders. If you do not need a repeated comparison, the process can be interrupted by clicking on the button "Abort" or press the key ESC on keyboard. If the repeated comparison was not interrupted, and we enabled all the display buttons, then we will see such a window

All. The task has been completed. All identical files were found and deleted in the folder "Archive".

Related video tutorial

2. Search for duplicates.

The fundamental difference between this method and the directory synchronization method is that TC ignores the names of compared files. In fact, it compares every file to every one, and shows us identical files, no matter how they are called ! This search is very useful when you do not know the folder structure or the names of the files to compare. In any case, after searching for duplicates, you will get an exact list of identical files.

I will show you how to find duplicates in one practical task, finding duplicate personal photos. Quite often, you upload photos from your digital gadgets to your computer. Quite often the situation gets confused, something is reset many times, something is skipped. How to quickly delete files dropped multiple times? Very simple!

Let's get started.

Let's say you always drop all your photos into a folder "A PHOTO" on disk D. After all the resets, the folder looks like this:

As you can see, some files are in folders named by the shooting date, some are dropped to the root of the folder "_New" and "_New1"

To start searching for duplicates, open the folder in which we will search in any TC panel. In our case, this is the folder "A PHOTO"

Next, press the key combination on the keyboard ALT + F7 or select from the menu "Commands" - "File Search"

The TC standard search window opens. String "Search files:" leave empty, then all files will be compared.

Then go to the bookmark "Additionally"and tick the boxes "Find duplicates:", "by size", "by content"and press "To start searching".

The search can take a VERY long time, do not be afraid of this, as there is a huge number of comparisons of a large volume of files. In this case, the status bar shows the percentage of completion

When the search is over, the search results window will open, in which we press the button "Files to Panel"

In the search window and in the panel window, identical files are collected in sections, separated by dotted lines

Each section displays the file name and full path to the file. Names of IDENTICAL files can be completely different!
In this case, it can be seen that the same photograph was recorded THREE times, moreover, twice under the same name ( IMG_4187.JPG) and the third time this photo was recorded under a completely different name ( IMG_4187_13.JPG).

Next, it remains to select unnecessary identical files and delete them. This can be done manually by highlighting each file with a key press Ins... But this is long and ineffective. There are more correct and faster ways.

So, our task is to remove duplicate files in folders "_New" and "_New1".
To do this, press on the additional keyboard, on the right a large key [+] ... Usually this key in TC selects files by mask. The same operation can be done through the menu "Selection" - "Select group"

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